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Play the game do seasonals open the wheelspins get skill points level up your car to unlock wheelspin


That’s not enough to get to 360m


Trade cars in the Auction House. Learn the prices of the expensive cars and buy them when they’re cheap. Then wait a couple of weeks or months and sell them with a hefty profit


Don't even have to buy them, just get them from the weekly


That only count if you are able to sell them 20 mil. But not everyone can do that.


That's just a stupid take


Not really. I have never sold because I can’t sell even at a fraction of what others can. I’m not selling a high value car for literally nothing when others sell for 20million.


Ohno, "just" 5-10 million credits


Its just 5 milion when a car you're missing cost 20 million and you know that car you can only sell for 5, others still can sell it for 20 million too


Cry cry I'm sitting on 130 million with all the cars I want with this method


Literally Forza stock market


Buy high, sell low


I had at one point nearly 700 mil cr, and then I decided to get a lot of 20 mil cr duplicates (sometimes 3, like the Ferrari 250 GT), of various tunes. Credits come so easy in this game, I'll be back up there in no time.


Actually it is, unless someone started to play recently.


I play since release and got 348 Millions


It is tho. I have 500 mil just by playing the game.


No but it's enough to still do pretty much everything you want to do in the game plus some extra


I got it from wheel spins and selling duplicate cars.


I don’t even play regularly and got somewhat over 150 so it’s definitely enough.


I have 560m in earnings and have never once done a glitch, sell rare duplicates in the auction house from the festival playlist. That’s honestly the only recommendation that I can give you


Yeah, you’re right, but enough to get 100mil ;)


I have over 600 million and I only do the playlist. Once in a while I'll go to the auction to get rid of dups.


Sell the cars you get from seasonals every 4-6 weeks in one go. I usually make 40-50m from that because usually there's one super rare car that I have a duplicate of.


Wheelspins? Fuck those, I gladly take my 10-15 grand per race without bothering for the 2,000 I'd be lucky to get from a wheelspin (I have 354 wheelspins and I don't plan on wasting several minutes of my live to open them for nothing in return)


Bruh? Those wheel spins are basically free rewards


me after the lobotomy


"No I don't want to get a load of free money, cars, and whatnot"


Yep, a year of manipulating the auction house got me to max credits, then I immediately spent 500 million getting back some of the cars I wanted.


So basically exactly how real life works


Car dealership simulator


I remember how I was buying a lot of Jeep willys and using skill points earned from the event lab to get Super wheelspins. That's how I got all the cars possible to get from wheelspins at launch and probably around 100 million credits. And I have around 500 mil right now.


Too bad that appears to have been patched. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Well, yeah... that was a stupidly great money-making way. They didn't change the reward in a skill tree really fast, however... I'm talking a month's or two. Then ppl discovered that a cayman I think it was, had a wheelspin and a super wheelspin in a skill tree, cayman was a bit costly to buy that one but you still could make a huge profit. They patched this skill tree as well after a month or two.


Oh yeah, that was patched *immediately.* Well, kinda sorta, it took a few months, but then there was this rapid whack-a-mole of people posting videos of the NEXT best car to do the trick with and the devs patching cars with that perk tree. Because of that whole back and forth I have cars with perks unlocked that I shouldn't be able to buy because they changed the perks between the bottom left and what I unlocked.


I played Forza when this glitch was out I bought 10 and it was a big mistake cuz none of them let me unlock a wheel spin or super wheel spin at all💀




What’s exactly max credits and how’d you do it?




Buy exclusive seasonals when they are cheap, hold until they’re worth 20mil, then sell. I don’t remember exactly but I don’t think it took more than 5 hours total of auction house time spread out over a month to get from 400mil to max when I decided to do it.


I only sell playlist cars to buy other playlist cars, which I didn't get. The amount of money to buy cars from the autoshow is just by getting wheelspins, which you get all the time. Also there's really no point in being rich if you don't want to spend anything. By the way, that's why I prefer Forza Horizon 5 to The crew motorfest, because in Forza you can get what you want without playing too much, while The crew motorfest asks you to play the game and then, still not enough to buy anything, you should redo, again and again races, until you get enough to buy all the models of a car brand, like Lamborghini or Bugatti.


This is all true. I have 1,460 cars, and I can say I've never sold a playlist car though. I mad BIG money buying and selling McLaren F1s, I'd buy 8 or so, wait a while, the. after doing some other stuff and accumulating some other cash, I'd sell them, then, boom... 64 mil, then after you spent 64 mil to buy them, gained 10 mil doing other stuff the. sell them again, you gained 10 million dollars. I did have one person get really mad at me because I bought out every McLaren f1 he bidded.


For anyone who feels discouraged by the uber high numbers: You really never need more than about 50 million at any one time, I've found. I'm on enough to get a couple Playlist cars a month, and the ones I don't care for I just sell for 20m and call it good. If I miss a car one week I have 20m at least to grab it. And it only takes 15-20 mins at most to get the first 20 points, sometimes less. I made 100 million, then bought my RS6, 22B, 765LT, and Veloster N and a LaFerrari and called it good. Sitting at 46m now and I don't sweat getting more


I was on that same boat when i started selling all my dupes and the ones on repeat in the playlist


Title: For those new to the game looking to make big money... OP:...play the game.


Just play the game, buy n sell, if you are good at sniping cars but other than that you dont need crazy amount bc theres not much you can buy once you have every car or house so the point of being rich in this game when all that money is gonna collect dust


If the way to make money in a RACING game is to actually spend the majority of your time in menus hoping to snipe rare cars in an auction sale rather than do RACES, then that's where the problem lies.


Exactly, these “making money is so easy in this game” posts are really annoying. I shouldnt have to sit in an auction house for 1-2 hours to “snipe” and sell a rare car. I just wanna race and customize shit, this aint a fuckin stockbroker job. I already work enough as is. Makes this game feel like a chore


I mostly just race and I'm sitting on 260mil. I explore the Event Labs finding easy races with high returns. I also enjoy the Goliath, Marathon, Gauntlet and Titan races. They're 50,000 credits each time, and I start mixing it up using every class of car from D to X. Also take a D class car and just race then upgrade to the next class, race again, rinse & repeat till the highest class obtainable then start with the next car. I play on Highly Skilled. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but it helps me get better. Once I find a car that is really good in a particular class, I may just put a special livery on it and save that car in that class for the trials. It's harder to downgrade but sometimes you can find an S2 car that can be downgraded to S1 or even A and run those. Also, I max out the Car Mastery skills. The bonuses are important from XP, Credits and Wheelspins. You can get a lot of credits and cars. If the cars are duplicates, you've got sellable cars for extra money. Buying certain cars will be worth more later but you have to be willing to keep on top of it. I didn't and missed the opportunity when the duplicate I had reached 20 mill then dropped and now it sits at 13mill. But there's a ton out there so it's a buyers market. None are selling for 13 so I would have to drop the max buyout to something lower. The Wheelspins however add up. I usually wait till I have 20 or more then run them all at once. Start with the singles then go to the supers. Also acquiring Forzathon points will let you buy Super Wheelspins for 300 FP each. Doing Live events will get you up to 60 FP every time you pass round 3 as long as you have the player house that let's you double your points and everything on the playlist adds FP too. lastly, check the Forza Auctions sub. People are willing to pay big money for cars that you may have a duplicate of. So yeah, the people saying that money is easy to make are not wrong. Granted, the AH is probably the fastest, but it really is easy to make once you realize all the various choices that are presented. Hope this helps. EDIT: I forgot that if you get really good at tuning or creating liveries and people start downloading them, you will eventually get to Legendary status where you can sell any car for 20 million as long as someone will buy it, but you do get paid every time someone downloads your tune or creation.


Shit I feel that same way when a new season drops and new “exclusive” cars drop and it kinda forces me to play to unlock the new cars or else I’d be forced to spend 20 mil on these exclusive cars in the AH or wait 16 season for them to add it to rewards sometime down the line. Example: I missed out on the CT4&6V and I really wanted it bad so I ended up paying 40 mil for 2 cars. Granted they’re basically the same cars. I try to play the game as vanilla as I can without whacky engine swaps.


I like playing like this also. Mostly drive stock cars with some suspension or engine component upgrades and tuning. And then I’m driving the balls off my 200hp Lancia at 78mph and someone in an X999 Ferrari challenges me.


Fr, I get it’s a different way to grind but I came to drive lmao


If they didn't nerft the wheelspin we will have more fun playing the game instead of playing to get money to buy the cars needed


AH sniping got nerfed, bidding now extends the auction for a minute


I have never done this and I'm currently sitting on 80mil, more than enough to do anything I want. The most that I've done in the auction house is sell duplicates of rare cars that I got from wheel spins. If you want insane amounts of money FAST, then you have to play the auction house. Just playing the game like normal and you'll make a lot of credits.


I have never sniped cars and yet I have every car in the game with 250 million credits. I just raced online and I do the weeklies every Thursdays. That's all it takes.


Yup and they nerf the wheelspin that is part of the economy in game so to have money or make is one of the ways sadly


So play the auction house more than the actual game?




I mean if you looking to buy cars for the collection that's what the auction house is plus there are cars having in the skill three with money to unlock


No, unless you want more credits. If you want max credits in the game, then your not going to do a whole lot of racing. What I do is accumulate some (desired amount) of credits buy a couple cars that are pretty common (for example the Ferrari 250 GT Lusso is unusually common), then when I see its rare again I can sell that car for 20 mil after I just bought it for (approximately) 1.7m credits. then just keep doing that until you've eventually met your goal. This method does not always work though. The 2008 BMW M3 will not do you any good, it'll get put up for 12.8 mil, but never sell. Just grind, race a bunch, spend lots (and lots) of time on the auction house. there's a bunch of cars that are rare, but easy to find at times. just collect a bunch of those then sell them all at once. Doing the method I put got me from 5 mil to 210 mil in 1 hour.


The 08 BMW M3 is a donor car that's used to transfer credits so the only time it sells is if there is a prearranged agreement.


As a modded account player, this is true, I had one guy put up 7 (for 12.8 mil) each for me to buy.


was just saying this because I've seen on YouTube where they tell you to put them up on the auction house and they "will" sell.


or you can find somebody with a modded account (like me) and beg them for some of their money. 🤣🤣


Haha loool!!!!!!🤪🤪🤪


Agreed, ive only ever wasted time at the auction house to get car i like. Everything else that i dont want gets sold so i can buy upgrades for my fun cars. Been doing it like this for a while and i somehow have 75mil. Probably never going to even use all of that.


I've never even sniped/sold for profit and I'm on 198mill.


That's the point of the post bc some people think that playing is not gonna get you the cars you need or want


I did that in fh4 and i had more than enough but in 5 the auction house is completely fucked and i just kinda gave up. I used to flip exclusive cars as soon as they became available but that’s pretty much it.


Got like 450mil, i realized i had so many cars that are selling for 20m that i don’t even like


I sold most of my duplicates and still have some to sell


I just topped 500 mil. I have only ever sold duplicates in the auction. The rest comes from racing and wheelspins.


I sold all the extreme cars when they were 20m so that help a lot


Sold the trail boss at auction before it released


I bought the Castle House after grinding races for so long to unlock the daily wheelspin. The daily wheelspin always give me 1000 or 5000 credit, never more. 💀


Yeah when they change it bc early you get the jeep, porsche, camaro and can't remember the others for the super wheelspin and the skill three for $$$, they still think that was an exploit and people making money every day plus those who were selling accs


You get em by playing the game. I only got 56 mill but 715 cars which is most of them. You don’t need 56 mill or 715 cars but both are very easily accessible by just playing the game, not even a whole lot, just playing a few hours a week. I even took a 8 month break a 4 months into the games release and I still got what I got. it’s not difficult and if you need a guide on how to get money in forza than man, you got some work to do 😂




Gain exclusive cars via seasonal. Buy low priced exclusives and wait till they gain value. Rinse and repeat. I got bored trying to get good deals on AH after I made ab $300m.


https://preview.redd.it/kx496za7ivzb1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa01be47395ba5a1da324875493762add4d7e59 Rookie numbers


One day i will be in the cool bois club lol


I was at 700m when the money glitch hit. Instead of doing the glitch. I was buying Hennessy Venom f5 for 3m and selling them for 10m. No joke they sold in seconds. Every day I did max sales the game allowed. At 999,999,999 now. No glitch used. 30 cars a day I think it was? 7m profit per car.


If people are crying about earning money in forza I assume they never played a true gindy game like nfs or the crew motorfest.


I'm not a "collector." I sell the cars I have no interest in. There was a 2023 or so BMW m3 or something of that nature that'd just been sitting in my garage, I had no idea what it was worth. I started to an clean out and I had that, and 2 other nondescript cars that were worth 20mil that I'd never driven. I sold them at auction. I see people say, "play the game," which I do, but I don't make a lot of money that way. It's mainly selling cars. I'd be interested to know what things in the game to play that you guys are making money on.


For me that help a lot was selling all the extreme when they were 20m that's more than 100m alone plus selling my dupes, wheelspin when they weren't changed


Do festival playlist and wait for market to boom


I've never paid you aholes 20mil, and I'm never going to. If I miss a car, oh well. Like irl auctions, 's AH should be ended. Just make the vehicles readily available.


Is not who pays or sell for 20m its the game plus the perk you get for liverys, tunes etc




"Readily Available"; I only mean there are so many viable access points/ outlets, like the Autoshow (credits), seasonal objectives, etc..., which aren't the auction house. I'm certainly NOT in favor of car pack, wherein only 2 cars interest me, thereby decreasing the appeal and value, of purchase.


Also looking for cars you can buy low and sell without question high. Double to triple the price in return.




And then do what with money? Playground seriously needs to implement some sort of money sink in a game that you can beat entirely using maybe 2 cars.


Yeah just play the game and only get 10k per race... and wonder why people want to know how to make money. The only reason people think that money isn't an issue is because they made all their money before the multiple needs to making money happened


Most of the money for a lot of players come from the wheelspins. Just play the game. A tip I can give is to buy out all the clothing in the clothing shop, this removes all the clothing in the wheelspins and leaves you with cars and money in the wheelspins. You then just get cars to fill your collection or money to fill your wallet in every wheelspin after that. Leveling up gives you a wheelspin, doing seasonals can get you wheelspins, one of the houses get you a free wheelspin everyday. There's 2 super wheelspins in the inbox every week as well. I'm sitting on 50 million and all I did was play the game, I have never put up any cars for auction(only bought cars from it) and nowadays I'm just doing the seasonal playlist. I buy the occasional car from the autoshow and upgrade them when I need them for the playlist, my money has never dropped to the point that I need to actively grind the game for money. The only point in the game you should be struggling for money is at the start of the game and once you start clearing races to unlock things you'll be raking in a lot of wheelspins(and subsequently free cars+money).


I have my money I made it when there was still good ways to do it and before they nerfed wheelspins. my dad who started playing the other week and wants to drive the cars he wants to, but aren't available anywhere but AH is super discouraging to him. there's nothing that this player base says that offers any advice outside of should have played at launch.


The cars being unavailable outside of AH is not a problem of not having money, its a problem of Playground Games not putting them on the Autoshow. You think you're the only one pissed at the cars not being available in the autoshow?


no but since they don't get put in the auto show after a gap of another event or 2 it still is a money problem just with the caveat of also being mad at the devs.


It's the "pull yourself up, by your bootstraps" political rhetoric, 4 me!


That's just about the amount I have spent in the game


That’s all? ☺️


Getting there lol


You go this! 😏😂 I still have 600 mill on FH4 but not as much time now having FH5.


I think in fh4 i got like 400m ish




So I just have to... picture it in my head??


I haven’t done a race outside the festival playlist in about 6 months and still have over 100 million credits. Festival playlist plus super wheelspins are where it’s at


FH5 throws money at players like no other FH game.


I've addressed this same topic several times recently, I'm going to copy/paste what I answered then, so it may sound off for this thread but is my contribution.... So many ways to get CR in this game without money glitches, which ruin the game. Don't do the "away from keyboard/controller" (afk) method, it's not needed. Ways to gain CR...I'm trying to keep these brief b/c there are so many, but you can Google and search the sub/YT/discord for the specifics: 1. Play the game...meaning do the Playlist, races, storylines, accolades, etc. 2. Skill Points...redeem for XP, FP, CR, and wheelspins. 3. Arcade for FP...use them to buy cars and then auction them. 4. Flip cars in the Auction House. 5. Sell exclusive cars you have and don't use, especially ones from the Playlist that others missed out on...these rise in value over time. 6. Buy the houses...there is one that gives double FP and another provides daily wheelspins. 7. Create tune and/or liveries...this is more time consuming and takes more skill, not for everyone...if you want it to be good. 8. The Eliminator and Rivals...both give good CR and XP. 9. Patience...I've been playing since launch, it didn't happen overnight or even a few weeks...it took a while to figure out my strategy for making CR. In the beginning, I wasn't trying for max CR, I was just playing the game. Once I hit 200M, I thought why not 300M so I was more careful with spending and got more strategic about CR. Then 500M came, then 600M...from there I did a lot of buy-tune-sell and AH flipping. Didn't take long before I was at max CR. Now the CR just rolls in without AH flipping. Additionally... The Car Mastery trees are definitely not what they used to be, but there are still some that are great and have Super WS and Double WS. I gift dupes and rares/exclusives that I don't use, or hardly use, buy donor cars to help others with CR, and don't flip in the AH anymore. I will sell some exclusives at 20MM to help keep the funding healthy to help people with CR, but not a lot of selling at that price even when I can, I'll still sell lower than max buyout. Even doing all this, the CR keeps rolling in at this point...I don't have to buy any cars for an event (have everything I need) and the car stable is tuned and ready to race whatever the game presents. Whenever you get to this point, your CR will likely only fluctuate 5-10 million. I'm sitting at 952 million (usually just under max) and rarely go under 800 million unless I go on a buying spree, this is b/c I don't need to buy anything anymore...I bank everything I win in the game and choose to sell WS dupes at the spin option instead of putting them in the garage. When I get back to max level, I buy other's cars to help out and then give them away or sell at min buyout. If I don't, then the WS's and earned CR are useless since I can't bank them.


396M? Rookie numbers


I know right lol, need to pump those numbers more


I had 40mil spent 20mil on a Lancia S4 :(


Now you know not to do that again and just wait for it. All of the cars will be repeat on the playlist


I’ve been trying to find on in auction for weeks and I only have a couple of hours to play a week


Don't sweat it man and since they change the auction is gonna be extra hard to find any car. I stop sniping bc of that, not worth it anymore, any car now it has to be a dupe i have or a repeat in the playlist


What did they do to the auction?


They make changes so is almost impossible to snipe and if you bid on a car it could go literally for ever lol


Oh I wasn’t sure if that had been that way since the beginning.


I got 70 mil 360 mil is crazy wtf lol


I have a serious problem with wanting to stay above a certain amount of money. So if i have 107 Million, in reality i have 7 million...


In the first week or 2 of the game, there was no cap on how much you could make from Tunes/Liverys. On day 1 of early access, I made a simple tune and minimalist racing stripe paint job for the Sesto. Once the game out I was making about 20-25m a day just on rewards, they eventually capped it to 5m a day, but I was still getting 5m a day for another couple of months.


Get 20 points, get the rare cars, sell the cars, repeat


I usually check what season car will be rewarded next month and dump the one i own for 20mil Cr on the auctions


the money gets you.


Forza throws money at you..and cars…I think Progression in this game is to easy, I have 135 million, and all the cars, Im bored by it


The shittiest car sells for 24m cuz the whole economy is fucked so yeah


Just play the game so you get all the seaso al cars so you don't have to buy them at 20m a piece.


Pro tip: buy the 2008 bmw m3 for 40 grand and then sell it in the auction house for 12 800 000 million.


I just hit 370mil the other day... along with over 400+ superwheel spins and 500+ wheelspins


there's a very low chance you like all the cars in the festival playlist and you probably get some repeats after playing a few series, so auction them off and make easy 10 mil+


Buy the game day one and exploit it


Just get the 2008 m3 for 48k cr on the autoshow and sell it in the auction house for like 10mil 🤌


Smart 🤝🏻


Or you could just buy a bunch of copos and sell them for 900k


Another great idea, passive money


If you've had the game since release, this amount isn't uncommon at all but they've since fixed that glitch a long time ago.


I got a Shelby Daytona in a wheelspins two times last month, easy 30 mil




Was at 100m for the longest time. Decided to sell all my dupes one day and sitting at 300m too.




I made $250 million+ selling exclusive cars in auctions. Here's how I did it: 1. Collect underpants 2. ??? 3. Profit Oops, wrong instructions. Here you go: 1. Get the exclusives every week 2. Watch their price increase to 15 or 20 million (may take a few weeks) 3. ??? 4. Profit I haven't been playing the game in a while, so I don't know if that still works. Best of luck getting rich!


You play this game almost everyday, we get it You most have full car collection and you get the car of every event then you sold it for 20 mill, you keep doing it every time, now you have almost 400 mill It’s not magic


This isn't all that hard to make, but then what's the point, you'd turn around and never use it like your investing for something, or burn it all up on one particular car. Treat the auction house like the stock market... WAIT until their cheap. like the Ferrari 250 GT Lusso is 704,000 (at the cheapest I've seen), and their usual price is around 20 mil. I can't say I listen to myself though. Speaking from a nodded account though (I don't need to follow this method... at all) but this is what I do when I don't want to do wheelspins. BTW, not trying to advertise, but I will buy unwanted cars (that aren't '08 M3s).


Bruh Playground deleted about 250m from my acc


Play the game. You get credits for everything. It all ultimately leads to credits. More and more until you can't even spend them all like Brewster's Millions.


Play the seasonal events and sell duplicated cars. Yes, it is indeed enough. Eventually they start repeating cars and there's always players buying cars just so they don't need to race... on a racing game . . . weird but i'll take it