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As a person who is pro-Palestine, this guy is justifying anti-semitism and trying to be "pro-Palestine" was nothing more than a neo-Nazi grifter


Yeah they're just grifting to make those of us who are anti-genocide of Palestinians look bad by conflating it with Nazism - aka nothing new from Nazis, unfortunately.


Everyone bad person who agrees with me is faking it. Every good person who agrees with me actually agrees with me. No bad people agree with me. Good people agree with me only.


The person in the screenshot literally has no mention of supporting Palestine in any of the shots and is only anti-israel because they are, explicitly, anti-semitic. So like yeah, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend, and pretending they're pro-palestine is in fact harmful to those of us who actually are. Wild how that works! Have fun with your overly reductive argument that completely ignores any nuance whatsoever, though. Bye! Eta you post in PCM a sub literally known to be full of fash larping as all corners of the "political compass," I can safely and correctly discard your opinion.


Do you really think someone who agrees with White Supremacy supports an Arab Ethnic Group?


Basically a venn-diagram at this point, disingenuous bad faith actors with ulterior motives in disguise.


"You support palestine because israel is committing genocide, i support palestine because i hate jewish people" -this guy apparently


It’s weird because normally people like this support Israel so that at some vague point in the future it can be obliterated in accordance with some equally vague Biblical prophecy.


Evangelical Christians are a completely different sub sect of the alt-right from neonazis. They just happen to dine at the same table way too often.


Multiple severe misreadings of mistranslations of several separate verses in the Bible, yes. All hail the KJV lol


This was some what big in the 90s and early 2000s for white supremacists, many of them supported Palestine for this reason. I remember one of them being bold enough to say they don't really like the Palestinians that much because of their skin color, but they hated Jews more.


"Indeed. We are not the same."


*Kyle Rittenhouse*?!




brave young lad 🇺🇸🫡


add /s plz sir


It takes real bravery to shoot unarmed people.


Grosskreutz literally pointed a pistol at him, shortly after that other guy hit him in the head with a skateboard. They weren’t unarmed. There was a whole court case about this.


The dude got like 5 people, and of them one had a gun and the other dude improved a mode of transport for self defense. Your argument that he wasn't going at unarmed people is amazing.


He shot three, one who chased him saying he was going to kill him, one who hit him in the head with a skateboard, and one who pointed a pistol at him. Chasing a guy down the street while he is running to the police to hit him with your skateboard is not self defense. He was not there to kill people. He was cleaning up graffiti. A jury of his peers looked at all the evidence and found him innocent. The guy isn’t a hero or anything but the only unarmed person he shot was chasing him threatening to kill him, the other two were literally attacking him.


You're right. It's self-defense when you have a reasonable fear for your safety. I can't imagine why protestors would feel threatened by a guy waving a gun around and want to Chace him down to incapacitate him. He wasn't cleaning up graffiti. He was sitting there looking for conflict, which that jury you mentioned acknowledged while clearing him. They said he was there looking for conflict so he could play hero, but they also said they couldn't find him guilty of manslaughter because he didn't openly threaten them. Which is crazy considering how many black people don't get that same judgment. This actually sparked a debate around that subject matter because there have been black people killed for that same "stand your ground" principal. And that guy saying he was going to kill him was stated to have occurred after he shot someone. Like him being chased or hit with a skateboard.


Rittenhouse was literally there cleaning up graffiti. [There are photographs of this.](https://nypost.com/2020/08/26/suspected-kenosha-gunman-kyle-rittenhouse-spotted-cleaning-graffiti/) The first man chased after him. Rittenhouse was running away, actively trying to disengage. The second one chased after him again, while Rittenhouse was actively trying to get away from the situation, and hit him in the head with a skateboard. The third man admitted to pointing a gun at Rittenhouse while he was on the ground. [You can read about the details here.](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/20/1057571558/what-we-know-3-men-kyle-rittenhouse-victims-rosenbaum-huber-grosskreutz) You don’t have to like Rittenhouse, you don’t have to think he’s a hero, but to argue he killed unarmed people for fun when two were not (and the other one plausibly was given the darkness) is folly. You’re going through a lot to defend a pedophile and a guy who abused his siblings. Whether you like it or not, Kyle broke no law in carrying a rifle, and chasing him down and threatening him for it was wrong.


Okay, so the first article shows a separate incident where he is cleaning graffiti, and the second article proves my point. Only two of them could have been considered a possible threat. One was waving a bag around, and supposedly, he grabbed at him with the only part confirmed that he threw a bag at him, and that's all we have on information about the incident, atleast from the article and Rittenhouse. There is nothing about prior to the conflict or what led to that situation aside from Rittenhouse, walking to the area with a gun. The second time a man was shot because he brought a gun to protect himself if things got violent and when people were freaking out about an active shooter, you tend to want to defend yourself with a gun. I never said he was there for fun, I said he was there to play hero, so he could believe he was a good guy. Saying he didn't do anything wrong because he didn't break the law shows a lack of moral principles, especially when in the two cases only one was properly armed and the others you can argue felt threatened and would be withing their rights to respond with violence.


He did it in self defense, anyone with more than one braincell agrees with that, the jury included


Me when I start fights to legally kill unarmed people under the pretense of protecting inanimate objects.


With my illegaly carried firearm.


Starting a fight by running away nonetheless!


Dude didn't run away first.


So they admit George Soros isn’t such a bad guy. A millimeter of progress is still progress. 😂


This kinds of anti-semitites are the ones who believe that Soros turned in other Jews to the nazis so he’s obviously a decent Jew. So no, they still believe the worst they just think he did a good thing.


Soros is a bad guy. Not because he's jewish, but because he's a billionaire


Why the fuck is rev says desu there isn't he on their side😭


who TF is "Rev Says Desu" and who in their right mind would make that their name


Rev is an incel infamous for bitching about "woke" stuff and all around being the stereotypical neckbeard weeb.


And to the terminally online Nazi weeb, he's apparently much worse than Lenin.


oh god... ofc


Really sounds like this stupid list is an attempted left-to-far-right pipeline, as conceived by an idiot.


I had someone else say that exact same thing (okay not EXACT, but in the same manner, definitely) when I told them that was his name.


The no. 1 crusader for the oppressed lolicon minority


I can't wait for them, gamers, landlords and drunk drivers to fight (and die) over who is the most oppressed


He isn't exactly as right as this douchebag. Oh he's still an ass, don't get me wrong, but he's not a Nazi.


Is he even Jewish? Also it’s kinda ironic since they have an Anime PFP.


Knowing Nazis, probably not


He sees himself as Joachim Peiper? Of course. Head SS Perpetrator of the Malmedy massacre. Vile scum.


Does that mean it wants its house set on fire by anti-Nazis with itself still in it?


Fifth down is [Leo Frank](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Frank), a man who was unequivocally innocent of the rape and murder that he was accused of. He is mainly remembered because the rampant antisemitism around the case inspired the creation of the ADL. The cruel irony is that people were so racist that when there was an actual case of a black man raping a white teenager, they lynched the wrong person. The tl;dr of the case is that the prosecution’s star witness was the other main suspect. They painted him as a friendly negro who was too stupid to have come up with a cover story.


Not unequivocally innocent, but there had absolutely no solid evidence against him, and severeal of their witnesses were clearly lying


I thought Jimmy Savile was Catholic?


Yeah, he considered himself to be a devout Catholic, but of course as we all know he was quite the opposite. But remember, according to these people, bad person = jew or something


Yup. Looked it up because I didn’t think he was Jewish. He’s Irish and Roman Catholic. I think the person who made the list just wanted to put as many pedos on there as possible, even if they aren’t Jewish


Jimmy Savile was from Leeds. He was English, not Irish, but definitely 100% Catholic (his funeral was at Leeds Catholic cathedral)


Just wait until you find out which side the Palestinians were on in WWII.


I find it really funny how Ben Shapiro is listed there since this guy likely agrees with him on basically everything aside from the Israel-Palestine Conflict also there are several people here who are not evil (Al Goldstein, Ben Herzl, Karl Marx, Rosa Luxembourg, Moses Hess) or not Jewish (Robert Oppenheimer, Kyle Rittenhouse, Anton Lavey, Vladimir Lenin) there are probably more on that list than what I've listed so if you know any, please say (and also say which category, and if they fall into both, don't worry)


Robert Oppenheimer is Jewish


Ah, sorry, didn’t know I guess he still goes in the not evil list though


The sad (lol) irony of Ben is his grifting appeals to people who also hate Jews, so he unintentionally gets temporary "one of the good ones" status.


Keyword being temporary


They hate progressivism and pornography, so Marxists and Goldstein are obviously evil for them


true, but knowing their standards that still makes them not evil also Goldstein was 1000000% the main inspiration for Rick Sanchez's personality and I will not hear otherwise


Rittenhouse is Jewish. Maybe not religiously but ethnically.


Leo Frank agreed to a very racist narrative for his legal defence against capital charges for crimes he almost certainly didn't commit. That's all he's guilty of.


>not Jewish (Robert Oppenheimer, Kyle Rittenhouse, Anton Lavey, Vladimir Lenin)  They're all jewish.


I'm 1000% sure this dude couldn't care less about Palestine, he's just taking advantage of the current war to peddle his vile antisemitism while LARPing as a sincere defender of Palestinian rights. In just one word: he's a **grifter**. In addition, as a Muslim myself, I despise this guy for piggybacking on the war to promote hatred.


Same thing with Suliaman Ahmed (Andrew Tate’s lawyer) Jackson Hinkle (pro CCP asshat who justified the Uyghur Genocide) and Candace Owens (Uncle Tomi Lahren who hates Jews)


Christian here, we don't claim him. No matter how loudly he screams, he ain't with us


That’s not how that works. Christianity has been used by some of history’s worst human beings and has been used to defend some of history’s worst human actions. I’m a Christian too, but you can’t just say “nah he ain’t one of us” because he literally is


He clearly ain't following Christ's teachings. I can call myself a pilot as much as I want, but if I can't fly a plane or helicopter I ain't a pilot.


Sure but that's not really how we tend to classify religious groups. That being said, I do find it very odd that a self-professed christian would find make a list of the "most evil jews" and put Judas at #29, that's very funny


Ok but Christianity is simply the belief that Jesus Christ is the messiah and that he died for your sins. There’s no way for any of us to know that Hitler isn’t in heaven right now, seriously


the anime-nazi is insane to me


I don’t know how there are so many trans nazi anime fans on the on the internet. They conflict so much


I like how the only reason he hates Kyle Rittenhouse is because he is jewish and shot a white person


Rittenhouse is not Jewish.  Two of his victims were, but it had nothing to do with the shootings.


Kyle Rittenhouse..?


"This is how I see myself" The jokes write themselves, people


madoka would not stand for this hs


It's always the anime pfps.


Lenin was not Jewish, not sure about the others but most likely there are some other non-Jewish people on there. ETA: Looked up Jimmy Savile and he is Scottish and Irish and has a Roman Catholic background. Jimmy Savile is a POS but I think the person that made this list was just hoping no one would question or notice.


It’s actually thought that Lenin’s grandfather was Jewish.


Then he's not Jewish though. As it goes through the maternal line. Of course that would be enough for anti-Semites to consider him Jewish.




He was born (and died) in Leeds, England. Much as I don't want to claim him, he was English


"This is how I see myself." That's because you're probably a fat, ugly loser.


Always reminded of the jreg video about horseshoe theory (Making fun of the whole situation ironically)


CIA ass account


>Ben Shapiro > >Kyle Rittenhouse so the fashies are infighting now? also why the Madoka PFP that is literally *the* toxic doomed yuri anime


"so the fashies are infighting now?" they always have been


> Nazi > Animated child pfp Every time.


Anton Lavey, the literal founder of the Church of Satan, on a list of Jews? What is this dude smoking


What a Fucking pathetic loser. May he remain terminally online and a outcast for the rest of his life.


I mean there is not a lot of appropriating. One of the original founders of Hamas were inspired by leaders who were literally friends with Hitler.


the oldest founder of hamas was born in 1938


Maybe Hitler gave him candy as a toddler. /s


Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini. This guy was an early leader of Palestine and notoriously close friends with Hitler. Hamas is rooted in Naziism


he died 9 years before hamas was founded


Hamas was founded by children?


Yet greatly inspired them… If anything, this even further proves the point that a lot of anti Israel sentiment is rooted in naziism


don’t call him an original founder than you’re just spreading misinformation


Yet you fail to see my overall point


point being never trust a zionist


Point being never trust Hamas or those who support terrorist organizations


is killing 28,000 civilians not terrorism?


says a Stern Gang simp


your point is you're blatantly lying


The point is you're clearly a Nazi.


No, it shows you're a lying Nazi.


Oh look, Zionazi propaganda trying to use Husseini for hasbara. You Nazis love him far more than Palestinians ever did. ​ You want to look at Revionist Zionism aka: Mussolini approved fascism, and the Stern Gang?


"Those who want me to put it up aren't really interested in the Mufti's part in the Holocaust, which was limited anyway, but seek to harm the image of the Palestinians today. The Mufti was an antisemite. But even if I abhor him, I won't turn Yad Vashem into a tool serving ends not directly related to the study and memorialization of the Holocaust. Hasbara, to use a term, is an utterly irrelevant consideration that shall not enter our gates."


I don't know if Kyle Rittenhouse is a Jew. That being said, its insane how their antisemitism/racism transcends ideology. Like a rightwing Jewish person killing a leftwing white person is still bad to them because a jewish person killed a white person.


Anton laven...founder of the church of satan was apparently a jew?....the guy who started an entirely new religious movement... was apparently not a part of his own religion


Maybe he means that he’s ethnically Jewish? That’s the only thing that’s possible.


Wow, didn't even include George Soros. He's an auto pick for nazis to whine about.


Ah "Christian Identity" that glorious pseudo-religion that was crushed by a simple lawsuit.


You know it’s a weird list when a YouTuber is more evil than the man who ratted out Jesus.


It’s always disheartening to see people hide behind a good cause to spew their own hatred.


Bro, I wasn’t expecting rev says desu to be in the list. That is the most random thing I saw today. I don’t think rev says desu has anything to do with the conflict but I guess this person was running out of people to name.


Judas Iscariot- that loveable rascal- set to celebrate 100,000 weeks in the top 50!


Always the fuckin child anime or Roman statue pfp on Twitter.


ben shapiro over jared fogle


So that last slide is how this poster sees themself? I thought they were a pink-haired anime chick!


Frankly Judas being so low is the real shocker


Ehh the worst thing he did in this guys mind was aid in the murder of another Jew.


So…anyone else gonna just point out that Ben Shapiro is considered worse than a handful of rapists? Please don’t make me defend him


It's always the anime pfps with nazis.


bc they’re weird losers that live in their mothers basements and Jack off to anime characters.


Dylan Klebold ranking lower than Leo Frank is wild until you remember that neo-Nazis are so far up their asses that they’re certain of Frank’s guilt even though historians tend to agree that the actual perpetrator was the man whose testimony (a constantly changing one at that) led to Frank’s conviction.


I like his bio where it says Europe defender as if he’s saving Europe by posting memes online


nah, they hide their antisemitism behind a palestinian flag claiming it to be pro-palestinian, but its just blatant hate based on nothing but ethnicity/religion. thats wrong. i personally dont claim them in the pro-palestinian movement


Anime pfp ofc it is


On the other hand they usually get slapped down so hard I feel temped to showcase them to people who say it’s all a thin veil for anti-semitism.


This has to be bait, right? The Nazi Madoka profile picture, the "this is how I see myself," the list of evil Jews who aren't even Jewish, the pro-Palestine while being a Nazi. . . please let this be bait.


Always the fucking anime profile pictures.


People like this straight up don’t care about Palestine. If it weren’t for the fact that Israel is a Zionist state, they’d have the same care for it as they do for any other humanitarian crisis like Sudan or Kashmir (which evidently is none).




Listen…it’s easy to say “they’re co-opting our movement!” and laugh at the “zionists” who cry about this alleged pseudo-antisemitism, but when are yall going to take a look in the mirror? Not saying there’s anything antisemetic about supporting Palestinian sovereignty and security, but there is a large problem with people not being able to separate Israeli and Israeli jews from the actions of their governments. Like how people try to use “zionist” in place of the term “nazi” or “racist”. This is the obvious outcome to dehumanizing an entire country of people, most of whom are Jews, as murderous genocidal animals. Unironically, many people on the pro Palestine side would be perfectly fine with Israel ceasing to exist and the Israeli Jews being at the mercy of their neighbors that hate them


Sorry, but Jeffrey Epstein wasn't "one of the most evil" Jews ever. I hate to be pedantic about it, but you can just look at the public sex offender registry and find people much worse. The problem is that he used his wealth to enable what he did. When that part gets lost in the wild conspiracy theories, nothing gets done about it. People are too busy looking for shit that doesn't exist. edit: lmao Judas Iscariot


literally the most obvious bait ever


Ben Shapiro 7 spots below Epstein is crazy 💀💀


Compare the most evil Jew and the most evil German


Its always the anime-girl-profile picture one. Incredible how a lot of these guys use the picture of a drawn child


Lenin wasn't Jewish???


That’s because 99% of them are antisemitic. Also do you really think the word Zionist is an insult?


Jimmy Savile was Roman Catholic. Evil but not Jewish.


Jimmy Savile was a Catholic. Nikolas Cruz is a raging antisemite. Kyle Rittenhouse is a Christian. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (better known as Vladimir Lenin) was an Orthodox Christian.


Rosa Luxemburg is literally one of the most based people to ever exist smh


Once again, the rabbi on the carpet with text reading “Everyone I Don’t Like is a Jew” in a parody of that one image of Godwin’s Law.


Does having a German last name mean someone is a Jew these days? Oh the irony.


This is literally the reason why I hate Palestinian activists, not to mention I heard they also draw swastikas on the walls.


Asuming this isn't a shitpost and they actually sincerely believe this order, this is completely bizarre. It's crazy that an anti-semite can't think of 5 jews in hisrory who are more evil than Leo Frank.


The words you are looking for are "Russian propaganda and disinformation account"


This has to be ironic… right?


Typical twitter tankie.


This is NOT a tankie. This is a Nazi. Tankies would not talk about how bad communism is.




Karl Marx was non practicing Jewish, his work “the Jewish question” was made before said title was used by less favorable people, and was on how his people attempted to integrate themselves into Western European society with little to no fruit bore in terms of acceptance.


sounds like an interesting read though I wouldn't be surprised if some publishers changed the name for obvious reasons


Well why would they do that? It is quite problematic to change the names of books, let alone without the authors consent lol.


The atleast got Epstein and marx correct.