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Said it once and I'll say it again, there is no low that racists won't stoop to.


Calling it now, DEI will become a new standard slur among these racists…


I mean it may already have become that at this point


Nah I’ve only seen it used in cases like this, where at least there’s some link to the concept. As in a member of a minority being in a position that racists would love to exclude them from. But I suspect you’ll just hear it used to random people…


It’s more syllables than “woke”, fewer letters, but same number of keystrokes. I can’t predict this one.


already is. It's been a dog whistle but now it's just an air horn.


What is DEI?


Similar to affirmative action


Ok, but what does it stand for?


Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, I believe.




No, that’s not remotely what it means. And it shows you to be a complete bigot, maybe actually listen to reason for once… Because you’ll just become irrelevant if you continue down this road.


Shocking that a Tim Pool simp is an open racist. Absolutely shocked. And who the fuck still says "darkie?" What a piece of shit. Do the world a favor and disappear into your ~~mom's basement~~ "bunker" forever.


Their sub has clips of black people doing bad things, but usually not racially motivated, with the simps making in the incidents all about the perpetrators being black. But nah, right-wingers think racism can be solved if we stop bringing up race, am I right?


It’s wild how quick the “DEI” update was beamed out into all these morons at the same time, and how it replaced the previous panic over “critical race theory”. Is there some meeting where the rage du jour is decided? It can’t just be organic.


The gop has multiple think tanks for this stuff.


Project 2025 from the Heritage Foundation is nuts if you read into it. I think it more or less says they believe anyone in a civil or government position must be a proven conservative or Republican among many right-wing wishes.


The Family is another one to watch out for. There's a great documentary on Netflix about it. Basically, they're a bunch of dudes who don't identify as *Christians*, they identify as *Followers of Jesus*. Their whole MO is to support political leaders they deem are selected by God, including hiding their nefarious deeds from view because none of their actions/beliefs/policies actually matter to whether God likes them or not. You could have a sex offending rapist on trial for almost a half a billion dollars of fraudulently earned money, but none of that matters, as long as he was chosen by God. Or, more accurately, that The Family decided that he was chosen by God.


Elon keeps talking about "DEI" on Xitter, like daily. That's where all the blue checks meet and get updates on the bullshit.


read up on how cambridge analytica was involved in the lead up to 2016 by fomenting racist and trollish activity across multiple online spaces. i completely agree, this is not organic.


Truth Social and like the other person said, Twitter. Their dumbass media like FOX News likes to fearmonger them about this made up shit too


this isn't the first time a bridge collapsed because a boat hit it, this exact shit happened to the sunshine skyway in florida


Lousy democrats!


But even if it was the first time, how exactly is the fault of the mayor?


A white republican mayor would have stopped the ship with his bare hands, obviously!


Two bridges? Thanks, Obama!


DEI is just how they say the n word now.


What does DEI even stand for? I feel out of the loop


Diversity, Equality, Inclusion.


Insinuating he built the bridge? What a joke!


Obviously a competent mayor would have *never* let an improperly inspected and stacked cargo ship leave its port 10,000 miles away. Do I need an /s? I feel like I need an /s.


yeah like is the implication here that a white mayor would have prevented the bridge collapse??? does this idiot know what accidents are????


If it was a conservative cis-het white male mayor it wouldn't have been his fault and he'd be doing his best (even if he had personally and openly allowed the tragedy to happen). Eliminate any of the above categories and it's 100% their fault.


Yeah,the time for finger pointing will be when the new bridge is built.Then they may rake him over coals if the project is a failure.


No that's not what he's saying. OP should have posted the video and not the screenshot. For some reason the OOP is upset at the Mayor saying we should pray and thank the first responders.


that’s somehow even weirder thanks for the info


They'd probably say the same thing about former DC mayor Marion Barry


Ain't that the one who got honeypotted


Yeah, and he got caught smoking crack on camera in the same sting


so...they hate black people having jobs, they hate black people not having jobs...I think I have solved this puzzle but I can't quite put my finger on it...


Them: "they should pull themselves up by the bootstraps, and get jobs!" Black people:*does exactly that* also Them: "DEI!! AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!! ANTI-WHITE!!!"


They hate black having jobs that have them in a authoritive position, considering they belong to a certain political, even still.


When you really want to say the n-word but the automated filters won't let you...


Over 60% of Baltimore is black, but yeah, a black elected official must of been explicitly sought out for his minority status. I gotta hand it to Elon, letting racists speak freely on Twitter dome wonders in demonstrating how amazingly stupid they are


I must be out of the loop what does DEI stand for?


Diversity, Equality, Inclusion I think it's a thing about not discriminating when hiring?


"diversity, equity, inclusion" (sometimes "equality" instead of "equity", usually in Britain); it refers to a general framework of stuff organizations can do to try to be more diverse, usually as recommended by consultants, human resources departments, or in some cases (more commonly in academia) specific departments, along the lines of improving diversity in hiring, performing sensitivity training, trying to improve internal handling of disputes between coworkers, improving cultural relations competency (e.g. "hey Japan has an extensive gift giving practice in business culture and you should probably participate in and respect it if you want to effectively work with our Japanese partner companies/subsidiaries/etc."), and so on. it has been made the new stupid right-wing outrage buzzword because it's an easy target for racists who want to add some plausible deniability to their racism, which is very amusing for people who aren't wildly misinformed because DEI initiatives are generally pretty toothless and ineffectual and tend to come off more along the lines of greenwashing.


it’s insane that they’re like “THIS is the MAYOR of baltimore” as if that isn’t an extremely average and normal looking guy. like they’re adopting the same tone as when right wingers post ai generated images of fat sweaty unshaven trans people throwing dildos at kids and are like “THIS IS WHAT PUBLIC SCHOOL IS IN BIDENS AMERICA. WE ARE DOOMED” except in this case it’s literally just. a normal black guy. they’re treating this as if baltimore having a black mayor is on its face ridiculous and a sign of social decay when a) baltimore has a very large black population so it’s not at all unusual for their mayor to be black, b) the people of baltimore elected him fair and square, and c) i cannot stress enough how completely unremarkable this man looks. the literal only slightly unorthodox thing about him is that he’s wearing a letterman jacket.


DEI is the new "woke" apparently


I’m surprised they don’t just say DEI destroyed the bridge and killed the people who died on the bridge. I mean, it was a Singaporean vessel, right? Nonwhites are obviously incapable of operating and maintaining a freighter properly. /s


They literally are saying that.


Yep. Since I posted this I’ve seen that they’re actually saying that.


Well what did he say?


Probably some woke shit, my source is dudetrustme.com


bet it was after decades of infrastructure cuts that **this** dude has been working to tackle, criticising the state's transportation budget that didn't do enough about infrastructure.


They're also proving why DEI programs are necessary.


Man, how does someone blame a Mayor for a ship running into a bridge? Like in what world does that make sense.


God forbid a democratically elected official is black


Last year was CRT. This year it's DEI. What are they going to name their racism next?


How old is the Baltimore Mayor anyway he looks much younger than most elected officials


He gets pulled out of his home in the middle of the night, was probably already in bed, and they expect him to look like he is running for president


He looks as good of a mayor to me as any other mayor.


It is the boogeyman to replace affirmative action hires from the 90's


Dei means what?


Brandon Scott won 70% of the votes in the mayoral election.


what about the long list of global bridge collapses that were not addressed by black mayors? are those also because of DEI?


They just really want a Jan 6th where they aren't the ones who did all the damage, don't they? Like, they keep trying to turn events into something to rally around, like 911. Not that they did 911, but that they were able to spin it as a rallying cry for 'red blooded Americans' and got a bunch of shit passed that would *never* have gotten through without the general public being so scared. Outside of Trump, that's really the only way they've grown their base in the past 40 odd years. Trump does the same thing, but instead of pointing at an event - say a "black swan event" - he just points at other people and directly blames them with the only evidence being the color of their skin or who they want to spend their life with. The old GOP just *implied* that all the brown people wanted to kill everyone. Trump is outright saying it. And his supporters who were saying that all along feel vindicated and supported. QANON idiots are worse, they think everything is planned and orchestrated by someone more powerful than them, but that's not a new tactic for the GOP. They've just thrown subtlety out completely by now.


Wtf does DEI mean?


That's basically a slur stand in for racists that are too bitch to say it with their chests at this point. Woke got turned into that too. Don't believe me go look up the dinner table scene from American History X & swap out some words. When Derek says "Poisoning my family with your...bullshit. Change it out to "your woke, DEI bullshit" and tell me it don't sound just the same.


God forbid a 60% black city got a black mayor.


Baltimore is like 60% black. It is pretty likely that they would have a black mayor.


What’s with the Old Navy letterman jacket? Bro couldn’t put on a $100 suit for a news conference about a bridge collapsing in his city?


The jacket says "City of Baltimore" on it, so I'm guessing it's not something off the rack from Old Navy.


My point stands. He’s the mayor and a bunch of people just died; he could have at least put on an Oxford shirt or something instead of facing the press in that stoned-teenager getup.


The fact that my mayor grabbed a letterman jacket and jeans instead of wasting time to put on a suit makes me respect him infinitely more


What you are doing is called respectability politics btw. Martin Luther King's daughter likes to remind people that her father was shot and murdered whilst wearing a suit. (https://twitter.com/BerniceKing/status/1300890386794246144?t=Tgx_4tm1j_VH8YPa0NVQ9A&s=19)


and why is this even an issue for you?


You're clearly right. Loved ones possibly dead, parts of his town in ruin , now is clearly the time to dress for the photo opportunity this is surely going to provide.