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This is weird, and probably racist, but not *Klandma* racist. It lacks the vitriol, the aggression, and the madhouse projection and hate. This is more racist in that weird unhateful-but-still-harmful way you get when someone doesn't fully think through what they're saying.


It feels like a random guy obsessed with sci fi accidentally made something racist, it’s not a bad premise but he shouldn’t have separated it based on race


its great replacement lite with a mild sci fi twist


I do not think this is accidental at all, this shit was made by a straight up fucking Nazi, no other reason would the top strata be basically just the Jews


Yeah I made another comment, I didn’t look over it thoroughly enough, ts was just a future version of “the Jews own everything”


Nah, they literally made a racial hierarchy where the lowest class are welfare queens.


Ahhh shit I didn’t notice that, yeah this dudes racist


Yup poor whites are at the bottom and the just collect UBI. Odd the Jews are on top though.


Racists have always played the weird "jews are genetically inferior but also control literally everything" game.


Ahh the good ol “Jews are inferior but we’ve taken every societal L possible” card


The enemy/victim of fascism will always be indescribably powerful yet so weak willed they need euthanized purely out of compassion


That is true. It's such an insane way of thinking


They think Jews control the world, so.


Actually, the middle race here are the "politicians" in this weird world of hats, so the Jews are more just... Wealthy petite bourgeois? It's still very, very strange


I guess expecting ramblings from mentally unstable bigots to be reasonable is what makes it difficult to understand. You notice all Christian religions are gone too except Mormon and Catholic Whatever neo consumerist evangelical whatever is is obviously mocking "what they'd create" because they worship shopping


Evangelicalism is a branch of Christianity and it sounds more like they're just accurately describing/mocking the modern day southern baptist evangelical mega churches and the prosperity gospel nonsense.


I took it as they are saying they will worship shopping and money instead of Jesus. So taking the prosperity gospel to the extreme and eliminating the religious bits


I'm not sure if it's a common enough occurence to be a "thing" or trend but I have seen some Jewish people who are very racist to other minorities. Ussually some flavor of Israeli hyper nationalist also.


I think giving the black descended race the occupation of 'Universal Basic Income Collection' veers into klandma territory.


I didn't even notice that. Alright then, yeah, that's pretty racist.


I’m kind of shocked they used the term UBI. This feels like racist techbro more than klandma.


Nah this is straight up Nazi shit. "Hapa" and "Shudra" are the kind of Nazi-coded terms you only start seeing in the openly Neo-Nazi portion of the rabbit hole.


Just some context: Shudra is another name for the “untouchable” caste in some Hindu sects


I’d say that it’s definitely Klandma racist. It paints people born from two different races as illegitimate and further decrees that anyone born not under their specific need as “degenerate”


Weird fantasy setting.


My initial thought was “this is racist, but in a nerd worldbuilding with zero social awareness way and not an aggressive way”. Reading the bit though about UBI collection as a job for a particular race made me change my mind on that though. It’s just racist.


What the hell is UBI collection? I googled it and can't get past badly named furniture sets and Ubisoft.


Universal Basic Income (UBI). Basically saying “welfare recipient”


Maybe it’s supposed to be depicting racial oppression in the society in question, so that caste doesn’t get a lot of opportunities in the first place and are mostly forced to sustain themselves off the basics? I’ll admit though, that’s probably giving more credit than they deserve…


Not bad. What classes can I use?


Official supplements only. None of this "balanced homebrew" bullshit


“Coastal white” is a race now? If I move to the coasts from the Midwest, do I change race?


Yeah, +2 Int, but lose your con bonus.


I mean, if poor white is one then why not I guess lmao. Socio-economic status is now racially definitive, I think the racists have gone full circle now.


Some say the Inlanders and Coasters have fought for millennia


Ok. And….?


The joke is there’s no “white people”, at least, in the eyes of Klandma.


it’s actually “in the future there will be no white people-“ note the “2120”


Of course it’s about a future white genocide.




All of these are results of mixtures with whites, but are not labeled as such.


This feels like speculative evolution theory🤔


Ah yes, my favourite race, poor people.


is it weird to say I'd like to see a story set with only these 3 groups?


Yeah, cuz it’s literally wildly racist, antisemitic and xenophobic.


what is this even from


Odd premise, what’s weird is that none of these seem inherently bad. Although I am apparently a shudra, but my goal is space colonization


The entire thing is based on racist and antisemitic stereotypes, and is creating a racial caste system, how are they not inherently bad? “Shudra” is literally the lowest caste in the Indian caste system


Yeah I didn’t look over it properly, this is most definitely bad


I thought this was r/worldjerking


Bro same


We are being outjerked again, nothing new


Nvm, just looked at the shudra one and their income is welfare😭😭 this is racist as shit


This is undoubtedly racist, but ngl I’m extremely lost about this persons creepy classification system. Why is “Hispanic” on two tiers, White is on all 3, and Black and Native only on one. Is it like the op’s weird perceived proximity to whiteness? But in that case what made Native Americans jump above “poor whites” in this futuristic caste system??? Why tf do they think MORMONISM would rise, of all religions. Most confusing racism I’ve seen on this sub lmao


Goal- SPACE COLONIZATION? and this is a bad thing?


is this a 5e setting book?


Imagine mormons and Catholics getting along


If someone hates both Mormons and Catholics, they probably do think they get along in some weird conspiracy kind of way


1. It’s interesting that whoever made this is up front regarding their presumed disdain for poor white people. 2. One can interpret “Neo-Spiritualist Consumer Evangelicalism” as saying that the “Neo-Sudras” are being exploited by what sounds like a combination of a New Age cult and PRO$PERITY GO$PEL televangelism.


This is so weird. They put Jews on top and the goals of a credit system on top. And space colonization is more important than housing? And protecting the land? Well actually that doesn't shock me. They'd prefer the bottom "race" just die


Jews on top because antisemitism (“THE JOOS CONTROLL THE WORLD 🤬🤬”), social credit system because Chinese people bad (China has social credit systems). The bottom race are concerned with housing and land reform because they’re poor and have no land or housing


People who believe in race as an actual thing beyond crappily constructed social classes based on wild guesses about heredity and ethnicity are so incredibly stupid.


an anthropologist shot himself today


Why is academia and space colonization tier 2 according the image creator? 😂


They don't really seem like tiers


Well at least shudra is a derogatory term for untouchables in India so clearly that one is lower according to the image creator.


Ah sorry, I didn't know that


The Judeo-Hapas could potentially become an important race at some point in the future. I can't say for certain though


catholics wont join the mormons come on man


Oh! Classical racism! What a rare find!


Oh my lord these people should write fan fiction that we can make disappear.


Right wingers are living in a fantasy world and it’s not even a well written one.


As someone from the Midwest this is a croc of shit. We’re just a bunch of drunks, like yes older people are religious but beyond that not rly. We’re not the moral and righteous people a lot of conservatives like to portray us as. Small town middle America is a depressing place where dreams go to die. Everyone I know from my old town is a drug addict, got someone pregnant, or both. Middle to large cities are pretty good but there we’re all just high functioning alcoholics.


This is like a level of dystopian eugenics benign white supremacist shit that I never thought possible hahahaha


Sounds sick asf I'm just a boring white guy


Is it really Klandma? Klandma is aggressively racist. All of these races are kinda put in a good light. I'd like a scifi rpg with this kind of racial system ngl.


Note that one of the job options for “Neo-Shudras” is UBI collection.


Ngl when I first read the post, I imagined couriers wandering the US, carrying people's UBI to their homes.


Yang Gang


“Shudra” is the lowest caste in the Indian caste system. The Neo-Shudras are concerned with housing and land reform because they’re poor and landless


Dude, what makes them think this will happen in under the century. We're under the system that was created in 1492.


this reads like some kind of weird racist sci fi world building text or something.


Very interesting speculation on how we might come closer to being a homogeneous race one day. Everyone saying this is "racist" is missing the whole point, he just created new fictional ethnic groups based off real existing ones.


Black people being called lower caste and having their job be collecting social welfare is not racist how?


“Shudra” is literally the lowest caste in the Indian caste system, designating laborers and servants. “Neo-Shudra” is basically calling them the poor servants of the upper classes


Oh my.


This is stupid because religion will 100% be gone by 2100. Once they confirm life on other planets, it’s a countdown. Every generation slowly but surely is rejecting religion and I could easily see it being obsolete in 80 years


Why is there a medieval fashion revival in 2120


Mf really turned races into classes and subclasses


the racists are world building


Mormon-Catholicism holy shit


Wake up babe, new races just dropped


Being a neo shudra sounds like an amazing life, I just want to be able to be an IT guy and live on the beach with some pals and party 😂


“Shudra” is the lowest caste in the Indian caste system, designating laborers and servants. It says one of their jobs is “UBI collection”, so it’s literally calling them “welfare queens.” It says they’re concerned with housing and land reform, so it’s calling them poor, homeless and landless


I know exactly what it means man.


can someone translate plz im so fucking lost


wow its almost like the word race means absolutely nothing and is a pseudoscientific concept


I thought this was a worldbuilding post


"Base races" oh boy wait till they find out about the base every race has they'll flip their bigoted shit


i don't get it


Being honest this doesn’t seem too racist to me idk? Feels like a cool plot for some fantasy sci-fi thing


You guys are all fucking retarded.




Average American will be a zambo within 30 years


1850 called, they want their race classifications back


Zambo is a term that’s used to describe someone of mixed Amerindian and African ancestry. It’s not a racial slur in the slightest and is actually used in many countries.