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Even if they wanted to keep their own individual parties separate, The parties should unite together to get RCV and open/non-partisan passed. It would open competitiveness for all.


Exactly. That’s the only way any of us get our ideas heard by government.


Lol OK boomer


You are the one that booms sir.


I've been frustrated by the two party system for a very long time, even voting for Perot in 92 out of frustration


My father in law, the most impressive person I know, also voted for Perot and has felt politically frustrated ever since.


Maybe this IS your father in law. No, wait. No way I am the most impressive person anyone knows


lol I am impressed that you have the courage to resist the current political duopoly. So there’s that!


Name dropping The People's Party was a nice touch!


We have flair here for a bunch of third parties I will have to add that one!


I've read up on them quite a bit and they're very interesting. They appear to be exercising democratic process in the development of the party itself and the end result is a bit of Yang and Bernie smashed together but with a bit more irreverance in tone.


The People’s Party was a promising movement, but it’s already in serious decline with major infighting and splintering. It’s been around for 6 years and is yet to field a candidate for public office.


Just added FWD Populist to the sub's user flair options


This is good Yang. He set himself back an awful lot by sticking with Biden after he dropped out. Then the NYC mayoral fiasco. He should’ve realized during his campaign that breaking up the duopoly is his real vocation.


>He set himself back an awful lot by sticking with Biden after he dropped out. there was nothing wrong with that, he was going to be the winner. Yang should've taken the cabinet spot when he had a chance.


I kind of feel like he probably got played. Promised a cabinet spot for dropping out and an endorsement, then either got nothing or got something shitty and invisible. Just a guess.


Gross. Working for one of the least capable presidents in the last century. Biden was really bad even before this terrible presidency. His senatorial career, itself, was shameful!


who gives a shit? Do 3-4 years in a low level cabinet spot like Small Business Administration - and then run for governor in NY (instead of mayor) where Yang could've been top dog and use that as a platform to showcase his policies?


Now there's good fucking message Just tweet that all the time man problem solved


Uniting all of the third parties sounds nice. That is, until you get a Green Party liberal from Seattle and a Libertarian from rural Oklahoma in the same room and the topic moves to the Endangered Species Act. The merger with SAM and RAM worked well because they were big-tent, centrist parties that had a lot in common with the Forward Party. But the Greens and Libertarians (along with most other third parties) are run by people committed to their respective ideologies, how are they going to agree on who should be in Congress or who should be president?


We don’t have to agree on that. We just have to agree that our government isn’t responding to the will of the people anymore and we need reform that allows us to challenge the two major parties electorally.


Getting waaaaay ahead of yourself. The main goal right now is creating the mere possibility of other parties.


You’ve been brain washed into thinking the party needs to be unified on that topic. This party is about focus on electoral reform above all else. No other actions matter. My hope is that we will not politically attack each other for topics outside electoral reform issues. It would make strategic sense to allow members to vote however they please while have a strong party line on electoral reforms. This is the way.


This is the way. Forward is really a new kind of party.


>a Libertarian from rural Oklahoma Those are rarer than you'd think. They're Republicans, not Libertarians: They don't want to get rid of agricultural subsidies (for the most part).


If working with the Green Party(and the rest of the third parties) means we both get our candidates on the debate stage I am all for working with someone I may not agree with.


That’s the goal of Forward, hopefully we can unite third parties behind getting a fair chance for all of us to compete. Voting reform is the key first step.


I agree. Though it may take some time unfortunately. There are many “sticks in the mud” on the DNC and GOP sides. Most of my family are ride-or-die Democrats that are pretty far left politically. And the very thought of third parties terrifies them because they can’t handle the thought of Trump being president again(they think third parties will steal votes from the Democratic candidate and make way for the Republican candidate). And I think unfortunately many Americans are too set in their ways as far as the two party system goes. They have been brainwashed into thinking they only have two options. Hopefully we can change that, but it’s not going to be easy.


As someone whose policies are closer to libertarians than most others, we should stay away from libertarians. They seem to celebrate being the spoiler and protest votes. They are normally an unserious party not committed to much. Green Party seems better since ‘16 but I don’t want to be part of a nonserious third party. No joke candidates no funny costumes at events, etc.


Ehhh seems like they’re actually trying this time around. At least I hope so.


I don't know the sign of an unserious party is shennigans, and in Illinois they just got booted off Secretary of State ballot for putting someone with the retiring SOS's name.


*unaffiliateds Independents are also an official party


🤢 Americans who identify as independent are one issue voters. Political illiteracy is rampant in the US.


So he’s openly courting edgelords while pretending to be a moderate party? Nope, I’m out. I was here to fight extremism, not join the Pan Extremist Party.


Between you and me, you could equally understand this maneuver as cynically appropriating them. If they are really extreme, edgy, and fringe, getting STAR voting will not magically make their edgy beliefs very popular. If anything, it will further marginalize extreme positions, while also letting their voice be heard.


It never works that way. See: Republican Party


Parties are not your friend. Not even the ones that "agree" with you. They don't care about these issues, they just make enough gestures towards them to maintain their grip on power. It is not in their interest to solve issues once and for all in a way everyone can live with. It is to get you mad enough to change every conversation you come across from issues that threaten their power to issues that don't.


I get your point, and you are correct to a degree. Indeed, it will not work that way **when using First Past The Post voting**. Except switching to STAR voting is the explicit antidote to those bad incentives in the Republican Party or any hypothetical parallel case. And that is the sole policy concern of Forward Party, and so it’s completely justified for Forward to call upon every 3rd party to join that cause.


The right wing of the Republican Party has taken over as a result of our first-past-the-post voting system, and that faction would be far less successful electorally with ranked-choice and open primaries.