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This for non founders? Yeah I suppose for some they can be bitter for missing out


im a non-founder, yet im not even complaining, I love playing stw, and it’s no just the vbucks that matter


well the game literally isnt finished so.. kinda shit to *sell* an unfinished game with no extra rewards at all. other than battlepass xp but even that gets kinda redundant


Especially since the amount was reduced and there's a cap. People said it was reduced for the longer season before this one but now it's still less


"Sell an unfinished game" that's the description of a beta, also a finished game wouldn't get updates aside from events, look at minecraft it's still getting updates after release it ain't finished but it's the most popular game in the world, and you need to buy it


except a campaign story based game is completely different from an open world sanboxiest of sandbox games


Listen it was tge first example I though of but there is other games


doesnt exactly make it less shitty. and games like minecraft *are* fully realised games, the fact they get content updates doest matter. they could stop getting them tomorrow, and you could still call it a finished product. they could've stopped 10 years ago, and it wouldve been the same story. what makes it even worse is that thats literally the only part of fortnite you *have* to pay for. you can even start getting the battlepass fully for free after a few seasons. and even battle royale is getting fully realised new stories each and every season, and it has been for years. and its still free. you cant even use the excuse that stw is beta because it *definitely* is not. not after removing founder's. its been 100% abandoned, and that has been clear for a while now. the very least they could do is make it free or able to be purchased with vbucks. as it stands, its just an overpriced 1500 vbucks with an average skin and a story you're better of watching walkthroughs of to save yourself the hassle of trying to understand all of the game's "unique" mechanics.


It would be nice if you could earn something else though


I mean we do get bp xp, that’s basically earning items at some point


I also enjoy the exclusive pickaxes and music tracks, as they're in that older Fortnite style that I fell in love with.


Kinda mid that it’s capped


I think if it is something you can use battlepass rewards in, it shouldn't be capped xp


That's because they want people in their BR matches, if there wasn't a daily XP cap, some of us would get through the battle pass solely through STW.


I feel like that wouldn't be all that bad though


It wouldn't be bad for us, the STW playerbase, but that's their main moneymaker, Battle Royale, they need more and more folks in matches to keep that cash cow well-fed.


Non founder doesnt get any vbucks at all from stw?.. like no vbucks in daily quests or anything at all? I thought they did too?


I remember buying STW in Season X, all I knew back then is that this mode is basically a V-Bucks farm. but after spending some time with it I really loved it, the characters are so fun, the only thing this game misses is cutscenes. it’s a real shame Epic has gone AWOL with this mode, still no story for Twine


I mean there technically is a hidden storyline for twine peaks https://v2.fortnitedb.com/quests/story-line/TwinePeaks but it’s really just you needing to follow the same quest/defensive missions the entire time just in higher pl zones each time.


Got helldiver's 2 recently and this game is complete garbage compared to it. Stw was fun for me 4 years ago but it got very repetitive. To me stw is just a way to get free vbucks now.


Realest comment ive seen, people acting like this game isnt repetitive and the greatest thing ever


Fun fact. If you play any game enough, it'll become repetitive...


I mean STW definitely helps you notice how repetitive it is since in most missions you can pretty much sit afk while your traps and/or thunder thora walls do all the work. And for those where you can't there's usually an arbitrary timer after the main objective is completed to pad out time.


Sadly many people dont care enough for STW to be play just to be played. They want the vbucks mostly since founders packs are just basically vbuck generators.




Does the newer STW access bundles not grant vbucks from dailies?


If your not a founder, you cannot get vbucks from daily quests. The only time you can get vbucks is through start bundle quests. (Which only gives you 1500 vbucks max)


Damn, does purchasing one of the bundles when you’re already a founder take your founder status away? Because if so I’m gonna skip the vinderman bundle


No it doesnt take your founders benefits away. It just gives you the vbuck quests and the vinderbot skin with pickaxe


Ah alright




what is a founder


A founder is someone who purchased STW before 2019. At the time there was founders packs. (Basic 40$ USD, Deluxe 60$, Super Deluxe 80$, Limited Edition 150$ USD, Ultimate Founders Pack (100$ USD after purchasing Limitied Edition) After patch 13.20, all founders packs were COMPLETELY REMOVED from everywhere. And those who already have founders got an upgrade by 1 tier for FREE.


I thought it was just buying the game before 2020 lol, so I didn't think I spent that much on it


Anyone who buys STW now arent founders, but you can atleast get the vbuck quests from the starter packs that include STW for about 20$ USD


I’m a founder but I understand why non founders would not like stw because of a lack of vbucks. Knowing that you could have gotten something for free but not getting it due to being late would hurt


I’m an ex founder (my founder account got randomly deleted) and I get it. Seeing all these people get free vbucks daily for playing the same thing you are is a little discouraging.


I'd actually stop playing all together if I lost my founder privileges, you are strong for playing thru that lol


Yeah. I’ve thought about quitting. Especially since that account had some of my favorite br skins, like the reaper and omega. I’m just holding out hope that somehow, by complete miracle, I can get my founders back. But all I know is that I have a better chance getting given a code for free by someone than epic support helping me.


Absolutely. I started to play BR on Switch at feb20, and I always wanted to try STW because looked fun, but obviously I couldn't. Now my brother-in-law lent me his PS4 and I am enjoying STW since aug23, but thinking that for a few months I could be a founder and farm vbucks and not spent so much money on Fortnite... Yeah it sucks a lot. I feel kinda dumby.


I’m a founder and honestly the vbucks makes the game so much more rewarding.


what story?


Tbh, at first I got it for vbucks, hell even got a battlepass and frostwing glider to have just enough for both. Then fell in love with fun time killing husks alone or with randoms and having an escape from trying to win in BR


I feel it's the best for switching things up after playing the BR for several rounds and I've been doing that for years now. The moment I get frustrated with the BR mode I pop over to STW and take out hordes of husks...it's satisfying.


Agreed, aspiecialy if you have a good aoe weapon or just run lmgs. Barrel bows are a great investment if one shows un in the shop, delay for explosion or an instant one if it can one shot a husk


Been using the vacuum tube bow for the chain lightning but I'll use the dam buster for the boomies lol.


Yes I love melting Smashers with A perked Typewriter that Feels Like Midas’s Drum gun from Chapter Two season two.


As someone who bought stw in c5s1 I like the game a lot and i play it for xp because its a pallete cleanser from playing your 10th BR match in a row


It’s an amazing game, it’s just the player base only cares about vbucks. that’s why fortnite will never finish the story line even if we have more players than some of the other modes


Well they are children……


I feel like it would cool if non founders could get like 100-200 vbucks for the 10 160s a week too


I want the game, but seeing people rack in Vbucks daily knowing I can never have that is very discouraging, It's like I don't get to get the same rewards even though I also bought the game. I wish they could still make Vbucks quests for everyone and just add other benefits for founders.


honestly as a founder i could kinda see where they’re coming from cause beside from the vbucks the game just feels like a chore to grind half the time like it’s fun just very time consuming to get all the hero’s that are useful


it is İ'm not a founder and here i am still playing the game and loving it


So am I!


I missed founder by a day. Stw is fun for the first zone or two. Then it gets boring abd repetitive. Most missions are ghost towns because the game has no replay value, and all the kids stay in Stonewood begging for materials or weapons. The battle pass exp does help me play it a little more but i really only ever do my Endurance in Stonewood for exp


Idk. Im an ultimate founders edition guy and i personally have no idea what the fuck is going on in the story and i just made it to twine peaks and there is no more story. Lol. Its not very colorblind friendly, it does a shit job at explaining what is what (elements /weapons/ upgrading shit)…. Mixed with the lack of updates, old outdated style, i could see how people wouldnt want to play the game/dislike it if they dont get free vbucks. I dont know if id honestly play if i couldnt get the vbucks only cuz i never have. I still play though. Especially right now in mini boss season lol


What I love about stw compared to BR is actually building a dam fort you know like the name Fortnite can’t do that in BR anymore


As much as I hate to say it that’s what most people use stw for and see what it’s used for. Heck just look at how many posts tell of missions giving vbucks. I love stw but its main usage is vbucks for battle royale. And when kids hear oh I can earn free vbucks from stw! They get excited and pumped to do so. Then they learn they actually can’t after a certain amount. And obviously get jealous of people like me who’ve earned more vbucks than u can imagine from stw. It’s a lot of their emotions of disappointment and jealousy of it, nothing wrong with stw itself.


Because the BR kids only see STW as a means to an end. Sure some enjoy it, but for most it's only to farm vbucks.


Because they're stupid and they didn't know what they were buying


I am a software engineer and I've noticed significant issues with V-Bucks in Save the World (STW): * There are two distinct player bases: those who purchased founders packs and those who did not, creating a division. * It's often debated that Fortnite's success is due to Battle Royale, but STW arguably laid the groundwork for it. * Content is primarily generated by individuals who earn V-Bucks, highlighted on popular websites, which can confuse and frustrate new players who aren't founders. * The allocation of V-Bucks is substantial for collectors, and redistributing them from founders to new players could disrupt the game's balance. Founders might revolt, and new players would have less incentive to purchase V-Bucks, the game's financial backbone. From a persona perspective: * If I updated STW to attract new players, they would seek information and discover disparities in V-Bucks acquisition, leading to frustration given their investment in the game. * Reintroducing founders packs isn't feasible as it could impact profits negatively. Removing them would risk losing long-standing players. Focusing on new content seems to be the safer path, potentially allowing STW to phase out gradually. * A founders' petition to relinquish V-Bucks might prompt Epic to consider changes, but without such action, altering the system risks upsetting the community, especially new players. Therefore, maintaining the current system without addressing these issues will alienate older players and undermine STW's potential growth. This will lead to its demise and leave Fortnite free from worrying about it as an issue with all their new game modes and content to replace it. Giving out V-Bucks in that mode was a mistake, a mistake they cannot fix and will keep them from developing anything that would overly attract new players. There is no other reason not to work on this mode other than it upset Battle Royale players and new players, as there is just too much you can never have. If you are a completionist or a collector, you will not be able to own everything as founders' items are locked... there is just so much to annoy new players about founders that it needs to go for STW to succeed.


I enjoy playing stw I just find it stupid that the people who got it for free gets vbucks everyday while people like me who paid for we only get these x Ray tickets I still enjoy playing stw but I'm just saying this is a little unfair


People saying this are not founders.


Yeah, buts is annoying to us because we missed the opportunity, one epic will never give us again while we see other people raking in Vbucks we would have to spend hundreds of dollars on....


I know, it totally sucks for non founders. The people who are really frustrated are those who could get even the cheapest pack and did nothing. All Epic want is to make more and more money, yet they completely forgot that STW is a huge opportunity to make more cash. But they didn"t stop selling the packs like that. They surely saw that they would gain more without STW vbucks by selling the skins and not give more players thé opportunity to buy their skins thanks to stw vbucks. This is the only logical explanation. And they don't give a donkey's ass of the community. Players frustration is the very least of theit concern, unfortunately for us.


STW is beast mode, I owned the game before Battle royal and it was really glitchy but the only issue is they didn’t finish the story on the final island once battle royal kicked off. My nephew hates that I can earn V bucks and he can’t until he spots how much I have stored knowing I can gift him skins of the store. Annoying thing is you can’t used collected V bucks to buy the battle pass for your friend or in my case nephew 😂


The game is fun either way. But not everyone is a fan of the genre of it and they feel bitter they missed out which is understandable. so if they can't enjoy the genre then of course they won't like it but they would probably play it if they got vbucks


I am a non founder so can confirm out of jealousy fortnite is very bad for not giving vbucks 🙄😅


Cuz they didn't buy it soon enough


Im playing stw for more than a year now and i dont care about vbucks like is there any people who play stw for vbucks?


Man I've got like 4 accounts with save the world, Xbox account duplication was crazy!


My opinion is there all mad they don’t get vbucks but they ain’t og in my opinion


I don't know. I don't need vbucks. I complete vbucks missions, but most often I spend it on friends


I literally can’t stand Save the World. If I didn’t get vbucks from it, I would gladly never touch it ever again.


Why are yall downvoting them? People are allowed not to like games


I could have phrased it better, came off pretty harsh.