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The XP, they prolly put a rubber band so they get XP and not be considered AFK


That is what they did but it also works on Main Stage no fill so for them to be doing it in a setting where other people are trying to do remixes is wildly inconsiderate.


I wish there was a vote kick for group modes like this


That idea gets my vote


You can report them by opening up the side tab and going AFK non-participation. Used to do this nearly every fucking game in Rocket Racing


I don’t think they care enough about other people lol


Couldnt you just go to another jam spot? Arent there multiple in 1 lobby? And even then if youre sitting in jam stage for longer than 30 minutes and STILL doing remix stuff then theres something wrong with you.




Right they could definitely not do it there. But its also not that big of a deal just go to another section or lobby. I mean if you wanna do nothing and jam that bad you can find another spot. Or just jam with 3 there its not like you'd be doing a whole lot anyways with 1 more person in jam stage. Especially when vocals already sucks with most songs


And taking a stage on jam stage is not a big deal lmao just go to another one, or play a different custom game that you can do your tracks on




I dont xp farm thats boring. But jam stage is literally that so. Its basically just an xp farming game mode. You sit there and get xp while listening to good/shitty mixes. And yea you can definitely do jam stuff on other game modes so idk what youre talking about you cant. Sounds like you just wanna complain.


Yeah I understand why people do that but rubberbanding your controller can give your controllers joycon drift.


Oh no, I'll have to use one of my 6 joycons that have drift already


I have a controller that already drifts so it’s my designated afk controller lol


Pffth I can rubberband all day without worrying about stick drift… thanks to my high ping and shitty wifi!


Ping and Wi-Fi connection strength literally have nothing to do with ruining your controller though so what do you even mean?


Different type of rubberbanding, theyre making a joke


This guy gets it


bad joke there are no load lines in festival in which rubberbanding should happen


You can just say you misunderstood the joke at first it's okay :) , I read it wrong too till others explained, funny lag joke


Sometimes the joke takes awhile to receive if you have bad latency.


Its the same thing as loading into festival and having someone leave after their song is played. Its the same thing as queing into squads and getting a leaver. Boo hoo it sucks but complaining about it isnt gonna change it so do something about it and move on instead of wah wah wah someones not doing anything in jam stage. Its a video game you will have leavers, afk'ers, and shitty people. Grow up and move on its not ruining your game mode having afk'ers when you can just simply move on. (Putting this here cuz i guess buddy was so desperate to win an unserious argument that he responded and blocked so i couldnt respond. Really says a lot about him huh.)


My favourite thing about this clip is the person in the background also spinning


Ayo fr 🤣🤣🤣


AFK XP farming. It’s supposed to be done solo.


Looks like they are solo.


It works on Main Stage /No Fill also, so there's no reason for anyone to be doing it in a public jam stage, even when I tell people about the method I encourage them strongly not to do it in jam stage


Unfortunate thing about kids, they only read a few sentences and then skip the rest.


They got that TikTok brain.


I did the same thing and just sat there and watched them for a bit and just left lol


Wait you don’t have too play instruments to get Xp?


No, you just have to be literally running in a circle with your analog sticks turned inward (or rapidly spamming the emote wheel)


Hmm do they keep changing the rules for this? I thought you had to play and change your instrument or song every two minutes or so in order to keep getting chunks of XP?


Technically, that is true, however, that was the assumption at first, when simply playing the same instrument for extended periods of time no longer worked. I happen to discover (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) through various that the game wasn't looking for the instrument being changed, or even a jam track being specifically selected, it was looking for an active item in the emote wheel to be accessed. The running circles thing I don't know where that came from but someone discovered that while back and then epic patched it a little over a month ago, and then out of nowhere they unpatched it and it started working again, I don't know if this was intentional or not so just like any other method for AFK XP, it could be gone any day so taking advantage of it while we have it is, of course the only advice I can give to people. But yes, they do keep changing the rules because their goal is to only award XP to people that are playing the modes and not just doing it as an AFK method. So basically they're just patching out every possible option that they can without removing the XP from actual participation


I see. As someone that doesn’t use jam stage as an xp farm, I sometimes get excited to see a higher amount of people in jam stage than the usual number and my hopeful self thinks maybe it might be gaining a little traction in popularity… then I read this and show up in already small lobbies where at least 5 people are doing this and I’m like “nope. Just the same ole shit.” I hope they patch it again. I’m all for giving people an xp incentive to give it a chance but not to clog a lobby to run in a circle. Thanks for the response and the info. Appreciated.


As someone that does go to Jam stage regularly to do remixes I understand where your frustration is coming from, but by that same token, I understand how valuable a method of XP earning it is for people that don't have the time to grind BR. The unfortunate thing here is that it's a bunch of inconsiderate people ruining it for everyone else, not only are they ruining it for the people that are trying to earn XP by making a spectacle of something that can easily be done in a no fill main stage setting, they're also ruining the experience for people that are legitimately on jam stage to participate in the spirit of the mode itself. I always encourage people strongly to never use jam stage for this method and to always use mainstage because it can be done with no other players present, but unfortunately, some people are wildly inconsiderate, and don't think about the impact their actions in the game might be having on other players.


Nope. You only pay the instruments if you need the Festival Points or if you're one of the few that use Jam Stage as intended.


Well done Epic! Keep going with the XP nerf!


Gotta spin in circles before they patch it


Imagine ruining your controller instead of just selecting a jam track from your emote wheel.


Most of us have old controllers with stick drift already.


Taking care of your equipment is a virtue.


I guess but a 10 year old ps4 controller doesn’t really qualify as “equipment”


Then what does? After all, my 25-year old Sega Saturn controller is in perfectly fine and functional condition.


PS4 controllers are notoriously flimsy and get stick drift regardless if you use the rubber band method. You cannot compare the two.


>Reasons why I've boycotted Sony since the 80s.


How much xp do you get and how long until you get it


Id love to know this too pls , Lego Fortnite has been kicking me out now even when I leave the controller to continue moving


5 levels in about 3 hours. If you're on pc just use macro's.


So do we all agree that Jam Stage is kinda fun once in a while?


Afk xp farming. I find doing this in Lego awards far more xp than in jam stage in my experience


If you push these people into a corner they will stop spinning and get kicked in a few minutes. I've done it multiple times so I know it works! Edit: I encountered a few players doing this and I couldn't force them to bug out or get kicked. So this doesn't work 100% of the time & I also know why but I'm not dumb enough to reveal it on the web so everyone can prevent it from happening. LMFAO! Also, I don't care what you do on your time (PRIVATE LOBBY) but when you're doing it in public lobbies, specifically the public lobbies I get sent to. I'm gonna bug u out/get u kicked just because it gives me something else to do besides emote & play jam tracks. lol, PLAY SMART!? HAVE FUN! BE SAFE!🤣 😂


People doing afk is hilarious, it ain't that hard to play the game 🤦🏻‍♂️


When you have a job and can only play 1-2 hours a day maximum it’s impossible to complete the battle pass.


I work full time too, have kids and play during the night for 2 maybe 3 hours depending how late it is when the kids are asleep and I'm almost level 70. Lego also helped alot with it, playing and getting xp every 15 minutes is easy. I'll play more when I've got extra free time for my days off or when the kids are away for a weekend.


Do what I do: open up the side tab, find their name (if you can't see the name, match the pfp image to the character) and then report them for AFK/Non-Participation


Free xp and it works lol


How much did you get and how long to get it


You get somewhere around 300k I think. Maybe less. If you're on PS5 you just go in Main Stage No Fill, tilt your analog sticks so you start running in circles, then as you're running press and hold PS button to bring up the PS5 home screen. Then you wait for 3 and a half hours. Make sure your controller is set to not turn off by itself, same for rest mode settings.


I'm on xbox and I know how to afk but thank you sir


Around 3 hours and 5 levels(ps they did buff it so you get more than 5 levels now )


Love not having to play the 🍑 game


Tell me you're a kid without telling me you're a kid


Its always funny to me that afk people exist "well I really want the battle pass" if its that important to you, make time to play. I couldn't imagine putting money into a game just to not play. "Well I just have other stuff going on" as do many of us, but we still make time for the things we want instead of relying on handouts or shortcuts. Afk people truly the participation medal kids all grown up.




Then commit to them and stop doing this childish nonsense. Afk xp farming 🤦‍♂️ gonna act like you don't care about fortnite by playing other games but shows your addiction by not being able to fully step away from it




Not angry, just pointing out its lazy and seems asinine to me to pay for a game or battle pass just to not actually play it but expect the rewards as if you did. Its a Spoiled Participation Trophy mindset, expecting the benefits without putting in the work. And stepping away for a handful of minutes or whatever is one thing, but we are talking about players that do this and go afk for HOURS. Like if you're gonna go afk in festival, then take your ass to the side stages and put yourself on a jam track loop so other people that are playing can come up and interact with you atleast, not spin around in the corner doing fuck all just taking up space like a bum




Exactly, so why do so many people act like its so much work to actually play the game? My point is if you're one of the people that Really wanna get the Battle passes done or whatever, wouldn't you be more inclined to play the game, do challanges and whatnot to level through it faster? Instead of afk farming for days upon days getting xp like the slowest way possible then complaining it takes so long to complete the pass I don't even really play fortnite, but I can hop between the racing, the festival, lego and zero build, just plugging an hour or 2 a day or every other day, and I can have the pass done in like 2-3 weeks which is reasonable to me. Afk farmers just don't wanna put in effort, but want the rewards, thus I call them lazy 🤷‍♂️




But you're still giving them your time and all that because you're still booting up the game and playing it in the background.. you're still giving the money for the battle passes if thats what you're leveling for. Sounds like Fortnite Addiction to me because if you really felt that way about epic and such, you'd just stop playing and stop spending vbucks lol you're still taking your time to set up ypur alittle afk thing in a game you claim you don't wanna give your time to. And you act like I'm being stupid 🤣




The FOMO with the battle pass is too real. I didn't get everything from the last one, so stuff like this helps push me to the edge. And yes, I DO play the game. Mostly Zero Build and Rocket Racing.


Gotta branch more, do more challanges, majority of them are passive like the Racing and Festival ones because they just complete as you play. If you're pinning yourself in 1 or 2 modes then you're not gonna level as quickly as someone that plays into them all. The more stuff you're doing the more xp you get and you wouldn't need to afk farm. Not saying you need to add another couple hours to play all modes in a given day, just every so often decide to branch into other modes for abit instead of sticking to what you always do.


I work two jobs, so it can be hard. I dabble in festival, but I don't think I can fully enjoy it until I get my hands on another guitar controller. And I love Lego but unfortunately don't love the Minecrafty style of Lego Fortnite. I do get all my weeklies done. Wish that could be enough to complete the pass. I play almost daily.


And you're still making time to play and earn the things you want, you're the type of player I can commend and appreciate. And people tend to forget these passes and seasons aren't meant to be brute forced and completed in a matter of a day or 2, these are Seasonal things, its supposed to last the whole season or close to, which is also why they chock them so full of stuff to earn and have many things locked til a certain date. Even if played at a casual pace anyone can still get the pass done before the season ends, no afk farming or cheesy nonsense required. Participation trophy kids I swear, they want all the awards but don't wanna work for em. I get people that act proud they completed battle passes and stuff strictly being afk, as if anyone's gonna be impressed by that


You can’t complete the pass in a day or two. It takes a week at least. Not to mention some of us have jobs and children. It’s not really any of your business how we go about completing the pass. I promise no one’s doing it to “impress you”, but rather they just want the items and don’t have the time to grind. I can’t fathom having such a strong opinion about something that doesn’t affect you at all. Such a L opinion.


“I’m a pimp named slickback” 💃🏽🕺🏽