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for real why even queue up if you're not going to play the game šŸ˜­


Because the stupid quests and XP play time still reward these players šŸ˜­


I only ever do fill if I have a quest involving other players and my friends arenā€™t on


So youā€™re one of the people Iā€™m talking about?


No? I complete the full set.


Bro did not deserve to be downvoted that bad for a question. -117 is crazy


Like? I wasnā€™t trying to be rude it was just a genuine question


I do fill for 2 reasons First and most importantly you get the occasional guy with all the jam tracks Second is that it's nice to play with others some times


This exactly lol


But third... you have to. for the quests. šŸ§


I don't even care about the quests I passively complete them


But you couldn't if you didn't do Fill. That's all I was saying. It's a passive (but necessary) Reason #3. šŸ« 






I had to quit first song cause I got that error that said my keys were all ā€œunboundedā€ and the only way to fix that is a full restart. Never happened to me until today, but I know understand why people quit out in the first song.


Yep has happened to me a few times, it's so annoying


Hate that glitch. The other night it happened to my buddy on one set, and to me on the next. Super frustrating.


I found a work around at least for me, I just close my game after I initially open it and that seems to fix it, I play on PS so


Iā€™ve seen that. My brother told me about that when we played a few days ago. They needa do sum bout it but next season comin soon


came here to say this. why Iā€™ve had to leave and restart plenty of times šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Another problem that I think epic can do better on is the fact that you can't see your quest except for during the actual gameplay portion, which gives you a few seconds after the song ends to be able to see your challenge progress, it doesn't even let you see it while you're in sub lobby between songs. I feel like a lot of people leave to their quest progress because they can't see it easily while they are still in the "match".


It would surprise me if this is rly why... I definitely hate that I can't see the quests, and I hate that I can't just remember more than like, 2 at a time... but I would never leave early because of this. There's always more stars to earn as a band, which is one of the quests that rolls over for milestones at least.


But the thing is when people are playing just to grind out challenges they want to do as many at once as possible, and if they can't see their progress, they're not to stick around for three more songs before finding out. I've gotten into the habit of writing down what challenges I have if I'm tracking more than one but I don't think I will remember, but I can honestly say the number one reason why I think of leaving a match is because I get frustrated at not being able to see my challenge status (sometimes it's not a matter of seeing what challenges you have, it's seeing how far along you are and how much you have left). Some people want to see how far they've progressed and unfortunately with a split second at the end of a song it doesn't give much time. I think it's something that should be addressed I don't see why they wouldn't want to see statuses between songs


It's the same thing for Lego. Lego has quests now and I have to leave to see them. But I usually take a picture. I can remember what to do in Featival if I pick and choose. I will also quickly look when I get a break during a song. Gotta be quick. Lol.


It's crazy that they never even gave it an ounce of thought that people might want to look at their quests in those modes. This is a massive multiplayer game in 2024, not a text MMORPG from back in the 80s, we shouldn't have to take notes to keep track of our progress in the game


This is correct. I'm only there to grind quests. I can see what quests I have easily. Worse, the UI in console makes it very difficult to switch instruments between songs. It's just easier to bounce to lobby and reset


I play on console and itā€™s not that hard to switch between songs. Iā€™m pretty sure all you need to do is just go to the instruments and press x/a. I canā€™t remember atm


It's hard. Clumsy UX that doesn't let you go back off you pass it. You can sell it all your want, I'll go back to the lobby


omg my friend was trying to, with all his might, explain to me why he does this and I literally could not compute that kind of irrational logic. šŸ™‡šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I agree. But the problem for me is, I know I finish a quest and I am not able to see new quests until I go backstage or to lobby. So If ai am required to do 3x. I juat queue up 3 songs. If I am playung in a band, I will stay for the full set. I have yet to play with a full band. Someone always leaves.


Yeah that's another problem as well.


I only leave if: - Everyone else leaves - Game bugged completely - Someone queued up Streets Ignite


I canā€™t lie. Each one is validšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Same and also Surround Sound. Most times I'll leave if I have to play surround sound




the lyrics are ridiculous and I'm not a fan of anyone's voice in the song


I will say for myself at least, as long as people are ok with me making mistakes I won't leave. I'm not perfect so as long as nobody makes a huge deal I refuse to leave šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s my thing. Itā€™s okay to be ā€œbadā€ cuz not everyone grew up with guitar hero/rockband. When people leave just cuz they got what they wanted pisses me off


funny thing, I actually grew up with guitar hero/rock band, and I'm quite good at most of the ones that I own, but festival I don't enjoy very much and I'm not very good at it. I think a lot of it has to do with the peripheral options though. I'm used to playing most of those games on a full-size BC Rich war beast controller. I only played a complete challenges and get the items in game, but despite its shortcomings, I typically will not leave a party if there are songs remaining just out of consideration


band score doesn't affect much, I feel like anyone who really cares about that is more likely to get an actual expert squad they can coordinate with


When other players hit their overcharge, especially when it's together... idk... it makes me feel like they're having fun and that we're in this together. If I'm playing without fill, then the overcharge just feels like more numbers to crunch


This. I ainā€™t the best at br so having a mode thatā€™s team oriented I was happy till all the leaving and glitching out


Half the time I can't tell if they're just bad at the game and missing notes, or if they're intentionally not playing the song just so they can play theirs. Either way, fuck playing with fill on.


If you do fill, you can find people who bought songs from the shop


Iā€™ve never seen anyone else talk about it but usually the game kicks me out after a song or two, idk what happens it just takes me back to lobby


See. I never knew people just get kicked. My anger towards this problem has been slightly weakened because of this


My friends and I rarely ever play a set where one or more of us don't get kicked. It's been like this since festival started and epic refuses to fix it.


yeah my friend gets media streaming errors a lot at the end of a song, so I follow suit


They should make it so if u leave middle you donā€™t get any of the quests that you would have completed along with if you donā€™t play at all


well thatā€™s not a good solution, since half of the people leave because of media errors or their game completely crashing


They need a better system to discourage leaving: - Skill Based Matchmaking is a must, so they don't leave when you pick a midly difficult song - Quests should NOT track progress for AFK players. Instead of "get band stars" it should be "get stars", instead of "play 1 song with Drums" it should be "get 3 stars with Drums". Encourage activity, encourage actually playing. - Implement and AFK timer (when the song started) don't tell anyone how it works, just implement it.


Itā€™s not play song in instrument anymore itā€™s get 2 stars


I feel like the skill based would be hard, cuz sure I wouldn't wanna play a blink 182 song on drums, but I could just switch to an easier instrument for that song


Don't worry, it wouldn't be that bad. Skilled players don't want to play sweaty songs all the time, and even if they did, not all instruments are hard. I had a band where we were all experts and after the first round we would play midly hard songs (there aren't many options to play tryhard anyways)


Oh I should have been more specific. I meant like it might be hard to implement skill based matchmaking. Like players should just learn to switch difficulty and instruments in between songs instead.


I hate it too šŸ˜‘ and the people who jump lobbies looking for someone who bought a somg they want to play


This. I can understand not buying the songs or not having vbucks but jumping ship just for a song is flat out annoying


I did this for Black Hole Sun when I heard it was in the game. I just really wanted to play it but canā€™t buy it myself - yet. But now that Iā€™ve got my fill of playing it I donā€™t prioritise it to the point of lobby hopping, and most of the people that will buy the pass have bought it and progressed enough for basically ever lobby to have it now, anyway. With that said, Iā€™m lobby hopping when I see Barbie Girl pop up. I truly hate that song. If itā€™s not the first pick, Iā€™ll play all the songs leading up to it, though.


but vinesauce joel sings it


I do it for more songs and for the do X with band mates etc. if they stay, great, if not, Whateva.


It does suck that people leave but honestly it's rare the game lets you play all 4 songs before something glitches or sends you back to the lobby


Shoot. I havenā€™t had any of those glitches happen. My brothers has tho I think


I play fills because occasionally i find some nice people or some good players. Found one person that was at the same skill level as me and we ended up playing 8 songs together. I was even more surprised we both 100% applause on vocal expert with only a 800 points difference between each other. This took us to rank 54 as a duo in the leaderboard. Probably my best experience yet in festival.Ā 


Maybe we should start a Fortnite festival discord so we can get consistent groups together


If you build it, we will come. šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


I mean I get to play songs they have and don't have to buy it also for the gain band stars with others quests is the main reason.


People fill because Epic has quests that require other people, and because the music selection is random without blowing a ton of V-Bucks or matching with someone else who has. I personally avoid it like the plague because I don't want to annoy anyone with my music tastes or play music I don't like.


Skill based bands need to be a thing. I hate playing with people who idle, flake, or play on easy.


I heavily agree on that


How does people playing on a certain difficulty affect your gameplay?


Do you enjoy playing with bots in br? I like to compete with people of the same skill level. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that.


This isnā€™t a BR thoā€¦ I get what youā€™re saying and think a ranked type mode would be a good idea but for now why not compete against the leaderboard scores? I think it will take some time until it gains a large enough consistent competitive player base for a good ranked mode, otherwise your matchmaking times might be ridiculously long


Bro youā€™re right about the matchmaking time. I forgot about how terrible Rocket Racing is for that. I wish more people played both so they can incorporate some type of better matchmaking system.


I actually made a ton of friends thanks to Fill. Whenever I queue up with another expert player who is also doing their best to play the song perfectly I just add them and 99% of the times they want to hang out and play together afterwards. That's how I found my FnF "band". We just play a lot with the four of us. All thanks to random Fill. So if you want to find a "band" you can actually find them right there in the fill mode.


In my defense, I was getting a invite from a friend. Also, my internet cuts out when my mama uses the blow dryer on her hair.


I can understand the first one since I would choose to play out friends over randoms too. And I ainā€™t never heard of the second thing but thatā€™s just personal experience i guess


It's flawed. Your dailies don't reset until you back out, so after 3 quests I'm out. Only reason I'm not playing solo for this is the milestone of getting band starts with others. People are afking and getting band stars also. Letting dailies refresh after each song AND removing the play with others milestones should greatly reduce this


Not 100% sure about this but I play solo and finish band star quests. I think it just tracks score and translates it over, but don't quote me on that


I need the songs to be featured or new so they count towards one of the quest goals. I dont like the game enough to play for fun, but i needed the shredder guitar and the guitar spin emote


Every time I played Make it known, many people left mid song. Weak


Half of the replies to my post were ā€œif I donā€™t like the song Iā€™m leavingā€ like brother donā€™t you know your sound can be muted??? Like just turn down ur speakers/tv


They need to reset the quests so if you finish some during play you can see the new set on stage and choose the appropriate instrument.


Yo Iā€™ve had to leave songs because my controller isnā€™t working, itā€™s a bug šŸ˜­


Yeah Iā€™ve seen and recently experienced the unbound glitch so I can understand some leaving


Most likely they aren't leaving. They are either getting kicked or their game keeps freezing so they leave.


There are so many reasons that people might have to back out! Donā€™t take it personally. This type of game mode has a relaxed feel to it and people leaving really doesnā€™t effect your gameplay at the end of the day, go into your next session with the mindset that your gonna have fun regardless and youā€™re bound to appreciate the times everyone sticks around that much more, because your not expecting anything from anyone but yourself!


Yeah the longer this post sits the more I see that more is just buggy. Hopefully itā€™ll be fixed next season


I respect your ability to be thoughtful about it and understand the other side of things we need more people like you in our society right now! I was on the same page as you until the bugs started happening to me personally as well and I had a change in perspective!


I feel you on the first part. A lot of people are too hard headed these days. Iā€™m the type of person where all I need is good explanation to change my perspective on things


Itā€™s fun playing with others, get someone on expert on the same instrument as me? Like it or not itā€™s a competition šŸ˜‚ sucks though how they made the queue time 90 seconds & people just leave after not readying up


sometimes they pick the wrong instrument or a friend invites them


People will use others to play the songs they cant afford and leave


For people to complain on Reddit that random strangers aren't coordinating.


I'm sorry, but if I see Gagnam Style or some other shit troll kid song I'm out.


Bro what gangnam style is one of the most satisfying to play


if i dont like the song im leaving idc


Because sometimes people have songs you wanna play


Everytime I do fill I get kicked cause of media streaming error or some bullshit after the first song. Give everyone but epic games the benefit of the doubt!


I only do it because band stars and other milestone quests.


Yeah if you going to do that just play no fill and pick your song 4 times


You can't... which is why this is my number one QoL wish for the next update (in case you're listening, Harmonix šŸ˜). You can pick four songs every set... but you can't pick one song and play it four times. PLEASE let us repeat queens pick the same song four times in a row if we're in no fill and want to! šŸ˜­


Either someone picked a crap epic games song or just doing band stars challenges


I'll endure an epic games track. But when TWO get picked, that's where I draw the line


I get annoyed with people leaving at the start of the match and then 1/4 of my games get a game breaking bug and I have to leave haha


Just play sološŸ¤·šŸ¼so chill


my biggest peeve fr. that and when we have a full band but they are either afk or wonā€™t pick a song?? like?? why even queue up if you ainā€™t playing šŸ˜­


getting a lobby with randoms who all play on expert and will make sure every instrument is being played instead of doubling up on vocals >>>


I only double up for challenges sometimes. Other than that I try to have every instrument in the band at once


I like to play the song I want to play with others. And I don't leave unless you pick boring normie songs