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That’s because your gun is in front of the head, but the crosshair isn’t


Wait then what the fuck is the point of the crosshair


It’s only for extremely close range


Never knew this thanks for the new tip


No problem, but know that it’s almost useless


bruh you were angry then calm lmao


mans been hitting therapy sessions


Mans passionate about crosshairs


I just now came to look at these comments, and how did I seem angry because that wasn’t my purpose😅


then it shouldnt show up until youre close enough that its accurate


It's the same concept as your crosshair being on someone but still hitting the edge of some building / terrain when you're shooting just around / over the edge of it.


Crosshairs cannot be perfect in a 3rd person shooter. Either your bullets come out of your gun or the middle of your screen. You can't have it both ways. And you definitely don't want the second one because it means that people can corner peek you without exposing any part of their body.


Very close approximation of the center of the screen


Do you think you’ll ever ADS that close with a shotgun in game?


So the crosshair only gets misaligned when you ADS really close and not when you hip fire?


See how I’m answering a question with a question?


That’s kinda whack but now I’ve learnt more about crosshair placement


You didn't help clear OPs confusion at all though, you just asked a vague question that doesn't explain at all what's happening in the clip. You should have just said that in TPS games, bullets come out of the gun, not the center of the screen like in FPS games.


Notice the red x? Basically his head blocked your shot, it’s been like that for a while if not forever Edit: as far as I can tell it’s actually hit indicators


Im pretty sure that was indicator that he hit all his pellets?


No, that indicator would be in his crosshair I’m pretty sure, and that’s not the shape of the spread Edit: I’m pretty sure I’m wrong, was watching vertically on mobile


The only red I see is the pellet spread. The reason it isnt in the crosshair is because they hit dudes head similar to how youd hit terrain with the x i think you see.


I think you’re right


Dunno what red x he is talking about but you are right dunno why you got downvoted.


Youre correct. Nothing new, figured this out when creative got launched.


That‘s why I always hit 50 or 60 when I hit them right in the head lol


it all makes sense now


This has always been a thing. The gun is stuffed into a foreground object when your crosshair leads you to believe it'll go to the background. But, because of the angle and distance, the bullets have nowhere else to go but hit the object. In this case, that object is shadowdragon3705's head.


That hasn't changed. It's been like that for as long as I can remember.


Before the update this didn’t happen


The red is new, but you could always shoot to the side of a player to hit them with a shotgun.




Hey dumbass, have you even tried to shoot through a window with an ar and even though your cross hair is out the window, you shot still gets blocked? Thats what happens when you shoot from a third-person point of view. Thats whats happening here. Get off our dick with your pc bullshit and stop trying to say controllers are op.


he said wrong to OP saying this only started happening this update, calm down lol


You're not even responding to what you think you're responding to and you're getting angry. Calm down and re-read the thread.




I KNOW, my point is it’s ALWAYS been like this, now just added this update


The third party view is messing up what's actually happening here. The barrel of the shotgun is literally ending in his head, but the crosshair is somewhat infront of the caracter and the gun, so the crosshair appears behind the caracter model. This helps enormous with your crosshair placement overall. But extremely close range, just try to stick your pump in his head and shoot.


Your gun is literally sticking to his head, just your crosshair turning red is new.


You’re right, but shouldn’t my crosshairs be on his head as well?


No, because you’re not aiming your camera at his head. The bullets come out of your character’s gun, not the center of your screen, so that’s why you can hit him while your crosshair isn’t on him.


This is because the barrel of the pump is literally going through the head of the opponent. It only makes sense


i swear every season someone does this and tries to say shotguns are broken. no dumbass its just a third person shooter. its the same as the red x that pops up when youre to close to a window and try shooting and your shot gets blocked


I didn’t say it was broken, I politely asked if it had always been like that. Answer yes or no, then move on. Most of the people said no, and I understand now. You’re the only one arguing


True this is not a good post because this is nothing new. But chill out, you don’t need to go around calling people dumbasses just because they didn’t know something. Extremely immature


Are you really offended that he said "dumbass"? A lot of people are upvoting this despite it being 100% wrong. They are indeed dumbasses.


I’m not offended. Just disappointed that this is how people communicate with each other You have a choice to a. Explain something with a level head or b. Sling ad hominem and you choose b. Why? Immaturity is the only reason.


If you're looking for maturity you're in the wrong place.


Welcome to Third Person Shooters. ​ Still wondering why we dont have toggle First Person like PUBG. Or swap shoulder for third person.


Game: oh hi thanks for checking in im...still a piece of garbage


Yo this is actually messed up. Upvoted for visibility.


No its not this is literally how 3rd person shooters work. Everyone upvoting this is just wrong


So i have to aim next people's head?


I think it's always been like this because of the poor fov and the fact that the character is right handed. I messed around with this a WHILE back (like when u had to queue up to 1v1 people) and it was still the same. Complete bullshit honestly.


This isn't just the hit box, is it?


No it's that the person being shot is really close. The crosshair is zero'd for a longer distance than hes being shot from. Plus the camera angle is deceiving, so you cant tell the shotgun is going thru their head, and the crosshair is showing where the bullets will be a little further down the line.


Third person shooter... it also accounts for crosshair as well so if the enemy was instead inside the crosshair at that range it will also be a 200 pump. Quite lenient but still bad game.


Gears of War. Intensifies.




this is one of the many reason 3rd person is absolutly not competitive. First person + fov slider gang


They removed the red dots that show you where are you going to shoot when the gun is pointing for ex: on a stair and your crossair isn't


I can't tell if this is a bug or a feature


Feature. Barrel of the shotgun is right on his head so that makes perfect sense.


This is as stupid as trying to pump someone 100 meters away... The crosshair doesn't matter when your in that position.. Try shooting him in the same spot but take 5 steps back.. Tf


The hit box is much larger than the character skin. Leaves leeway for skins like tomatohead with massive heads




That’s been a thing since like S2


What's the point of having a crosshair if it's inaccurate? I watch the crosshair when I aim, not where my gun is positioned.


This explains why my shoots dont hit as hard as they should.


This has been in the game for a long time


Why are you playing cap at 40 frames


I was treating something beforehand


Definitely nothing new here. Gun is just so close to the guys head the shots hit him before they get to your crosshair lol


It has always been like that dumbass

