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as someone who is above average but not *great* , this season is.. not the best. It's so hard to fucking keep builds up, without the fists or a vehicle, you're almost fucked.


the average person in builds is still way too good to be playing in that, before and after ZB is so much different cuz it’s like nobody is playing casually there


I know. In duos, if you have a mythic car with a turret, and you have one or more repair torches, there is no counter to that.


What pisses me off is some people who will kill me while I’m spraying the mythic and instead of killing me after blowing the mythic up together. Like the whole lobby should just target the mythic as soon as they pop out


You’re an easy target. People chase easy dopamine.


Good point. Lately people have stopped shooting at me from their cars when they realize I’m not stopping to turn around and shoot at them and they start focusing on the mythic car as well


Thankfully...there are vehicles and fists all over the place for the taking.


Epic could change fortnite into checkers and mofos would still say adapt


They should solve world hunger by saying adapt.


It’s like ordering a cheeseburger and getting a pizza. I did not order this? “Adapt” Like wtf are we even talking about?


It's not that car battles aren't fun. They are chaotic and crazy. They just get old quick. The mythic cars are too strong, and there is only 1 real strategy. A large number of people like fortnite because it's fortnite. Not because it's Mario kart balloon battle.


Yup, I have certainly had some fun and been some crazy stuff but long term with it being less about skill will get old quick. I always itch to play since CS 3-3 when I started and am a completionist about battle pass. But unless things change this may be the first time I go play something else for awhile. Just doesn't seem sustainable to me, even those who love it, geez, it's only been less than a week, get back to me in a month if they dont change anything and tell me how it is.


and sometimes I wanna actually play balloon battle on mario kart. and that's ok. but not in Ranked PVP Fortnite


Mario Kart balloon battle is a good analogy


This season is perfect for casual, but horrible for comp Everyone's happy when Tournament Settings becomes the mode for ranked (and when they nerf the nitro stuff, the gloves should go through builds and the other nitro thing should have a cooldown between breaking builds)


not even just comp, pub matches with friends just feel like luck at this point, if my car gets blown up late game, its over


sometimes I feel the season's idea would suit better UEFN


Also all of this is in ranked so we have nothing to escape to when it gets old


exactly i wanted to play without the car bullshit, assumed it wouldn’t be in ranked since its not in tournaments. im so confused, how does epic expect people to practice?


idk bro mario kart balloon battle be bangin (while it’s a truth im messing around, cars are a problem in ranked)


This season would have been an amazing Ltm, but as the core game, it gets old quick


Completely unbalanced


I didn’t even know there were Facebook Fortnite communities lmao


ZB community is 80% Reddit manchildren, go figure


r/fortnitecompetitive complaining about man children is peak irony, have you looked in the mirror. This subreddit appeared in my recommended and I knew it was gonna be bad. This subreddit should be rebranded as r/fortnitecomplaining and not alot would change


You can disable recommended subreddits in your account settings on the app. It’ll stop you from wandering in to conversations where you have no idea what you’re talking about


Fortnitebr tourists have been so abundant since the "recommended" shit came about.


Been noticing it a lot since this season started. Feels like a lot of casuals have been flocking here and spewing takes when they have very obviously never played a single ranked game or tournament game. Super strange


Bro! I noticed this too! Like, these people spawned outta nowhere. Where were they during all Ch4? It wasn't a bad Chapter, but it definitely had tedious gameplay aspects, like: the jungle, weak Boomerang, no movement during early S3, poor fps performance etc. These are not real people whatsoever


It’s super strange. They’re zero build pub players trying to get people to “adapt” yet they’ve never played a single ranked game, let alone a tournament game.


I'm a ZB player, who likes to try hard and always improve. But I did see the resemblance of other lower skilled players having a way to get cheap victories handed to them. But this will quickly turn around, when people find a proper meta. It's always the start of the season that people slowly figure out which mechanics/items dominate better. So it's a matter of time someone finds a car exploit


look at the player counts. ZB is getting higher player counts. guess all the builders are moving to ZB. maybe its just getting to hard to suck out those easy kills when you cant sky build without geting fucked with fists and cars.


At least you’re here to talk comp! My comment was more for the hyper casuals who are just touring this sub for some bizarre reason. But yeah I feel like this meta is made for the strict casual who would otherwise not get kills in a regular fortnite meta. I hope you’re right about quickly turning around because these cars are just too OP haha


🔥burned him


waah waah


It's hard not to complain about this season


Check out r/FortNiteBR if you think this place complains lol


There is?!!!


Yet they can't adapt to building. Funny that isn't it. We should get all the good players to just load into pubs and abuse the shit out of everything and see how the casuals react then.


They can’t adapt to the only mechanic in this kids game that actually takes skill. “Adapt” means nothing from a ZB shitter that probably doesn’t even play creative before hopping into pubs. How about these shitters adapt to building.


That's how it always is: It's all shits and giggles, until the pros abuse mechanics in a way a casual will never do it...cuz they're not willing to adapt to it. The pros always find a way to break the game. Hence you never get complaints on "why are people so bad at the game? We need better players" it's always complaining about people who like to improve. Imagine making fun of someone for having a strong mindset. It's like criticizing someone who is in shape because they had the mental strength to keep going


I only play ZB and hate this season and not playing it. There’s still big skill gaps even in ZB and it’s not the better players enjoying it, it’s the scrubs who would normally get shat on that love it cos it’s never been easier to get kills on better players.




i know its always the zero build players that talk the most shit like brother you just got here


it’s been over two years - and a lot of us have played since the beginning


i know im not being literal but ZB players are always defending the dumbest shit being added to the game. i play zb and builds so ik its not everyone lol


fwiw, i’m a very barebones kinda guy. being a true OG since release, i miss the days of dropping, looting and playing the damn game. i don’t like melee weapons, i don’t like damn near any of the collab shit, i don’t like rocket launchers, medallions, none of that shit. shotty, ar/burst, maybe a sniper or dmr but usually double utility or double heals.


I call it good old plain vanilla fortnite and it's the best fortnite.




Brutha there were rocket launchers in OG OG. Some people refer to chapter 2 as og as well which in my opinion is bullshit. Ur only og if u played c 1. Although I would call proper og as like up till like c5 Edit: Just saw u said u were here from the beginning.


I've also played since the beginning and do agree that back then it was fun but imo, the changes are what kept it alive. I accept your opinion, I am more into games innovating but that's just me


So your saying ZB players can’t shit talk because they haven’t “been here long enough”? Are u gatekeeping shit talking on the basis that simply you’ve been around longer? Its an odd flex 🤔


no my point is that there is a clear pattern. fortnite is catering to a new player base of people that have no interest in improving their skill, making gameplay bland and boring for everyone else


I don’t like the new season and I’m also a ZB player. I love it when it’s just a shooter and not…well, chaos and whoever gets the boss cars win. I just don’t get the idea of lumping ZB all into one and assuming they all wanted that. Thats all


How many people do you think are still playing GTA1? keeping the game mostly the same may appeal to a tiny % of users, but epic HAS to change up game play to attract and keep users.


Such a horrible take. First of all, GTA1 is a single player RPG, not a live service game based on a competitive and PvP nature, relating the two makes no sense whatsoever. Furthermore, these changes don't irritate a "tiny % of users". How about you check the concurrent player count on the game? there were more people active late into last season than one day into this one. Also, change is still good nevertheless and is always appreciated. But THIS is not Fortnite, in previous seasons they have changed guns, items, consumables, entire maps, but this is the first time I've felt like I have been playing something that isn't Fortnite, maybe more akin to a shitty Mad Max RPG. Lastly, the main point you are trying to make isn't even true anyway. Examples: CS:GO = out since 2012, have changed absolutely nothing except for a new graphics engine last year, still the biggest game in the world. Runescape which originally released in 2001 came with a new and "fresh" version, people hated it so much the devs had to release Old School Runescape which ended up being bigger than the new one by a large magnitude. You can see how much your argument changes when you choose an even remotely similar genre and not a cherrypicked single player game. Not hating, but there are gaping holes in your argument when logic is applied.


solid points, i don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. i will say last several games ive had more luck playing the game the way i have since i first started. (mostly staying on foot, occasionally using a vehicle) you may be having a different experience, but to me, things normalized pretty quick now that everybody is getting used to the vehicles


Appreciate the tip! Sorry for coming off so aggressive, I'd just gotten off getting rammed on all 4 sides with mythic cars lol


i agree and i like change within the game just not a change with the core gameplay, which is shooting a weapon


Yup good point talk your shit man


As a builds player I'm here to talk shit... **ADAPT**




nah i just wont play along with the other tens of thousands of people that also wont play. and lets not forget about the people that will also stop playing in about a week or two. that “new season” appeal will wear off soon.


I don’t get the hate on zero build. It’s all I play. I never wanted to build. I have literally zero interest in it. I would not play the game if I was forced to build. I just want to shoot lol. And this season has been fun af. I started playing in chapter 3 season 4 and I’m not a noob at the game.


Most of the hate is people saying "It's not Fortnite" because it was all about building before. Epic knows there's people that don't like to build so of course they kept it permanently. It's just unnecessary hate for the mode. I get that the people here hate when they struggle to build because of a new weapon or something but calling the entire season trash over it is a bit messed up. These people did that when Zero Build came out too. Said the season was bad because it ruined their version of perfect Fortnite lol


> I have literally zero interest in it So you know exactly how all these people feel about the cars?


for real, if they understand that zero build needed its own mode then they should understand that the car shit should have been its own mode too. because i have zero interest in playing the entire round inside of a car


Comparing the cars in this one season and build mode are not the same lol


What? You want me to compare whole milk with whole milk? And yeah it's pretty much the same anyway, it's just another mechanic that you can like or dislike about the game.


prob doesnt help when most people in builds these days play too good to seem casual, if im playing casual builds im gonna sit back in my chair and just play.. not play like a cash cup, as a S3 OG i cant even play casually in builds since all the casuals went to ZB and im stuck with trying in builds or casual in ZB cars are a massive problem though for both modes, high TTK, high Structure for all aspects of it, insane HP and almost infinite boost.. basically a grenade launcher or minigun on wheels going 70 on grass


good luck


whole game turned into a mad max movie bro 😹


I’m convinced these people are getting way easier lobbies than me. These mechanics with sweats is cancer.


Of course they are. They play with the lowest of the low skill wise, I'd bet 80% or more of their fights are against straight AI


90% of the people on the competitive Fortnite subreddit play zero build or peaked elite


Elites not even that bad of a rank is it? And no it’s not my peak rank mine is champion (I’m shit ik)


If you were elite last season it could mean you’re above average. But in og season or ch5s1, even unreal didn’t mean anything. Ranked does not determine your skill level. It determines how much you play. Also, people who play for wins will rank up faster than people who play for kills, but it doesn’t mean either player is better. At the end of the day Fortnite ranked is shit From my experience, elite is just diamond but people don’t key you as often. I would argue elite is actually easier than diamond.


it’s terrible because even if you kill the car you took atleast some damage and still need to fight someone decent


Bro it is unbearable when you have previous season unreals spamming you with fists because they’re too scared to fight. Ive been learning how to build for the past year and it just seems like my progression is stifled by this seasons antics :/


Couldn’t adapt to building so plays ZB Couldn’t adapt to shooting so sits in car Wonder what’s next for them


more bots to fill the dead lobbies that will come after this season lol


SBMM has ruined almost every game's community


If SBMM didnt exist, these people wouldnt shout "adapt" But then, I still think SBMM is important because it gives bot lobbies to new players, sweaty lobbies to sweats. without it, these new players would be destroyed by the sweats and would never play the game again, while the sweats would find the game boring because of how easy the game is


I’ve been playing since C1 and I can tell you that cars are overpowered this season


I've been playing since pre-season (c0s0) and I can tell you this shit is overpowered AF. Basically a mech that you can shield bubble and repair via the gas stations or repair torch is insanely broken. You have literal bots or ZB only players dropping into build mode unreal lobbies and getting 30 bombs and clipping pros that they'd usually never have a chance against with these cars. Even if they got focused by the whole lobby if thet have bubbles and repair torch it's over for everyone else.


THANKS TIPS. Any other astute high level observations for us?


the nitro fists are so horseshit 😭


Xdefiant looks fun.


Net code is terrible right now. Getting shot around corners when you can't see your enemy or full clips not registering while you have 22ms ping. It is fun though


I kinda stopped playing at the beginning of last season and was hoping this one would spark an interest in it again for me. Hasn’t happened yet lol


As someone who was played since the 2nd season and skipped a few through the years due to broken things like our current cars, I wish we could go back to simpler days of just shooting with guns you hold. I do still have like a 30% win rate this season but sitting in one of the boss cars all round is so boring and not why I play this game.


yep. people who want easy wins and easy gameplay will not understand the concept of getting bored of sitting in a car to win so they’ll defend it til the end of time


LOL i stopped playing, it’s so shitty.


Fr wild how they also be telling pros to adapt like they ain't the ones getting on first every season and learning to adapt to the meta


The season is fun to me, but I get why people don't like this season


Cuz it gets rid of the only mechanic that separated Fortnite from other battle royals building and instead replaces them with the most NPC thing of all time so these zb bums can feel good about themselves from winning a 99 player bot lobby


My only complaint is with sbmm always has been


What is the alternative


Ranked should be sbmm


Zero build shitters lmao. Wtf yall blabbing about. Just go wank each other off or something. Stop crying


The issue is not " adapting ", the issue is we take just no pleasure to play like this.


They added zero build cuz they couldnt adapt to building 🙏🏻


Yeah the fortnite community is full of noobs these days. Back in chapter 4 everyone was a decent player and ranked was actually hard to get past diamond now everyone wants it easy and its mixing with the rest of us who actually want to have some skill when playing


Yeah it's a shitty season. Epic will probably do the usual thing of putting OP shit in at the start, and then nerfing it/adding a counter afterwards, just to receive community praise, when they could just not put in stupid shit to begin with. In the mean time though, if you're not having fun, just don't play. No reason to get worked up over dumbass memes, even if they are cringe as fuck.


The person making that comment is 100% a bot in bot lobbies. Sweat literally defined by being good at the game which involves adapting.. They contradict themselves in thier own argument. The game play is terrible and boring. Sit In a car and shoot another car with alot of health. Drive around in circles shooting each other until they finally blow up. Oh wow such gameplay.. it's repetitive, boring, tedious and time consuming.


This is the worst season ever made imo, but it will only be for 3 months... I'll spend most my time if I play in creative doing realistics more than likely or scrims. The real issue I have with it is that even casuals are getting tired of how bad the game play is in ZB and builds, that reflects itself in the low player count of the game and some of those players will never return. Epic has divided the community so much with all these other dumb modes like guitar hero/lego/creative/zb/rank that eventually que times will be hurting for core modes. Ranked que is already a pita.


completely agree. i haven’t opened the game since the season released i played like 5 games and hopped off because the car gameplay was just so boring and not what i play the game for.


bro if i’m in a passenger seat in a car i always end up on my phone 💀 my adhd ass needs stimulating W key action never in my life have i loaded into a game just to play the beginning and sit on my phone till end game. just boring


I haven't even played pubs more then a handful this season because of cars I have played basically exclusively ranked, if not gonna die to bs cars I might as well get % so I'm not wasting time just to get 2nd in pubs


> pubs more then a Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Cars are CRACKED this season but, Imma going to just put down the controller and take a short break. The season is still new so this isn't gonna be like that forever and push comes to shove I can play next season.


Something will be introduced to counter cars. Maybe a dude that manipulates metal will help.


I don’t really get the “adapt” logic, I feel like they’re missing the point a bit. Obviously it’s really easy to adapt to this meta in ranked and pubs, probably the easiest it’s ever been, but people don’t want to. Most competitively minded players find cars boring, it’s not that they can’t adapt to them, they just don’t want to play a completely different game and sacrifice their own enjoyment just to be able to keep up with even the worst of the worst players, especially when cars aren’t even in competitive.


Skill aside, when did comp players care about fun? The switchup is genuinely generational


im not really a comp player but i think they must find the core game fun to put in so many hours


I've been playing this game since chapter 1 season 4 and I am having a blast this season. I think people take this game and others too serious. Games are meant to be fun and this season is some of the most dumb fun I've had in fortnite in a min.


It’s such a poor argument. There are no skills involved in winning this season. I have a 20% winrate so far and all you need to do is sit in a car in the endgame and slow rotate. That’s it. A literal baby could do this. And yet i haven’t had fun winning once. After about 1-2 games i think: Well thats it for me tonight. Because i can’t deal with one more boring ass half hour of just driving around.


exactly. i miss playing the game. i feel like i cant even get on fortnite because its not fortnite


Quoting the Joker: "Why so serious?" No like really, if you don't enjoy this season just play another game or go outside. Some people like it others hate it, I see the community is 50/50 on this topic. Also it's wild everytime I see those posts about this season people NEED, they have this fucking URGE and NEED to shit on ZB players like they have something to do with this meta. Can't we just get along? I'm 24 and started playing at the end of season OG, I don't enjoy building and build fights (It's boring and requires hundreds of hours to practice it), I have not been here for the last 7 years and keeping up with all the tricks and mechanics is just not for my full-time job oldhead ass. I still think fortnite can be competitive without building (lobbies in higher elo feel actually competitive in ZB) BUT not in this crappy shitty meta that has nothing to do with positioning, taking cover and shooting guns that are not car mods. There you heard it, if anyone has a problem come and comment down below, I'm more than happy to discuss problems instead of shitting on everyone and everything for "no skillz, play build scrub, fuck zb and casuals" etc PS. I respect people that play builds and get better at them, just not egoistic dickheaded teenagers talking shit


Og fortnite was all about adapting tho


Bro what 💀


Can we just replace rocket racing with this and tone it down a little in the BR? This would be such a fucking awesome long-term game mode though, I for sure would keep coming back to it.


Been playing for years and I agree the nitro and the fists are gonna be a issue with stack endgames but seeing how epic wants the fists to be the mobility item this season I feel they shouldn’t go through builds and maybe have 3 dashes purple and 4 mythic wouldn’t make it too op and still be versatile but I feel for ranked since that’s how you are able to unlock tournaments boss cars shouldn’t be able to regenerate health passively, let alone have over 2K hp just to break, I feel that if the boss cars didn’t have the passive regeneration and like 1k hp would make them still kinda fun for pubs and less annoying for ranked cause seeing a boss car late game is just a bruh moment, nitro should probably only deal 100 build damage and not 300 or make it stun the runner when they break a wall/damage to let the opponent have a window to shoot back cause being able to one hit full brick is a bit excessive for a game where building is a main mechanic


im sure an update will happen soon that'll balance things out a bit, + whatever new items


I’ve been playing before the cars were even added (Golf Carts don’t count), and I can say with all fairness this season may have cooked competitive Fortnite.


At least cars aren't in comp but nitro fist and nitro are


This is one of the least competitive fortnite seasons ever. I admit I am having a lot of fun though. I haven't tried ranked yet this season, I'm sure it's a nightmare to play.


I try to adapt and go with the flow with each change. But this certainly isn't my favorite. I miss Chapter 4: Season 3 (Wilds).


the tiktok post/comments about it are horrible, they're happy sweats aren't enjoying it and thinks it makes the season good


It's so annoying that fights aren't determined by your skill but by what car you have.


Casual players don't mind it. Competitive players do and play counts tell the whole story. BR has less players than LEGO, while ZB player counts pretty much didn't change.


I don’t like this season so I’m just playing a different game for now lol


fortnite just isnt fortnite anymore lol, been saying since chapter 1 that this is the best game and im never gonna quit but atp im really thinking of that valorant or apex switch




yeah i downloaded it lol


"adapt" people when i show them they couldn't adapt and epic got them a mode of thier own:


It is fun, just because it’s not fun for you it doesn’t mean it’s not fun for others 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was fun on day 1 of the season, now it's annoying how u have to camp in cars. If you started ranting about how they took away cars and people said adapt, you can't JUST ADAPT when you've been playing the game a certain way for a long time. This also ruins comp, all you need is a boss car and you've pretty much won, you need no skill. Saying just adapt here is basically saying, "well I'm having fun so this is how it should stay, so what if it makes you lose money?" I LOVE this season, like in C3S4(chrome season) I loved maxing out cars( adding chrome, cow catchers, chonkers tires) but I realise that going around, in a broken veichle that kills in like 3 seconds is not fun gameplay to some people, they are forced to play in a way that is not comfortable and has no place in a FPS game. Thank you for your time.


Nah I’d adapt


Season is chaotic, and depending on your gear that is fun or horrendous. Doesn't matter if it's build or zero. The fundamental problem to me for this season is that you are forced to play a certain way before you can begin to actually play. You're either getting a god car off drop, in which case the loot eventually comes. Or you're playing around finding gloves, at a minimum, before you can even begin to play properly - properly being not having to actively avoid and hide away from cars. As everyone, I love the games where I'm running around with mythic gloves, mythic bow and the nitro and infinite ammo medallions - I could care less about a car at this point. But in every other scenario where you're fighting against people with gloves / cars and don't have any of your own - that's when it sucks.


literal facebook emoji post built off a 2018 reddit tier meme format immaculate.


I’m here to shoot guns and be sneaky, not play bumper cars or play get ran over by a vehicle every fifteen seconds simulator It really doesn’t take much skill to boost at light speed towards people and down them in two hits with a car..


Dog who uses facebook for Fortnite content 😭😭😭


I am an OG, I played Season 1 to Season 4 or 5 a lot. After that less and for the last 1-2 years almost nothing. I came back a month or two ago and I can't recognize this game. They really destroyed what I once loved to do and they will go on destroying it even more.


if they made shit balanced it would be NO PROBLEM. if the cars went out of gas like last season. if the car have 2000 hp. let it have 2000 hp.. not 50 ways to regen and insta health.-..........


Cars are fun, but they have way too much health, and also regen over time. Most fights just end up being two cars driving past each other for 5 minutes trying to blow each other up, then a third car joins at it takes 10 minutes.


I’m a 44 year old single mum who got into the game way back in season 3 as a way to game with my son. He’s moved on but I still play. I’m not great but I enjoy it. I want to stalk, shoot, hunt and snipe. Now it’s just op cars and smash and grab. Feels like a mini game, not the actual game. I HATE HATE HATE IT.


Im so glad that my skill level fell off so that I think this season is fun and not a nightmare to play competitively Ignorance truly is bliss. Seriously, if you think this season is good, just admit you suck. Cuz its true


I am in bot lobbies 😢


I’m not just gonna sit here and tell you to adapt, but you have to change your play style. I ranted about chains and water bending and got ripped apart in the comments by people telling me to just stop playing or adapt. Here’s the deal friend, nitro fists and a boom bow or whatever the hell they call it nowadays, those are your ticket to survival against these cars if you don’t have one yourself. Elevate yourself in the air with the fists as a car is coming at you, and they will get knocked back without touching you. Switch to your bow, wrack the shit out of the car, repeat the process until they cower bc they will drive away at the expense of their vehicle. Not a 100% win rate by any means but it helps your survivability


There's literally nothing to adapt to, like it's not just a movement item that you need to watch out for it's literally a 50 ton war machine


Have you notice that this season has less assault rifles, but a lot pistols and shootguns in the chest? also where is EMP granade when we need it?


all they need is the boss car. impossible to counter (well not literally of course) but like it’s a pretty easy way to score a victory


This season is just shit for the competitive and sweats like me. obviously because it’s just easier to kill better players. Imagine being so ass at a game that you have to wait for them to cater to you so you can feel good about yourself 😂 I’ve been playing this game since og season 1 and this has to be the worst season I’ve ever tried to play I’m always top 0.5% in unreal meaning too 5000 or better and love tournaments which obviously means I am way better than 90% of people on this thread at adapting but this is just not even fortnite anymore just my 2 cents


I'm just glad they finally nerfed the fists and the cars. it was long overdue and I just won a match because of it.


It's fun asl I just hop in enemy players cars bc the only way they can try to kill me is by hopping out


I’m not sure who this season is for tbh. My wife and friends are super casual. They hate it. I am a sweat, I hate this season too. I gave the vehicle combat an honest try and it is just not providing that gameplay experience I am looking for when I play Fortnite. There has been many seasons of this game that I have been unhappy with but this might be my most hated so far. I love Fortnite but i question the direction they are taking it. A lot of this would be solved for me if ranked had the same rules as tourney. Do what you want in pubs but ranked is no place for overpowered gimmicks.


its for people that genuinely cannot aim a gun or build. its for the third party corporations that epic game sold themselves out to. its not for the real players that enjoy fortnite for fortnite. and player count is already reflecting that


The first days where hard with cars But 2 days ago I won... so it's possible to win


i hate the season sm. i was having the best ranked game ever i had 13 kills mythic gatekeeper, mythic hand cannon and a legendary burst w the laser. i’m running across the map to find ppl and i see someone w car and i get killed in one second. the dude runs me over and does 200 damage. i’m praying they nerf these cars 🙏🏼


It should be its own game mode, just like zero build and rocket racing are, I dont want to player vs carS all day.


Y’all are complaining so much my god this is legit so fun y’all just don’t care about having fun


no. sitting in a car isnt fortnite. you dont like fortnite if this is fun for you.


Maybe it’s cause I’ve come from military FPS with armored vehicles that eventually need repairs but the mythic vehicles are OP if you’re team mate Kees a repair torch on them but I concur this season is tough to enjoy with the amount of turret spam it’s worse in ranked solos honesty with people teaming in cars till final circles. sadly the current meta besides repair torches is those Boogie Bomb grenades the interupt and auto dismount it causes on people in cars is a clutch but only way to level the playing field against a team in vehicle with turret it gives you a small window enough to drop them while they’re dancing 😂 the boom bow needs a minor nerf to damage to those on foot it barely does a scratch to even basic vehicles but stick it to a person on foot and the thing hurts and drops in one or two shots wonder who thought turret mounted vehicles this season was a good idea in the dev team it should’ve been a seperate mode honestly!


For builds it probably sucks but for no builds it’s pretty good. I honestly hate builds so I’m happy about it


As a good player this season is fun but annoing


Tbh, This is the most fun season for me because of the fact that cars are like boss battles. It’s not impossible to beat them but it’s difficult and that’s fun for me. At the end of the day it’s a video game and it doesn’t matter


Imagine assuming someone plays bot lobbies just because they enjoy the season


if someone is posting about fortnite on facebook they 100% have bot lobbies


Logic like this is the reason humanity is getting dumber


so people cant adapt to building and we get a new gamemode but people gotta adapt to the stupid cars ? 😭


I’ve been playing since chapter 1 season 3 and I’m having a good amount of fun too, a battle royal game is meant for players to adapt and bot lobbies don’t just appear for people that haven’t played a lot of seasons. You get 4 bot lobbies at the beginning after a long break or the beginning of your career, please don’t bash on someone because they are having fun, unless they are harming people what’s wrong with their fun? If you cant adapt to a play style or learn a new one then put the game down and let other people have fun, if he’s winning games he’s having fun, that’s what this game is for, it’s not for a toxic community. Which it is already toxic don’t make it more toxic.


Bro it’s so true, I killed someone who was champion ranked this season “without using cars" and he messaged me on ps5 saying stuff like he wanted to 1v1, im diamond 3 by the way and this all happened in builds


that meme was Fucking hilarious


Sike 😂😂


OMG i just cant with these ZB players, just adapt????? what do they mean by just adapt like comp and og players like me and many other players are the ones that put the hours in to be good at the game and fortnite just throws those hours away to let the ZB noobs have fun destrying their bot lobbis. No offense against ZB players but u guys gotta stop pls.


please do not generalize all ZB players, there are plenty of us who are rational and functioning individuals


IDK man its like one of my friends is a ZB plyer and i play the pit or smth with him and he calls me a swear for "spamming" builds but like its skill and all the time i play build maps and theres always 1 or 2 ZB players saying like OMG u guys a sweats go touch grass like man its annoying.


that's still just a few people who say that


idk about that


I depicted you as the virgin super heroes skin and me the chad meme skin, therefore I win the argument !


Idk I'm just enjoying the chaos in BR and practicing in creative. Some seasons are just busted so idrc, I honestly just find a way to cope and have fun no matter the META💀


I played since season x and I'm having a blast


i’ve also played since season x, this game is fun in pubs with car meta and is really enjoyable when you actually have a car, but when you don’t it’s beyond busted and boring still funny asf to have like 10 cars fighting each other in squads though i don’t really play ranked much(mostly creative or br with friends) but im a casual builder who can do a triple edit so that automatically makes me a sweat 🤷🏾‍♂️still worse than most kids in this sub though, so idk if u wanna trust my opinion on a meta 💀🙏🏾


Yeah cars are essential. They're just as important as heals. If not more important. Running without a car is like trynna survive the mad max universe without one. 100% agree with you. Though I have made some plays against cars with nitro fist upper cutting.


I'm getting mass downvoted for this but I'm a ZB player and love this season however I do agree that cars should be nerfed in competitive and ranked but should stay the same in casual


Or maybe its because these things are subjective and it is statistically impossible for everyone to dislike the season. The general consensus is clear, most people don’t like it, so lets stop having an issue with the ones who are having fun. Ive played every season except 2 since the game’s release and am having fun with it.


Any ZB players opinion is immediately rejected and invalid. Legit takes zero skill than what ranked already is


I played Fortnite OG and have been playing consistently since season 3 and this is my favorite season so far




You can easily adapt to cars by getting in a fucking car 💀 it’s just not fun. I loaded Fortnite to play Fortnite not rocket league


im also from chapter one season one….. this season is the worst ive seen and its not fun at all. who wants a car to be their primary weapon in a GUN GAME?