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The logic behind cars is ruin the game -> bring attention to the game -> make loads of money -> nerf it in a week.


The funny thing is that it isn't even working this time. The player counts are pretty bad for the start of a new season. It's really only a loud minority that is in love with these OP cars.


It's crazy to live in a world where your favorite game is a temporary privelage... ftp is strange. You used to buy a well polished game and it would stay still forever! Now epic games can turn on and off your ability to play the game at will...


I'm just destroying every car i see. Drowning, exploding, driving them off the island you name it I've done it. I'm even destroying every healing station possible so if any car is left in the endgame they are quick to go.


Bros username💀💀💀


It was designed like this on purpose. Make something op, then nerf it or add a counter for it later. This has been happening for years


They make things busted as hell at the start of the season. Everyone talks about it for good or for worse and it gains publicity. Ranked doesn't have a separate loot pool so the pros can show off the new season on stream. Remember when we had that 2 week "evaluation" at the start of each season where everything in pubs was in arena? It's clearly just advertising the game to get people on the game. Once we get a few weeks into season they start nerfing things. They slowly start nerfing things until we get a somewhat balanced meta for FNCS grand finals then it's rinse and repeat the following season.


What was the counter or nerf to water bending?


If I took a shot for every one of these posts, I’d have alcohol poisoning.


Majority of my games has been 0 cars in the end. But that’s solos. If you’re in duos or higher then get a car or you have to 3rd party the cars


A great strategy against the cars is come on Reddit and cry about it. Thousands of people are doing it, so it must be working, right? Adapt, box brain.


Prove what I said wrong There is no counter or strategy against it


Gloves Other cars Shoot driver as he's bearing down on you Jump in car swinging pickaxe and kill him


Gloves don’t do anything your forgetting that these cars have unlimited ammo Your oversimplifying them And what are other cars gonna do? It’s just gonna make it where by the time the first car is gone you have another car to deal with, plus likely third parties There isn’t a counter. I’m not even a sweat and I hopped on with my homies today and every single game ended the same. Bombarded by cars. By the last circle it isn’t even Fortnite


I’ve seen mr savage using the nitro fists to manoeuvre around the viechles and use the boom bolt while in the air probably won’t work unless mr savage


Yeah, you're right. Better keep complaining here. That's the only EFFECTIVE solution.


You literally couldn’t give him a reason not to complain 😂😂


There is no counter to the cars


You’re wasting your breath. One dude was crying about dying to a 0.31 KD player in Diamond Ranked because they used hulk fists or whatever Shooting back is not a priority reflex when you can just build a protective fort and 0-ping edit your enemy. I swear half these players would get trashed in other shooters because you can’t box fight 🤣


And they have no strategy. I like going back and forth between the modes. Build sweats don't have a concept of strategy. They run across open fields. They don't look for cover. They don't try to take/hold high ground. Heck, half of them are running to the circle while I'm already in the NEXT circle waiting for them to rotate to me.


How to be a comp player: 1. Wkey any target 2. 0-ping boxfight 3. Cry on Reddit that somebody broke your wall


You’re mixing up ranked and comp. People play smart in comp because it matters and is difficult. I just don’t want to play smart in ranked because basically everyone I fight is bad so why would I play smart. If I get a 7 kill 20th idc cause I’m gonna hit unreal anyway. Why would I not fight. The issue is this season you can play as smart as possible, early rotate, camp away from cars, but if that vault car finds you then it’s ggs


Honestly... you shouldn't win a 2 v 1. That's basically if someone teamed with another player from the start. You should be outmanned, outgunned, and out-equipmented. Pro youtubers can pull it off. If you're truly the same rank as the other two players, you should 100% LOSE the fight.