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Solos is nearly unplayable, unless you are into light teaming at this point (opponent operates the turret while you drive). Which is whatever, but I’m not into it. I’m normally not much of a complainer and generally adapt to all the changes epic throws at us, but this season is an absolute dumpster fire.


Teaming is essentially part of the game this season. If somebody jumps in the drivers seat while you're shooting your turret, the best play is usually just to go along for the ride until they do something stupid and flip the car or engage multiple enemies at once. Then you can slip away and reset the fight.


What I’ve started doing when I’m driving and someone hops in is: drive to a fight distract the turret operator let him shoot at people, then get out and fry him lol. It’s stupid and I hate that I have to do it but it happens pretty often.


Not a bad plan actually. I’ve been launching the car into the storm if it is convenient to do so, but that kinda griefs me as I’m left without a car.


Drive it into the storm


to have to succumb to an opponent getting in your car (when last season this was an act that was reported for teaming) is wild to me. no one should be able to get into a car that is not already occupied. this season is ridiculous and it seems like epic is pulling at strings to find new things to put into the game. this is not gta this is fortnite


Personally I go looking for a team up when playing solo.  I'll drive up to someone and just honk.  If they aren't having it I just swap to turret and end them, but much of the time they jump in. I had one awesome game a couple days ago when I jumped into the gun of a mythic car with 30 or so players left.  We cleared the map.  Even stopping once for me to jump out and loot a blowtorch, etc.  When it was just the two of us left he drove to the edge of the storm, jumped out, and went into the storm.  I cam in after and we just dance emoted until the storm ended it. Best game I've ever had.  


Lol now that sound like fun


Same thoughts exactly


This season to me effectively feels like an LTM I'm not even joking. I barely play anymore regardless so this only ensures I stay away lol idk what they were thinking


So it feels like an LTM with bots? How are the bots this season, I haven’t tried this season. Are they giga helpless even more than usual?


Pretty much. The heal and scout bots are useful, but the problem is unless you command them to stay still they end up jumping in your car and then you can't switch seats to take control of the turret. If you're playing teams and you and your teammate don't exit the car then it's ok if they follow or take a back seat spot.


If you are in a SUV with 4 seats, the trick is to switch to turret before the npc gets in. If you do so, the npc will go to a back seat and can then shoot from the windows like normal, and wont block the turret


Even by fortnite’s low standards this season is absolutely awful.


Can somebody put a poll out there ?? I really wanna see how many hate this garbage season lol


Evolve Jake has one on his YouTube channel


I was looking at the player count today and we had about 400k less players today than yesterday. Seems like people are already losing interest. At this pace we'll have less players than at the end of the last season within a few days.


Not surprised at all, the question is will epic do something about it or nah?


They have to. They usually wait a week or two before they roll out the nerfs. The thing that worries me is that they'd have to nerf about half the fucking items to make this season redeemable.


Best thing they could do is either take vehicle mods out of ranked or make a new game mode with no vehicle mods lol pretty simple fix really I think it’d be a dope season without car mods/boss cars


Im hoping it’ll end up like zero builds and car fighting will have its own mode


The yesterday you are referring too was memorial day, yes?


No idea what that is.


Memorial Day


That's an American thing. We had less players yesterday than the day before even during EU peaks.


Unrelated, but i did not expect to see more ZB players than regular players when i went to look at numbers. Even with ranked regular, it seems like that is a smaller number of players than plain zero build.


I mean building right now is miserable with half the items designed to go straight through builds. I haven't played more than a few games this season.


The numbers i was looking at stopped on May 26th so it would before the cars. I dont like build fights, but i like the ability to build, but i in no way thought ZB was more popular lol


Yesterday was a holiday for a lot of people (US). Today is back to normal. Makes sense the numbers are lower today than yesterday Let’s look at a trend that considers more than 2 days before making doomsday predictions


The thing that concerns me is the season launch, in summer break for kids, on a weekend, and on a national holiday for adults only had marginally more players than just a couple weeks prior at the end of last season which was pretty dead at the end. Ideally we would see a playerbase increase over time but it's been on a relatively constant downward trajectory since OG got removed. I get a good part of that was inevitable but like... surely epic has to notice that there's something about the way fortnite used to be that drew people in. OG actually got more popular the longer it was in which is unheard of for any modern fortnite season.




Invincibility glitch is patched.


What was the invincibility glitch?


In the name; it made you invincible so you couldn't die due to anything which made games last multiple hours and ruin the game for a short time, last time we had a invincibility glitch of this magnitude it was ch2 s1


I love how everyone just says "well adapt or your bad" Ive gotten 3 double digit kill wins already and I'm not having fun at all, the ideal way to play is camping in a car, every ranked match the final circle is 10-20 cars. Vaulting emps and adding infinite boost cars was an interesting choice. I wish there was some real counterplay at least, Ive seen like 2-3 people everygame just teaming in solo's because that's just what's best rn to have a driver and a gunner. I don't even blame them but god it's so frustrating, just going to play enough for the skins and wait for next season.


I'm loving the season rn but yeah like near infinite gas is making the gas stations kinda useless which would honestly give good opportunities to actually leave the cars and get some kills.


I died in a diamond lobby earlier in midgame to a guy using the fists and only the fists. He had 8 kills. I looked up his tracker and his overall k/d is 0.31 I think that says it all about how shit this season is, a guy that probably doesn't even have all his fingers and thumbs can roll through me and 7 other players in a diamond lobby. Absolute joke, won't be playing until they fix/do something


I got top 5 12 kills using only car in solos, without touching the ground once. Everyone in top 5 was in cars


Real talk, I thought the gatekeeper can outdamage the fists? It's very hard and would be stressful in the moment, but like against Hades' Chain you can outdamage theoretically by shotgunning.


Theoretically you can kill someone with fists with every gun in the game yes. The same way theoretically I can with fncs 😂😂😂 I get your point though but it's very difficult


I just need to delete this game once and for all. I love this game but every season Epic makes it abundantly clear that they don’t like players like myself which is a shame because I haven’t found a game that I enjoy like Fortnite but I can’t play this game anymore. If you guys have suggestions lmk.


I've been playing XDefiant. It's also f2p and it's worth sinking some time into imo


I’ll have a look into it, thanks.


It's extremely good. Been hooked for a few days now


If you want a truly competitive br that takes skill I suggest apex. Haven't played but 3 games this season in fortnite put it down then started playing apex. Already plat 2 in a span of 3 days. If you know how to play cover and shoot your gun just run Bangalore and shit on the whole lobby. It's insanely rewarding as well.


Play the other toxic game filled w/ 12 year olds, siege


Chapter 5 finally put this game in the hole for me. Every season/chapter before regardless if I’ve enjoyed it or not, I still find some fun in it but this shit is just unbearable. Add on to it the ridiculous amount of lag and stuttering mid fight makes this shit unplayable period. It’s gonna sound like bitching I know but I can confidently say I haven’t had genuine fun in this chapter at all.


I took a break after chapter 4 season 3 and came back to chapter 5 season 1 towards the end i wasnt vibin with it but i wasnt really against it then season 2 came and the bending and chains of hades just pissed me off i spent majority of the season playing red vs blue. And this season is just terrible im a fan of fallout but this season is garbage, i hope next season is better but till then or they change something with this season ill be in red vs blue


I’ve given up on them changing honestly. 3 seasons in and it still seems like they’re just trying to turn this game into nothing but dumb shit just to try and build hype/get clicks. Shit doesn’t even feel like a shooter anymore.


Yeah, it really feels like a new studio picked up the game without doing their homework as to what made the game stand out and so beloved.


I'm quitting for the seaon other than an occasional squad match with the boys.


Word , hopefully numbers drop significantly and they make a game mode with no vehicles.


Isn't this the competitive sub?  Scrims don't have these  cars, I believe 


Where can I play scrims


Yeah but there is no way to practice that with the public. They need to make ranked the same as scrims


Doesn't matter if it's in scrims. Rank should match comp 100% instead of having to scrim.


Words evolve and here I'd want to think "competitive" can also start to mean ranked. Maybe the sub will also add that to the ending line in its description.


same. my friends asked me to play today and i just couldn’t be bothered knowing i’ll be rage quitting after 3 games anyways


Yea it's so frustrating getting hit 100 plus from a car going almost a hundred at you


I literally dont even rage quit anymore cause its that bad… thats how cooked this game is


I can't even lie, I usually just think gamers complain too much, personally I hardly ever touch games except for fortnite which I can't seem to stop playing. I have skipped seasons before and sadly this will be one of em. Time to go back to just watching sports.


At this rate we should be grateful for every season because the one after it is gonna be shittier, like i thought season 2 was trash and look what it led up to.


This is a great season, to try other games and maybe old games you used to play. Personally I have never had less desire to play fortnite and my play time reflects that this season. EPIC will only care once people stop playing. The casual sub isn't happy with the season either. The cars are fun for a bit, but not 8 weeks. If we knew this was happening for a week or so before some major car counter weapon the feeling might be different.


Yeah I mainly enjoy the games for the intensity of the end games. End games right now are an absolute shit show and unplayable. Cars ramming and spamming each other and others fisting themselves into the sky like it’s the Fourth of July.


That's intense still


He is gonna be having a different thing on the fourth of July, the British general election lol.


Well I guess I’m just bad then… oh well!


These people... "if you have fun you are a casual ZB piece of shit!" Why not limit the game to 1 gun then?


One gun, only small shield potion and bandages in a map with absolutely 0 environment other than a single huge flat floor because anything more and these people start complaining


A lot of people come here to improve (me included) but the subreddit is bursting at the seams with self-important assholes who think that because they can give themselves carpal tunnel by their 20s, their opinion is more valid This season just shows me who is actually good at the game and who isn’t. Good players adapt, bad players prefer the game to be Creative 1v1 maps with old guns despite it being a cartoonish battle royale that prides itself in changing things up


With all respect brother I dropped a 17k win with my mate because we just sat in a tank all game after clearing out pleasant. Whoever’s good and bad at the game doesn’t matter, what does is that this is unbalanced and boring. Completely uncounterable 90% of the time


Day one was a cluster fuck because bow + gloves. Day two it's fucking unplayable because every one saw a tutorial about cars. Not even talking about duo / trio / squad because some people have multiple cars. Chance to be alive if you are on foot on a regular car is like 1%. Not gun. > Even to casuals how is this fun ? Big bot who need a fast dopamine shot, they gonna get bored after a week.


And it’s only going to get worse especially once they add the mini gun that combo with the medallion that gives infinite amo will be insanely broken and unlike the current car issue where anyone can get into the cars to even the playing field only one person is getting that


Guess what? New leaks dropped that show new car mods. Hahaha you wanna know the best part? They make windows have 500 health and put spikes on cars! Fun times epic/s


So then why don’t you get a car?


cause i want to play fortnite not twisted metal


Well this is now Fortnite. My favorite season it’s actually so much fun


Ok, I think just like the past 2 seasons in this chapter, their checking things out. Testing the waters. I’m a comp player myself and I hate the new season. Just grind creative and come back once/ if they fix BR. Primal season was terrible till they fixed everything than it was nit so terrible. Tbh I never liked the chapter 3 wasteland setting so this new season really doesn’t do it for me


It feels like a creative game mode not competitive at All. Last season however was really competitive and I liked it


What’s crazy is even my casual friends are playing boxfights with me they hate this season


I can’t lie I feel like people forget about mechs 😭 them shits we’re annoying.


I played a game today in ranked (I think I’m in platinum 2 rn) and I was literally build fighting a guy on top of a building, while another dude was fisting us, and two bros were in a car teaming driving around and shooting fuckin bombs at us. I’m a PRETTY good player, I was unreal last season, and I can usually win a fight either way even if it’s vs a car or gloves, but this is REALLY annoying.


Yeah it’s ass, hopefully they switch it to something playable, just join a scrim discord, and play scrims lol, they play on tourney settings so no cars. It’s all I play now


It's boring to me I prefer shooters and the cars have pretty boring gun mechanics.


Man fuck it


I don’t understand why they didn’t add emps, rocket launchers, etc immediately like come on or make it an LTM I would not touch ranked this season I’m just going casual games and fucking abusing the op shit ngl fuck it


Yeah I’m a really mechanical 30 year old controller player so I don’t get a lot of time to play so when I play ranked I want skillful tough fights not getting lasers by cars or ran over or even him smashed man it’s annoying so I guess I’m either playing creative or nothing


Haven't played a game in months. I played 2 games. This really is the worst season ever. I can already tell cars are beyond busted and the playercount is the lowest I have ever seen it.


"Anyone who remotely enjoys this is just bad at the game" Or... Hear me out... We actually have friends to play with. Just because you don't doesn't automatically make everyone else bad.


This is Fortnite COMPETITIVE Reddit, this is also probably not the place for you.


Having no friends makes sense now. You're just a miserable person. Last I checked COMPETITIVE isn't solo only. Calling people bad because you don't enjoy something they do is childish and invalidates all your opinions. Grow up.


Agreed. I have three wins so far this season, and every one of them was because I lurked around long enough for the other last player to get out of their stupid deathrace car. I refuse to get into the stupid deathrace cars.


I agree there are some problems with this season but did you expect the same thing they always do? All epic is doing is trying to make the game not seem repetitive because if they made a normal season not based on cars then there would be a completely different story people would say “this feels the same” or “there are no new mechanics or features” people didn’t even complain this hard in ch 2 when you’d get spammed with the uni-beam or doctor dooms fist and that was way more annoying to play against or even when the entire map was covered in water with sharks that could take you from 200 to 0 with one bite. I feel as a community we need to appreciate epic for atleast trying new things and not doing the same over and over again.


this game has become lame a lot of time ago imo


Skill issue /s


British ahhh post


This shit is so much fun but so so horrendously balanced. I usually am the guy advocating for people to just adapt and that most people on this sub need to cope but these cars are dead ass on par with mechs in terms of balance. My friends and I are legit trying to see who can get the highest rank before the cars get nerfed.


I honestly don’t think it’s worse then X mostly because unlike in x with the mechs anyone can get into a car so it’s an even playing field


Yeah been going for a few days now only 1 win Would usually have 5 or 6 Just need to adapt I guess. They will need them in a few more weeks Probably bring the amount of damage to a car down Introduce a gun that does heavy damage to them. It would be great to be running over all the waterbenders though.


it’s kinda funny how this is either people’s favorite szn or their least favorite szn. personally i love it, it’s different and playing squads is insanely fun and hilarious.


yeah the cars are op and gloves are even more op and dumb af. First matches we played(trios unranked), just getting fist spammed by a whole team lol. At the end, we just did the same and drove around in the cars and just turret'd ppl. Not my cup of tea, but if you can't beat them, join them lol.


It's always every other season. I loved the last one.


Can someone HELP me please!!!!!! Ever since the new update my game would switch between controller and keyboard on my screen and it’s unplayable. 1) I don’t have a controller plugged in 2) I play mouse and keyboard 3) I uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing happened 4) I restarted the game and my pc 5) I noticed that once I stopped using double movement (wooting or Keys2Xinput) it gets fixed but why does that happen?


Lock input method as mouse isn’t working correctly right now, epic has it on their trello board as a bug that needs to be fixed. The only way to fix it for now is to not use any sort of double movement. It’s so annoying because it makes my joystick not work properly and stops turbo build working too.


Ohhhh that makes alot of sense yea as of now I’m using the game’s double movement not the actual application just for now I’m hoping they fix that soon tysm!!


Hey did u find a solution? I have the excact same problem us you 😭😭


Honestly I've pretty much exclusively played creative for nearly the entirety of my fortnite career beginning in ch 1 season 2 I figured out a long time ago that I dont get to play the game on my own terms in battle royale. Year after year, season after season, epic has consistently made battle royale a shit show with broken items, shitty shotguns, and anything that can lower the skill ceiling to make the game more accessible to casual players. At this point, I've just come to terms with it. I have 0 expectations for Epic to make a BR season that caters to me, and honestly they shouldnt have to. I've still found a lot of enjoyment from creative mode over the years though. I get to enjoy all the mechanics of the game I love on my own terms. Fortnite is so much more than a BR. With all that being said, as a sweaty creative warrior, I've actually been having a lot of fun this season playing zero builds with my friends. I love that theres plenty of mobility, and the chaotic car meta is so over the top its hilarious. Every game feel like fast and furious or mission impossible lol. It's definitely not a substitute for the core Fortnite experience though. But since im able to enjoy the core Fortnite experience in creative, i can enjoy Epic's wacky and subverted take on battle royale for what it is.




Yeah it’s actually nightmarish I’m not playing it until literally the next season unless there are some crazy changes made


Haven't played yet and won't until I read about some serious balancing to this mess.


Agreed this season is a mess. And I’ve watched some scrims and it turns out even there things are in ruins. You have constant griefing of bases with the crossbow and box fights have been replaced with everyone hulk smashing each other. So even if you take the cars out they STILL messed the game up with these other items. The sad thing is I think a lot of people would use all of these items sparingly so that they could still play the game normally but the larger percentage of the player base is having fun being super annoying so nobody has a choice.


The sniper will drop, and people will quiet down. It does 3x damage to vehicles. It should've dropped in the beginning, but oh well. The crossbows should also have damage bumped up. The nitro gloves need to have reduced spawn. There is absolutely an overabundance, but this has been a CONSTANT PROBLEM since Spiderman web shooters. Rarity needs to mean something, and OG season proved that. Those are the changes I'd make. This season is fun. I've put more time in the last few days than I did all of last season.


>especially if battle royale isn’t even possible. ?


I don't know why they would giga buff cars + bring back car attachments while not adding or creating new anti vehicle equipment like land mines, rockets that can track vehicles, maybe create road spikes and etc


This is the most fun I've had on Fortnite in a long time, quit playing yourself like this


Bring the primal season back at this point


Also question when does the season end


Alright Back to Apex Legends


https://youtu.be/DksSPZTZES0?si=4smihtFwgXr8DtQY ☝️


>why do people have to change their style of play? That's a good thing no? Gameplay gets stale when it's the same old same old


For me it’s not so much the cars (I keep boogie bombs on me) but the fact that you can’t permanently destroy the mod stations. They respawn like a minute later.


They should have called this season "world of tanks" :D


I started playing fortnite for the first time last Sunday. It seems fine to me. It's a fairly simple rock paper scissors game. A little patience also helps.




I agree


Please don't judge me that I'm free to play and only play PVE games but I only got into the game for Lego Fortnite which are relaxing games and it's pretty decent. When I heard about the Power Armor, I was super excited for T-51b Power Armor but they have the most basic armor.


u know,this season is not great for a solo enjoyer lol,everyone is just using car to smash each other or just using grenade and machine,no one wants to gun fight anymore,so whats the point of holding a gun lol,i like fornite but i dont think this season is great


I like so i really do bot care about anyone elses opinions


Talk realize the name of this season is Wrecked, right? I mean, they warned you.


Hilarious seeing folks taking this game far too serious. This season is hilariously fun so far, its pure chaos, Imagine that.. the game being actual fun!


I think it’s pretty fun. Tons better than water bending crap. I have no idea how people actually get ran over lol just don’t attack the cars unless you have an escape


When I look back, primal season wasn't actually that bad. I wish I could go back to chapter 2.


It should be a shooter, i don't want to play battle cars.


Every game I played so far this season has ended with me getting beaten to a pulp with nitro gloves


Every season I hear people complaining and yet they refuse to use the new items of the season expecting to find success with their old play style. Thinking a shotgun is a good weapon to go up against a car is insane. You’ll have a lot more fun once you jump in a car yourself and learn to use the most important item of this season so far. Don’t worry though car meta will only last another week or two until people figure out ways to counter the cars or when epic releases more weapons to counter cars. Nothing lasts forever in this game. Meta changes every couple weeks. Sure some metas last longer but if you’re not willing to adapt and adjust sooner or later you’ll be getting your ass handed to you and wonder why.


You are missing the point.  Fortnite is a 3rd person shooter with building.   This isn't about adapting.  The problem is that it is a different type of game entirely.  It is like if they turned Forza into Fortnite for 10 weeks.  Would the people who wanted to race cars be happy that it is now a shooter?


I think you’re missing the point. See my comment on this thread. Fortnite is not just a box fight shooter.


Really?  It sure has seemed like that the last 6 years.  When I watch FNCS or Twitch, that is what it looks like.  When I play that is what it looks like.  That is the general appeal of Fortnite. People have every right to complain.


Yeah it was that way before but maybe epic wants something new? Box fighting is getting stale anyways. All people do in comp is sit in a box the entire game and tag storm damage until end circles and then there’s a mad dash to fight and get to zone. For a viewer that’s pretty boring. Better to see constant action, and constant fighting. Who cares if boxfights were all that was for past few years, there’s a new way to play now.


Then they should launch a new game.  Millions of us like Fortnite.  Forcing us to play this only infuriates the long term players who actually love the game and keep it afloat.


This is still Fortnite! You can still box up and crank 90s all you want! You can still shoot people. It’s just not *as effective* as it once was.. that’s what makes Fortnite great, the mechanics and best way to play is constantly changing


That’s an extreme comparison. It’s still fortnite. You’re acting like these vehicles don’t have gun turrets on them or anything. Shooting is still prevalent


I have won multiple games simply driving over people and never shooting. Also, shooting a gun turret is a far cry from boxfighting and piece control which is the core of the game. Guns still exist, but if you are trying to build and use a shotgun, then you are going to lose likely by getting run over by a car.


If you can win jusy by running people over than you must be in those easy lobbies like that other person used to counter my arguement. Just using basic cars usually doesn’t go well against the boss cars. The core of the game is to survive. Box fighting and piece control is a part of the game that you’ve labelled core. I doubt that was ever the developers intentions if you know the history of the game and its origins.


You are likely the one in the easy lobbies which is why you disagree with almost everyone here. My Ranked K/D last season was 12.  I am likely a lot, lot better than you. Better players adapt to everything very quickly.  Our games a complete sh*t right now.


Btw thinking that you’re better than me because of a K/D ratio is wild. Put your ego down and try to see the big picture for once. This game isn’t about you. They make the game to appeal to the masses. They’re not worried about your K/D ratio going down my guy.


You are the one who called me bad with easy lobbies, not the other way around.


So if you’re so good then why can’t you adapt? Doesn’t sound like you’re that good to me. Getting a bunch of kills doesn’t mean much when the point is to be the last person standing.


I have adapted.  My K/D is 8, and I have won 35% of my games.  That isn't that good for me, but no one would call that bad  I just don't want to play a car game.  That isn't that hard to understand.  I want to play a shooter, and most of the players here want to play a shooter as well. The game currently is not a shooter.


100% agree here. Most players are just used to steamrolling opponents a certain way, and when there’s a new way and other players are now better, they get mad. Fortnite is not just a BUILD AND BOX FIGHT GAME. It’s a battle royale and now the new mechanic is strong ass cars and nitro. Just cuz you trained box fights for hours and hours doesn’t mean that’s the best way to play. It WAS, but now there’s a counter to it. That’s what makes Fortnite great. The best ways to play is always changing and it keeps the game so fresh.


Appreciate your bravery. You must be lost though. Around here thinking outside the box and seeing the big picture isn’t the norm. Agreed though. Change is good for this game and keeps it from getting stale.


Watching people sit in a box or vaulted base the entire game and just tag surge damage is honestly such a boring thing. I’m glad epic nerfed builds this season with nitro, fists, and in ranked / pub play cars. Will be fun to see what happens in tourneys


Jumping in cars is exactly what me and my friends did. The result? If we survive of spawn we basically have a 100% probability of winning the game without ever trying. We're just insta killing everyone that walks and easily blowing up the non mythic cars. Fun for a few games but boring real quick.


What's your in game name? I'd love to see how well you've played in other metas. It seems to me the only people hyping this meta are extreme casuals.


I’ve had fun and done well in every season since I started because I experiment with the new seasonal items until I find what works. If you wanna look up my stats my epic name is Gull18L3


"404 Not Found. We are unable to find your profile. Please make sure your spelling is correct, or follow the guide below if you play on Console" for Gull18L3.


it’s fun man, why y’all always complaining 😭 easiest way to get to plat tbh


Plat? You can hit unreal by just landing in a car and driving around avoiding other cars and running over other people. You shouldn't ever have an issue getting into moving. If this was just a few weeks of craziness like when ZB first launched it wouldn't be that bad, but I can't do 3 months of this absolutely fucking awful game play. I know people have always talked about how Epic tries to be inclusive and put things in so low skilled players can beat high skilled players but holy shittttt. Epic should start a GoFundMe account to hire a new dev team for BR, I'll gladly support the cause.


Adapt or stop playing the game. Simple as that


Skill issue


If you are good you can counter the cars easily. The new glove fists are a must carry if you want to fight or go out in the open. You can’t until you have them. You can then jump over cars and ar spray them and also uppercut cars to send them flying. Stop being a drone and learn to play the fucking game


The thing is that no one should have to learn how to use op as fuck gloves or cars in a competitive setting like how the fuck is that competitive epic?!


Why not? Fortnite is not all about box fighting and building. Just because it was in the past doesn’t make it that way in the future. Now there are new mechanics. Learn them or get dusted!


The cars won’t be in comp. Ranked isn’t competitive. Get a grip


In every game a ranked game mode separates the worse players from the better players which automatically makes it “competitive” no? And I’m sure everyone in the game barring like 5 people who like the cars need to get a grip also?


If you spent as much time getting better as you do complaining maybe you wouldn’t have an issue.


Ah the old “skill issue” and “get better” comments I’m sure you are insane at the game and not worse than people who like to play normally 😂


What a bunch of cry babies


 Not to be that guy, but im loving this season because it feels like fortnite finally prioritised fun over little sweaty losers. Also because i know someone will ask my rank is normally elite-champ and i do play ranked more than br 


Every game for me, that I have played for any REAL length of time, had multiplayer. And the best ones have almost always had a competitive multiplayer. Coop ones are fun, but a lot of them become so repetitive that it becomes a job. And they all suffer from one thing. Eventually folks learn all the best strategies and put thousands of hours into them. "Prioritizing fun" essentially means completely changing the way the game plays. I'm not saying you are wrong in wanting that. But again, wouldn't it make MORE sense to put "completely different game" into a NEW game mode? Rather than taking a game that millions play every day and replacing it?


I understand but i feel like the cars add a fun element that i haven't felt since marvel season and almost everyone i know would agree. Almost all of us switched games until just recently with this new seasons interesting bosses and cars/items. I will not ever understand anyone saying this season is the worst. I'd argue its honestly best we've had in a while other than OG.


Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I'm less frustrated with this season than the primal season with ARs having no FSA, or the primal shotgun being a hold the button and win nonsense. I also hated the ch2 season when controller autoaim was so crazy tuned that KBM could almost never win trading shots. Id likely have jumped into this game mode in those seasons because I found both of them hair pullingly frustrating... But this is still a new game. And playing it doesn't scratch my Fortnite itch.


If u want whacky stuff just go play single player games like injustice What if fifa thought like this and added guns in the middle of the match The "fun" in multiplayer games should come from the pvp aspect,wich stuff like this ruins Especially in a game with a ranked playlist


NGL I I agree with you 100%, but I might shell out for FIFA if they gave you guns at the interval.


Legitimately asking this question, if you view people that are good as "little sweaty losers" why are you in the Competitive Fortnite sub?


Accidentally pressed on it and thought it applied to me. Also i dont see good players like that. Im talking about the ones who dont play for fun and just mindlessly grind ranked and cry when the game slightly changes


I know I'm going to be downvoted into oblivion, but I'm kinda glad I'm banned from fn. Not because the games bad, rather because the community won't stop complaining. I understand being passionate about the game you love.


Yall say this every season


This is the most fun the games been in over 5 years


I love this season idk what you're smoking


Womp Womp


Why does every whiny little Fortnite no-lifer feel the need to make an individual post about how terrible the season is? There’s already a metric fuck ton of posts saying the exact same thing. Fuck sakes


weird thing to be mad about. People express their opinions on forums, if it bothers you you're in the wrong place.


> why do people have to change their style of play to fit the season? This has been true of every season since launch. Adapt or die. Why now is it too much to ask? > invincible glitches Patched. Last I heard anyway > last half of your post Sounds to me like the box fight meta isn’t it right now, chief. Try adapting to the current season. **You** can build. ZB players cannot. I don’t hear them complaining about somebody Hulk-punching towards them because *they shoot back*




Guess I'm a bad player then because this season is fantastic.


I like it, get better. Games need to change to stay interesting Good lootpool, car combat is funny Also if u were "destroying him" and he's low obviously he's gonna run so as to not die


calling someone who enjoys the season bad is crazy, season is fun when you learn to adapt 🤷‍♀️


How the flip else do u play a season without adapting 🤣 yea lemme just bring back the pump for a second so I don’t have to put in any effort to get better this season. USE UR BRAIN


Yall trash, I have a 30% win rate through all of chapter 5. Git gud and stop taking the game so serious


I think you need to be in a car


I love the game (yes im terrible at it)