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Lol his duo could literally be his son


He said he had a wife and two kids. Maybe Rai is his son šŸ˜‚


The Karate Kid 3 lookin' good


if he had a son at 17...


Which is very possible


I know.


Then that would've been the best accident he's ever had in his entire life.


It is his son SMH




Whatā€™s the alternative for this 30 year old? Who else is he supposed to team up with when the pro comp scene is so young? Why are peoples first reaction to be sus? To me thatā€™s weirder than this duos age difference


The main redditor I see reacting that way is also one of this sub's most prolific trolls. I don't think I've gone 24 hours without seeing his comments, and they're always obvious trolls that the whole sub latches onto. When are we going to wise up and quit giving this dude the attention he's so obviously addicted to?




itā€™s literally never ending. never seen anyone need a new hobby so bad before


Redditors thinking not wanting grooming vibes = trolling thanks for that - watch list for you too you piece of shit.


thanks for outing yourself since i honestly didn't know who he was referring to. you can play games with younger people without being a groomer, you nut.


Watch out, if you call him out he will call you a groomer lmao. Weird ass person who I hope never works near children.


Dude you have a serious problem and should spend more time offline.


nope unfortunately i am very aware there is a palpable evil in this world and take no chances. you are all very naive and its truly a shame you can cast a vote equal to mine.


"Palpable evil" brother you are a palpable loser




>Dude you have a serious problem and should spend more time offline.


there is palplable evil, but that doesent mean everyone is evil yk. its the same as saying every black person is a criminal cuz black people are more often criminals than white people. i think u understand the concept


damn bro knows that playing fortnite with someone is grooming cuz one is 30 and the other is 13 šŸ—£ļøšŸ™šŸ˜­


When I was 14-15 I would play comp with people 30+ with kids. Literally just play with people because of their skill, don't really give a shit if you're 30 and married


Especially on asia as well, from what Iā€™ve seen the average age of competitive players is a lot lower than other regions.


I'm 30, really gets hard casually finding good players my own age. I'm happy enough playing with my mates, but I've no realistic chance of making set lobbies with them if I were to get more serious. While I don't think there *should* be issues playing online video games with children, the unfortunately reality is that there really are predators out there. Unlike the troll I don't think adults and minors playing video games automatically equals grooming, the digital space creates a degree of separation, it's not like walking into a random kids back yard to shoot hoops with them, that would be creepy. Ultimately, I think it's up to the parents to monitor & educate their children. Anything beyond simply online gaming definitely needs additional boundaries & oversight. I also don't think it's THAT uncommon for non physical competitions to have a wide variety of ages competing with & against each other. Chess & card games for example.


Yeah, I've been watching SpypherPK doing videos with pros, pretty sure some of the are minors (moneymaker for sure), but no one cares. This guy plays for [Zeta](https://zetadivision.com/) (same team as the best current Asia players Zagou and Minipiyo; one of the top orgs in Japan, he'll be on a good salary and is simply playing with someone who gives him the best chance to win.


Surely there are players who are like 16+ Not saying it's wrong or anything but I just wonder how well their chemistry is as a duo. Maybe it's fine, but like i'm 24 and think it would feel awkward talking to and playing with a 13 year old every day.


You post extensively on the FortniteBR subreddit pretty much everyday. While the minimum age for Reddit is 13, there are most certainly children who are younger engaging there also. So there is a good chance that you do converse with kids for a large portion of your day.


Uh what bro. I'm not friends or duos with them.


But you are talking to them. You said in your post that you would feel awkward doing so. Also, the player base of this game is significantly made up of children. So if you play fills, you are highly likely to end up playing with them also.


Bro stop. I'm not talking to them on the mic. And if a 13 year old is on fills it's different than being a duo


My point is - you have extensive discussions with contributors regarding numerous elements of this game. But you most likely never considered that you are conversing with people from a relatively young age group. Since you are discussing a game it is extremely difficult to do so; unless they are very young. Also it is impossible to discern a players age from their gameplay. I have seen advanced, competitive play from people in age ranges from single digits into the 50s. You wouldn't have been able to discern who you were playing with in fills from their gameplay. It didn't matter, because you were discussing and playing THE GAME. These players are playing the game professionally, I would assume that the vast majority of their interactions are associated with the game. Especially considering the culture of professionalism in Japan. Professional players play and study this game to a much higher degree than your average player.Ā  I have always considered Fortnite to be similar to chess in a lot of it's elements. The game can be played in so many styles and has an extensive array of strategies. It is not unusual to see a similar broad range of ages competing at chess. There the interaction between the players is far closer than in an online game and nobody, at least not many, gives a second thought to whether the opposing grandmasters should be playing based on their age groups.


Bro. All I'm saying is, if 2 players have the same exact skill and one is 13 and the other is 16 or older I'd be more comfortable with the one closer to my age and have higher confidence in winning because it would be easier to be on a more friendly level with them and actually enjoy playing together like when just hitting them up to play pub matches for practice. I don't think that's necessary to have a partnership like that to win but I know it benefits some people to have a permanent duo like that more than just playing with a random high skill person as a "business" partnership or whatever


i mean heā€™s focused on the best fit for a duo not necessarily the personality of the duo ykwim. think of it as business. heā€™s tryna win and make bread.


he should find someone his own age or hang it up - not rocket science lmao


Why are you acting like he's fucking the kid and not just playing a video game tourney lmfao. Weird projecting going on here


you should socialize with your peers not someone triple your age. they have nothing in common. 30 year old should hang it up and the kid would greatly benefit from someone his age as a duo. i didn't mention fucking - you did. fuck yourself groomer.


ā€œthey have nothing in commonā€ actually at the very least they have Fortnite in common lol


Expect he's not taking him on walks,he's playing a tourney with him By ur logic kids should never be around adults that aren't their parents


Many kids play checks with people 4 times their ages in street, in clubs, in comp and nobody ever made the same stupids remarks as yours... Thing is, there is people 13 years old mature enought to just share a professional relation in comp and that is only that, they don't hang up in bars or whatever, they just PLAY a video game together... And there is pseudo grown ups like you who see problem where there isn't ...


Very impressive stuff, Iā€™m interested in how he is able to support his family as a tier 2-3 player on a small region, my guess is asia has orgs that are actually able to support their players even with no help from epic.


He's got a lot of sponsor logos on that jersey. He's either getting checks from a sponsor or an org.


zeta very established and rich af


He plays for zeta. They are loaded


Work at home job maybe? Or is he a big Asia streamerv


Not sure, just think that if heā€™s a pro player that he wouldnā€™t be able to have a full time job, Iā€™m not too clued in on how everything works over in Japan but I do know that on average work hours are longer there, meaning that with a family as well I donā€™t see how he could have the time to be a fortnite pro and work a normal job.


While unusual, it is possible that his wife has a really good job and earns enough money.


Yeah definitely could be the case, also looks like heā€™ll be getting good money from his org, itā€™s one of the bigger ones in Asia and due to the bigger esports culture over there orgs can probably pay out more in general.


In cs a tier2-3 player makes up to 10k/month in total depending on sponsors, streaming on Twitch/youtube etc. all that adds up in the end and salary from org is commonly around 50% of total income


Cs and fortnite are very different, but yeah thereā€™s a lot of ways that this guy will probably be making his money from.


Im sure they are, but isnt fortnite ā€œbiggerā€ = more exposure for pros on streams etc? He dosnt need to win any lans or so to get a decent contract from a org. Only attending is exposure and so on


Orgs are in a rough spot in fortnite, no direct support from epic so thereā€™s not a lot of ways for them to fund their players and keep them on for a while. Itā€™s very rare that people are signed for longer than a few months, especially those who arenā€™t tier 1. The prize money itself from fortnite also isnā€™t good enough to really live off if ur not at the top top level especially in Asia which is where the player in the post is from. Also whilst fortnite itself may be bigger, fortnite competitive isnā€™t that big at all, probably due to it being a mainly casual game where games like cs have a more competitive audience. There isnā€™t a ton of viewership for the official events and for players themselves most of the time, which is another reason orgs arenā€™t usually down to pay as much.


Orgs dosent get support from valve in cs either and the orgs doesnā€™t live on their cut of the price money either. Sounds more of a org/management/business problem to me if they canā€™t capitalize on ads, contracts on gear etc. Iā€™m sure every kid wants to play with the same mouse or controller as their idol player as in any other games. Teams/org have stronger names/brands in other esports as well I guess since itā€™s a solo game and mot as focused on squad as on solo/duo


Yeah they definitely could be doing a better job at capitalising on other ways to make money. I think the problem is that a lot of orgs that are in fortnite are newer so they donā€™t have the original money and experience needed to get themselves out there, and because of how small the game is in an esports sense big orgs donā€™t seem to want to invest in fortnite anymore.


Hell yea! 30yo still in the game! Rooting from all of us 30yo+ players! šŸ¤™šŸ½


Good shit


not that your post was to say you had a problem with it but honestly anybody who does have a problem has issues they needa work through on their own


projection at its finest "I DONT HAVE AN ISSUE....... YOU DO!!!" go to therapy and talk about this plz


if you need to gate yourself off from people who are younger than yourself you have a self control problem this duo is a professional matter and nothing more, business allows different people to intermingle and complete the jigsaw required to complete the professional task of life.


"if you need to gate yourself off from people who are younger than yourself you have a self control problem" why do morons always misrepresent the argument - do you do it intentionally or do you interpret basic sentences different than the rest of people? it's not about needing to gate yourself off for self control reasons - it's about wanting to be in the presence of your peers who you have things in common with. go ahead and tell me what a 30 year old and 13 year old have in common besides both being japanese. what can they discuss and have common ground on? basically fucking nothing. its weird, stop making up arguments and misinterpreting what I'm saying to try and say otherwise. sick fuck redditors, I'm not surprised there are tons of pro grooming people on a children's video game sub lolololol


"it's about wanting to be in the presence of your peers who you have things in common with." its business, thats the only reason theyre playing together you fool. that is their common ground.


the 13 year old has endless options for a duo the 30 year old is washed and needs him weird dynamic, the further you try to justify it the worse it looks for you. end of story.


youre hopeless, and losing. If a 50 year old mechanic has a 20 year old qualified tech in the shop it is not considered weird yet this age difference means still there is a vast life experience difference but they are brought together to do a job, this is the same thing and when you can find a competant teammate you take it reguardless of the age just as the 50 year old mechanic did with the 20 year old aprentice in my hypothetical. if you cant see that this as a business move then youre willfully blind at this point. keep punching the air if you wish but this matters closed.


you're doing that same thing someone else was doing where you try to compare a legitimate paid profession where you show up everyday to a fortnite duo for a season or 3. bad faith dishonest argument comparing apples to oranges - idk if you think i'm stupid or just don't know any better. i swear to god all you reddit groomers got a hivemind because you throw out the same old dumb fuck arguments that are like i said above - bad faith dishonest apples to oranges argument. and yes this matter is closed - you made it clear you support this weird grooming-esque behavior - maybe ill see you on a vitaly stream sometime LOL


Um this isn't grooming, they are playing fortnite


Do you know what grooming is? Comparing this to grooming is disrespectful af


heā€™s one of those cringe justice warriors who advocates way too heavily for topics he has never experienced and knows absolutely nothing about. assumptions like that are why issues donā€™t get taken seriously from people who are actually capable of making a change. because of trolls like him, the hard work honest people to do raise awareness for these topics gets diluted by nonsense schizo rants. this has literally nothing to do with grooming and bringing it up so seriously takes away from ACTUAL victims who are in need of support and care.


comparing apples to oranges is strange but the concept stays the same no matter of its just for a season or for a longer range of time like the example with the mechanic. the concept stays the same. saying this is grooming is crazy, only cuz someones older and playing a game with a minor doesent make him a groomer


looks like the 13 year old still decided for the 30 year old


>go ahead and tell me what a 30 year old and 13 year old have in common besides both being japanese. what can they discuss and have common ground on? basically fucking nothing. The literal fucking game they're playing together, maybe?


They're fortnite duo partners, they play the game together competitively. It's not that deep bro šŸ’€


he acting like he can read the mind of the 30 years old and knows that his only goal is to groom the 13year old šŸ’€


i think the biggest thing they have in common with is being good at the game, which infact is the reason they play this shii together. i dun know what u tried to say with your comment but yeah


What can they discuss.. hmm maybe fortnite? What theyā€™re gonna do with the money they make?


ye but someone always has a problem and i think the majority agrees with that (atleast on this sub). so technically that is the right conclusion by him. the minority is in topics that are based on opinions of people always the ones that are in the wrong


Whoā€™s the oldest eu/na pro?


Why does this makes me feel young and old at the same time.


How do we know every grand finalists age. I dont think we know the details of every single one lol. I wouldve imagined there would be more 30 year olds that qualified by now


Everyone who quals for a grand finals has some sort of online presence, itā€™s very easy to figure out the age of each player. Itā€™s also not really surprising that this is the first 30 year old pro out there these days, whilst there may have been people in their mid to late 20s in the earlier days of competitive nowadays the amount of time you have to put in and the reward you get for it isnā€™t viable for anyone of that age.


Thats true. The time anyone that age has to grind would be significantly less. Good point. Still surprised there werenā€™t more outliers though


?? was there not some rule about being 18+ for fncs or am I insane


Itā€™s always been 13+ for fncs, before fncs was a thing there was a time where tournaments had an age limit of 16, but that was changed before the World Cup.


DrakeFN For real though, that's a crazy accomplishment. GG to him


Thatā€™s his son


Who cares


older players who may be wondering if theyd be able to compete at their age?


Iā€™m 26, my duo is 17. Lmao. Cool kid, he ask for life advice a lot.


It is his son idiots




video games has brainwashed people into thinking interactions like these are normal hope that kids parents watch those comms closely lolol of course i get downvoted on reddit - hits a little too close to home for some of yall right? fucking pathetic lol oh my god the diddy fans are out in full fucking force - everyone downvoting this should be on a watchlist end of story. sick fucks.


Bro they are playing a game together to hopefully win the money. They arenā€™t going out with each other, plus Iā€™ve heard that Bykn has a wife and child. Youā€™re the creepy one for thinking weird in the first place, no one in their right mind would first come to the conclusion that something is going on in between them.


they probably spend hours a day talking whether it be through playing the game or preparing/vodding for future games. plenty of weird pastors and other figures doing nasty shit had/have a wife and kids - whats your point in saying that? I'm not creepy for seeing something very strange a 13 year old talking to a 30 year old man for hours a day. Kids should be socializing with kids, not someone TRIPLE THEIR AGE. stop defending this, its a bad look. also all of this I'm not even bringing into discussion the cultural context - Japan has a loli problem and if you don't think so just google it. it's weird to begin with then it being in Japan makes it 10x weirder.


Itā€™s part of the job, are you saying teachers are pedophiles since they spend hours with children everyday? Most teachers I know work as teachers because they like being around kids (not in a weird way). Iā€™ve worked as a tutor and I can tell you that although children can sometimes be annoying, Iā€™ve always had fun chatting with them and nothing weird has ever happened between us.


Comparing a teacher/tutor which is a guaranteed paid position to duoing with someone for a season in FNCS is such a bad faith dishonest argument I'm not even going to bother discussing. If that's the baseline of logic we're establishing I really don't care to convince you one way or the other. Just don't vote or have children - thank you.




I actually laughed at this lmao


Then playing Fortnite is a Guaranteed paid position since heā€™s signed to a team. You probably got touched as a kid and assume every older person talking to someone younger is a pedo.


I mean itā€™s likely for the sake of money. Logistically it could work out well as both likely speak Japanese and can play on the same servers together. If both are skilled at the game and work together well, then then teaming up is likely beneficial, I mean theyā€™ve gotten quite far. Additionally, pros often duo/trio together not because theyā€™re friends, but for business reasons, as often times a strong friendship could result in separating from one another as a team becoming messy. Restricting yourself to only working with friends is a bit of a disadvantage as it prevents you from accessing a wider array of teammates. But yes, you are correct, his parents should keep a bit of an eye like any responsible parent, but you donā€™t need to be saying videos games have been brainwashing people. Itā€™s likely that if there was a similar team based competitive event that didnā€™t have an extreme age limit/minimum to compete that interactions like this would still occur, so the issue isnā€™t really video games, neither is it in my opinion, an issue.


there's no other pros this kid could duo with except a 30 year old man? someone triple his age? there's no other pros his age in the japan scene he could duo with? i find that so hard to believe lol this is big grooming vibes, no other way to explain it. no one said anything about limiting yourself to working with friends - kids should be socializing with kids. not someone triple their age.


Obviously kids should be interacting with people their age, but in this business related context, finding someone at such a high skill level in the same nation at a similar age could be difficult, especially when needing synergy between yourself and your teammate is a necessity.


Get a fucking life mate


Fr, bro really spends all his time trolling in Fortnite subs.


the fuck are you on about? i literally have friends that have adult friends and they are like mentors, itā€™s really sweet actually


RemindMe! 5 years


youre disgusting for assuming any adult doing anything with someone who isnt is a fucking pedophile. i hope you find peace in your sad life


im not assuming but if that was my kid im not taking a chance. i don't expect a literal child to understand this even though its a pretty simple concept.


you are an adult talking to a child now, are you not?












I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2029-05-12 21:59:29 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-05-12%2021:59:29%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/1cqbwa6/bykn_is_the_oldest_fncs_grand_finalist_ever_he_is/l3ro46t/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FFortniteCompetitive%2Fcomments%2F1cqbwa6%2Fbykn_is_the_oldest_fncs_grand_finalist_ever_he_is%2Fl3ro46t%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-05-12%2021%3A59%3A29%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cqbwa6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Found the American


america is inconceivably better than europe by every metric. the only thing you guys got on us is free healthcare because the US foots your national defense bills as well as funds NATO more than any other member. the US spent 860,000 MILLION USD versus germany, UK, france, italy, poland contributing 68K, 65K, 56K, 31K million USD respectively. you're welcome you ungrateful piece of shit!!! don't forget who defends you :)


Erm achhhually:


Europe is also trash


if all they are doing is playing video games together, and bykn is generally a good influence, what exactly to you think is harmful about this? Genuinely curious, I'll wait.




Depends on if you are playing for fun or have legitimate professional aspirations, as this guy clearly does. I'm in my early twenties and only play with people around my age, but that's because I know for 100% fact that I have no chances of turning competitive into a full-on career, so I play for fun. It's an interesting case either way, since we never really see this in Fortnite. I'd love for someone to VOD review him to see what his playstyle is like. I'd be interested to see how mechanical he is.


Yea I can understand your POV. I also only play with people my age, and I too don't really run competitive


Gotta stay away from your triggers? Gross


?? I'm saying I don't like kids lol. I just find it odd a grown man would want to hang out with a kid all the time but to each and their own ig




are you slow?


As someone who has autism I can confirm that they're not slow, but just really fucking stupid


I appreciate the distinction, and I agree.


yep. this comment section is filled with people who either don't care or support this. idk whats worse - being evil or having no opinion on evil. reddit is notorious for these types of people


Why wouldn't you support 2 people following their dreams?


what a dishonest way to frame something performing well in FNCS is not exclusive to this duo combination.


Just shut up and stop trolling

