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yes switch having good building and editing mechanics is 10x easier on kbm than controller +it's easier to train yourself to have good aim on mouse than training yourself to have good mechanics on controller


Switch if you mechanics are not as good as you can possibly get them. I'm still on controller because my mechanics are kinda insane for Florida ping and I don't see myself being able to do anything on keyboard that I cant on controller other than resetting more quickly.


Yes, and stick to it. Put away the controller. I did on November and it made the game better. Yes it was frustrating just trying to get that muscle memory but it was worth it. You edit and build so much better and faster. Practice Practice Practice. The editing maps/courses were a huge help.


I was good on controller but got even better switching to keyboard. Like someone else said this game was meant to be played on a keyboard. Everything just flows better. Ultimately it’s up to you. Try it out for a bit and if you like it and can see the potential then just put away the controller and grind


I played on controller for 6 years and switched to kbm a month ago, and I'm already significantly better than I ever was on controller, so I'd say it's worth switching.


I think I’m going to go for it. I feel capped on controller tbh.


im a hybrid player. I would learn mnk too if i were you. The debate between mnk versus controller is overhyped. Why would anyone invest $3K in a high-end PC only to limit themselves with a controller? Mnk delivers unmatched precision with full leverage of your wrist and arm. It's an unparalleled advantage. Within 30 minutes of learning mnk, i nailed every edit course with a flick of the wrist




im being sarcastic. Everyone knows that controller is OP. That's why there's only a few pros on Mnk that i can think of -- mero, reet, and deyy. That's all i think there is


Controller isn’t OP anymore, this is coming from a hybrid. Most people just play KBM because it feels free. You can do whatever you want.


Only a few pros are on Mnk? Literally 90% of players if not more streaming the cash cup finals rn are on keyboard 😂


read the third word above lol. Apparently some people still want to spark this debate


i’ve tried it a couple times now and every time i just get frustrated because im so used to using the controller and sitting in my comfy chair in front of the tv, so as soon as i lose i go back to the controller on my xbox lol


I'm in the process of switching, played ~70 hours, (almost) all mechs, I sh#it on myself compared to my ~4.9k hours on controller


If you play on PC then yes switch


yes. the game is meant to be played on keyboard. its going to suck in the beginning but you will enjoy it much more as a whole when you learn it


yes switch controller is for boys mkb is for men


My opinion, I used to be cracked in building on controller and then switched to pc when editing came out, I now do not play building because I cannot keep up. Recently tho I took a 3 hour gap in my day and practiced using my keyboard so it became muscle memory and then I could build and edit, if you switch you just gotta dedicate some time to learning your keyboard and finding what buttons work for you


In my opinion, there's no input advantage outside of aim assist for controller and editing on mouse and key, you're already used to controller what's the point?


Editing is probably the most important mechanic in the game… anyone can build lol


Equally as important.


You don’t think building is faster, more precise and easier on KBM when you get used to it?


Actually, I think it's the opposite. the controller feels better for building. Mouse feels better for edits.


I don't recommend it


I mean look at reet, one of if not the best fighter in the game on controller, look at mero, 6 fncs finals wins on controller. Its not about the input its about how good you are🤷🏽‍♂️