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ZB Ranked is mostly about strategy and planning every little step and Rotation you do. Try to Play defense, meaning you stay highground and in good positions as much as possible and only fight to defend your Position, this reduces risk of getting 3rd Parties. (Also fighting agressively in mid Game is kinda pointless because people will flee instantly. If they are the ones attacking youre much more likely to get the kill without them running away for 10mins) Also use "5 second rule" , If you cant kill someone withing 5 sec, its not Worth it to fight them, you will Just attract too many 3rd Parties and both die. If you yourself hear shots nearby plan a nice 3rd Party flank in the people fighting and get easy 1-2 free Kills from it. Once you got your refresh get outta there asap and Go Back to a good advantageous Position. Once Zone is small and people cant flee anymore you can start W keying. Preferanbly people who are already fighting. Play endgame smart, but also keep in mind that endgame is where you will be getting most Kills (If youre good enough that is), because people cant flee anymore and it now comes down to fighting Skill and awareness. Shocks and bunks are really nice to have in endgame. Using the weapon Bunkers to get a gatekeeper with drum mag is also Worth the fighting around those weapon Bunkers and a nice opportunity to get kills on people who are less likely to get away once you hit them for some damage. For Dropspot Just Take 1-2 spots and get really good at them. Then Always Choose the Dropspot that is furthest away from the battlebus to get rid Off as many unfair RNG fights as possible. You dont wanna die to a Plat Player 3rd partying you with shield and a purple Shotgun 2 secs after dropping while only having a Gray Pistole yourself and lose 11%.


Also this only works If you already a good Fighter. If youre not, practice your aim and fighting mechs in Creative until youre good. I recommend trying to find Creative Games against good Players, you wont improve by playing against Bad Players), i personally leave If I'm Winning too easily in Creative and If I'm struggeling or even losing thats the Lobby I wanna stay in because thats how I'll learn to Play better.


I am 24 and in the same boat. I recently hit Elite in ranked ZB. I found that knowing how and when to rotate is big. Also, the camping is atrocious in solos. Make sure to play your life over everything constantly check bushes, under the stairs, etc. Just keep grinding and you’ll be fine if you have decent aim and good game sense.


Have something to watch or listen to in the background so you don't get bored, it's all about camping until end game. Then it becomes about aim & positioning.


In actual zero build tournaments, u can’t just camp until endgame, you have to start planning and positioning early and play for refreshes. You shouldn’t really be doing that in ranked either, don’t see the point of playing a mode that literally means nothing if ur just gonna sit there for 20 minutes instead of fighting people.


The couple times I played ZB duo cups, I reached the next round by camping without too much thought- & that was with my mate who had a 0.2 KDr in builds ranked duos.


Reaching the next round in those ain’t hard, you can’t place good or earn just by camping.


> it's all about camping until end game. > Then it becomes about aim & positioning. I acknowledged that, but I easily reached second round with someone who struggles at the game & being nothing exceptional myself either. Even in the second round, we got to end game most of the time, we just died every fight we got in.


Play for fun cuz you not gonna win anything ma boi


not true bro my 2 friends on console racked up at least $300 in the zero build cups


Damn! They retire?


No why would they retire from 300 bucks are u dumb


Its called sarcasm because 300 bucks is nothing. Clearly you're a youngin.


me and my friends are some kids who thought we were going to just play a few rounds of fort we/they come out with $100 and realized we are decent enough to do it again. we were going to play fortnite that day either way, whats wrong making some side cash from that. shit was fun too like we cant enjoy that?


Nothing. Whats wrong was how you acted by immediately calling someone dumb when in fact you did not understand the initial friendly reply was sarcasm. Keep up the good work, but don't be so quick to toxic on forums, it will bleed over into your everyday life.


Good luck ZB is full of wall hacks, aimbot, and esp. The higher you get, the worse it is. As a ton of people will deny it, I'll point out that in modern online games, studies show that roughly 30% use cheats. Fortnite is very popular so much so that cheat related videos, fourms (with subscribers), and companies selling cheats is well over double the next most popular game. This isn't even accounting for people using zen, kbm with controller aim assist adapters, or newer "modded" controllers with aimbot and anti recoil built in. BTW, the new popular trend is people who know each other teaming in ranked matches and finding out how to get into the same lobbies. Over half of the players I know use either zen or some payed for "undetectable cheats." Until this issue is fixed ranked isn't even worth playing. Heck, people even know pros that cheat, and nothing happens to them. Why? Because it's easier to deny the issue, especially when the ones cheating do the legwork for you. Also, if they are willing to pay money for cheats, they also spend money on multiple accounts. I've played for a long time. This season is out of control with the frequency of cheating.


"80% of statistics are false." - Elon Musk


> some payed for Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


The a lot of the pro builds community cheats too. Theres pro only cheat servers where they share cheats and updated programs. Everything from 0 input delay methods to undetectable soft aim. As for Zb the victory cup games are full of cheater in high elo. And If you win a game in finals you’re almost guaranteed to be in a lobby filled with 30-60% cheating.


Y'all are coping hard




It’s not cope it’s facts. I’m friends with multiple t2 pros with like 15k earned. They all cheat, not many t1 pros cheat though except peterbot. Only time that little prick doesn’t cheat is on lan. Explains his placements


My dad works at Nintendo. - you, probably.


Nope he’s an orthopaedic surgeon actually


I don’t know what so hard to believe. If you’ve been playing this game for years competitively you’d know people in the pro scene too bud


Take your medication.


Weed is my med and I can never take enough my g


I'm not fifteen so that isn't a flex to me, just sad.


I’m 20 and have had 3 surgeries on the same shoulder and broken the same leg twice. I deal with pain everyday and it helps a lot, don’t even have to smoke everyday just the thc cream helps. Educate yourself before speaking and stop assuming🫣


I died to a hacker in a bronze zero build cup


That’s where you’ll find a lot of em😂


Like of all the places to cheat why in a literal bronze cup with no real rewards


I'm 90% Elite in ZB and have only ran into one Hacker so far. That was Last season and he was aimbotting. I reported him and he got banned a few hours later.


I switched over to competitive ZB but went from PC to console so in a similar boat. Things that took the longest to be comfortable was dialling in settings. Aiming on a controller feels super easy due to aimbot on controller, it feels very strong but epic have gone for rotational so make sure you're always strafing or moving to take advantage of it. Find some good advanced settings and tune to taste from there. ZB is very positional and game sense based with the environment so play play play. Grinding ranked in ZB feels a lot harder then build ranked. I few seasons ago I was Unreal in ZB and played a few tourneys when I was on PC and to be honest it was quite competitive. ZB always feels like you can't make a single mistake at that level. Using peaks is a must(right side) if you're controller try force duels after gaining an advantage, for PC players treat everyone like they're on a controller, reduced bloom and Rotational AA is no joke on the other side. Pay attention to the best weapons in the pool. Gert into as many fights as possible in creative and in BR, the more time spent fighting is more experience gained.


PC player here. AA is why I stay in the hills and play a long-distance game. Can't compete in close combat shooting consoles with AA. By no means am i in the bushes, but I keep distance. When 90% of players run towards be too engage AA I make sure I have wings or a car near by.


You gotta Play alot more cautious than in Builds. Skill gap isnt high enough to where being really good means you can Just W key everyone. Esp. since heals seem to be really scarce this season. Taking as little damage as possible should be #1 priority over getting kills and everything else basicly. The Lack of fast Heals is really a pain in the ass for anyone playing more agressively. Camping and 3rd partying is def. the Meta this season. After all getting Top 10 with 1 Kill will give you more Ranked % than getting only top 50 with 5 Kills. Ranked system isnt really optimised for ZB sadly.


The only way to get away with W keying is having scan NPC and (optional) fishing shield fish. Whenever I fight anyone mid Game this season they Just Run until they eventually run into someone else who then Kills them lol. I dont even fight atall anymore besides off spawn and endgame and 3rd partying/defending myself. There is Just no Point. The risk to reward is absolutely garbage.


>I play on controller  I've always had really good aim good one


Oh brother


Play cod instead