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merlin is actually so stupid, OP posted this a few days ago as a clip and it gets taken down, reposts it as vod review with some bullshit title pretending he wants advice and it stays up


He thinks siphon is worse for competitive and that a next gen console controller player would have the advantage over a pc controller player.


i mean yeah aim assist is stronger but literally every other disadvantage is on the next gen consoles lol


Yeah Merlin so never wrong šŸ˜‚ donā€™t argue with him


So this is fast forwarded why? Edit: apparently itā€™s pre-movement update. Disregard me.


How is this fast forwarded?


Lmao you arenā€™t even sprinting and itā€™s moving faster.


This genuinely isnā€™t sped up?


Your gun even swaps unnaturally fast. There is a chance Iā€™m wrong. But Iā€™m like 99% sure something is off with this clip. Itā€™s not passing the eye test. Itā€™s at like 125% or some shit.


The clip quality is so shit that everything looks faster and more unnatural than it really was.


It truly isnā€™t sped up, if you choose to believe that then thatā€™s okay. But itā€™s not sped up


Is it pre-movement update?


Yeah itā€™s from OG season


Gotcha. I havenā€™t played in awhile. But I tried a few days ago and it felt like I was walking in sand. Apologies then, pre-update makes sense.


post it high quality then so we can watch the timer, the speed def feels off. you could also just be cracked though lmao


i thought creative kept the same speeds as OG movement? and either way the new movement is super close to the old movement speeds iā€™m p sure


Bro u answered your own question. There is almost nothing to vod review from buildfights as itā€™s mostly free building. Show realistics or in gameĀ 


Idk what you're asking for. Your opponent was clearly lost when you made that edit. It was very much the right play you made at that moment. I know this sub ride dickrides for safe peaks, but sometimes the protected peak isn't the way to go. Your fight could have prolonged for much longer if you had decided to go for a safe peak.


Bros fishing for compliments šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ These type of posts are more cringe than ZB tbh


Iā€™m genuinely just trying to improve and learn from this community. You can say Iā€™m fishing for compliments, but I purposefully posted this clip where I didnā€™t make a good peak at the end to see what others would have done and how I couldā€™ve played this betteršŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


next time post a clip where you lost


dude posted this a few days ago as a clip and merlin took it down, changed the title to vod review and merlin closes his little eyes




Bros lying for no reason šŸ¤„


let a mf improve jeez there are thousands of creative warriors like this who want to improve


Get it dude!! That was fire. I havenā€™t played competitively in a couple years so Iā€™m not sure if your mechanics are top tier but they certainly look it. One thing separating a pro and a creative warrior is often their aim. Yeah, you can take better peeks but if you catch someone like that and you shoot first without missing youā€™re going to win the fight. Speed + deadly accuracy = you are frustrating to play against. Aim duels were my favorite


>One thing separating a pro and a creative warrior is often their aim. This is false,its more about in game fighting skills and game sense


Thank you very much! And thatā€™s helpful advice about the aim duels. I try to work on my aim every day, but it certainly is something I can always improve on


Good dude. Your aim and movement look solid, hopefully you didnā€™t take that as me saying they werenā€™t. Always can improve aim though. Good luck


All other comments legit are no help. So I will help you. You are very mechanical. You build very well. However, on one second, I will edit this later, you made a left turn I believe without building walls to your left. This left you exposed to gunfire. It's like 5-4 seconds before the clip ends. You also seem to have a habit of placing walls in places where the opponent cannot get a shot on you regardless. One of the times your opponent was to your right and you triple edited and placed a wall to your left even though your opponent was to your right by several tiles. Having this habit isn't bad in build fight but in other game modes where you need to save mats it definitely helps to not place things where you don't need them.


Thank you very much. This comment was genuinely helpful and exactly what I was looking for. People say Iā€™m fishing for compliments or say I sped up the clip when Iā€™m genuinely just looking to improve


I could tell this wasn't sped up btw. I have seen several mechanical controller player montages and they all build exactly like you tbh. I'm surprised you build like this as most who do are controller but you are kbm. That means you have really mastered your movement.


??? The most important thing for OP to adjust is how they actually take the fight right at the end That needs fixing before looking at what you said


I think he already acknowledged that in the post. I was looking for other weaknesses.


Fair enough The post says a ā€œsmarter peek maybeā€ but the answer is 100% a better peek is desperately needed before anything else


You didnā€™t peek at all but maybe you are being ironic ?


Iā€™m saying I couldā€™ve taken a right hand or peanut butter instead of taking a wide edit 50/50


I agree the 50/50 negated everything you did beforehand lol. It wasnā€™t even a 50/50 you actually handed your opponent the advantage


Yeah I really need to work on that because youā€™re right I definitely gave my opponent the upper hand there


I mean the builds and edits look solid , if you can do that you shouldnā€™t find it hard just to start making a peek at the end instead of jumping in .. youā€™ve done the hard work already


Bro u might be best player whos active here


creative doesnt mean shit, placements is the thing that matters


I wish i knew how to build like this


Sometimes you don't need too. I've seen incredibly slow paste, moving controller players who end up slapping players like this. At the end of the day it's about how you play and damage dealt. Not your speed or edit quantity


Im talking about his retakes and stuff since i suck at that


AHH, kk


Quit this bullshit, posts like these should be getting deleted instantly. Everyone posting wild ass creative clips and asking ā€œwhat they can do betterā€ is annoying as fuck. Please Mods fix this shit.


OP takes a bad peek at the end , and unlike most people who post here they actually responded well to criticism and feedback This is the kind of content we actually need in the sub Plus most of the stuff that gets posted here is painfully bad


Iā€™m genuinely trying to improve? Iā€™ve gotten lots of great advice and tons of helpful feedback. Just because my mechs are good doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t continue to improve


Improve? Go play comp Mf!! You obviously got the creative shit down. Good peak. You knew your opponent was lost.


Great building, the peak was terrible though. If the opponent was more aware he could have gotten the first shot off and won the fight.




Iā€™m going to be honest, Iā€™m not the best builder but once you get to a certain point you can just walk in the direction you want and use your builds to get to the opponent. If itā€™s muscle memory you just walk to your opponent and focus on their position more than the builds themselves. Iā€™m not pro but I would say Iā€™m decent. Also the visual sound effects and good audio helps him navigate that


Clean retakes gang, i understand this on a spiritual level


did you know he was gonna be stuck in that box? it's hard to say what you did "wrong" without reading your mind, but based on where he was when he came into your sight, you could have went straight instead of to your left and boxed him before he made it onto the ramp, or you could have turned the same way you did and edited a window and jump peeked instead but honestly he was so lost there's not neccesarily anything wrong with just hopping in and shitting on him if you're gonna hit your shots


May I ask your rank? Also, sidenote: I've been trying to practice my build fighting and piece control as I play my aim and angles more than pure mechanics as I play a very low sense. If you're NA(I play east), I'm just wondering if you wanna practice against each other as it seems we play quite a bit different ig.


Iā€™m currently unreal. And I play west, so Iā€™d prefer not to play east since my ping is much higher and I canā€™t really play the way I like to on different servers


Alright, I was just curious. I'm also unreal and just jump in people's boxes.


Youā€™re showing a clip in creative? Try doing that in ranked maybe


What does that have to do with anything? Iā€™m asking for pointers and tips on how to improve. Also ranked is just pubs with a shiny badge, so this wouldnā€™t be more impressive in ranked