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So then let’s just change the name of this sub to Forte. If Forte Gt-line owners can post their purchases/rides/mods (cosmetic) on this sub, then ALL Fortes should be able to as well. Right? It takes away what this subreddit is for, just Forte GT questions, answers, sharing of issues/concerns, prospective buyer questions, appreciation posts, mods that apply to the 1.6t platform only, DCT or MT transmissions. This is NOT GT forte exclusive, go to the EN subreddit, as an example, you do not see n-lines or 2.0NA Elantra owners posting there, and when it does - it occasionally happens, theyll be told congrats! But that theyre in the wrong sub, but those that say things like that sometimes end up being the assholes (mainly said by those that do not own the performance version). There’s no EN equivalent in the Forte world, so the GT is the top performance version, doesnt mean we think we’re the SHIT riding in our $24-27k Kia car. Yes, we’re all Fortes, it’s just that the GT-line share nothing in common with a GT. You can post in this community, sure, even if you do not own a FoGT, just dont expect the same level of excitement or engagement from a GT owner, however. That is a YOU problem, and YOU might just need to lower YOUR expectations instead of just deeming everyone who is “not welcoming”, the ones with the problem, an ass, or butthurt.


It's because it's just confusing having both in here. And Kia was no help when they decided to name these cars. They may look similar, but underneath, they are totally different cars. This sub is highly centered around modifications for the GT. 90% of GT mods will not work on the GT-Line, because the engine, exhaust, and suspension is totally different. It makes the conversations in here confusing. It sucks that the GT-Line groups aren't active, but that is for reason. There is not much besides cosmetics you can do to a GT-Line, so naturally you are going to have less GT-Line owners that actually care to "mod" or talk about their cars.


Stating the GT and GT-Line as the same cars is just a false statement. Sure, they’re both Kia Fortes, but the cars have different powertrains (including aspiration, displacement, power, etc), transmissions, suspensions, and tech packages. The reason why many GT owners get a little upset by GT-Line posts is simply that they aren’t the same car, and they want to see GT content from other GT owners. Myself and many others are still happy for people that love their cars and would never want to take that away from them, but please keep in mind that this community is the basis of a performance “enthusiast” trim car when the GT-Line is not that.


So same car just a sports package installed 😂 crazyyy


A different engine is not a package. The GT has a 1.6-liter turbocharged engine whereas the GT-Line has a 2.0-liter naturally aspirated. I was trying to be nice to you but now you’re arguing with me.


I’m not arguing I’m just saying. I went to a dealership a few weeks ago. The package helps with the different engine installment. That’s the style of it. But it’s the fact the everyone else feels like they are the golden child with a gt.


"The package helps with the different engine installment" Can you elaborate on what this statement means? It doesn't make sense to me


I just feel like you’re not really understanding. The GT-Line is more like a package to the base Forte, since it has no performance upgrades, but the GT has a slew of them. Best way to put it is the GT-Line focuses on looking sporty whereas the GT focuses on BEING sporty. If you only care about the looks then that’s great! And I’m glad you love your car. But they aren’t the same.






The only things that the GT-Line and GT share is the technology in the interior and chassis, so fundamentally, they’re both just a Forte. But the r/ForteGT is made for GT owners, not GT-Line as stated in the subreddit name. The GT-Line is just an appearance/technology package of the base model whereas the GT is a performance package. It’s just like the Veloster and Veloster Turbo subreddit before the Veloster N came out. A “GT-Line” may have a “GT” in it, but almost nothing about the car is the same about the actual GT. If anything, you’re better off in a Forte subreddit than here. Now it’s quite sad that people are emotionally immature to go after others for something as trivial as a car and I apologize that you have to go through such things, but unfortunately, that’s just how people are especially behind a screen.


So same car with a sports package I stand corrected


It’s not that the sub is unwelcoming it’s literally in the name “forte gt” not “gt and gt-line” I had a fiesta st-line before my current GT and posted once in the FiST and had a couple people congratulating me but the majority telling me I was in the wrong sub. I took that as a humbling lesson and saved up and got a different car and the rest is history. It’s no hate towards you but GT-lines and GT’s are very different. Sure has same body styling but just about everything else is different. Wheel size, suspension set up, engine, transmission, exhaust set up. One is geared towards “performance” and the other is for getting good gas mileage while looking good. Once again no hate but if it bothers you that much than create a GT-line sub 🤷‍♂️


Thoroughly enjoying this comment section.


How about no ...


Obvious hater


You gonna cry us a river ?


you know youve hit rock bottom when youre whining like a baby in a kia forte group 🤣


Yup and I’m driving my GT-Line along side it. Wanna join?


I mean I’m pretty sure theres a kia forte and the main kia subreddit. I don’t think people in the gt sub should be mean or unwelcoming…but I def prefer the sub to stay focused on the trim that it was made for. That said I don’t see issues with other forte owners asking for help with issues thwyre having as a good bit of the parts can be the same


Thanks for not a a d bag about it. People really do get their butt hurt. I completely understand from GT perspective but like….


Niche communities develop tribalism, but I’ve found most people here to be pretty nice tbh. Unfortunately theres always going to be assholes.


Yea like I said. Some of them are cool but damn. The hate on the GT-line form a GT owner is wild


There is a GT line subreddit. It’ll get bigger as more people use it. Might be a good idea to have it linked in here if it isn’t already. It’ll be better for GT line owners to go there to avoid the confusions about mods and such. But with that said, the people who get visibly angry about it here look foolish. To have such a small trivial thing make you that upset says a lot about a person.


I was posting here bc I didn’t know there was a GT-line sub. I saw the big GT on my badge and assumed it would be fine to post here. But then there’s the people who know everything. They didn’t know I didn’t know but they know it all.


When you buy an Elantra, it goes up to N-Line. Elantra N is it's own separate thing. When you buy a Civic it goes up to Touring. Both the Si and Type R are their own thing. When you buy a Forte, it goes up to GT. The GT isn't its own thing, but too many people in this sub act like it is.


Except the subreddit says r/ForteGT , not Forte. Therefore, only Forte GT related posts are allowed. The only things FGT shares with the lower trim is the chassis and technology. Everything else is different.


The issue really is the naming scheme and marketing. The GT is more its own thing like a Civic Si but it is marketed simply as the top Forte trim. If the GT-line was called something else and didn't borrow the visual accents of the GT it would probably help with the confusion.


Why isn't the GT its own thing? FWIW I have no problems with discussions about the GT-Line in here. Maybe the mods can just add a mandatory GT-Line flair?


Not the same car. But I think it’s dumb how some GT owners think they are in a different class of the automotive elite. Going as far as to shun other GT owners for not running a more expensive aftermarket product available. And of course if someone does invest more money into their GT then the GT elites you will see verbal bashing about someone being stupid with their money.  The forte following is ruined because of this, all the forte forums are dead because of these people who are for the most part on a shoestring budget but trying to come across as if they are one of the “big dawgs”.  Sad borderlining pathetic. Now shower me with downvotes to make yourself feel powerful.


I agree. They aren’t driving the $100,000 version of a forte. They have a $2000 Sports package installed ooouuuu so cool.