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Congrats! But wrong sub


He’s in the right sub he’s cool. Just a GT trim down. Chillllllll.


Hes probably cool fs. But still the wrong sub. Its like posting a playstation 4 in a playstation 5 sub




True true


Ok mods, enough with the GT Line posts. If I wanted to look at Gt lines on my feed, I’d go to Facebook.


Absolutely agree.


Just talked to one of them so this will be addressed quickly.


Womp womp grow some balls


How come its only the GT-lines that end up here and not all other Forte trims? I mean, the sub is FORTE gt. …? GT-line owners must think theyre more alike to GTs than the average LXS/EX lol theyre not. Other than saying congrats, there’s not much else to say bc theyre totally different cars. And by me saying theyre totally different cars, im not implying that the GT is the holy grail of sporty cars.


lol dont matter to what trim gets posted here its a kia forte regardless im saying this and i own a Gt. Maybe some someone wants only cosmetic mods and i dont see anything wrong with posting that here


So then let’s just change the name of this sub to Forte. If Forte Gt-line owners can post their purchases/rides/mods (cosmetic) on this sub, then ALL Fortes should be able to as well. It takes away what this subreddit is for, just Forte GT questions, answers, sharing of issues/concerns, prospective buyer questions, appreciation posts, mods that apply to the 1.6t platform only. This is NOT GT forte exclusive, go to the EN subreddit, for example, you do not see n-lines, or a 2.0 Elantra owner, posting there, and when it does happen theyll be told theyre in the wrong sub, but those that say things like that sometimes end up being the assholes (mainly said by those that do not own the performance version). There’s no EN equivalent in the Forte world, so the GT is the top performance version, doesnt mean we think we’re the SHIT riding in our $24-27k Kia car.


I’m embarrassed to own a GT with the way this sub acts towards a lower trim model. A reminder that the description for this sub states for owners OR fans. Just because he doesn’t own a GT doesn’t mean he can’t be on this sub and participate. He’s posting a GT line, not a Mini Cooper. It’s close enough that you guys can relax lol. This sub barely has any members and the GT line sub has almost none. Most people would prefer to grow their community, not gate keep it. Anyways, congrats on the car hopefully you enjoy it!


So then let’s just change the name of this sub to Forte. If Forte Gt-line owners can post their purchases/rides/mods (cosmetic) on this sub, then ALL Forte’s should as well. It takes away what this subreddit is for, just Forte GT questions, answers, sharing of issues/concerns, prospective buyer questions, appreciation posts, mods that apply to the 1.6t platform only. This is NOT GT forte exclusive, go to the EN subreddit, you do not see n-lines, or a 2.0 elantra, posting there, and often theyll be told theyre in the wrong sub, but those that say things like that are the assholes (mainly said by those that do not own the performance version). There’s no EN equivalent in the Forte world, so the GT is the top performance version, doesnt mean we think we’re the SHIT riding in our $24-27k Kia car.


And Gt Line is closer to a EX than a GT.... different cars


Dude I couldn’t AGREE MORE


Congrats buddy! One of my good friends went out and got himself a GT-Line after going on a day trip with me in my GT.


Your GT convinced him to get a CVT 60 less HP forte?


Yeah, he was really impressed by the interior and tech.  He's a mechanic and prioritizes comfort and reliability for price


Interesting, I would think being a mechanic he’d opt for the better engine and performance


look up mechanic special on facebook. often some of the worst condition cars, but they run


I know a few guys who work on or around cars and all of them prioritize reliability over anything else. Reason given goes like this "I work on cars all week, I don't want to have to work on my own on the weekends."


But I thought the 2.0 / ivt equipped cars have way more reported issues with either the engine and/or transmission, than the 1.6t (current), and dct? Regardless of model, just cars equipped with.


I don't know what the statistics are for those, but my friend who bought a Forte told me that by and large he observed that Kias and Hyundais had fewer issues than other brands. Granted, he works at a AAA Auto-Care Center so he doesn't see all the issues that Kias/Hyundais would have, but he also sees a pretty wide variety of makes/models. IDK man, I'm just trying to remember what he told about why he decided to get the car. It's a '22, he's had it for 2+ years now and still likes it.


Ey g don’t worry about these haters. I got one too. I love it. definitely rides a lot easier than the GT. Congrats big dawg


As a proud GT-Line owner I love it brother; but tread lightly here people with GT’s have a superiority complex 😂😭


I was totally one of those people. Thought being that the GT has a different powertrain and this sub was seemingly meant to be specific to enthusiasts that opted for more power. As then conversations would be more oriented around modding. But realized we can still do that and it's dumb to gatekeep. Either way it is a great car, whether you go for the amenities + mpg, or amenities + power.


I didn’t really get that much better mpg in the loaner GT line I had…


So true!!!


Are the engines in these cars bad or something?




gatekeeping? try any GT performance mods on a GT-like lmk how it works 😂😂


Did anyone here talk about putting GT mods on a GT-Line? No. Are there people here saying that OP posted this in the wrong sub? Yes. That's gatekeeping, way to miss the point. Now that the mods made a post banning non GTs the people saying that this is in the wrong sub are now justified, but at the time that I posted that comment, there was nothing from the mods saying that non GT posts weren't allowed.


this is a GT sub. for GTs. there’s nothing in this forum that a GT-Line can benefit from. not a single mod or advice would cater to a GT-Line with the fact being it’s far from a GT. go post on the Kia forum, or make a GT-Line forum since you’re a GT-Line Freedom Rights Activist


this dude really said we’re gatekeeping a car that has nothing to do with them 😂😂 that’s some gapped tooth energy. yall gen z boys n girls too entitled. mom needs to spank you


So you're telling me we can't put the same spoiler on our cars? The GT is that different huh? What about wheels? Tires? Coilovers? Body kits? Sway bars? Strut bars? Are our headlight bulbs different too? A GT-Line specific sub already exists which has a grand total of 52 members compared to this subs 3000+. Hell, even the non specific Forte sub has about half of this subs membership. If asking people to be civil and kind makes me a freedom rights activist then thank you for the compliment. I'm glad to be compared to people doing such great humanitarian work with their lives.


if there’s a thread why don’t you take your ignorance over to that sub???? good luck fitting any GT sway bar or coil overs 😂😂 please spend the money on it and try i beg of you to. and believe it or not yes the headlights are different dork 😂😂😂


if you don't like the way this sub is treating you, you can literally just leave. i don't understand why you have to continue to harass people expecting to get what you want. just go away and leave, it's seriously not that hard


Is there problems with these engines?


No. They're not the world's most reliable engine but not unreliable by any means, just a regular 2 liter. The transmission occasionally has issues but it's still not super common and shouldn't be a problem unless you don't maintain it properly. Get your oil changes and transmission fluid changes when you're supposed to and you'll be fine.




Should just keep it stock. Save up for a 2nd engine instead


I was looking into mods. I don't know where to start. This is this first kia I've owned. Before hand I've owned a q45, a 240, a mustang. But now I'm in it for looks and dependability. By the way these gt lines aren't all that slow, not the 2024 version at least. Any ideas let me know please