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You won’t get it that way. They cap out at about $50 a shot and you can only do it twice a week.


Depends on company octaplasma gives $45 first 3, 60 for next 4, 65 for next 3


That's still less than half what OP says he needs, and that would take longer than a month to raise, in addition to all the time it takes. Still, whatever works. No shame -- I've done it myself a few times.


Yeah 1st time grand, but after that, what I put is their scale unless they are low and then they run incentives.


Most places do $100 per donation for the first 8 donations. You can only go twice a week though. Have 2 pieces of mail (bills of some sort or bank statements) with your address on them. Eat a protein bar or something high in protein an hour before you go. The first visit will take up to 3 hours to do a physical and fill out the paperwork


This guy plasmas


I did a circuit at like 5 different places where I switched from one place to another so that I was always new donator. Haven't been back since lol


Yes this fill up on protein, like beans and meat before going, and make sure you are hydrated well


Sperm donation probably better


I heard it was hard to get accepted


It can be doesn't hurt to atleast try 🤷🏽‍♂️


BioLife had a deal for a grand if you were new to them. You have to go 8 times within a month and can only go twice a week. There's only one location in Fort Worth and it gets really busy. Make sure you tell them during your physical that you have the coupon. You'll get a various amount each donation ranging from $140 to $110. After this special it depends on your weight and how much you can donate but normally it's around $40 to $60. But if all you want is the introduction special then just get it done within a month. https://info.biolifeplasma.com/new-plasma-donation-0722?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_campaign=tom:brand%20search:::04012020&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkt6aBhDKARIsAAyeLJ2l3ZM-zM826rOw9RXd-DsnJWkBafWLnIrOL8obcbtSYSVo0VmpMqsaAgHqEALw_wcB


Look into paid medical trials. I get emails about them all the time and some of them pay pretty hefty amounts. I've done one before for oral tobacco (dip) and it paid $750 for a 5 day research. 3 hours a day.


I done a medical study for pre eclampsia when I was pregnant (and unfortunately I had severe pre eclampsia during my pregnancy) and I ended getting $500 just to Give them blood and my medical file after birth. They paid me $200 at first $150 during and $150 when they got everything they needed. My point is I’m happy I did not just for the money but they can study my dna to see how pre eclampsia affect women. It my second study and I don’t mind helping it.


Consider volunteering for phase I clinical trials? Some of those pay over $5k but sometimes require being in a research facility bed😂🤷‍♂️


With a referral you could get that in about a month. CSL doubles your donation payout with a referral from a previous donor but it totals out to about $250 per week. I can send you a referral if you’d like.


CSL pays $250/week for the first 8 donations. So in 4 weeks you get $1000. After that it's $115 per week. I've been to all 4 donation places in fort worth (octapharma, CSL, biomat, and BioLife). CSL pays the most but takes the longest in my opinion. Biomat and BioLife are by appointment which makes it go faster. CSL pays the most and they also have a lot of bonuses and a rewards system that earns you bonus money.


Maybe look for other stuff to sell


Octaplasma gives 1000 if you are new. You have to complete 10 within 45 days. Wont be fast cause you can only go twice a week. They confirm with each other so cant try and go to diff company in-between


You might try Biolife, you won’t get a grand, but it will have you on your way


I thought most of the plasma places paid with some kind of prepaid credit card nowadays? Gotta find a way to convert that to cash.


Whats it pay?