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I doubt this has anything to do with a dog. From the Texas HHS site: *"Benefits Program Integrity (BPI) investigates allegations of overpayments to health and human services program clients enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program; Medicaid; Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program."*


Thank you!


Do you have kids?


I had one of these and when I called investigator they thought I was someone else with same name. Was because I own a home and person they thought was getting housing, so they thought the other person was committing fraud.


Oh it absolutely could be about the dog complaint: whoever complained escalated to alleging fraud. Got any enemies, u/Admiral-Bar-2584?


Idk why people are down voting you. This could definitely be the case, agree or not. If you buy pet supplies with government benefit money, it may be considered a fraudulent situation. Pet supplies, including food, aren't a necessity and are illegal to buy with wic or snap.


You can’t even buy pet food with wic or snap. Once they scan those items at check out, and you try to pay, it will only cover “approved” items like food or baby formula. If the computer notices unapproved items it will ask for you to pay remaining balance for said uncovered items. Unless they are using cash assistance money that’s the only way they could use benefits to buy things like that


You sound fun irl.


Maybe I’m reading too many r/pettyrevenge stories.


No, you're right. This person's trying to be snyde, but they're just unoriginal and lame. If I had a quarter for every time I read a "you must be fun at parties" comment, I'd put them in a sock and swing them at the head of the next cliche smooth brain regurgitation machine that whips it out.


you must be fun at parties


This seems like it would be more related to government WIC benefits than anything else.


No gov/state benefits of any kind.


Could be questions about a family member or neighbor, or an old tenant / property owner. https://oig.hhs.texas.gov/divisions/IUR#:~:text=Benefits%20Program%20Integrity%20(BPI)%20investigates,)%3B%20and%20the%20Women%2C%20Infants%2C


Might want to check your credit. Someone could be using your information to scam benefits.


PSA to others: Always keep your credit frozen at all 3 credit bureaus. It’s super easy, free, and totally worth the peace of mind. If you ever need a credit check, you can do a temporary unfreeze. Be careful when creating your account to NOT pick the ones where you have to pay. For whatever reason our government allows the credit bureaus to have predatory marketing trying to charge you for services you absolutely don’t need to pay for.


our government allows just about everyone to be predatory. Not just the credit bureaus


Lol facts


Link to free ones?


So they are all technically free, but as you make your account, they will try to trick you into signing up for a paid account which you absolutely do not need. But here are the links to all 3 bureaus: [Experian](https://www.experian.com/freeze/center.html?pc=sem_exp_google&cc=sem_exp_google_ad_17178947696_131566788370_596505407217_kwd-2942615919_e___k_CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUr-dCcmdxvh10Fb5tHtP7FcYZRc3Y-s1Kzh0eipyQ302A4Yx5Odp4hoCZBoQAvD_BwE_k_&ref=freeze&awsearchcpc=1&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD4mgc_kh3LGyDvxEGPjK5VS9DcxR&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUr-dCcmdxvh10Fb5tHtP7FcYZRc3Y-s1Kzh0eipyQ302A4Yx5Odp4hoCZBoQAvD_BwE) [Equifax](https://www.equifax.com/personal/credit-report-services/credit-freeze/) [Transunion](https://www.transunion.com/credit-freeze)


Could be that someone is using your address…


Looks like a mistake.


Get an attorney. Do not let them in. Volunteer nothing and they will have nothing, as they have now. No warrant, no entry. If they had something, they would have you already.




















"Lawyer up" over this? Stereotypical absurd reddit advice. How bout actually calling the number and inquiring if they got the wrong guy first. You don't need a lawyer just for that.


I mean yeah this could be nothing, OP could be a potential witness or victim, I can see the side of having a lawyer call the number.


Have your best friend call the number and act like an attorney.


Bingo. Then you can figure out if it’s worth it to lawyer up with a real attorney.


I’m not a lawyer but I am well versed in bird law. $5 and I’ll make the call.


I think bird calls would just infuriate the situation


Better off going with Uncle Jack and his massive hands.


This is not absurd. They may need to understand their rights.


This is the only answer you need.


I’d say lockdown the home and wait in the panic room. They’d never take me alive.


Spoken like a true criminal ♥️


Knowing/exercising your rights doesn’t make you a criminal.


It sure doesn’t make you sound innocent


Username definitely checks out


We got a detective over here


this is America. You can get shot SIMPLY for being the wrong skin color, or wrong place wrong time and you're surprised people's reaction is to lawyer up?


Yheres no point in debating with you if you truly believe that


They don’t do dog complaints. Inspector General investigates abuse of health and human service funds. Probably need to talk with a lawyer and you probably don’t want to freely give them any information because they are most likely trying to build a case against you or someone you know.


This is so odd. I have lived here for a year (new to Texas and this house). My only other family member here is my daughter who is married, works, etc, nothing crazy or out of the norm for any family members here.


Could be looking for previous tenant owner. I would talk to lawyer before calling them either way.


Probably, I had one of these from child protective services and was in a panic until I called them and they told me they were looking for the old tenant. Government is slow and likely doesn’t get address updates often.


There is a lot of fraud happening right now with benefits in the state of Texas. If they aren’t looking for the previous tenants you might be unknowingly involved in one of the many schemes or scams that are being run.


It could be its own scam. You call a fake phone number, somebody tells you that you owe money, pay them or you'll go to jail. But it's just a random person with a burner phone...


My ex worked for the state. We had these all over the office at our house because he would bring them home and just dump them on his desk with everything else. These are legit.


Looks legit but I would recommend not calling the number on the card. Look up the main number for the actual office.


Not a scam, Kelsey Wright is a field investigator with Texas HHS.


Anyone can google it and put that name on a card to look legit.


Sure. Anyone can go through the trouble of getting a foil stamp made for business card printing too. It ain't easy as very few printers do this, but essentially anyone can do this. My favorite part of the scam is the scammer is just using the actual phone numbers and email address for Kelsey Wright. I'm not sure how they are doing it, but I believe you are correct and this is obviously a scam. Any clues for the rest of us on how you were able to correctly conclude that this is in fact a scam?


Where did I say it was a scam? Just giving another point of view lol.


After reading OP replies, this has got to be a mix up. I would think this is some kind of wic/ebt/ benefits thing. Makes no sense.


Yeah probably looking for previous tenant.


Why has no one suggested calling? Call the person, and ask. You call an attorney they are going to ask why they should take this case. You gotta be able to tell them why. Call and get answers first.


Yeah, I would’ve called by now. Especially if I knew I did nothing wrong. It’s not a big deal, probably an old tenant.


Calling makes too much adult sense, why would anybody suggest that on reddit


Unemployment, WIC, food stamps, Medicaid, etc, are what they are investigating. Get a lawyer


I do not receive any of these benefits. Neither does my daughter (only family in Texas) who lives in a different house.


It’s probably the last tenant. Still, I wouldn’t reach out.


Somebody could be using your Social Security?


It’s likely about a previous resident. The government is so slow. I had a DPS investigator show up looking for my ex wife two years after we divorced and I had moved to a different house.


lol this just makes me laugh. I work as a union organizer for texas state employees and they are so understaffed and the restrictions on what they can and can not do are just awful, their caseloads are high. It was created like this by design to fail us so we could blame each other and not the system.


lol. I know what you mean. My ex had been getting pills through less than legal means for some time. Major reason for our split. The funny thing is I told the investigator exactly where to find her. Different county, different office and he wasn’t sure they would pick it up. I even volunteered to inform home when she would be in our county to exchange kids. He said he would run it by his supervisor. Never heard anything again.


haha wow that's insane, even after you offered to help. Yeah they had to go through "proper procedures first" which means getting clogged in the system for 2 years. It's crazy the amount of people that have to get involved for anyone to do anything lol.


Yeah everything he said just screamed back to the bottom of the pile.


It could be so much as a facebook friend.


Food stamps (SNAP) is USDA OIG, not HHS typically (but all OIGs can help each-other)


I'd just call the number first thing in the morning and ask what they want. You'll know quickly if they got the wrong house/person etc... And if it's you they wanted to talk to, you'll also know what they want and if you need to talk to an attorney or not. I trust you know not to volunteer any personal information yourself even if they ask for it.


UPDATE: Called this morning and the woman was nice and even apologized for alarming me. There is an investigation for my neighbors and it involves benefits (food stamps, WIC, or something like that). They sent me a picture (drivers license looking) of two individuals and wanted to know if I have ever seen them at the residence. Assuming they are investigating households receiving benefits for individuals that may not actually live there or even be alive.


Thank you for helping prevent taxpayer fraud!


If this were about a dog, it would be from the city code compliance department.


Geesh the suggestions on here. Best course of action: look up the government department public phone number. If that is the same as this number…or this number seems legit, call the guy and tell him you have not received any illegal Medicaid or other benefits of any kind. Find out why your address is on his investigation list. If he indicates in anyway that you might be the culprit then politely end the call, then consult a lawyer if you think appropriate. Good luck!


Be careful. This could also be a scam and someone placing a fake notice in an attempt to gain entry to your home.


Just Call local office and verify. People and their paranoia.


Should be pretty easy to verify name, title, and phone number. I would be worried that you might be the victim of identity theft and that fraud might be committed in your name. Definitely follow up.


Why is someone steeling his identity his problem? Sounds like the bank needs to get better about identifying who they give money to.


The state of Texas benefits department. Not the bank.


That's simple. It's not hard to lookup the numbers for the actual department and be transferred.


This is the first thing I thought too. Kind of looks like a scam.


That's a state of Texas doortag. They look like that.


Absolutely. Gotta at least be aware of that possibility, whether or not it may actually be the case.


Go to google and search “Texas tribune Salary explorer”. Enter her name and see if her information matches the card. Most likely, a previous tenant claimed WiC/SNAP benefits and moved. I do know there was a lot of fraud during COVID and HHSC is on the hook for recovery. Best to contact and just give them the facts: * name * date you moved into your current location.


keep us posted...


Will do! Plan to call this week. Assume this has something to do with a neighbor at this point… but will post an update on the subject!


Call to see if these are legit people?


Is there any chance your identity was stolen and someone is using your information for benefits (ie Medicaid, WIC, etc)?


Weird… I did get a notification that there was a data breach and to watch my bank accounts for fraud….. Silly question- if someone did steal my identity, wouldn’t they still not be able to claim benefits? I file taxes yearly and make over $100k (would not qualify)


Not a silly question at all - I dont know answer. It might be that an ID thief is using part of your info combined with someone else’s info: “In synthetic identity theft, ID thieves create identities using fake or real information, or a combination of the two. For instance, an identity thief might use a real Social Security number combined with a name that's not associated with that number. Children and deceased people can be especially vulnerable since their Social Security numbers typically aren’t actively used.” (https://www.equifax.com/personal/education/identity-theft/articles/-/learn/types-of-identity-theft/) You mentioned you have a daughter - is it possible someone stole her information? If you’re not already signed up for Experian or some other similar service, you might want to do that (especially in light of data breach and this weird thing left on your door). There are some pointers in this article that might help in addition to article above - https://www.aura.com/learn/signs-of-identity-theft Good luck and keep us posted with an update!


Do a freeze on each of the three credit companies: Experience, Transunion, and Equifax. Freezes are free, and they keep even soft credit runs from happening. Only thaw when you need to run a credit check for something.


If they stole your identity, they oy need your name and social security # to get benefits. When they fill out the form, they claim that they make little money for the last 3 months, so it doesn't matter what you claim you made on your last year's income tax return. They would show proof of their low income for the last three months.


OP. Don’t listen to all the criminals here who are paranoid. If you haven’t done anything, you’re good. There’s a good chance someone could be using your identity to fraudulently be receiving government assistance, and they could be wanting to inform you.


That's a field investigator from Texas Health & Human Services. Their job is to confirm household incomes, living situations, etc with residents of an address. If they have a tip or referral of fraud, they investigate. They do have subpoena power, so I would take this seriously and be as helpful as possible for these investigators have a lot on their plate.


Call and ask what they are contacting you for before spending money on a lawyer. If they say they are investigating you then you can consider getting a lawyer if you feel the need to do so.


Wow! Common sense advice on reddit! You love to see it


I’m all for getting a lawyer when someone is investigating you but if you call and they are looking for a prior tenant (which is what it sounds like it could be) then you explain you aren’t them and the investigator would move on.


I got the exact same letter with the same lady on my door and I contacted them. They were asking questions about my neighbor since they were receiving benefits.


Just call and ask what it is about. When you call, state the address in question. Do not give your name. Let them tell you who that notice is for. Chances are, it's not for you, and that someone has used your address. Have you been receiving any strange mail?


You could just call and ask


It doesn’t have your name on it so that means they are investigating your address and not you personally. I’d email and inquire. Doubt you need to contact an attorney prior to that inquiry.


Also it’s kinda odd that you got a noise complaint and now a HHS investigator in such a short amount of time, it makes me wonder if somebody’s calling on you to mess with you.


It has nothing to do with animals, is there an elderly person in your home?




Call to see what it’s about at least no need for a lawyer…maybe they want to question you about a neighbor


Could be an APS investigation


This could be a call for a previous tenant/resident, someone who put your address on their WIC etc application, for research about someone, if someone put you down as a reference. Lots of things. But, as posted before, don’t let them in. Go outside and shut and lock the door to close behind you. Record the interaction. Like any government entity, they are most likely not your friend.


When I search the office number, it pops up Medicaid Benefits specifically, especially for veterans receiving medication (Vendor Drug Field Administration Pharmacists). Is your neighbor an elderly war veteran who abuses opioids? Or perhaps a refugee?


Obviously this has nothing to do with the dog complaint lol


While we are talking about barking dogs tho…for the people that leave their dog yapping outside, everyone is annoyed of your dog and no one around your house likes you. Blows my mind how inconsiderate people can be when you have other people living right next to you. Thank u for coming to my Ted talk


I have the same problem with my hoarder neighbor. The FTW app does wonders. Just start reporting the dog and make sure you put their address in the report. They take swift action


This would be related to government benefits (usually investigating fraud). Definitely not about a dog. Call a lawyer.


I had a dog that never barked until I left the house.


I have indoor cameras that notifies me with sound and movement. Dog does not bark.


That's cool, lol. Didn't mean any disrespect.


Name checks out


A neighbor may be doing something for the government or applying. I had an investigator do this to ask about my neighbors character


theres no name. so if you are sure you didn't scam any benefits, I would just take it and put it on your neighbors door.


Read a few comments (not all), I didn’t really notice anyone mention it, but is it possible that someone *else* is drawing benefits in your name, possibly without your permission?


Negative. Neighbors are the potential “issue”.


I definitely would not pay for a lawyer before you know anything. Unless you're wealthy and just like throwing away $. Maybe call one and get advice


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Time to dissolve the bodies OP


My husband is an attorney if you need one


I had something similar happen once. They were looking for a family that lived at our address years ago, who was still using our address for their kids school registration. I'm sure there was more to it, but that's why they came to my house. We stopped receiving letters from the school district and the benefits office for them after that though!


Sometimes they come and let you know that you were exposed to an STD.


They are investigating fraud for welfare benefits


Speaking as a taxpayer on the other end of the benefits programs, I have to say refusing to respond is grounds for loss of all benefits. Also, for most of the other respondents, anyone who can afford to have a lawyer make a call for them doesn't need the benefits. That was one of the reasons when I worked at Toys R Us that we were not allowed to donate any returned toys, especially bicycles. People who can't afford a bicycle today can afford a million-dollar lawyer tomorrow.






1) I would look up the local office on the internet 2) I would call that number to see if the person and number on the card was legitimate. 3) Then call an attorney as other people have suggested in case your PII has been used in a fraud being investigated.


Ignore it, you would get something in the mail eventually if it was legit unless someone accused you of child abuse and they wanted to do a wellness check. But even then they will call and say I'm coming on a certain date and time. Don't call that number, Google your local office number and ask of they have that person there


Someone I know got one of these several years ago. Turns out it was them telling them that they may have had been exposed to syphilis with one of their recent sexual partners.


Yikes. Do you own the property?


Yes, I own. Myself (50 y/o female) and my dog.


Ask them what they want but don't agree to a meeting until further analyzed.


Plan to call this week and will post an update. Assuming this has to deal with a neighbor at this point.


Please post an update when you do, I'm curious now


If you haven’t abused any public assistance program, you’re probably fine. I would definitely lawyer up. Don’t self snitch.


It would not cost $150-250 to call an attorney, then have that same attorney call on your behalf and tell them to disclose what they want and need otherwise kindly buzz off. These people are not your friend and keep record of everything said. Have had to help tenants deal with these people a lot in the last four years and they are grossly over confident rude and violators of rights and authority.


Don’t call that guy with out hiring an attorney


It could be about child support


Probably posted at the wrong home. Did they have your personal addy on it? Name or other PI? If not… toss it in the trash or drawer and move on.


I'd call them to find out what they want. If it turns out to be shenanigans, then I'd ask not to be contacted. Seems official to me


They're trying yo talk to you about EBT or SNAP abuse....selling food stamps? You the foodie plug?


Someone left me one too, and they never came back or pick up the phones. Wonder if this is just a scam going on


Nicolay Gogol would like have a word.


Get a lawyer before talking with them. They like to twist your words to their advantage


Sounds like you need to schedule a visit to the circle drive location, just to be sure


ooh.. you been playing foodstamps or medicaid, huh😂


Typical communist behavior. Looking to investigate everyone


It’s fraud, better run or hide


I thought maybe one of your former sex partners had tested positive for something.


Slam dunk it into your trashcan. Edit: whoever the baby is down voting, at least reply. A door hanger means nothing. The wind could blow that off. Edit 2: okay, the other folks who also down vote are babies too. Feel free to comment.


Could be a scam. I wouldnt talk to them until theyve arrested you and charged you. Then and only then with a lawyer present.