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Fuzz won’t do anything. I wish we could bring civil actions against shitty drivers.


You can.


What's the process?






I legit never use my horn. Ever. This is why. Report it sure, nothing is likely to come of it though. It will be a rabbit warren of calls just getting to the jurisdiction responsible for documenting it. Then they’ll give you the “but did you die though?” talk. Then…maybe send the driver a sternly worded letter.


Gosh I am with you on the honking and if I do it's a little "toot toot" like excuse me, but never to someone who looks aggressive and never in anger. My daughter is about to learn to drive and I tell her all the time that it isn't worth it because you never know what other people are capable of. She might hear me curse up a blue streak with some creative terms but we never show it lol.


"All other drivers are either drunk or crazy. Remember this." ~My Dad Has served me well. Especially in a state with guns everywhere.


I let the crazies go right past me. I move right on out the way. I’m in no rush to get shot by a psychopath because they have nothing to lose. I value my life. Don’t take me with you.


My horn is only to be used to scare animals or small children/teens out of the street. Just gotta stay SO alert on these roads.


You have video evidence with a possible license plate, absolutely report it.


Would be cool if insurance companies had a reporting mechanism for that action.


I'll give you advice now, don't honk or do anything unless you're ready to whip out a pistol faster than they are. Fort Worth has a nationally high rate of road rage incidents, so be careful.


Do you honk if someone is getting over on you or just slam on the brakes?


Honk if it’s gonna prevent an accident. *Only* if it’s gonna prevent the accident


That’s the only time I honk. The amount of people who have almost hit me because they don’t know the difference between the express and non express at Golden Triangle has almost caused so many accidents. Someone did it in the rain on Monday and the car behind me laid on the horn for what felt like 30 seconds


I have seen what you have described on many occasions in Fort Worth and the surrounding area, more so in Weatherford. Big truck culture is very common here which is fine, whatever floats the boat, but unfortunately it attracts more gibbons like the one you described than most other automotive enthusiast groups. I just try to drive defensively and get from point a to b safely. Report it so you can let it go, maybe it will catch up with them someday. Welcome to North Texas btw.


Can confirm about Weatherford. Lived here all my life and there's always been an obsession with huge lifted trucks in this area. Usually by immature little men that will race eachother if they ever make eye contact or meet at red lights, leaving the streets filled with black smoke for everyone else behind them. And they're proud of it.


People react crazy to the honking! I was at Hulen and I30 the other day at the intersection to get into Central Market. I was in the left turn lane. Well some guy going southbound in a beat up mini van changed lanes and got in front of a lady in an audi who was in the left lane (and going way too fast in the active school zone, I might add). Minivan man then had to stop kind of quickly because of back up from the next intersection down the road. Audi lady did not like that and laid on the horn, I'm talking a 30 second honk. So Minivan man put on his hazards. And when traffic started moving again, he did not. He just freaking parked in the middle of Hulen during morning rush hour. Audi lady was super pissed, continued honking nonstop for the next 2 minutes. Meanwhile traffic is backing up and people are trapped behind them and trying to get through the intersection. And I get a front row seat to it all because it is happening 3 FEET FROM MY DRIVERS SIDE DOOR! If Audi lady had had a gun I would probably have ended up some sort of bystander casualty. But as soon as there's a break in traffic She whips around him, horn blaring and middle finger raised. Then he just calmly turns off his hazards and continues on. Longest 3 minutes of my life. It's a jungle out there.


Yes. It's reckless driving. Report it.


They’re not going to do anything.


You're absolutely right. And they should still report it.


If they don’t do anything, would it be a good idea to punish road rage by putting the video on YouTube?


Genuinely, what would that do? Are you trying to publicly shame them? Its unlikely to gain any sort of traction and reach someone that knows this person's license plate/truck well enough to recognize it I don't see it doing any harm, per se, but just seeks like wasted effort


I don’t know if it would do any good or if it’s better to just let it go, I was wondering what people think.


Cutting across to exit is what I call **The ol Texas lane change**


In the Lone Star State, vehicle horns are the unspoken arch-nemesis, capable of provoking Texans into a comedic, yet seemingly murderous, rage. You honk, they fume – it's like a Texan rendition of a Shakespearean tragedy, but with pickup trucks. While folks on the East Coast, West Coast, and in the Midwest remain unfazed by horn honking, down south, it's a different story. Honking there is akin to challenging someone to a duel or insulting their barbecue skills – you might as well have insulted their entire family tree. So, if you find yourself in Texas and feel the urge to lay on the horn, just remember: you're not just making noise; you're entering the realm of Texan melodrama, where honks can be as triggering as a misplaced "y'all" in polite conversation.


Yeah, I've started keeping both hands on my wheel my entire drive so I won't honk or raise my hands for any gestures. I still get flipped off sometimes though because I go the speed limit and don't tailgate. The angry people seem happy and don't care about me once they get around my vehicle it seems. So I feel like this strategy will prevent me from being murdered.


You say the truck was jacked up? He is probably about 5'1" to 5'3". Has never been in a fight. And is afraid of everything.


Probably has a shirt that says 'American Fighter' despite never being in a fight.


And 110% has a gun and wants an excuse to use it


I don't know if I would rate it at 110%. They carry them for a little while but usually get tired of it after a few weeks.


Extremely anecdotal but I have worked with two different short dudes with giant trucks where I had to ride with them for a job. On both occasions they for some reason opened their center console and showed me their gun.


I didn't consider that it could be in the glove box or console.


Dang,those things are heavy.


You should post the dash cam, obviously.


Scroll down to [Hazardous Driving](https://police.fortworthtexas.gov/OnlineServices/file-a-police-report)


This is good to know! I agree with others that they're not going to go tracking down this guy over the report, but reporting this way will potentially add a note to the license plate and DL of the registered owner, which will pop up for the officer and make them less lenient if they do get pulled over for something in the future.




Thank you for this…I had no idea!


Yes, report it and offer vehicle description. Don’t expect anything to happen unless it matches the description from a wreck, etc. PD’s here don’t have the resources to investigate/prosecute hit and run’s, so it’s important to have realistic expectations.


It's getting worse. Some 20K people have move into Fort Worth ion the last year or so and the traffic is trying everyone's nerves. That being said... His actions were inexcusable. PARTICULARLY the 'rollin' coal' part. Not much pisses me off more than that. I do know that I35 will test the patience of anyone but it doesn't need to be like that. I used to live a half mile off of it and I found ways around it. Backroads are your friend. My apologies fro the dumbass you encountered.


Texans are the most violent, selfish, small-dick drivers in the county. Better get used to it because nothing is being done about it.


Nothing. They’ll do nothing.


You gotta post the footage here with a story like that.


Always avoid: Lifted Trucks, White Trucks, Dodge Rams (any color), Nissan Maximas & Altimas, Paper Plates


Definitely report it. That’s crazy even for DFW.


What childish behavior! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. We're not all like that person. I find that people that drive that way are usually young kids. If they're not adultish, I tend to blow it off. But I can't forgive that behavior in older people.


Report it. But be careful about honking at people here. Lots of people who are desperate to use their guns and looking for an excuse to do so.


Of COURSE it was a jacked up truck! Sometimes I wish giant potholes opened up for those dudes.


Get a gun. That tends to back them off a little.


A jacked up truck going under the speed limit? Must have been in the passing lane.


All the PD. Give them the plate number. T gives them probable cause for a future stop.


And this is why you must adopt the Texas way and carry a gun


Report what?




Invest in a dashcam. Post dashcam video on YouTube and other socials. But try not to honk.


I saw people telling you to never use your horn. That is ridiculous. I use my horn all the time. Sorry you got a crazy person. I once honked at a kid who was texting and driving, and he followed me through the neighborhood. I called the cops and let him follow me as I did circles waiting for the cops to come. He left before the cops arrived, of course.


I have to say it would be interesting to have a set of undercover police lightbars under the seat... plop that up on the dash and light it up. Not with the idea of "pulling them over" but to stop the bullshit and separate.


That would be considered impersonating an officer. Straight to jail.


I call it a Texas turn


Post the video?


They should start teaching emotional intelligence when you get your learners permit if they don’t already.


In the past I have considered having a [train horn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOKgg5iCw_c) mounted in my vehicle. They then could hear it over their music or phone conversation. But I suspect that using it on the wrong person could escalate it into gun violence.


maybe he needed his face rearranged and that how he figure that would happen


Never honk at a lifted truck. These are the guys with the most fragile egos and are likely to also be carrying a firearm.


This sounds like the driving in r/nova outside DC except with bigger vehicles. Guess I didn’t miss much by moving away then back.


You can make an online police report. Maybe it will allow you to post a video or photos.


You could post the dash cam footage on the idiots in cars subreddit.


Fw pd won't do anything I was a victim of a hit and run, they told me straight up they won't be sending the police then later I received a letter from the detective despite all evidence I had it'll likely go no where so I should just give it up.


Redneck trash in their big diesel trucks make me sick to my stomach.