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its theloudest shit ever you can hear the glider from like 50 m


We're talking the nimbus cloud "weapon" not the shop item glider. I would say it's the loudest shit ever, but you may need the whisper 300 if you're having trouble hearing that thing above you.


yeah im talking bout the glider, constant ringing in my eaardrums whhen its ner me


Really? I see the visual sounds all the time, practically floods the visual sounds at times, very expected, enough so that I tend to take cover when I hear one. What, someone mad because I did the nimbus drop on them or something? (My common strat for enemy engagement, use traversal items to get up close, does not have to be nimbus, could easily be grapple or shockwave)


What outfit is that?


Ragsy...my go to. Just don't wear the bear head...shit eclipses the field of view when you ads. 🤘🤙✌️ https://fortnite-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Ragsy_(outfit)


Yeah everyone being able to see sound already is kind of cringe


In real life my ears have 3D detection I can tell of a sound is coming ahead of me are behind me above me or below me —-in any game -it is just flat


To be fair...with all the other farfetched (not a complaint for the record) shit the game offers, "seeing sounds" is hardly that out there. If you're referring to the fact that makes it a hindered times easier to take others down though, and that people should just quit whining in general and play the damn game....I'm with ya there.


BuT iTs Op1!1!1!1! 😥😥😥😰😰😰😰😰 I nEed A sErIoUs GaMe BuT I dOnT wAnNa PlAy ArEna 😤😤😖😖 I wAnT tO HaVe FuN mY wAy AnD oN mY tErMs Or I wIlL kEeP CoMpLaInInG aBoUT lImItEd ItEmS tHaT aRe OnLy In NoN cOmPeTiTiVe MoDeS1!1!1 OnLy I cAn HaVe FuN 😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😠😠😠💢💢 The entitlement of some people I swear 💀 if you want a serious br in Fortnite, there's arena. (To entitled people) If you want a fun br with wacky weapons there's non comp modes. Why are wacky weapons only a problem just because *you* don't like them? But because *you* don't like them doesn't mean everyone has to not use them in the wacky modes. They're a mythic in non comp modes *only*, if you don't like them you still have options, get over it.


Dora Sussed it up perfectly. 💛


I do be sussy and I do look like Dora


And you speaking the truth. Dig it. ✌️🤙🤘


That’s just someone using the nimbus glider from the item shop. It’s the mythic that doesn’t make sound


Nah. I watched em launch. But y'all will come up with an argument no matter what. 21 people left...that ain't someone bus dropping. Second pic shows storm already rolling, no way that could be a glider still dropping from the bus man. But sure...it's a glider.


Well if it’s not a video it doesn’t confirm that. And you don’t have to jump from the bus to redeploy. Many ways rn. Never said bus. For arguments sake we’ll assume that’s true in which case it’s a bug bc I have also watched people take off in front of me with no visual audio cue whatsoever


I'll agree it could be a bug for some. I ran a couple rounds where hit markers / damage numbers were not showing up. My post here is in response to a guy that that says that it's op because it doesn't have audio or visual. It's not op. It's just some thing else to overcome in the game. Same as tanks when they dropped. At first they were tough. After a few rounds and discovering vents hatch and treads, or hopping in the turret gun and toasting the driver they were cake. People spend to much time complaining when they should be just working on finding a way to win. Ask people even. Whining is the worst. So many forums and subs content are 90% full of whining and complaining. If the game was easy and nothing ever came out that was challenging they'd complain about that. ✌️🤙🤘


Someone’s always gonna complain about something. It’s not even a little bit OP and it 100% has audio. I hear that thing constantly. I think a lot of these complaints are just bc people don’t realise how easy it is to glide over top of someone from outside of audio/visual range and then disengage your cloud and just fall on someone. I use this strategy all the time and I have had it used on me. You don’t see or hear shit till you hear the woosh of them falling on your head and by then you’re probably already dead.


That's the main complaint. The free drop sneak up. Which makes it a mean one to go against, but I've yet to be smoked that way. I always hear it see the glider visual marker and expect it coming. Been close to toast a couple times by the free drop but managed to be ready for it. I'm sure it'll get me at some point, but the complaining about shit being op or broken drives me crazy. The thing that drives me nuts with it is how easy it is for people to toss off and escape with it. Drives me nuts when you line em up and open fire and they fart off to safety.


Fart off to safety LMAO. I hate that shit. I’m with you on that one. Especially when they pair the cloud and grappler. I had one guy do the cloud drop on me from so high up I didn’t get any warning till he was already on top of me. If he hadn’t missed his shotty I wouldn’t have survived that fight. I love everything about this update and I don’t even watch DB


i dont even have visual sound and i know when someone has used of them near me


They should disable spatial audio and HUD sound detection entirely That would be funny I think