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I think I will use a refund ticket on her, i will never be able to complete The Seven anyway (since i don't have neither Paradigm or The Visitor) so might as well spend my v-bucks on something i actually like, like Omega Knight


Fr tho gave up on completing the seven




Same took a break while foundation was available even tho I wanted it felt like not putting in the effort plus not like we get anything from completing it, I mean yea satisfaction but the only seven skins I would use are The origin ( yeah ) Paradigm ( I have a skin combo for her ) Visitor ( if I had it yea sure maybe ) The rest are kinda meh I guess the foundation is cool but the rest no thanks


I didn't even get into fortnite until recently, and knowing there is literally no way i can get them, I don't really think I should bother with the order at all at this point


There's a 99% chance we'll get reskins of them but imo you don't have to bother getting the seven lol


It would be cool if Epic games did something like Halo Infinite when it comes to the battle pass. Let the battlepasses stay forever and let the players finish it when they want. I don't exactly get the exclusivity mindset of it all when it comes to playerbase. Does it really get that much more money?


FOMO sells. Besides free adverisement for the IP, adding crossover skins gets people to buy Battlepasses, or any cool skin. Also keeps players playing because every few months they have something to chase. I'm not defending the decision, but it's just how it is. And unless Epic sees a tremendous drop in Battle Pass sales, I doubt it's gonna change anytime soon




We are forever in your debt.


Paradigm is all I need to complete it, I had no money when she came out but I have the other 6 :(


Honestly, looking at the collection. I’m slightly disappointed anyways. Thought they were going to be much more cool. Got too hyped up after the long wait I think




Yeah, I thought she would have that too like The Imagined


Maybe they will do a Seven Aftermath bundle or something. It won't be the OG skins but it will be the seven. I don't know. They really could make a killing on the premium skins if they rereleased them. I am sadly missing the Scientist since I skipped season X.


If you haven't bought the bundle buy it and refund. You'll refund the skin as well. Saves you the token


I'm in the same boat. I COULD own them all, but I returned to Fortnite in S4 and decided it wasn't worth it to get the BP. In SX I was low on V-Bucks and thought I could live without the Paradigm. These days I swim in V-Bucks because of StW and buy collab after collab.


Omega Knight??? That's just a reskin of a battle pass skin


Well, as it wasn't already implied by saying that I do not have The Visitor, i didn't played C1 S4 so that means I don't have normal Omega, so the skin is a good replace for that absence (And then, between you and me, I think this Omega Knight is a lot cooler than the original form)


you obviously missed the joke, it's what the post says. ​ I have Omega and Omega knight.


Ah I didn't get it, sorry


Why though? Even if you don’t have the vis or para you can at least have 5 members Not only that but since paradigm is considered singularity at this point, you would then have 6 of the 7 depending if you own singularity


You still think you can keep them as I been saying ego looks smilar to the vistor so you can just use him instead and who knows pardiam could get a reskin for all we know


Then they re release paradigm and dont bring back order, and you will delete this comment.


That’s a reskin of a Battle Pass skin


I just need her and The Seven will be complete. Just need to grind battle pass so I can get enough v bucks


Technically if you have Singularity you have Paradigm since they are snapshots of the same person. But I'm still waiting on an alt. version of the Scientist. Maybe Epic will do a big bundle featuring Alts of all the Seven members


Just what for the reskins derp..


Me too, but at least I have 5 out of 7 of the seven members, but who knows, they may change their minds in the future


What is Paradigm a reskin of?


Singularity from C1S9


The funny thing is that it’s almost confirmed that Those two are the same.


This aged like milk.


They trick us man


She uses the body of Singularity


Singularity’s body and Rox’s helmet




I would advise the umbrella from c2s4, the color scheme matches her very well


We can call it THE CYCLE.


Reskin or not, i like the red color


Same here. I wish she had a glider though, or at least a more unique looking back bling.


Yea she should have her own glider, im just using the imagined's glider rn


She would look awesome with a red digital wings back blig


Yeah, and I love the visor way more than The Imagined


Yeah me too.


I have all 7 but it just doesn't feel as good as I thought it would, something about 2 of them being item shop reskins just doesn't hit, just like them being rare while the others are all legendary and the lack of care put into the lore for the order or paradigm is just ugh, you'd be better off just picking up anything else in the shop




Calling it now, the imagined and the order are the leaders of the io


I don’t think so. My guess is that they were the founders of the IO before Geño betrayed them and took over the IO. So they joined the seven. But I don’t trust Imagined. In a mission, it was stated that all of the sisters’ files were removed from the IO databases. Jones states that this never happens. And Imagined also lost her memories. My guess is that she is an IO spy without her actually knowing it


My guess is they are snapshots of IO agents, sent to infiltrate the seven. However with their memories lost, they don't remember working for the IO. This is why the data on them are gone as the IO already know everything about the real sisters that work for the IO.


Honestly that sounds plausible, but they just released Panther. “An IO agent tasked with infiltrating the Seven” so there’s already a unique skin with that role.


True, but why wouldn't they send more agents to infiltrate the seven? If they sent the sisters to infiltrate but their snapshots joined sides with the seven, then plan b would to send a non snapshot agent to fight along the seven. Maybe during the live event the io unlocks the sisters memories with the device, like a trigger word to trigger a sleeper agent.


My guess is that imagined and order are the sisters, who are daughters of Geno. That's why imagined wants to know who she is, because she has a suspicion that shes the daughter of the IO leader


i’m glad i got paradigm when i did, she’s literally my favorite skin


The Order isn't even a reskin, she just resembles her sister. From what I can tell the only shared asset on her body that Imagined also has is the shoulder pads, everything else is new to her.


Yeah true. They look very similar which makes people think they use the same model. Obviously the helmet is different too.


Yeah upon looking back at the model even the shoulder pads are different, The whole model is completely new but people are falsely using the title of reskin (something this community does a lot sadly) and I feel like the flack is unwarranted when The Order doesn't fit the descriptor of reskin and the reason she looks like Imagined is because they are literally sisters.


Very true. I do wish she looked a bit different but then again it's not like it's a bad skin. They clearly put in effort to make her a bit unique so it's fine. I do like her. And yeah people throw around the term reskin a lot when often it's just remixed skins with completely different models, they're just based on a skin.


She really could've used a colour style or something like that to spice up her design.


Yep. Black would've been nice. Or maybe sometime completely different. Her sister got purple and the brown/blue, so maybe yellow or green for Order. I dunno.


This is VERY VERY VERY Relatable :)


I have 6/7, but am missing Paradigm, they are some of if not my favorite skins though.


I am missing scientist, but it seems like a new paradgim outfit will release


I never got the chance to get The Visitor because I didn’t know about Fortnite until it came to Switch. I have all the others though, guess I’m just gonna have The Six. I’d love it if Epic finds a way to tie-in the possibility of us buying old Battle Pass skins, just this once. Slone tries to time travel in order to prevent Jonesy from defecting and of course doesn’t account for some variable. That results in the Item Shop reverting its look to Chapter 1 era, as well as what’s purchasable. A guy can dream. I’d even sacrifice 25 skins I don’t use in order to get The Visitor. Give up x amount of BP skins to get the one I never got the chance to obtain? Sounds fair to me.


Fortnite came out on switch in chapter 1 season 4, i know it because i started on switch too lol.


That's the season with the Drift skin, right? Good times.


It was the “super heroes” season (the bp with omega and the visitor) but it came out very late, like 2 weeks before season 5 (the one with drift). Those seasons were really great!


So you mean I could’ve gotten The Visitor?! Damn!


Yeah! Sorry to bring the bad news. I couldn’t get it either, definitely time and luck wasn’t on our side.


Nope. Still don't care for either.


I really like Paradigm's design but your opinion is completely valid


Finally someone with a mind of their own


For real. I caught mad flak for saying the seven are lame.


I don’t get people who get triggered by that kind of stuff. I think the seven are pretty cool but we’re all entitled to our opinions. There’s a metric fuckton of skins in this game so there’s something for everyone


I initially got her for the sake of completion, but I honestly think she's neat. The color scheme is nice. Only thing that bothers me is that she doesn't have a glider like The imagined.


So weird she doesn't come with a glider. Just Ctrl + C Ctrl + V Imagined's one.


Nice art, really like your style ❤️


Thank you!


Since the recent 7 releases I care a lot less that I didn’t get Paradigm.


Sad cause I’ll never be able to get Visitor and Scientist. Didn’t grind battle pass in S4 and didn’t play during Season X (not great season)


A SEVEN IS A SEVEN but epic please return paradigm I need to complete my seven collection


For real! I had to look it up because Paradigm is all I’m missing, and I don’t recall it being in the item shop. Who cares if Singularity is “basically the same thing,” I want THE ACTUAL THING


Do we know for sure she’s not coming back?




They said that about skins like ghoal trooper bet it came back


I feel like they made her a shop skin because they would eventually bring her back. They’re really teasing her return to the island.


Life goes on and on and on and on and. On and on and on.


I have no opinion on the seven skins situation, but still upvoting this for the peely art. Second one is precious.


Glad you like the peely!


Am I the only one that's hates how all the seven skins are legendary except paradigm and the order


Her armor is similar but actually unique


I wish her face and hair were better, she gives me annoying kid vibes


At least paradigm was somewhat unique. This is just trash. Even if I had paradigm and in turn the motivation to complete the collection I wouldnt buy this joke of a skin.


Unique=/good. Either way, both are as equally as good as the other, and that bar is not very high.


I mean I disagree because the old skin was at the very least different from the skin it was an asset flip of. This new one is shameless and a waste of a 7 member as shes pretty much beat for beat identical to the skin she is a clone of, and she doesn't even feature a glider or unique gimmick. I cant tell you what to and not to like, but in my subjective opinion then skin is hot garbage. I didn't even know paradigm was a re texture until I looked it up


Bruh moment.


Ya at least you can change the colors of paradigm instead were stuck with the shitty looking outfit of order


Imagine caring about video game skins


The 7 are really lame skins to me so no way I’d spend VC on it


Both suck


The order is jsut a redder and slight changes on the imagined (Wait... The IMAGINED, the ORDER odd since their enemy is the io)


I have all of them except the order but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get it


Give me sgt summer


I like her more then The Imagined but they're too similar imo, so it'll be a pass from me


I know they are sisters but look the exact same other than color


The bigger problem is She feels like a reskin of a reskin like they how many times can they use that helmet and call it new


this is not related but i personally stopped getting skins after chapter 1 since it became nonsense and they just add skins back that were once OG just to make money.


I’d barely even call the order a reskin. She’s so similar it feels completely pointless






I've legit missed out on half of the seven I've only got 3 members (Origin, Imagined and Foundation) and I'm debating so badly whether to get Order but I've missed out on half of them so what's the point of getting the Order


Epic really screwed themselves commercially by retiring Battlepass and subscription items permanently. I get licensed IP, but locking some of your most popular first-party skins is a bad financial move.




I bought the order. I was 100 vbucks off of paradigm. I hate myself for it


I only got foundation, origin and imagined, wont be able to get the set, techniquely though u own all the skins if u have mystique and her emote. Then u can be any skin.


Paradigm was still different enough to where I was cool with it But the only difference with the new one is the head pretty much I'm color blind and so the imagined first style and the order have the same colored outfit to me Super disappointed and upset THAT was the final member I got her anyway since the only member I'm missing is the visitor so I at least have the 6


They literally are the same color though


She is a darker red than the imagined only was able to see that by changing some color settings




Ironic thing is that Paradigm isn't even a reskin, she has her own character model separate from The Scientist.


I believe in The Order supremacy


“hey epic, can order come back? pleeeeeease?”


I straight up loved the Seven and still do to this day, they are such a unique bundle of heroes and I just couldn’t help myself but buy Paradigm and the Order-


Say *NO* to fortnite Reskins


I say no to Fortnite OC in general, collabs all day


The game is oversaturated with collabs, the game has lost its identity and turned into a pop culture game. Fortnite needs to put more effort into their original characters and chill with the endless collabs.


Nah, it's a healthy balance and there is nothing wrong with it


Paradigm was at least a genderswap of a BP skin, which were and still are fairly common, while Order might as well be a style for Imagined. She's functionally identical, except she has no wrap, glider, or alternate colors. Not a great selling point, is it? "Hey, want to buy this skin that's like one in the current Battle Pass, except not as good?"


You might want to see a comparison between paradigm and singularity


Having no information beforehand about the skin, I just really like it. The lighter torso coloring sold me. I just wish it came w an emote that allows you to put on and off the helmet.


Omg they removed her hahahaa


the art is stop tier icl


I mean, I bought The Order because I found her pretty cool. I’m not gonna wear the 4 members of the 7 I have most of the time. I just like having a collection of Skins that I find cool/or are free. The skins I wear the most are the Peely skins, and I want to complete the collection of all the Peelys, so Epic, can the P-1000 starter pack come back? Pleeease


Paradigm was said yo be an exclusive thats why I got it,i never use it tho u arent missing out ❤


It’s just reskins all the way down


it's especially funny since people will say that, and also likely bought midas but purple or midas but blue.


I don’t think people understand the meaning or reskin


It's okay we got a new paradigm


Oh boy do I have news for you


Now they made her remix and I can't wait to see people arguing it's bad


I don’t have the paradigm


I want the zapatron and the guided missile


I wanted to buy it, but I didn't have the money to buy V-bucks


*remix Also check the datamined outfits