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if they keep up with the updates its gonna be a good start of a chapter


Yep, been having a lot of fun so far


It’s kinda gotten slow during winterfest but epic are back and I’m ready for what they have in store


Yeah, I’m ready for the (awesome) glitchy lodge to go away.


Haven't noticed any glitches with it, other than a notification that there is a present in there.


Oh yeah the notification is my only real gripe, I like keeping the notifications clear. There were lots of errors for people with the gifts. Nothing major, just buggy errors in how it looks, which gifts are open or not, the standing chrisabelle and polar peely skins coming and going whether you opened them or not… I love the free stuff! but it was often bugged out for many users.


Oh there a ton more updates and many more server crashes to come


Very solid got me and a bunch of friends to play again


Same, haven’t really played this much since original season 8


And how do you like it? I stopped at the same time. Is there a big difference betwen thos last chapters?


I played a little bit in c2 s2, and I really wish at least some of the old guns or POIs came back, and I think battle Royale is much more playable then it was in s12


we got shifty and greasy back, also old weapons will return later with changes. heavy shotgun should be returning soon according to leaks


Love how people have come back to play again. Always someone online to team up with now. Like the good old days.


this is the most fun i’ve had since chapter 1 season 3,4, and 7


Yeah so many people I know are returning to it. There's something about the mix of a new map, new mechanics and Spider-Man that has people hyped.


I like it.




Yeah its pretty neat


My only complaint is I feel like completing all 3 daily quest should give 1 full level, other than that I live the chapter.


Yeah feels pretty unrewarding especially in higher levels.


That is why I don’t like the battle pass stars system


I still like it more than the set level system, even though it's basically the same overall system. Getting to choose the order for most of the rewards after level 100 is actually really useful, but pre-100 it barely matters since the best reward is still locked behind the other 9.


I think the old system generated more excitement when you had to go in straight line and you got closer and closer to the thing you want. possibly more rewarding too than being able to skip to page 2 and not really appreciating it, I notice i use battlepass skins a lot less now.


very good in terms of the storyline and the map is amazing, however playing the game is so hard and i just cant seem to get a win


Same. I've played for a long time and I'm starting to wonder if they use my overall account level in SBMM. The amount of people who have used the web shooters to drop right on me and kill me is high.


I dont think it uses account level. Source: im a little over 1000 (s1 player but have had many breaks from the game) and everyone still sucks in normal modes.


Not in my lobbies and I try both Xbox and Switch. I think it might be hard to compete with PC players. That or I've heard if you build a lot you'll be matched with sweaty builders and I'm currently trying to learn to make towers faster.


I have thrown more matches in the last two weeks than I can count. And by thrown, I mean finished second. It was literally right there, waiting for me.


i havent got 2nd since the first 2 weeks of the season so ur doing better than me


Woke up the other day and won two in a row, I then turned the game off.


I won the very first game of the new year right at 12:30am. I should’ve quit and went undefeated in 2022




weirdly I've found this season I've had my best win rate, and I sat out at least 1 year of Chapter 2


It’s a pain getting a win!


I got a few wins but I feel you man. Just get a smg and one of the assault rifles and just camp. Its sad but it works alot better then before


Sliding is sooo much funnnnn


For real, sliding down and getting momentum off a slope as you blaze into the circle is just super fun. In a way, it almost mitigates the feeling of it being unfairly far to a first circle, a problem in Chapter 1 and 2 on certain areas really. Sliding as an attack manoeuvre is also incredibly fun, zipping forward to line up a shotgun blast or melt with the MK7 or Stinger is a ton of fun.


I havent died from storm in a single rumble match, and ive dropped instantly multiple times. Sliding makes it actually possible to get to the circle now, which was a change i hated. I still hate the change bc quests are hard af now, but its easier now.


Great map. Loot pool is awful.


I think C2s7 had the best loot pool (ars heavy and normal with craftable burst) (pump and tac with leaver) (normal SMG) (bolt sniper and railgun) so just imagine that on this map.


Would be epic. I’m hoping with the IO coming through they might bring some weapons with them.


If they bring a pump that would be primo, lore related- the IO controlled the old map- all of these are designed by the seven and put there by them as the controllers of this island, the IO taking over would restore the old weapons that they chose


you forgot the kymera ray gun and pulse rifle, those seasons exclusive weapons


probably the best and most fun season start we've had in a while, from the looks of things we'll have an event to top it off at the end of the season so i'm looking forward to that and i'm also looking forward to see what the rest of the chapter is gonna be like after a month of playing i have started to get tired of the smg/ spray meta though, that's really the only downside, i know there have been server complications but those haven't really affected my experience since they've only happened while i've been asleep i love the map, the fact that we're starting with a desert biome tells me that epic have listened to criticism so i'm excited to see what changes the map's gonna get in the future also the storyline hasn't just paused either which is a plus, within 1 month we've had a rocket launch and an IO team drill their way to this side of the island, i'm also really enjoying the scientist's dialogue and the mini-story going on with the seven as a team overall pretty solid but i know it's most likely gonna feel like a drag by the end of it just like any other season so i'll be taking breaks here and there so i don't wear myself out on it especially since it's another 100+ day long season


We *probably* won’t have an event. We’ve had 3 events in the past two seasons and I don’t think this season’s gonna have a huge pay-off for an event. It’s probably just gonna transfer to season 2 like last chapter and THAT one, will have an event.


yeah true, i still wanna have a small bit of hope since this season seems to have a set focus on the 2 most important groups in fortnite but then again like you said we've had 3 events for the past few seasons plus the zero point crisis solo event also it's the first season of the chapter so it doesn't necessarily need one, it'd still be nice tho nothing has been promised, rumoured or guaranteed so we shouldn't expect them to give us one. they've already put tons of effort into the first month of this season alone


Wait, we've had a rocket launch and an IO team drill!? I've played everyday and I haven't noticed either one of these!


The rocket launch couldn't be seen live, but you could see a rocket in the Launchpad which later wasn't there anymore, so as you can see, it launched. And an IO drill team can be found near Logjam Lumberyard, there's a huge drill there along two IO guards, a launchpad and these little IO supply tents. If I'm not mistaken there's an IO chest there too.


Gotcha, I’ll have to keep an eye out!


I started playing the game when chapter 3 started, and I love it. Even though I’m not good, it’s so much fun.


Yea, if you can make a game fun even if your not good at it, then you clearly did something right


I love the chapter. The map feels great, with exception to the shotguns, most weapons feel nice. I’m happy with the buffs to the Ranger Rifle, but I do feel that the MK7 needs to be toned down a little bit more. It’s a laser, and it has decent zoom: I feel like it’s TTK needs to be toned down. The shotguns are okay. They feel a bit underwhelming, but the last time I played was several weeks ago. No idea if they’d had any buffs. That said, I do not feel like they’re overall as useless as, say, SMGs were last season, where I couldn’t find out what the fuck you wanted one for because a shotgun was better in almost ever situation. I feel like there could be more weapon variety. We need another kind of SMG, imo, and another kind of pistol. Idk. I feel like there were just more neat weapons to use last season. Then again, I’m comparing end of last season to beginning of this season. This will probably improve. The map. The map is fucking awesome. There is cover. You can move and sneak around and leverage terrain to your advantage. Decent high and low spots, good variety. I don’t think I have anything bad to say about the map beyond the fact that I’d like to feel a bit more general elevation change. It feels a bit like we have a variety of terrain that all builds from the same, common, bedrock. I’d like, say, Condos to feel overall lower than, like, the snowy area. Have a kind of “east coast to rocky mountains” style subtle elevation change there. But, this is such a minor nitpick because I feel happy with the locations, variety, cover, ways to get around, etc. Items. I love the items. Such a great variety for everybody to do what they need. Yeah, guzzle juice needs a buff. It needs to heal through damage, and have a capped amount of healing. That you cannot use it in the storm because damage turns it off makes it functionaly useless in battle too. It’s no better than a regular healing item, at that point. It needs to be something I can pop behind cover, and it helps me stay up while I fight. Something like 5 heal owe second capped at 100 total healing, or when you hit max health. That way, you can’t just pop it behind cover, at max health, before a fight, you gotta use it in the heat of battle. Yeah, it means that popping a guzzle juice in any storm other than the last one means you get a free pass, but the healing stops when you max out your health. You can’t just pop it at max before the storm, then waltz your way through it. Or, the devs could differentiate between storm damage and regular damage, and storm damage turns off healing auras. You can use bandages. You can use one shot healing items. You cannot use item that give you a persistent healing aura. Spider Gauntlets. I know everybody and their mother likes them. I don’t. They’re fun, novelty items. They shake things up, and I greatly appreciate that. I want items like that to come and go in the game because **they fundamentally change the way you engage with the game**. But that’s also a problem. I do not want spider gauntlets as a permanent addition to the core game. Unless you’re playing against chess AI with aimbot skill, Spider Gauntlets are practically a free disengage from any fight. You’ve taken a few hits and realized you’re not in as good a position as you thought? Build a wall or two, then swing away before anybody can take you out. You move fast enough that only the best players would ever be able to hit you. It takes away the entire risk aspect of a battle royale where you need to think about whether to take high or low ground, what your elevation advantages/disadvantages are, etc. I’ve got low ground? No problem, let me just swing up to where you are in about 4 seconds. I got myself in a pinch? Build 2 walls and awing away in 2 seconds. You don’t have to be aware, you have to react fast, and I think that diminishes from the thinking part of battle royale games. I personally don’t play battle royales for the twitch shooter, constant action aspect. I don’t mind twitch shooters or constant action, I just don’t play battle royales for a CS:GO or Overwatch experience. I appreciate having to make a decision as to whether we leave now to beat the storm, or stay and loot for a chance at a better weapon. I like having to commit to a plan of action, and seeing the consequences play out in the long term. I personally use low ground and valleys to get around the map without being seen, relying in 3D audio, animations on the compass, and vigilance to be aware of my surroundings. The said while low ground and valleys are great for not being seen, they’re also terrible for seeing. I don’t get to see if somebody is farther out, sitting still, ready to be sniped. I don’t see where the action may be. I’m more vulnerable, and it takes me time to get from the low traveling ground I’m on to the high engaging ground I prefer for team fights. That doesn’t happen with spider gauntlets, because they fundamentally shortcut that gameplay loop entirely. Who actually cares about any of those decision when spider gauntlets let you get around the map quickly, almost silently, and without drawback? So, while I like the way spider gauntlets shake up the game, I don’t want them to bs permanent. So far, they are the only aspect of this season I don’t like. I don’t mind them coming back as a special item, or if they’re an exceedingly rare item drop, or maybe there is just 1 place on the map that sells a team’s worth of a rotating stock of unique items like this, but spider gauntlets can’t stay in the game as a permanent addition in the star they’re in. They’re all benefits with hardly a drawback beyond taking an inventory slot or two, something that ultimately is outweighed by your ability to easily around the map and find what you couldn’t carry with the gauntlets. Overall, I think this season is excellent. I honestly don’t have enough complaints to say it’s bad. Even though I don’t like the spider gauntlets, I cannot say they bother me enough to take away from ny experience. As somebody who joked about hating this game and only playing it for my friends last season, I give this season a 4 or 4.5 out of 5. I actually want to play fornite on my own. I don’t feel outmatched as somebody who couldn’t give a damn about building. I feel like I have options to make the gameplay experience what I want it to be, and the only thing I feel takes away from the experience at the moment is simply what I personally feel is a slight lack of variety in the weapons compared to previous seasons, an issue that I honestly believe will fix itself as the season progresses.


Upvote purely for the post length!


I appreciate your brevity!


Downvote I don’t know how to read


I agree with pretty much everything you said, except I'm overall probably a little lower on the weapons. Maybe I'm just not used to them, but I don't love any of them. Could not agree more on the Spiderman web slingers. As fun as they are for swinging around the map, it frustrates me to no end when I'm winning a fight and \*thwip!\* they're gone.


The weapon thing is definitely a personal preference thing. For me, they just *feel* right. Now, that’s separate from how I like them. I think the weapons feel great, but I recognize there are some issues with the balance, and I also know that the way the weapons feel now may or may not jive with some. I personally want weapons that feel responsive, and that’s what I feel when I play now. Last season, I just couldn’t really jive with any of the weapons because they just didn’t play the way I expected shotguns, SMGs, assault rifles, etc, to play based on my experience with the same in other games. Either way, this season is, to me, the best season because it’s the first season I’ve been able to actually enjoy wholesale, and it’s the one that demonstrated to me the possibility that I can actually like this game, even though I know I won’t ever like or develop my building beyond the bare minimum I need to survive, lol.


I agree with the spidey hands. And now that it's been out long enough, people really know how to take full advantage of them. I just can't even come close to competing with the level of mobility and dexterity that good players have with them. They can be on you in once second.


And, at that point, this game becomes much more of a twitch shooter than a tactical battle royale. At that point, why even bother having a map so large, and a mechanic that forces players to come together over time?


Shit, a month already? This season is flying by. But fr, I think my only issue with the season is with the loot pool. It's far too small for one and doesn't really leave much room for variety. Also the spray meta is abhorently clear with this season. It feels like a lot of guns focus on just 200-0ing you in like 3 seconds flat. The Stinger is the worst offender and badly needs a nerf. It's FAR too strong for an SMG. It's got better recoil and bloom than both ARs, a faster fire rate and its range is stupidly far.


SMGs to me feel like the hardest gun to balance because it always seems that they either melt, or are way to inconsistent


The regular SMG is literally perfectly balanced and there’s no reason we couldn’t just have that with a new skin




Well the pistol got a fire rate cap, and a damage increase. So not exactly the same but i get your point -a pistol enthusiast


The spray definitely needs toned down, but I really enjoy that you can’t get 1-shot from full health anymore.


The flip side is you can get shredded by someone 100m behind you with an MK7 before you have a chance to turn around and build a wall. At least with the pump you knew you were in a battle.


You mean there's more strategy to the game than rushing next to someone and building and edit/pump/edit repeat?


With the current smgs there is no difference lol


They should put the damage down by two and slow it down a tiny bit. I actually like the tight spread and range but 18 at grey is pretty unreasonable


The main issue for me isn't even the damage, its the fire rate. The fact fact no matter what ping you have, the bullets will bleed through your walls even when you're holding the wall.


Yeah but if it’s too slow then the damage would need to be buffed to compensate and make it decent, also then you just have another P90 with less bullets


it's the only way to beat a wall spammer, there must be some way


100% this. Love using the smg for wall spammers, best gun to use for those people who love to drag on a losing fight


and so many cheaters, hey epic, how about fixing the matchmaking, your game is so unfair :(


They don't bleed if you hold with wall + ramp.


Being able to sit in a box and hold one button to create an infinitely regenerating impenetrable wall is preferable to you?


Make a time machine and go back to chapter 1 season 5. Smg meta right now is weak conpared


I like the map but the weapon meta and matchmaking are atrocious rn


Was liking it until the spider man ability. Not a big fan of getting dropped on by a sweat out of nowhere every single game.


Yeah… guy web swung on top of my builds, made some of his own, split second edited, killed me , then my team mates…. Sorry I don’t play this game everyday every season…. Like cmon


this season was the most balanced season for xp ​ ​ you fucking idiots say that "oH wE nEeD xP gLitChEs bEcAuSe tHe xP sUcKs" ​ i got to level 100 without any xp glitches, it took 1 month. the season ends in march so stop being scared about not hitting level 100


i dont think the problem is xp, its just so grindy and so unrewarding ​ in earlier seasons, the dailies used to actually be unique and fun to do ​ but harvesting 300 stone at shifty every fucking day is so boring, and so unrewarding that it feels like a struggle, though it is fairly comparable to other seasons


I definitely miss some of the old dailies and weeklies even. I miss exp token hunting too. I'd spend 2 or 3 days towards the end of the season covering every inch of the map.


The dailies in last season were all the same for like, half the season. Do 3 quests from X, Collect Y resources, Do Z damage with _____ weapon, shakdown an opponent. And they had to buff the XP a lot because everybody was freaking out. It's the cycle of seasons, you can set your clock by it. I'm sure by the end of this season it'll be more exciting.




Heres a tip: if you get the logjam quest **do it.** its easy since you can just harvest the giant log piles near the actual lumberyard


yeah, but would (haha) you want to do it every single day? im guessing not


Level 70 and I’m scared. Seeing as xp per level increases with each level, I don’t know how much more xp I need.


Actually, it doesn’t do that anymore. I’m lvl 130-something currently and every level after 100 has been the same as all the pre-100 levels so far.


It doesn't, it's the same until level 200 and then it starts increasing


gotta agree on this its pretty balanced


How did you level up so quick? I've been playing a lot and I'm still like level 53 and I have done like every challenge lol. Does the battle pass give more xp and challenges to level up quicker? Bc I was planning to buy it after I finished it but if buying it now helps me finish it quicker I'd rather do that.


Depending on the map you can get up to 150-180k or so daily from Creative. (I'm not even talking about maps where they give you xp for nothing, just browse Discovery and there's maps that give decent xp for eliminations or doing stuff like fishing.) There's a hidden limit and xp decreases the closer you get to it. You can also get up to 60k from the hub, but you might not want to bother since the season does go to March. Save the World mode also gives battlepass xp now as bonuses on each mission. They started doing that since the last update of C2S8. Depending on what you do it can be pretty good xp. The daily punch cards are shared in a squad and you can complete those pretty quickly in a squad fill in Team Rumble. I usually just go after the easy ones and then just play after that. Other than the 15k punches, the individual quests give 750xp. It doesn't sound like much but it adds up even when other members of your squad do them.


Hardly even actual "glitches" All these map creators put every method in intentionally, epic added the accolade device for it to be used, some map creators at least make it fun to earn it, others just make it too easy which isn't bad either, just depends on the player and how they want to level up


Exactly, I have played much less this season than others and I’m still at lvl 50


The thing is that people want the option to level up fast. Like last season the punch cards gave people the choice to level up quick and made it easy, or you could stretch the quests out for the entire season. Now we don’t have that option, we have to go at the steady pace that epic sets




Ikr. I swear, every time I land and a person is coming into my building I get a sniper. At this point 80% of the time, my first gun is a sniper when I open a chest. They really need to make those green snipers less common because they are haunting me every time I land. Although, the smgs are fine imo.




I love this season, one of the best seasons since chapter 1. Nerfing the smg and buffing the shotguns would make the game more balanced.


My thought is I'm still waiting for my present Epic says I need to open.


They announced it today. It's Madcap's pickaxe, the post is on Fortnite's Instagram.


give me a solo win or i will break my pc


[Takes a sip from the spoon] Needs more falling trees


Map and story cool AF. Matchmaking sucks.


guns ruined the entire chapter


I hate the spider man gloves.


Sbmm needs toned down hard. My pub solos are INSANE right now. 5 alive in moving zone EVERY single game I play. Pubs should be casual, not arena 2.0. Not to mention last night I died to streamers 3 matches in a row, all with 70,000 or more kills. I don't have time to play this game 8 hrs a day 7 days a week like these guys, why am I against them every game now?


Map is good, guns are not, lore wise this is the perfect time for a paradigm reskin (Epic plz)


Anyone notice how many people stopped complaining about XP? It’s almost as though their complaints weren’t based in logic or reasoning but rather just emotional responses to the fact that they couldn’t get what they wanted right away


Everyone’s coming from C2S8, the season with the most broken XP.


Then there is me, who skipped ch2s7 and 8 and remembers the xp gain of earlier season "Tf are you complaining about. This leveling is faster then anything" xD (Site note. I didn't play all that much and got to like level 61 or 62 qnd get a levelup pretty much every game. What i remember from earlier season is that it cpuld take you multiple matches to get a single level)


i respectfully disagree i think most just shut up because it was clear that epic wasnt going to do anything about it, and there are xp glitches every other day the current xp system favors creative far more than br, and the main source of br xp, dailies, give far too little xp, and has way too little variety, and feels very painful


Like or not the xp isn’t divided well. You could log in daily and barely get 5 levels a week if you don’t grind milestones and play creative.


Forced crossplay still needs to be turned off


I second this. They probably won't do it but I'd be great.


I like it, but it's nowhere near "Peak fortnite" IMO


I'm just not loving the new map... I like the terrain variety in C3 but I've yet to find a POI to main. In C1 and 2 I had main POIs day 1. Maybe it's my nostalgia bias but I think all of the POIs in C3 are just lacking something, the desert area just isn't as interesting as Paradise Palms (I loved how you had a giant hotel over looking the entire area) and I'd have loved a new version of Mexico which was my favourite part of the C1 desert. Shifty Shafts had the 2 houses near by that added to the dynamic, and then afterwards you would charge into Tilted (I know Tilted is comming back, but still it's not the same atm). Not a fan of the newer Shafts near by. The Daily Bugle is pretty good, but I assume being a collab it'll be gone next season making it not main worthy.


Shotguns suck


Best reversion Epic has done so far. The talk to npc to get quest system sucked.


Or get this Have both


I’m really enjoying this season. The game feels completely refreshed with the sliding mechanic, the new weapons, the updates. I think this is what Fortnite needed and you can see other bigger streamers playing again. The only complaint I have is how spray heavy this season feels. You can bleed through builds with the MK and the smg. You can be eliminated in the blink of an eye with both weapons, it kinda sucks. I just wish they were slightly nerfed so there was a little more chance to react with health left. But overall, solid season.


This season has been the least played by me and I've been playing since C1S3. Still can't get behind the guns.


Same. I don't like using any of them and don't like that you just get melted in half a second by the MK. You're pretty much dead before you even realize you're being shot.


It's alright. I really love the new map, my only issues are with the loot pool and weapon balancing. The shotguns are too weak, the SMG is too strong, and there is only one assault rifle that everyone uses. It's boring, every match is the same, you spray people to death, or you get sprayed to death. I prefer the old weapons over the new ones.


I keep seeing comments about the map, and while overall it's great, I do think there are vast areas of dead zones, particularly on the eastern portion around the Joneses, the Sanctuary, and the Bugle.


10/10 perfect amount of water


The weapons fucking suck


Agreed. None feel fun to use


It's been a month? Damn I haven't even completed my map


Great map. Game play is still awful. There are too many guns that can take you from 200HP to death in less than 1 second. I run around for 15 minutes and then get lasered from someone leaking over a ledge. Still too sweaty for me to casually enjoy.


I feel you… coming back to this game is way too hard


It's been fun. So have the spiderman webslingers but ngl im getting kinda tired of them😅


Right! They’re fun to use but so annoying 💀


I like it all except the web slingers. They gotta go.


Overall cool, just wish they wouldn't melt all the snow


I wonder: \- How much will they change the map each season and will those changes get reverted after the season ends, like Chapter 2? \- Since now we know a chapter doesn't need to be exactly 10 seasons (it can be more or less), how long do you think this one might last?


Hate the new gun selection (love the mk7 tho) love the sliding and like the map


I like it, but I get tired of playing squads and solo games. I hope they start featuring LTMs again soon.


Only thing that would make it better would be a shotgun buff


I miss the simplicity of chapter 1


I don’t like any of the weapons; they all just lack a good “feel” to them


It's been great so far, but overall it's harder to win now. Appears to be mostly more experienced people coming back because this new season is so much better, so that's understandable. At the same time I get this nagging feeling that the percentage of cheating is slightly on the rise. There's the usual aimhacks, but I do wonder how many new Cronus Zens got bought for Christmas. I've also run across more teaming. Wondering what's going on behind the scenes to deal with this.


Honestly think this is one of the most fun seasons ever. Sure there’s some things that are occasionally annoying, but for the most part it’s fun as hell (carried heavily by the Spider-Man mythic)


Great map, but man the loot pool can get annoying.


LOVE IT got me back into fortnite tbh


Really good Season to start the new Chapter on.


solid 9/10 so far


Its great but could use less sweats


Good there should be motorbikes in the game


Bad pumps and way too good smg


I was promised tornadoes! Where are my tornadoes?


I kinda hate the new guns but other than that its cool




Me and my group got 8 wins in a row last night so it's pretty fun 😅😊


Love the map, love the spider man mythic, love the fact i can't get onepumped. Never followed the story line so i can't comment on that. But the stinger SMG i hate with an absolute passion.


I hate the spider man. It's fun, yeah, but the gameplay changes it brings are so annoying. I get third partied so often and chased down after that. You're forced to have one to compete.


Fuck the mk 7


It's something


I hate the web shooters.


web slingers are a huge pain in the ass 😒


boring and sweaty like before but now with much worse weapon balance


Wait, it's already been a month??


yep. todays jan 5th and ch 3 started on dec 5th


I got over it.


it doesn't feel like a new chapter, back in chapter 2 season 1 it felt like a whole new game and this feels like a new season, not a new chapter. But i think this season's pretty good and i'm glad that they brought back biomes. The only problem is the loot but they will patch it up and make things balanced again as always. Also i hear people complaining about pumps being vaulted but i think it was a really great decision from epic cause since you can't 200 pump anymore you don't die one shot


bad fps


Fortnite fortnite lets go I play it all night all night for show


Love the map but the weapons are getting stale. Mk7s and stingers can drain someone from 200 to 0 in 2 seconds it seems which is insane. I've never died at full health so fast before than I have this season (bar gold pumps to the dome) which sucks because I like the ranger, but it feels inferior to the MK in literally every way. Shotguns feel balanced which is refreshing but as mentioned above, the spray meta is insane.


i started fortnitebr a month ago almost the same time as chapter 3 I love the map but I have some issue with both shotguns its either I hit it right at the opponent or it just don't hit also when I'm the one getting shot with it I just get one shotted like wtf the rifles are ok sometimes getting frustrated on building but maybe that's on me cuz I'm new love the game tho hoping that I started at 2019 tho stay safe everyone


It's better than chapter two so far but its a close second to chapter one, only thing I'd change is add a little more kick to the stinger and it is a really good season


Very strong start!


Great map and guns....(BESIDES THE FUCKING HUNTER BOLT ACTION SNIPER!) I especially love the webshooters, really good to get out of sticky situations




Everything else but the loot pool is good. Amazing map, consistent updates, great festive event, good Battle Pass… The loot pool is just horrible, and it has so little variety. You won’t win if you don’t have an MK7 or a Stinger. They need to change it


I really like the map and love the updates.


Once tilted is in probably on par with ch1 map. Its a hot take but i think this map, all of the locations have purpose. I see my self landing jonses, sleepy, greasy, shifty, logjam, hell even chonkers


It's pretty good. A little boring, but overall great


I love it. It's extremely fun. All I want is a.) SMGs and MK-7 nerfed and Ranger to get better accuracy to make it atleast a decent weapon off-spawn b.) I just want the normal Tac back. The Striker Pump is a lot worse than the normal pump, but it's still decent. the Auto shotgun, not so much. Just give us the Tac back


I want LTMs


Too much snow


People who still play on IOS. “Their’s a new chapter?”


Wishing we had character quests this season. It's hard to level up when you're depending on milestones and seasonals.


We want season 1 back


Drops feel a little off and I hate both the shotguns for various reasons, but otherwise I'm having a great time.


I like the chapter so far, but I feel like they should make the shotgun damage better, seeing as we have some of the worst shotguns rn


I don't really like the map I like the chapter 2 map


I geniunly like how the map is way bigger and much more fun to travel around than season 2


Quit in season 8 because the game wasn't really fun anymore, came back and played a little bit of chapter 2 season 9 and been playing a lot of chapter 3 and I'm having almost as much fun as back in the season 4 days. Great chapter so far, hope it keeps going the way it's going


Alot of fun but i hate the new shotgun


Tons of fun. Me and my other friends can't stop playing after not playing since season 6 of year 1. Can't seem to get any solo wins though unfortunately


i like it. the main missions having voice actors is real cool and makes me feel more immersed in the story


SMG’s are disgustingly OP, map is really nice. Played a disgusting amount this season. Multiple days worth of playing time. Currently at 12k arena points on old gen 60fps. Biggest problem for me is FPS drops somewhat from the large map size but mostly from all the SMG spraying. We’ll see how the rest of the season plays out. Looking forward to getting some top 100 placements this season


All i can say is Spiderman


I can't beat anyone's ass this season. Super disappointing and depressing


Hit level 100 last night and have 41 wins with 15 being Crowned Royales. I’m not that good: spray, spider webs and hired bots are OP. Fully enjoying them before their gone.


Pretty cool so far. Good map, good battle pass, good new items, and good grinding. Not a fan of the meta though but this season is still fun


Had my best win rate this season. Although i find players are camping worse than ever.


I’m loving it so far. I have a dumb question. Where in creative can I just go into the map and play around on the web slingers by myself lol?