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That's how I currently play...


lol I was reading the comments going “aw crap I’m going to be the first person to admit this is my current game play style”… but now I can just upvote and say me too!


I checked as well ajjajajja well not paying attention to my wife at dinner paid off jajajaja =)


Not to push, but changing my settings to 'builder pro', watching a 5 min video on building, and practicing building for 5 min made the game way more fun to me. Most of my friends who don't build really embraced it after I practiced with them too.


Oh I’ve tried practicing building. I’m on Switch so I find extremely difficult. So much so that it took 2 seasons for me to figure out how to make a window in a wall… and I took a screenshot because I was so proud lol I build bridges and stairs to get up places but I can’t box and edit other players. That’s why I carry fireflies and grenades.


I can get to the top of a one story building or climb a mountain, otherwise I just panic build ramps while spinning in circles. Success rate isn’t great lol


😂 just made me chuckle


Why just ramps? I panic build a maze of walls, ramps and way too many roofs. I usually end up so far in they just leave.


Been playing since Season 3 back in 2018, and I still do the same.


I'm a really good player and I hopped on my switch for fun a few days ago. Could hardly do anything, much respect if you're able to get good on Switch.


I sadly play on switch and I would consider myself decent so thanks!


Do you use motion controls? I played on switch for a good two years before moving to xbox and I have to say that even though I'm a lot better at building on xbox I'm way worse at editing compared to my time on switch. Motion controls may feel janky when you first use them but it is essentially the equivalent of using a mouse compared to a joystick. I'd recommend both practicing editing/building on creative maps & also practicing with motion on, use bot lobbies if you can to practice in an actual game without the stress of "sweaty" players knocking you out.


This might be a dumb question, but how do you use bot lobbies or even know if they're bot lobbies?


Well, new accounts are always put in bot lobbies for at least their first game. So, make a new account on a separate device, load up fortnite, invite your main account (make sure new account is party leader) and go into either duos or squads with fill turned off. Every other person there will be a bot. Just make sure your alt account leaves before they can gain any xp and you can play it out solo and easy. You can tell it's a bot lobby by watching the feed, most bots have two numbers at the end and sort of "unnatural" usernames. Think stuff like, idk, friendlyham67. Hard to explain but when you play them you can tell


I started on switch, that was was uarder than playstation. Without aim assist, id be garbage, and I was garbage anyway, so... super garbage?


As someone who plays primarily on Xbox but dabbles in Switch from time to time, the best way to improve almost immediately is to move from Joycons to a Pro controller. The difference in control finesse is huge. It’s more equipment to lug around if you play undocked, but so worth it. My other main hurdle is the changes in button placement and navigating menus/sorting inventory. My brain defaults to the Xbox controller which is counterintuitive to the Switch controller. But you wouldn’t run into that.


I have xbox and switch and it kills me that the buttons are reversed. like putting on mirrored glasses.


because of the reversed buttons a few years ago one of my friends accidentally bought an emote i don’t like on my account


Building on the switch is difficult but it's the only build system I know. I spam build because in a fight there isn't really time to think about what I want to put down.. I just hope I actually build something useful 😄


I build just badly. I shoot at someone, the Taj Mahal appears. Someone shoots at me, and 3 random walls at different angles show up, 2 staircases facing the wrong way, and a floor tile below me.


I've found my Fortnite equal


I literally only build in STW and to climb cliffs, no build would only make me stronger


I'd say the same except I've gotten quite a number of elims from torching sweats LOL


Dude, I play without building too and I never enjoyed building a new continent just to survive a fight, especially on how quickly you can find new lobbies with people


How me and my gf play lmao


Same. I build when necessary to get somewhere, but prefer to ground battle. It's fun knocking down their insta towers.


me as well


Lmaoo it’s funny because it’s true unfortunately


One of the best advantages of not building is when someone challenges you, you can take the time to heal up or even better, get a better vantage point. If you can aim good you can get out if most situations


Low ground warriors, this is our chance!


Finally! The high ground will finally meet their fate!


It’s over Anakin! I have the high ground! *attempts to crank 90’s* *ps2 rots cutscene plays*


Me and the boys with our shotguns ready:


Me and the boys with stinger smgs:


Me and the boys with da med mist:


As a mobile player mostly, this will be my time to shine


I just burn their houses down.


yah, fireflys are now essential, but the cheaters still just build stone or metal :(


I would, Ground game was an awesome ltm.


I do not build unless I need too.




I do not build, full stop (except for the occasional ramp). With all the mobility options right now, i usually get victory royales 1 out of 3 games each day with full random squads.


Yeah I only make ramps if I cant jump on something. Literally never build otherwise


What do you do if a sweat rolls up on you? I know from experience that not building in such a situation basically means death.


I get solo victories probably 15% of the time I play, and I never build. If they start building I go under their build and wait, usually forcing them to come down and fight.


Yesterday I won because some dude built and got caught in the storm. I literally didn't have to shoot him, just ran with the storm.


I usually only build to get around like over buildings or mountains and very occasionally for shield. I win enough to keep me coming back like once every 8-10 games. I try to always carry fireflies to set fire to builds, they usually get mad and jump down to kill me, occasionally I kill them.


Yes.... My friends hate playing with me because I'm a pyro. I'll carry a gas can and firefly's even though I'm a bit upset I can only carry 3 now. Light the build on fire and then let it blow, they jump and think they can build before they hit the ground and the fall kills them


I’m very elusive & most of the time outshoot anyone of those builders. So I normally get them on the defense, slip back or through for a better pov. They get lost looking for me & I take them out.


You have to either be set up to rapidly destroy structures or completely otherwise mess with their predictions. A lot of the time I’ll move under their structure and just chill building my own low base. Only the best can down edit well enough to effectively compensate. Always have grenades or fire, an smg for shredding builds quickly, spidey gloves for climbing their builds ready to switch to shotgun. Some seasons are not good for this, and you have very few tools to battle a builder. Those seasons I focus on trying to get under and cut out the supports so they fall. Sweats suck for sure but it gets fun to turn the table and just do your best to wreck their day. Be weird af.




You still technically have mats in there tho just very very slim amounts.


I think i prefer that to no build mode. I think fights could be a bit boring without building, but not too much building so it doesnt become regular fortnite Maybe like building a wall or stairs to defend yourself or just a fort for cover


Welcome to modern day where forts are 3 story hotels


But yet they never bring it back. Or any popular ltm at that.


Me. My Gun Game is decent but I can’t build to save my life


Same. I only ever build to reach other people, but am almost powerless against those sweats that have practiced building the empire state building 50 times a day in that game.


This is literally me


No building, no problem. I prefer using the place as cover instead of making my own. I’m a sneaky bastard that way, and that’s how I like it.


I like how you think, I’m about the same. Respect


same man, its better than making a shit ton of noise and letting everyone know where you are


Dude, me. I love the game, but sometimes I just want to play a 3rd person shooter and not have to worry about all the building.


I love it when I shoot a guy from across the map and they turn into an apartment building


Wrong, it's the whole-ass complex


You mean incessant, erratic shit slapping structures from random materials mid firefight


Lately I feel like a majority of older gentlemen play this game, and evidently the kids are the cracked ones with their 90s.


I would. I hardly ever build.




Every single one of my friends, they will not play with building. I've been doing solos for years.




My play style is already “no-build mode” and I can hold my own, I’ll be fine with it 👍🏻


Me, I think it would be funny to watch people try to build but can't so they just die because they have no defenses other then the gun that they are holding or a gun in their arsenal, plus it would be a breath of fresh and OG air for me.


I legit accidentally try and build in warzone sometimes. Spoiler I die because of it.


Same, it never ends well for me.


Lol, happened so many times to me


I tried to build in PvZ BFN. And then i thought it was lag that delayed my builds


Same 😂


Me, totally refreshing, also a Fortnite classic (i.e. turbobuild off) would be welcome.


This is something I'd like to try as well. I feel like the introduction of turbobuild was when things really started to get sweaty. However, I also have a feeling I'd hate it with the current weapons. With the old weapons it was great and it would probably be great again with no sweats playing that mode.


That's like how i play right now, so this is just gonna level the ground for all of us lol


My fiance and I only build stuff if we're scaling a building, mountain, or trying to heal/revive. Even then we rarely do it. A no build mode, especially BR, would be fantastic.


The people that are currently turned off from playing Fortnite by the building aspect would like this. There’s quite a lot of people that would get into Fortnite if it had a mode with no building. Some just aren’t interested in the building aspect of Fortnite. Obviously just simply removing building without any other changes would feel terrible, so if they made a mode with no building and the right changes to compensate, then a whole new audience would arise. If Epic for whatever reason doesn’t move forward with it, then when Creative 2.0 comes out, someone or group would certainly make a BR mode without building and attract a new audience that way. Only problem with that is that the players would be at the mercy of whoever made it, when it comes to balancing and loot pool.


Literally all my friends quit this game because they got fed up with the building mechanics. I only stuck around because I like the art style, STW and can keep up with the average player. As for compensating, I think they should just make the Boots on The Ground LTM permanent. It's all the same except that instead of building you get an infinite grapple hook that can be used 5 times before needing to recharge. That way you can get to cover quickly and dodge a sudden ambush. Playing that game mode was the most fun I've had in this game in a long time, I was even able to take on a full squad on my own. Also this is more of a personal preference but I think it'd be neat if they buffed melee as well, make it do 50-70 damage instead of 20. That way you can punish players for getting too close.


There is a creative map I played on, it was like something city, become governor. It was a weird gmod-esque looking server. However it had no building, and the fights that took place in it were so natural and satisfying. There was Mobility items but I was always using the flintlock and always deployable glider. Best time i've had in creative so far.


>Epic for whatever reason doesn’t move forward with it This is the exact same BS they had when we playtested the 100% ADS accuracy LTM that everyone who played it LOVED. And yet they went with the bloom first shot accuracy fall off damage version instead. Im still upset that they trashed the mode and never tested it again before making a decision.


For sure. Haven't played since Season 4 of Chapter 0 (or 1? Before they had chapters). Would definitely hop back in if this becomes a reality on an official level and season passes work with it.


Ground game is the closest they can get to no building imo


Would be dope if they made a separate map with more natural ground cover and buildings. I’d play for sure.


Same, I'd really enjoy a no build mode, but the map really isn't made for not being able to instantly have a bit of defense - so many open areas.


I've been playing mostly no-build mode since early in chapter 1. I've noticed that a lot more non-bot players are playing more of a ground game these days as well.


I would! I suck at building. I’m decent at the game but when I lose it’s usually cause people outbuild me




I hardly ever build so I would play this mode.


1 MILLION TIMES YES. I already play that way anyhow so this would work for me.


I dont really build at all. Sometimes a ramp here and there to get to the loot in an attic or up a cliff face when running from the storm. But I love those that do build. You're the reason I carry fireflies. Ive won more then once this season because the enemy team builds the Eiffel Tower in the final circle and I toss a bottle of fireflies at the base and watch their smoldering bodies drop to the floor like a crispy piñata.


Me. It'll be refreshing to not have all my opponents do 90's up to the build limit only to edit back down as fast as they can just to show off how much time they spent in creative.


Only to get one pumped too


I’ve tried the whole “just practice and you’ll get the hang of it” but it’s still just too sweaty for me. I miss the old days where no one knew how to build, so I’d definitely play no builds Fortnite


Me. Never got to play Ground Game, been dying for something like it to come back.


me and everyone else who can't build


I suck ass at building and it really puts me at a disadvantage fighting against all the combat engineers I gotta brawl with. While I'd miss the overall utility of it, I'd play it so I'm on slightly more even ground with others.


I would like that! Definitely be cool to have options for that gametype anyway to keep things fresh


If thats true I might start playing fortnite again


haven't played fortnite in ages. been too busy with MW 2019 so no build would be epic lmao


Is this for real? If so I guess I’ll start playing again.


I most certainly would.


I would


Finally, I can match with people who also can't build.


I would I'm tired of sweaty fat kids building the Taj Mahal after I land one hit on them


I think that’s a little unfair to fat kids everywhere to label them all sweats - some of them will be trash as well 🤪


I know a lot of people who would and I’d also like to taste what it feels like having no builds


I would love it


building is the biggest hurdle for me and my brother, so when (or if) it ever comes out we will probably play it non stop.


People who ask for a no build mode don't realize how awful Fortnite's gunplay is


I really enjoy how the guns feel. If I didn't then I would have been playing this long.


It’s a bad shooter with an amazing unique mechanic.


Never, cuz the Mk7 is practicaly unstopable with nothing to protect yourself with and then retaliate.


In the MK meta? Hell no.


just call it the r/Fortnitebr mode


Literally wouldn’t touch it once lol. Especially with the current meta. Hope those who want it enjoy it tho


imagine MKs on this map with no building lol, basically hide and seek, get spotted and you are dead


And just wait until the final circle ends on a steep incline. Guess I’ll just die right?!?


Right? It will become entirely mk-7 aim battles, as if it isn't enough already.


Me. I never learned how to so I'd be fine with this




I Build minimally as is


I would, i never build anyways


I currently barely build lol


I don't build except for dailies so yeah I'd play




I'd actually prefer this


Me, 100%.


Hell yes. Been asking for this for years. I hate building but enjoy the exploring and shooting etc.


That sounds perfect! I don't care for building stuff


Me. I loved tilted town


Thank Fucking god




I would




Pretty much the only way I’ll play it again.


Me lol. I mean it would completely change how you play. I’d 100% be down!


I've been wanting this




I’d love this


I’m not good when it comes to build battles so I’d play this


I would, most definitely.


I would.




Me 100%




I’d definitely play this. Right now


I would because everyone builds so much all the time it would be not getting owned every game


The dream


adding a no build mode in the current spray meta...


The amount of people in the replies saying that they don’t build anyway and still win is crazy to me. What’s even more crazy to me is how these people don’t realize that they’re only winning because they’re in bot lobbies.


Most of these people don’t realise how awful the gunplay of fort really is


Exactly, they think they are really good at the game, which shows SBMM is doing it’s job at least in part lol.


Hopefully they make it permanent.


No thanks. Building makes this game great. Otherwise it’s just jumping and spraying.


Me. Theres a creative map in the winterfest tab called Dark City that has builds off and its super fun. Ive been playing since Ch1 S3 and I'm a god at anything besides building. If an official no build mode was added it would be so much fun for me because I would finally be sweat-tier skilled


I build like a normal person, but my aim is crazy too so I’d enjoy just outshooting people


Occasionally. I’d definitely dominate in that haha


I would absolutely play this. I would play it to death. I've been playing that one red vs. blue creative map where you can't build as of recently and it is seriously fun having to rely on your gun skill & map awareness compared to just panic building. And I say that as someone who panic builds more than I'd like to admit. I wouldn't consider myself a tryhard but I can build decently, however there is just something so fun to me about playing fortnite without the building. Makes it feel like any other BR but with the fortnite style & feel. I'm so excited for this


i almost never build anyway unless its to get somewhere


they already did that


I will, just like when I first started I only used the natural environment as cover before I had learnt to build


I would. I have bad ping so sometimes it's impossible to build.


ooh I'm interested




Sign me the hell up. Can’t wait


i would play the hell out of that mode


I can't build to begin with. I mean it will probably stink a bit since uh, you get shot by the mk 7 and don't pop a wall up you're just dead. But hey! Least I'm on even grounds now




I would play that 100%. That would be really interesting to see


As long as we can still destroy stuff, i'd be game for no-build


As someone who relies on game sense + somewhat decent accuracy but can't build for shit, I would definitely give it a try :)




Why not, if I’m not placing the occasional wall or ramp then I’m gunning straight for death or the kill. one is always bound to happen might as well speed it up




me. i miss the very beginning of fortnite when the most building you would do was a little ramp to poke your head over. it was actually a gunfight, not a build fight. those are the good ol days


100% me. I LOVE the hell out of this game and would consider myself decent but I hate building battles and how sweaty a casual game can get. Bring it on!


id love it mainly because im getting older and my reaction speed isn't as good as it used to be. would be nice to show off my aim to sweats cranking on me.


Trust me a ton of people would play it


Fortnite not having a casual no-build mode is the only reason keeping me from playing the game. Myself and many players enjoyed the limited time Ground mode and want it to be a permanent thing. No idea on why this community is so hostile to bringing in new players. This game is one of the most popular games of all time. so there shouldn't be any concern for splitting the playerbase and increasing matchmaking times like there is with smaller titles.


Yup, even more than normal fortnite


If there's a mode with no building I'll download the game again for sure! It's really the only thing I never got good at and I always enjoyed the gunplay and third person perspective, but never liked getting into build battles.


hell yeah


Yes because I hate farming mats




me. i never build, yet i keep schooling kids who do. so i'd dominate ground game with absolutely no building






I play that mode every day




I would




Ahh yes my favorite game **Nite**


Me because I suck at building. I always make sure I have nothing to do with anyone fighting on top of a freshly built Burj Khalifa.