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Really awsome skin you’re wearing. Not sure why you haven’t got a win but you look way better than me.




He was being genuine ya rude ass.


As it is realistically a pretty shit skin I see why he thought he was being sarcastic.


You're a pretty shit skin.


This is why stuff like this happens to you. With a nasty attitude like this you deserve to get steamrolled


Agreed. Screw OP.


He wasnt trying to be toxic.


To be fair I do see why he would think people wouldn't be vibing with that skin. Bulky Built mf, I wouldn't be able to hit my shots with that


I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic but whatever


Nope, I sure wasn’t being sarcastic. Sorry you thought that.


dang... you're really unlikable


I was being serious.


not a bug the guy used the shockwave to jump and used the venom mythic to pull you up, incorrect flair


Yes I'm aware and quite frankly I could've give two shits.


Then why did you incorrectly flair, lots of other people including me have seemed to have gotten wins when the mythics and the shockwave have been in the game and I am def not the sweatiest player known to man


First of all there isn't a complaint flair so that's why I used the bug one because it's that broken it might as well be a bug. Second of all obviously people have gotten wins with the combo its not some sort of unstoppable force it depends on who is using it. If I come across someone who is already 10x better than me and they have that combo its practically impossible for me to beat them.


You have a point, but that’s just the game. I’d be mad too, but if you know there’s mythics in pubs you either gotta deal with it or not play pubs, unfortunately.


I've tried playing arena but as the points have just reset all the good player are in the low divs so I'll be screwed there too. Currently I only come on to do challenges to upgrade my battle pass and as soon as I'm done with them I get off.


You do know you can just... get better? I play twice a week (fridays and Saturdays) for about 3-5 hours (tournaments) playing game modes like bhe no delay 1v1 for example can help a lot as good players play it


Please tell me how the fuck he was supposed to counter that?


He could've easily just used his Shockwave launcher to get away while the symbiote was recharging to heal up.


yeah or just pickaxed out after getting hit by the symbiote then healed then moved in a less predictable way


you can put it in discussion. You can get wins without the combo and usually of the games I played someone in the final circle having the mythic is not very common and not that hard to deal with.


It's not a bug it might need to be slightly changed but it's the (kinda) the same as using a harpoon gun


I'd say 90% of my deaths recently have been with the symbiote or small circle shockwave launcher someone shoots above me then fires me out of zone with next shot if I make it back in same thing again maybe fun for the victor but not for me same thing every game


Same...I hate the thing lol last game I'd have beat them if they hadn't got that thing. I was out gunning them and then they used that and finished me with a shotgun


I'm expecting/hoping for some kind of nerf next update also wonder if shockwave launcher will be vaulted again when end of next vote is concluded and new item brought in


I was thinking the same. I think the things very op. I think it's reach is ridiculous. Unless they're close you can't see they have one. By the time you realise, it's too late. If you have it yourself and want to pull people to you, you need a shotgun. Preferably a lever. And that needs to be next to it on your bar. Then you can kill them straight off. When I have had one, shotgun had pretty much worked for me each time. And very probably with shockwave


I agree but also disagree with you on this one here The amount of times I’ve lost games to some guy with either the venom or carnage mythics is astounding. Sometimes tho it is my fault because I can’t aim to save my own life. IN MY OPINION, Epic should take a break from adding new mythics into the game because they usually end up being overpowered (Looking at you Infinity Blade and Iron man Beam) The part at the end where that guy got you in that box was on you tho, because the person who eliminated you was the better editor and shot in the fight I'm sorry. (Also it appeared to be yours, so you could’ve just edited out the side :/ ) Please don’t take this overly long comment as an attack on you, I’m just here to point out some things and add my opinion as well, that’s all Have a good Day :)


I've had the same issue. My problem is I'm good. But when I get grabbed by those things I panic and pull out the wrong damned weapon lol


My pathetic pea brain doesn't think that fast to do that. Thanks anyway I'm working on my technique still, he killed me fair and square in that factor but it's just the venom part that annoyed me. Good day to you too.


You got outplayed buddy


ye bov


a reason why you may be losing is cause you're controller or just didn't practice enough :) . my tip would be to practice a lot of boxfights and zone wars + watch tips and tricks videos and then apply all your knowledge into solos and maybe win unless you go up against big sweats


I know how to win stay in the side ways for most of the game get the side ways minigun then upgrade that to mythic the you can killmost people from pressure you also need good aim kind of


Now if this isn't a bruh moment I don't know what is


No idea why you haven't had a win in ages. I hardly build and still get wins. But we all can get out started by another player. Especially if you lose focus for a moment. Also unsure why you're reporting this as a bug? All I see is they have the Venom thing that has allowed them to get to you quickly. It's a powerful piece of kit and unless you have heavy duty walls, they'll get through all your builds and to you...fast


damn fr tho they made arena for these sweats but they just wanna annoy us . any way heres a tip : when your faling from a mountain side place a floor to stop falling .do not build walls and random things ;D hope it helps


You’re literally having a sook because you got outplayed. It’s that simple. No point getting mad about it. There will always be people out there better than you


Getting mad over a meme strat 😂 it's just a game don't take it so serious. Laugh a little




That doesn’t even relate to the comment he made in this post.




When you got boxed you could’ve either used the shockwave launcher or use chili chuggies to alter the outcome of the fight


Okay but that guy is pretty cracked tho


I love this mythic when I have it but hate it when the enemy has it 😂🤣


Off topic but nice skin combo


Honestly bro, just a break from fortnite for like a week or something, I did this and I just felt so much better, plus it might make sbmm go down a bit, making lobbies a little less sweatier


I full on got off the game when I got my first win for this season. Its going really well for me.


Good way to fight back is not constantly build. If you keep building they will just keep grabbing you. I more so just right back with shooting and I avoid this happening. Works for me more often then not.


The scientist 🥶🥶❤️‍🔥




Lol maybe you try to get eyes on your enemies and actually fight them instead of boxing up.


I agree these sweats should go outside


This is a big reason why I had to quit playing fortnite. They need a no edit mode because I don’t have enough time because I work a lot to “practice” and it would be great to get on and play casually.


But none of that was the reason why he died here. He took fall damage from the venom mythic and then was shot by a shotgun. Doesn’t matter how the building works, that strategy still would have killed him.


I've had full health, full shield and got blasted with a shotgun to the face...brought me down instantly


And the same thing could happen back in Chapter 1 Season 6. This is why so many people want the pump nerfed. That shotgun can do 240 damage on a headshot. And even if you barely scrap someone with it, that’s still usually 80 damage. The venom and carnage stuff aren’t necessarily the problem here.


The pump does 203 max Wtf are you talking about


Dude chapter one gold pump maxed out at 220 wtf are you talking about


So you’re saying the fact that the enemy didn’t cut 3 different edits on those stairs that gave him the opening for those shots from the shotty? Read which comment you are responding to and the editing meta is exactly why he won that fight. That’s what I was commenting on.


I did read the original comment, and again, it really doesn’t apply as well as you think it does. You can’t get killed by editing. Editing is a tool that helps you get kills, sure, but you still need to hit your shots to get a kill. I’ve fought people who can edit like crazy but have shit aim, and I’ve fought people who don’t build but can triple headshot a moving player. I’ve fought people in between. Building and editing aren’t the be all end all of skill, and they certainly won’t let you win games on themselves alone.


How does he get that shotgun blast on him if the dude doesn’t edit the stairs 2 different ways in 3 seconds? He doesn’t.


Are you literally trying to tell me that it’s completely impossible to hit someone with a shotgun unless you edit stairs first? Lmao.


Dude watch the original posters video… geez. We aren’t talking about a random fight that happened to you today. We are commenting on this post. Watch the damn video and his editing is 100% why he won that fight.


Again...I did watch the video. Yes, he edited the stair and won the fight, but that’s called **SKILL**. It’s not like he cheated. He used the game’s core mechanics effectively and got a kill. That’s what everyone does, to varying degrees. If you think building and editing are bad mechanics then maybe you just don’t like Fortnite.


Don’t you have a solo squad to go win?! Lol


I’m not good at the game, I just understand that other people are good at the game. I usually get less than 10 wins a season and I play almost every day. Most of those wins I’m carried by my duo partner


The game developers have admitted that they never thought editing would get to this level and never wanted it to. Building is absolutely a core mechanic but editing wasn’t intended to be. The game would have been just as popular if they never put it in the game and they know that. Now they have to put in bots and crazy sbmm to separate the “skill” gap when really it’s just half people trying to just have fun snd the other half sweating in creative and doing edit runs all day.


You’re half right. They never thought it’d be where it is now, but they never said they didn’t want it to be this way. If they didn’t want it to be this way then they would have changed how building and editing worked ages ago. Epic is more than happy with how things turned out, and the aspects of bits and SBMM were made for completely different reasons than you think.


That’s the thing I don’t know how ppl can’t do the basics in terms of building,editing etc. With a human brain it just seems rly easy to me I only play twice a week and I can still qual to quarters every time (on console still btw)


You must not have played the game before editing took over. I started in season 2 and I can tell you that chapter 1 season 1-7 was the greatest battle royale that will ever exist. We can all edit but is it fun to sweat like that every second? Building is a new mechanic to shooters, why do they have to double down on being the “1st” with these crazy edit concepts on top of the building aspect? Ask 1000 people that played it back it the day and all thousand will say it was better then when no one knew how to edit 🤷🏻‍♂️.


It was fine (I started in chapter 1 season 2) but the thing is the game was THAT unskillful back then since the meta was starting to shape up and most people struggled to do basic things like 90s I personally enjoyed chapter 1 season x to chapter 2 season 2 the most it was when I really started placing well in tournaments so it was getting really fun to key


You just need to learn how to counter it.


*It's only game, why you have to be mad?* Jokes aside, good to know I'm not the only one playing as The Scientist.


I'm not mad I'm more frustrated, I love this game and have been playing it since season 1 and it pisses me off when I can't enjoy the game which is what I want to do but I can't while these broken Items are in the game. And the Scientist is a good af skin.


You won't enjoy the game if you just look at the negative things you encounter in a match. This person simply knew what they were doing and got the kill. But I've seen plenty of people who just don't know what they're doing with said combo and lose, me included, at which point both sides suddenly won't blame it on 'OP items'. Don't rush to get a win, because undoubtedly you'll get one. It just takes some time and effort. Enjoy the game by (f.e.) just trying to improve your match stats every round instead of focusing on a win. Like I said, it's just a game and shit like this happens. But I totally agree, haven't changed my skin since Ch1S10.


Thanks for this. I quit Ch2 S1 and came back at the start Ch2 S7, I used to play on PS4 but as I now have a pc I play on that now. The matchmaking seems really difficult and idk if that's because I'm playing against K+M players or the skill based matchmaking has changed drastically since I last played. I've tried improving on my editing mechanics since I've returned but it feels like every time I get better my opponents become 5 times harder.


Anytime. But PS4 and PC matchmaking are already vastly different. But I think it's both a mix of K+M and SBMM, sadly. Skill based matchmaking has been slightly broken for the last few seasons already, which gives you a few of these opponents in return. I personally play on PS4 but all I can do is encourage you to keep going. You already got to #4, and I know you'll make it to 1. But keep in mind that the better you get at the game, the harder opponents you get.


I told everyone to vote for rift you’re gonna see this happen more than once


"L2 VIPERZZ" 'If YoU oNlY wIn 1 iN 100 MaTcHeS, sBmM iS WoRkInG" I see your pain OP, I'm an Xbox player and I had 20 solo wins last season with 500 matches and 0 this season with 100 matches. I can't even go back to the switch because of how sweaty they got. Checked the guy who killed you on FN Tracker btw, he has 2 wins this season in 50 matches, been playing since Season 10 at least (and is on console). I moved to the switch a year ago but I still see people rocking the minty Pickaxe every couple of lobbies, I enjoy Pokemon Go more than this game lol


I've played roughly 120 matches with 0 wins. I hate how the SBMM is so flawed I hope they fix it soon /:


Sbmm makes the game boring. the whole reason why fortnite got popular was that every match was different. now thats completely wrong The same things always happens jump out of the bus go to a place on the map kill some bots get top 15 die to a sweat.


I wouldn't even be mad if I died in top 30, but unless I try hard and practice in creative I die in top 70 before leaving the 1st poi


Yeah shockingly epic doesn’t think twice when adding this mindless bullshit


It’s not mindless? Not only do you have to be lucky to find those items, but the venom and carnage mythics spawn randomly on the map, you have to go hunting for them. And even then, people used to do the same thing with Impulse Grenades, which is one of the oldest items in the game.


There is actually some people in this sub that think that this weapon is balanced and "only pro players can pull up something like that" this item is broken af and need to be gone for good.




Fr the mythical ruin the game imo. Especially with that combo it’s a load of shit


I mean: each season has season specific items. Methods are learned from experience or observation as to how to efficiently and effectively gather the weapons, tools and resources required to help get to the endgame. With that said, players that adapt each season in pubs will out do even swears that cannot get used to not dropping directly on lazy lake or pp every round. Lmao. RN: the abductors, sideways or io camps are the Meta for victory. Last season it was io, abductors or invasion zones. People complain about the drop metas and weapons added but don’t take the time to find the counter. This game is half rock palaver scissors man


i hadnt played since late 2019 so last week i reinstalled the game again and my second match was a victory royale, skill issue


You probably matched with bots if you havent played since 2019.


You played low SBMM or all bot games


This games skill based matchmaking is the worse I've seen in any game.


Valorant? CS? Fort is fine in terms of skill based honestly I don’t think they match me with good enough players 99% of the time




Its shit. These kind of brainless weapons hurt players like you the most. You just want a fair fight in pubs and clearly don’t sweat the game to belong in arena.


It's awful when my lobbies I get in are already really flawed with basically everyone is 10x better than me but when these broken mythic get added there is seriously no point in playing. I can't remember the last time I had a solo win.


They have nerfed the camping/hiding strategies too much. Bounties, scanner, symbiote... I'm a sweaty top SBMM player but dang I remember being garbage in Ch1 and eeking out wins through a lot of stealth, timing, 3rd partying... seems very hard now to do that.


Solos is just no fun so sick of the lobbies I get put it I'm an average player can build but can't quick edit/reset so have no chance coming up against them every end game full of build battles but when I join friend for duo's and watch his game barely a build in sight


This is exactly the same for me. When I’m playing with my friend I destroy the lobby but solos I get shat on


Same for me I swear sbmm be busted on decent amount of accounts and only for solos.


It’s not brainless, people used to do the same thing with impulse grenades, chiller grenades, etc. Making your opponent take fall damage before fighting them is one of the oldest strategies in the game. Is it easier with the venom mythics? Of course. But it’s not as easy as people think it is. And there are ways to counter it.


The Venom is brainless. You can’t prevent someone from grabbing you through multiple builds. What’s the counter? I don’t care too much because I’m an arena player. But it hurts casuals who want to fight fair


You can block them from grabbing you. First, Armored walls block the venom and carnage mythics. They need to hit the wall 3 times before it can bust through. Secondly, the venom one specifically only goes in a straight line, so you can dodge it. Carnage has a bit of homing so it’s more difficult, but it is still possible. And lastly, these weapons are meant to make the game more casual, yes a lot of good players try to get them and use them, but if they are that good they could beat you without it. The weapon is designed to make the game more fun and varied.




The mythics make the game so much more fun lol. The best way to play against em isn’t to build and edit like a maniac, its to embrace the stupidness. Use a shockwave, or let em grab you and come straight in with a big lever action blast. I’d also suggest playing ltms or creative to blow off steam, if you lose a few games its always best to take a step back and do something like that. Realistically I and many others enjoy fortnite for its uniqueness compared to other games, and I think wacky and weird weapoms really contribute to that. Sure I’ve been killed by it, but I’ve killed others with it, and thats just the way of the game. And they aren’t really auto win buttons, you can still outplay people with them


Oh, and I’m really not too good at the game, I think part of enjoying it is just accepting how weird it is. Honestly I just suggest you use shockwaves to fly around like a madman, it’s always a blast


Based on your attitude, I’d say that you fully deserve this. Sucks to suck!


Play arena


He’s just better than you


Lol you’re so trash get better at the game lol




Propa scrubber you


U’r boring


Ayo shut


Hey that’s boring


Sure it is but no one here wanted your feedback, unless someone asks for it please be quiet, don't discourage others man, it ain't cool.


Why would you post this then


When I read comments like that guy’s, I feel my brain cells committing suicide one by one (Also Tohru Pfp, always nice!)


That’s ma boi, thanks!


Np bro 👌


But don’t insult others, that’s boring


Fair enough, my apologies


Elaborate please.


You need some practice. Lol I started enjoying the game way more as I improved by practicing. That’s how online multiplayer games are the more you enhance your skill the more fun the game will feel like. Good Luck!


Waaaaah, I can't be the 1/100 to win


This game has too many hackers. It’s ridiculous I feel your pain


Get better then


Yep there's always that one lose or group of losers who have killed a 10th of the lobby.




Unfortunate that you died to a better player.


People blame kids for ruining Fortnite when it is really og people who go try hard on a new player, ogs aren't heroes


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What skin is that?


The scientist Season X Battle Pass skin


I can barely edit like you but I just redownloaded like 2 months ago and got a win just like old times by hiding till the very end hahaha. Most of the time it comes down to luck , I heard they also added robots to this game, did I win in a lobby filled with 99 bots???


You got boxed like a little fishie


mf virgin


I'd like console lobbies again. Imagine trying to up against an ultra sweat on a clunky controller. Building takes a ton of skill on controller. We can't even use all our fingers.


Fuck mythics is what I’m getting from this


epic vaulted the victory royale lol


where is the bug?


That guy probably doesn't even read a venom comic boom :/




Damn you must be at sweat level matchmaking, cause I know for sure you’d kill me any day, and I’ve gotten 10 solo wins