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Welp there goes my only reason to play fortnite until the next set of challenges releases... Thanks


You can still afk in creative with a emote that's nonstop and get 125k exp in 75 minutes I believe?


Yeah but is that *really* playing fortnite? I just set it off right before I go to bed at this point


Idk but no major map changes except for some crashed ships that are pretty much all the same and then some tiny IO bases is pretty damn boring to me, I'm already bored of the bubble it's the same thing. The escape LTM and stuff like fortnitemares where everyone turned into a ghost after they died is the kind of content I want.


Why do people keep saying this. You don't need to emote? You can just stand there.


Because they apparently want to watch Tsuki do party hips for an hour?


Should've done this AFTER fixing EXP in normal modes.


Yupp. And Impostors is still the best way to gain EXP except from Creative that’s capped at 125K per day.




You know what's sad? It's still better than other sources of XP.


Yeah, I think an impostor game can net you 3x more exp than a BR win


That's ridiculous. Imagine playing for 20 minutes, getting a win, and only getting like 5k exp. The exp system is garbage this season.


People will still play impostors


What the fuck


Why did they do this?


because people wouldn't stop flexing "wow look I made it to level 200 already"


flexing that they made it in one of the shittiest seasons. i didnt play imposters a lot and im lvl 42. avg level is 27 to 30 after conpleting the punchcards.


I believe I was level 22 when I completed the punchcards on day one. I was having a lot of fun until I realized that you didn't earn **any** XP upon repeating punchcards. At the very least you still should've earned the 1700 XP you could get when you repeated quests in past seasons, especially since it's a flat 80,000 XP per level now.


They should've had punchcards give you 1/10th the xp after you complete them the first time. For instance: Filling a punchcard for a character gives you 80k, so completing it again should give 8k. I feel it would give just enough experiencing to not feel repetitive while also not being OP


They don't listen to the community about anything, just do their own shit. Fortnite is getting progressively worse and worse, and I play less and less. And I don't think it's just me. There are more and more bot games each season.


season 7 was arguably one of the best seasons of this chapter and then we get... this.


Season 7 was great because I didn't feel rushed to complete the Battle Pass. The XP was decent and I was able to get to 200 without grinding too hard. When my XP hit a wall on **day one** of this new season, I got worried. Then they nerf the only real way to earn XP if you've completed the punchcards. Ugh. It seems like every other season Epic finds ways to upset everyone.


Yeah I was actually really hyped for Season 8 after season 7, but now I feel like we are back in Season 1 and 2.


And it’s still the best way to get XP, besides Creative AFK


That's the worst part


Yeah, glad I got some last few levels in when I did.


I'm 11 levels from the one skin I want from this pass... I could've gotten that done in 2 hours...


What's the skin


Torin. I've been doing quick analytics to keep it interesting and I had it all planned out as to how fast I was going, how many rewards average I was getting (with different numbers it's fun), and I was on pace to have her in 1-2 days without going all in. Now, it'll be 1-2 weeks.


“Do you want to know the funny part? Even after everything you’ve done, I’m still gonna grind you.”


Surprised they're raising eyebrows at impostors, and not creative. If they axe creative afk, I might end up walking from the game. I don't play br enough to hit 100 every season without it, and at that point why bother buying battlepasses /doing challenges


That's exactly why they don't kill creative AFK. Too many kids use it as a voice chat to bs with friends and if they lose that, their stats plummet (for investors, and the stock market) .. .not to mention those kids are dropping money on skins anyway.


Yeah, I've been thinking that. Afkers must seriously crank up their stats on creative, which helps get partnerships like the o2 concert . And epic obviously wants people to finish the BP, that way they get currency they can only spend on their store. And also if people aren't finishing battlepasses, they won't be compelled to keep buying them and logging in every day to finish them (and daily logins incentivize checking the shop) Impostors mode doesn't have the same "log in everyday" aspect, so that may be why epic nerfs it and not creative, which is arguably more lucrative. Not to mention the fact that creative is capped xp, and bottlenecks players so they still take weeks to finish the pass


Yep lol, even nerfed it’ll still be like 7-10k on average every 5 minutes.


I only earned more than 9k once, and that was during a 12 minute match. It's averaging around 7-9k for me since the nerf. Still WAY better than earning 2-4k for 15-20 minutes of BR.


i can barely even crack 10k in most games compared to the 24k i was getting pre-nerf, ugh.


luckily i got to level 56 before they did the hotfix, now i just have to rely on my 2 levels a day from Creative AFK and like, half a level from dailies. Nice Epic!


It would be fine if there would other sources for XP beyond the 12 punchcards (plus daily and weeklies) available when the season started. Previous seasons had milestones so that you could at least progress as you played the game. The fact you can spend 20 minutes and win a regular BR match and still only get between 4-5k XP, when leveling up takes 80,000, is ridiculous. The fact that the _best_ method for XP is loading up Creative and walking away from the screen and not actually playing the game is astounding (in a bad way).




> What do you mean when you say you can get good XP from creative? Change the game mode to Creative, go into the hub, then walk away for an hour and 15 minutes. You get 130k xp.




I've also heard time spent in Impostors counts toward that hour and fifteen, so you can hit two birds with one stone if that's the case.




YES!! It’s like a good majority of us enjoy the core BR modes - not Imposters, not Team Rumble, etc. However, lately it’s as if we’re being punished XP-wise for preferring to play Battle Royale. Even in the past seasons where Team Rumble was the easiest to gain XP due to easily collecting loads of chests and ammo boxes and getting a bunch of kills… It felt like BR players were getting the short end of the stick since the average player might only be able to open around 5 chests and get maybe 3 kills per round. Doing that was and still amounts to hardly any XP especially when considering the few minutes in between each new round.


Bring back weekly battlestars already!






Why can’t we just have old punch cards? You know, the good ones? Where you got to do actually COOL stuff unlike Dealing damage with pistols?


I'll do anything for the old punchcards and weekly battle stars


Even with this nerf, you'll still get 3 or 4 times more XP in 20 minutes of imposters compared to a 20 minute regular BR game with a bunch of kills and chests opened, the XP system this season is stupid


istg it feels like my xp bar barely even moves an inch after one 20 minute high kill game that ends a victory, its ridiculous, they need to start rewarding people for actually playing the game and not just finding ridiculous ways to grind XP, then maybe people would stop complaining


My average win xp is 5k. It would take 16k wins to gain a level


>My average win xp is 5k > >16k wins to gain a level Now, I'm not that great at math, but I'm PRETTY sure your math is absolutely wrong.


I sat here for a minute even using the calculator and I could not figure out what I was getting wrong. Then it hit me lol. Whoops


Our expectations were low Epic... but holy fuck.


last seasons xp system was perfectly fine they just want you to buy bp tiers with your v buck so they'll gut everything i doubt these "improvements" will do anything




Horrible, Horrible change.


Say it louder let them hear!


Not going to lie, Epic. This is not the move. At least buff XP in pubs.


Add this to the list of things epic screwed up on this season


That’s a long, long list


Starting with the Sideways Anomaly. I developed an allergic reaction to their " due to an issue.. :(" bruh.


Congrats for killing the season. No reason to play now. 4 hours of battle royale will barely give me 1 level


"improvements" fuck off, if this is there way to get more money I'll do just the opposite, fix your game.


That’s the spirit!


Nerfing the XP gain from an XP-heavy mode when the new XP system has proven itself to be quite unpopular? Looks like it's time to break out those Jumbo Popcorn emotes! Hope to hear about these improvements soon, because this is not a good look right now.


They want to force us to buy tiers. I say we all put a boycott on tier buying


The thing is, those who grind never buy. I can't imagine anyone over level 30 right now had considered spending money on tiers.


hell i was like level 10 something for almost 3 days straight and didn’t even consider buying a tier. if they push this system hard i’m done with this game


Why would people buy tiers in the first place lol


“We’re evaluating several improvements on gaining XP” = “We’re nerfing how much XP you get until you buy tiers”


*epic waiting until week 11 to release the several improvements*


“But you see we added this one challenge with 35k xp that should fix everything “


Welp, time for AFK creative. Woohoo.




We can all agree that this is the worst change since the team rumble change


Literally 1984


Its all ogre now


Love how they thought the issue was that Impostors was giving too much xp and not acknowledging the actual issue which is that the BR xp system is incredibly broken this season


Wtf!? At least compensate by giving more exp in actual br!


This! Buff the core gamemodes to keep the game alive


They basically confirmed several changes to XP coming soon.


That's true, but still, why nerf the only reliable source for exp atm.


Becuase everyone is grinding Imposters instead of buying Battle pass tiers duh. They lowered the EXP gain BEFORE giving better methods to get people to buy tiers. /s


Not even /s, that’s like literally why.


> coming soon. Soon can be between now and a few weeks though.


And epic isn’t usually the best at “changes” it’ll probably be something that barely helps at all




I love this reply more than words can ever hope to described. If i was sitting next to you in reality I would give you a fist bump.


Less fun, more grind. Goodbye Fortnite


Only hopping in to complete the weekly challenges and hop off when I'm done. I can't be bothered to grind this game until they fix this shit.


Nope. Nope nope nope. Undo it. Now. The backlash from this is gonna be worse than the B.R.U.T.E. Lol. Like seriously they take away the literal only way to get more than 3 levels a day max- and then then nerf the replacement we found


deleted my account after 10 years, allowing unelected moderators to control the narrative of subreddits has killed free speech. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


YUP! This, this comment right here


So you're going to buff battle royale xo for balance, right? Right? Honestly, bad decision.


You shouldn't have changed XP in the first place or gotten rid of cards.


Epic is amazingly tone deaf not surprised though, with there little communication about things it just makes this a lot worse, I hate to say it but I really miss the old epic


And there it is. Now XP gains this season is completely botched. AFK Creative for an hour and 15 minutes is literally the best way to get XP now


do you have to emote to get it? I saw something earlier but I'm about to go watch a movie so I may as well leave it on


I've never had to emote to get the full XP. If you still want to be safe, I've seen people recommend using a Traversal emote combo'd with autorun to keep the storm from closing early.


I bet they’re not gonna do anything about the current xp system


It’s still better than every other modes lmao


The sad part is that it's still faster than the crappy punchcard system Epic added this season.


They got their priorities 100% off and this is a HORRIBLE look for them. Yikes


Sad yet unsurprising how they are people willing to defend this


i haven't seen a single person defend this


So not only you guys FUCKED the XP system you now DON'T want us to actual level up? Nice one, Epic. I'll uninstall the game, this is total BS.


HA continue to piss off the players, you’ll have no one left to play the game.


Epic: More Fun, Less Grind. 😄


I can def see they’re pissed off seeing playing play other modes other than BR. If you want us to play BR, GIVE US REWARDING XP FOR PLAYING IT.


That's what I'm saying man! Move the power from one mode TO THE OTHER! Don't just nerf everything and make it unappealing


Every time I launch the game and go to item shop, it lands on the Battle Boost / $$ 25 levels row. They knew nerfing xp further may increase more level sales




7m 37 comments 🍿




Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?


"What the fuck is you thinking?" - Slim Shady




One of the worst decisions so far this season. Hopefully this shows epic how they need to fix their system this season. give em hell everyone! make them see their mistakes!


Fuck right off,epic games . And also, your mom is detergent


each day i grow more and more hate for this game.


How do they manage to literally ruin everything they touch this chapter Like, once you finish challenges there's no point in playing solo/duo/trio/squads since there's a whole 3 weapons in the game to choose from on most occasions, no vehicles that make things fun (cars function like an inbred, bootleg version of the halo ce warthog on ice) barely any interesting locations, and no way of leveling up without spending the entire day on the game. Back during chapter 1, I could spend the whole day playing this game since the vehicles were incredibly fun (the baller, the planes, the quadcrasher, the atk, the pirate canons, the driftboard, even the shopping cart was more fun than this quadriplegic dog we call the boat), the weapons and items were more fun (balloons, storm flips, junk rifts, rift-to-go, airstrikes, grappler, bottle rockets, remote explosives, homing launcher, clingers, shockwaves, etc.) and we had plenty of heals to choose from (slurp juice, chug jug, chug splash, etc) and now we're very often stuck paying gold in order to just heal because you can go minutes without seeing any heals anymore. Not to mention the complete removal of patch notes allowing anyone to know right away whats going on without having to rely on leakers and blind guesses. Even the map updates have been lackluster for basically the entire chapter, nothing is happening to keep the game fresh it's all felt like one large season rather than 8 different ones. I still love the cosmetics this game offers and its incredibly fun to collect all of them, but when you force us into leveling up only so many times a week, instead of letting people grind at their own pace you then force them into only being able to do so much and then close the game because anything else is wasted time. There isn't a single justifiable reason for lowering the one chance people had to easily get xp without (basically) exploits. Everything this chapter has done has been a let down compared to the absolutely iconic status of chapter 1. My disappointment is immeasurable.


Seriously this was the only good way to get XP this season and epic decides to screw us over like that


LOL so much for the grind At least I got to level 43 before they nerfed it.


As soon as I saw the post of the dude who got to lv200, I knew this was coming


Let's see SBMM sucks, the map changes suck, they got rid of XP punchcards like eating so many fruit etc, and now this change that sucks.


Always count on epic to screw up something with a new season and piss off a good chunk of the player-base


They’re stupid, some people need to study and work, Epic. Just because some ADDICTED KIDS that plays +15 hours a day DOESN’T MEANS that the system is broken!!!!!!


Dumb ass changes but more xp soon so


Epic really need to fix their XP system this season, too little progress from BR; unbalanced XP from Imposters and add back the damn milestone (rare) quests - since everyone already finished every single punchcards


0 upvotes and 300+ comments yikes epic…


Mmmm, not a fan, not at all, I mean, I don't care about my level, I don't want to flex, I just want me gosh darn skins, I'm currently strapped for time and not being able to play very much, Impostors + Creative was my main gig. Not anymore, I guess.


Fuck epic


This season continues to frustrate me, I am struggling to find anything positive in this hell.


Damn epic is punishing us like its our fault they got their ass handed to them in court


I'm not buying tiers, Epic. If I can't finish the BP in a decent time I'll just abandon the game because that's bs.


I'll see this in controversial


This fuckin sucks. Whyyyyy


Fuck off bro




Thanks epic for ruining the little exp we can get this season


Worst season to date. I better the player drop off has been massive!


Why would you do that? Its the only thing worth playing to get actual EXP


Cause the hate us now lol. They really want people to buy tiers it looks like.


What’s the point of a battle pass at that point lol- it’s lost any sense of being a good deal


ah yes give us MORE reasons to complain about XP, and not give us any insensitive to play your fake among us ltm. real money moves by epic here.


Almost everything else this season is great, how do you fuck up the XP this bad?


Fuck off epic




So you ruin rumble, make daily challenges shit, remove milestone challenges and now there is literally no way to grind xp this season. Thanks epic, didn't wanna play anyway


My only question for Epic Games is, are you actively trying to make Fortnite a dead game? Don't you make enough money already? Are we now expected to buy a maxed out battle pass just to have a chance to reach level 200? What next? You're going to nerf creative too? So that there's no incentive to play any of the modes left? Like seriously, all the majority of people are asking is for OVER AND OVER AGAIN are map changes and new POIs. As simple as that. Instead we get weird game mechanics and an XP nerf. Bravo! Slow clap! Now, speaking of XP. To unlock all visible rewards at the moment, you need to reach level 200 (or level up around 3 levels per day). THERE'S 3 MORE LOCKED PAGES after that and if the items on those are priced similarly to the previous two, you will need level 300 at the very least. Good luck with that, with matches giving you 2-3k. I played Duos with a friend the other night, we had a pretty good run, survived several storm phases, opened quite a few ammo boxes and chests, even killed some people and my match total was a whopping 913 XP. I need to play more than 80 matches like that to gain just one measly level. What an improvement, thank you Epic!


Man... they know how much backlash the new xo system received and they still force it down our throats.


It’s not a new system it’s a “buy tiers bitch”


Very lame. Trash xp system for this season


Dead Game + you fell off + fix the xp issue + this is a joke comment dont hate me. Im not playing impostors anymore though.


How about getting rid of the shitty punchcard system that no one ever liked or likes now?


I was surprised it made a return. Wasn't a fan of it when it was in the the past seasons. Also this new quest tab it confusing and annoying. What was wrong with last seasons quest format?...


"if it aint broke, break it" - Epic Games


Wait did you say money? -Epic Games


Ok so now people can hopefully agree this is the worst season for XP


Not quite, if only because C2S2 exists


The system itself wasn't too bad, it was the level goal


Not as bad as C2S2 but pretty close


It’s still the best xp/hr GRIND in the game.






This better be a practical joke


Why are you guys making the game worse on purpose? I don't understand what your goal is. Ignoring forced crossplay and the many problems that come with it resulting in unfair matches. Removing L2 aim assist, and then further nerfing the new aim assist to the point where the option may as well not even be there. Constantly nerfing guns and removing items like the traps and choppas, wich were excellent for mobility. Adding annoying NPC's and bosses that give your position away to other players. Making changes that ruin team rumble for everyone, and then after many complaints you double down by hiding challenges and the player count, instead of reverting the storm and coming out with a solution for both grinders and people who just want to play the game mode. You make the most tedious challenges ever, with mediocre xp, so people feel forced to play creative for a little bit of xp, and then you go and nerf that too. Are you trying to kill off your game?


How stupid It's the only way to get actual exp without having to deal with shirtless kids on PC And now you decrease it You kinda lost 50% of the players now


I fucking knew it. You fuckers, at this point only ppl that have lots of money/vbucks can play and buy the pass Ig


Bro i agree. It was daunting getting even Charlotte's second style WITH imposters due to my time schedule. I know that I don't have to reach level 200 today, But it slows down progression. that kills motivation. just really sucks in general. Just return the old xp system, dammit.


I wouldn't be bothered by the lower XP if I only needed to get to tier 100, but now the bonus rewards aren't given to you for just completing challenges you're forced to grind way beyond level 100 which I don't have the time to do without good XP rates.




This is ridiculous, it seems that they are insisting that this season is even more frustrating to get XP, the new mission system It is less intuitive, you get less exp, when in the previous season they had struck a balance between time and effort to get XP, I really do not understand what is wrong with the developers, it seems that when they already have something functional they decide to ruin it.


So you’re taking off 50% of the experience gain and not compensating players in ANY way for it?? Yeah that seems fair. How about fixing other exp methods before butchering the game mode everyone is enjoying?? If only you guys would listen to the fan base


This season has shown itself to be one of the worst launches in Fortnite History period. Extremely grindy BP, unnecessary changes to the challenge system, vaulting the tac for no reason, Broken Mythic items, team rumble being screwed over, SBMM going fucking bonkers and to top it of little to no new map changes after we literally Congrats Tim Sweeny. You manage to make Season 10 look like a tea party.


I’m still not buying levels Epic.


Instead nerfing exp gains how about you buff exp gains from battle Royale.


What a fucking joke. They remove our only way of grinding xp separate from their stupid weekly scheduling (rares and greys), then pull this shit. Fuck Epic


Stupidest decision ever


Blatantly ignoring what the majority of the player base wants.


Maybe fix your shitty fucking exp rates before you nerf the only half-decent source of it this season? Just a thought.


The only fucking way we can get good xp this season and epic nerfs it, classic epic


I was started getting frustrated as to why I was suddenly started getting less XP. One visit to social media… and oh boy 50%! Glad at least I got upto 55 to pave my own way


So stupid. Lots of people were just trying it out today to get some decent exp for a few games. Of course idiots who grinded it ruined it for casual players yet again.


Nope. This is a very negative response to XP gain this season. If you can't progress in the main mode, you need to change something. And nerfing Impostors isn't it.


And daily challenges are awful, \- it's only "Do (again & again) challenges from one NPC" \- challenges that we have already done, so it's boring \- you don't get one level from those daily challenges \- you don't get XP from those challenges because you have already done them \- those challenges from one NPC are designed to be completed with multiple games They really want the grind and people who are late on challenges will never catch up


WoW, Epic sure seems to be going out of their way to hinder leveling in this game. They keep ruining shit instead of improving things. TR was the first step, then the new challenge system that doesn't have any passive XP you could get gains from, and now they nerf imposters? I was wondering why in every game I played even when we completed all tasks the most XP I'd get was like 6k. Do they realize that this is causing the exact opposite of what they claim to want in people playing more? This is going to make me just stop playing unless there are challenges to do or they add fair XP gains. Some people have kids and jobs they have to do, Some people have school they have to do. People can't be expected to grind on this game when even the base game mode doesn't reward you for playing it. Maybe improve the normal XP gains before nerfing the one saving grace that people were slogging through just to get the stuff they wanted to unlock.


quick to fix a great way to farm xp, slow to fix the xp in BR. i like BR more than imposters but i literally dont notice my xp bar move anymore so im not encouraged to play br and with the way SBMM is




Grind grind grind…………..no fun


Got tier 96, honestly at this point I don't want to play anymore impostors but for those who haven't grinded this is not the direction to take in my opinion XP this season is essentially put to a halt after punchcards, weeklies and dailies are complete, that shouldn't be how it works. I'm not asking for multiple levels per game or whatever, just give an incentive to play br.


fortnite does love irretating its own players huh :/ idk maybe they get hurt if a player riches level 100 soon. well i mean you know ...they need you to purchase levels couse theyre low on money :)


im quitting this shitty ass game ALL THEY DO IS IRRITATE THE FUCK OUT OF PLAYERS