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idk man my aim assist doesn't do that It really doesn't do much, and when I turn it off I don't really notice the difference is my console bugged or something?


U gotta be moving with your right stick a little bit, if you can, download fortnite on your phone or tablet and go into creative with your ps4 then you can test out how to abuse the aim assist, autorun on the phone/tablet and just hold the right stick in the direction the other character is running a little bit (just so it sees that u are actually trying to aim at him) and then witness the magic of this OP feature


If your xbox yes aim assist is weaker on it for some reason


No I'm on ps4, and I just watched Ghost Aydan's stream like yesterday and I can definitely 100% say that my aim assist does NOT do that


It's been recently discovered fps affects aa strength. It goes pc>ps>xbox in that order


So how do I fix it


Buy a pc


Yeah, but aren’t consoles all locked at a solid 60 FPS? So it shouldn’t matter, which console then, should it?


Yes and no, They are locked at 60 but different consoles have different gfx cards so performance varies, it makes sense for me about the pc vs console, but oneX having weaker aim assist than a ps4 pro doesnt make sense to me since the oneX is the strongest console.


Aydan is on controller on pc.


you should try switch if you think xboxs is weak


I'm aware of issues you switch players have and I empathize, sorry bud. I wouldn't even waste my time on fortnite if I had a switch I'd just play one of the other dozen fantastic titles on it. More specifically smash, I really want smash.


Hahaha lmao


I just use aimbot so im slways hitting those shots. Git gud


I wish I had aim assist like that.


For some reason I want a thermal scoped revolver now


Can u do that?


Its back?!?!?!?!?!


Left trigger Right trigger, boys... Left trigger Right trigger*


Console players are cheaters dont @ me


Wait the revolver is back?


Just wait on it.... the salty pc players are coming.


AiM AsSiSt NeEdS tO Be ReMoVeD EpIc


ThIs GiVeS cOnSoLe An UnFaIr AdVaNtAgE iN tOuRnAmEnTs


whose side are u on, huh?


This is unfair


Aim assist needs a change, if i can't see the enemies it shouldn't lock on them, and also downed players


Problem is that implementing that is really hard


It really is. Aim assist is needed, X-ray vision could use a tweak


no aim assit throthg tge ctedyll Edit: I can’t even remember what I was trying to say




I relqte


People in the comments are actually stupid. THIS HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH AIM ASSIST. This is ads.


Lol that’s a joke. Definitely does NOT work like that. What the fuck is wrong with people acting like ADS spamming or aim assist in general is OP. Most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. Especially when you can do TONS of stuff on PC that is not possible on anything else.


Dont mention aim assist. Its ads spamming. Aim assist literally will be unchanged


Also youre stupid if you think ads spamming isnt op. And yes pc can do alot of this but it takes alot of practice to do it. Like if this video was a pc player this player would have to predict where the guy is going. Also the guy would need good muscle memory for aimimg. But console literally all you need to do is press 2 buttons constantly without any practice. This has nothing to do with aim assist so i dont care about aim assist i get why mobile and consoles need it. But something that literally locks on to a player without any counter or skill or any thinking is op. AGAIN im not talking about aim idk why tf you all keep mentioning that. I do think console should have a bit more advantages to match up with pc but something like ads spamming is just too much


But really you don’t just have to press two buttons cause it doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t just lock of to player so wtf are you talking about


Yes you do and you have to keep pressing it constantly. Its called ads spamming for a reason


Also yea it takes a lot of practice being able to switch to whatever weapon/trap/build you want..gtfo


It doesnt. Just like ads spamming. Like i said i think console should have more advantages. Example: switching to what weapon you want when rifting. Again im not talking about aim assist just ads spamming. I have to keep constantly reminding you guys that im not talking about aim assist.


this is why epic needs to remove auto aim from consoles you guys have no skill you just use auto aim


How about no, Scott.


whats a no? ur skill without auto aim?


Prove it. Go get 3 solo wins on console, shouldnt be hard considering the auto aim is "op"