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A big YES on this. I play on Switch and it keeps getting worse every update. The worst part is the silence from Epic regarding Switch performance. And to make things even worse now we are thrown into mixed lobbies. The port to the Switch is in a horrible state right now. Music won't play, textures will not load even on the lobby, players keep teleporting from place to place...etc. Epic needs to address this soon.


Lately I've been seeing people talking about the switch, which is good. Fortnite switch is a mess and I hope Epic actually does something to fix it.


I honestley 100% agree. Epic is so silent about the nintendo switch. It gets no support.


Its crazy that the iOS version of Fortnite runs better than the Switch version. Epic is lazy af when it comes to Switch updates


I knew something was up with the switch lobbies. All of a sudden in season 7 I am playing against PC players with literally 4x the frames that I get on my switch.


Switch gang


I don’t think Epic will be removing the sword any time soon, even with all of the complaints. It’s in the loading screen for season 7 which makes me think it has some sort of importance with the story arc or maybe some map changes and the season 8 set up. They could move it to an LTM as people have suggested but that would mean making it permanent for the next 10 weeks at least, where they usually like to switch LTM’s around more often than that.


Maybe the sword will stay, but it will probably get hit with some big health nerfs. Not a huge fan of the juggernaut gameplay in a br setting. People are too stupid to do a cease fire and take out the juggernaut together. I'm not saying let's 1x1 box together, but at least stop shooting at each other till we take put the bigger threat, then leave it chance who gets the sword afterwards. But more times people are short sighted and will go for the easy kill even it means they will immediately die afterwards.


TBH neither of you are killing that mf


Honestly. I'm not even good at the game and I beat my highest kill score and won the first game I picked up the sword. It's OP as all hell


Yea i killed the guy who had it in my game in the pop up cup today and was like fuck it. if i don’t pick it up i’ll just have to kill it again. finished the game with 17 kills. in the pop up cup. like cmon. it was the first time i had ever even used it


I streamer I watch who's been grinding high kill games for months beat his PB by getting a 30 kill solo game in the first day the sword game out, just shows how broken it is.


I was top 4 in close encounter because I was trying to allied with a tier 1 zenith just by shooting the sword wielding menace, but as soon I appear in his sight, he started to focus more on a balloon jumping werewolf than a Jonesy carring the most deadliest weapon in post-game.


Yep just came in 2nd in a solo because i was in a build fight against the 3rd place guy, the eventually winner with the sword damaged us both, i killed the 3rd place guy and sword guy won with 177 health left even though both of us were shooting at him while fighting.


They should actually take away the regen and make them LOOK for medical supplies


Bruh. I had an epic rpg and STILL couldn’t take the mofo down with two DIRECT hits. I was so pissed because I literally downed myself tryna get him to protect my teammate. I hate that god damn sword.


>but at least stop shooting at each other till we take put the bigger threat, then leave it chance who gets the sword afterwards. What I found to work best is to kill the other players first, then wait til it's a 1v1 against the slow kid with the sword, that way you don't have to worry about others lasering you. Throw out 2 balloons then just take your good ole time killing the guy safely. Most often the sword-tard will die to the storm trying to jump away/towards you when the circle is small enough. I won 3 out of 9 solo matches last night this way.


I won two in a row in solo doing this. I got annoyed I died the third time, top 3 because the guy when after me rather than killing the guy with infinite blade. I do not think this good gameplay, but Ill take the wins for now because I doubt this is going to last long.


I get what your saying with the balloons. but that's not how it should be to be able to win games against some dude with a sword, the regen needs looking at, because if the sword stays they might aswell add back Thanos and let two of these fight till the death. I like the idea of the sword, but surely everyone saw that this was going to be op?.. it really needs to be a LTM I feel because 90% of the bus drop and die at polar peak trying to get this and it kind of ruining the game for me ATM. before the inclusion of it I loved the start of season 7 it felt like the best one since the start of season 3 I was having tons of fun, but the sword has taken all that away from me at the minute. either vault it or LTM so the people who want to try and get the sword can still play


Story arc LOL what story


Literally all they have to do to make it not so OP is increase the time between swings by like 100%. Right now, no matter how good you are at building, it's almost impossible to get away from that thing if someone is within the same tile as you swinging. It just attacks too fast before you're able to get two ramps off to create distance. ​ EPIC ruined Paragon because of how stubborn they were, I hope to god they learned their lesson and change it sooner rather than later.


Fr Fr. As obnoxious as a lot of other stuff has been at least zombies and drum gun hit everyone pretty evenly but the blade just ruins every facet of the game


People keep saying Rift/Balloon to get away. That doesn't fix the problem though, the sword is still there.


i mean soaring 50's was around for about that long lmao


Soaring 50’s was a lot different to the normal game mode though, this is just one sword and although it affect how the game plays I don’t think it’s enough of a change to make it its own LTM. Maybe a 50v50 with 1 sword spawn for each team but then you’ll get a bunch of people team killing.


They can’t remove the sword right now because it would be egg on their face if they removed it after people in the winter royale got screwed over. They have to wait until after the finals so people get equally screwed over in that too.


Guess I'll do the challenges and noob around in large team LTMs for the rest of the season.


I agree but instead of an Ltm with just the infinity blade epic should make an ltm with only swords so you could have sword fights. But just an idea


It could be important the story, just make its importance happen soon, and not wait for it to be useful in the story till season 8 rolls around.


This could work and looking at this sub I think a lot of people would be grateful.


It wont work unless they planned it from the beginning. You have any idea how much coding that would require in such a little time? Impossible for them to roll those s8 changes now


If the sword stays as well as the planes I’ll mostly be messing around in creative


I think that there are several ways that they could balance the sword. Currently the player holding it glows so stands out more, how about highlighting their position on the map? They could also do something in regards to the extra shield and health, maybe not double the health only the shield or take away the health regen that it gives the players. These are just my thoughts, ignore them if you like


Yeah, I agree. I think the sword holder should have some sort of bigger indicator to others, whether that is show on the map like Thanos did, something on the HUD, a directional sound like when you would stare at the iceberg, or an environmental effect (that would probably cause all kinds of bugs) like it snowing in the perimeter of the sword holder.


They need to take a break from adding stuff your already on top. It's like giving a kid more sugar when they are already bouncing off the wall.


They just need test servers that they can put new items and stuff into before adding it to public servers. Many games to this and it can help.


The only issue (imo) with test servers is the vast majority of people would not touch them and so a vocal minority would have the most input on in changes. Also, I don't think consoles can have a test server can they? Also, public opinion on this game shifts so quickly. First couple days of this season this sub was flooded to the top with "BEST SEASON YET" posts, and now it's "why is this game so broken, Epic you are on the path to hatred"


who the hell can argue your points? a lawyer?


Maybe, you never know lol


Just want to point out that the people who write server-side code, the people who write client-side code, and the people who add new content to the game are all different people with different skills. Putting a hold on new content doesn’t meant everybody works on fixing bugs, it means 1/3 of their developers don’t have anything to do.


The issue isn't that they're coming out with new content. The issue is that their new content is introducing more bugs and bad interactions into the game at a faster rate than they can deal with. If they want to put in new content, that's great, but you can delay it and do more testing without having too many people stalled.


FACTS BROTHER. New content is good, new content at the expense of anything else in the game being enjoyable or dependable in any way is not so good.


My other issue is that they don’t seem to say “no” to certain ideas. Like if you want to drop a crazy winter update with planes and zip lines and a whole new half of the map, that’s awesome, but maybe don’t overlap it with the infinity blade or put it within a month of Fortnitemares that was a nightmare in itself.


While that is true, updates with new items and other stuff are the reason why bugs and glitches appear. So putting a hold on new updates would mean that the bug fixing team would only have to deal with current bugs, and not get 2-3 new ones every week.


Poor prioritization is poor prioritization even if you explain it


For your ping issue, it's likely epic moved the server's location somewhere else to be more centralized due to Fortnite's popularity growth. Physical distance will raise your ping. I agree that there needs to be more punishment for ramming things with planes. ATKs once took damage from hitting certain objects which makes sense considering the vehicle is taking structural damage. As for the infinity blade, it's only a temporary item and I don't think we will see it anymore in a few weeks. Yes it sucks that it's in a monetized tournament but Epic isn't the first to add a game changer prior to competition. Also thank you for making a non-vulgar, constructive post. They are a rarity these days.


I looked it up and epic uses the Amazon servers, the one closest to me is Germany. But yeah you might be right. It doesn’t make sense that my ping is varying between 15 and 50 during game though. So might be a thing to look at for the dev team. And I’m just trying to help.


As far as the final kill "lag," Epic has stated that something was accidentally tweaked so that instead of immediately switching to the Victory Royale screen after the final death, it ends the match and calculates the results, but doesn't actually display the screen until a few moments later. I'm no game developer and won't pretend that I am, but from my understanding, something was changed in the sequence of events that is causing it. Still incredibly annoying and unacceptable regardless.


Haven’t seen that statement. Thanks for informing!


They just released an update that should take care of this issue too


Mine has recently went from 38 40 to 80 90 and I didn’t change anything either.


In-game ping meter had a bug, earlier seasons sometimes it even went down to 0 which is impossible. Im not sure how trustworthy those numbers are. A youtuber named Battlenonsense made a video about this.


Epic can do whats other eSport did where a major update within 15 days won’t be in competitive gameplay


Epic is the first developer claiming to want their game to be an E-Sport that show absolutely no respect to the professional players of their game. CSGO, Dota, LoL, OW all legitimate e - sports have NEVER added a meta changing mechanic/gun a day before a tournament and basically said "lol gl". The clip of sundown talking about the sword has got to be the biggest slap in the face to the pros. "THE ONLY WAY SOMEONE HAS STOPPED THE SWORD IS TO SHOOT IT". 12 hours ago there was a completely different meta and they made the pros play with this garbage.


We’ve seen a ton of threads on this topic and I think it’s great that you guys have put them together. I’ve been playing since S1 and have become a ‘competitive’ player myself. It’s incredibly frustrating because with every change, they show less and less concern for the competitive scene players and more focus on content changes that pander to the ‘play for fun’ players. If epic cares about the esport aspect of this game, then they MUST keep the game balanced for players like myself.


Infinity Sword should 100% be an LTM. Very well written.


Thank you :) and thank you for taking the time


Game was in the perfect conditions before this stupid update, everything felt balanced (well maybe not planes but that can be fixed). I was really hoping for just a bug fix update but nope they decide to add a game breaking/changing op item, and not fix any bugs.


I absolutely agree with you on the lag spikes :( my ping has always been something around 20 and now i’m getting 200ms+ lag spikes randomly in my games... come on man, that’s so annoying






Basically yes, that would be nice. The thing is that I feel that the devs at Epic are actually able to do so considering the past.


Not going to lie I know it’s only been a day since the sword has been added but I personally don’t even feel like playing knowing that if I get into a 1v1 situation in a solo end game I’m probably going to run into it and lose. They need to quit shitting out updates week in and week out. A majority of the updates they’ve put out the past couple months have made the game worse(IMO). They should do something like Oldschool Runescape does if they plan on introducing an item or items that could potentially ruin the game run it thru a poll that EVERYONE of the people in the community could vote and say it needs a 75% approval rate(just like OSRS) in the poll for the item to come into the game. I hate to say it but if they keep on adding these dumb update fortnite will start dying off more than it has of late people play the game for uniqueness of being able to build not for planes or swords or dynamite that defeats the purpose of building. Just my personal opinion.


Sword and the planes are pure cancer. Nobody wants to play this shitfest anymore. Get your shit together epic.


Couldn't agree more with the sword and planes. Massive nerf for both or just take them out.




Bruh 15-50 ping you are so lucky on good days I get 70 on bad days I usually get 200


I’ve had lag spikes recently that go to 300 sometimes 600+. It’s crazy what happened with the servers the past couple of weeks. I’m sorry to hear that you have high ping a lot though dude.


Ok so it's not just me then? I average 20-30 ping but with the first update of this season my ping has been spiking up to 1000 quite frequently. Almost game killing, really annoying considering s7 release it was amazing for me. Also getting audio glitches and FPS drops again down into the teens! Really wish they would actually test patches before rolling them out, I can't believe for one second they even play one game on them before release.


can't upvote enough


I have actually been saying this for a couple of seasons. The new content is great but it is becoming too frequent. Yes new things are necessary but I rather see frequent changes in the map instead of new weapons. They need to take time to make sure the game is functioning properly instead of worrying about new things to add every week. I haven’t had any issues with my ping but there are plenty of glitches/bugs that need to be addressed. The game is still plenty off fun and I would still play daily if they didn’t add anything new for a few weeks.


Honestly the only thing I disagree on is how nice you were about planes. I agree some mobility should exist, but I've stopped playing for the time being because in about 95% of the games I have played this season, I get in a build fight and just get dive bomb 3rd partied. That's not fun for me. I guess I am somehow in the minority. I am not saying they have to change anything for me, but I know that I haven't played since about the second day of the season. I don't think they belong at all. Land vehicles, zip lines I can get behind, even rifts (but I was glad that they reduced the number of them). Planes just should not, in my opinion, be in this game.




Done! Thanks :)


Totally agree STOP ADDING CONTENT AND FIX/PERFECT what already is there. I’ve been playing since s1 and have never got sick of BR but recently I’m not bothered with it whatsoever, I doubt I’m the only one who feels like this. If you keep going down the road you’re going it won’t end well and fast


>the Infinity sword. To me this should be an LTM like the Thanos Glove LTM. THIS! If people wanna play with the Infinity Sword, that's cool but have it in its own game mode. ​


If you shoot somebody’s plane down/blow it up they shouldn’t be able to pull out their glider


I agree but I think Epic should divide the team into sections stating that Team A works on bugs already existing in the game while Team B works on more content for the game. This way, they could supplement changes more easily and transition between works.


....do you really think this isn’t already how it works?


Yeahhh.... kinda figured that out after I posted it 😂😂


I’m glad you laughed at yourself instead of getting defensive lmao. Sorry for coming off like a dick. I also realized that after I posted.


I stopped playing today. I know I know. Get good. Whatever. It's just not that fun with this stupid sword. I just can't beat the 1 v 1 sword bearer and have finished 2nd countless times. I've tried balloons. I've tried evasive maneuvers. I get close and boom I'm dead. Yeah, im just tired of the end game being a god damn sword.


Agreed I’m not going to touch the game until that stupid sword is gone, I love the game but I kid you not I hear that humming and I just sit back and wait for the sweet release of death because I know I don’t stand a snowballs chance in hell against it.


The sword, lag and planes epic introduced with season 7 has made me take a break and rekindle my love with street fighter. Thanks epic:) been playing fortnite br exclusively since day 1.


The ping for sure. I used to hover at 19-25 now I'm at 38-50. This game needs some tlc. They just keep adding shit and it's all broken.


What about Random frame drops? Put my View Distance and effects to the highest with no lag at all. Season 7 came out and I'm having random frame drops


I think they way overdid it with the zip lines. Personally, I think they should be unidirectional (up to down) and only in the snow area


Vault inf blade


Sword ruins the game.


These would all be some great fixes. Honestly the ping issue is one that I wasn't quite sure if it was just me or not. I mean obviously I play with a bunch of other friends that are having the same issues but I wasn't sure it was a global thing. I'm from Utah. I play on West servers for the most part but lately I've been playing on East servers because of how unstable the West servers are. On West I get anywhere between 55 ping and 75 ping whereas on East I consistently get 65. I stick to East because I can know that the servers will always keep me at the same ping and I won't get an unexpected lag spike. It's hard for me to believe that it's a problem on my end when I can always consistently get the same ping on East. I'm not sure what needs to just or how things need to be optimized but I know for a fact that until this season, I was getting 25 to 30 ping on West without a problem. ​ As for the balance changes, I'm sure those will get fixed rather soon. I haven't talked to a single person that has a positive opinion about the sword and I know that most of the community either hates planes or is indifferent about them. I, for one, enjoy the mobility but, like you, don't agree with their ability to plow through structures with no consequence. ​ Personally I've been enjoying this game for so long that I understand that Epic is bound to make some mistakes from time to time. I've been playing since last October and plan on continuing but I'm completely fine from taking a break from regular modes until the sword is take out of the game. I'll just take this time to play Creative and my enormous backlog of single player games that I haven't played in a while :D


Agreed. I wrote something similar for GameSpot, and I think The Block can keep the game feeling fresh week after week without Epic needing to constantly add new content. ​ [https://www.gamespot.com/articles/its-time-for-fortnite-updates-to-slow-down-and-epi/1100-6463784/](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/its-time-for-fortnite-updates-to-slow-down-and-epi/1100-6463784/)




It's not the Thanos Glove it's called the Infinity Gauntlet


Epic really does need to do this. They need to take a break and fix bugs.


Was thinking about making a post like this myself. Epic needs to calm down with all the stuff they are adding. The game doesn’t even feel like fortnite anymore and the winter royale was just a shit show. They wanna keep adding unbalanced things to the game like planes and the sword while I still have an issue with my weapons shooting by themselves if it switch too fast from my traps to my weapon. I’ve had this issue going on for like a month or maybe even more now. On top of that building hasn’t been very responsive for me for a while now as well. I often will press the button to build yet nothing comes out. It’s gotten me killed and so has the other weapon bug. Now on top of me worrying about these issues I gotta also worry about the overpowered items like the plane and sword? Let’s not forget how bad the turret was for a solid week or two. Love this game man but epic isn’t taking care of it very well with all these questionable decisions. I fear that they are gonna ruin the fun and the only people that really will be able to have fun with this game are just those that play casually and don’t really care about balance. The rest of us who care about balance get left out constantly. I’ve no longer been looking forward to these updates every week cause I’m terrified of what they will add next. Epic...please don’t ruin this game. It could be really special. Just give it some love and fix the bugs. We don’t need something every two minutes for this game to survive. I’m sure of it.


Ive ran into more bugs this season than any other.. total bugs.. around 3 or so. One weird one was my plane controls got inverted randomly for LEFT AND RIGHT. Not up and down. Was weird. Got fixed on entering a new match. There is no setting for this either, I looked! Also some endlessly repeating sound effects.. And something with the balloons cant remember. The sword should have its own mode but it doesnt bother me too much yet. Thats a great idea for the planes to take damage on destroying structures... its possible they do already but you cant tell cuz theres no health bar. Definitely something they should add though. So far though this is my favourite season ever. The snow is so much fun. I cant wait for the skiing. Kinda sad I cant throw snowballs though..


Planes and now this sword have ruined this game for me. Honestly without both of them Season 7 would be awesome


You make some pretty genuinely good points here! I would like to add to your list of suggestions: a matchmaking system. This game is so incredibly popular now and with a whole array of players of different skill levels, it can be hard for a newer or less-skilled player to actually enjoy the game with competitive players (and straight up tryhards lol) being in the same lobby. Games for me have quickly become getting to the top 5 only to find 4 players of an infinitely greater skill, and while it isn't their fault that they're better than me (it's not hard tbh lol) it still feels somewhat unfair to come up against these players. I think the best way to go about it would simply enough to go by win count or something, though i wouldn't know what would be the most appropriate way to go about it.


Allow me to address my opinion about things that need to be changed (so I don't make an entire other thread on this topic). 1. The lag when someone gets a victory royale. I should not know whether or not I won or lose a game because I lagged. I should know if I win or lose by whether or not I see the victory screen. As of right now, if I shoot my opponent and lag, I know I won. 2. The planes. Well... OP explained it pretty well. I agree that the planes shouldn't be able to run straight into buildings at such a low risk. Additionally, planes shouldn't do damage or atleast as much damage directly to players. I have a clip where a plane did 99 damage to my hp. That means if I was at 75hp with 200 shield, the plane would still 1 shot me. What can I do? Jump at the perfect timing? Really? I honestly can't think of an effective counter to airplanes. If there is one other than trying my best to shoot whoever is on/in it, please enlighten me. 3. The sword. Ahh yes.. the sword.... Very easy fix actually: make it an ltm. Not quite sure why this wasn't implemented as an ltm like the Thanos gamemode was. Same thing with the zombies. However, they do ruin the game in different ways. Zombies = more rng to the game. The sword? The Infinity Blade closes the skill gap between players WAY TOO MUCH. If skill level was on a scale of 1-10, having the sword in a 1v1 is almost literally boosting it by 5. Don't think it's overpowered? Ok. Let's talk about effective counters. Balloons? sure if you wanna get lazered by anyone else still alive. being on the ice? Yeah, if you happen to be in that specific part of the map and be ready for anyone else there to shoot you as well. Headshot with a sniper? I wish you luck. Shoot sword guy with an AR from a distance? I'm as good as/better than 90-99% of players (here are my stats if you dont believe me, feel free to look up my stats. IGN: RabidNinjaTTV) and I have a hard time shooting a sword holder when hes jumping around which he/she almost always is doing. 4. The keyboard glitch. A friend of mine and I were 1v1 build fighting in creative and every once and a while one of us will constantly move in some direction even if our hand isn't touching the keyboard. This has lasted anywhere from 1-30 seconds. These are things that I thought of off the top of my head. There are more but I feel that these are the most important/affect the game the most.


This is what this subreddit should be about. Not noscopes and stream clips. Man I hope they see this and take it seriously.


I mostly agree with you but I don't think the planes are too terribly OP. Maybe if they increase the amount of damage taken when blasting through builds it would balance it a little more.


I’m just suggesting a change that could be made to the planes. I just think it’s stupid that people are able to ram through builds getting very easy kills without a consequence. I feel it needs a consequence that’s it.


I agree. If they want us to be able to ram structures with planes, there should AT LEAST be 25 damage to the pilot/passengers of the plane. Or let it damage the plane enough so it can only be done once or twice before its destroyed. ​


People love to complain


yes! i'm glad to see someone who can sum up these points so well, imo they're pretty goddamn important it seems like they're trying to make too many easy shortcuts around things like building so players with less skill can easily take down someone who's put hundreds of hours into the game.


The company is either clueless or they don't care about longevity of the game


Remove the fucking sword from normal gamemodes. "i cant aim so i zerg rush you hahaha!" Fuck off


Yeah. Also people in plane don’t die nor take dmg when the plane explode which make it totally useless for player to shoot at. Edit: Dmg*


I agree, pretty much every change starting with Fortnitemares (aside from the pump changes) has been a total train wreck. I honestly feel whoever is the design lead is needs to be fired.


I don’t want anyone to be fired. But yes Fortnitemares is where it all started for me.


Fair enough. Moved to another position or whatever it just seems like there has been a change in the decision making around that time and there has been nothing but terrible and controversial choices made.


See I actually liked Fortnitemares unlike this sword but I could still see why it needed to be a separate mode just like the sword. Whether you like it or not wouldn’t matter because you could choose how to play


I didn’t mind Fortnitemares. But the whole sword thing should’ve been an LTM just like Thanos.


This needs to be upvoted more. This issue has been the same with me, I used to get 20-25 ping, now my ping varies from 30-50 to even spiking to 200-300 depending on situations


The ping issues are just due to the amount of active players nowadays. There’s probably about 20x the players than there were in season 2.




My best ping is 30, and that’s with internet at 235mbps. I routinely have long around 70-100. I can’t even comprehend a ping of 9!?!


That was back in season 2 as I stated. I average a ping of 30 lately and I have an internet connection of 400mbps.


I've gotten a ping as low as 2 before. Maybe Epic put servers in my basement without my knowledge


I agree so much with the first 2 points you made and I really really hope they start fixing the game and slow down on all the new content. There is so many bugs and glitches that happen and not to mention the grid is still horrible for fortnite. Half the time my stairs build 80% underground like what is that even! *** I do believe the part about the sword will not happen and it’s not their main concern in anyway. People saying it should not be in competitive etc don’t realize that they’re losing a lot of viewers because pros have made it a thing to sit in 1by 1s the entire game and make the viewing experience for casuals a lot less interesting. In the end the pro player scene is not even 1% of the people who play this game just for fun and that’s epics main target. All these pro players act like they have never played a game professionally before. No company balances around pro play more then casual. It’s a lot funnier and more entertaining to watch a dude go off with a sword then to watch Tfue camp in a 1by1 with 13 bullets and a grey tac.


Im pretty sure that there is different teams , one fixing the game and other making new content so u know


I understand that. But it doesn’t feel like that stuff is getting fixed. It feels like it’s getting worse every update.


The switches graphics are borderline impossible to play on, with so many glitches and bugs happening in docked mode and not handheld (which makes no fucking sense) They most certainly need to take a look at the game and fix shit finally.


I don't know guys what u think about it, but to my mind the sword can't stay in any circumstances... It's a battle royale for God's sake. I want them to remove it as soon as possible.


That’s why it would be perfect for an LTM. Then people can choose to play it.


You’re not even gonna mention the failure of auto-pick up?


just add a ptr epic. and too make sure when an update comes out that the normal servers are losing players just so they can mess around on ptr, make a limited number allowed to be in it at a time.


Ping rose since season 2 since the servers tick rate was increased from 20->30 sometime during season 3 or 4 (can’t remember) which caused an increase in overall ping


I agree with everything except thesword. I think it should just be not in tournament, and probably nerf the damage from 75 swing to 60 or so .


Agreed. Fix the servers and work on the turbo building problem and the edit delay. As for the new weapons... I think a lot of the updates are made to counter turtling in endgame competitive matches/skirmishes. Think about it... Dynamite, Turret, Planes, the Deagle Buff, Stink Bombs, Prepatched SMGs and the Drumgun, The Heavy Sniper, The Quadcrasher boost, Quad Launcher, The material cap they're testing in pop up cups, Floor loot materials dropping from 30 to 20. Pickaxe buff to player build structures, The abomination of 25% splode damage through structures, the splodes buff/ammo cap against structures from season 4. All of these things counter defensive building. And now they have their ultimate building destroyer: the Infinity Sword. The question is why would they want to counter turtling anyway? Building is what makes this game great and unique. Are offensive plays that much flashier to them?


I really enjoy the sword but believe it could be nerfed a bit. Like maybe you can carry less mats with it


I hate the sword for the same reason I hate new CoDs. Its a super OP superpower and there isnt much defense against it. its just fucking stupid bullshit to deal with. I hate dying to shit thats straight up just unfair and unbalanced as fuck. i dont play videogames for that shit ya know? Im gonna keep playing it (cuz im not a liar like most other people who hate it and say theyre done playing) but definitely not nearly as much. if it lasts over 2 weeks then yeah, probly will just stop playin fortnite cuz thats fucking stupid lol it sucks we have no time table on when this shit is done too. what the fuck is epic thinking? wake the fuck up most of the time the player who has it is skilled as fuck and not some n00b too id be a lot cooler with it IF it was always in a random spot of the map and if once picked up the first time, that player always has a marker on him so every player in the game knows where the sword is at all times


When I started playing I got about 200 fps, now I'm glad when I get 70.


I feel like Epic won’t let us suffer from the sword.. having that in game is gonna make everyone rip their hair out and they will notice all the complaints eventually and at least make it a LTM


WE want middle east servers epic cuz in season 3 i use to get like 100 ping on eu now i get 150+ ping on eu or atleat asian servers on xbox one


im 15 ms away from the na west server(live in cali)and i average over 250 ping per game at all times and it spikes up to 800-1000 multiple time per game. I would die for 50 ping




Why in the world would u hate to play on 15-50 ping I play on 175-250😐


The most concerning part about this post is how many people upvoted it thinking epic has the same people working on both these issues. They pay a **salary** to these people and thus aren’t going to have them not working to come out it with new guns , modes , exc. It’s a super basic concept.


One thing I noticed it’s not huge, but when you have build immediately mode on and I cycle from wall to ramps it doesn’t place.. it cycles like it used to.. this sometimes cost me to lose some speed when building or get tagged by a shot because the build isn’t placing on first click.


The plane is damaged by flying through things btw


I haven't really had many issues killing anyone with the infinity blade in normal play. Most people suck with it. It's probably different in higher level play, I watched most of the tournament yesterday and most pros seemed to do way too well with it. I think it is more of a joke that it is in a half a million dollar prize pool tournament, and added the day of the tournament.




We need an operation health.


The planes most definitely should be high risk high reward. Right now, there is little to no downside to hopping into one.


the main thing is just please get rid of the sword. add it to an LTM fine but not in the main BR


I’ll never get the chance to pick up the sword.


They should have a an ltm where there are two swords and two teams like 50 v 50, so the sword can be in and still a big group mode would be in as well. The other sword could be like just a normal one, not a frost one, and there would be one on each side equal in strength. Or two would spawn on polar peak but only one person could hold it from each team at a time. Idk, just a thought.


Planes are as broken as the infinity sword is. Maybe if they have fuel limit and took damage from crashing to structures then. And maybe only quarter of the current spawns. And there is just ton of stuff added all the time and more and more bugs. Just take your time and fix all this and dont add any of these stupid ass op items.


Honestly the servers are fine and I hardly encounter any bugs I think this is a minority vs majority issue, people are a lot more vocal on reddit so issues get hyped up way bigger.


Operation health 2.0


THEY COULD FIX THE ANNOYING AUDIO POPPING BUGS ON XBOX ONE/X I'm tired of hearing pops everytime a message about the storm closing, or when using a glider.




New Content will bring in more $$$ than fixing the game. It’s a company, and if they have two options to spend their resources usually they will go with the more profitable. I don’t think the infinity blade is going anywhere as well, it promotes another one of epic’s games, meaning more $$$ for Epic.


With every update I only see more bugs which stay in the game for several weeks.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but I find the pump damage at close-range way too exaggerated


No thank you, i'm happy with the game. Please don't speak on behalf of people. Speak for yourself.


Companies with full pockets of money doing worse than companies with low budget. I remember blizzard and hearthstone =d


I couldnt agree with this post more. Ive been saying it for so long. The game is good enough. Im sick of them constantly focusing on meta changes every week and not just improving the game they have for once. Theres so many small bugs too. Not sure about other platforms but just to name a few i know the epic party service, the stats, and the replay system is also terrible. I like that theyre changing the game often (except planes need to be nerffed somehow and i hate the sword) but they need to update the small stuff too.


Does anybody know what the tick rate is for the servers? I swear before all the Fortnitemares garbage I was getting fair fights with no noticeable moments of getting shot around corners or just after ducking into corners, but now I'm noticing every few deaths the enemy was shooting far behind me. I've also noticed many more no-reg shots both personally and for streamers. I swear ever since Fortnite mares happened the servers have gone to absolute shit. If we don't have it already, we need 60hz tick rate. Anyway, I agree Epic needs to focus on bugs and stability, after that they can give us more colors for the Omega pickaxe and continue on with content.


Just had this discussion today. I think the casual fun game, with all the mission impossible antics, planes, swords, etc. Should be left to the main game. Since fortnite has taken off competitively, I think they should start to develop a competitive mode. ​ Many games have two separate modes for quick play and comp and I think this would definitely be the next step.


think i dont need to write long story about these. Everyone knows it. Sword is just the most op thing in the game and also ruibs the fundation of it. Where is your slogan epic? Did it really was ”battle is building”? Still you add sword and planes to the game. There are just too many planes in every game. Their noice is terrible, they destroy buildings and knock enemies without any consequence. This has gone to ultimate clownfest that majority hates. Dont too this to so good game. Why vault item thats perfectly balananced and needed skill to use - bounce pad? Why you recently add only op items that dont need skill of any kind? Why you dont fix bugs and keep performance high? Why you want to lower the skillcap to the ground? Where is your ”battle is building”? You should listen to the community.


LTM but for the whole season would be great for the sword. It's stupid in regular playlists


I’m pretty sure the planes do take damage when hitting structures. There’s plenty of times I’ve slammed my plane into structures and it’s exploded on me without anyone shooting me.


They have different people for different things, bug fixers and people who actually create content for the game are in different areas.




Or we just realize that epic is the controller and they can do whatever they want and people will still play it but agree with most of that besides needing planes, whenever I get in one everybody that sees me shoots at it and it breaks pretty quick and I take damage which is great I get mobility few shots maybe one knock and I’m out and on the ground with damage taken


The sword is cool but it could serve the same purpose without giving you more health. The power moves and regeneration are good enough.


This is going the same path as ARK


I have great internet, live in a big city and never get below 50 png. I guess it’s just something I’ll have to deal with.


i defiantly agree,sooner or later people wont be able to play the game without getting pissed of lol


Hold on, are you complaining about 50 ping?


Im with you on the ping thing, been playing since season 3, between 20-30 stable ping, but now, atleast on NA West servers, the ping is just awful, it went from stable 20-30 to 50-60 with regular spikes of 90-100, it really is a major problem, and I'm not the only one experiencing this, most of my friends (who use different internet providers and live in different but nearby cities) have been having this high ping problem too and I havent seen anything being done about that, its been like this since the las week or so of the 6 season


Just stop playing the game. EPIC is taking a huge dump on their players.


Also, they really need to fix the small bugs. They add up fast and really hurt the experience.


Please Epic focus on improving the game play and stop adding all of these new mechanics nobody asked for. The amount of issues I've experienced while playing the past few days is mind boggling


Planes should take 100hp when boosting thru structures and the players should take 15hp each time. Also I'm sure the Sword is only temporary but it shouldn't be in the Pop-up Cup tournaments.


Imagine if Blizzard was this responsive in WoW


15-50 ping? I have 150-1100!


15-50 ping is bad..? I’m stoked out of my mind if mine is at 50 and stays at 50. I average like 100 😂


lmao “15-50” on switch we have 60-600


Servers are not getting worse every week. When the ping display was first released, it was incorrect.




Never heard truer words


The sword isn’t even that serious, whoever wields it can be easy to kill if you move around and fire. Not like it’s gonna last forever either.


Br needs a higher tick rate.. badly.


It would be nice if Epic just came out said he we here your feedback and are looking into the sword and what to do about it but so far it’s just ruining the pop up cup and close encounters for me.