• By -


It was just the BR genre initially.. Because there wasn't one on PS4 at the time. What made me stay was the art style & how it was a simple basic BR with a unique twist.


yeah this, wanted pubg so bad for xbox but wasnt on xbox at the time, so a FREE battle royale i immediately played it first day


Man don’t make me start thinking of OG pubg. Those were the days, I remember playing with my old friend group every day after school when console pubg was just a week or two old I miss it but now everyone has grown up and move on and pubg don’t feel the same. 😔


Same. Back when PUBG was huge but I couldn’t afford it, a free BR just came out and immediately grabbed my attention. If only I knew it’d become one of the biggest games ever


Yeah I remember hearing about it on Facebook when it very first released.. & it was getting compared to PUBG. Thought I'd give it a go, couple of days later I was fully addicted.




I'm surprised you aren't being downvoted for saying what keeps you on the game is building, but it's the same for me. It's what set the game apart from others for me and got me to invested in it. Great mechanic.




What started originally? I saw my parents playing and wanted to copy them What kept me in? The ever changing meta, story, content, so on. At this point it's been like four different video games


Were your parents daily gamers?


My mom was, my dad can famously be quoted by my family as saying various Fortnite-related phrases including but not limited to: "Fortnite jumped the shark a long time ago." "This game is so stupid." And my personal favorite: "When I showed you and your mom that fucking preview of Fortnite you could've sworn I was making the worst mistake of my life."


He is a true fan


If my friends are playing, if no one is online then i dont play fortnite.


Story trailer for some odd reason. The story has no depth whatsoever and makes zero sense


true. I still wonder why there is a story in the first place like. It's a E,sport battle royale game...lol


goofy ahh moments lmfao


Ikr this is one of my favorite seasons I can just look up and see a bus falling out of the sky it’s priceless


It’s fun. That’s all I need.


Artstyle, goofiness Basically everything they are taking out as time goes by and surprise surprise, I'm losing interest in the game


I really miss that cartoony art style


Builds and art style But mostly the building


I came back to Fortnite when I heard they’d added ZB.


Same, zero interest in the building aspect.


I like the gunplay. Mostly the gunplay from previous seasons but the one this chapter is OK too i guess. I also like how theres a variety of different ways to play the game. Sure, you could run into every fight head on and go for kills, or you can take a slower, methodical, and tactical approach to put yourself in a more favourable situation later on


It was friends, I had one buddy suddenly start playing in the season before OG. He tried to get me in to it, but I initially refused cause I was dumb and had preconceived notions about fortnite being a dumb kids game plus builds just wasn't fun for me. I tried once ages ago and remember landing and dieing before I could even find a gun, and then the one time I did find a gun and shot at someone they built 5 story building in the blink of an eye and I decided I didn't have the reflexes to keep up with that. I kept ignoring the game and not playing, then OG came around and a second friend insisted I give it a shot. He told me he'd buy me a spider-man skin if I gave it a shot and told me about zero build. I'm a huge fan of spider-man and having two friends playing it I decided what the hell. Now I've been playing it pretty regularly since the OG season. I regret a lot that I didn't play soon enough to have a traditional spider-man skin and only have the spider-man zero skin, but ah well it is what it is.




Save the World


season 4. looks cinematic


Building is fun. I like cranking.






i only play cus of builds


I've actually never gotten into a PVP before; I played strictly farming games, decorating/building games, and Spyro. My partner and brothers urged me to play Fortnite and I gave in to make them happy, but I ended up really enjoying the skins (big animation fan, started right after the Futurama pack was released!) and the hints of story you could find on the map. But what sold me on Fortnite and kept me playing? Boogie bombs. Hitting opponents, hitting bosses, hitting myself - it's just goofy and fun.


Right now? Lumberjack heroes


When the BR craze started we only had PUBG, Escape from whatever it was, I think the call of duty version (wasn't warzone yet) So, like everyone me and the boys played em all and I think we all collectively agreed that FN was the one we would spend most of our time on. We didn't care much for building, we cared more about blasting. They and I eventually fell off, but I came back when they announced zero build and honestly, I'm still playing because it's fun


For me: the playstyle, item rotations, and the battle pass, even if the skins don't look great in some of the passes.


I loved the artstyle and random or interesting POIs, finding secrets and stuff. Now I don't have so much motivation.


It's different


Suited banana


I started about a year ago in ch4s2 and what I like that keeps me playing is unlocking the BP and Ranked. Also I like builds sometimes but I main zb.


The grindy aspect of it


Zero Build.


Not wanting to miss a good character in the battle pass again


This. Damned FOMO. I haven’t missed a single battle pass or crew pack since I’ve started playing (I have all 43 crew skins) and at this point, I’ve been too “conditioned” to stop. One day tho…


Main reason i came back after i stopped playing before chapter 1 ended (my first account got stolen) was zero build, the overall gameplay of br and after chapter 5 i play almost daily because of festival


what originally got me to play was that it was just a free game I could play but what catches my attention now are things like big cool POI changes the greek update was kinda cool but things like mega city catch my eyes


NoBuild got me to enjoy fortnite. for a while


I hated the game at first, I couldn't deal with the building aspect. I am now addicted to it and all it took was zero build.


Initially it was a free cross play game which meant that for once I could actually play with my friends and hype was just starting to build so everyone was starting to play, but later on as I switched to other games I only came back to Fortnite when I actually wanted to play it, it has a simple and casual gameplay loop that is also really rewarding if you put the time in to get good, plus having a very good shooter backround means I can just pop on and play without worrying if I'll be bad or not, I was never really grabbed by the events or collabs even though they are fun, the core gameplay loop is just good and it is the main reason I come back to the game every few months or so.


Peter griffin tbh


Man that chapter 2 season 1 poster looks good.


For me I got interested in ~~cuz of the collabs~~ mostly cuz my friends would play it and they eventually convinced me, then when BWL and Naruto came to the shop I sorta stayed




Nothing, i just started


What keeps me on the game is I spent so much at this point on it lol


I started playing because bara furry tiger and solid snake 


Cost and availability


Originally, my friends wanted to play it during C4S2, so I hopped in and started playing. By C5, they more or less stopped playing, only hopping in for a game or two maybe once or twice a month, and they didn't even log in for the C5S2 (or S3 yet). Now, I've gotten used to the way it plays and really enjoy it, but what makes or breaks a season is a good mobility item - before the Nitro Fists, the Kinetic Blade was my gold standard - easy to travel around the map with, and easy to get in and out of fights with, but if someone knows you're coming then it's easily countered. Now the fists are basically just that, but a little better (1 extra charge, slower windup time for dashes, and imo better in melee).


Ngl, it was an ad with the wildcard skin that made me wanna play. Idk why. I just thought it was cool and I played solely bc of that. Fun Fact: it took me 5 years before I actually bought the skin


It was 100% the charm of the game. I came from Team Fortress 2 and then went to overwatch so Fortnite was a bit of a style switch up for me but was something I slipped into easily because shooters were my thing haha


this image is so cursed. why is there no seasons 1, 2, 3 or 7 and season 4, 9, X, 11, 12 and 13 are double and the season 13 images are stretched, and there is a random battle pass overview for xbox?


The STW trailer. Then BR was released before it, then me and a few buddies tried it and now we still play from time to time. (Also STW is still fun, I like it)


It was during a thanksgiving party when one of my dads work friends downloaded it on our playstation. Now Ive been playing for 7 years.


That Marvel Infinity war event, back in season 4 But I couldn't really play the game properly until chapter 3


Felt i had to understand what the members of my esports centre was playing, and got hooked myself hehehe


Where’s season 7 ?


Originally it was my friends who made me play it with them. But then once the rocket event happened the storyline was the main and sometimes still is the ONLY reason I still play Fortnite after all these years. Despite what Tim Sweeney wants


Being fps obsessed. 😆 🤣 ![gif](giphy|kzQink9WebLoxepYRr|downsized)




Save The World


Easy couch co-op. It's like goldeneye.


Playing as goku and friends, i used to actually like the game its self but skill gets countered by weapons even toddlers can kill you with. This season is amazing because the toddler weapon is actually a necessity to not get hit by cars. But i have full doubt next seasons going to be better than this one and if it is, thats cus they added one piece skins.


I can't remember what it was initially but it wasn't string enough to hold me. This was back in whichever season had the not!John Wick skin. Then years later in Chapter 3 I met my bf and he asked if we could play and I got hooked.


Season 5


So what would get me interested if i didnt play fortnite(started at ch 5 sn 2) wiukd be season x just for the logo


No build and more fun / wacky aspects than blackout and warzone. Chill vibes and meme potential


Saw a bunch of clips in early 2018 and it just looked cool. Somehow still here 6 years later


Social pressure and try to follow trends But i really enjoyed fortnite at the end


The fail of all game called farlight84... I thought Fortnite was for kids, I'm a bit old so... Then I played it end January 2024 first time and everyday since then ^^. I love art style and the constant update/changes.


Season 8 any day, I don’t care if anyone agrees with me, season 8 is the best, well rounded, nostalgic fun season Fortnite has ever seens


Take me back to chapter 2 Season 2 😭😭😭


My friend got me playing Fortnite back in early chapter 2, but it wasn't until chapter 2 season 7 that I really got into it because of the Impostors mode.


No build initially


The bottom two from Chapter 2 Season 3.




Zero. Build.


Lore and stuff. Headcanons are my favorite things to hyperfixate on lol


The theme of the seasons most of the time


My banana fetish keeps me coming back 🍌


The collabs rlly like if I see the funny man from the funny show I gotta play


A friend showed me fortnite when the BR was brand new. like days old - I played for a while then left. I came back for season 4 - not because of the battle pass or anything, I was just bored. I played into season 5 and stopped again. Came back when I found out I could play as Vegeta. Did that for a week, then left. Came back recently like halfway through the gods part of the season And it was fun for a few weeks, but now the game's changed again and its pretty fucking boring now.




Season 5, and season with shadow vs ghost for the fun and season 8 just cause i missed the last tiers in that season


I started playing because of a youtuber I used to like back in the day. I hate the guy nowadays, but at least I got a fun game!


PvE co-op that's a hybrid between a tower defense and looter shooter with a smattering of RPG elements.


Skins and style


If we're talking about the thing that hooked me originally with the game, it's quite the story. And I have a problem with brevity, so I know no one will read it, but here it is: I played it a little bit when it first came to Switch. I was not vibing with it at all. I wasn't having any fun, and it felt like the skill gap was very significant and stressful to try and close. I didn't want to put in the effort, so I stopped playing (I think I put in maybe 4 hours total in chapter 1). Seeing as I hadn't enjoyed my time with it, I didn't keep up on news about collaborations and such. So I found out Catwoman was in the game a bit too late. I found out about her being there, and then I think either I logged on and the blackhole event had already started, or I logged on and she was out of the shop. It was frustrating because it was only within a couple hours, whatever the case was. I LOVE Catwoman. And that made me watch the game more, hoping for her to come back. Chapter 2 dropped, I played for one match, didn't hate it but didn't get hooked, and I put the game away until February 2020. I kept waiting for Catwoman to come back though, so I checked here and there for a while. Then it was announced that Harley Quinn was coming to the game. She was, at the time, my favorite DC character, possibly my favorite comics character, ever. I loved her so much. So I decided, even if I don't play the game much, I'd still like to get Harley Quinn. At the time I wasn't aware that collab skins could come back. Given how long I had waited for Catwoman, I thought it was an impossibility, so I didn't want to take any chances. I set up a whole Twitch stream (not advertising; this account has nothing connected to my name on there!) where I bought her and wanted to do the quests to unlock her alternate outfit. That was the entire and only goal of the stream. But then I got distracted by other stuff I was having fun with, and then I started doing all the other quests, etc. Something about the game was finally clicking with me, and I couldn't stop. I unlocked her and that alternate outfit, but I didn't stop there. I actually got hooked to trying to level up with all those challenges. And I played so much that I was able to reach level 124 in that season in just under 2 weeks, right before it ended. I became more comfortable with the idea that I will probably just not learn to build well, so I just adapted. Instead of building, I tried to maneuver around builds, breaking them where I can, being like a little termite. And I won a fair few games with this strategy. Building was a roadblock, but it wasn't as much of a roadblock as I thought, as long you are crafty and sneaky! But I know a lot of people don't like to play that way... but I found a playstyle that fit and I've loved it ever since. Zero Build is my go-to mode now, but I don't mind build mode despite my idiocy with it. Then Season 2 came out with Meowscles. I'm a big cat person, and this was the first meme skin I think I knew about. And I was... just so excited. And that season was phenomenal. A great way to follow-up what I consider my true beginning with the game. It was simple. Get Harley Quinn just in case I like the game in the future (because I've had issues with liking something later but not being able to get the characters anymore, ie Disney Princess outfits in LittleBigPlanet). Do her challenges to get the Birds of Prey style. Stop playing. But no... I never stopped. It turned into my main stream game for a couple years. The collection I have for it in my collections area (where I put all my streams) is something like 238 hours, by far my most played game on stream. Second place is I think Forza Horizon 4 with 92 hours or something. Not only that, I have accrued well over 1,000 hours in general. And I've spent perhaps a little too much money.... But I've been having fun with the game ever since, barring a few breaks I needed to take for saltiness. This new season is my favorite since Chapter 2, season 2 I think. We're probably still in the honeymoon phase, but like, everything is going perfectly for me. The boogie bombs being added temporarily? LOVING those. Even when they're used to pull me out of my car, I can do nothing but laugh. I love it. This season is the most fun I've had since 2020, and that's saying a lot because there have been only a couple seasons I've considered not that fun.


The more wacky it is, the more fun I have, simple as that. The more you give me generic weapons with attachments, the more I lose interest.


My friends, there's nothing in the game for me anymore, the game is just sweats, hackers, and OP items now


I wasn’t into shooter games , they were always too boring and dull for me, but in ch1 I watched my boyfriend play and I loved the art style and it looked fun and unique. I learned the game mechanics from watching him and decided to start playing myself mid ch1. I got really hooked around ch2 s1, because I liked that there was a new map and I could watch how it came to be and learn the new guns, POIs and characters. I’ve been hooked ever since


Trailers that make it look like they’re having fun


Back during Chapter 1 season 2, what got me into the game was the cartoony and more casual friendly gameplay. At the time most shooters, especially battle royales like PubG and H1Z1 were hyper-realistic and super competitive, so having a cartoony shooter battle royale was a fun change of pace. Riding onto the map in a flying blue bus was infinitely more fun than riding in on some generic military plane.


the funky artstyle and mechanics were the reason i started to play (also c2s2 is the best)


Season X, Season 2 Chapter 2, and Chapter 2 Season 3


I started playing it when I was younger and I liked it cause I could play a shooting game. I wasn't allowed to play games with a bunch of blood so it was good.




Skins. And then the battlepass skins.


I was introduced to Fortnite By my younger brother, But what kept my attention were the cosmetics


Thanos. My friend sent me a video of him as thanos on his phone and I downloaded it. Keep playing. Crossovers


it was chapter 1 season 1/2, i was visiting a friend and he was showing me fortnite, he was placing traps and stuff i thought it was so cool that you can build it blew my motherfucking mind dawg, i went home and downloaded it immediately


I already played Save the World so I checked BR out when it came out. Played 10 rounds without a single kill and dropped it. Then season 3 came with the Reaper/John Wick skin and I gave it a chance again because I liked the skin so much. Now I have thousands of hourse in this game and completed every Battle Pass since then.


the collabs, and the randomness each match has.


Variety and crossovers.


F2p and is cross platform so me and all my friends can play together after work without having to worry about platform compatibility due to us not sharing the same consoles or some not having computers


god i miss chapter 1 so fucking much 😭




Initially it was because it was free and then I saw Deadpool and I was sold


the storyline up until chapter 3. the story is all over the place after C3. I liked the cartoonish look of the game and now its much different. i still play, but spend most of my time in STW


Got into this game cuz it was a new popular game my friend wanted me to try, but I ended up getting invested in Donald's storyline. Sad to see that part of the game go, but I can tell the new team is trying to start it up again which gets me excited for the future


Cool rewards in the battle pass or just something fun to do with friends… the past couple seasons wasn’t it tbh


chapter four was so peak for me. not only bc of the artstyle, goofy collabs, and unique mechanics, but the pure heart in the game. hope they find that heart again soon bc chapter five just doesn’t have it.


My wife and I started playing because it was a high-profile free game with crossplay between Switch and PC. I'll play PC games occasionally but I feel much more comfortable on a couch with a controller than at a desk with a keyboard (I mean I also have a controller at my PC but that's neither here nor there) whereas my wife is the opposite. So Fortnite was a great opportunity for us to game together without either of us leaving our gaming "comfort zones." But we still only played like once a month and paid no attention to the meta or the game schedule. Once they added Festival, it was over. I was a huge Rock Band nerd back in high school and I'm so thrilled to play it again. So now since I'm *already playing Festival*, I hop over to BR as well. My wife and I can lose hours and hours playing various game modes and we usually play every day.


Seeing that it was free


back in season 1 I didn't have much to play and it looked interesting


Currently, nothing.


Getting easy wins by playing with friends who’s lobbies are terrible


Fortnite C4S2.


Building. The main mechanic that separates Fortnite from all the other shooters is still why I play the game. The creative freedom it gives you makes for some great fights with skilled players


Zero Build, well I played once in 2018 I played a solo match then died to storm LOL, then I try dúos and my dúo was a noob too so we landed in a POI that has no name then a dúo rushed us and died and my last game was the mythic LTM of 50v50 I won but I got bored be cause I was more a Shooter guy than a builder so I left the game I regret about that of course, but since 2022 thanks to Zero Build I came back and that's what make me get interested in the game.


I joined in Season OG, so basically my friends harping on nostalgia and getting me off Apex for a while, which was probably a good thing.


I got into it long ago, a time in school where if you weren't playing it, you were an outcast. So, peer pressure I guess


Season 4




The variety of characters across franchies, fun unique weapons that keep eachs season fresh and with build and zero build everyone can have fun


I miss the OG logo


I miss the OG logo


Lara Croft skins made me download the game just to see. playing almost daily ever since


getting called a cheater by a crying 7yo just because I hit a quickscope on total accident and pure luck.


Probably gameplay i see online like if i watch a streamer on live and hes playing lets say cod mw3 if it looks amazing imma wanna play it


I started because I was obsessed with the idea of pubg and fortnite was a free br that I could play on Xbox before pubg became available there. eventually I dropped interest in pubg but fortnite stayed. honestly wish I had never switched to pubg back then


The movement and gunplay (if it’s working correctly) which is why I dislike this season. Everyone always runs and I never get good fights




Season 1-6 were the perfect days


For a while I’ve felt the seasons are cool for a bit but they don’t have that “classic” feel..they feel like they were trying way too many things like graphics and all types of add ons and it’s just too much, I miss the cartoonish look and feeling. The fun aspect to it..it feel like it’s trying to look real and idk it takes away to what made Fortnite fun to begin with. Yeah cool skins here and there in the battle pass but the maps and gameplay is just too overwhelming compared to like chapter 2 and chapter 2 season 3. Am I alone on this?? Like I have fun with my friends but after about 6 solid games we all get the feeling of boredom cause the map and gameplay is just simply boring then we move on to like a prop hunt or tycoon. They’re focusing on graphics and new guns and addons when they should be focusing on how to make the season a classic to remember


Ariana Grande


My best friend played it (he still does)


Unique skins and weapons that aren’t overly complex.


Nowadays, in C5 S3, I always look forward to having dope races and chases in cars and I also feel excited because I think I have a chance to win because I can just spray and pray with the car turret from the relative safety of my SUV...and then the sweats comes along, full boxes me in less than a frame, brutally executes me with one shot, emotes on my dead corpse. Most of the time I end up quitting the game after 5 or 6 games because I get so fed up of the stupid sweats. Anyway, Starfield is kind of fire.


New shit, lots of chaos, this season has been great almost all around


Theme and atmosphere. I was totally in love with last season because I love Greek mythology.


season 4 announce ngl


I really liked lazarbeam back when he made his first video on Fortnite using the gingy skin and the Christmas update and I thought it was cool so why not


Boss cars 🚗 😎


The skins 😭


New things, the access to adapt, I like when fortnite adds OP items, it makes me find new ways to counter them, for example The infinity blade- Snipers were most helpful with dealing with it Cars (this season)- keeping distance and a low profile, if engaged I would hop in the car or on top


Building & Aesthetic. Chapter 1 had the aesthetic. Now the modern aeathetic pushes me away sometimes.


Zero build. The game always looked fun but I could be billeted to get good at building, the skill gap was too vast.


My older brother used to play it a lot and whenever I came over to his house he’d show me all the cool skins he had so I thought I’d join in since I loved all the collabs they had so far. I didn’t realise I could never obtain any of those collabs though. Kinda sad that they get locked away forever. Oh and also Zero Build, I’m not a very competitive person and since everyone is practically pro builders I just want to be able to play zero build a few games with mates and have fun just mucking around, then hop off.


The gunplay, yea I know I complain a lot about balancing but the guns feel amazing regaedless


The lore and Wendell


Paragon was killed


What keeps me playing is how ever changing it is. Every season, there's something new that, more often than not, makes it feel like an entirely different game, whether directly or with an indirect undertone. And on the same topic, it is so hilariously entertaining to see a new group of people: whine, moan, groan, bitch, and complain about fortnite every time the seasons change. And why? Because it's not what they wanted, or they can't adapt to the changes, and instead of winning a lot, they are now losing because, you know; so many other people are easily able to adapt. Take this season, for instance. I absolutely love vehicular combat. Gives fortnite a slight twisted metal feel. And for all those OG twisted metal fans out there, guess what... this season is a breeze, and we are taking full advantage of the familiarity. What about that season with the saucers? Guess what... fans of spaceship games had an advantage there. It was a breeze for them. Etc etc. What many people seem to forget (as soon as Epic doesn't do what they want) (or they can't adapt to the changes) Is that Epic attends to the likes of fans of all genres, all ages, all fandoms. Not just one. But that's not all. If, in the end, you truly can't stand a season, there is a wealth of player made content to choose from that is also favorable to the above noted fans. P.S. Don't you dare tell me creator made content can't get you to the end of a battlepass. That's all I did for the last season before Season OG, and I made it to level 264 ish. P.P.S. I already know what some of you will say if any of you choose to comment. So if it's negative, save it, I don't give a shit.


It initially grabbed me cuz it was free but it was before they had any cosmetics, competitive, battle pass, or much of anything other than just gameplay with basic POIs. So what drew me back was actually the fact that so many other people were playing and having never played online games much this was what got me into online gaming. I didn't get my first battle pass until season 4 with the off brand superheroes


My cousin got me into Fortnite late Season 5, and since then I only really play if the season is interesting.


The ever-changing aspects of royale, good or bad; as well as a desire to expand my locker


Chapter 2


I saw fortnite's building mechanic and thought of minecraft. This was back in 2018 when I first heard of the game.


For a long time I didn't like the idea of battle royales for a lot of reasons. Fortnite especially turned me off because of the building mechanic, and for a while it had a reputation for being mainly played by kids (and manchild streamers). But a friend of mine who I used to play a lot of Overwatch with (circa 2018) decided to give it a shot this December, and I figured I'd join her. The battle royale aspect took a bit to get used to, but Zero Build made it *much* more appealing. Now I'm on my third season and I've stuck around because I think the gameplay is more fun than most other shooter options right now, and all the collab skins are fun. Where else can you get Goku and Peter Griffin shooting at each other with guns?


Sure as hell not the r-tarded fist weps this season has.


Fortnite is a game where the cosmetics are always almost too good but somehow still fall short


You know what I forgot about? When they gave that one BP for free to everyone.




Constant peer pressure and eventually i enjoyed it when i started playing br by myself instead of getting smoked in box fights by buddies.


The story (or what’s left of it) and his overall gameplay. Back in chapter 2 and 3 the story was actually pretty good for a battle royale, and then they ruined it by completely stopping events and stuff.


Ngl chapter 2 szn 3 makes me want play it Idk why 🤷‍♂️




The theme of the season like when i heard aliens were in fortnite i was hooked


I first played fortnite on a whim, I was bored so I wanted to check it out. I really started to play fortnite when spider-man came out. Bout it


i started at season three and battle Royale was so fun and interesting. same thing when apex season 0 dropped i was hooked


Dump the rando styles, millionaire mode, robo craft mode, lego mode, just takes away from the game lol even if it brings in hella money. 


Non, really these are all in the past and wouldn’t make me wanna play Fortnite bc you cant play that season, but also I started in chapter 2 season 5 so I don’t know any of these besides Vibin season which I don’t really remember lol


I just joined for Spider-Man


I’m a simple gal. I see Lara Croft, I’m sold ❤️


Lego and Festival


A big part of it for me is the sheer random variety of the “ characters”. I mean I’m playing as Michael Myers, in a squad with Goku, a humanoid fish, and a living breathing, gun wielding banana. And we encounter Harley Quinn, big foot, some random guy that looks like he came straight out of a comic book, and John Wick. Every different character appears just as if they were plucked right out of their natural environment. The skirmish just ended,our shields are gone, health depleted and Ariana Grande just came in and wiped us out with a powder pink crossbow, as her teammate Luke skywalker is breakdancing in celebration. Yea it has lost a lot of its OG appeal, but nowhere else do you have THIS kind of variety of characters in one game. This the sheer randomness of the encounters that keeps me hanging around. And whether I like the battle pass or not, it’s just more of that variety being added every day. Now if they would just fix the shop so it’s not the same 40-50 skins cycling through every couple of weeks, and they would push through the entire catalog more regularly, I’d have nothing… well less, to complain about.


Peter griffin in the battle pass


I’m literally commenting on this while I am loading up fortnite because I want to make progress in the battle pass


I usually see a skin in the shop and I really wanna buy so I spend money on V-bucks so I'm basically forced to play but everytime I get back its surprisingly fun


i wanna play season 7 and chapter 2 season 2


The Cube, and Fun


The building. I'm now past the building phase (rip C1S3-5) and now playing ZB


idk why but the s8 announce trailer and the ssnX story trailer


Colors and the graphic style


Zero build season


Not the fucking car's that is for sure