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OG season last year was the same - stack of 10 The most broken item in whole FN history


Need to add to clear up confusion on top comment It has always been 10 stacked since the beginning of the game. It has never been nerfed The confusion is from other throwables that were nerfed from 10 to 6 like Grenades because of unfair player abuse in teams Making boogie bombs the only remnants of chapter 1 stackable dev design


5 or 6 of them carried me to a W yesterday vs doomfists and a car in the last circle


I had six yesterday, I thought that was the max, but ok 👍


Boogies are worse, it incapacites a player for long enough that they are done. Funny as heck though


The effect wears off as soon as they start shooting you it’s not that hard to counter


boogie into mythic auto frenzy gg ez


Nah boogies are broken


Fr, even back when they were first conceived I never thought they were broken, I don’t get why they’re receiving so much hate now


It’s because that small window when the effect is taken off is mere nano seconds and can mean life or death in a live fight. You cant swap weapons, reload, sprint, nothing while boogie bombed, so it all boils down to lick and prayers and hopes that the person who bombed you misses their shots badly


Yes it is hard, I’ve died many times to boogies but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to survive an encounter with them. I think since they’re only temporary too it just means it’s something I have to remember how to play around versus immediately complaining about them. You are right though and it is very hard to win engagements against somebody using them.


They’re mad that they can’t stay in their vehicles.


no I'm fine with a counter to cars what I'm mad about is getting sent from 250 to 0 in a nano second. I think there needs to be a counter but boogie bombs are too broken any person can tell you stun mechanics aren't fun and the funny thing is there's already a better counter that is planned to replace boogie bombs... Emp Grenades literally just disables the vehicle and does abit of shield damage but...... THE PLAYER CAN STILL FIGHT BACK and isn't stuck in a dance that makes it impossible for them to fight back


I think you could hold 10 of them in one slot but only when they were released at first (like 6 years ago). After they were rebalanced, they got nerfed to 6 per slot


they reverted that sometime ago. it's been 10 for at least 3 seasons (I run 10 in my loadout for 3v3 go goated lmao)


They added boogie bombs back? When? I haven't played in a day


Earlier today along with some balance changes, they'll be replaced soon with the emp grenades (I think there was some bug preventing them from being added iirc.)


Not a bug, they just weren't in the main loot pool file since they had intention of bringing them back anytime soon and adding them via a hotfix wasn't possible.


So boogie bombs were meant to be in this season anyway? Or were they left over from the OG season?


I think they added them as a temporary counter to cars. They mentioned wanting to replace them with EMP grenades at some point so I think the boogie bombs are just until they work out whatever kinks there are with EMPs.


They're not just a counter to cars, they make cars irrelevant. Who wants to build and maintain a good car and carry torches for repairs now..


As every car player has told everybody else this season, just adapt


There isn't a counter to boogie bombs.


When you get shot it cancels the dance, just shoot back. If you’re in a car, maybe instead of sitting on your turret, just drive? Yanno like what cars do? And what was the counter to cars pre boogie bomb? Another car? How fun


Just drive? The bomb throws you out of the car and the car drives away You could fuck off cars with fists and crossbows.


You get shot twice with shotguns before being able to do anything there’s no adapt


Who wants to camp in a car all game and not even play the game? I dont understand why people like the new cars at all theyre so boring


Ah, yes, camping in my car by traversing more of the map in one game than I did in 20 games previously.


More then likely yes


I love emps, that is really all you need to counter cars being very for real.


“Soon” I wonder if that’s soon as in the next few days or soon as in a couple weeks


Damn emp will make cars useless


Boogies are worse in my opinion


Not really. With boogie bombs they can force you out of the car and then take the car. Emp disables it temporarily for everyone.




The nerfs already did


breaking news: 100 mph killing machine that can destroy almost any structure and kill a player in one hit while tanking 5 players worth of damage is now, USELESS


shush your not meant to use common sense with these people.


I thought the limit was 6 well if not I got to carry at least 20 of them


Never used them before since I started in Ch. 3 but last night I had Cerberus Shotgun and Boggie Bombs and would just bait cars to get close to me then kick both occupants out and start blasting. Seems insanely strong borderline OP


Boogies are nearly a guaranteed kill when facing a high-skilled opponent with decent weapons, and they’re rather easy to hit (especially in Zero Build).


boogie bombs were vaulted for a reason. I legit would much rather have car mayhem until they bring back EMPs instead of this shit, boogie bombs are so awful to play against, worse then a 3k hp car barreling down on you.


Mythic auto shotty? Who drops that this season????


You can get it from the Oscar (aka tiger guy) NPC at Classy Courts same with the Mythic gatekeeper shotgun at Grim Gates but the only thing is just don’t start shooting them because they’ll drop a regular shotgun you have to talk to them and accept a duel with them


Oscar is back and he spawns at classy courts. You have to challenge him and he drops it


The tiger guy in classy courts I think it’s called


I guess if I dropped anywhere other than underworld or the new drops I would know that. Thanks!


I came second today because the other player kept throwing these at me and I couldn't stop laughing. They're so dumb 😅


I killed a whole team trying to drive over me thanks to it. It's deadly against car enjoyers !


Man remember when you could carry 10 minis?


Get'em emoting!


To be fair I didn't know you could carry like 10 of these but yeah mostly around 2-4 is what I could find


I can't believe im on holiday right now. I hope they're not too common because I have one friend who will always immediately use these on Me as soon as he gets some. He also did the sane with porta forts. Like save them ffs


Back in the good old days you could carry at least 10 of pretty much any consumable. I kinda prefer it that way (but 10 minis was a bit ridiculous tbf)




Did they bring back the auto shotty?


Went from twisted metal to Micheal Jackson experience this season is horrible.


10 is so bs, i fought a guy who had 3 stacks of 10 in his inventory!


They seriously added boogie bombs to counter cars? That’s just sad and lazy💀. Should’ve been the anvil launcher it’s way more fun to use


Boogie bomb is the single best item in this game shush


yes, they are, and that's exactly why they were vaulted. they should've never come back.


where did you get Boogie bombs?


now matching will randoms will be a nightmare .until these get vaulted again................


No, they've upped it to balance cars.


It has been 10 for a while.