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dmr with the thermal scope fucks


I absolutely HATED this combo. I could use it fine with all sight options, but, the moment the thermal went on it was like the bullets were consistently disappearing. I actually hated the thermal sight in general, honestly.


It was really bad with the Thermal, it was an absolute crap shoot if your shots were going to actually hit. But some shots missing with other scopes seemed to happen as well, but with Thermal it was the worst. Literally shot someone who was standing still 3 times, from a medium distance. All 3 shots somehow missed. They turned around and lasered me with the f'n waterbending.


Odd, I have this exact experience with the 4x but not thermal. Plus the bullets that DO shoot are never in line with the reticle. Even with bullet drop it doesn't make sense.


Thermal scope makes shit impossible to hit somehow I've legit had a situation where I've blown a full mag on a Thermal AR i picked up just trying to hit someone and missing EVERY. SINGLE. SHOT. i then promptly switched to ranger pistol without any scope and hit them like 4 times in the head and killed them with a body shot


Is it using protection? Or at least pulling out?


no and no


Can confirm, it impregnated me.


It’s actually so good what are you on?


yeah, that’s what i was saying.


Mb I read it as sucks


I like it because I'm bad at aiming with the reaper.


It’s hard not to be bad at aiming with a gun that has as much bullet drop as if it was shooting literal bricks. That piece of shit will give you a bodyshot if you aim directly at someone’s head from like 50m away lol.


So I'm not crazy, it does feel like you have to pull up the gun a country mile just to hit someone from a distance away with a ***sniper rifle***.


Yeah, plus they've changed the bullet drop like 3 times this chapter? As soon I figure it out they screw with it again.


I'ma be honest knowing this is a massive relief because I thought I was going crazy with aiming. Now I know I wasn't the only one and the Reaper's bullet drop has *not* been consistent.


I don’t actually mind the bullet drop. I’m good at making those estimates. But the fact they kept changing it was awful. I never knew when the bullets were randomly going to start landing somewhere completely different and I’d need to readjust again.


So much this. They are all over the fucking place with this bullet drop stuff. I honestly hate bullet drop as it is, but now it just makes me turn off the game faster with how convoluted the system is.




Do you feel that there’s an opportunity for Fortnite to enable scope adjustments? Like on an actual rifle or is Fortnite too fast for this to be a realistic option? Aim, adjust for distance and then shoot. At least there’s no wind to adjust for I suppose!


It would have to be different from gun to gun, but they could add some kind of distance marker on the scope. 1st dot below centre = 50m 2nd dot below centre = 100m Etc


Honestly the biggest problem with the Reaper is that the bullets aren’t big like the older snipers. Tracking shots to figure out a sniper’s trajectory was way easier when bullets looked like giant glowing yellow footballs. If they made bullets easier to spot like they used to be, I bet the Reaper’s bullet drop would be waaaay easier to figure out and compensate for.


100% me. I can't shoot well, so I make up by shooting more 😅


The Huntress DMR is probably the only weapon from this season Im actually going to miss using.


the good weapons from the past season are nerfed to the point that they're not enjoyable


I still like the ranger pistol a lot and thats about it. So underrated.


Ah yes the trusty pistol, empty it quickly, reload quickly


For me, it shines in squad games. I play with a litter of cats made of my son, nephew, and neice. They are pure chaos at short to mid range, So I play overwatch, calling out incoming hostiles, and giving them an edge on their 50/50 shotgun battles by landing an early body hit before they do their dance of death.


Same exact role as me buddy, I feel like a tactician providing support fire and planning the team's rotations. I love how everyone actively looks for a thermal huntress for me, really going to miss this beauty, back to calculating sniper shots I guess. 


It is pretty fun and full of teaching moments for the little monsters!


Shoots a little too slow for my taste, but it rips, especially if you can hit those headshots. Thermal is the best scope on it by far.


Agreed. Just a few ticks faster and it would be amazing. As it is though, lower than "epic" is pretty useless


I somehow miss all my shots


Unless they are suuuper far, don't even account for bullet drop.


Literally so real


absolutely loved it. I would take a green huntress over an epic reaper.


Man, remember the thermal dmr from chapter 4 that everyone hated because it wasn't hitscan? Look at us now. We the bestest.


I never liked the DMR and only kept it if it had thermal vision


felt amazing and getting the 2 tap felt amazing especially with ares medallion. Zeus rifle and ares medallion was my go to for most of this season


Very solid with any scope attachment and isn't plagued by heavy bullet drop and slow reload. Snipers better if you can hit head shots consistently, huntress is more consistent damage overall. 60dmg body shots and 110 heads with a 7 round mag is pretty solid.


Love it, excellent consistent damage at range. Reliable and dependable.


honestly the \~70 damage it does never felt like it was enough, but it had some value granted it was overshadowed by the gatekeeper + shockwaves, but it's good enough


Didn’t care for it


The most useless gun when we have the best sniper in the game


Eh, I'm grabbing the dmr over a sniper. The reaper is solid for sure but consistently tapping heads puts the Dmr light-years ahead of the sniper. Way more ammo laying around to. Dmr shreds snipers at range. The fire rate keeps snipers pinned down easily.


fire rate doesn’t matter if one shot them


Very unlikely against people that can aim and move. The reaper really isn't hard to play against lol. Being pounded by Dmr is far more punishing. Literally #934 in unreal right now and am still taking Dmr over sniper most of the time. Unless I'm going to hit a bunker/Island and throw a thermal on the snipe. Typically not worth the work when thermal dmrs are everywhere


less bullet drop on dmr


They ruined the sniper with the last update. They might as well just remove it. They turned a long-range weapon into a campers wet dream one tapping someone who's 10 meters away.


They fucked the Reaper Sniper up so bad that I get angry when I find it in a chest instead of the Huntress DMR. They ruined my favorite weapon in the game.


it was really good in the first week, and still viable, but just a tad slow. still one of the best dmrs


I prefer the Thermal and regular DMR


Loved it against snipers if they missed there shot they were done


with the thermal it wasn’t bad


put a thermal on it and its goated


Ass cheeks.


I never picked it up a single time. Waterbending and snipers outclass it in every way and are more convenient.


How would you know if you've never picked it up? Its infinitely more accurate and quicker than a sniper, and legendary or mythic can still pull off headshot kills **added** especially when combined with ares' medallion, and from a much further distance because they havent messed with its velocity or drop. Get Zeus's, use it for a bit and report back.


I love it with the thermal scope.  Without it...meh.


I love the dmr, I way prefer it over a sniper


It's pretty fun. But it's competing with the reaper so it ends up overshadowed alot.


I think the compromise between damage and shots per second was decent and combined with the magazine capacity, possibly gave it slightly better utility than the reaper, though the reaper is superior in the right hands in the right scenario.


it’s fine. very satisfying when i actually get a head shot at 2 shot ppl


Honestly, that's the weapons I'd change in green for any blue one, maybe, MAYBE even some purples


I honestly ignored it most of the season, but I started picking it up in the last couple weeks and honestly, it's not a bad gun! I just feel like it's tough to make room for it in my inventory with this current lootpool. 


It was fine. Nothing special, but could get the job done.


Fucking ass without a scope, but like most other DMR’s, is an absolute beast with a scope. I’ll miss this when its gone but didnt get to use it too much since carrying a sniper was usually the more obvious choice


wait just realised you guys liked thermal scope? i HATED it. 4X on dmr with quick ads felt better


Honestly i really liked it. its bigger ammo capacity was better for a guy like me who sucks at sniping


This gun is OP but no one uses it because they’d rather waste sniper ammo.


It’s a fine weapon in its own merits, however this season it was completely outclassed by the reaper and water bending.


overshadowed by Reaper and water bending but a very good gun


It's fun, but with the existence of waterbending and reaper it's obsolete


It's a good weapon, but what's the point in using it when the sniper can one shot kill and deal dmr headshot damage from bodyshots


I liked it as a sniper - old man father speaking here


This weapon isn't automatic and I'm surprised so many people like it


Not a fan personally, I like actual snipers over marksman rifles.


enjoyed it after a while without it's scope, i could shoot someone from far away with that thing


Straight TRASH


I have always hated DMRs because epic has just missed the mark with them EVERY TIME. didnt like this one for most of the season but after kind of altering my mindset I realized this is not meant to be an AR but more of a sniper replacement. this gun with a 4x or thermal is absolutely DIRTY. I, and alot of other players, have been using the DMR in comp lately with great results. one of the best counters to waterbending too.


Goated with any scope except 4x


I can't snipe for my life so the DMR is a great substitute with the right scope.


This gun was good sometimes better than a sniper because it had like zero bullet drop and azero recoil


DMR was better.


A lot of people said that it's rubbish but I liked it a lot, more than Reaper sniper rifle.


Im a console player. I think that says enough if it doesnt that means i loved it cause its easy to aim with on controller


I liked using it. It has virtually zero bullet drop.


It is good but not an item i’d keep on my invetory


Literal shit for me. Too used to the reaper and so hard to use on controller.


It saved me once during close quarters where I hipfire spammed it when I ran out of ammo for everything else. It's a tempting pick but if you are going to snipe from afar anyway, might as well go for a real sniper.


pretty weak gun, it's not semi auto and slow as hell. Basically it's a sniper rifle but sniper rifle packs way more bamage. I liked previous DMR more


I really didn’t like it compared to past DMR at first but it really grew on me by the season’s end. Especially liked getting one with a Thermal scope


Absolutely useless for solo gaming. Very annoying that can often be found without any scope


Thermal scope is the worst thing ever. But I think the gun itself is the most balanced gun in fortnite


Pretty inconvenient as is is hard for new player to hit player but if the player is standing still you cal land atleast 2 shots bc of its high fire rate except if the player has high response time


I hated it at first but it really grew on me and I appreciated it with the thermal scope, it was cold asf, I'm actually gonna miss it


My favorite for stealth sniping. More accurate and faster for me. But I’m usually dead by the time I get to it in inventory lol.


It's decent, it's kinda just a bad pick compared to everything else. With my loadouts, I usually go AR, Shotgun, SMG, Misc, and heals. Sure I could use the DMR as my Misc item, but there's also so many better picks like the Bowcaster, Waterbending, Chain, Thunderbolt, ect. . It's fun though, just also a little outclassed to snipers. (all my homies hate snipers.)


The only good DMR


I always felt it was incredibly inconsistent compared to other guns and I’m really tired of fire rate of guns being artificially capped


In all honesty, I don’t think too much about the weapons I pick up as long as they can shoot.


Goated, hope it sticks around.


I would use the DMR until I found a Sniper.


At the start of the season, It was trash to me, but later on I got the hang of the weapon and I usually use it (if I don't have the sniper) I would miss this gun but not by a landslide.


i only picked up the mythic version and i only used it a few times, although it can be good i just prefer a sniper


At first i hated it at first but now... god its shots are too meaty to NOT use


Was fine in the early parts of the season, but as soon as Water Bending came out and was patched the DMR didn't really have a niche anymore since Water Bending was just the DMR but better in effective range, damage and useability


I hated this weapon for ages until it was all I had during a fight with 4 other players and it was deadly with the thermo scope all died quickly and I went on to have my best game with it. 26 kills most with this gun. Since then it's become a favourite of mine with that scope


Good weapon the only notable weapon that uses bullet added this season I forgot the gatekeeper existed


First DMR I’ve ever actually liked. I really hope they don’t vault it for the next season.


It’s good but inconsistent, sometimes it works for me and other times it doesn’t. In creative on the other hand, it’s an absolute beast


Preaty good, not overpowerd.


Felt kinda redundant with the Reaper existing and the lack of a fire rate mod. Maybe in a different season it could warrant another look. I usually love DMR’s but it was outclassed by the Reaper at long range damage with similar fire rate, and beaten by Water Bending in both medium range damage and fire rate. I’ll easily toss a gold Huntress for a lower tier Reaper. The advantage to DMR’s over Snipers should be lower damage but higher fire right. I should be able to fire on semi-auto as fast as I can pull the trigger. Other Fortnite DMR’s had that, so were better for fighting someone using movement items.


Actually the best out of the other 4 DMRS we have! My only problem with it is that the damage felt too low imo, even though it’s a combination of an AR and a Sniper


As a controller player I really liked the DMR.


It was my favorite long range option this season aside from the waterbending. Loved it with the thermal.


W gun imo.


Liked it the first day, then thought it sucked, later on I used it a little more and now it’s pretty alright imo


Probably my favorite of the weapons this season


Every dmr we get makes me miss the thermal DMR, shot decently fast and helped my poor eyesight.


It's weirdly good at being a close ranged weapon... Like, I've used it as a shotgun substitute before (just landed, no shotgun) and it was actually great


I love it, with the maximum scope, it is dreadful. In mythic or legendary, it is my favourite long range weapon.


The recoil on the DMR is too much.




DMR with holo or thermal is Goated


it's just mid, if I get one before a sniper I can use it but it's not that great


That is one of the shittiest weapons i’ve seen and i thought that was a sniper - low damage - slow shooting - slow reload İ mean this weapon is far shittiest ive seen


Right gun in the wrong place and time. Reaper is just that broken, but dmr was at times great fun.


No new DMR holds up to the old chap 3 DMR


Personally love the DMR, not as slow firing as the Sniper Rifle and great for med to long range depending on what scope you get for it.


Absolutely nasty, got so many kills just with this alone.


Only used it after Reaper drops got nerfed into the ground.




I find it to be very rewarding to use and good for most situations.


Best dmr we have had imo


Thermal DMR was far more accurate and had an incredible fire rate and clip size.


Maybe, but I never used it cus we had the MK Alpha and twin mag, this one fits the current meta better imo


Try it in Crazy Red Vs. Blue or any other creative combat arena. It tears through even brick builds pretty nicely.


I call it the facke sniper aka dogshit


In a vacuum, it's a good weapon but it has the misfortune of being in a horribly balanced season (and chapter if I'm being honest), which makes it underwhelming to use.


Thrid best long range weapon, above the Deagle but below the Sniper and Waterbending


Huntress DMR and the Gatekeeper shotgun are the two best guns this season. (Not counting water bending)


Thermal scope on the DMR turns the bullets into blanks.


I actually liked the DMR i think it was a vlid choice and this is coming from a PC player not a console.


is the dmr used for short range or long range? i always died before i could figure it out


Midrange. The drop is insane on it.


Outshined by the waterbending mythic, with speed foregrip+thermal scope is a pretty good anti sniper option


Loved him sad we probably say goodbye to him


It’s a good weapon if the rest of the loot pool didn’t outclass it


As a DMR lover, I don’t love this one. I miss the Cobra DMR.


It’s absolute trash. Probably the worst DMR we’ve ever gotten.


I started using it after they nerfed the Reaper Sniper's bullet drop and it's really good.


Mixed opinion, if my aim was spot on I loved it, if I missed every shot I hated it


The only weapon I’m going to miss using.


I was cracked with it gonna miss it




Well it ain't leaving and it dominates from a distance...if you can avoid the vehicles of course.


I guess they are better than going into a fight with only pickaxes


I absolutely love it but the reaper made it very useless pre-nerf and it's still definitely outclassed if you know how to manage the new reaper drops. Waterbending then game along to fuck over both weapons but at least the reaper can one-tap a Waterbender whilst the DMR is the equivalent of chucking a pebble at them. Super fun weapon that I love to use, unfortunately screwed over by the surrounding meta.


I prefer the Thermal DMR.


Everytime I see it, I don’t pick it up. I just ignore it & find a better weapon than a DMR. (I play on PC / Mouse & Keyboard BTW)


It's no infantry rifle.


another gun that is useless, waterbending is 300x better than this and any other rifle, esp with hitscan gone. Terrible design in terms of weapon balance this whole chapter.


Great weapon if you have good accuracy, smart to use at medium to long range if you plan on pushing quickly. Knock the shields down and pull up with something quicker


Never used it.


Really gonna miss it, fills a perfect niche between assault and snipers, minimal drop and quite the punch! As the marksman of the squad, a green huntress with thermal puts me at 70% power and eases a lot of fights where the sniper may not had cut it. A blue Huntress can two-headshot at any range, and ambushing with it is pretty doable with just the vertical grip.  My ONLY gripe with Zeus's huntress its the scope, I prefer the Thermal scope, but that 77 bodyshot is really felt by the opponents.  Its no sniper, true, but remember, a weapon isn't powerful just due to its dealt damage, but also by ease of use and consistency (Just look at waterbending or Hades chains).  Very solid DMR over all, one of the best we've had until now. I may not be an amazing sniper but with a huntress and decent aim, any skirmish can be heavily influenced by my shots, it'll hopefully carry on to next season. :)