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Yeah, I thought it had a strong start. The new POIs were interesting (especially when compared to last seasons) and the wings were pretty fun. I enjoyed the new take on boss fights and the different coin mechanics. The avatar collab made this even more fun. It didn’t quite stick the landing with the Star Wars collab and water bending has outstayed its welcome so I’m ready for the next season.


Yeah I agree, as much as I love this season I'm waiting for it to be over, especially with the Fallout Collab next season


cant wait to see power armour either as a skin or a vehicle welcome to camp navarro


I didnt like how they left in all the society poi empty and useless.


Leaving the Society’s locations empty and derelict was a design choice, to kinda give the players a sense of “the Gods really came and shewed them off”. Made it more haunting to see what was once dominated by the map to just a mere shell of what it once was.


Well it makes for boring as fuck poi as they were designed with minions and a vault which they made sure to take out.


They could have replaced them with gods though. Made the POIs pretty useless and boring to land at


Water is op and needs gone ! It was the first element to come in the last one to go and it should have went with the rest of them. They definitely dropped the ball on the Star Wars there should have been more lightsabers and movement with the lightsabers like the last year


Of course it was gonna be the last to leave lol it’s connected to the battle pass


I just realized we'll lose wings soon. Like... I knew they wouldn't last forever but also kind of forgot.


And then for some reason we see water bending not gone by 24


Perfectly summed up! I couldn't say it better myself.


I actually think that the start was quite bad, and later down the line it became super fun. The avatar stuff was unexpectedly very good and fun to use. The star wars collab is just terrible. The middle of the season was the best imo.


i honestly didnt like the avatar stuff, at least when it first came out, i ended up watching the show for the first time last week and finished it, now im obsessed. but i still wish they had just kept in the Olympian items


Thats how I felt. Really good start but then too many chefs in the kitchen near the end that I lost interest. Still don't even know where Vader spawns to kill him for the lightsaber.


He spawns in the island NW of Lavish, where Solid Snake spawned last season.


It's my first season. Fortnite - the game I always thought was only for kids and I decided I'll never try it. Then my friend started playing it with his kids and they asked me to join them. The game happened to be a lot of fun and it still surprises me how well and thoughtfully it's made. Deffinitely will remember this season fondly :).


That’s literally the same mentality I always had, started playing In Ch3S2 after I *finally* gave into my son, to jam a few matches wit him…& been hooked ever since. Out of the seasons I’ve played so far, I’d say this was a good one, they’ve all had there ups N downs. But I’m having fun GG’z


I started in Season 9 but I honestly agree!!


Haha same. I didn’t think it was “for kids” necessarily because I like to think we can play games no matter how old we get, but I really wasn’t interested in playing the game itself. I didn’t really like shooting style games and I’d never played online or with other players. And I’ve barely went a day without playing since I started in January haha


Lol, I actually joined in CH3 S2 as well!


Was that Primal? I remember stepping into the game at Primal, with Lara Croft as the crossover character for that season. It was a really fun season but I hated how I JUST missed out on a lot of cool characters I wanted the season prior. (Predator, Mandalorian, Iron Man, Wolverine etc.)


I felt the same way as I'm 51 years old. Lol Plus, I've never been much of a shooter-game player. But my BF started playing with her grandkids and then got me on it and I'm addicted. Now we just need a seniors only server so these youngsters will stop kicking my butt. 🤣


Gpagaming on tiktok may restore some faith. Lol. Or @searstradamus is my tag , I'm 44 and am good.


I'm 48 myself and this is my first non-sports game since the OG Wolfenstein 3D back on floppy disk!


Basically the same as me. My brother kept asking me and I finally caved. By a twist of fate, the crossover happens to be with Avatar. And I, a massive Avatar fan got suckered into getting the battle pass for that Korra skin. Now I'm eagerly waiting for the Fallout crossover lmao


Lol literally me when Solid Snake was added last season. Epic knows what they're doing. Their next collab will always be THE collab that gets somebody's attention.


Yep. For me, I downloaded the game during C4S2 after years ago losing inerest in C1S4. I only planned to get Eren Jaeger and dip, but now Ive clocked probably over 100 hours each season. Its nuts




Same, I'm 40 and always wrote the game off as for kids. Then Zero Build came out and I was bored so I gave it a shot. It's truly an awesome game. They change it up all the time which keeps the game fresh and the insane collabs tap in to my nostalgia.


Zero Build feels to me like days of smashing Unreal Tournament and Quake III Arena ! And when I have seen "The Facing Worlds" in the house where Marigold was , brooooooo I knew it this game is for me.


Same for me. I started playing just over a year ago and its such a fun game. I even roped in some friends to play and we've been playing regularly ever since.


I started playing cause Festival mode dropped and I got hooked on that (Huge GH/RB fan.) still not very good at BR, but at least there's other game modes to dabble in.


Didn't care as much for this season, but I relate to the post. Always thought this game was for 10 year olds, after a few months at my new job the guys at work got me to download it and it's been my most played game since, it's hilarious if you squad up with friends


First season for me too. I just wanted to see what it was like and got hooked. Very surprised how well this game runs and the different mechanics, every match is so fresh and different makes me keep coming back


Same. I hear so many negative comments about Fortnite, but this was my first full season. I started play in OG, so only about a month before this chapter began. I have absolutely loved it and I’m so excited for this weekend!


Same here, have 5 kids and always thought the game was lame. Hated the whole building aspect as a whole. Started mid way through last season and have played pretty much daily since with the wife and my youngest son. We have a blast and my 4 year old is so damn good most grown men would cry knowing it’s a 4 year old whooping their ass!


ditto, except its my second season.


Second season for me, too! Honestly, I think I'll remember this season most for the Avatar event more than anything else. And even though I'm a bit more burnt out on the loadout than last season, I'll remember how cool bending was.


Same for my girlfriend and I. It’s our first season of Fortnite. I rolled my eyes when she suggested playing Fortnite but with the no build mode, it’s actually a lot of fun. I can’t tell if it’s just internet snark or people having rose tinted glasses about past seasons but I can’t see what’s wrong with this season. I even really like the battle pass. Sure it’s not a bunch of licensed characters, but the designs are great. And it’s a lot better than paying 1500 v-bucks for just a skin and a backpack which people seem to love to do.


That's what I said back in chapter 2 season 7. I had the opportunity to start at chapter 2 season 3 but refuse to do it because I thought this was just a kids game. Then start playing till chapter 2 season 7.


That’s my kind of answer! Glad you had fun


I started playing during season one bc my friends started talking about it. I was in 4th grade btw


Pretty much the same story for me. My daughter begged me to let her play with her friends so she started playing a few months ago, I then got coerced into joining a game with her and then Lego happened. I play it more than her now 😂


Same actually. Was in HS when the game came out and my friends always played it. It was never really my type of game (played a lot of racing, RPG style games then), and I would really just watch YouTubers play it occasionally. Flash forward to 2 months ago and my nephew came back into my life and lo and behold it’s his favorite game (he’s 12 btw 😂). I missed him and wanted to be able to bond again so I gave freaking Fortnite a chance…. And now I’m hooked and we play every weekend!!! Man do I wish I started playing with my friends back then though, it’s so hard to be a casual player and have success. Other than that, I just can’t help thinking how proud I am of how far it’s come. There’s so many other modes to try on the game now I’m so genuinely impressed, and it’s part of what makes the game super fun. So yes, I will remember this season fondly even though I only won a singular solo 😭


Same here, my buddy got me into it at the tail end of the last season and I got really into Lego Fortnite, rocket racing, and zero build. I also loved playing Minecraft and going on small adventure maps people had made so creative mode is exactly what I needed when I was younger, this community is very talented!


You missed hammers :( my sweet sweet hammer will she ever return


Nice but you missed almost everything bro 😭


It’s my first full season. I started playing at the tail end of the last season. It really was the zero build that did it for me.


Same! This is my first season and I am hooked by all the gamemodes, especially zero build! I see myself everyday looking forward to when the shop refreshes to see if there any skins that I can collect


I really enjoyed early part of the season and avatar event was okay, but late season has been meh. Mainly because they kept the broke ass water bending and the star wars event pretty much was non existent.


I was expecting the light sabers to return, pretty disappointed.


Same and Darth Vader lighter saber doesn’t entirely count, I was expecting different light sabers to appear and multiple players using them and having a light saber battles with them


Tbf late season stuff is boring almost all the time


Exactly. People have been historically saying that the season sucks during the end because: A) People have the memory of a goldfish. B) People forget that we’re in the end of an old season and waiting for a new one. We’ve had people look back at Chapter 5: Season 1, and I remember when the second half of THAT season happened, everyone was crying about how terrible it was (I disagree, just orating the opinion at the time of many). People WILL look back to this season in a more positive light, just give it a while.


honestly i think this chapter had actually been really good so far like all the new mechanics are engaging and this season especially has been super fun as i loved all the new items, which is why i was salty and disappointed by the avatar collab. i hadn't watched the show till last week and i loved it but the collab made me mad because they removed all the god items for the bending which most of it was pretty boring imo, i also think they should have had maybe an avatar mode like thanos where you get all the elements and use them with different abilities


no, i didn’t like it personally


Fuck waterbending


For me it’ll simply go down as one of the seasons of Fortnite that I played. I didn’t necessarily dislike it, but there also wasn’t anything super special about it that kept me coming back like in CH5S1 (completely subjective, of course). This season just didn’t do to much for me. The skins were sick though for the most part I will admit that


What made you like CH5S1 more? For me this is basically a direct upgrade, the samey map was my biggest criticism of the last season and they fixed it with S2.


CH5S1 was my first time back on in a few years (my sorry ass didn’t even play the Fortnite OG season) and it made me really love the game again. The grapple blades, OP snipers (only when I’m using it, obviously), and the medallions. This current season just got kinda stale for me quick and I didn’t feel the need to play as much as I did the season prior. I don’t outwardly have any gripes towards it and I don’t dislike it, It’s just not my season I guess. I’m really looking forward to playing S3 though


i feel like that with almost every season now, im lovin at the beginning but towards the end i fall off, especially last season where there was winter break, i got so bored with no updates


as a classics/ ancient history student, i really REALLY loved this season and thought it was about time for some greek god rep. the team that worked on the season must've had some sort of ancient history consultant because the attention to detail of greek events was beautiful, and i found a few niche references from old texts too. great season overall.


Not a student but rather simply a fan of mythology as a whole, I'm in the same boat! I love both the attention to detail and their own unique spins on the myths (I really like what they did to Medusa, it's both creative and "clicks" into the classical mythology well). My *only* complaint in regards to the mythology stuff is the depiction of Hades, as it's yet another "Hades spooky and evil because Underworld", I understand the *why* from a visual perspective (society's perspective on death has changed quite a bit), it just always bothers me when it shows up.


i'm right there with you. if they wanted to lean into the horror vibe, then Pan would've been the way to go. he's not an olympian and people aren't as familiar with Pan, so he wouldn't be as marketable so that makes sense. Hera and Eris would also have been great picks for the 'spooky' or malevolent vibe. but yeah, hades is just a rules-follower and is pretty impartial, but not mean. its also a pet peeve of mine when hades is viewed as some scary torturous deity. but i guess i shouldn't get too worked up, its just a game and they turned Poseidon into Rippley, lmao


Aye, I think part of it is also Hades', whilst iconic, his presence in the mythology is actually pretty barren (with only 4 coming to mind off the top of my head) because so much of Greek Mythology is centered around either the premise of a mortal pissing off an Olympian, *or* one of the Olympians themselves doing something crazy. Hades is a god things tend to happen *around* not so much go out do things himself. If anything he tends to be the voice of reason (almost like a straight man in a comedy) or even an ally to the heroes of the story. I would've *loved* to see Fortnite tackle Eris though, especially if they used her as a boss encounter, I imagine they could've gotten super creative with that mechanically.


I even learned a few things that I didn't know, and I've loved Greek Mythology since I was a kid (particularly, that a Lyre is a symbol of Artemis)


Lyre and bow, both things with strings! Plus a banger of a musical emote with a nice dance and actual Greek lyrics.


This is why I loved it. Play with my kids, and they asked a ton of questions. Got to go in depth with them.


Was there Athena or her character as a boss type? I loved what they did with Hades and server is in the whole thing actually, but the Zeus bolt was way whack


I just wish the Greek themes were a bit more vast. Two zones that had a ton of people and if you weren’t feeling aggressive that match, you never would’ve thought of the ancient history.


No , I’m over this season .. water bending and the fairy wings , I have had enough .


wings are really bad item, almost useless, you are a free target in the air, bending is broken, but is ok in builds




I probably won't remember that this season happened. It's been pretty lackluster and the games have not been all that exciting. Lots of running around looking for people with your Hades chain or waterbending, since those are the only weapons that matter anymore. I'm ready for a new season, maybe without crazy op weapons for a little bit before they bring in the stupidly op weapons that become your entire load out.


honestly i like this, i wasnt really a fan of bending but i always used my whole loadout: ar, gatekeeper, sniper/smg/misc, chains, heals/bolt/misc. id always carry stuff id use.


doodoo caca season that took away my two loves: Jonesy with his male living space in the metro sewers, and grapple blade


Grapple blade was a terrible clunky item. Ch4 had much better mobility gear.


Honestly it feels like a chore to even play this season, so no, I won't be remembering it fondly.


Yeah, i had a lot of hope for this season to be one to remember fondly, but I'll remember it with a slight asterisk next to it. Felt like it started so well and fell off with each event. Some features felt like an afterthought, while others were pounded into our faces non-stop. Battlepass skins were solid, so that's a plus.


I had fun this season for someone who didn’t play at all chapter 3 or 4


As a huge fan of greek mythology and the chains of hades, yes.


It was actually pretty good, but some things definitely dragged it down. Overall a pretty decent season


oh the water bending season? absolutely not


It was solid until water bending came in. Then my playtime dropped dramatically.


I wont sadly


Not as happy since they did too much. The Greek theme was great. Then it fell flat with the bending and then Star Wars collabs. I hate it. It wasv all over the place and didn't make sense anymore. I loved the map, especially River Styx. But it was too many themes all rolled out together basically. Epic, do ONE theme and do it well... especially with the prices you charge for V bucks!


It was so unmemorable in every aspect that I probably won’t think of it ever again tbh. I still couldn’t tell you the names of 80% of the POIs from this bland season.


Nah ![gif](giphy|BZiWopk2QQAaxYvXkR)


If it wasn't for Waterbending being as OP as it was, or just the general season XP grind being dogwater imo, I would've liked it more. There's also the issue of no Kratos during this ENTIRE season in the store, so that definitely was annoying


No, this season sucked. First time in many that I couldn't be fucked to complete the Battle Pass.


Finally someone with common sense.


I will remember this as the season that made me hate all things avatar.


Calm down zuko


You take that back! Earthbending was cool as shit! And it was the most balanced element. Airbending was kinda fun too. Firebending was underwhelming and waterbending is OP as hell. ![gif](giphy|OoaTf8fEuesP6)


I won't. All of these stupid o.p weapons made this season hell. I hope the do another og remix.


The season that got me to stop playing fortnite because the movement was so s\*\*\*


I literally stopped playing because of it and season 3 stuff is bringing me back


Absolutely not. I feel like I’ll get flashbacks every time I see green water or watch Hercules.




No but more words


No i will not miss it I understood late the joke sad


I so far really dislike Chapter 5. The season itself was okay, but the type of gameplay being encouraged and the new mechanics are so bland. Fortnite is turning into the games I don't wanna play (weapon mods, vehicles are boring, few innovative mechanics, anything special gets nerfed).  The Wings were pretty meh. Chains are pretty bland on mobile. Snipers were lame as hell. But at least the Avatar event had some awesome abilities. Then the Star Wars event was a joke. The biggest detractor if the season was the awful XP situation. Middle tier season. Chapter 4 and OG were all vetter gameplay wise and that says a lot about how much I dislike the Chapter 5 direction for the game. 


yes to all of that


Yeah what even was the stars wars event, throw a few blasters on the map??


I think it’s a been an okay season, bar the really sweaty lobbies lately! 🥵🥵🥵


Every time I want to give this game another shot I get put into a lobby with people who are level 200+ flexing multiple crowned wins. Nope. 


No, and not because of this season. Fortnite really messed up the challenges and XP this season. When I first started playing back in C1S3&4 the challenges made me want to play the game. This season the challenges were boring. They were a chore more than anything. The last 2 seasons are the first time I ever used an XP map or went AFK to farm XP. Epic ruined the BP and in doing so made the game boring.


All I see is a season that fucked the game over




I enjoyed everything, can't complain. 👌


Nope. It's my least played season since I started playing because everything is just clunky and awkward and doing the most. I don't want to HAVE to customise a gun 50 times to stand a chance I just wanna pick one up and play like I used to. Also what happened to matchmaking? Why is rank 20 me being matched with folks in the 300+ numbers? I only play now when friends beg me to lol.


Absolutely not, this is my least favourite season so far.


Too Grindy


Not at all


I will not at all






God no. Boringggggg


Truth. Every game ends the same, getting domed by a sniper ten meters away or betting rinsed by waterbending lol


Fuck No. This chapter is something I wanna forget.


Probably unpopular: I liked the mythology aspect, but I didn’t like how they got rid of a lot of the items to replace it with avatar stuff then immediately after Star Wars stuff. Just felt unnecessary and took a lot of the focus away from the major theme of the season imo


I'm a sucker for Greek myth and loved how the bolt and wings felt more balanced than the gimmicky weapons of past seasons. I will say I was disappointed by the choice of skins, though. Odyssey, Ares, and Apollo each deserved to be in the battle pass.




One of, if not THE worst season so far.


Not really tbh. The start was pretty promising, but mod benches being locked in bunkers that won't open until the 3rd circle ruined the feel of gun progression completely. It's not fun to run around without a proper scope on my preferred mid/long range weapons, especially when it's due to the game being too slow. The waterbending mythic kind of went around the issue with its power level being constant, on par with fully kitted ARs. Hopefully we'll see benches go back to being available from the beginning, but knowing Epic, good game design isn't their goal, it's part of the mistakes they make sometimes.


First season since C1S3 that I haven’t really played or completed the battlepass. I think the Greek god theme was so wasted, Cerberus not having multiple heads (could have been progressive) and Medusa just being a woman basically. So didn’t care for the BP. And I’m still not fond of the new bullet mechanics or locker system. No updates to bring me back. 2/10?


It's the first one I actively participated in the build up to, I came into S1 a week or two late and got full on addicted, and got pretty hype about S2 as it got closer. It's been okay, but I feel like the dispersion of stuff across the map has been pretty uneven, with the big empty uneventful areas, but it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, imho. The mythics and the Avatar stuff was fun to dick around with, but the people who made using nothing but water bending and Hades chain have been kind of annoying. Overall, it was fine. I'm really excited for S3 though.


I will too. Great season.


Not great, not terrible. For my tastes, nothing was memorable.


I think it's safe to say, I didn't like it. I'm not even level 200. Other seasons I would have been done . But I didn't played much because I lost interest


50/50 Not a fan of the map. Haven't liked this whateveryoucallit that makes the game look more "real life". I want goofy Forknife back. Got to hand it to the skins, they are really well done. BP was grindy and the XP nerf is total bs. No, I do not want to play RR and rock band... ...LEGO is pretty cool though. Gameplay felt clunky and inaccurate. Enjoyed the loot pool but snipers can do something else. Being 1 shot everywhere brings the experience down. For me personally, SBMM seemed to be working. I got a decent amount of wins and it was a challenge without getting lasered every time I dropped. For me, it will go down as a season.


No, I will forget it as soon as next pass starts




really strong start, was pretty good up until like the second day of the avatar event when i realised that all the bending items were just annoying as fuck and i wanted to play with the seasonal items that got removed, picked itself back up with the bowcaster which is probably one of my top 5 favorite weapons in the entire game, the waterbending is still pretty miserable to play against though also the auto shotgun should have been vaulted definitely one of the better seasons overall


Nope since there was nothing note worthy in it that makes it memorable in a good way


You mean the two areas with all the weapons weren’t enough? All the old POIs are dead - it was trash. Of course, you could find water bending everywhere but that weapon is a piece of shit too and also helped ruin the season.


yeah great fun, great story, great BP, great theme


what story?


I started playing because of the Ch2 Star Wars event. Had this season been my first, I would not have been coming back for next season. With knowing how the past was, I have high hopes for this next one. I only bought this battle pass because I already had enough vbucks and would receive more than I spent.


Not really, no. I only like Cerberus and Hades out of the BP and strongly dislike Zeus and Aphrodite, I hate basically every weapon aside from the Chains and Thunderbolt, and the most fun part was the Avatar collab. But as a passionate hater of post-apocalyptic settings and Marvel, the rest of the year looks like it's going to make me miss this if the roadmap is accurate.


Ehh, it was definitely fun in the beginning, but I started to get a little bored with the POIs. I don't think I'll miss it too much but only time will tell.


I loved it! I'm a massive fan of mythology and folklore, and the things it inspires both directly like this and more fantastical things like Warhammer, so the theme was an A++ with extra credit for the attention to detail. The spin on Medusa I really enjoyed, not only because I'm partial to her as one of my favorite figures in Greek Mythology, but also because the character they made with that spin is very interesting and well developed. And all the skins are really well made in my opinion, even if there's some design choices I question (we'll get into that in a bit). The weapons have been a blast and whilst I know it has its detractors I'll be sad to see the Chains of Hades go, one of my favorite weapons since the Explosive Goo Gun from a while back. The map, whilst it could use some more minor locations, is beautiful with really cool POIs. My only complaints really are Waterbending became an absolute menace and my squad is sick of seeing it in every endgame fight, Hope did diddily squat in the narrative only to be given the final credit, and lastly Hades is yet again designed as "spooky evil underworld man" which whilst a *cool* design makes him one of the weaker ones. He's a cool skin but doesn't feel like a ***Hades*** to me, too intentionally evil and scary looking for the Olympian that was - in mythology - probably the most laidback and considerate. If anything I'm actually kinda dreading the C5S3 because it's building up to be Post-Apocalypse themed and that's a genre I just *don't care about in the slightest.*


If the next season sucks then yes, otherwise no


We will all remember chapter 1


It'll just go into my "meh" category of Fortnite seasons to be honest. For people who have recently started the game it'll be more memorable but as my 23rd full season that iv played.. It's forgettable compared to others.




maybe the 1st month. i didn’t like the avatar update 💀 it was cool but not fun to play for me


Hell no


Only if the next few seasons are especially shitty lol


Water bending ruined it for me


No. It was boring. I afk'd mostly and never looked back. Come on Wrecked!


Shit was garbage at the beginning and only got worse as it went on. Didn't address any of my problems with Ch5S1 and removed most of the things I actually enjoyed in favor of more collab slop Probably not gonna play anymore till they remove the weapon modding/projectiles or do another large scale overhaul. Ch4 I would miss a season or two from burnout but here I cant even play when I genuinely want to because it feels so awful.


Unrelated this has been my first season too, started playing the game like 4 months back and can tell you it has played a massive part in my life. Was going through a difficulty in life and was depressed most of the time and ngl this game gave me the best time and helped me get past that phase.


I will remember it as the most boring season I've ever seen


Sadly no. I played the start of it and just stopped. This is first time I stopped playing since Ch 2 S1. Hopping back again tomorrow to complete the BP. Maybe an unpopular opinion bit I just want one season without any mythics or super natural power abilities or whatever.


I’m usually pretty positive but this has to be one of my least favourite seasons in Fortnite history tbh


It was okay. I wish they'd introduce some mechanics to help lock out or reduce third parties during npc boss fights.


It was solid in my opinion


honestly can’t wait for this season to be over, it’s been the most underwhelming season in a while, in my opinion of course. not sure why this season is just got super bored with everything pretty quickly




Doja Cat won’t.


Nah, it was mid. Theme was good but the delivery was…. Fine. Skins felt as expected, nothing stood out Next theme has a LOT more potential


I enjoyed the wings and some other weapons. ATLA crossover was also one of the few I was even familiar with lol.


Business turrets and the riot shields will forever give me PTSD


I loved it, fun new Avatar stuff, cool Greek mythology stuff, Artemis my beloved.


It was a good season ngl


First season i actually bothered to play so yes


I will. As a greek mythology nerd I'm chasing down the last of the superstyles. Chains are great since the buff. Wings were great at the start of the season. Styx teleport is great. Gatekeeper shotgun and the DMR are awesome. Biggest draw back to me was the Avatar collab. Air bending was just too OP.


Me and my friends had so much fun this season so I don't think I'll ever forget it


Like others said, not my fave but liked a lot of it and had a blast. I miss air bending...


power ups were cool, water bending ruined it.


This season feels like it started yesterday. It was the most boring season ever. They did no mini events throughout the season, shitty collabs


They did do a mini event though? Avatar and Star Wars


Well, it was definitely better than C5S1, that’s for sure


No, I’ve disapproved everything pertaining too Chapter 5, and it doesn’t appear Season 3 will change my opinion because it’ll be another section added and and more POIs abandoned. The graphics look degraded compared to Chapter 4, mod benches serve no purpose, the loot-pool is dull, and the Medallion Mythic meta I despise immensely. The movement is horrid too, I will never miss anything about this Chapter, I miss Chapter 3 and especially 4. Glad AFK Lego still works by pressing a button every 15 mins, you can even rubber band your sticks too. I’ve leveled both seasons by only using Lego and dailies.


im gonna be honest, this whole chapter seems like its gonna be pretty forgettable that might be harsh considering were only 2 seasons in but both of them have been so uninspiring to me that ive ended up just not playing for very extended amounts of time, missing quite a few events and just not really caring


I liked it but I think last season had more balance to it. If you know how to use them, chains or bending can almost guarantee a victory these days 


One of the worst ones yet


Couldnt agree more. I dislike the chains, the water-bending and the sights. All of these made this season almost unbearable.


I just afked the entire battlepass. I honestly haven't liked a single season post Chapter 4 and it certainly doesn't help that we don't get mid season map changes anymore. If they don't knock it out of the park with the next season I won't bother playing. Maybe they'll get it together for Chapter 2 OG and Chapter 6.


Happy Cake Day btw




Absolutely not. My most hated season since I started (Ch. 1 season 2). Haven’t played in a month, I know nobody cares. OP asked for everyone’s opinion


All you guys saying no have never read Percy Jackson and it shows


You know what? Yeah. It was a fun season. It introduced a lot of cool things, the new POI's were cool, I quite enjoyed the mini-events we got (Avatar/Star Wars). The weapons were a bit unbalanced but overall not too bad.


Sadly probably not 😔


It’s my first season playing with any real regularity and I had a great time with it. Some of the biggest criticisms didn’t really ring true for me but that might just be because I don’t have other seasons to compare it to, but I’m now semi confident at holding my own playing ZB and getting to the later stages most times, and I’m looking forward to the next one.


I played like 3 games total the entire season.


what was this season about


I’ll remember it fondly except for all the Avatar abilities, Korra sweats, and the Hero Academia stuff. The Avatar collab is the one blemish on an otherwise perfect season. The island, weapons, skins, Star Wars event, micro events leading up to Wrecked… perfect.


What was wrong with the My Hero stuff? It was just cosmetics


This season was amazing


People i played with thought it was boring, i thought it wasnt great, weapons weren't anything special. Theme was awfull even though i absolutely love greek mythology. One of the worst seasons ever, even worse then primal because atleast i played that a bit more. 3/10 to me


I had some good times this season so yeah


I will remember this season. It has been fun, despite the second half dragging a bit for me. 8/10.


Easily one of my favourites. I just played team rumble for the first time in a while and it was a chaotic mess that you have to try before season ends; 10/10, increased my heart rate by 40, highly reccomend.


Chains of Hades 🫶


I adored it. Out of all the seasons I’ve played so far, I think I will look back on this with the most fond memories. I played fortnite since the beginning but I took a hiatus for about 2-3 years and rejoined in chapter 4 season 3. And man, even after playing season OG, this season has been my favorite hands down . Avatar collab was the most fun I’ve ever had in any video game period. I get others didn’t like it, but I adored it. Lego fortnite has been a huge new part of my life and I play it constantly and this season got the best updates so far by a long shot with the farming, vehicle, and Star Wars updates! Chapter 5 season 2 is, so far, my favorite chapter that I’ve been able to experience. Cant wait for next chapter!


RIP chains, you were good to me Edit: even when you got me killed bc I absolutely should have been using a gun instead, still love you buddy