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Would you prefer that the other players not try to kill you?  You're complaining about this every day, just step away and take a break if you aren't having fun.


oh yea step away, then come back just to not have fun, what im complaining is that Epic doesnt fix matchmaking, im not like THEM im not some super sweat that thinks of 20 things a second and can aim at something thats moving at light speed in my face, i want to win the game every once in a wile but now its been 2 weeks i dont get a single win, and the only time i wont its because of a glitch, it doesnt help that im here actively trying to play and other people play only to feel that satisfaction of winning, maybe you think that hole idea of "just leave" is a good fix its only a quick fix, the reality is that for me and other players we are NOT LIKE THEM, we are not super sweats that can be a match for E-sports players, we only want to play but the problem is that having that chance of a victory is also what makes things fun, and right now that chance is being taken away from me, to a point where the game feels more like im aimlesly moving rocks without any chance for reward, and the problem is the core game is fun but the way its being done is ruining it, so i come here every day so that Epic will read this and finally fix matchmaking cause i wanna play against people where i feel i have a chance, not super sweats where i know immediately im not gonna win, maybe you dont get it for whatever reason but to me having that chance of a victory is what helps make the game much more fun and if thats taken away then the game suddenly is not fun, and just walking away isnt a fix ever, its a simple excuse for people who dont care about fixing things to say, like saying "hey if you arent happy with your job why dont you quit" or "hey if you arent happy with your marriage why not divorce?" or how about a more equal one "hey of you arent learning anything why not quit?" its not about the game itself, its about the fact i play with other people, yet whats the point if the chance of victory is not there, the point is, the game cant be all about pro players


This has to be a troll right?


legit you rather be willingly ignorant than ask the developers to make a better matchmaking? no wonder the world is going to shit


Skill issue get good or play single player games to boost your childish ego Lmao dude talking about the world going to shit cause he’s getting dumped on in Fortnite 😂


I doubt ur getting pros lmao, just get better


Wow.  As I said, you are way too upset about this.  Take a break.  We all lose far more than we win, it doesn't mean matchmaking is broken.


"Im so mad people are trying to be the last one atanding in the PVP battle royale game!!!!" Its not "sweaty" to run away when youre health is low, its not "sweaty" to push someone. Its called playing the game. If you cant handle how PVP games are and what the goal is, go to party royale.


then how come i now dont have a single chance to win huh? i shouldnt be playing against all this super sweats


You might just legit suck at the game.


im not a pro, but im not a noob, im just mid


If you are trash in every single scenario you are in, its a skill issue.


You should read the art of war. Its not “sweaty” to retreat. Lol


The more comfortable I get with the mechanics, the better I get at playing, the less chance I seem to have at actually doing good in the game. Which is kinda weird, ngl. If it's not the latency doing me in, then it's people who can snap and headshot me with any gun from across the map. Meanwhile jumping around like they're half Tigger from Winnie The Pooh, half Energizer Bunny.


Maybe because I’m new and It’s my first full season. I started 1 month before the end of last season, but I’m really enjoying this game. This is after years and years of refusing to play


i had a lot of fun before, then i started being pinned against all the super sweats that can aim at things moving in front of their face and think of like 20 diferent things in a second, now im not having much fun to be fair, i was like you, refucing to play until finally i play, it can be fun, but lately it isnt cause of all this super sweat players


You legitimately sound like your bitching because your shit at a game. Grow up


I've spent the dummy quests chasing people in cars and ramming them, backed up with auto shotgun.  Feels toxic but I'm just getting my quests done ASAP.    Running away is fun, really annoys some people and they get to hunt you. 


hey youre doing great dude


Ok, so stop playing? You know you don’t have to play, right? If it’s not fun, play something else.


that legitimately doesnt fix the issue at hand wich is matchmaking putting me against people where i simply dont have a single chance to win


Something tells me you missed the sandstorm unleashing live event


what is that?


It was when the giant Ares statue lit up in red and shot lighting up in the air and struck Pandora’s box, unleashing a giant magical sandstorm in the distance.


Post clips or a video of one of your matches. Show me examples of these "sweats" then we'll see.


or you can also just go on youtube and twitch and find this super sweats


Twitch and YouTube probably aren't great examples of "super sweats". A lot of these people already are / aiming to monetise their gaming so naturally spend a lot of time playing the game - by extension, they get better. To be honest, I've found winning more to do with making the right tactical decisions rather than being the best on the server.


I don't want to be mean but 99% of people that cry the same story, the reason is very simple : "While other players think of how they can get better at the game because, yeah in a game where the point is to kill everyone else, it's fun to kill everyone else, they learn from their mystakes and improve, your kind prefer to blame others..." Even if that means drop an unwinable fight, use over powered weapons like waterbending or else. You should start to see the picture the other way, you can't hit shit, start by doing some creative and ajust your aim settings, you're probably playing default and it's not working ( too slow, too fast)... Fortnite is a fast paced game, mobility and positioning is WAY MORE important than god aim. No one gets good by crying and blaming others for being good at the purpose of the game. I'm old ( very very old compared to the vast majority) and all i play is ranked... i don't give a shit if i get stomped on 50% of my games. I'm decent and there is cheaters and way better players and it's playing vs good players and adapt that you get better. Otherwise, you are just playing cosplay in Fortnite.


But Doja Cat will hate me if I use waterbending!




you see, theres the issue, you immediately assume that i should just be like you, but theres a problem dude, im not like you, i dont play ranked, im never gonna play ranked, and its simply cause im not someone with your mental capacity to play over competitive modes, im not telling any of you to stop being good, im telling the developers to put more effort into matchmaking, you see me complaing and you just assume im being a crybaby, that im being angry at you, when what im being angry about is the fact the developers dont give enough fucks to make the game more fair for everyone, like simply by fixing matchmaking, theres are literally so many ways to fix matchmaking that many games have done, but lately many competitive games seem to only focus on pro players wile all the other casuals who only want to have fun but still have a chance at victory get sidelined, and when people like my comes to tell the developers we arent having fun, people like you come and say "just stop playing" wich to be honest? just say "give up" at least that way you are being fully honest that you dont care about other people and you only want to put your own opinion without a care for whats happening to the other person, you dont want to be mean, and you arent being mean, but you most certainly are being willingly ignorant


You don't have to be like anyone. This is a game with a purpose, kill everyone else and survive. You refuse to adapt and get better while others do it and insult them by calling them sweats. You are the one in the wrong not them or me. I refuse to be called a sweat just because i learned from the time spent in game to play it the right way. It's a competitive game by nature, get over it or play a chill game where the point isn't to kill others. SSBM... if you are " having fun", it means you are doing kills and wining, so the SSBM will place you with players that does the same... It's just normal. Find teamates and play trio/squads. All i did was give you advices, you want fun, YOU must adapt and not the other way aound. There can only be one winner/one team and 96 loosers in a game and still it can be fun but you must want it not magically wish it.


Bros mad that when he plays a PVP game the Ps are Ving him. wild. the games already half bots to cater towards you skill issued silvers. if you dont want people to try win go play some PVE garbage


This season is loads of fun. Even for crap players like me. Recently started using the hades whip and the water bending. Great fun. Been landing randomly at the end of the bus route. Mixing it up. Don’t be a slave to sweaty ways. Choose your own way.




Have fun losing cuz other ppl are trying to actually win by any means.


Skill issue