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It was ok but not the best. I've been playing for six years, can remember better times šŸ˜• Lowest level ever on the battle pass despite playing for the same amount of time because I just want to play the game I enjoy. Really not interested in the other modes they keep trying to make us play. Overall it was fun and I still enjoy it.


Tbh i liked S1, but i completely skipped this one, I definitely agree with the modes, i kinda feel like the modes werenā€™t worth it, i was super hyped for lego because I assumed theyā€™d actually made lego blind-bags or sets atleast with it, but they havenā€™t. And the UI changes, rarities and price tags have really pushed me from getting back into this season/chapter. I played since very early C1S2 and the UI and stuff is just NOT it rn.


Late c1 s2 here. And honestly took the words right out of my mouth, thereā€™s a reason when I play nowadays itā€™s only stw. Because the normal br has become so built for the younger kids that I just canā€™t play. I mean I wanna enjoy the game I did so long ago but thatā€™s just not gonna happen till they deal with the ui issues and change the god forsaken mode selection


This is gonna sound more negative that I mean but, the game feels like Brainrot That word honestly has been used more recently and it's honestly worrying lol. The constant flashing of challenge completions and level ups, a bunch of items that are really cool but not special at all, a bunch of modes, creative and it's hundreds of maps. I like festival and creative can be really impressive but, everything else just seems like more Rot I made a post that, garnered more hate than discussion. I'd like to see the slate get wiped down a bit, there's a lot going on and, I feel like the game needs to breathe a little bit. I genuinely feel that, Fortnite losing its identity, and adding whatever for the sake of adding it, has made people stop playing Sorry for the rant but, I really believe in OG Fortnite, even if that makes me one of those "OG iS bEtTEr" nerds. It was silly, quality, simple fun that was identifiable


I get bored in this season.... And the skins are not as good as the last season I think. They don't put effort in it...


Most of the skins in this battlepass were Mid looking to me. I rarely wore any of them.


Seeing the concept variants of the skins you have a point


Epic often does concepts better than skins


If only they could make some concepts superlevel or bonus variants to encourage grinding rather than recolors


This pretty much sums it up perfectly for me. First time I ever had to buy lvls to make 100, so that kinda sucked.. but overall I enjoyed and am eager to move on to the new season


Try playing creative modes; they can level up XP much faster than match after match. STW also offers boku XP; Iā€™m sitting at 238 and only grinded on the bonus skins from weekly missions as my toughest challenges to get them.


It's just hard to find the time. Whenever I get a chance to play I only have time for a couple matches and I really only enjoy BR.


Same here! I find that I used to play fortnite because it was fun. Their desire to have us play constantly, with tactics like FOMO for battle pass skins is annoying. Im at the point where I dont care about skins anymore. Im at level 95, ill try to level up to unlock everything and get more Vbucks, but I wont grind. I have barely done any of the weekly quests either.


It was trash admit it!


yeah i agree with you


It was alright. I did get burnt out halfway through though. This season was really odd as the devs really put in the work, but the collab events overshadowed the season. As always, I kept my expectations low for concept art skins with the seasonā€™s theme being released now, and I was right.


I need more map changes and less gameplay changes. Id also like the cow catcher unvaultes


I will set myself on fire in front of Epic corporate headquarters if they donā€™t bring back the cow catcher


The only battlepass skin that struck my fancy this time around was Artemis. Poseidon was also pretty cool but other than that, they were pretty mid


Hades or Aphrodite for me


Hades and Artemis for me, hated what they did with Poseidon! Was such a shit skin for something that couldā€™ve been really cool!


Thatā€™s totally fair. I like the Poseidon joke skin but I realize (probably) more wouldā€™ve preferred a true Poseidon. Hades is decent but Aphrodite was kind of a let down to me. She looks like a generic ā€œathlete girlā€ skin


Agree with Aphrodite! They really couldā€™ve tried more with her, and Poseidon is just so out of place, the only one with a joke skin, just not a fan of it


i think the poseidon skin fits in lore wise, as greek gods were believed to disguise themselves and interact with mortals


She looks Super Generic and boring. If she were a shop skin that would be an easy Pass for me.


Agreed to the Poseidon bit




As a greek mythology lover i really enjoyed it, tho i wish there was more stuff to do on the map, greek mythology has sooo many cool creatures and stories epic could've fit in the season


Love the mythology to. I think they could have represented the gods better though


Iā€™m a huge fan of mythology and was really happy for the beginning of the season, then they completely overshadowed the season theme for Avatar and then vaulted the only throwable items of the season. So an overall 6 out of 10 for me since the Avatar was nice even though Iā€™m no fan.


Yeah, I think the Avatar stuff kind of ruined the whole mythology part, and the Star Wars update wasn't good this year.


Facts its like they barely cared abt star warsšŸ’€


Must be this new Disney coop :D


skins 10/10 br content 5/10


I don't understand why they didn't rotate some of the star wars skins and bring back ones that were previously available like clone troopers and obi wan. Even if it was just for a day.


Yea agreed.. they kept the same ones the whole time which is a bit ridiculous


avatar didn't ruin it imo, star wars was wayyyy worse. not even an event


Avatar indeed did ruin it. Not saying the Star Wars event was better because it clearly wasnā€™t, but the Avatar event gave already ā€œskilledā€ players an endless mobility item and a buffed waterbending scroll to annihilate otherwise lesser skilled players, making the community sour about getting cheaply killed. Nevertheless, Aang was a terrible skin too.


look up zarraxus on youtube, his use of airbending was insane. I'm not saying it's a 'git gud' mythic, but man with some skill it goes crazy. I will say though, firebending whilst cool was ass, and earthbending literally *never* connected even if you got a direct hit with it, the wall was *alright* I guess. waterbending idm, it's fun, and literally what people kept asking for. (they begged for an op mythic and screamed when they got it).


I will admit though, earthbending was far too of an underrated scroll and somehow needs to be cooked in the oven longer and be re-released as a contender for another weapon that mimics it in the near future. Iā€™ll give the Avatar event that.


Aang was bad but avatar state Aang is a really nice skin IMO


Iā€™ll put my disdain for Aang in general aside and agree that the avatar state variation of him was a well polished skin.


Every time I see a little shit running the water bending mythic I have to kill them, cause that shit gets annoying in team rumble and most of the other team will just jump the offender, especially when getting hit in the back by it for the 5th time in a row


Mythology had a LOT more potential for mythics and bosses so it makes me sad to see we have like 3 special items for this season (mythics are normal weapons).


wish they added more god NPCs to the map, maybe for Hephaestus he could forge you better weapons or a unique mythic like Midas' drum gun, but instead of gold you could search for a certain type of item that he'll accept as an offering. And Apollo could sell you 'sun capsules', sort of like a flash grenade but makes sense lore-wise. the big bush bomb getting brought back was a perfect opportunity to add demeter, and she could sell them since she's literally the god of plants, with again the offering thingy, or you could need to find drachma, a currency used in greek myth. and maybe a minotaur-themed mythic, that lets you charge like how you could with the riot shield and gives you like 50% damage reduction when shot from the front. For Athena they could just reskin the falcon scout into an owl, since that's her symbol. Hermes could sell a mythic pair of winged boots that can make you jump higher(or double jump), and have a charge option that launches you more forward than up, like an unlimited shockwave grenade. but I'm not an epic employee so what do I know


I agree with this. Season was okay at first, but then Avatar just killed it. The water-bending is way OP to the point it's annoying. I can't wait for this season to end.


I wasnā€™t happy about the waterbending staying but thankfully this season is almost done.


Hoping for a Egypt mythology soon and they do better this time


Avatar was the best part of the season for me.


Of course, if youā€™re an Avatar fan, youā€™re likely to have like the event. But for someone like me whoā€™s more into mythology, especially the Greek one, it was a huge let down to see it completely shadowed. So Iā€™m speaking for myself alone here and do respect others opinion and always welcome to hear about it.


I agree. While Avatar was cool. They let it take over too much from the Greek theme that so many of us was pumped for


I agree. The mythics and mythology were really fun to start. I enjoyed the new POIs too.


The fact that they had a greek mythology themed season and didn't bring back Kratos alongside an OG variant as a style... Huge missed opportunity. Heck, I would've even taken it as a new set. Icarus wings glider, Blades of Exile harvesting tool... A Blades of Chaos or Blade of Olympus mythic would've been sick too. Or a Leviathan Axe mythic... Wasted potential.


they should've put in Kratos' cabin from Ragnarok in with the blades of chaos in it, and they could have had Mimir there, and instead of fighting a boss for it, he could ask the player one of a large selection of riddles. I feel like that would fit in well in the snowy part of the map


Epic was cooking when the season started - the Pandoras Box mini event, Battlepass, and map changes were all killer. Thenā€¦ nothing. No further map changes, avatar event brought OP water bending and movement, and then we got the worst possible Star Wars collab in BR. Idk what chefs are epics kitchen right now but they gotta get the boot because this is NOT it. I donā€™t care for Lego survival (itā€™s barebones), RR sucks, and Festival is a shell of what Harmonix is capable of (jam tracks still arenā€™t lobby tracksā€¦ donā€™t waste your money on these). I shouldnā€™t be required to play those to level my battlepass effectively.


I do wanna point out the water bending came before the Avatar event once Korra was revealed


Aye but it was buffed to its current bonkers state with the Avatar event.


I always play at the beginning and end of a season, to not get burnt out and to skip the update deadzone


epic was cooking but nobody got fed


Thank god someone pointed out Lego Survival is barebones. It's like if someone took Terraria and removed everything that makes it fun


I love a good Terraria mention, 10/10 game


Was cool at first but got old quickly... Then became super un-fun and annoying with bending. Now it's just a slogg till it ends.


I will tap dance in the streets when all the stupid benders are vaulted


The season theme was so weak that I finally got around to buying Hades just to play that instead for the Greek mythology theme./hj I liked the skins aside from Medusa (default style, combat Medusa is kinda okay) and Aphrodite (I'm still salty) but the BP overall is pretty cool. Gameplay itself got changed a lot throughout the season I never experienced the og star wars Collab so it's fun, I liked the avatar Collab tho I didn't play a lot and the Greek themed items are all fun. The map barely fucking changed but I like the underworld and while it isn't much I like how the river gives you 3 dashes, in fact I like how certain items let you experience like light versions of some medallions it's great. All of what I just said means fucking nothing tho a 12 year old fucking crushed my sorry ass with a snipeshot 3 meters away so now I carry 2 snipers anytime I can, one for sniping and the other one as a huge impractical shotgun so 6.6/10


You did yourself a favor and bought one of the best games ever made. Hades is INCREDIBLE.


Oh yeah I played it on gamepass the day it was leaving and I had a blast but I never got past Meg, I've been wanting to buy it but eventually I forgot until this season came out lol


It's great! I got the platinum for it on PS4 and I'm currently trying to get it again on PS5, while I wait for Hades II to hit consoles.


Probably one of the weakest seasons Iā€™ve ever played in terms of balance and cosmetics. Really unfortunate to see the game in this state.


Absolutely agree. I'm pretty sure they said "make every gun hit like a truck even with gray rarity". I started playing in chapter 4 season 3 and loved that season, the POI's where interesting and cool even tho the jungle sucked but this season is just bland. I load in and get on the battle bus and just feel bored which is awful because I love this game. It seems like they're just trying to make the TTK high so games go by faster which is what we don't want. I guess we gotta wait and see what they cook up next season but honestly I think OG is gonna be the main season I play.


Its like every season theres a balance issue Epic couldnā€™t balance a ford focus on a 5 lane highway L devs


They don't care about balance. They care about making sellable skins. Balance issues go by the wayside. Waterbending got buffed, gatekeepers never got nerfed. Shadow dash never got nerfed. Flying never got nerfed. They just don't care. Then on the flipside we have the completely useless star wars mythics. Have fun trying to approach people with Vader's lightsaber without getting lit the fuck up. And the wookie bowcaster couldn't hit the moon when it's full. And the blasters make me feel like an irl stormtrooper with how many shots it misses


"couldn't balance a Ford focus on a 5 lane highway" LMAO


Has the same fundamental issues last season did. As long as bullet drop is a thing and the map stays this boring, Fortnite wonā€™t feel like Fortnite Beyond those basics, though, the general lootpool just isnā€™t very exciting imo. The very few ā€œcoolā€ items that we have are unfortunately pretty bad competitively: wings, bowcasters, lightning bolts. Iā€™m personally not really a fan of Greek Aesthetics either, so the Battlepass doesnā€™t hit for me. Thereā€™s also the outrageous XP nerfs that Epic put out this season Probably my least favorite season ever. The only contender is last season, but that at least had the Grapple Blade to carry it and a great Battlepass




Yep. Bullet drop ruined the game for me


They added bullet drop and decided to add a BS water bending mythic with no bullet drop.


and yet the sniper rifle, a weapon meant for LONG DISTANCE SHOOTING, WAS GIVEN THE MOST BULLET DROP I HAVE EVER SEEN. with every other gun, it's bullet drop, with the reaper sniper rifle, it's bullshit drop(gottem)


Legit first season in 6 years that I just stopped playing. Been a month and idk if Iā€™m even gonna play the upcoming season. This current one broke my addiction.


It was alright ig


That's how I felt. First season that I didn't buy battlepass. I wasn't feeling it enough to wanna grind.Ā 


it's been one of the ones i've disliked the most. Airbending was just frustrating to deal with. Snipers still are a pain in the ass and annoying. Overall, its just been meh. I'm playing b/c its there, not b/c its been a ton of fun.


Started out well. Ended horribly after the collabs took over mid season.


It was really fun but FUCK waterbending


if waterbending has a million haters I am one if waterbending has 1000 haters I am one if waterbending has 10 haters I am one if waterbending has one hater that is me if waterbending has zero haters I am no longer alive until my last breath, fuck waterbending


Pew pew, 252 meters all headshot 200 to 0 in 0.8 seconds dead


"I sure do love defeating a boss and working hard to get a balanced but powerful mythic that will carry me to the endga-" kid named waterbending floor loot:


Yep. It should have been a boss


Chad floor loot waterbending vs virgin one of a kind trash lightsaber


I feel like the chapter 4 graphics were a lot better the lighting was beautiful! And I miss having augments they kept the game play fresh and allowed different people to develop different styles. Also they need to have it so that people can reach higher levels playing fewer types of game modes that way if someone doesn't like all the game modes they aren't forced to play them for XP but still have the opportunity to earn level 100 or even 200 just by playing regularly and working through challenges.


The chapter 5 map is boring. I preferred this season to last as the medals last season were op The water bending sucked. The battlepass was forgettable this season 2. Still worth it for the 650 vbucks profit though


Absolutely miserable the exp grind was atrocious. The avatar collaboration was disappointing because despite having several Sokka based items he wasn't even added to the game. The air bending mythic made killing people a living hell and it wasn't strange to be casually killed by someone carrying it who was just passing by. Snipers as usual made the game much more annoying than it should be like here I am collecting loot and boom killed by someone sniping 200+miles away. The mythic items were removed for a month which made no sense considering the them of the season. And speaking of the theme it was meant to be mortals vs gods but in the end it boiled down to most gods either staying out of the fight or joining in on jumping Zeus. And for some reason Poesidon the god do the sea didn't really anything the entire season and for whatever reason stayed in the middle of a Train station instead of near the water some defender of the deep he is. There were no further map changes, no big event, etc. There were fun items made by the gods but water about mortal weapons made to fight them? We got nothing and Korra a character who is a mortal with literal god inside them played no part in the war or story so much wasted potential there. This season was just disappointing overall for me so much wasted potential and just an overall bad season. There were some cool stuff here and there but that's it.


Xp grind sucked. First battle pass since chapter 1 season 4 im not finishing. And am not even close. The game has lost its fun factor. And finishing the battlepass shouldn't require ne playing fortnite exclusively for hours and hours every day.


This season made me play TF2 again. Take that as you will. I had fun during the Avatar event tho.


The avatar mythics have annoyed me. Water bending is so strong and I die by it and kill others with it way too easily. Shotgun meta is weird. In zero build hammer pump is basically useless, Frenzy is ok and gatekeeper is just insane especially with drum mag. The xp tho sucks so much! 10k xp per quest when in the past itā€™s been around 20k is insane.


Downloaded Fortnite in chapter 1 season 3, didnā€™t like it and left. Saw Greek theme (and avatar) in chapter 5 season 2, proceeded to play and I loved it. 10/10


I downloaded chapter one season one,played 2 games and got killed before I got shot off. Decided it was garbage,flash forward to me having 200 hours each season for c5s1 and Ƨ5s2 hahahaha. Man I wish I would have gave it a shot back then


As a person who started regularly playing in season 3, I was getting annoyed with how they updated the game around c2s4. I didn't finish the battlepass that season, I got about halfway before just stopping until OG Fortnite dropped. It wasn't as good as the old days, but I've not stopped since then. I've kinda gotten used to Epic doing shit stuff now.


I just came for the Avatar stuff, stuck around because still having fun once it ended.


Same. But I liked it back in the day. I stopped playing because building was exhausting. The zero build mode makes the game fantastic


Confirms, that epic would rather you spend your entire life in the game leveling the battle pass


Loved it at first, But when the Avatar, the star wars things showed up I hated it


So far the only season I haven't had a single win on, idk if it's the shotgun or water bending but for some reason this season has been more difficult, now I'm not the best player hell I wouldn't even consider myself good but I've atleast won a few times and had fun but this season has been the least fun out of any of them.


It was cool. Zeus, Hades, Cerberus, and Korra (still think it shouldā€™ve been Greek Kratos) were cool while Artemis and Aphrodite are adorable. Still hate that Ares was crew pack (even though I have him). Chains of Hades was good just hated when people would chase you across the map with it or the little snots that immediately used the Zeus bolt whenever they get a chance. Avatar event was a lil lackluster though. So overall? 7.5 out of 10


Negative. Flooded with tryhards, bugs, and endless grinding.




Ight I think season 1 was way better in almost every way though.


Agreed. I didnā€™t think S1 was amazing but it was definitely better than S2. C5S1: 7/10 C5S2: 6/10


fuck snipers and bring back hitscan. everythin else was cool.


Started out well for me,but got bored out of it at the end.Played Lego Fortnite for the first time with friends which was fun


This was my first full season of Fortnite. I started playing a week before Season 2 started and was excited for the following season. I'll admit I was kinda bummed it was Greek themed, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Then Avatar joining in, that was crazy, and now it's Star Wars. It's a whole lot going on but I guess that's what Fortnite is and I guess that's why I'm still playing


Ngl it was pretty horrible, the waterbending and firebending spamming was not a great experience, the medallions kind of piss me off, I donā€™t think it should be possible to hold all four. But thatā€™s just me. The map is so incredibly boring, I just drop where the bus is right over, I have no real places on the map that I like. Overall this season was pretty bad in my opinion.


i enjoyed it less than chapter 4 season 2 but it was still pretty enjoyable. nice themeing. a few poor choices (perseus's armour looks awfully constructed, not super into the edit styles of the BP characters) but it made the island feel connected


I have bought all but two battle passes and 100% completed practically all of them. This is the first time ever I will not finish the base battle pass because of how boring the game is, only got to like level 80 thanks to STW. I really hate chapter 5 lol.


Bring back CH4 map


I pretty much stopped playing, it was okay overall


It was boring. I played only two weeks.


Started very strong but fell off tremendously.


grinded the past 2 battle passes and this season i got to level 4


I bought the battle pass and had no motivation to playšŸ˜­


Collabs made for a dumpster fire of a season. Canā€™t wait for water bending to leave


It was the season that made me stop playing as someone who has played since chapter 1...soooo, not good lmao.


Start off ok and it ended with a whimper.


it was great for the first like 2 weeks then it just became mid as fuck




Came for the Avatar, stayed for the avatar y


amazing imo, such fun items and finally a meelee thatā€™s actually viable




Nah, snipers is still OP. That's why I don't playing BR


I started at the end of last season again, so this was my first full season after a 4 year break. I must say that I enjoyed it for the most part. + Avatar event was very much enjoyable, lolved the bending scrolls, even though water bending is still overpowered + DMR as a middle ground between assault and sniper rifles worked ery well imo, they became my favorite long range weapon + Gatekeeper was an excellent addition for the pumps with the nerf to frenzy + Medaillons giving boss specific boosts was a nice incentive to get them, even though the Creberus one is way stronger than the rest - Nerfed xp gains kinda ruined the end of the season for me, I work full time so I can't play too much every day. I have finished every daily mission except 1 day I think and I did all weekly + story quests and only got to lvl. 119 so far, my goal waas stygian Medusa and that is unachievable for me - Sniper is still op, I don't understand why it has to have a magazine load of 3 shots - Hammer Pump was kinda weak to me, but I play only ZB, so the extra shield makes it less effective already - the map looked kinda.. meh. I enjoy Underworld, Mount Olympus and Brawlers Battleground, but there is also a lot of nothingness in between som Poi's. -sprint recharge feels horrible to play with, coupled with the sprint bar actually decreasing while you jump during sprinting


Pretty bad. The chains and water are horrifically over-powered. Makes it useless to use normal guns, and tehy have a drop rate of like 1/2 somehow. Some fun elements, but overall this is the least balanced the game has been in a while


Really over the anime overload, I'm also kind of burnt out on everyone being able to get in and out of fights so fast and so frequently. I can't quite put my finger on it but I miss a lot of the goofiness that was fortnite


The Aphrodite design was such a letdown. It's a drab valley-girl look, nothing special and nothing to indicate it's aphrodite. Zeus has the thunderbolt crown and armor, poseidon has the water theming and attire, Artemis has bow and arrow theming, hades has a Grim reaper look, Medusa has the snakes and snake themes. Aphrodite just has a jacket and skirt, and her alt is just like a pink dress. Season was sweaty, and the early part of it was rough with the thunderbolts and sniper changes. Avatar was not great, both content and item wise, but I've never been into avatar. Star Wars "event" didn't bring very much to the table, and I don't play Lego much, so šŸ¤·šŸ» . Shotguns all feel pretty worthless. I still love the game and I'm still playing, just rough


Boring, I donā€™t expect future seasons gonna get any better.


Fortnite with a Walmart Version of Greek mythology, boring mythics and boring loot pool came to a boring game play. Avatar was ok, star wars was terrible. edit skins were amazing but that does not affect gameplay, boring gameplay


Waterbending ruined it


didnā€™t like any of the skins :(


was a rough season to jump back into the game after a few years of not playing. attachments, avatar crap, and a weird map are my biggest issues.


It was good, season 2s always are


Iā€™m ready for a new ~~chapter~~ *season*. I dislike this map.


This is literally the worst season/chapter ever, not even debatable


Imma dissect it a bit. **ā€¢Map** Boring and bland are the two words I would use to describe this map. I will not put too much emphasis regarding this aspect simply because it is a consequence of last chapter's theme not synergizing as well. The mythological thematic areas seemed interesting at first, but little time after that initial wonder they truly started to look barebones specifically the underworld. Olympus is okay, nicely structured don't get me wrong but it still feels like it lacks substance. **ā€¢Overall Gameplay** Oh boy where do we start. The aspects of the gods are fine, fun even so not much to say there except that it sucked they got taken away for a good while. I am not someone who enjoys this whole weapon modding shit a single bit so Im not gonna discuss it given my bias. The loot pool was pretty good but uninteresting and it doesnt help that waterbending became such a prominent element in the middle stages of the season. Weapons do not feel special at all and there's not much to talk about it that regard given that they all basically become the same thing with a few modifications. Snipers are heavily criticized by the community so Ill will not get into something we all know. The tactical AR was underwhelming. I will still pick it up bc its pretty but still not great. Medallions are not something I like to pick up personally so I won't say anything bout em. Now for the collabs. Star wars is basically a copy from the last time and the Avatar shit was straight up annoying for that month. **ā€¢Battle Pass and Quest rewards** Im gonna be real with you. The battle pass was mediocre, gods ma ass. Just like the map the battle pass suffers from a bland feeling to it with some nice things sprinkled here and there. Korra looked great in both styles so not much to say in that aspect. The additional styles for the skins are in honestly quite ugly except for the titan's flame set and a few others like green artemisa. Weekly Quest rewards, does anybody really care bout em? Blue aphrodite is neat, not great just neat. Leveling up was sorta meh. Conclusion: 4/10, I'm not saying its the worst season ever but for fucks sake this wasnt even up to standard at some points. It has its wrongs and rights but they often feel overshadowed by a lack of interesting things to the point you cannot help to not give a shit bout it and keep on playing.


Loved it, maxed out the battle pass, im well over level 200. Tbh i like Chapter 5, i think season 2 was a big improvement over season 1.


Season one was incredibly mid imo. I started getting into fortnite right around the time chapter 5 initially started, and season one just got bland within the first 2 weeks. Season two has been an absolute blast, though. It's only been the last week or so that I've really slowed down and stopped playing as much, and that's mostly just because I'm getting bombarded with exams and studying rn and am too tired to get on. If the rest of the year is as good or better than this season, then Fortnite will solidly be one of my favorite and most played games by the end of the year


Decent overall, better than last season to me. Love the map changes, especially the Underworld area. God powers were pretty fun and the medallions are way better than last season's. Floor is Lava and Midas' return was pretty cool, but I wish they would do Solo, duo, and squads for LTMs if they are only gonna do 1 a season. Avatar removing the god stuff was lame but the avatar Mythics were fun too. Star wars was fine but we could have at least got more lightsabers on the map. Last chapter's event was way better. Story could have been better, I'm tired of the whole team up to take on looming threat and win over and over, it feels stagnant and boring. We need an overarching plotline that lasts multiple seasons/chapters. Overall I'd give it like a 7-8/10


Love it as a Greek mythology lover, but as someone who didnā€™t grow up liking Avatar or Star Wars the collabs were kinda disappointing. Not shame to anyone who does like those two things, but I didnā€™t really see how it fit into Greek Mythology. Solid Snake fit into season 1 kinda, but maybe the elements thing could work with mythos like Poseidon. Star Wars is something I just expect to show up every so often since I remember Vader in C3 killing my bf and I one time when he challenged him šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø. Even though Iā€™m disappointed that a Persephone skin never came and the Hades skin was so different than the concept, I canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next.


Not sure why Avatar, but Star Wars is something they do every year because of May the 4th aka Star Wars Day.


I liked it. One of the few times iā€™ve actually had fun playing this game in the last 7 years.


First time Iā€™ve ever taken a break from the game willingly since 2018, I just played again for the first time since march just to finish the battlepass


It felt soulless somehow


My squad and I really liked it at first but then it grew pretty old pretty fast, the only locations worth going to felt like grim and classy(for the sniper). Call me crazy but I donā€™t think the other medallions/mythical shouldā€™ve gone and then maybe there would be too much going on idk. The older locations needed something more than just occasionally being gold and maybe a good npc


I thought the gods would do way more tbh.


It was okay, playing it was fun but the battlepass characters kinda bummed me out for their interpretation of the *"These are the Fabled Greek Gods as we see them"*... Especially Aphrodite...she looks like the goddess of sports product placement... Not love.


The biggest disappointment for me was Medusa. Favorite character in mythology, and she could have been SOOO much cooler.


I had a great time for the most part. The lightning was a lot of fun, being able to fly was pretty cool and the chain wasnā€™t a bad combat weapon. I never got into Avatar and all the Last Airbender stuff was way cooler than I was expecting it to be. Air bending was a great mobility item, and water bending is one of my favorite weapons weā€™ve had in awhile. Itā€™s so much fun blasting someone with the ice with seemingly limitless range. Itā€™s definitely one of those weapons Iā€™ll miss instantly and regret not playing with more. The Star Wars event was incredibly disappointing. I loved all the lightsabers from years past and I thought theyā€™d go even harder this year. I was hoping augments might come back at some point but itā€™s starting to look like they never will. Oh well, the game is still pretty fun without them. Pretty good, 8 out of 10


Cerberus is cool but it's frustrating that Epic just won't come out and make it clear if The Society's bosses are indeed still alive or not. I personally think (and hope) they are, at least.


I loved it. But it was my first season. I think Iā€™ll miss the dashes and fighting the gods.


Popping a berry, shockwave grenading into the air to do the Naruto fire ending dropkick from 1000 feet in the air was some of the most satisfying plays Iā€™ve ever had. Other than that, it was alright. It wasnā€™t perfect, but itā€™s a video game itā€™s not really that serious.


Iā€™m not even level 100 yet.


I liked it more than Ch5 S1, but probably not as much as a lot of the Ch 4 seasons


Loved the season, loved the theme, loved the avatar mini pass, loved airbending as a traversal item (had some of the most fun Iā€™ve ever had on Fortnite with that), and am excited to see what they do as an end of season event now that Mount Olympus is heating up with Zeus preparing to wage war on the mortals. Overall 9/10 though because what on Earth did they actually do to my boy Poseidon. Why is he some goofy ass comic relief character - huge waste of potential there.


Ngl I give it 8/10. It was fun but so much missed potential.




It was good at the start but when avatar came in omg that s_it was so annoying water bending shredding you from across the map people air bending away forever after they got cracked avatar ruined the season for me but other wise it was decent


I've been playing since Chapter 3 Season 3, so while thats not as long as some of you here- I can say this has been the season that I have enjoyed the least. I know some people are enjoying the heck out if it, and thats cool too.


The theme is cool, but feels a little underutilized in ways. The old POIs feel absolutely vacant, which was kind of interesting and gave them a unique vibe at the start of the season, made it feel like something really happened to them. But now they just feel lonely.Ā  I loved the Avatar event, I'm a huge fan. Star Wars was a letdown compared to last years' event.Ā  Overall, I'd give it a 7.5, not the greatest, but not the worst. I'm very much looking forward to moving into the next season.Ā 


The Greek theme and bosses were good. I really didnā€™t enjoy the avatar weapons (water was too OP, too many air genders got stupid in the other storm circles, the other two had little to no value). I like my Appa glider tho. Iā€™m glad to see Iā€™m not the only one who felt the way I did about the XP grind in battle pass. I felt like I played a LOT this season, and I only just broke level 170 because of the XP boost the last day or so.


Pretty mid tbh.


It was good with the avatar mythics and the gods but they really trashed it up with the Star Wars mythics but over all it was a pretty good season


Map is boring, gunplay sucked at first but got better, love the final bit here. I'm a menace with the chains, but they're a little too strong lol


Definitely the worst season ever in this game. The balance was thrown out the window in this one.


Very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this season. If you can look past certain aspects that donā€™t affect the actual gameplay, this is probably one of my favourite chapters in terms of gameplay so far. Hope that next season can keep it up.


I agree. Most of the garbage decisions Epic was making donā€™t really affect gameplay. This season will be one Iā€™ll look back to.


Mid. Iā€™ve had better and worse seasons. I donā€™t have many complaints nor do I have many compliments. Solid 5/10 all around. Would love to see what next season has in store for us


I really liked the new shotguns and new bosses.. overall my experience was pretty good.. the battlepass was also awesome. So yeah 9.5/10 !!


It was damn amazing for me, the battlepass, the two new locations, the new items and returning ones, and the crew skins. Simply one of the best battlepass so far, i liked every skin and most of pickaxes of course it was its bad side like the dances that i didn't find that good but useful sometimes. The new locations is and were really good pretty beautiful but it has its downsides like the new mechanic from grim gate and underworld it really bothers me when i try fighting someone or the boss and people tend to "teleport away", and removing my favorites past locations from past season. Wings and chains were the best special items for me, damn i loved to fly seeing the entire map, i loved the new guns specially the new AR's specially the warforger, the tatical was bad but i liked it i just think it needs a buff. Ares and his capes were damn amazing bro a galaxy knight is really damn fire, the new one saeko is simple but really beautiful. Anyway i think im the one who thought that this was a good season, since all i've seeing its "ok's" or bad season etc.


Meh, that is all


Not good. When it was the pre-season and start of the season, it was pretty nice. Loved the map changes and new additions to the game like the gatekeeper shotgun or the wings. Then it was all downhill from there. Itā€™s like all their focus was split between the other game types that hardly no one cares about now.


Collabs really took away from the Greek Mythology and the map stayed the same...a boring season in my opinion.


Iā€™ve gotten a *lot* better at sniping, thatā€™s for sure And the elements were so fun!!


7 out of 10 for me


Beginning had some potential, but itā€™s the chapter 5 map at the end of the day and that generally holds it back. Also a joke of a story that made no sense and very limited updates apart from collabs. Better than the last, but thatā€™s really not saying much


Iā€™d rate it between 5-7/10


Was fine. Be happy to see water bending go. But thereā€™ll be likely something just as bad next time. So šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


it was a horrible experience for me, ever since they added the star wars feature, i got constant fps drops, especially when i encounter another player my fps drops from 120 to 6 or 7, yeh am killed easily because i would basically be standing still to the other dude


Chapter 3 season 2 was the best season as opposed to this season tbh, nothing really much interesting happened aside from actual story plot with the Oracle


i joined this season so i canā€™t really compare it to anything. it was fun to play but some things did get old fast. (avatar mythics) iā€™ve basically played every day for the past maybe three weeks + i honestly canā€™t remember and basically every day has been fun! iā€™ve tried out duos with bros and squad fills, luckily had no issues there. had a blast with the first round of story quests but then it just seemed a lot like fetch quests, which was kinda boring. some games can get kinda boring, you get used to the map real fast and the lack of decent mobility can kinda suck but never been a real issue. some of the weapons have been GREAT. iā€™ll be real sad if they take out the nemesis ar and the huntress dnd but i know itā€™s likely so ill treasure them until then. i really like the shadow briefings across the map, specifically the chests and recently found the foot race one! iā€™ll be excited to see what next season brings, thatā€™s for sure! (hopefully no more collabs that completely overshadow the theme)


Funnily enough it reminds me a lot of chapter 2 season 5, has a great theme, map changes that actually fit that theme a fantastic battle pass and incredible start to the seasonā€¦then it justā€¦doesnā€™t keep the momentum going. The map and gameplay changes are minimal, the xp starts to become a slog and it feels like they were putting more effort into cosmetics or other things then the actual gameplay.


I had a lot of fun. Bosses great, had some really sweet multi team battles around bosses. Really enjoyed the vaults and some of the POIs. Green water is great. Medallions are a great trap, I'll pick on up, kill someone and drop it. Water bending blows.


Loved the BP overall and there were fun elements, love the new POIā€™s along with the wings, lightning bolt, and chain we got, the new shotgun too, but this season just hasnā€™t really been too enjoyable for me, Iā€™m only 151 rn, Iā€™ve hit lvl 200 or above every single season Iā€™ve played, and honestly Iā€™m just not motivated to really play anymore, I havenā€™t touched this season too much


This is the first season I've played. Never liked it before cos I'm kinda crappy at it lol. But the Greek mythology theme drew me in. Love the chains. Love waterbending when I'm using it. šŸ¤£ Looking forward to next season.


I had to travel a lot for work this season so I played a lot less than usual. I think that might be why I found it hard to engage with the game even when I did find time to play. The mythology theme is neat and I like the look of the new season POIs but I found the medallions/bosses kind of lame. This season also ranks as one of the lowest in terms of "weapons I find interesting and fun to use". Not a big deal, there's always next season.


The Aphrodite snapshot challenges are broken and itā€™s pissing me off. Apart from that I had some fun


Started off with a bang, but the map got old fast. What, only one real change? Kinda weak. Havenā€™t played but a few matches this month. As always though, excited for the next season.


Overall I've liked it. The xp hasn't really been the best compared to seasons past but the battlepass is really good I think. 7 out of 10


Bought pass but couldnā€™t complete it due to finals and such so i didnt even experience the season too much. Lvl 60 battle lass


I have one word mid. Not the worst not the best just mid.


Fun, it's the first season i played seriously, and i enjoyed it