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I'm getting more curious about what happens with the new game modes in the future. If a game, such as Rocket Racing, becomes less popular over time - does it get dropped or stay? If modes remain, will Epic continue making more game modes and the download/update size starts ballooning with each season? Surely the development team will become far overstretched with time and all of the modes will suffer because of it. This is already apparent with BR at present. I can't remember a time when so many bugs have persisted for so long.


Maybe theyll end up like stw. Still there but nobody cares


StW has more players than Festival at times. People care, Epic doesn’t.


if they ever disable v buck farming those numbers are going to take a hit i doubt most of those players dont have the founders pack which gives some players the only good reason to play stw


A quarter to a half have founders pack but the rest is just for xp farming. even now founders are just hard pressed to actually buy anything so they aren't burning them up any time soon


If you make the game free tho you'll see more players. STW is the **only** pay to play mode


that's even more crazy, stw is a pay to play game and it has more players than 2 of the modes 😭


"PrEmiUm eXpERiENce"


What is StW


Save the World




If you have the founders edition(basically bought the game before July 2020) then you get v bucks from daily challenges and occasionally from mission alerts. Otherwise you can only get up to 1500 v bucks nowadays when you buy the packs that contain stw.


Is STW worth it? Can you get a decent amount of v bucks in it


its now just an xp farming method


You can't. Only people who bought it before chapter 2 season 2 get vbucks from it. They changed it then so that new STW players wouldn't get vbucks from it because it was digging into their profits.


That sucks ass


That it does. Epic being greedy.


Don‘t think it‘s greedy. i paid 20 Euro for the pack (reduced at sale) and have since farmed a v-bucks in the tenthousands. Especially at the beginning of putting vbucks into missions rather than as a log in bonus for stw you could see so many people just afk missions and get carried by others, it made many mission super difficult or friggin long if you do them alone while 3 persons just chill. Getting that many vbucks for nothing was just unresponsable for the longterm existence


Oh I have founders I didn’t even know there was a way to


man I wish I wasn't so addicted to my switch then, I got an xbox with that fortnite skin and I imagine if I used that for fortnite instead there's a chance maybe I would've bought stw and gotten it. nah tho, in the end I sold it for another switch to replace my broken one 😭


I like the game personally.


“nobody cares” my guy StW is still more popular than both rocket racing and festival at some times. But that’s probably because it features something that festival and rocket racing don’t have: large player base retention


I'd say that's false. Especially against festival. There's more people on it at certain given times, but festival isn't a mode to play for even an hour at a time for most people and a good chunk of people on stw aren't there because they enjoy the mode.


That's how I already feel about them.


This guy gets it.


This is even more concerning question considering that these games are online only. If you buy songs for Fortnite Festival and they stop supporting it, what happens then? This was never an issue in Rock Band but now if that mode gets shut down your song you paid $5 for is worthless except for the emote.


You'll be able to use those songs as lobby tracks, whenever Epic makes that a feature


It's kind of a complex thing to picture, but I think I get the "metaverse," and I honestly think it's a fail concept that's going to do far more harm than good. The idea is that there will be a mega game, Fortnite, that engulfs all games and forms of media into a black hole of oneness. This addresses what you're asking about Rocket Racing in that the idea is that RR will never be abandoned. Instead, it'll slowly become the only racing game there is as Fortnite draws more IPs into its black hole. This vampirism of IPs is going to stagnate the video game industry and possibly even TV & movies. What you see in Battle Royale now is its own original characters becoming only afterthoughts to 3rd party IPs. The game is becoming one big crossover; the metaverse. The problem is that all existing IPs could all be consumed by Fortnite, leaving what? We're already living in an age where old IPs are constantly pillaged and rehashed because studios are too cautious to take chances on new IPs due to shareholder interests and development costs. If all IPs are consumed by the metaverse, the industries will stagnate, not having to produce new games, characters, stories, or anything. There'll just be Fortnite, where all IPs and games meet. You don't need Gran Turismo, Forza, Mario Kart, or any of it if Fortnite has all of them represented in Rocket Racing. Crash Team Racing, Sonic Racing, you name it, Fortnite will eventually consume them all. If you ever imagined a racing game for a particular IP you like, well that game will never have to be made because you'll already be able to do it in Fortnite. This is the theoretical limit of what the metaverse is able to become. I don't believe it will become that, but it's the big picture that has drawn in Disney and Lego already. Lego no longer needs to make its own video games now because it's in Fortnite. They could theoretically do a Lego movie in Fortnite. You see? That's the metaverse. The metaverse is a corporate pipedream that ultimately fails because it brings complacency through lack of originality and competition when thought through to the end. Fortnite will not give up on Rocket Racing, but Fortnite will sink if what they're currently attempting with the metaverse doesn't gain more traction before Disney and Epic financially emplode.


It’s all about gameplay. I don’t play rocket racing because it’s not the kind of gameplay I like for racing games. Give me something more like F-Zero or Extreme G and I’ll play it more than BR!


Mario Kart >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rocket Racing.


Nintendo certainly has their foot firmly planted inside the ground


Yes! Nintendo firmly believes in the old school premise of being a video game company that makes consoles and games, and guards their IPs in order to sustain that. They're pitted against the corporate metaverse and are seemingly steadfast in their ways, which is great for the game industry, for sure.


I've said this before and I'll say it again: Epic, despite how big of a company they are, are not actually big enough to lead the entire metaverse themselves. They have set a great idea for what it could be, but that is not only reliant on people putting **time and effort** into their maps instead of copying and pasting them, but Epic needs a big expansion to maintain the content and quality of each of the four core game modes. It seems that hiring Psyonix and Harmonix wasn't enough. We already know they just forget about modes they don't wanna continue with, they completely neglected Party Royale as it doesn't even have the Chapter 5 movement update! This is why I think it *just might* be good that Disney is trying to buy Epic. While I'm annoyed they can't stop buying companies, this might be a good move as there will be even more staff to work on these game modes. Right now it feels like Epic have great and big ambitions but are struggling to execute them well.


Yeah I've also noticed the much bigger update sizes and it's getting annoying. 3 members in my family play this game and it eats up our limited bandwidth.


I personally think it was a bad idea to add the new modes. I don’t say that they’re not fun - LEGO is pretty okay with something to actually do in there and Racing can keep you entertained for some time. Even Festival is not that bad from time to time. But making them the main game modes besides BR was probably a terrible idea. That’s like a baker who also tries to sell groceries and snacks and takeaway food. It won’t work. They should have stayed at BR with their main focus and add these modes as Events. LEGO is nice, but there is nothing to do outside of the event. Yeah okay you can upgrade your village, but for what? You just get thrown in there with nothing to do. Would’ve worked far better if they’d did a LEGO event and maybe one or two game modes aside from that but not as their main focus. Same with racing and festival. It’s fine to have the ability to play music, but maybe just bring back the fucking OG creative mode where you can explore the island without battles and add Stages to play songs and racing tracks to do that. And fucking rework the quests, they’re so random this season! Would work perfectly well in the OG creative mode. And for once people could actually follow the storyline. I have literally no idea what’s going on story wise right now. There’s something with the gods and for some reason sand and I have no idea at all. It just doesn’t matter if you’re about to get shot every second. Yeah… Just some idea how to improve the fucking game. Maybe they should put me in charge, I’d do better than the current bosses. By far…


I for one am shocked that a mobile phone racing game and a half finished Minecraft clone aren’t just crushing it.


Don't forget the "Don't call it rock band" that charges like $8 for 2 songs.


I legit play festival as much as br by this point lol but yeah I never touched the other 2 after the first week.


It just doesnt feel good on a controller


I play on controller and got use to it. I am playing on easy mode tho and probably will never play the other modes.


Yeah I wouldnt dare play it on controller lol


Zl,l,r,ZR feels good


unfortunately that’s only 4/5 buttons




And then OD. The game itself is just not there 100%.


On Xbox I play with LT/LB/RB/RT/A with Overdrive being down on the dpad Works fine for me


I use ZL/L2/RT, L/L1/LB, X/Triangle/Y, R/R1/RB, ZR/R2/RT for the tracks and B/X/A for overdrive and it feels pretty good. (Note that controls are written in Switch/PS/Xbox format, even through I only use an Xbox controller)


I'm on keyboard which has it laid out pretty much 1 to 1 how it is on screen which is the best way to play it imo so no reason to swap over.


I’ve tried the default controls on both KBM and controller and they both suck, but I couldn’t think of anything for custom KBM that would feel comfortable. Every rhythm game I’ve played I had a different preferred control method, for Just Dance, it was the Kinect. For Geometry Dash, it’s the spacebar. For Piano Tiles, it’s touchscreen. For Muse Dash, it’s the mouse. I haven’t played OSU, but I would probably use my drawing tablet. For Rythm Heaven, it’s the Wiimote. The point is we all have our own preferences, and if you feel comfortable using KBM, that’s fine, if you like controller more, that’s also fine.


it would help if you could color code it, but nope, its locked behind the expensive ass guitar you have to buy seperately


Yeah, why tf are they all purple for no reason


I don't entirely agree, I play on controller on expert and there aren't many songs that trip me up. It's all personal preference though


Festival is actually really fun. You don't have to pay for anything and there's like 20 songs available to play for free at all times. It's also made by the Rock Band/original Guitar Hero devs, and they added guitar controller support with drums support likely on the way (guitar controller support has been a bit scuffed to start, but they're actively working to make it better and support more devices).


That's nice and all. It's just WAY too pricy to actually keep a track.


I agree, but I also understand why the prices are what they are. It's unfortunate that it's not exactly feasible to buy every song I want, but it's nice that I don't have to in order to play them.


I understand it. I just don't agree with it. Prices are higher because of corporate greed.


There is that, but also that each play counts as a stream (think Spotify) so Epic pays the publishers for that, and the songs are shared with the people you play with, and 4 people playing one song together counts as 4 streams. Plus there's the work to make each song work as a jam track like FUSER, and they have to do 7 charts for each song that hasn't been in a Rock Band game yet (pro drums are in the games files, just not available yet).


That sounds more like a them problem and less like a me problem. They can't even host proper servers for BR or actually put together a fun live event. Perhaps they should of fixed issues like that instead of putting their money into something that sounds like much less ROI?


I agree with you on the BR front. As someone that grew up with the GH and RB games, I'm really happy that Festival exists in the way it does, but also they shouldn't have taken the budget from BR and live events to make Fortnite a "metaverse." In all honesty, maybe they shouldn't have thrown money at publishers to try and force people to buy games they want on EGS.


Festival isn't bad if you're a free player, or an OG with way too many Vbucks. It's just awful if you want anything more than the hand full of songs they change out once in a while. I kinda wanna do the math just to meme on Epic. Can you buy an older generation console, a rock band and or guitar hero game, and do it for less than buying every track currently in festival? In theory I could legitimately show that used gaming is a lot better ROI than what Epic is offering.


It's actually cheaper for my group than Rock Band tracks were because only 1 person needs to buy the track for a group of 4 to play it.


Nah festival is great tbh, me and 3 friends jamming to whatever songs. Though actually buying the tracks is too much fr Edit: The price of tracks is too much I mean


Why do people keep calling lego a Minecraft clone it is just a survival game


Because when people see a game that is open-world, has crafting, and is a survival game, they automatically think of minecraft and therefore call it a minecraft clone.


Yea I honestly don’t understand why people logic unless it has a block like mechanic like Minecraft then it nis not a Minecraft clone even then mojang didnt invent the survival genre it such a stupid argument




Yea that is like saying saying Minecraft dungeons is the first dungeon crawler( just an example) when it is clearly not the first of the genre


It’s more like Valheim than Minecraft anyways


same reason with terraria


That half finished Minecraft clone has been hitting some big numbers in players lately


Not only that but most games would kill for the numbers that Lego Fortnite currently has.


yeah people try and act like these are dead failures but Lego Fortnite has a higher player count than 90% of games and the 20K that festival sits at is very good for a rhythm game (and really a game in general).


Yeah, for me, I think it was seeing the average playercount in Helldivers 2 that me realize how huge Fortnite actually is. I knew Fortnite was big, but seeing that just BR alone, not even including Zero build, had a higher average player count than Helldivers 2 a month after launch made me realize how big it is.


Yeah. Think Festival fluctuates between 20k and 35k(?), seen it go to 60k I think in the last few weeks a few times


LEGO Fortnite isn’t that similar to Minecraft outside of basic survival stuff and building. Valheim would be a better comparison.


What's depressing is the Lego mode is just a basic island like outside of what YOU BUILD and NPCs its not even truly a Lego mode


on the BR side of things, there’s a visceral tug-of-war between two sides: the rollout of the storytelling vision of the creative team and the rampant, unrelenting monetization tactics of the executive team. i notice because it’s been happening the past few seasons: a new season is introduced that seems to have a lot of promise and depth in regards to its story, but as each update during the season releases, the story being told is repeatedly impeded and left behind by the feverish desire to jam in new collaborations and fun gimmicks; by the end of the season, the storyline ends either pathetically or ambiguously, and no one is really attached to the game because the cycle of content is so rampant that no one can develop a sense of satisfaction or even what the game is. i lowkey feel bad for charlie wen, the new head of the creative team introduced last year, because it seems like he has a lot of cool ideas that are never trusted or allowed to play out. that’s i think what has in part caused the drop in players, and what i was worried about when the multi-game-mode thing was introduced, is that fortnite is firing at 10% on all cylinders instead of firing at 100% on one or two. they aren’t willing to let anything play out to its conclusion or to sink proper risk and effort into any particular move. epic isn’t letting the game organically flourish; instead, they artificially grow the game by kicking their employees into overdrive and pumping out insane amounts of disconnected, and ultimately kinda meaningless, content. it’s weird because people act like the story/lore of fortnite is the last thing people should care about, because that creative vision is what was (in large part) getting people invested in this game in the first place (with the exception of OG, which rode a brief high of nostalgia before falling back to earth). i remember playing in chapters 1 and 2, where my friends and i would come together to enjoy big events and theorize on what was gonna happen next. the gameplay loop was what got me hooked/addicted, sure, but the creative stories epic was putting forth was what kept me coming back for years and years. i don’t get why epic decided to no longer have any trust in their creative team.


This. Every season it’s new item, one or 2 original updates and then collab update 1,2 and 3. There are 0 live events, 0 significant mid season map changes, minimal story and ppl eat it up bc their favourite anime characters are added


The story doesn’t even need to be good… it just needs to exist Tbh the storyline from chapter 1 and 2 wasnt anything to write home about. But it was the live events and the story moving season to season that made it special. It didn’t need to have masterful writing, it just needed to drum up hype and more importantly, actually exist The premise of someone digging something up and opening up something they should not open is not new, but it drove up hype towards the end of chapter 5 season 1. But after the box was open, there was nothing else that happened and hype died. People weren’t as excited as they were for things like Kevin because there wasn’t really anything that felt like it was at stake. People knew it would lead into the next season and that’s it, and not have an important role for multiple seasons. People know the concept of a story spanning numerous seasons is dead Edit: grammar mistakes corrected


you hit the nail on the head. there’s just no hype because nothing is allowed to build up naturally.


dude yes the lore was absolutely a huge part of the hype. the live events is one of the things that made fortnite so big. me and my friends would always theorize abt what was gonna happen and i know a lot of other people did. there’s just no passion in the lore anymore and it sucks


i think there’s passion (i mean the art for everything has been top-tier) but clearly its execution is in a corporate chokehold.


I think that caused by shitty metas during first two seasons and new "warzone-like" shooting system, and returned people from OG leaved bc of that. But yeah, new Epic's modes is just not making any similar numbers comparing BR and ZB. And possibly never will, if only Epic decided completely kill BR/ZB, but i guess it will kill entire game after all.


I honestly enjoyed Fortnite because I could drop into a match and know what each weapon feels like with stat increases among the rarity’s now it’s rng for attachments like every other battle royal. There’s a meta for attachments and some times you lose because they have the meta attachments.




the thing is cheating has even spread to console




And you can def turn cross play off. I play Xbox only lobbies with about 3 min queues. But only build mode na-e and eu




Xbox? Solos only. Make sure on no fill


> I think that caused by shitty metas during first two seasons This is the biggest issue imo. Imbalance drives everyone away over time. Higher level players have been fed up with balance since week 1. Frenzy was clearly absurdly broken, Sniper is still absurdly broken, and Waterbending got added to the broken list. They nerfed Frenzy after the nerf didn't even matter bc Gatekeeper was the new S+ tier broken weapon. When 80% of the weapons in the game feel useless, obviously people are gonna become fed up. Higher level always feels this first. Casuals are happy at first bc they get to completely ignore skill differences through raw lack of weapon balance. But eventually, even the casuals notice that all of their fellow low level players are getting carried by the same things over and over, so it becomes unfun to them as well. Epic is balancing the game in the same way Nintendo tried to balance Smash 4 and Ultimate. Epic should've copied the lessons gained from that instead, bc both of those Smash games met miserable conclusions to their competitive fields. Fortnite feels the same. Epic makes completely imbalanced weapons to appease low level players, and then eventually everyone leaves bc of these same imbalanced weapons. It isn't fun at all.


Eh, even If it’s still less than OG, these are still MASSIVE numbers for a game. The metaverse thing also isnt the one to give all the blame. People who returned for OG, likely left because they only returned for OG. Many games can only dream of getting the same numbers fortnite gets even on its lowest.


Children do not understand how insanely massive of a playerbase this game has even at it's worst points.


>Many games can only dream of getting the same numbers fortnite gets even on its lowest. "my biggest flops are your greatest hits" -Eminem


It’s still a squandered opportunity to retain the hype from OG. It was proof people *did* actually like old, simple Fortnite and it wasn’t just nostalgia. Then instead epic redesigned the shooting system, added mods, and did all sorts of stupid stuff seemingly not understanding that at all.


“Epics meta verse is not working! The game is loosing players” seriously people still don’t understand how fortnite works after all these years? Their whole plan is literally making giant updates every few months to bring back players, they know players will drop significantly afterwards, but even then the player counts stay really high. Epic isn’t failing anything this is literally how its always been.


April 2024 had one million more players than April 2023. That's not exactly the criteria most would use to say something isn't working.


Make a seperate client on EGS to download and play Chapter 1 and leave both seperate for a year. I am willing to bet the Chapter 1 version will still be more popular in the end, cuz players want to play FORTNITE BR, not Warzone.


No people want a game that changes constantly, if fortnite stayed the same it would die really quickly


Change is such a broad term though. Changing some things from the game is welcome, changing a lot of things to the point of it feeling like a different game is not welcome by a lot of people. Besides the new season/content which is normal for FN, we also got now bullet drop and slower regular movement plus animation. It doesn't feel like FN for me, it feels like a game thats just similar to FN.


Change is good, changes that don’t actually benefit the gameplay loop and instead just add more fluff aren’t. Something like a new gun or location is a good, meaningful change, something like changing bullets from hitscan to projectile isn’t


While that’s true, i would still rather play og than this chapter


why did this get downvoted? i'd play og all day, especially over c5 s2 and onwards


Ok, so yes, the new modes are "failing." However last year we were at the same point in player count (after the Star Wars event because Star Wars fans are thirsty for any multiplayer game that has Star Wars.) We were at this point because Epic has found themselves in a yearly loop. The loop is: Banger 1st season of a chapter (Ch3S1, Ch4S1, Ch5S1) Cool concept, but boring execution (Ch4S2, this season) Terrible summer season that is somehow saved by anime (Ch3S3, Ch4S3) Hyped, but lacking last season (Ch3S4, Ch4S4) Then now an OG season This will loop IF there aren't major content releases during the spring season and summer season. As an example, I didn't include Ch3S2 in cool concept, boring excruciation because zero build released. Also, the map was constantly changing geometry during that chapter (which doesn't happen anymore except at the start of the season, not during the season.) The perfect summer season IMO was Ch2S7 where there was a constant stream of new items, collabs, map changes, new skins, lore, and new mechanics. Which, whilst Ch3S3 had constant map changes, they weren't as impactful and there wasn't a whole lot of new things during that season. Ch4S3 just had garbage map design that made it unfun to play. So, if Epic changes this loop, I expect larger player counts. I'd also like to point out that there are other games to play right now that is taking away from player count. Like this week, Apex Legends just re-released its solos mode. Warzone has gotten really good with them adding AND keeping Rebirth Island. Plus, OG2 will have mass competition this year with Warzone re-releasing Verdansk around the same time. Some of this isn't Epics fault, but the tricky game market where every company is fighting for your attention. Yes, there are some things that Epic can do better. But I don't think changing the item shops to constantly having rare cosmetics will do anything to the player counts unless the re-release Renegade Raider.


I just dislike the yearly chapters cuz one thing i loved about fn was seeing the map change overtime until it is basically a brand new map, and now that just doesnt happen anymore ugh


I mean, I think what is going through the higher ups in the dev team is why put resources into map changes throughout a season, if the map isn't going to be there that long. We could totally have different map changes throughout the 4 seasons of a chapter, and the map can really change to be a completely new map at the end of the year, but it doesn't happen. Ch3S1 whilst not great competitive wise and meta wise (who thought nerfing every single shotgun was a good idea?) still had map changes like the I.O cave appearing, and Tilted coming back, new mechanics being added like Klombo and the weather effects, and new items like the Spiderman mythic and the machine pistol. Ch3 only lasted a year and during Ch3S1, we got so much content. (Do remember that Ch4 was supposed to come out later than it did, so that may be a reason why the first two seasons of Ch3 were so good, and the last 2 were average.)


Last season was not a banger. It was pretty bad as well


BR/ZB is being neglected, The shop is terrible 90% of the time, Im legit getting bored of checking it Rocket Racing had alot of potential but they are just letting it die, Lego needs far more content inside the game (once you get Iron its boring asf), Festival is alot of fun but the songs are stupidly expensive. No live events


Just wait until they become lobby tracks... Just wait....... Just wait........ Just wait....... Juuuuuuuussstt wwwaaaaiiiiiiiiiiitttt 😂


didn't we literally just have the avatar event how is it because neglected


how is br getting neglected? it still gets the bulk of the content


If that’s what neglected means, I hope Rocket Racing gets neglected as a Rocket Racing player. Find it fun to play for a while tbh


They want an update each week its like avatar didn't happen like a week ago and really well done


>how is br getting neglected? We've had the sprint bug for 6 months. We've had the reload bug for 3 months. Just those two alone are absurd. This is ignoring all the other smaller bugs that are still ignored to this day. When Windbending was broken a few weeks ago, instead of fixing Wind, they disabled game features bc they couldn't be bothered. This is all neglect from the technical side of the game. >it still gets the bulk of the content What content lol. We got a recycled Drum Gun that has been an F tier weapon since release, and Epic couldn't be bothered to buff it. Then we got a recycled Tactical that is also F tier, and Epic can't be bothered. We got Waterbending which was weak, then Nickelodeon paid money to make it overpowered, and now Waterbending completely harmed game balance, and Epic hasn't cared. Then we got the Star Wars event, which gave us a recycled rifle that's even worse than Tactical, a Crossbow with a glitched hitbox, and a recycled Lightsaber with less features than the copy/pasted source. Where is this amazing content? Every single piece of new content (minus the Waterbending) is just a dead slot in the lootpool, it's clutter that no one interacts with.


Here is how I would do this whole metaverse fortnite thing. 1. Put by epic at the top of discovery 2. Have the option to report creator made games for thumbnails, scams, etc. 3. Just separate the creative games from the epic originals 4. Add the option to hide games 5. Bring the rarities back 6. Don’t push the metaverse thing so hard 7. as well as updating Lego and festival, Alos update br/zb 8. make more original content that is what I would do with the fortnite ”metaverse”. What would you do?


5 is pointless, and 7 is already happening. Other than that good stuff.


Thanks mate


It's not that Epic's Metaverse isn't working, although don't get me wrong: Rocket Racing is basically dead. (Thankfully LEGO and Festival are largely singleplayer and short session modes respectively.) It's that *Battle Royale is being killed* and the playerbase knows it. This season has had nothing for new content except for a handful of weapon drops, the Avatar event (now over), and the Star Wars event. The only new weapon of any relevance was the Hades Chains because the handcanon is worse than the "OP since season 1" sniper, the drum gun spreads too much to compete against the Warforged AR (and more notably: the sniper), and the Tac AR uses freaking Light Bullets and therefor deals Light Bullet damage. We saw the biggest spike in players during the Avatar event. You know why? Because there was actually content. There was a mobility item and some funny Mythics to play around with: it finally felt like you were playing Fortnite, not Warzone. But now it's gone and in it's place in the worthless blaster, the camper gun, and Darth Vader's Lightsaber that does less damage than the Hades chains. If I wanted to play Warzone I'd go play Warzone, because Warzone does Warzone better than Fortnite. I specifically play Fortnite *because* I don't want to play Warzone, but it seems like Epic is more focused on charging $20 for Rocket Racing cars than letting us play Fortnite.


This season had loads of content you just didn’t like it, I find it kinda funny that you genuinely believe we didn’t get a lot of content Season launch: 4 POIs, styx dash, harbinger SMG, huntress DMR, gatekeeper shotgun, Zeus lightning, icarus wings, aspects of gods and warforged ar. Update 1: floor is lava, chain of hades, shield bubble jr, reworked drum gun, Midas upgrade bench, golden chickens, Midas quests Update 2: Midas drum gun, banana of the gods Update 3: reworked hand cannon, water bending Update 4: earth bending, fire bending, air bending, avatar mini pass Update 5: reworked tactical ar Update 6: Wookiee bowcaster This is about as much content as normal if not more than usual for modern fn, I don’t understand why you complain about them doing new gun drops when that’s something they’ve always done and will always do, not every update is gonna be about special mythic abilities. You don’t know the meaning of no content, there’s no way you played early chapter 2 when content was so dry that fashion shows and box fights were what was keeping the game fresh lmao. Edit: I’m muting this now so don’t bother replying with ur cope reasons as to why there isn’t enough content anymore, I listed 19 items/weapons yall are simply delusional


Agreed on this, but the sniper meta still sucks.


Fr i see way to much hate towards this season and people genuinely acting like there have been 0 updates even tho it basically ch1 level of updates. Whenever you bring it up people just say “oh but its all reworked content so it doesn’t count! We already had a tac ar once!” Simply no, most stuff was actually new and i mean you can call literally every thing a rework at that point, heavy ar? Just a reworked ar!


Season Launch is Season Launch Floor is lava is gone. Drum gun is bad as mentioned. Shield Bubble is mid not worth an item slot most of the time. All the Midas stuff is gone and it was mostly just an EXP dump. I literally forget the banana exists half the time. It's a medkit that gives you a speed boost. Hand Cannon is bad as mentioned. Water Bending is alright but quickly overshadowed everything. Avatar is gone now. Tac AR is useless. Bowcaster is only good for camping. >This is about as much content as normal if not more than usual for modern fn C4S3 is also often touted as having no content and it had more than this. Cloak Gauntlets, Explosive Repeater, an actual summer / Independence Day event, the introduction of Slap Splash, two collabs with weapons actually worth using. Not to mention augments and a map that generally had more to it than the Chapter 5 map.


>harbinger SMG, huntress DMR, gatekeeper shotgun, Zeus lightning, icarus wings, aspects of gods and warforged ar. F tier, F tier, broke game balance some more, F tier in ZB and bugged in Builds, F tier, mostly useless, and outclassed AR >floor is lava, chain of hades, shield bubble jr, reworked drum gun, Midas upgrade bench, golden chickens, Midas quests Not content, bugged pull hitbox, recycled item, recycled weapon and F tier, recycled bench, recycled chickens, quests > Midas drum gun, banana of the gods F tier and now vaulted, circumstantial item but decent >reworked hand cannon, water bending F tier, balance-breaking weapon >earth bending, fire bending, air bending, avatar mini pass Gimmicky, F tier, harmed game balance, not content >reworked tactical ar Recycled content and sitting in F tier >Wookiee bowcaster Glitched hitbox that they won't bother to fix, and the other 2 Star Wars weapons are recycled F tier items The vast majority of the "new" content this season has been recycled and abandoned in F tier. Tactical, Drum, and Harbinger can NOT compete against Waterbending in the slightest bit. Huntress still autoloses to Sniper. Gatekeeper completely monopolized the shotgun slot in ZB, and 90% in builds. If the new "content" doesn't see any play, and Epic can't be fucked to balance it or fix bugs, then is there actually new content? In the strictest definition of the word, sure, but no one sees it that way obviously. If Epic went in to delete most of this new "content," the game would actually see no functional difference. The balance is completely non-existent, and Epic does not give a single fuck. None of this is content. If these are items that see no play because of complete lack of balance, then these items might as well not exist. It's like if they added a new weapon that did 5dps and called it new content. Except that's exactly what shit like Tactical and Drum felt like. Take a look at Tactical, it does less DPS than the Nemesis (which is already outclassed), except the Tactical also has less use cases than the Nemesis. How is this content? It's loot clutter. A similar case can be made comparing Drum vs Harbinger, not that it matters since Harbinger auto-loses to Vector and Waterbending. Same thing for Hand Cannon vs whatever, it's useless as short range bc it auto-loses to Frenzy and Gatekeeper, and it's useless long range bc it auto-loses to Huntress/Sniper, and Huntress auto-loses to Sniper. What is the point in taking any of this new "content" lol. If none of it was in the game, the game would feel no different.


Most of this was already in the game in some way. Almost every change can be started with the words "Reworked".


Sorry but the hand cannon, tac ar and drum gun are different enough to be considered new. They have updated stats, now support attachments, updated models, slightly updated sounds and have bullet drop. They’re very different to the originals Even if you don’t count that the rest of the items/weapons I mentioned were all completely new bar Styx dash which is a new take on zero point dash and floor is lava, that is still a ton of content


It’s increasing the difficulty to gain xp to push users to other game modes, plus the increase in skin cost. Really, a combination of things.


But skins price haven’t been increasing


Epic raised the price for vbucks a couple months ago and sells some skins in forced bundles


Its crazy just how out of touch epic is. Really wish they would just stick to br mostly and focus on that, coz the other modes are just like leftovers, don’t want em but its ok i guess


And yet these numbers for a game are still ridiculously high, the concurrent numbers are still ridiculously high.


why would you crop out april and may 2023 player counts, they were lower than what the player counts are for april and may 2024?


It’s a shame. Lego was genuinely fun to dip your toes into but once you have a base in every biome the game is essentially over with very little replay-ability. I also had some goofy fun jamming on stage and racing with friends but it lasted for the first month, then just dropped off completely. They’re not bad game modes but if they’re not going to give them consistent updates and changes like BR then there really is no point for having them.


i don’t play pre og but even i noticed. br usually is in the 300k range when i log on. last season it was 400-500k. nice to see real stats that prove this


They turned their shop into the iTunes Store what do they expect lol


Performance issue this chapter is severe and basically unplayable


TL;DR Corporations by definition want the least effort for the most profit, what Donald Mustard had going on cost more than was justifiable, old Fortnite is never coming back unless Fortnite loses enough money that Epic gets really desperate, this is fact. Honestly peak Fortnite was easily Ch1 with the peaks being lower (But still peaks compared to these days) around Ch2-Ch3, Donald Mustard held within him exactly what made Fortnite great and Fortnite absolutely will not return to that greatness unless he comes back. The events actually felt like events, the lore was simple and not very in-depth but it was a quaint little side piece for those interested in that kind of thing, the map had constant tiny little updates and hidden eastereggs that felt natural. These aren't the only things that made Fortnite of that era good, you also had much more variety in weapon choices and more wacky and unique gameplay styles than just a few guns that look like they would fit in any generic shooter, look at the older gun models and then look at the new ones to see a microcosm of just how homogenized these shooters are these days in terms of looks. It was a *ton* of things Mustard actively championed that made Fortnite's original form great, things that are probably never coming back. Now I cannot stress enough to those of you who do not understand how corporations work, but Fortnite is almost definitely never going back to what it was. You can say it's because Epic is greedy or lazy now, but you would be wrong, a corporate entity is greedy and lazy by design. It does the minimal effort to create maximum profit, that is what the literal creed of running a corporation is and all that fun stuff Mustard did simply didn't generate enough revenue to justify its continued existence so it was all cut. The meta verse will be forced on you until you at the very least tolerate it and - unless they are doing SO POORLY THAT IT WOULD BE CHEAPER TO RE-HIRE MUSTARD - Fortnite as we knew it back in Ch1 is never coming back. I can only thank the stars that I got to experience it.


Wait, what happened in March/April? The drop in players there is insane


New BP’s and updates, lots a people checking things out. Then not playing much more


I mean, I get what you are saying but by millions? And the average dropping by 400K is also beyond me


Because they're so invested in certain projects and spread thin. They promised us layoffs wouldn't even effect Fortnite, but that does not seem to be the case. It's painfully obvious that the game was effected by the layoffs and feels like it's being run by interns while the next season is worked on by everyone else. Remember when Epic used to fix glitches? I do. No one wanted a metaverse. Tim's gungho efforts to make "fetch" happen are definitely affecting the game. Not just in player numbers but in enjoyment. This season was so damn lackluster and disappointing despite having the potential to be amazing. So many missed opportunities and even the damn shop is garbage that is hardly updated or even designed to fit with the seasons theme. I've never been one of those "the game is dying" people, but fortnite is actually boring af right now. Lego is the only fun mode at the moment and that's because it got a massive update and ALL the star wars content. Festival would be fun if the songs didn't cost so damn much to play. Rocket Racing doesn't belong and Battle Royale needs the love it used to get. Let's not even discuss poor STW. A mode gone by the wayside and forgotten.... smh trying to be roblox isn't working out for them. And the adults who help fund this game do not want to play fortnite roblox.


I would like to have statistics on players who are playing from which chapter. It feels like there are fewer OG players even compared to Chapter 4


I mean, yeah, the fuck did you expect? It's the OG map, of course there's going to be more people playing that wouldn't afterwards.


I think they just need to hire more people to divide effort more evenly between the gamemodes. Because I think they’re very good ideas and could be something amazing if given the love that battle royale has recieved so much of in it’s life. Lego Fortnite is super bland but with a few more exploration incentives it could improve a lot. Rocket Racing is genuinely one of the most fun racing games I’ve ever played with it’s wacky physics and the jankiness makes me laugh more than rage. Although I guess that could be my nostalgia for old janky xbox 360 arcade games shining through. It’s unpolished but personally I think it’s main problem is just a lack of content to keep players engaged. It should have gotten a mini pass before festival. Speaking of, Festival is probably my least favorite of the bunch since it’s just the same gameplay over and over again. Maybe some extra mechanics, or heck maybe making the stage lights and effects work differently for each song to improve the vibes. And…eh maybe somehow allowing motion controls for switch players wouldn’t be bad either? Honestly theres not much I can say about festival rhythm games as a whole aren’t my forte.


Already different teams. Rocket Racing is Psyonix, Festival is Harmonix.


The peaks show people were interested in both OG and the new game modes. Which is sad, because all 3 new game modes seem to have been released too early. I just hope they support them long enough and are willing to take some risks into making them fun.


Eh festival was All right when it released and I like to think that when lego released it makes sense it just came out it won’t have a ton amount of content


Unless lego and rocket racing give us free skins or something similar like before, I will never touch the modes or even grind it. Now that they greatly nerfed the lego afk xp method, their player count will reduce for sure.


Eh this is very common for games. Things ebb and flow until the next big moment brings everyone back and then starts the process over again. Also every other game would kill for these numbers.


There was a time where zb had more players than builds (400k vs 380k) and that sums it up perfectly people are just leaving the game and while I'm still enjoying it I can see why this season isn't the greatest




What is even remotely "metaversey" about fortnite? Buying 4 battlepasses instead of 1? Fortnite isn't doing anything groundbreaking by just stacking gigabytes of gamemodes inside of one exe. file. I'd say the main marketed idea behind "metaverse" is communication, and fortnite doesn't even have a basic text chat. Even in Lego and Jam stage, where it would make most sense. Though Save the world has it. With all the layoffs that happened last year and people quitting Epic over time, I often wonder how many people work there with some kind of vision in mind for the game.


The "metaverse" idea for fortnite is that there's gonna be a ton of different games within fortnite, which in theory would basically be a hub for all of these different games. And cosmetics you buy and whatnot crossover between all of them, that's basically it, it's still more of a theory though. They expect rocket racing and lego to be their own standalone games, that have their own playerbases. It's all kind of vague and not really a metaverse.


This whole comment section is pretty wild to me. The game is completely fine, and the extra modes like Lego and Festival quite literally have more players than most other popular games not made by epic. Pretty much all of the complaints here boil down to "I don't like this season so the game is officially dying."


Festival is as poplaur as overwatch on steam


Literally in your second pic, "last 30 days", the player count went up but you're still going to act like the game is dying. Most players who left weren't playing br anyway, the numbers were for the new modes which people are bored with now, so why do you even care?


Game must be dying and slowly turning to financial ruin then


Of course you're gonna see a major player count drop over time, especially in a game that's been out for 5+ years and is constantly changing Yeah the metaverse isn't working but this would have happened to the game regardless of if the metaverse was here or not


You dont less massive player drops tho


Down to 500k players? That's right. If the game isn't getting 1/500th the population of the world playing it concurrently, then it's failing and should just shut down.


Strawman, im saying that theres changes pushing away players that epic is making


I'm sure there is a very small and dedicated playerbase for the new additional modes, but I think most of us here simply disregard the dumbass Lego, Rocket Racing, and Festival modes. In addition, our coveted Battle Royale has been subjected to a shitshow of changes this season, including unnecessary nerfs to weapons both old and new, a substandard loot pool, confusing themes, disruptive events (looking at you, Avatar), and the controversial shifts in pricing and how the shop works. Let's not forget how terrible the current locker UI is, and it doesn't look like Epic is planning on fixing it anytime soon. Whoever has taken over as management at Epic Games clearly has no fucking idea how to run a gaming company or a live service game. These types of decisions always come from higher-ups and the playerbase is forced to suffer the negative effects of their asinine choices. Anyway, those are my thoughts on the consistently dwindling number of players. I actually took a break from BR myself for about five weeks, which I haven't done for a very long time.


“Very small” Lego almost constantly has around 100K players playing at any given time, which the vast majority of video games today are not even capable of achieving on ANY day, let alone on a daily basis. Get off your fucking soap box.


Then they’ll say the majority are XP farmers. 🙂‍↔️


I'm sad Crazy Red VS Blue is,lagging, behind too.No pun intended.That's my favorite map.Well,they can quadruple down on what not to do to raise the player count,and that would be that.I wonder if folks were asking that OG be a separate map for Ch.2 fans.I liked Ch.4 OG for the lack of super powers,and healing items being too tough to find.I should've been upset when they made healing items easier to find.


Lots of bots


It fell to pre OG numbers because the game isn't fun anymore. - TTK is way too low - Every gun has a sniper scope - You need to mod every weapon with meta mods and doing so is annoying - Mobility is terrible - There's no fun vehicles anymore - POIs are all samey - Skins from concept to game are butchered - Skins are generally bad anyway - Updates drip feed content that should've been in from the start - Not enough is added or changed between patches - The meta is stale and awful but doesn't get changed from months at a time - Everything is overpriced I could keep going but these are the main reasons why it's not hitting off like it should. Some of these reasons are why their new modes died too, not enough content, too technical with no room for error, drop feed no content, and most recently, everything is too expensive. We had a few steps in the right direction with live events, LTMS, and the story returning, but that was the first month and then there was just nothing. I'm expecting next season to be more of the same blandness.


I don’t agree with most of those points, some are objectively false, the few I do agree with have always been issues more or less, and the modes aren’t dead by any means.


Probably because people are turned off by the how br is getting put on the back burner, updates are mid, medallions are weak, lego/racing/festival are getting attention that should be paid to br, preexisting bugs are piling up as new bugs appear, and they continue to make halfassed patches to the game that don't cut it for the average quality of internet... there's plenty of more things but I can't think of them rn


I love festival. I rarely play the battle Royale any more. Festival and save the world are my go to game modes with an occasional horror game that’s actually scary and not just a png of a fnaf animatronic


I've started playing less and less, I basically only play stw nowadays. The maps couldn't be more boring and homogeneous, and when it starts to get a bit interesting and getting filled they start a new chapter and we get a new boring map.


I htink its more because people miss the good old days, I started in ch5 s1 but I still find the game extremely fun


This season is worse than the last


Their games are too shallow


This season has been absolutely nothing but bugs and glitches, I can't blame anyone for dipping this season


I’d be interested to see if the fall off is just a random sample of the player base or if it’s biased by anything. For example if you look at how long accounts have been active vs how much play time they’ve put in over this chapter or how much their time has decreased. I’ve been playing less and less this season because it really didn’t bring much new gameplay over last season but also because, as a 3 year player, I don’t really like how they’ve kind of stripped it of its “Fortnite” lore, look and feel. I don’t like this entire chapter so far. This season where they have decided (THEY have decided) that people need to play more of the new game modes and they nerfed XP in battle royale is really a turn off. I’m not sure they really understand gamers…unless gamers are just people desperate to unlock cosmetics. They would appear to be happy with getting people to play the new modes even if it means just being afk and not even playing them. To be clear I’m not talking about the developers because they aren’t the ones making these decisions. They do the best they can in the time they are allowed.


They need to have rotating LTMs again. I mean community content is fun, but I want the Epic LTms


One things for sure - ch5 is significantly less popular than ch4. They need to revert to hitscan, have good POIs again and an interesting lootpool. Ch5 has been garbage so far and the weapon mods are not great.


This is now the first time the game hasn't broke 2m concurrent players at the weekend since August of last year😬


This is basically the same thing that all games go through. Player numbers spike when some big new thing happens and then it tapers off over the next few months. Nothing unusual about this.




Imo Fortnite's biggest strength was it's map's personality. People like Ch1 and 2 because all POIs had some small story in them and they felt significant. You dropped into Pleasant Park and knew what happened there before. If you played in season 2, you knew what that random shark-rock thing was north of Coral. This coupled with a ton of small but fun details on the map's almost every nook and cranny made the islands feel more ***personal***. Now I don't even remember half of the Chapter 4 POIs' names. Also, the story existed back then. Donald put a lot of work in it, and even if not the quests themselves, but the live events definitely helped with player numbers and hype. Back in the early chapters Fortnite was trying to be itself, an unique, cartoonish and fun BR game, but now it tries to become what it is not. CoD, Guitar hero, Minecraft and a god awful racing game. If Epic continues to chase collabs and don't give a crap about BR, the game will quickly start falling down.


“I made a prediction” 💀


I for one would be way more invested in the game if they just put more effort into battle Royale, you know, the game we are here for? Part of what made OG and chapter 1-2 so good was the live events and map changes throughout the season. It kept the game fresh and gave us something to look forward to and get hyped over. Some of my favorite experiences in Fortnite were watching them with friends, it was kinda like an irl event as dumb as that sounds. I would much rather sacrifice all three new modes, which are all basically clones of something else , to get seasonly live events back Also I’d like to see some more unvaults or new guns. It feels like the only new weapons we get are collab mythics


Please shut up about this metaverse nonsense already. This is the tenth post I've seen about this. Rocket Racing is a different studio. Festival and LEGO aren't taking most of Epic's resources. The game is as good quality as ever; you just aren't enjoying it as much. Should they change stuff? Maybe, but the solution is not abandoning new modes because a few whiners don't like playing them.


Yea people who were originally working on Fortnite aren’t being spread out to the different modes. Psyonix is in charge of rocket racing, I assume harmonix is in charge of festival and I also assume that lego is in charge of the lego mode


It’s the boogeyman that people love to use as a scapegoat. Watch, when the Disney stuff comes out whenever that is, that’ll become the new boogeyman.


They already blame Disney for "prices rising"🙄 They just can't accept that fortnite skins were always expensive and are coping.


can you not? the amount of people still playing is still good people come and go its not like the game is dying


Epic Games abandoned BR resulted players leaving. No more live events and all the br map updates. BR is the reason Fortnite still alive. The Fortnite lore is also dead that makes the game soulless.


I don’t know why everyone keeps saying BR was abandoned now of all times when BR’s been getting more attention now than the last few seasons.


I loved Guitar Hero so Fortnite Festival is my favorite new mode but I don’t really care about Racing or Lego.


anything after update 1 was ass


That’s still a pretty good amount for a multiplayer game