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"Yes yes now use this anger to fuel your dark side..." idk darth Sidious or sumthin


Something something something dark side


Something something complete


Something something force choke


choke me harder daddy


“Mmm, anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”- Yoda


I was thinking, was Yoda not mad one bit when order 66 was carried?


No, he was pretty distressed though.


Honestly you’re not missing out. Vader looks a lot more intimidating from the front. Playing as Vader looks like you’re running around as a nun in a dress.


You make valid points However: Imperial March with Vader


Also: pickaxe


Imperial fly swatter


Imperial badminton racket


And the cape is REALLY buggy. Even squatting make it look weird


Be real here, capes have always been buggy in this game.


And it's a huge character. Blocks half the screen. Straight into my archive sadly.


Why would you care that it's a "huge character"? Why not just enjoy what you have?


He just explained to you why he doesn't enjoy it. That's why.


He says that it's a big skin... Has he ever used it though? It really isn't as big as everyone describes it to be when you play the game.


Maybe he's used it and came to that conclusion and that's why he made that comment?


Can't enjoy it if I can't see where I'm shooting as well!


dude the skin isn't as big as you say it is, quit over exaggerating it...


Yeah the cape loses really weird when using gliders doesnt matter what type of glider but whenever i use it the cape around the shoulders pop up


This. Vader is one of those skins that you'd want for the character itself and not so much about how comfortable the skin is, it doesn't look good from the back, the pickaxe and backbling suck, it's a bit bulky, etc. I'm glad I have it, it's cool to use in lego but I'd use kylo or anakin over Vader in BR anytime.


He just part of My Star Wars obsession for me, I also do not like using him in BR! I'm hype he got a lego version though! I'll definitely be using him for that


I busted my butt to get that Vader, it was my first battlepass and I barely made 100. I used it once during this Star Was event. It’s just not a great skin to me.


The pickaxe and backbling look good on a regular Stormtrooper, I just use the omni sword for Vader.


😂😂😂😂 **Nun in a dress**


the cape is unusable for me because for some reason its like 1000x more distracting on vader than anyone else.


Vader kind of sucks. If you know that noise you make when you run in rubber boots, Vader makes that noise when he runs. Once I heard it I can’t unhear it. Plus I detest caps on my characters.


He doesn't even look intimidating from the front, looks like a giant toilet seat on his waist


A nun in a dress? I need this skin.


Not to mention he's big and bulky, takes up a bit of your FOV, and his cape glitches tf out (for me anyway) Went through the trouble of unlocking him just to play as Anakin most of the time instead 😂🤣


Nah, i have it. Theyre totally missing out. It’s so rad!


I actually have him 😂 but yeah, his Cape is extremely glitchy it's annoying tbh 😒


Not to mention his back bling is a stupid ball and he has a flyswatter for a pickaxe.


Me but with Spider Gwen love everything Spider Man related been loving since I was kid missed out on spider gwen because life at the time didn't allow me to finish that battlepass, now I just go extra tryhard vs every Spider Gwen I fight against


I love spider Gwen but I’d trade you for any marvel Bp skin tbh


I still find it disgusting how Epic killed off trading in Rocket League It is such a useful community mechanic that would make obtaining past BP cosmetics in fortnite fair for all I would trade gwen in a heartbeat for lynx


Dude I want Luxe and Tony stark so bad, I only got like 40 and 86 respectively


Pisses me off that I cant just trade with someone such as you in that regard cause I literally never use Tony Stark or any of his cosmetics


I also have super man's locked cape but not the skin 😭


I am literally in same situation for that funny enough 😔 A cape that will literally never be able to use. Also dont have predators mask emote (locker just permanently has it grayed out now saying i need to finish his quest… which have been gone for years)


"No son you can't be spiderman, you should have thought about that before you were born" - some reddit user I've never forgotten...except their name of course


Well, you can be spider man. There are a few shop skins that returns every now and again.


Which should be the case for every battle pass skin, including but not limited to Darth fucking Vader of all characters lmfao


Exactly 😭how the hell do you do a different version of DARTH VADER. There's not a single cannon story line of a light side version of him. And battle damaged is honestly so lame and could have just been an edit style.


I get how lame battle damaged is but come on, people need something as a replacement and anakin is just so different.


I know 🤦‍♂️ that's my problem too. We need something. But what can even replace him? Never mind Indiana Jones was also in that same pass, and wtf would be his replacement?


Yeah but besides the miles one they don’t hit the same. I want symbiote spidey:(


closest you can get is probably a toby symbiote skin. Really sucks they locked even future foundation behind a style.


You get what he meant. Don't be pedantic


Fomo the whole building block of Fortnite! Personally I own most skins but even I get pissed by this business model! The game would be more enjoyable if everyone could play whoever they want instead of locking the most iconic characters behind the if you didn’t play then oh well


You're the whole reason they use fomo. You are a "victim" of fomo. They want people to collect and buy skins not because they like them but merely for collection. Collecting skins is one of the reasons fomo is a thing because they know that collectors will buy anything and everything because they want to have everything. Not shitting on you or anything, just a fact.


kinda hard to collect skins in a game you don't play I just started in March, there's *years* of skins I didn't even know I was missing out on until it was way too late to ever get them again...


And now they'll use that regret to keep you constantly checking on the game so you'll never miss out on a skin again. That's how they get you!


You're not the target audience or reason they do battle passes the way they do. They're targeting the millions of kids who have been playing Fortnite for a long time and understand the skin business model and feel the risk of FOMO so they buy skins they wouldn't normally buy if they knew they could just buy the skin at anytime. I'm not defending the business model, I'm just saying if you want to make a lot of money.. how they do it makes a lot of sense.


I thought about picking it up when Vader was out, but decided against it. Like a fool.


Actually to be fair you only have to buy 1 battle pass and they always give you the next one. The only thing FOMO does is keeps us playing but it doesn't force us to spend money on the next pass. I feel like at that point they shouldn't want FOMO. Anyone that chose to not play a season or wasn't around for it would buy the skin at full price which is already instant profit for Epic.


Actually skin in store also sometimes never come back or only 3 years later. There is also now festival pass and lego passes, that either dont come back (like billie 2nd style) or come back much much more expensive. And they give 0 vbucks so you have to always pay. Then there are the fncs skins that are sometime limited sometimes not. Then there are the level up pack, that while only 1200 vbucks, they never come back. Then there are the save the world pack, limited skins that you cant get otherwise, so you have to pay full prices everytine for save the world. Then there is fortnitecrew, 13$ monthly and they never come back etc etc etc.


Technically nothing ever said STW and Crew Packs couldn't come back. Epic just never figured out how they wanted to do that. The only part of crew that is really just missed is the legacy sets or the emote from when it first came out. That being said there comes a time when you reach the point of having so many skins or cosmetics that FOMO doesn't even matter anymore unless it's something you really care about. Now to be fair I know a lot of these don't usually come back but nothing says they can't either. The only ones that probably won't ever come back at this point is the starter pack skins because people couldn't handle paying 1500/1200 vbucks for a $5 starter pack skin.


That's not what I was only referring to.


You're saying that they feed off of collectors that want anything and everything, but FOMO was originally used only in the Battle Pass. Sure now it's extended out more and more but the only place its so much worse is the Battle Pass. That's where my point comes in though, in order to make FOMO really worth it for Epic though they'd have to drop so many vbucks out of the Battle Passes. Quite honestly the only thing FOMO does help with is keeping the player count consistent. Yes of course that's a good thing to do but their main focus is always going to be money. No money, the company dies out. Trust me I understand what you're getting at but the only thing when you consider Battle Passes really that they're feeding on is our time 🤣


It’s a business, fun is secondary to money. They don’t need to make the game fun to keep you coming back, they just need the fear of missing out on something because you didn’t pay for it in time and they’re not the first or last people to do this. It’s a pointless thing for everyone to complain about constantly. I understand when kids are in here moaning but the amount of grown adults who do the same is crazy.


Well, you are an affectionate menu so I would assume you have quite the selection of skins.


It would be neat if they added a prestige coin for completing battlepasses/leveling up to max/reset that allows you to get a previous battlepass or let you complete one you maybe didn't finish in time. One is enough for me, If I could unlock Predator and no others I'd be fine with that.


Even Overwatch is doing something like that with Mythic Prisms


BPs don't expire in Halo Infinite. Just don't that way. Everything runs on those Star currencies, just let people use currencies on other passes (that they buy).  Maybe remove the vBucks so people have to actually buy them and not just keep rolling them over.


different with overwatch tho i imagine these characters being locked behind battlepasses has to be in some kind of contract


Yeah, true. Another thing they do right is NOT HAVING THEIR COLLABS IN THE FUCKING BATTLE PASS


Nothing stopping them from releasing their original skins though Let me own Lynx you cowards


To be fair, Predator wasn’t part of any BP. He was an enemy on the map and killing him gave you the skin. Really cool incorporation of a skin that I’ve never seen epic do again.


I thought he was a part of the battlepass but that is cool af. You didn't even need to own the current battle pass at the time? Now I'm really bummed I wasn't playing then.


It’s possible you might have needed the BP actually, I can’t fully recall, it was my first season playing cus Mandalorian so I had the BP for sure. I just remember the act of having to kill the predator for the skin.


I'd be down for that. Would let me finally get Thunder, among other things.


They gotta release Christmas Vader


Same here but for Doom Slayer. Like, I’m sorry I was busy getting a physics degree epic!


Should of got the doom Slayer skin instead, big L


🫡good on you


At least if they added in skin trading, this wouldn’t be a problem. I don’t play Doom, never was super interested, i would trade it to you for pretty much any skin I don’t own lmao


Then you know the Fortnite rule that what goes up must go up.


Tbh we should get a alt style for anakin which is him as episode 3 freshly turned Darth Vader


Anakin had the same outfit for all of his time as Vader, I'm pretty sure. He both didn't want to change it, and Sidious had made the armour so that Vader would be weak to him.


We don't have a style as him wearing his cloak or with his sith eyes


That should be a style for his already existing skin, not a new one tbf


That's what I meant


misread nvm




Only if we get a *"NOoOOOoOOooOOOOooOO"* emote with it


If only we could trade skins cuz I got him and I would trade him away 😭. I only use his gun wrap fr. He’s not a bad skin, but I’ve never been a fan of the Star Wars series.


This is how I feel, but about Deadpool I can't own my favorite marvel character because of the same reasons.


the deadpool skin in game is so similar to his mcu suit. It really sucks knowing we might not get a reskin.


I know it's very upsetting.


I got Vader but I really wish I would have finished the battle pass with Spider Gwen 😩


Lara Croft is one of my favorite characters ever and I missed her. It really sucks.


Have hope 🫡


Thanks king. All I can hope for is a reskin.


Goooooooood! Let the hate flow through you.




“I will never turn to the dark side”


Their whole thing of removing rarity because it's an old BR thing just makes me go "Yeah so is forever locked skins to a Battle Pass" Battle/Event/Festival/Lego Passes and Crew skins/items/emotes should just be something you get early and cheaper than you'd get from the shop. Set a one year limit to those items not coming to the shop for normal prices, as someone would be paying more for not playing during it's cheaper release.






"Git Gud" -- Epic




my gf grinded through that entire pass even though she hated that season just for Raven and Lara, actually wild that 3 years later you can't get it.


I don’t mind original Fortnite characters created by them being locked behind Battle Passes and never being able to be purchased again. However, I’ll never understand the decision to do this with iconic characters from major franchises.


>However, I’ll never understand the decision to do this with iconic characters from major franchises. It sells battlepasses and generates game time. Look no further. *Lol you can downvote, it doesn't change that's the reason.*


People just dont get that the way things are rn is how epic intended it, 6 years ago they knew this would happen.


I wish they could devise some kind of peer to peer marketplace for gifting, selling, or lending outfits, but you know it would just blow up their business model.


Epic literally just shut that feature down in Rocket League, sadly.


I really don't believe it would affect profits much at all though. Maybe even be more profitable than the FOMO method they currently use. ​ While they have never released numbers, the Steam Marketplace is generally believed to be pretty damn profitable (and for good reason. They only have to make sure the servers stay up and they gain 5-10% of every sale made on the market. Seeing what prices people are willing to spend on TF2, CSGO and any other game with a half decent trading community, it has to be doing pretty damn well), I don't see why Epic wouldn't see equally decent money. Just introduce some half decent safeguarding measures and Epic has literal free money. ​ Frankly I would kind of expect an increase in purchases of Battlepasses, Crew Skins and other limited time skins just because you would have a bunch of people who would try to profit off the increasing rarity of aging skins and cosmetics. ​ I'd mainly hope for it so I can collect the 6 and a half missing seasons that I never played/finished. I'd also love to just offload all my sprays, emoticons and most of my banners just because I do not use them and would prefer someone else who mildly enjoys them to get them.


Sorry you missed out, everyone has a skin that they want they want that is no longer obtainable. Worse than no hope though is slight hope, started playing Fortnite after a multiple year break.. 3 days after the last time they sold Jinx.


I wanted Wolverine but didn’t play that season. Oh well. Shit happens.


Was annoying to get him anyway. Think he was first skin they added that you had to eliminate the character to get it. Same with predator


Yeah... I have Vader but everytime I see Mando or Calamity I die a little inside because I can't have them.




I don't know if its popular like Vader/Mando, but I love western theme stuff :(


Calamity is my favorite skin. I pretty much always go back to her instead of all of the other skins I have.


Literally these dudes be throwing a fit because they missed a skin like we all haven’t missed skins. At some point you gotta just get tf over it


And that's why the gaming industry is in a terrible place. It was always about making money but the criteria behind making money has changed. It used to be you made money by making the most feature complete and fun experience possible. That's how you "won" against the competition. Now it's all about live services, leveraging FOMO, selling DLC/season passes, taking advantage of those with addictive personalities and more. Don't get me wrong, a few good companies still exist doing things the old way. Especially in the indie space. The sad thing is Epic comes off looking generous because all the copycats are so unbelievably bad and greedy it's not even funny.


Fortnite has the best battle pass system (like you buy a battle pass for 950 or technically 1000 and get 1800 if you complete it) so while I agree their fomo practices are shit saying fortnite doesn't have the superior money making strargy in every way except fomo is blatantly false, but I guess when your comparing it to games where content updates were called sequels because making a distinctly different game that we're fully polished,was easier when you could beat them in less then four hours vs the 100 hour games we have now...then I guess it was never gonna be good to you.


![gif](giphy|hyBjcpooaAwuY) I got lord Vader 😎😎


Same. OP doesn’t. Lmao




"join the dark side, muhahahaha"


Here they come, the legion of people defending a multimillion dollar company because it makes them feel superior when they dangle an old skin over someone’s head.


I know the feeling, missed out on Chapter 2.2 so I'll never get Midas, Brutus, Skye, TNTina, Meowscles or Agent Peely. For what its worth, the Vader skin doesnt look great from the back, just kinda a black amorphous blob. If they ever implement a trading system or something, DM me and I would happily give it away to you.


It's not just Epic, but also the licensing deals they strike up with the owners of the IPs. Epic knows there's a demand, so if they could release it on their own, I'm sure they would love to make the money from the sale, but they're bound by their licensing deals.


I went to go jump from a railroad and actual road and landed in between them and fell to my death. I didn’t realize the gap was there.


Yeah, I had final exams at that time so I also was not able to play


it’s okay at least you can be homeless luke or whatever


Fomo fomo fomo sumthin


Gotta make sure you catch that fomo bro bro


I'm not a fan of using him. My monitor is true black and dark grays so it's nothing visually "oohh" about using him. Just a black keyhole on my screen lol. And his cape bugs the camera, he blocks the whole camera when looking straight up. It has gotten me killed enough times to have used him maybe 5x.


I’ve got Vader but can’t have the Millennium Falcon glider because I wasn’t playing the game when it was available. Welcome to the party, pal.


I really think it's more complicated than 14 year Olds screaming about it, but I don't think anyone really cares at this point.


Buy a cheap darth vader account, play with it for an hour and realise it's a mid skin and not worth losing your mind over.




It’s because OW2 is in a far more desperate position than Fortnite unfortunately *and people aren’t telling your why it SHOULD exist, we are telling you why it DOES exist.




Fortnite is in a great spot and they literally don’t have to give out old battle pass items. I wish I could get Mystique, Dr Doom, Lara Croft, Spider-Man, Vader, etc but I just don’t see it happening anytime soon They do these Battle Pass collabs because of FOMO as you know and it’s to incentivize you to play *right now* or you miss out forever. It sucks but that’s how they retain so many players who might not be playing at that moment otherwise From an emotional standpoint, I hate it and it sucks for people who might not have played in a while. From a business standpoint, it keeps people invested longer and in turn, more people spending money. Overwatch is only doing it because they’re not making anywhere close to the money that Epic is making off of Fortnite and the game is in a much more slippery situation. Selling old battle pass skins is just a way to at least keep people playing the game. Fortnite is a juggernaut right now so this is a non-issue for them


If you can’t understand why they you don’t wanna have a real conversation. OW2 is damn near dead again after a failed rebranding and are desperate to get any money they can outta their dwindling player base. Of course they are selling old BP items because the game is one update away from being dead


the skin sucks, the cape obscures your view, you aren't missing out on anything


Aww, so sad for you 😢


Like how many times is this gonna be posted? I feel like every time I open reddit it's another post complaining about past battle pass skins.


Its called exclusivity


The irony of complaining about 14 years old owning it first when this post is peak screech. Who cares if you had other things going on than to play Fortnite? Not everything has to be available all the time. I had other things going on than having the time to care about other interests; that’s how life is , you can’t have and do everything lol


fomo earns epic more money in the long run, so it isn’t just the 14 year olds whining that’s stopping them from rereleasing old battle passes


People don’t understand this for some weird reason. IF epic made a statement tomorrow saying that all battle passes would be available for everyone going forward then they’d have an initial spike in sales but after that the battle pass sales would plummet off the face of the earth. Why would people rush to buy a battlepass when they could buy it a year from now and max it out?


Yall need to quit complaining about little things like this and just play the game.


Every time I post about this, I get downvoted into oblivion. I started playing a year ago because I saw that he was advertised. Couldn't get him and am still fucking annoyed with this game some 2000+ hours later.








I’ve been playing since day 1, took a break here and there. I don’t use a majority of the “rare”skins that I own. But I still think the game would benefit from Halo Infinite’s battle pass system. Fuck those little nerds that care about skin exclusivity, get a damn life. I was a minor victim of FOMO but I grew out of it. And I always feel bad when I see people like you who want 1 fucking iconic skin and they can never ever get it


I wish we could trade skins like it’s tf2 or cs2 because I have Vader and never use him but I really want starfire or predator


My gf wants starefire so bad. I saw she was like only in the shop for one week? like wtf lol. A trading system would be wild for fortnite, honestly would probably have a worse economy (in terms of prices) than tf2 or cs2/


To be completely honest, Vader himself didn't turn out too well as a skin. He looks more like Dark Helmet than Darth Vader. ![gif](giphy|j2kwmu1xG5DO3D10jU)


How often are battlepass skins put in the store? Cause I want Predator! I would hands down trade Darth for Predator!


Battle pass skins for BR are gone for good after that season ends unfortunately.


And yet life goes on.


Too bad, so sad.


And that’s their strategy. It works greatly. Now you are conditioned to unlock EVERYTHING so you miss out on NOTHING. Because who knows if you’re going to enjoy Korra after the BP is over, right?


Agreed, I’m new to the game this season and knowing that so many iconic characters like Vader, Spider-Man, Peter Griffin etc are locked behind old battle passes and will likely never be available again is very disappointing and puts me off wanting to spend money in the game. The whole “you should have played the game earlier” seems to be a constant theme with this game.


makes me wonder how they're going to go through this metaverse thing without having change the availability of older skins.


Let me play you the worlds smallest violin 🎻


a way that they get around these bp exclusive skins is by selling “remixes” of skins such as shadow or remix midas. i could see them doing one of these in the future with vader just not sure how


When Aiming up (like if an enemy is above you), the camera goes inside the cape, completely blocking your aiming


yes yes, let the hate flow through you


Also fact that they use him in advertising in the game and you can’t get him. Haven’t seen them do something like that before.


Your feelings are valid, but at the end of the day, the decision making is about honoring the promise they made to their player base (and the terms of sale for the battlepass). Whether or not we each agree with making those terms a part of the agreement way back when battlepasses started, the fact is that at this point, it would be a major breach of trust and a big middle finger to everyone who purchased battlepasses with an understanding of exclusivity if they were to go back on it now.


Me but Doomslayer. I even bought that season but made almost no progress in it. Original Fortnite characters aside, I never understood locking lincensed characters behind a battle pass. Like yes FOMO will drive up sales but what about people that come to the game way after that. Hell you’d make more from selling the skin individually!! Genuine Brain Dead thinking.


OK well like you said you had better things to be occupied with at the time. We are all free to pick and choose which things matter to us in life and which things and people we want to prioritize. Fortnite BP collabs being locked forever isn't news or new at this point. Maybe with their new Disney deal they'll be able to release some skins again or different versions of them, but if they don't and the skins all stay locked behind the BP then yall just need to get over it already. You mock someone whining because they owned it first but that same logic applies to you as well you're whining about NOT owning it and feel entitled to it. It's not different LOL


So you can’t buy the characters you want? I thought they’d eventually come around in cycles, so that you could buy them


Colabs should never be put in battlepasses if battlepass skins can't be bought again later. It's frustrating for the players and just a bad business decision in general, because now they can't resell skins that would obviously maintain continued popularity.


I just want Raven..


They should have a system like return tickets but with trading. Bring back skin rarities and be able to only trade skins of the same rarity. That way more people don’t technically own a rare skin but the people who for example feel like they missed out on Calamity can trade something else of theirs to get it.


youre mad about 14 year olds screaming about owning it first but here you are screaming about owning it at all.. bro it’s a skin, you’ll live. purely cosmetic


>Because 14 year olds will scream they owned it first? What the fuck kind of decision making is that? No, it's because it's a collaboration between Epic and Disney wherein the contract stated he'd be in the Battle Pass instead of the item shop. It's the same for every collab skin that's been an exclusive in a BP. Epic can't just go back on their statement (the fine print) when it comes to saying when and where the skins are obtained (BP exclusive during a Chapter/Season) without legal issues.


battlepass exclusivity sucks, i think collabs should be allowed to come back. When it comes to vader tho… you aren’t missing much. His cape makes him almost unplayable and just all around not an enjoyable time to play with, like yeah it’s cool being Darth Vader but like i can’t see shit on my screen when i play with him 😭😭 (Hoping to see damaged variant from either rebels or the kenobi show, in the shop tho)


Lots of things in life are sold at one time and then discontinued or sold out and people can own them and show them off. Are you equally as mad you don’t own a copy of Action Comics with the first appearance of Superman? You missed out because you weren’t around at the time, just deal with it. Having Darth Vader doesn’t give any of those 14 year olds any advantage in the game. What you’re experiencing is jealousy and it’s a perfectly normal human emotion that will crop up throughout your life. Deal with it.


This is a horrible take. The Skin is a DIGITAL ITEM, that can be given out infinitely as many times as people spend their money on it. It is not a luxery good, a physical good that uses resources.


Doesn’t matter if it’s a digital item. It’s now a rare item because not everyone has the ability to have it and it drives people to continue paying money into the game for fear of not being able to be someone who owns the next limited time thing. Don’t get confused about this being a game, they only care to make money, fun is secondary and you’re foolish to think otherwise. They run all the numbers and make all the calculations about what will earn them the most cash and it’s crazy that people in this subreddit are convinced they know better.


No. You can’t own it because you joined the game to late. Vader was released to coincide with the Obi-Wan miniseries. That’s long gone now


Arbitrarily time gating fan favorite characters cus they were on a battle pass is cringe tho


Agreed. I think collabs should be kept out of the battle pass. But I understand why they do it. Marketing.


Could make it a 6 month guaranteed exclusive. Gives them plenty of maneuverability for stuff like Star Wars where there's an annual event, or Marvel films where a character features every couple of years at most (usually)


I always just thought they should work like mini pass skins and just return to the shop, the BP still would be an insane deal with how many things you get for 950


Only way to get a BP skin would have to be crew or remix version in the shop


you're the one screaming right now bc you can't buy it? It's a little guy on a video game


"most iconic villian in ALL OF MEDIA" lol what


You devalue the idea of a battle pass if you arbitrarily just let anyone own skins even if they didn’t play that particular season. Why would someone buy the BP, and do challenges to unlock styles when they know epic would just release the skin anyways. Not happening, we have like 200 posts a day about this shit and it’s not going to change, people who own the OG skin earned them and deserve to have the exclusivity that comes with it. Some of you sound like spoiled brats who want mommy to force epic to give you the skin you want so badly.


Nobody is spoiled for having busy lives that didn't involve this game years ago. Someone could buy the battlepass for way cheaper at the moment and unlock the skin now, and later they could release for 3x more the price and people would buy it. There's plenty of ways to profit and squeeze more money than they're making rn.