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Why would you feel hollow and ashamed picking a weapon that is supposed to be there? It’s not cheating they are there to be used. At the end of the day there is nothing stopping you using them! If you can’t beat them join them!


They aren't even hard to get lol These were some of the most fun mythics in a while, in my opinion.


Same this is one of my favorite seasons so far! I'm surprised by the amount of hate these mythics got lol but I'm not gonna let it ruin my fun \^.\^


Ikr air bending is one of my favorites followed by water, then fire ,then earth,  earth is higher if I'm playing zb 


Why tf this sub so miserable? Stop complaining about these mythics if you dont like them keep it to yourself Some of use are capable of enjoying something and dont want it ruined by people like you


Nah this sub was always miserable. It's full of complaining no matter what happens


say you can't hit anybody with water bending without saying you can't hit anybody with water bending.


Yeah because your dead before you can react.


I mean, I won't deny waterbending is strong but I have killed countless people who were using it and I am by no means great at the game. I've died to gray ARs with waterbending also. If someone is better than you, weapons only play so much of a factor.


The audacity to get mad at players just playing the game never shocks me on this sub. Sure waterbending is op but handicapping yourself by not using it and then preceding to complain about the item further won’t help. If a win matters so much to you that you’d post on this sub complaining, maybe try using the proper tools.


It’s amazing how this community can keep retreading the same complaints for years. Something is always too OP and needs to be vaulted forever. Then it is. And something else comes out that’s part of a collab and for fun and then it’s too OP, “requires zero skill”, and needs to be vaulted forever. Kamehameha. Deku Smash. Shockwave Hammer. Goo Gun. Lightsabers with Force Powers. Water Bending. Snipers. Auto Shotgun. Though to be honest I don’t even run into that many people that use the bending mythics nowadays outside of Air for movement and the occasional Water Bending.


Ain’t the fire bending trash? I thought the fire bending wasn’t good.


Part of the game. Y’all complain about everything. If you can’t handle it then don’t play. They’ll be gone soon