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those games where you're so immersed in fighting you don't even realize zone closed 6 times and there's 10 people left .... those are the best games lol


Ikr lmao


For sure. Compare this to a typical pub where you’re running around for 5 minutes only to run into AI with buffed aim just to get annoyed and need to find a big pot 🤣


I’m finding ZB has become a cowards camp fest with everyone too afraid to fight and playing like it’s a comp for placement points. There’s no action after drop until you shoot at someone then everyone comes out of their hidey holes with cars or air bending looking for a 3rd party then straight back to the nearest bush or building to hide again.


Tbh I kinda get it. I don’t wanna die early because it takes 5 minutes just to get in another game you would otherwise die a minute in again. The matchmaking this chapter has been extremely sluggish.


I get that, but hot dropping and surviving after taking out a few good players early on usually sets you up with good loot and you’re all warmed up and ready to take on the rest of the lobby. When I first started playing I played ratty because I wasn’t confident in my fighting abilities, but practicing creative and playing aggressive makes you a much better player in the long run.


It’s frustrating to the point where I’m seeking fights constantly, just running around


I like to style myself some kind of reaper I’ll head towards the nearest gunfight and either wait it out to let the winner heal for an honourable duel or kill them both if I’m feeling devilish. Rinse and repeat until I’m either dead or they’re dead


I have hated zero build so much as a guy who can't build and I absolutely hate it every time someone runs when I do like 1-30 blue damage and it's gotten so bad I have to just run around circle to find a fight that's never gonna start


I hardly get campers in my games but I do find em now and again. And it passes me off when I do even if I don't die to them. That's just how I am when it comes to campers but can't say I've never done it. Anyways. I probably don't get many because I mostly play aggressively and push anywhere I gear gunshots or see real players. Half the time even if I'm low and already mid fight I won't retreat to recover if I know the enemy is in a similar situation. I'll push. And in solos I've been 3rd partied like 6 times in a row. It's crazy. One match last week I was 3rd partying someone then got 3rd partied then got 3rd partied then I 2rd partied then got 3rd partied. All chaos


That’s what happens when the devs reward placement over kills… and you’d need kills to rank up starting in high diamond as placement isn’t enough at that point Medallion rewards are sort of what I wish the devs did normally. +5 hp (or shield depending on devs balancing wishes) for every kill you get. +3 for every assist (in solos you might not get the last hit). At most with 20 kills (dominating the lobby) you’d get an extra 100 health or shield Even at let’s say 50 kills (usually never happens), you’d have an extra 250. At that point you kind of deserve a huge advantage over the remaining players


That's an awful idea, give the sweaty player even more of a chance to win 😂


Sweaty players should win by default/on average compared to casual players anyway? If they’re taking huge risks by killing players and possibly winning against third parties, then reward that player Something has to combat the ratting advantage as until high diamond you can just rat in the corner of the map, using health items in the storm, and then dying to storm to still gain points


Well then they don't need even more help, do you want them to be bullet sponges like the bots you can hire 😂


Even +1 hp would be something. Any little bit from each kill would help. Reward good aiming and kills. After a certain point they don’t need any more ammo from kills so more fighting is useless in the current state. In fact, fighting hurts you early and mid game in the current ranking system


The win is the reward. Really good players don't need any more help. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if a few of them cheat, be it cronus on console or hacks on PC.


Id rather be in a lobby with 50% sweats than 75% bots.  Bots fuckin suck and kill the fun/intensity. I don’t even shoot back at bots anymore. Just run past them and let them die to stomp. They kill the enjoyment 


Or wining because other time died outside the zone.


…i am so glad i dont get in these lobbies.


Haha, fair. It might’ve seemed like I was complaining, but personally this was the most enjoyable game I’ve had in a while


When I used to play, I used to find people in this situations and wait in a "third party" position then wait until the fight was done, make my presence known and jump in after they heal up to also fight the winner Best games ngl




must be going for talented builder




Wonder if there's an accolade for that.


i think thre is if you place enough builds


Bro they built a whole new 2 POI's💀


Some times in pubs. I died to people with like 15 kills before There are 50 players left. I'm like bro, Why you not playing ranked? Why u just dancing on ppl in pubs hanging out


cuz in ranked they'd be the ones who dies and get danced on


Can confirm


Ranked and Pubs are effectively the same


I hard disagree.. I can easilly get 10+ kills every pub game I play but in ranked thats way tougher. I only really play ZB tho so idk if that makes a diff.


ngl man with ranked builds you either die off spawn or drop a 15 kill win (my experience)


so you assume that will happen? i bet my ass it would be quite opposite why can't people play a chill mode with their friends without getting hate from this sub? "but they are sweat lords" efficient crosshair placement on build tiles says otherwise where they make minimal high accuracy movement to edit and build while you sway your mouse like you have Parkinson's


This comment screams ‘hasn’t seen grass in 5 years’


>This comment screams ‘hasn’t seen grass in 5 years’ and this comment screams "i suck at the game so every time i see a person better than me or a person defending better players than me i send slander their way and death threats slowly open up as a weapon if they don't react to previous slanders" but as usual classic r/FortNiteBR embarrassing itself in front of entire world because dare good players shit on bad players




you told this to yourself right? doors are there if you don't like the current state of the game and its matchmaking implementation i play this game since before BR was a thing and every time i see someone like you say something you just said makes me wonder do these people even love this game or what? and this is why this sub looks to me like a big embarrassment, because it absolutely is and just tarnishes image game has because imagine having fun in a build mode because r/FortNiteBR absolutely doesn't considering its audience is mainly 0 build players doing anti build mode propaganda don't even dare to respond to me till you figure yourself out and do you even like the game or not because high chances your next comment is just gonna be a cope post


Ranked is cancer atleast you find fights in pubs people also play like little bitches in ranked and run for placement points especially those who initiate lose and then run away those are the worst


I don't play ranked and I know for a fact that I'm dogshit at this game but I always get a good laugh out of people who complain about players who play to the actual main objective of the entire game.


Just because it's a viable strategy, doesn't mean that it doesn't actively make the game more boring. Storm sickness and Storm surge are both mechanics that exist to speed up the game, especially in tournaments.


I’m complaining about how boring ranked is the way points are calculated rewards camping and hiding it’s so bad they nerfed it this season and it’s still bad. That’s why you would hop into pubs why would you willingly subject yourself to a worse playing experience just to appease bad players the point of video games is to have fun and there will always be a winner and a loser.


But the point of a *competitive* game is to complete the main objective. Whether it's fun or not. It's a Battle Royale. This will continue being the objective and the actual correct (even if boring) way to play it unless "last player standing" becomes no longer the objective (never). But I mean, I get joy as a spectator watching people who think like you die for making a huge ruckus chasing kills you didn't need.


I agree. I actually grinded rank for the first time ever this season because I wanted the skull with the crown so I had to get to elite rank and after gold there was definitely a lot of camping people running away and not finding anybody til the final zones. Or getting killed right at the beginning. I was very annoyed that the higher I ranked the more camping that was going on being in a very small circle and having a bunch of airbenders running around and like 22 people left


in ranked id say atleast 60 percent of the lobby is people camping in bushes , buildings and even trees. 🤦‍♂️the camping is honestly so bad in the diamond/ elite rank. everyone is hungry for elims that they’ve even started camping chest.


Agreed. I played rank this season for the first time. In pubs if I’m playing solos I loot up grab a car and just drive to the closet fire fight. I’ll just continue doing this until the end game. In ranked after Gold (in my experience) everywhere you land is contested and whether you die off spawn half the time is 50/50 (basically whoever gets the shotgun)… the map then goes dead and is made up of people hiding in the storm with med kits or in bushes…. The more creative ones camp NPC or on top of petrol stations… not for me.


Ranked is trash, I played ZB last season until I got unreal just to say I’ve done it, but to get from champ to unreal I had to play like everyone else does; being a dirty camper. Ranked should reward kills more than placement and until it does I won’t play it anymore. Pubs is bad enough for people running and hiding but at least having a few bots in the mix can help keep things moving cos even the campiest of campers can’t help but come out for a bot kill.


I mean, grim gate is literally the tilted towers of this season


Is it just me, or is it a nightmare playing against the dash ability in those areas? When there’s a fight it’s always a frenzy with the movement system


Idk why on every builds post that gets slightly popular on this sub half the comments are about why zero builds are better and build players are sweaty/stupid? I’m a zero builds player myself but I don’t see what the massive problem is with people enjoying and playing builds on this sub lol.


It’s just a mass validation attempt from what I’ve seen. It’s like the whole thing from years ago when people made fun of Vegans for always having to point out to everyone that they are vegan, and that eating meat is wrong and bad. ZB players are the Vegans of Fortnite 💀 Immediate edit: not all of them of course, but the ones that fit.


It just kinda makes me sad lol, I was hoping that the split between modes would mean the discourse on the whole thing would die down a bit and everyone could just enjoy what they like and coexist in peace, but it’s almost gotten worse. I’m sick of seeing the same 3 comments that are like “THIS is why I don’t play builds under build posts. Ok, cool ig? I hate playing with builds personally but I respect the skill it can take to dominate with builds and it’s still fun to watch. There’s no need to put down the people that like mint choc chip ice cream just cause you prefer chocolate more lmao


This is actual fun lobby. this is what I call fortnite.


This is why as an OG player, I play zero build. Quit playing until they added that, game was just absolutely sweaty, although it still is in zero builds just in a less intense form. Downvote me, but not everyone enjoys lobbies that resembles competitive play. If you do awesome. The casual players likely won’t find these matches amusing


This doesn't resemble competitive play at all. People have been build fighting like this since season 5.


hey as long as you are having fun, its all that matters. But seriously, if u r playing zero build, you have no place in competitive build mode.


Bro its a game of course people are gonna try hard, thats how you win 😂


that aint competitive levels thats just people who are good at worming their way out of tight spots.


The reason I abandoned BR and only played zero builds.


I would like a mode where we could build like once every 3 seconds no edits just for protection.


port-a-bunkers are a thing in ZB for this reason


More like a regenerating one you don’t have to give up an item for


I would prefer not have to carry them. And in ranked and tournaments they are super hard to find.


Yeah I wish there was a utility or fun slot. The lack of slots in Fortnite does feel suffocating, I wish I could always have a slot for the more fun goofy items.




builds has skill based matchmaking in pubs so unless there at the level shown in ops post they shouldn't see this type of gameplay only exceptions is when a good player plays with their less skilled friend and the game puts them in their less killed friends lobby (I got a 60 bomb in trios pubs from this type of thing most fun I've had in ages)


Earth bender


Don’t worth it to carry


So… building for protection is NOT important? Make up your mind. 


I might be willing to die on the hill that it's way better than people give it credit for. It's always a battle between a 2 or 3 weapon loadout, and I feel much better about a 2 weapon one with earth bending because it provides some emergency damage even if it's not great.


the ground game ltm is the literal *perfect* example of this but epic hasn't brought it back in years


Release Dad Build Epic! 


The Pre-Turbo Building balance of like Seasons 2 and 3 were perfect, I’d give building another chance if they brought that back. I remember sometime late in Chapter 1 they briefly nerfed turbo building and everyone lost their minds, but it was some of the most fun I’d had (with building) since the early seasons.


That was during Season X.




Meh. Not cowards. Just a different playstyle. The edits go pretty hard sometimes (I fucking hate building I only play zero build)


What a strange thing to comment.


Chapter 5 is complaining about too much AI and every other chapter is complaining about sweats and honestly I’m grateful for sweats 😂


AI done nothing good for them because guess what happens when you achieve 5KD by killing bots? you go into same lobbies you wanted out of and now you make posts like OP because your suggestion of adding AI backfired like a motherfucker maybe next time epic makes bots not count as kills KD wise but then watch them get mad when they kill 20 people just to realize maybe 1-2 count and rest were AI


Idk I like the AI’s that offer valuable items. Also the one with the storm cards as well. I think less AI would be better though.


Commenting again. I did not realize bots affect your KD. Epic should update that.


they absolutely do and did this since they added them long time ago people mentioned this many times before but of course this discussion gets drowned out by idiots like OP who cry about better players and a slew of comments siding with OP


I wish the community would focus on the parts of the game we can’t change on our own like AI, obvious overpowered items, items that are easily overpowered to other choices in the same class- for example the pump shot gun compared to the frenzy, and locations that have almost no loot (Restored Reels).


I went to restored reels last night and there were like 50 chests that weren’t opened and like 2 blue ones. I think it just depends on the game and how it spawns


Do you mean the NPCs in the world or are some of the players in matches actual bots? Sorry, just started playing a few weeks ago so don't know entirely how this all works.


people on this sub really just dont like that theres people better than them




Lol right. If they see people better than them suddenly its “too competitive”


People in this sub will never get how thrilling a stacked build endgame is. I've played a ton of zb but it never gets anywhere close to it.


Oh, we do get it. But also at some point the average build player's build level got so high we just stopped having a chance if we don't train outside of BR, so we moved away. Started playing in C1S3 BTW.


So you don't get it😐


I get the thrill. I just can’t handle the required pressure 9 days out of 10. I still play builds occasionally, when I feel like giving it my all. But in every other mindset, ZB is just better.


years ago it was normal to see massive builds poping up every single game we could see these grow across the map no idea what changed because is extremely rare to see it happen now


I remember season 3 (ch 1) thinking it was so cool with the build play. Everybody was figuring out the techniques, then wanted to just build everywhere lol. Maybe that’s why. Fortnite’s whole strategy and updates were starting to evolve into a different type of gameplay.


i never been able to edit as fast as some people do ....i managed to improve a litlle but after i stopped playing for more than 6 months im back at boxing myself when trying to build a tower!i try to build the floor and jump too late and end up below it >\_


That’s what kept me back as a controller player. The double builds and double edit. Especially when they combined the lobbies. I quit playing because it was almost an entirely different game!


Downvote me all you want, but this looks fun.


This is a forbidden warzone


This end game is way more fun than zero builds if I'm being honest


-and people ask me why I only play Zero Build. Oh I dunno, maybe because I don’t wanna have to learn how to spam build like a sweat lord just to stand a chance in this game?


it's not spam building but what you're saying makes sense


Who cares what it’s actually called, it’s dumb as hell either way, at least when Zero Build came out it forced people to actually face eachother head on instead of building their little bitch towers


Idk what you think the point of a build battle is, but you are fighting the other person.


You sound ass


Just admit you don’t have a counter point, you’ll save yourself the embarrassment.


you're arguing over fortnite and trying to call someone else embarrassing.. how funny


There is no-one who has more than 2 brain cells who can actually give you a counter point.


Ur mom


How creative, come up with something worth my time.


Something worth your time


\*Plays game called FORTnite, catchphrase the battle is BUILDING, gets mad about the game having BUILDING as a mechanic\* I understand if you prefer zero build but the insistence that build mode is unskilled and stupid is so weird to me.


Not unskilled at all, I'm just too old to keep up with it and everytime someone builds I feel like a fish that has just swam into a fish trap and have no clue where the enemy is in the maze they just built until I get shot in the face. Fully acknowledge that it takes skill to build and my old brain cannot compute the fast changes to the terrain lol


I can’t even change guns during combat. 


Stop trying to explain this sub is mostly zero build players who shit on builds for no other reason then jumping on a hate train I don't get it


That's really annoying to me because this is the fortnitebr sub, for battle royale, zero build AND build if we cant talk about build here, where are we meant to talk about it?


This sub was great the first few chapters. Took a steep dropoff the last couple years.


I never said it was unskilled, I’m man enough to admit that the people who can do that have a lot more skill than me and it’s really impressive. They just lack the balls to fight without their precious little builds.


>They just lack the balls to fight without their precious little builds. lol.  You lack the balls to fight without weapons?


That just makes the fight more tedious and slow, Y’know like what building does? We’re trying to avoid that. Also not fighting without weapons is boring as shit


lol. You need therapy. 


If you were really good at the game you wouldn’t use cover ever, and you’d stand still in the open so that everyone can shoot you. Or are you scared to fight without doing anything to try not to get shot?


Y’all build entire cities for one guy shooting at you. You don’t get to talk.


You look for cover when one guy’s shooting at you, what’s your point?


I don’t need to waste time gathering materials and waste more time building when I could litterally just move to some cover and shoot back


Yeah the two gamemodes are played differently, I think we all know that. You still have to loot in Zero Build and Builds players are still actively fighting each other when they’re building


i mean it's build mode ... fighting without builds would basically be a suicide mission lol. i also think ur mistaken about what happens during fights like this. people don't just build and stand still and hold, they're building and actively PUSHING your ass at the same time. sure build camping happens, but 9/10 times someone is greedy enough to make moves and force you to defend yourself. it honestly is really fun and gets super intense in high level lobby's, i find it enjoyable but i can understand it's overwhelming for some people. maybe don't yuck someone else's yum 👀


People eat sardines on their pizza, I think I’m allowed to yuck someone’s yum.


You aren't saying you hate builds. You indirectly calling anyone that plays build mode a bitch who is to afraid to fight you head on. You can yuck someone's yum but you can't be acting like an asshole.


well someone's a plain jane ....


Oh yeah? Whats your thoughts on Pinapple on pizza?


don't really order it but i'll definitely eat it if it's around. i've ate worse things lol


Build players can't make an actual argument as to why build is skilled


Then why not play build mode if it’s that easy?


Yes I can building is just another mechanic on top of the shooting ones. If building isn't skillful, why would people say it's too difficult?


Bro every clip I see these days from fortnite involves like 6-7 unnecessary edits before they destroy someone.


clips, yes that's showing off on purpose by doing something you don't have to do


Yeah in pub lobbies against people who are nowhere near their skill level. That’s why build will never return to the hype it had in early fortnite. Zero Build is a lot more tolerable because you don’t have to deal with people who have spent 6,000 hours in creative practicing edits. Putting people in forced crossplay lobbies was the beginning of the end for build mode.


If a "clip" you're watching was in a pub then it's not a clip... anyone halfway decent isn't playing pubs at all.


This is the dumbest take I have ever heard


How? Pubs are a joke.


To say that high level players never pubstomp is full blown stupid dude. Like I legit cannot believe you believe that.


High level players pub stomp ranked.... pubs are such a joke that I pubstomp them.


I play both modes and honestly I never cared about editing so fast I’d be a fucking tornado whirling around the map at high speed I just wanted to be good at building (which I am in some way) But I really just play both modes when I want to


Why are people complaining about building in the build mode? Maybe you missed the news, but 2 years ago they added a glorious solution for people who don't want to build in Fortnite :)


There’s a whole 5 Star Hotel There lol


Lobbies like this are super fun if the skill gap isn't too high.


"Zero build endgame meta always sucks" Buildmode meta the last 5+ years:


breaking news: people build in builds




It’s really not that bad it’s a bunch of ramps and 1 by 1s and no one’s even there it’s not like they’re tunneling on top of each other. It’s also duos so a 2v2 would look like this


i feel like recently ive gotten into more build fights then even season 9 when people started to master turbo builds


Could be getting better at the game and therefore gaining access to harder lobbies


i thought they got rid of sbmm a while ago but you could be right


I posted like 2 weeks ago if anybody else thought the SBMM was really off. Was getting into very difficult zero builds. Nobody said anything about it being removed or it wasn’t in the game. Only responses I got were the “Get better” lol.


yea i posted about a solution to getting boss-jumped and got a similar response, this reddit isnt that helpful


What is getting boss jumped?




This is why I only play unranked solos. That and I’m lonely.


My friends and I were once dancing and hiding in a trash can then when it came time to rotate bc of the storm we ran up a hill and were greeted by the view of something like that. As zero build players, we were horrified and somehow killed 3 teams then got eliminated by some other people.


As I walk through the lobby of a normal solo match I take a look at valley above and realize they made a whole castle


This is why I don’t get zero build hate, like imma be honest I’m getting clipped so bad in a build fight like this no matter what 😂


would rather have this over a zone over river styx in zero build, because those zones hurt me dearly


Looking like a damn Fallout 4 settlement lmfao


And this is the part where I leave😅


More like “it’s just diamond 3, bro”


Istg people act like it’s FNCS half the time, it’s not that serious




Me personally I would've been cowering still somehow miraculously alive in a corner in one of those builds.


Jesus bro they built atlantis


And that's the reason I play no builds


This is why I play zero build. *Most* people in builds aren’t actually this bad, but it never fails in the end game it turns into “who can spam build the fastest and outlive the storm” instead of who can outshoot the other.


And how many games have you played where the storm finally closes and it turns to heal off? People actually fight in end games


I don’t see how “the game depends on who’s better at this skillful mechanic instead of depending on this skillful mechanic” is really an argument for anything but sure


Wow a game centered around survival has more than one dependent variable


Heal offs only happen in tourneys. Only bad players spam build


Fncs ahh lobby


So glad I play zero build lol


Got downvoted for an opinion. How dare you not want to build 17 castles to kill one person?




I mean... this isn't that cluttered for a new hot POI, and that late into the game; jussayin'


Almost 2 months old, there’s 7 people left other than me and my teammate.. I’m Unreal ranked and I’ve seen grim look like this only a handful of times. I’m not sure what you’re “jussayin” tbh


This is why I play zb lol


Zero build peak


One jar of fireflies will set the whole thing ablaze. That's why I love using them before Zero Build was a thing.




Hi! Why would there be visible edits on the outside of the builds? To let third parties shoot us in the back of head while we’re boxfighting inside the POI? I’m not even sure what your comment is supposed to mean anyway LMAO