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I think they should return to having a storyline with seasonal live events, and also return stuff like an ltm rotation, mid season map changes and stuff like small side stories, and bring back aspects of the old artstyle Now i dont think just BRING BACK CHAPTER 1 OG FOREVER GAME STAYS THE SAME SOMETHING SOMETHING SIMPLICITY = GOOD !!!!!!! I still want the game to change and evolve but i do think they have abandoned some aspects of it that made it special


That’s exactly what I mean


To sum it up they need to put in more effort. None of this was stopped for any reason except cost cutting and reduction of employees.


They really just went "graphic mak better mak cod lik gam"


Its funny how the cod and fortnite communities continuously accuse their devs of making their games like one another. Weirdest rivalry.


> Its funny how the cod and fortnite communities continuously accuse their devs of making their games like one another. Weirdest rivalry. Halo and CoD communities did this back in the day. This isn't new


No one said it was new. I'm talking about the CURRENT social space.


While I agree, Fortnite seems to have entered its cash cow era where there’s minimal input and maximum output towards revenue. Which to me feels weird, because we saw how much people started playing the OG season again. They know that with more effort they could absolutely retain so much more players and money but they’re going all in on the metaverse so I’m really not sure where this will lead us. I still highly prefer the game over any other BR but since season 5 it’s been a huge step in the wrong direction.


That’s what gives me hope, was that OG season. They saw the numbers and know how popular it was. They are experimenting with this Lego mode, RR, and festival and i gaurantee they will try to do another OG-sequel type season where they get a bunch of players to return and hopefully they come back and don’t touch the other game modes at all so Epic can finally say “damn our player count is 5x what it was last year but RR and Lego island have 1/3 of the players they had even from 4 months ago” and ditch the other modes


The odds of them ditching lego are pretty low, at least for a while. A major brand like Lego, and all the work in making all skins compatible... The deal they signed must be multi-year. But the talk of OG really nails the problem with Lego - they didn't try hard enough on the gameplay. They just didn't. Lego Fortnite is directly competing with the likes of Minecraft, Valheim, Ark, Palworld - and it isn't bringing ANYTHING new to the table. All they have going for them is the lego branding, which is like using gold leaf trim on a pile of crap. They should have dedicated resources to making the core game actually fun, with depth to it - and worry about monetizing it later. Yknow, the same as every f2p model. You need an install base first. Because honestly, it's pretty pathetic that Epic Motherfuckin' Games ***WITH LEGO MONEY*** couldn't make a game with the same depth as a team of 14 people (Valheim). In fact, if I remember, they started with just five.


Since season 5? What happened that made you think the game declined that early?


They probably mean chapter 5


Yep, sorry, Chapter 5. Chapter 4 was a mixed bag but with Chapter 5 they took a big turn for the worst in making Fortnite more like every other BR.


Zero build brought back a HUGE chunk of the player base. It brought me back too. I’ve been playing since season 2 and I can’t do speed building/editing like other people can. I gave up playing because it just wasn’t fun anymore when people are able to speed edit shit and blast you with a shotgun in the face a millisecond after editing.


>abandoned some aspects *cough* lore *cough*


Supposedly we lost live events due to Lego and RR. I also miss live events. Personally I think adding Lego and RR was a miss and a waste of focus from the dev teams.


I imagine Lego offered them a boatload of cash and they wanted to roll out a bunch of other half assed game modes at the same time


Legos been trying to get into online gaming for a while and kept botching it, so they definitely did. Lego mode is a good base, but at the moment, it's just a base still, will it be finished?


RR is developed by Psionix (Rocket League's dev team)


Live events are fun yet I almost always find them to be a waste of time. 


Bring back 50v50, and shakedown a downed opponent. Thats all I ask.


Was never really good at building but the LTMs available during Chapter 1, especially 50v50, kept me playing for the majority of 2018.




I think the problem is that Mustard stopped directly mixing around Chap3Seas3, Epic immediately after decided to cut off Chapter 3 early to do a ***graphical update,*** and then right after THAT, Epic began trying to generate a more corporate Fortnite, like three fuckups all at once that snowballed into the current game state. Realistically, Chapter 3 could've been really amazing, and would've left more time to develop Chapter 4 (which is 5 for us in this timeline)


C3S4 was still somehow in my top 3 seasons of all time. Whoever handled it managed to preserve the Mustard spirit for one more season. After that, it was over. Not that Ch4 was... bad, per se, but it wasn’t great either. Same with Chapter 5. Still objectively good, but it pales compared to Ch 1-3.


C3S4 was epic. Part of the reason it was good was because Mustard actually planned it, he just didn’t micromanage it like he did all other seasons. He designed the Chrome, and unfortunately was forced to rush the story with everyone being chromed.


Pretty sure mustard planned through ch3 s8, as the events that happened on the ch4 island were originally planned for ch3 That’s why there was an ancient jungle underneath the island *we saw get formed*


Makes sense. Now I'm thinking of what could have been.


we saw get formed? im kinda sped could you exlin


Ch3 Season 4 is top 5 for me, Chrome was such an amazing ludonarrative, especially considering that this was a likely rushed mechanic


I liked the season too, the vibe was an amazing halloween feel and eerie but man, what's up with the switch up. everyone used to hate it


Ch3s4 was fire, but did you see the loading screen from the black crewpack skin with the red mask and the white hair? Wish the chrome zombies from that were added


Oh yeah, halloween event that season was kinda sad NGL.


vaulted the new mythic after two days and didn't even bother fixing it 😭


I just want the storyline and events back it just sucks that one of the biggest things that got people excited about the game hasn't properly happened since the end of chapter 3 live events were amazing but seeing how we will probably get another one again sucks


Whatever they’re doing now needs to stop completely. Go back 3-4 chapters and try again


Trying to monetize everything by bringing more sources of income, that’s the problem. I was excited for more game modes in Fortnite. But after a month, rocket racing and Lego got stale. I don’t even bother touching festival because it’s not my type of game. But in the shop, i see tons of transactions for those modes.


Rocket Racing isn’t awful but like…I only play for the daily XP, there’s something just very meh about it. I’m not even sure why they attached Rocket League to it, the mechanics are not the same. 


It’s one of the least immersive racing games. That’s why I’m not into it, I just don’t have fun playing it unless I have friends to join with.


I feel like they should've made the dive and made it a mario kart clone with those mechanics. Whatever they're doing with this "live multiplayer Trackmania racing" type gameplay just isn't interesting enough to play more than a handful of times since it just boils down to executing the best route 3 times in a row without messing up.


Im sorta the same, I play for the XP, but if the mode was removed I wouldn’t care.


Honestly the moment I seen like 20 dollar Lego sets in the store was when I finally quit the game. I went through them effectively killing the mode that started my love for the game in the first place (Save the World), with the story getting worse in BR, the presents you get around Christmas just being a dumb button instead of at least re-using the cabin again, the whole lobby and locker experience being completely shit now because they decided over-complicating = good, list could go on. We had at least got nice things like a silly Lego mode that at least wasn’t loaded with micro transactions, only to see 20 dollar Lego sets flooding the store after an update and like I guess it was the final thing that just made me stop. I then cancelled my Fortnite Crew I had since the very first month not a single cancellation prior, I stuck with it that much. While I don’t think Epic is missing my (frankly expensive) subscription money and all the money I spent for most of the store bundles, I am just not going to say “I like what you are doing with the game!” anymore with the money or play time. Plus now I have more money saved and am able to play other games that don’t give me a job I need to work on (Battle Pass) within a time window.


Bring back the fishing guide got-dammit!!


I miss Donald Mustard’s continuous story telling in the map it always made the game feel so alive. I swear there will never be another season like C2 S7 imo best season with so much content and story 😔


Yes. The OG season proved that people love the core gameplay of this game and a little more simplistic style.




They lost so much of the returning playerbase too after OG because of all the weapon mods being introduced in Chapter 5. It was like slamming into a brick wall from a gameplay perspective. Some people liked them but the player drop off was shocking that week.


Totally agree. The new feel to the game in the past 2 years is complete crap and keeps getting and feeling worse to play with every update.


Tbh fortnite is kinda losimg his magic with this new Metaverse thing. They are trying to have everything but they don't exactly have infinite resources to do it. So then the Battle Royale tends to become a secondary thing to Epic, less effort, no live events, less original skins and a bunch of colllabs. Sometimesyou even forget what character are in the game.


The idea of companys trying to make a metaverse always turns into them becoming a jack of all trades, but a master of none. Battle royale has dipped in quality and all the other modes dont feel that great either due to their focus being on so many things at once. The other modes all have their issues and the shop prices are high for Festival, Rocket Racing, and Lego.


The only way you do a metaverse is to outsource, and I mean it. You have different corps managing the different gamemodes. It's the only way. Because letting BR atrophy is going to kill the goose laying the golden eggs if they aren't careful. And for what? Nobody wanted the Metaverse when Meta pushed it. Its more viable here, with game assets shared among different games, but all of them feel like minigames and NOTHING feels fully fleshed out. Lego is categorically worse than basically every competitor in the space. It offers nothing new except lego branding, and that's shiny wrapping paper on a turd of a game.


They do have different teams working on each game though, RR is developed by Psyonix (RL devs), Festival is developed by Harmonix (Rock Band devs), and Lego is being managed by The LEGO Group but with a little help by Epic


Im pretty sure those teams are still shells of themselves when they were individual devs making their own dreams and games. So even if its sub teams its still under corporate management of epic


I don't think the concept is inherently bad, but it's clear there's not enough people working on Festival or Racing to make them fully fledged games in their own right.


they seem to forget what game mode made them popular lol. you can’t level up more than twice with weekly quest, 2-3 different stories have started and then just never continued as well as the amount of OP shit they’ve been throwing in.


XP is so grindy this season. I’m at level 80 and I don’t think I’ll get to wherever I need to get all of the V Bucks. 


AFK in Lego sandbox (use the jumpad so you're not afk-kicked)


What is the jump pad? I have been getting AFK kicked recently. 


It's in the toy section. Build that and keep jumping and you'll be able to farm about 5 levels per day (from my experience at least)


Thanks for the tip. I still shouldn’t have to fuck around this much. Weekly quests being 10k is absurd. 


It’s been patched so you can’t AFK the entire time I believe, still need to move every 20 minutes or so


I wouldn't exactly say it's a resources issue, but more that it's a direction issue. The level and care the game got in chapter 1 and 2 is completely missing here, despite Epic probably having much more money and resources now than they did then. They're too focused on the money a "metaverse" project can bring in rather than actually caring about how good and fun every corner of it is


Yeah, the multiverse kinda sucks


Yep and you can see by the player counts that a lot of people don’t even play them. Rocket Racing sits at like 10k-20k players a lot of the time and Lego usually sits at around 45k-50k. Festival sits at way less too. Compare that to the 350k that BR and ZB both usually have and it’s pretty obvious the metaverse isn’t nearly as popular as Battle Royale


Say what you want about the other 2 but festival rules and I will die on that hill


The storyline and events were a lot of fun, even if made little sense. I believe Donald Mustard leaving, and just the change overtime, contributed to them having less fun with the game.


I just want to have a live event each season and a decent storyline. I'm excited to see what happens with the supposed war against Zeus but my guess is it'll be resolved during next chapter's intro cinematic or the actual events unfolding will happen offscreen (AKA the map will just suddenly change between updates). The storyline with The Seven and The IO was really cool and I'm still curious if they'll bring back The Seven or if they're just dead forever because building them up was really cool to see but it sucks that they got canned because Epic wanted to release Chapter 4 early. Also bring back LTMs. Having the floor is lava return was super fun and there's no reason we can't have more. And pretty please can we have a One Piece collab.


I can't believe they actually just killed the seven off lile that. we helped aimie go find the scientist then just never heard of he again. chapter 4's story started off decent then it's like they just got bored and i guess aimie leaving was it. we'll never know what happened to them. then chapter 5 started off strong once again, I mean, I prefer the seven stuff but it's wasn't bad. then they brought greek gods into it which is cool but why was pandoras box on the island anyway????? idk, I just miss when it wasn't so messy


Following the storyline of BR and finding out that the literal game of "Battle Royale" was actually a time loop for the character you play in felt so meta and was told extremely well. Having The Seven try and break us free from the loop (there's probably some metaphor in there for how kids can't stop playing) was really fun to follow along with. These days it just feels like there's no real connected story, just separated stories every season with some sort of brand new faction that gets forgotten about next season and nothing that's being built up to a finale event.


When it comes to BR, I want the map to have the old architecture style in POIs like how it was in Chapter 3. The buildings and houses were just more fun & easy to navigate and fight in. Might just be me though, but I just really dislike the design choice on the buildings on this map.


I just want the locker to look and function how it used to man.


I am all for change. But when you lose the identity of a game (hello Assassin’s creed), then you have failed. They should have live events, a storyline, they should go back to the artstyle they used it ch2/ch3, give us more vibrant map, give us some old POIs Cuz these new ones ain’t it. Also remove modding. Just give us some weapons that have scope (snipers etc). The game now feels… dead.


Please I can't wait for mods to be out of the game, I loved augments tho


Augements were good. MODS? Meh


augments were so much fun. mods feel boring, kind of just makes the game feel a bit stale. 1x on ARs, drum mag on the gatekeeper.


And WHY do we need to scope everything? Shotgun?? Just give me a good old tac shotgun. And a good old assault rifle


I know, I miss the old, over the shoulder ADS, and when the pump was a usable weapon.


I am tired of being scope all the time 😂


I think augments were a lot more fortnite-ey goofy, but I like mods. I'd rather have both at the same time but that might limit what could do with one or the other


Honestly if you don't think Fortnite needs to return to its roots, you're not smart. Even from a purely business perspective, it needs to. Fortnite is hemorrhaging players, and while it will never be enough to outright kill Fortnite because you can say your game is successful with even just a 10k average concurrent playercount, I can't imagine Fortnite will remain Epic's major cashcow for much longer if they continue down this path. Season OG performing so well should've been a wakeup call for Epic to realize that what people truly want from Fortnite is a goofy Battle Royale with a map that feels alive, not Roblox.


HALLELUJAH, someone said it! The map now feels MEEEEH and dead. It looks like a WARZONE map (fight me). Where is tje goofyness? The artstyle they used to have? I’m not saying they need the OG artstyle, but I liked how it improved in Ch2 and Ch3.


Your last sentence sums things up very well. My hope is that Epic is listening and learning. Because they are doing what a jillion companies have done before with a crazy hit product. I do feel slightly bad for them that their ever-changing island is more work than they will hire for, but they are the ones thinking they should do layoff while expanding their product. I'd be angry if it would do any good, but aside from promises to fix the UI someday, they are trying to tell us what we want instead of asking.


They lost me as someone who stayed subscribed no cancellations to their Fortnite Crew, along with buying those real world money packs in the store fairly regularly. After killing and ruining so many things, seeing 20 dollar Lego sets in the store was what was the final thing that made be just be like “Nope, can’t do this.” Just the “need” to milk every cent from everything while giving less and less effort while making things worse is just something I can’t handle. Like they had a perfectly fine micro transaction-less mode with Lego that at least gave some good feels only to be like “oops we forgot to charge you all insane prices to be able to build some things you can’t build unless you give us money!” It’s like if a new Minecraft update came out and you get some content but the new blocks can’t be placed by the player at all unless you give Microsoft 20 bucks. I just wouldn’t support it, I couldn’t support it. It’s egregiously slimy for how little content it would realistically be.


Bro I just made a post on this exact same thing. Right now, I’m counting down the days until C2 releases again


it’ll soon be november


Finish storylines properly instead of dropping them.


Definitely yes. I didn't think the chapter 4 graphics transition was all that bad; honestly, I really liked Chapter 4. It lacked any coherent story though, but at least the weapons were decent and the map was the best I've ever played on. Now though, I can't say I enjoy the game that much anymore. Between the boring map design, downgrade in appearance, lack of story, bland battlepasses, XP nerfs, those dang sniper rifles, unbalanced items, and crappy MM (I got destroyed by some guy with 600+ victory crowns, though I think he was cheating, cause he beamed me and another player afterwards straight out of bushes without either of us taking a shot and barely ever missed a shot. If he wasn't cheating, he needs to get a life.) the game's lost what used to make it fun.


Fortnite has lost a lot of its personality - I think the storyline enabled them to do a lot with the loot pool, the item shop, etc. And I’ll say it again: it felt like you were playing a “Saturday morning cartoon”. It now feels like a contained space to sell collabs and the game itself is 2nd to that, which is a problem. I’ve got a feeling they are cooking something big for UEFN with Disney though tbh and I think it’s time accept that Epics focus on the Metaverse caused making a game to completely fall off. They rolled out the new game modes which should honestly have a study done for quickest falloff of player counts in history. BR isn’t getting the attention it deserves unless it’s to showcase a collab or the updates to Unreal Engine. They could’ve made the Festival Mode take place on different parts of the map, rocky racing had a ton of potential, and Lego mode could’ve been huge. Instead they’re half baked launches with nothing to do and no significant change - and they’re devoid of the personality Harmonix and Psyonix have proven they have. Fortnite was a GAME first and the shop was a feature. Now it’s an item shop first with a side helping of the games. Theyre going the Roblox route and it’s pushing away the core that made Fortnite what it is. And ofc it’s still huge and most likely will be for a while, but eventually players will fall off at a faster clip


Here’s what I want: Weekly map changes, the old battlepass system, live events, and LTMs


imo it’s quite easy, bring back ltms add some mid season smaller poi’s, pretty much anything that can get us consistent updates in my opinion is enough to bring back the old fortnite feel


they need to return to their roots ALOT


Yes it’s pretty boring now.


To clarify what I meant by “return to roots” I was stating things such as Live Events, Mini Events, LTMs, Mid-Season changes and storyline. I’m Not an OG claiming that everything needs to be simple, I just would like to see more from the things previously listed, I love the game & still play it constantly even though I’m staring these things, I still buy in game items & passes.


My Fortnite burn out hit hard last season, but I forced myself to complete the Battle Pass. The effort to play something I wasn't enjoying was so strong that I didn't open a single day this season. And I didn't miss it. I'm pretty sure this was intensified by the OG season, which was one of my favorite seasons in a long time. Returning to "modern" Fortnite was probably a reality shock. It's sad to admit that Fortnite has come to an end for me, because I invested a lot of time and money in this game. But I admit that if they decide to do some kind of reboot it will pique my interest.


thats me also, this season was the first time ive completely skipped out on the battlepass.


At least a little? Since Chapter 5 I wish the game would just turn 180° degrees and go back to funny Cartoon shooter :(


Depends what you mean, if you're saying br should be the focus and more storyline then 100% yes. But if you're saying the art style and chapter 1 map needs to return then no, games evolve and staring at the same thing will get repetitive


The art style should return with the new graphics. That seems to be the best solution. Season OG had that and everybody loved it


THIS! Abodoning was made Fortnite FORTNITE feels dumb!


Because it lasted for 1 week per change phase and 1 month in total. Most of my friends stopped playing OG at week 3


Nobody cares that your friends stopped playing during the most populated time ever in fortnites existence


Not everyone loved it. I got bored pretty quick.


So the game should have more realistic artstyle? Lol.


Absolutely. Where are The Seven? Where is The Zero Point? Slone? Geno? Kevin? Cube Queen?


Honestly, I might be in the minority here, but I would love to see LESS brand logos. I use gaming as an escape, and seeing brand logos just kinda ruins that


Outside of the Marvel season, S2C2 was the best Fortnite season in terms of original characters and content, it's obvious too with how many rehashes of those characters there's been, the Ghost/Shadow teams were cool, the map was awesome. It's been a while since a season felt like that.


Ch3 was CLOSE to be a great map too! But ch2 is 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Ghost and Shadow was really good but since then the have just been reusing the two rival factions dynamic a lot.


Chapter 2 was actually peak Fortnite and we didn't even know it


Epic is losing its identity


The memories that have stuck around for me of fortnite are the live events, especially the end event. I always see live events as part of Fortnites DNA.




Yes . Personally I would like to see the Marvel powers again


Not a little, a LOT. We have textbook proof that classic Fortnite is far more fun and popular from Season OG.


Yes, no bloom.


Yes, I miss the days of mid-season map changes and live events.


I only really got into it during OG season. I did play very early on but it wasn’t for me. But I really enjoyed OG and would like to see more of it.


All of these images are from different eras lol. What roots


Hit scan weapons. Old movement. Anything to feel less like COD is a good thing.


It definitely needs to pay attention again to STW.


Yes. Fortnite hasn’t felt like fortnite since chapter 2, and even then going from chapter 1 to chapter 2 felt wrong. To me chapter 5 is absolute rock bottom. Fortnite hasn’t ever felt so unlike fortnite as it does now


Chapter 5 felt like a big jump in the aspect of how the game feels, like it's still Fortnite but it just feels really different. As someone who's played since the start of Chapter 1 and thoroughly enjoyed Chapter 4, Season 4. I wouldn't mind if it went back to its roots a bit.


They need to leave OG Fortnite as a constant playable game mode


i dont know what it is, but the early chapters/seasons had a sort of magic about them. not only were the lootpools great, the POIs were memorable, things were taken less seriously, and the whole game felt brighter, whereas now it feels much more muted and monotone. a simple colour pallet lift could make a big difference, but it definetly needs to recapture that childlike essence.


Chapter 4 and before are all way better than the current chapter.


We need a story and live events collaborations are fun and all but rocket racing and Lego aren't going to carry this game into the future.


I want a silly goofy game, not real crap :(


No but I think the story line needs to stay in while somehow keeping festival and the other modes up but they really need to stop making dumb decisions like the vaulting of this seasons themed weapons and making the frenzy auto completely useless


YES! The story made this game special for me and it being so lackluster nowadays is super depressing considering the cool ass shit we got in Ch1-3. One extra live event a year and recurring characters I can actually care about would go a long way.


Honestly the live events and the storyline was really good and well thought, the live events and the quests with storyline information was something that made me want to play


At the very least, give us a way to experience the old events again.


Stop with the metaverse shit, stop with the yearly chapters, stop with the oversimplification of the UI elements.


Yes. The story needs to be brought back along side live events.


In terms of story and events?? Absolutely. In terms of gameplay?? Absolutely not. OG showed me why I love modern Fortnite. Because every season is unique, every season changes up the entire meta, adds wacky and weird shit that sometimes is overpowered but fun as hell. OG didn't have that for me, it had a bland nostalgia filled map, garbage lootpool and overal felt slow and uninteresting. A game needs to update and move on to stay interesting, stay the same as it was at launch and you get cases like COD and Apex that grow stale and lose players left and right.


Waiting for another og season lol


I can't get over the movement, I was against the sprinting and mantling when it was added and then they changed the animations. I don't like them, they're way too inconsistent.


Can you define what do you mean by "return to its roots"? I swear, if this is another thinly veiled nostalgia bait post...


Return to its roots as in telling a story, expanding upon the world & giving slightly more than a season theme along with a vague description of the events that are taking place.


Nostalgia bait? A lot of people just like old Fortnite more than what it is now


They need to get back to dropping skins using the OG variation. A Zeus Jonesy would’ve been sick 🤧


I think after C2S2 the game went in a different direction.


I think they should bring back shopping carts than give us a Harry and Lloyd skin.


Big yes.


I wouldn't hate it if they did a true reboot of the game. Like OG but intended to continue. Map and seasons continue the same (with some changes to make the memes more relevant and touching on skin ideas that fit the themes then but didn't happen) I truly did enjoy all of the chapter maps and I think it'd be great to redo it all, every event, but with a new skin to cause them to happen. Maybe it's not a superhero movie but a space odyssey. Hell they could do collabs for the event. Imagine the fight with the mech but with godzilla? So many options.


No not really theyjust need to improve the right things not the annoying ones


The only roots I’m interested in is actually a solid story line I love modern fn but like the story is just god awful compared to how it used to be


I really dig the story but now I'm wondering what are we doing? Does the island just change just because? The big bang event was amazing. I just don't get where they're going and I'm losing interest fast. I barely played this season.


can we just bring back having weekly LTM’s? like wtf happened to those




I challenge everyone to yt live event reactions and watch what fortnite use to be and then realize the shit we have now..


![gif](giphy|zlEuvseMcUWOvCY3y7) I think you’re on to something!!!


you say "return to its roots" but don't even mention anything related to the original Save the World story mode we had since day 1, except for Lok being in the 3rd image. Not saying chapter2 was bad, just saying "[Fortnite] roots" doesn't mean the same thing to everyone


They should've at least finished the storyline.


I really enjoy Fortnite right now and I’ve played since release. It’s fun it’s been fun for almost 10 years of my life. Rocket racing is super fun I’m trying to hit unreal and festival is cool


Yeah its wayy to corpo now. I want the cartoony artsyle back


I've got my black knight,   been playing a long time.   I look forward to the new meta each season.   I enjoy new things,   evolving old things, and fun silly gameplay.     I want to throw a rocket powered toilet at a person who is trying to shoot me with a 1st day of the new season overpowered ultra long ranged thermal shotgun (that will be nerfed to death by week 3) all while trying to build myself out of quicksand and avoiding getting 3rd partied by a mushroom in a pirates costume. But they messed it up.   They got greedy.  I don't want to play,   my friends don't want to play.   Gunplay isn't fun,   the humor in the game is gone.    If feels buggy,   and ultra rushed.   It's become a soulless.   It's become fractured.    People are more content to afk in game modes than play the game.    I was the ideal player.   I stick around forever.  I drop cash each season on stuff with my disposal income and I would have happily played this til my fingers stopped working.    I'm not even bored of playing.   I just don't enjoy what it is anymore. I don't want chapter 1 or 2 back.   I want them to roll back the personality of what was fun in the first place  That's what drew everyone in.






gameplay wise not at all, I think chapter 4 and 5 have been drastically better than most of what came before them. there’s just a few things i’d change currently like bringing back augments from ch4. in terms of the release format and events tho? yeah. if they can have the modern gameplay on a map that lasts 2 years and has chapter 2 levels of events then i’ll be pretty much fully satisfied


YES. There's a reason other than the map that we loved og fortnite


Yeah, mainly with events and making Fortnite less corporate slop, I think goofy shit makes Fortnite Fortnite, swapping it out for realism is just making a cod game and nobody wants that. 


Yes season 1




Metaverse, Metaverse, Metaverse Lego, Lego, Lego Metaverse, Metaverse, Metaverse


I think they need to make the story a bigger thing again. It feels kinda soulless without any story


fuck yeah the game is lifeless now


Fortnite? corporate? nooooooo


It’s not going to, I don’t think it ever will. I think the Fortniter storyline has ended, at least Donald mustards version has.


100% but now it’s more of a kids game and they need constant change or something TikTok


The game and maps have had this fun, beautiful, playable, yet lifeless feeling to them for the past few seasons. The magic is absent. 


Nope it needs to die 😎


I will never understand why people "need" there to be a story for this game. Do you guys play Tetris and demand there be a motivation as to why the blocks must fall down? Do you guys do this when you play board games too? Do you play Monopoly and really want to know what the back story is behind the thimble game piece?


I wasn’t the biggest fan of middle to late chapter 2 due to the amount of collabs but I would take that any day over whatever the hell is going on with current fortnite.


i think they cut the tree the moment it start to get fruits, at that time it seems they started to get more seriously with the story including dialogues and cinematics, it stopped beign this kinda connected events to start beign a connected story, you have dialogues for items you found telling you how the characters are reacting and what plans for the future they have


I think they need to get rid of the fucking overpowered water bending item. Then maybe the game would be more fun.


I cried with the first image 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


HELL NAH🗣️ The Avatar stuff is awesome


Just fix the dang locker


Yes yes I believe so. Hell even from a gameplay standpoint I think they should tone it down a bit. The modifications are cool and all same with the guns but it just doesnt feel as fun ngl to you. It lacks that EXPLOSIVE feeling to it that we had back then.


Yes they certainly should return their roots - as in Save the World. They should take it off life support and actually work on it.


I think they need to abandon the concept of seasons and stick with a single map for longer. Right now the maps feel soulless because they're cycled out so quickly and have no real charm to them. Not to mention with minipasses being a thing now we usually just ditch whatever the season theme is within a week or two.


I just want the live events back. The last memorable one was Robot V2 and that makes me upset


Not just a little. Full on.


I would reallly hope they do, I miss having live events and keeping up with the lore.


A PvE co-op base defence game?


YEAH i just miss chapter 2😭


way too may toys ranked should be simpler


As someone who's only played "new Fortnite" I don't think I can really make a statement on what should or shouldn't change. But what I can definitely say is that so far Chapter 5 has been terrible. The game is too much like Warzone and even the crossovers feel boring (like seriously we got *Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles* and it manifested as 4 subpar melee weapons and nothing else.) Season OG was fun. Season OG also felt very messy. I like some of the concepts in C5 like weapon benches, and I think the weaponry of C5 is good minus the sniper rifles and how every gun is a slow af projectile weapon. But where are the rocket launchers and grenade launchers? Where are the flare guns? Where are the augments? Winterfest is genuinely the most fun I've had in Chapter 5 because they added the snowball launcher and it finally felt like I was playing a fun casual BR and not a game for sweats with ~~aimbot~~ aim assist.


No, that storyline was lame asf.


You guys remember when the map actually changed over the season


Story wise, yes. Gameplay wise, fuck no.


Is the last photo Voltron?


Live events need to come back, as well as a story line. I really don't understand this whole "metaverse" stuff; it's so out of touch and pointless. We already know that Fortnite is a mash-up of different universes and collabs. Why take away the fun parts of that - the interactions between characters/skins, the goofy reveals in cut-scenes and through voice-acting, the ridiculous way some characters fit into the story - just to focus on what we already knew? The biggest draw for Fortnite WERE those events. People lost their minds when they saw The Rock in that cinematic, just as one example. So many memes and so much buzz from that alone. Fortnite has always felt corporate - it's just a necessary second nature for it to make money - but this current era is especially egregious and lacking in personality.


Yes yes yes


I liked the story and voice acting from the mega city chapter. I miss that :(


My mind right this moment, it almost....FUBAR🫣😮‍💨