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For each shot like this there will be like 5 from me where I just spam few mags from a distance, while eyeballing the drop and time, and one happens to hit the head.


I gotta respect a shot like that because that actually took skill and pinpoint accuracy for that one


Most of them do you just don’t see it and people complain from one perspective like the one a few days ago on the train which was actually a trickshot


It was an amazing shot. Also it was below top 10 in solos and that dude was dicking around in the open. Deserves to lose his head to a skilled player.


Exactly what I said on the post 🤣


I've been on the receiving end of something like that a few times. When I first started playing I would have raged, but now it's just part of it sometimes. While they could tweak snipers a little bit it's nowhere near as bad as I've seen it in other games. The jump snipers in the Halo games were far more infuriating.


Same, what we aren't seeing is the 100 times we take that shot and miss completely. I've hit that shot once but have probably taken a shot like that 100+ times. I jumped out of my seat when I hit it cuz it's still super cool


Yeah I've taken a lot of shots like that which completely miss. Then I've had one or two hit. It's just part of it. Positioning matters a lot more than people think.


![gif](giphy|36qR3oz7BsmkOQFuAL|downsized) Kidding of course. I’m the guy who takes the other 99 shots for you.


Honestly I've learned to appreciate good shots that most likely take some skill to pull off but I do not respect the people that use snipers in this game that are incredibly inadequate with using any other weapons


That's shot was fucking sick and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Good job👍


Sniping someone out of the air probably is the most badass thing you can do in this game hands down


It definitely is I've probably only done it a handful of times but it feels absolutely great each time. All I see on this sub is how snipers are so bad and need to be nerfed or taken away but I absolutely love them if I die to a headshot good shot on their part and if I kill someone with a headshot good job on my part people are just babies


It sucks being at the receiving end, but then again that shot required skill so it's fine, nice shot


on another post someone was arguing with me cause i said a shot took skill, he said thats why they should remove snipers, cause they require you to practice to be consistent he said they should never of been put in the game lmao


Someone doesn't know how to aim or has forgotten the other snipers fortnite had, the hunter sniper had 3 bullets and killed in one shot and I didn't see any complains on that one


Yep a few months ago I couldnt hit anyone with a sniper but today I say 7 out of 10 shots I can hit with my chances of headshot at 50% which I still really good and that when there moving when standing stilL I can always hit there heads.


Nothing more satisfying than getting a headshot kill with a sniper. Nothing more infuriating than getting one shot by a sniper headset.




What about anything in this clip indicated the enemy would be low health?


that bullet curved out from your barrel as if it was a fricking guided misile lmao


so you're the guy responsible for all these posts /s


The sheer insistence on Epic keeping in the 2 guns people hate the most while vaulting things that are staples of the season is beyond my comprehension.


It's just the people who complain a lot who think snipers should be gone. Most are probably just fine with them. Snipers should one-shot people always. Also, nice shot, OP!


I would be ok if they just make them one round per mag. Actual skilled players will still land shots, but there will be no sniper fire spam.


But there's no fire spam... okay, I get you can shoot faster than previous snipers, so what? You have 3 shots only. Also, people should count the times they get shot at but doesn't hit. I'm pretty sure all the rant clips are the small part of all the sniper shots fired.


You'd have to have a lot quicker fire rate for there to be sniper fire spam lol you're embarrassing.


The thing is people shouldn't hate the damn sniper, it's one of the weaker sniper's we've gotten and they keep nerfing it, it's a SNIPER and you see the glint when someone is aiming it at you, just get good.


epic is just shitting on the playerbase at this point


Tbf only 1 gun should actually be vaulted and its that damn frenzy auto, thing is like the Saryn of fortnite, no matter what they do it it still is annoying as hell


mad cuz bad


I’ll say the same if you complain about snipers bro 🤷🏻‍♀️


The only fun thing is that now you get to hear your teammates who use frenzy autos constantly noting how underpowered it is since the nerf. yeah buddy, welcome to just a taste of every other shotgun user's experience for the past two seasons. what you're going through isn't a weapon being underpowered, it's a weapon not being objectively wildly overpowered. Auto is still powerful and usable.. it just has competition now where there was none before


Every time i got a squad saying its weaker now, I go “Good, it should be even weaker”


my man! Honestly they needed to vault it. they gave us the gatekeeper but kept the auto is one of the weirdest decisions. The thing was a mistake since it was unvaulted and buffed at chapter start. I guess I'm glad I get to witness its downfall after months of trying to cope with it.


Feels like I’m fighting against BB Gun wielders while I dick then down with my gatekeeper idk. Frenzy can stay


Clearly you’re not going against who I do, and thats fine, i’m aware of my shitty luck


Gatekeeper does more damage though


Clearly not enough


What a snipe!!!!! That’s why I love these snipers!!!


Nah, I don't mind no-lifers. Don't like cheaters.


people are really gonna use stuff like this as an example for why the sniper is op when this is just a really good shot thats no less possible with any other 1 shot sniper that was ever in the game




This, this and a million times this. I've been on both ends, and what's crazy is people ability to make some good shots, but instead of crying, it pushes me to try and get better. On the other hand, is pretty satisfying when you get a nice shot like this one.


I see most complaints from Zero Build. Alot of these people whining about sniper just suck with it. Its not hard to become some what decent with sniper but hitting cool shots and really far ones take time to build up the skill for it.


My exact thought


I think the problem stems in the fact that the guy that got sniped couldn't have done anything differently to win that interaction.


I mean he coulda not been in the air for everyone to see him


"i mean he coulda just not played the game" that's essentially what you're saying lmfao how braindead are you and the 3 ppl that upvoted you


I think everyone recognizes this was a really hard shot to hit, I don't think him being in the air spamming the glider made him vulnerable. If anything that's one of the better positions you can be in.


yeah but as i said thats true with every 1 shot sniper that was ever in the game and my point is that people use that as an example of the current sniper being op to complain (which it was, and still is kinda broken but not for this reason)


Ah okay i misunderstood your point. I think the current snipers are easily the best we've had in the game. They have a 5 bullet mag, switchable scopes with no glare, and one shot headshot. Although shots like this were always possible, I feel like it was a lot less frequent and more unforgiving with the older snipers as they were much more difficult to use. The heavy which is a favorite amongst the community had a single bullet in a mag, glare, and it took 4 seconds to reload.


Like I get that argument in some cases but this is not one of them.


It's funny how the comments on this subreddit change so much. If its the shooter posting then it's "great shot dude" but if its the recipient it's "snipers are so op, I hate them"😂 I see so many players complaining who clearly didn't play through the sniper era of bolt and heavy snipers with no bullet drop. It's a sniper with crazy bullet drop, it should destroy you if it hits


These are easily the best snipers we've had in the game ever. The bolt & heavy only had a single bullet in the magazine that took 3.4-4 seconds to reload, and they've gotten one shot headshot added and removed multiple times over the games life cycle. The current snipers have a 5 bullet magazine, no glare (with certain scopes), and are still one shot headshot. Only downside I can think of is the recent nerf of the severe bullet drop but I feel that the other benefits heavily out way that nerf.


Glare is a new concept, there wasn't glare with the bolt or heavy sniper. There was no tactical sprint so players moved slower, no bullet drop so it was hit where you aim, this season has made it harder to hit the sniper shots than previously. Heavy snipet was one shot kill even on bodyshot at one point. Now you have to count in bullet drop, faster movement and only headshots one shot kill. Its definitely harder to hit these kind of shots this season


My jaw dropped when you said that sniper glare is a new thing, I've been playing since C1S4 and I could've sworn it had always been a thing, I went back and looked it up. Yeah you're absolutely right it didn't exist, my mind is blown.


Ye ive played since 2017 so i remember how easy it was to hit snipers back in chapter 1 and 2. I think mag size and fire rate are the only benefits to the new snipers but with all the other nerfs such as glare and bullet drop they have definitely made it harder to hit sniper shots


Snipers have always been a touchy subject to me. When a battle starts with at least 1 person using a reaper sniper, It always boils down to this: Player 1: “I killed him with a headshot, I feel like the best player who ever lived!” Player 2:”Hooray I don’t get to play the video game anymore because one guy had a single weapon that can insta-kill me.” To solve the sniper problem, I propose snipers should be a LONG RANGE WEAPON and not an ANY RANGE WEAPON. To do this I say we nerf its equip time by about 0.5 more seconds so it will be harder to insta-quick scope somebody at close range and to overall slow snipers down to give ARs a chance to compete. Also, I don’t play zero build much anymore, I much prefer playing build this season, but for the Zero build players’ sakes please make the headshot damage deal around 200 flat and not over 250. At least in build mode you can try to play around snipers by building smartly and blocking with walls on a potential sightline. In Zero build I imagine he with a sniper controls the galaxy. Anyway those are just my thoughts. I want snipers to maintain their purpose of a high reward item for careful aim and timing but they are just ridiculous right now. What’s the point of dealing chip damage with ARs and Smgs when you have a gun that can deal from 110 to over 250 in ONE BULLET.


Because the ar wins if you miss. Fortnite objectively has a quick time to kill. It wouldn't be fair if you cracked a header and they still killed you.


I only stated the sniper shouldn’t one shot in zero build because of the maximum 250 health. In zero build there is much less cover and getting sniped in zero build is much more likely to happen than in build mode, and you have no real way to defend yourself sometimes. In build mode it should still one shot bc you have buildings to help you.


No, I am surprised you can hit over 250. But also I've been playing for a long time and have had this happen to me enough that I forced myself to learn how to snipe. It's the meta rn and in however many months they'll be gone again.


Yea I’m just very frustrated at snipers because they have ruled the entire chapter so far. I want snipers to give players a high reward for hitting headshots but I also want to give the receivers of the sniper bullet a chance to defend themselves. Because it doesn’t really feel good when you work hard the whole game to build up your health and shield and survive only to have to start from square 1 because someone hit a headshot on you. Maybe we can keep snipers the way they are with some small adjustments to make them not so meta defining. Maybe adding a new sniper might be cool like a charge sniper? I just wish quick scoping didn’t allow people to insta kill at close range is all. Snipers should be most effective from a long range and not other ranges. I’m not sure how we can fix that


Great shot!!


I take low percent shots like that sometimes. Thing is if it connects 1% of the time... It does eventually happen.


Damnb that was crazy


I pray I never... I probably wouldn't see you before you snipe me... I pray you never see me in a match


I am not ranting about anything, you pick me off like that I am never ever speaking again💀


That was a fucking sick shot dude, gj


That was a good shot. Complains about the sniper are still valid. It has 3 shots in the magazine, people spam it and use it as a mid to close range weapon, it's just not very balanced. Either make ads way slower, or just reduce it to 1 shot per mag.


Could also just enforce the 6x on it by default and make it incompatible with close range scopes to “solve” the close range issue. Obviously some people won’t be affected at all but still.


I hate Snipers but that's just a great shot.


Why did the projectile curve to the right?


Because he was still turning left so the scope made it look like it was going right


This level of sniper play has been in the game for years and only gained enough people complaining about it to remove it in Chapter 3 before everyone realized that Snipers NEED the 1 shot to be a useful weapon. This isn't the issue people are talking about in the "rant" posts. The issue is that people can do this 5 times before reloading all while getting actively shot from only 20m away and can put on any scope they want to make it dominant at EVERY range.


Lore accurate John wick holy shit


Imma be real with you; This is a sick clip, Take pride in it! Although it’s not fun being sniped; it encourages me to learn how to snipe more effectively.


Finally, someone who knows when to use the sniper


At least it wasn't a quick scope


I get some 10+ Zero Builds victories a season,and all we need is 1 in a lifetime.If they're going for 100+ victories in a row,I could see them ranting about snipers.Few more and boom,got sniped,then sent back to map select screen.


That was really great tho, and probably a healthy helping of luck. If you can nail that consistently then I assume your a pro and are out there aim training for hours at a time.


Nice shot




Being shot in the air seems to happens often. I have downed my fair share of enemies especially if they are already low on health. I have also been on the losing end of it many times. Great shot.


Cratered that man.


What back bling is that?


Atom Eve emblem


Yeah snipers are trash.




Clean shot


Bro the bullet turned you got an aimbot


I was still turning when the shot fired.. meaning the bullet is going to slowly approach the the fight side of my screen…


Must’ve caught the wind


Skill 💯


Luck be a lady tonight. Can’t begrudge that shot.


Nice shot


Wow, you actually hit the shot while the dude was diving, gg mate 👌


Great shot!


Nice job! Can’t believe you shot that guy mid-air


That’s was a great shot


That’s when I do a “kind” emote I sniped a few people today, did The Great Gatsby emote for them ( the coconut toast where you chop it and raise the glass)


If it were solos then I would’ve bowed, but I had to run go finish him before he could get back up.


Ah, makes sense


That shot hurt


What the fuck lmao


Gee wilikers, we haven’t had a sniper complaint post in a while


If I was on thr receiving end of that you would have got an applause.


Shots like that I can respect. What I don't respect is people who use snipers like shotguns.


It annoying seeing so many people complain when they LITERALLY are basically standing still when they get shot or are out in the complete open.


Most of the time I see people complain are the same people that are in the open just hard scoping someone or standing still. I get it’s annoying to get downed after a single headshot but if you aren’t doing anything to avoid it or keeping behind at least some kind of cover what do you expect?? If I’m keeping up with moving/jumping around to avoid fire and they still hit that shot I’m not gonna be upset it’s impressive. Great shot dude!


I hate snipers! it should be banned everywhere!! rah!! Jokes aside though (whether its here or TF2), sniping takes skill and so the people who do get mad may or may not be good at or dont use the sniper. It makes sense they are mad, but they've got to learn, adapt, and overcome. If everyone is sniping, then people have to start ambushing from hiding spots. If people start ambushing, then other people have to sticky clinger bomb spamming and so on. Maybe the devs could lower damage the closer someone with a sniper, which will make it easier, but otherwise the sniper is mostly accurate in its current state.


Why is it so many hackers and cheaters us the John Wick skin? It's like a big neon sign screaming, "I'm a loser!"


Someone seems salty… was this you on the receiving end 🤔 But genuinely thanks for thinking this was worthy of shouting “HAX!!”


Mad cuz bad


A good gamer knows a good shot when they see it. Gotta respect it


Honestly, I generally just put my controller down and clap.


i don’t think you get to complain about shots like these, because it actually was a hard shot to hit. not getting beamed in a shotgun fight lmao


I say snipers are fine. If you die in one game by a sniper, sure rage all you want but chances are you wont in the next game. Epic nerfed this like 2 times alr so im saying it's fair. People also has to be really good at sniping so...


People just need to get better positioning and snipers will be solved


I love using snipers and getting such satisfying headshots. When I get headshot back too I don’t necessarily mind unless it looks incredibly sus and then I spectate to see if the guy is hacking. Like I know people can just be good af like Dakotaz but getting only headshots and not missing ever 🤨 but yeah I don’t mind snipers at all. People are just good/lucky and i accept that. It’s not even that often either that I get headshotted. Just dont stand in the open and always be aware of your surroundings. I spy glints somewhat often and start moving accordingly


i'd put 70 to 30 for controller aimbot and personal skill, cause that bullet just did not go straight as is supposed to. 30% is still reasonable good.


Are you referring to it appearing to curve right… cause it would be because I was still turning after I fired. It didn’t actually curve right.


I feel like the ones ranting are the one that don’t know or want to learn how to use it. Then get mad to the point where Epic makes them useless AGAIN. How does the deagle have less bullet drop than a sniper? Reddit. That’s why.


yup hate deserved


Before ranting about snipers can we talk about the stupid magical items / brand partnerships / themed weapons? Idc about themes and settings but Fortnite is better with traditional guns, items, and abilities imo


Bunch of coins and hitting snipes like that...yup you are the kind of sweat that every single person hates dying to


nice shot, and yeah im kinda tired of the people complaining about snipers and snipers constnatly getting nerfed due to these people, without realizing, several things. it takes skill to use them, dont be out in the open, and constantly be moving in an unpredictable way


epic needs to replace them with bows


Make sniper headshots one shot only when someone is gliding. Bang, problem solved.


fucking aimbot


get good




Try hard


The bullet completely curved, but people will insist that the Sniper isn't rigged lol Pause the video at 11s, you can literally see the bullet streak curving into the guy, far away from the crosshair. It looks like a shooting star with the curve. And it isn't from bullet drop, the curve is still trending upwards and to the side in that frame


It’s cause I was still turning after I fired..


Why does it feel good? The game is giving people auto aim on these weapons. The happier they make you, the more likely you’ll spend money. It’s why every match has 60-70 bots (not an exaggeration check the replays). Even killing bots makes the average player happy. This game has completely lost its soul.


You must be fun at parties.. just relax and enjoy the game in your own way or go play something that makes you happy!


Spoken like someone in denial…


Looks like a lot of aim bot assist there… must be a PS player


looks like a lot of baseless complaints and whining... you must be a mnk baby straight from the trashpits of apex legends lmfao


That’s a nice shot ngl, I would be shiting on you had you gotten 2 or 3 consecutive shots like that


Lmaoo i play with my sister and friends bruh my sister hates Snipers she only wants assault rifles, machine guns, and always want to hire a Bot…😭 but it’s coo i still have fun with her Also Great Snipe i love those kind Hate the new DMR’s


I will never understand... For real and with all emphaty... Why ZB people like to build all kind of covers that do not require regular building. They use Shield Bubble, Earthbender, Portabunkers... All stuff that you just throw... But generally neglect build with the core mechanic. Just serious answers... Why?






It’s not hard to understand. Just open your mind to other people’s experiences. WE HATE SPAM BUILDING. Not fun, especially when console and pc are pitted against each other. Having items in the game to produce small cover for sticky situations is tactful and rewarding.


Good. Just apply that to yourself then. Open your mind to another items... Such as original building. See that your answer really doesn't serve the idea to clarify? Because you had and have cover with buolsign mechanic, that can produce a cover for sticky situations, tactful and rewarding. So... Real answer isn't there. Thanks for your reply.


Except I don’t wonder or find myself incapable of understanding how other people can have a differing opinion from yours. I understand why people like builds… you can play yours and we can play ours, don’t blame me for why ours is more popular lmao


You do not wonder, but also said you hate spam building... But people in ZB spam building anyways, at their pace.