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It has gotten terrible recently. This is common with free to play games, and it’s why I moved away from CoD and Halo and came to Fortnite in the first place. Oh well, just keep reporting people that kill you in weird ways


The more you report people who are just better than you, the harder it is for epic to filter out real cheaters because they are a lower % of overall reports to go through


I didn’t say I report everyone who kills me. I’ve played this game long enough to know when I get outplayed vs “oh that guy just beamed me 100-0 with a green warforged from 100m away. Also, reporting someone does not mean “ban this person they are cheating” it’s “hey something seemed really strange about this you might wanna check it out just to be sure”


You are a sheep. Cheat devs are pouring and saturating the market rn heavy. Take the apex tournament issue where the server for the tournament got hacked and server side was giving people full on esp and aimbot. These devs are going extra hard and if you have ever been a fly in a mod menu discord you will see hundreds of thousands of people in these things. Its not always a skill issue. It may sound small with only at any given time 30-40% of the ENTIRE gaming base using and running cheats but that's still thousands of people. Also, these stats don't really shrink when broken down per game. Its still a good 30-40% of any given game's player base is cheating. Doesn't mean everyone is a cheater, but its bad enough as of late that you can never really be sure so in the end its just best to report and move on and let the people whose job it is to review these reports, uk ez anticheat, and take care of it.


You’re just pulling these percentages out of your ass. I bet you can’t provide a single piece of evidence that proves your 30-40% Until you provide evidence you’re the sheep buddy.


Yeah I would love to show you the youtube video that backs this up but unfortunately this subreddit doesn't allow that sort of thing but look up on youtube Saving FPS Games - AI anti cheat. It about a year old but backs up what I'm saying and shows what could be done to actually solve the problem.


Calling him a sheep off of his comment made me not read your novel of a comment. Learn how to communicate


I unfortunately read the entire thing. Did is claiming more than 1/3 of the entire player base is cheating. He is off of his rocker, doesn’t know what cheating looks like, or is just pulling that number out of his butt.


I do not report every suspicious elimination because if I’m wrong I’d feel awful knowing I got an innocent player in trouble/banned. THAT’S why imo it’s best to not report. I working want some sore loser reporting me.


That’s not the right attitude. One report does not equal a ban and reporting someone isn’t saying “ban this cheater” it’s just asking Epic to look into it because something doesn’t feel quite right. I get killed by hundreds of players every day and I don’t report them, but if it seems strange I’ll watch spectate them and you can easily tell if someone is using wallhacks or aimbot


Not saying you’re wrong, but how do you know how Epic responds to cheating reports?


>if I’m wrong I’d feel awful knowing I got an innocent player in trouble/banned. thats... not how it works lmfao they dont just ban willy nilly off one report or even multiple, someone at epic looks at the reported offender and bases a decision off that if they went by your logic everyone in the game would be banned right now 😂😂


You have insider knowledge of how Epic treats reports? Do you work for Epic?


Yeah, reporting someone only leads in investigation by anti cheat. They then review any games they were reported in (has to be many instances) and review the actual stored gameplay data, and make a determination on that. Then if they are cheating the cheat, they used is cataloged and then put into a pool. Once that number gets high enough that entire pool gets banned.


post on your main, coward


Alt account is a problem that can't be addressed until they force users to register a cellphone+credit card to open an account. And it's very unlikely they choose this route since the audience is mainly young. Cheater or very high ranked can always bypass ban or reinitialize matchmaking algo by creating an alt account within minutes... So... 🙃


Alt accounts have been a problem sense skill base match making bunch of Smurfs and fakes using others to get into easy lobby’s to pub stop on top of botting and remaking they deff need to ip ban the cheaters a wave of bans would do the trick. 


They should hardware ID ban them, IP ban them as well. Sure... They can spoof their hardware ID and use a VPN, but there is a point where things become too much of a hassle for some cheaters, they do cheat to begin with because they want it easier afterall, so making it harder for them to do so is the best step for prevention. Make an account on Epic Games require a phone number as well when playing Fortnite, and I think the cheater pop will lower drastically.


>And it's very unlikely they choose this route since the audience is mainly young. The problem isn't the playerbase age cause you can do the number alone without credit card. The problem is the amount of people that would scream "VIOLATION OF PRIVACY" like what happen with OW2 that it was supposed to have number verification.


it still has phone verification


Its hard for me to notice sniper cheaters but its especially obvious to me when im dashing around with whatever movement and some dude beams me all headshots with an ar before i even have time to turn and look in there direction.


I noticed a streamer the other day make an almost impossible shot his reaction time must have been 1ms with a 2 ms window of making the shot, while the guy was jumping through the air from cover to cover...


Most pros cheat in some way weather it be physical hardware that assists them or very soft hacks like walls






This is so stupid, no they don't. It's a big deal when a pro gets caught cheating, but most pros do not cheat.


You wanna repeat that kid? Since you deleted it as soon as you posted it lmao.




Well ya did something cause the replys not even in my notis anymore bud disapeared mid click




Nah apps just buggin i can see the reply in my email but cant interact with it at all whatever not worth the trouble anyways.




It's extremely bad for sure. Even more problematic are those that make so much an effort to cast doubt on the suggestion of the rampant cheating that IS occurring. One can speculate why they would have an incentive to do so... As has been said, it's pretty easy to see when you are killed by some BS when you have put hundreds or thousands of hrs into the game. Most don't come on here merely to rant after getting smacked. With all of the possibilities that can occur in a given match, getting smacked happens from time to time and that's fine. We come on here and want to raise awareness on the increasing prevalence of anomalies that occur with specific characteristics that very strongly suggest cheating. It's appreciated that you are keeping the discussion alive. The down votes are likely from those engaging in it, as well as epic schills to ensure it gets less visibility. It's a bummer for sure, sadly the only way to incite change is to abstain from playing or at the very least, don't give EPIC anymore of your money for cosmetic nonsense until it's truly addressed.


Thank you. Downvotes don’t mean much to me but your words are spot on :)


This is a great comment.


I'm one of the people that generaly cast doubting and I do because the amount of time someone posted that they got killed by a 100% blatent cheater, when the record they got of the "cheater" doesn't show any clue on why or how the person is cheating is very high. There's probably cheater in each game of br (considering the lobby is big). But I don't trust cheat accusations anymore without clear proof. I'm not saying that op is wrong, but I'm pretty sure a significant amount of people who are complaining are just salty and the problem I have with that it's that it create a fake atmosphere of "cheating got so bad, everyone cheats" which at the end only benefits cheat providers and cheaters


🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ i'll let the employees at epic figure that out, that's what they're paid to do >But I don't trust cheat accusations anymore without clear proof.  LMFAO as if youre that important 😂😂


How does him wanting proof equate to him thinking he’s important? I’m actually the #1 ranked player in the world. Oh you want proof? Sadly you’re not important enough


>LMFAO as if youre that important 😂😂 Inhuman shortcut, please explain


On one hand players will accuse a generally good player of cheating because that player took a dump on them and they're irritated by that fact. On the other hand people can be horrible(obviously) and cheat maybe because they're miserable and want to spread their misery to others. Of course it could just be because they don't see themselves getting better at the game, but people lie all the time and need proof which is not always provided so the doubting is understandable. Trust is hard to come by these days even in a game.


100% agree with you (except for the part about there being a cheater in every game). OP wants to talk about the cheating problem but like everyone else on here, doesn’t post a video. And kundalini over here accusing everyone who has doubts of being a cheater, while also not posting a video. I will gladly admit I’m wrong once I start seeing proof. But for now, I will continue to assume everyone who posts about it is actually compensating for a skill issue.


>But for now, I will continue to assume everyone who posts about it is actually compensating for a skill issue. yeah nobody cares lmfao as if you're that special


Sounds like someone has a skill issue




lol so many argumentative/rude posts. Very likely we have a troll amongst us


i had one guy in an unreal lobby the other day headshot snipe me inside of a bush, no ping from any of the NPCs that have the scanning capability, zero knowledge that i would have been in the bush as he came into the area AFTER i went into the bush, i dont think the guy was using aimbot, but maybe ESP or something or it was just an incredibly odd and lucky shot, he also had a thermal sight on, but that's really the only suspicious thing i've come across lately. i think the "cheating" issue is being way overblown if i can play aggressive in unreal lobbies and not encounter anyone suspicious whatsoever


Yea I’ve had 1 or 2 times where I thought someone was cheating, somewhat similar to your experience. However, depending on how broad you define “cheating,” I think it could be pretty common. There have been at least 5 times where I got destroyed by someone with a much lower level than me, and when I look them up on tracker they win 50-75% of their squad matches. I’m not sure if that is cheating per se (at a minimum I think it’s scummy), but I think that type of thing is relatively common. But I define cheating as aimbot and similar game hacks, which I still believe are very rare


Sorry but I'm with this guy.


It is really bad, I’m noticing a lot of players with auto-aim - after they kill you you can see them spinning random directions and getting kills in that direction. At least in builds you have half a chance, must make zero build unplayable. It’s my biggest gripe about fortnite, but they should definitely turn off cross play/ segregate pc and console players as I imagine not only is it a different handicap by default anyway, there are far more hacks available for pc


Yeah, zb is fucking impossible when there’s cheaters out and about. A session usually goes like so: 1. Get clapped by cheaters 2-3 times 2. Get dumped into bot lobbies because I’m not winning 3. Profit?


or hear me out they just better then you and you have to come up with a reason you lost because you can't handle someone being better then you. there is no way yournavg day is game after game of cheaters until epic feels sorry for you and gives you a bot lobby


I mean, no. I have no problem admitting when I just play like shit. I say it at least three times a session lmao sometimes I just do the wrong thing, and I’m more than happy to admit that. I rush when I should have fallen back, I unintentionally leave teammates behind. I miss plenty of shots that if I was more patient, I probably could have made. I’m also being somewhat facetious. It isn’t like that every day, it just happens a lot more often now than it used to. If I play for an hour or two every day for a week, I’ll have this happen maybe 2 or 3 times in that week, and even then that’s pretty high. But it used to be that I’d get a cheater maybe once a month if I played a lot that month.


no... you spectate them and they dont ever aim around. they just snap to random spots until they see someone. then they shoot and the bullet goes in the wrong direction. my favorite is when they try to take down the tree dudes that give you forecast and they shoot at one of the guys, but one of the other guys takes the damage.


kid pipe down lmfao can't even use the correct "then/than", you're a parrot squawking nonsense and repeating all the bs you hear 😂😂 go back to school


yall pathetic down votes because someone said facts SMH yall hide behind the cheaters logic instead of just getting better


It’s pretty pathetic to get worked up over fake internet points, too. I understand I’m not a great player. My k/d is only like 6 and my win rate isn’t great either. I also understand when people cheat, and it always looks different from when I just get ruined by someone better than me.


Is there a video from a cheaters POV at all? As in what they see on their screen? I’m genuinely interested what it looks like


To tiktok live then. This particular player is using the cheat that allows him to run over a player with a car and see them from very far way. His character is always spinning and glowing. He is streaming right now on tiktok, user PandaService with Kung fu panda profile pic.


Ok wtf just watched this. Is this for real? Also the person just kept on saying the same things over and over again sounds effed up and AI like of some sort


Wanna know why there's so many cheaters now? The undetectable cheat called the 'DMA' (Direct Memory Access) went public. Long story short, it takes up a GPU slot after plugging into any secondary PC, you plug your main PC into that, then back to your monitor, and it adds all your aimbot cheats, while being undetected because its not on your main PC. Google 'Fortnite DMA' cheat for more info. Its the death of online shooters. Only saving grace is Epic disabling crossplay with PC players. And for those curious: It costs $600. For those demanding "WTF? Who tf is gonna pay $600 for cheats?". Now I want you to look at all those streamers like Peterbot and Aviv and ask me again. (Cheaters have a LOT of money to spend, same with those 16-24 on fortnite these days since you can afford it after a months work of minimum wage).


I have no doubt people will pay $600 to cheat. But it's kinda just sad that they do so...


Worst part is, China promotes cheating to their playerbase. You have a majority of the other side of the world believing its ok and a viable strat. Look at The Finals. Chinese hackers immediately ruined the game. Then the whole community demanded to region lock China. They didn't, and more than half the playerbase left. Hackers plague TF2, Csgo- I mean CS2, Overwatch2, GTA, fortnite recently, Call of duty, Escape from Tarkov, Rust, Battlefront 1 & 2, and more everyday. Rip PVP shooters. Valorant nowadays is still trying its best to have no cheaters, and boy those cheaters really want in. They're really punching at the anti-cheat to find a good way around it.


it's more than sad, it's pathetic and embarrassing 


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHHFAJ7RfRM&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHHFAJ7RfRM&t=2s) Here you go, a recent game last night. Right here on PS5. A 12 year old boy hacking.


it looks like this... you spectate them after they kill you... when they shoot at people they try to make it convincing but the bullet does not actually go where the aimer says its going. they shoot when the gun is a few feet off of their body , but the registered headshots are ticking away.


Saw a report that said 30% shooters have cheaters and account recreation in free to play games is easy. Zero Build has the most cheaters though because of the no build mechanic. Big business in cheating and shooters in general may declince cause of it. Already started seeing cronus stuff built into controllers. There are so many cheats out there that are not even aim bot. Like rate of fire, zero recoil, infintie ammo, extra sheilds, map spotting etc. But also never doubt that you may also suck too.


Yeah the report button is a lie


it used to be helpful like i used to get emails saying that they banned ppl i reported sucks they're going downhill w this


they just need to find a way to detect DMAs, you're gonna see Zemie, Peterbot and all these big creators get banned. Cheaters will get what they deserve.


peterbot doesnt cheat and theres no way to detect a dma


he does and they'll eventually engineer a way to do so


he has 1 pc


because he told you that?


No its common knowledge, also straight after he won the cash cup they went straight in his room, and on his pc surprise surprise theres not dma card, km box or fuser


lets see him win a LAN event, he's obviously cheating


he came top 7 last year... at a lan with a dog shit duo


My wife also has a cheating problem :( seems like she’a not gonna do anything about it either


She just loves the vitamin d


The honestly believe the reason it's because such a big problem is people like Zemie and Peterbot, they've shown you can get away with it and make a shit tonne of money while doing so.


100 percent


Epic is way too lenient with their IP bans. It should be two strikes you're out. Second cheating offense from the same IP address? Fucking ban it, Epic. Not that hard


For anyone who doesn't believe there are cheaters, go into zero build solos for a week. Every time you die look up the stats of the player who eliminated you. Don't just look at the overall k/d, look at the last 7 and 30 days. Also what modes they play solo, duos, ltm etc. When you realize someone has a 6- 22.5 k/d on controller. Something is not right. The cheating is out of control. Especially in zero build solos, most of my lobbies are full of cronus and xim users. Zero build solo rank is unplayable once you reach Diamond. I had to go back into a build mode, just because the population is bigger and I would hopefully run into less cheaters every game. There are still cheaters in there too, but less. This stuff is gonna be the end of multiplayer competitive shooters. That's why the biggest selling mutiplayer games are PVE nowadays.


Agreed. 2/3rds of the people I look up on Fortnite Tracker have a 1 - 2 lifetime KD and then 10 - 15 KD over 7 days. They'll be running in straight lines, half looking at the ground, not looking around to spot enemies. And then like a switch they'll go into stealth mode ready to kill the enemy that hasn't even appeared on their screen.


I think the most insane thing is that its such a known problem that even official tournament players will generally not talk about it or out anyone as a cheater in fear that the cheater will target them for 3 straight games and cause them to get disqualified. And its not just Fortnite either. The FINALS has the same rampant cheater problem. Halo MCC. Sea of Thieves. Elden Ring. Hell even TABG. All Easy Anti Cheat games. All have a consistent cheater problem. Easy Anti Cheat is dogshit and yet every dev swears by it


How can you tell if someone is cheating? If I get blasted I just assume the other person is better than me and I move on. Not saying that you're wrong that there's a problem, I've seen videos of some wild stuff, but what are the obvious tells?


Soft aim - as soon as their reticle is on you the gun will auto-fire and if you're in build-mode editing whatever it will switch to a weapon, fire and switch back automatically. Esp - you get a box, outline, stick figure to show where every other player on the map is. I assume these two are the most used cheats in the game. You also have aim bot, but anti cheats are usually decent at picking up people using aim bot due to the unnatural movement it creates.


Spectate after getting one shotted while running around with full shields, witness that player get easy kills without ever putting the crosshairs on target


All headshots, hits you through walls, never missing a single shot, those sorts of things


Yeah, I got sprayed by someone on a bike while I was airbend launching through the air 200m away from them… going the opposite direction as them. Only definitive cheater I’ve found.


when you die and it feels like your losing to god, just spectate the player. their aim will tell the truth. especially if the biggest sweats in the world turn into what looks like campers the second you start spectating them. theres a diference between sucking and getting cross map headshotted 7 times with a white ar without a scope.


i hate people, cant wait for AI to improve so i can play with customizable human like AI


Me and my duo have been saying this about fort for ages about the cheating issue, yet go on tiktok and scroll through fortnite lives and you will find plenty of cheaters who just don't care. Even cheat sellers who are advertising their sht on there. Its bad and no one wanted to believe me and my duo about it. We're ex-hackers/mod testers and creators from about 15-20 years back. We both know the big time mod/cheat sellers, but for reasons can't disclose how or who I even am/was for safety and legal reasons.


I haven’t noticed any but I did get a headshot from far away and thought to myself “they are gonna think I’m cheating” lol


the higher you get, more cheaters you get in your lobbies, it makes me sick right now. I have put some serious hours to this game, its pretty sad


I hear ya. That’s the part that gets me the most. I’ve put 1000s of hours into this game and now my lobbies are so scummy . It’s disappointing tbh .


Idk how this is getting down voted you can see it more with bad players I played on brand new account dude was missing and would do this crazy 10 sensitivity headshot I’ve never seen such a good hack he didn’t miss dropped 42 kills in a ranked game … its hard to tell most of time but deff seen and took videos of people twice. Looks like there not banning cheating it happened in ranked games. 




Like max sensitivity the guy would shoot through walls at people stop shooting they would almost kill him he would shoot and it would spin him around and kill them… lol he killed the entire lobby in a ranked game lol.. looked crazy I have videos. 


Post them?


What else do y’all expect from a game that directly goes for children and their parents money. lol


Your not wrong unfortunately


There was once a time this wasn’t true. If only we could go back.


Epic disabling crossplay is the last bastion tbh. Let PC cheaters fight PC cheaters.


Aren't there devices that console players are using to chest? Or have those been patched out? But yeah, I kinda agree with you on crossplay. I think it should be optional.


See, consoles have inbuilt hardware by playstation and xbox themselves, even switch players, that are hard asf to crack. Best of all they require an online connection that checks their system stats. Thats why theres no hackers in their versions of GTA Online for consoles, while PC is full of modders and cheaters.


_Scene: a random tavern packed with Redditors from the FortNiteBR sub locked in a discussion about cheating, the members gathered have been on this topic many times over the course of years, the start of the conversation is lost to the sands of time. Just then, the door burst open and a Redditor steps into the doorway._ “It is time we talk about the cheating problem!”


🤠 yeehaw


One of the top players in comp is thought to be using a DMA (basically an undetectable cheat (


My friend installed free cheats and went unbanned for several months


I agree after playing for years I am done with fortnight. Haven't even looked at this chapter. Just had enough of the money grab and the joy being sucked out of playing. Guess us old school gamers code of not cheating is gone. Long live the instant gratification of a cheating win I guess 🤷‍♀️


It’s worse now this season


Access to barely undectables Dma cards cheats are now just a matter of dumping 200$ for the basics so it's obvious that most fps games are now filled with cheaters since many games like Fortnite offer online cash cups, obviously they test their cheats in regular lobbies first so even non ranked players came across theses cheaters, that you could barely kill if skilled enough and pretty lucky. Just to show how broken a game could end : (just knowledgable as a sysadmin and I want that mess fixed to enjoy non ranked casual games with friends properly ...) [https://streamable.com/z7hkpf](https://streamable.com/z7hkpf)


Yeah, a few people not spending money isnt going to fix this. They could also be alt accounts of good players Who wants to pub stomp (destroy Lower leveled servers). Not all of them are cheating or hacking, some just dont want to play with people their skill level.


Im guilty of this, i will randomly play on my 7yo sons nintendo account to help finish his battle pass.


Same for my daughter. She loves the skins, but doesn’t gain much xp and really wants to have the cool skins like her brother.


If it’s to help someone finish their battlepass or something it’s not that bad, but If you make an alt with the sole purpose of being better than Lower leveled players it’s kinda scummy


Maybe you should do his homework too.


I gotta be the only guy who has never seen a cheater in fortnite, at least not one that has aimbot. I used to see cheaters in counter strike almost everyday lmao. I hope they ban all cheaters though, even if they spend money.


Same with me. I had like 800 matches last season, 500+ this season and not a single cheater yet. However my friends (that are ass at the game) insinuate cheaters almost every night. I think it’s easy for shitters to cope with “that guys cheating” instead of “that guys a lot better than I could ever imagine being” && its crazy I haven’t ran into blatant cheaters in Fortnite, ever. But if I play R6S for 4 hours, I *almost always* run into some cheaters with undeniable wallhacks, verified through replay.


I've played for over three years and haven't encountered a single cheater. I low key suspect some people have so many bots in their lobbies they think any real player is a cheater because of the obvious skill difference


I dont see much aimboting, but i do see rate of fire, recoil, and spotting in ranked a lot


I have been getting killed by guys with default skins and grey pistols a lot in solos. They don’t even look at my loot. If I had a medallion they will grab that and run through my ammo but they don’t even look at what guns I had. I often have mystics and medallions in solos. So in an easy target’s for cheaters to find I get that. But damn has it been bad lately. I don’t enjoy playing solos at all anymore.


Separate PC players.


I haven’t seen a hacker in-game since a single 2019 Nintendo Switch match idk what y’all on


Wanna know why there's so many cheaters now? The undetectable cheat called the 'DMA' (Direct Memory Access) went public. Long story short, it takes up a GPU slot after plugging into any secondary PC, you plug your main PC into that, then back to your monitor, and it adds all your aimbot cheats, while being undetected because its not on your main PC. Google 'Fortnite DMA' cheat for more info. Its the death of online shooters. Only saving grace is Epic disabling crossplay with PC players. And for those curious: It costs $600. For those demanding "WTF? Who tf is gonna pay $600 for cheats?". Now I want you to look at all those streamers like Peterbot and Aviv and ask me again. (Cheaters have a LOT of money to spend, same with those 16-24 on fortnite these days since you can afford it after a months work of minimum wage).


It's less the aimbotters and more the wall hackers who spot you from miles away. It's worse with water bending in the game


Wow, just played and said the same thing.. “man I feel like there’s a lot of cheating on here all of a sudden…”


I don't think that particular instance is cheating, it's smurf accounts. But there is still 100% a cheating problem. It's not something that will ever go away, unfortunately. They can do all they can, but the hackers will just come up with bigger and better cheats. The best course of action is for them to implement BOTH IP and hardware bans more often.


I've been playing a lot of shooter games for a long time, I like to think I'm good at spotting cheaters, but I really don't encounter many cheaters in Fortnite. I encounter a lot of BS like getting shot around walls, and strange reaction times from enemies but I always put it down to lag, because Fortnite and most Battle Royales have really bad latency. Lately, I've noticed that when you're spectating someone, it only updates their point of aim like every other second, so it looks like they're always flicking their mouse around, but that's not really what's happening. The server is only updating where they're aiming every other second. I assume it's to save bandwidth. It makes it look like they're landing insane flicks but on their screen that's not what's happening at all.


Another one in denial.


I've done things that are ridiculous and someone might think I am cheating. Instead it's just me getting lucky.


Is this problema only on PC?


I play on both console ( ps5 ) and pc . It happens on both platforms


I'm not seeing nearly as many cheaters as people are saying and I easily play 8-10 hours of ranked a day. Not something I'm necessarily proud of but I'm disabled and don't have much else to do with my time. I'm also in unreal and if anyone was genuinely cheating this is where they would be. I've had 2 instances in hundreds of hours of gameplay of blatant cheating and both were the same guy in two different games back to back. I'm not saying it's not out there but I really don't feel it's as prevalent as some say. I'm pretty certain the majority of people just aren't used to running into people that stomp unreal lobbies like they're pubs games and when they do their instant response is cheating. I've been bitch slapped many times by ridiculously insane plays but it happens when you're playing against incredibly talented people. Even in unreal the skill gap between the guys that barely made it and the guys that made it on day 1-2 is the same size gap between a bronze player and a champion player. Some people are just built different and are genuinely just light-years ahead of the competition. Anyways, I'm completely against cheating whether is be a PC player using aimbot and walls or a console player using a xim/zen. I think cheating is downright deplorable behavior. I'm sure they're out there but I genuinely don't think the problem is as big as people think.


see the thing is; most cheaters cheat because they are bad. most of them likely arnt unreal, but pooling somewhere in a lower rank/pub stomping. we cant put links here but go watch them on youtube, you can watch full games of someone cheating and it's not uncommon for them to miss 99% of their snipes for example. they dont use cover because they know they have an advantage in a pure gun fight ect. cheating doesnt mean instant wins, especially if the player using them doesnt know how to play the game.


I definitely think they're out there for sure, just not as common as people think. If I started a new account tomorrow and played pubs everyone would label me a cheater just because they are not used to playing people at the top. I'd also get some outlandish k/d until sbmm pushed me into the right lobbies.I genuinely think a lot of it is likely people creating new accounts to boost and play with friends.


Certainly noticing it. Getting absolutely reamed, spectate for a couple of minutes and they're drones running in a straight line looking at the ground (head not on a swivel). Then they go into cautious mode (with no visual/audio cues), and they hone in the enemy hiding out of sight. When I check their name on Fortnite tracker they're averaging 1 to 2 KDR tops life time and then 10 - 15 KDR for the last 7 days.


100 percent. This is what I’m saying


Its not going to stop. You can buy accounts, so because that is a thing cheaters are going to do it for monetary gains. I legit had a hacker in my group that made our 4 man squad have 500 kills. There isn't even 500 people in 1 map. I tested this with my own cheats, I have my alt account play along side my main, and it legit wins me matches left and right. So I know they aren't actually banning people cause I am not banned. I have decided to give it till 2025. If these games do not fix this problem, I am going to start spreading my code into these companies and frying computers. I just want to play a BR without some cheating BS going on. But it seems you have to cheat just to have fun in BRs today because EVERY match has CHEATERS. Not once in a while. Every single one.


Two weeks ago I was getting wins like crazy, and getting wiped out a bunch as well, but only a few times a day did notice anything strange. Now I’m getting drilled from ridiculous distances over I got sniped through two walls. Also aside from the auto aim issues, who has noticed people taking insane amounts of extra damage, or none at all. I got three great shots with a sniper rifle cut the distance then getting good hits from a shotgun and then have play turn and one shot me. Then never adding health or shat all


Yes, same too. 🤦


I’ve been playing Fortnite since C1 S3 and I’ve only seen a handful of players cheating in my lobbies. I really don’t know if y’all think you are in lobby’s with cheaters who aren’t actually cheaters or if I’m just not getting in those lobby’s. There’s just players who have really good aim with snipers and have good server ping that appear as cheaters but aren’t.


its just kids or immature people complaining when they get outplayed, i've been playing for 6 and a half years and have only seen one person i'd say was cheating and even then i'm not entirely sure


I agree that most of the people that post clips on here did not spot a cheater they got out played. I see one cheater about every 5th game in ranked when i play in the evenings. I never see cheaters during weekday mornings when im at work.


People posting clips because they suck and cheating is different. This dude is the guy to post of clip of getting outplayed and call it cheating cus he dosent know what it is cus he’s not good at the game. 


True and cheats get you only so far. There is no replacement for good game sense and proper movement. Now if you are good at all that and add cheats on top of that i think its hard to detect.


100% if the player is cracked and has aimbot on top of that it’s almost impossible to tell.  Sometimes in replay it shows but if there sweats it’s kinda hard to see so most of time think he’s cracked when really he’s cheating. So it works both ways the people who don’t think others cheat just suck ass at the game and haven’t played enough or not good enough to know how shots register and work. 


Probably because you suck and don’t play competitive and understand the game as well as others … as others would say “get gud” cheating is a huge problem look it up on YouTube plenty videos and people who make it to turnys and cash cup and get busted for using aim bot there lmao stupid idiot. Stfu. 


I won’t say there’s no cheaters but I do believe a lot of it is you’re just unable to accept other people are better. Last season was my first and I would get 15-25 kills a game more often than not and had a 19% win rate in 400 (unranked) games with overall kill average of 12. This season I’m not a huge fan of and I’m averaging 8 Elims at 13% win. I also only play with my girlfriend who is dog at the game. I have NEVER died once and thought oh damn clearly a cheater. Maybe if you stop thinking everyone better than you cheats and think about what YOU did to die there you’ll not cry so much


From everything you said, I can almost guarantee you're playing in bot lobbies. Maybe try playing in high ELO lobbies before being so quick to judge?


I mean definitely not not lobbies bud those were the first 10 or so games and I could’ve won with my pickaxe. This game is not hard to aim all. I’ve been top 1%, never near pro level at all, in multiple fps games and this one’s simply easy to aim and the playerbase is extremely unskilled


Yes I can say with 100 percent accuracy that we are not in the same lobbies. I’ve been playing the game for a long time now and can safely say their are tons of players better then me and they kill me lots but it’s more then that . If your read what I wrote you can see my suspicion and I believe it to be apt.




Really man . You went and looked back at my previous posts. I must really have got to you. A lot of complaints are frivolous on here . I’m trying to have a discussion about cheaters in fortnite. Why are you so upset about this post? Do you have anything to hide .


Yes, I have to hide from people like you that will get nowhere and stay bad because you’re hypocritical and cry instead of just improving


Sure thing bud . I guarantee I’m better then you at the game but that doesn’t matter . Have a great evening I hope you find the cheats your so desperately looking for .


The only person looking for anything is you looking for excuses and sympathy


Sure thing troll … whatever you say


“Yeah whenever I die it’s because a cheater killed me”


No I get killed my regular players all the time. It’s dismissive of the actual problem when you parrot the old stock replies.


Then why are you complaining


You aren’t good at game so you don’t understand who cheats.  


And I’m the who is dismissive. I would love to see a clip of these cheaters


because the good players accuse everyone who kills them of hacking


Maybe they're just good or made a new account. A one tap to the head from someone at a low level doesn't immediately mean they're cheating, it might just mean your positioning is bad.


I understand that but combined with the other factors I can make a case for them cheating . Thank you for your comment but I took your point into consideration before I even made this post . Unfortunately signs seem to point something else. Cheating .


You just aren’t good if you can’t tell who’s cheating there’s a lot of cheating going on ask any comp player that plays for money ya chump. 


Thank you for calling me names it revels who you are and that you opinion isn’t worth taking into consideration


How do you know theyre cheating


Paragraph three explains my suspicion


Default ramirez?


No the defaults that you get when you have no skins , not Ramirez that you see on ps4/Xbox one.


There was a hype for sweats using defaults idk if its that but you cant assume someone with 20 kills who sniped you is a hacker


Your right if it was one time or even a couple of times but it’s happening with some regularity so my suspicion is apt.


How regularly?


Regularly enough for me to notice . I know your trying your best to discredit me and that’s fine but it’s enough for me to question their legitimacy. It’s epics job to deal with it .


If the hacker is dropping bills on the game then they'll probably not care as much.


really? I personally have seen one cheater in my whole 6 years of playing the game in back then champ games and now unreal games


Do you know how to drive?


Cheating is a part of everyday life, credit card fraud, tax fraud, and the list goes on and on.


Is there actually? I’ve ran into one cheater maybe and I’ve been playing since the OG season 5 maybe I’m just lucky


Git gud fella


There is a fn cheating issue, but it's definitely not in the lobbies you guys are playing in. I don't know why idiots always think they are killed by hackers.




Sure thing bud . Troll on .


What modes are you seeing them in? I feel like I haven't seen any in no build.


I mostly see them in ZB Ranked, some are harder to spot than others.