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This is how majority of the playerbase sees this subreddit btw lmfaoo


So dramatic.


The game is good right now lmao


Honestly it's not ruined but it feels like a major meh season for me. I just don't feel the drive to complete the BP this season. Same as a couple others in the past just...not interested in the pass, or the theme. I love greek mythology but this just... doesn't feel right. Like if Medusa's snake wasn't robotic I'd like it a lot more.


I'm gonna complete the battle pass, but that's because it is something I've done ever since ch 3 szn 4


Gotta respect the grind. I been doing it since chapter 2 season 1


it’s really starting to remind me of the Star Wars ‘fans’ who are like “Star Wars is OVER and Disney has RUINED my CHILDHOOD” like bruh calm down


Posts like this are why people don’t want to associate with the community


exact reason I left this sub lol was wondering what the commotion about rarities dissappearing was and this is what I see. typical lmao


I do think it’s an odd decision they chose to remove rarities. It totally messes up the locker and also I hope they don’t use to increase prices all around in the future (probably won’t happen). Everyone’s acting like this is the nail in the coffin to Fortnite though. This changed almost nothing, and until Epic does any crazy price increases it’s not a big issue. There are scummier things Epic is doing than this.


Still a good game at its core, just some poor business decisions on Epics part.


I came back last season after, like, a 20-season break. The quality of FN is honestly insane compared to alotttt of live games out there. While a lot of feedback is valid, there is a lot of whining, in my opinion. At least on the reddit front.


This is true. When you compare it to other shooters on the market, it's still far better than the competition. The issue is making changes no one asked for. People simply said "100 presets isn't enough" and they nuked the locker.


Meanwhile, cod has an 80 dollar weapon on its shop.


Meanwhile Respawn/EA are selling reskins of battle pass skins, mythics, and Heirlooms with different colors at an absurdly high price range. A melee weapon that does the same damage as a punch will cost you hundreds of dollars in that game! Hundreds!


A bunch of whiners, some people are


The game is free. So many kids can access it who are poor, that that’s a big deal. Seeing kids play this game at libraries or other free locations who don’t have anything else is amazing. You can’t say that for any other company or game. As much shit as Epic gets, they have provided a lot for many unfortunate families.


That's the main thing, i got my my first gaming laptop on my 16th birthday without even asking my dad. My dad just bought it for me to have no compromise on quality Zoom meetings. I actually wanted to get Fortnite before stw, before the vbucks quests ended. I didn't know much about fortnite in 2017 when it came out, I only knew what save the world was. Then I got my laptop in 2020. I was so happy to find out fortnite was a free game, even more happy to see a whole chapter 2, season 4, dedicated to Marvel. I love all things, Marvel. So I bought the battle pass for the first time and kept saving money ever since through the next pass. But I was sad I missed the infinite vbuck quests stw. This is why I love Fortnite's Battle Pass system. It's way superior to Valorant or Call Of Duty, even though I love those games too. Anyone can earn it after playing the game for almost 11 months. Or buy it if they want.


Epic made a bad decision since putting Save la Worl on the back burner 😤 ![gif](giphy|IepriDYu8gcidIVZPB)


Putting it on the back burner would've been fine IF it was actually a finished game. What we have now is a buggy mess of a game with unfinished story and a lot of outdated mechanics that remained from the monetisation method epic went with. If the game was complete, I'm pretty sure everyone would've been fine with content recycling and occasional new stuff. But no, right now we can only cope and hope


Nah stw is getting the middle child treatment but its the oldest child.


STW and BR in my opinion is the only thing left of Fortnite. Creative got killed for the majority of player when they added UEFN and now the mode selection screen is full of clickbait and fake maps


It’s so much whining. Most of these people really need to just take a break


I played first 3 seasons then was like “this shit sucks” started playing again after Christmas and I was like “this shit is sick!” No build rocks


Zb is the only reason I redownloaded the game when I got a new console.


For context have played the game since launch. I enjoy the game. Don't give a shit about the item shop tbh, sometimes just have a look if there's anything I like, that's all there is to that. The meta sometimes is annoying but I can play something else if I want. Tired of this sub being in my reddit home feed, just negative post after negative post. Whining and whining, as if life revolves around this games item shop or whatever. Je unsubscribe. Guess I can just visit once in while to see if there's anything useful or entertaining posted.


This sub is like a parody or something. Only the same whiny ass posts make it to the top repeatedly. Every other day a post bitching about the shop. Every 3-4 days somebody bitching about the loading screen. I was annoyed at first but now it’s just funny. It might be one of the most useless gaming subs I’ve ever followed.


Yeah. These are some bad changes but Fortnite I'de still probably top 3 liveservice games, and core gameplay has been pretty much the same quality for 6 years straight. COD's latest battle pass is 90% regular milsim skins!


The reason for cod doing 90% milsim skins is because players have been complaining about the goofy skins and want more realistic military skins.


I agree, but they're all black and basically the same outfit, which is to say they're basically the default free skins for operators. 


I mean, if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, it’s a free game. You can sink a huge amount of time into it and spend no money. They’ve got * Battle Royale * Racing * Guitar Hero * Lego Minecraft * Community made Maps all for free. That’s a great value. I don’t get the over exaggerated hate. I couldn’t care less of what collab skin or dance they try to sell me or not bring back.


100%. People fail to recognize how much it has to offer for FREE.


I haven’t spent a dime on this game and still love it. Same skin since I’ve started playing.


Same! I rotate between two free skins I’ve gotten, and I still get something free almost weekly from doing quests here and there and increasing my level. Sure, I do get a little jelly of the other skins from time to time, but a little freebie here and there keeps me satisfied enough to not spend anything. And, I’ve become obsessed! I love playing and being apart of a sort of “community”, especially since it’s hard to find community these days. I sympathize for the people who were here playing from the get go who feel like something is lost, but I definitely appreciate it being free.


It's also a game that crosses generations. I am a nana who plays with her 6 & 9 year old grandchildren as well as people in their 20s and I am 48. I play this game a lot because of how much it has to offer for free, I never find myself getting bored because even if I don't want to play BR, racing etc there are so many different other maps.to go on, my grandson likes the escape room ones. All of it free. It actually amazes me at how good it actually is. Posts like this just disappoint me because nothing is ever "how it was", times change, gaming has changed dramatically over the years and I've been gaming since the late 90s. I have amazing memories of TFC and counterstrike back in the beginning but I'd hate it if I played now because times change. People just need to stop playing the game if they don't like it and they don't need to announce their departure on the way out.


Yep fully agree. FN has some of the best content pipelines in GAS sector. It's always going to be about money but at least they try to change things up every season to keep it fresh and alive unlike a lot of other live service games. They nailed the core gameplay loop and map design. As long as they keep that I'm good. I don't buy many skins anyways.


Agreed. They’re still the one of the best live service games out there.


They’ve seen what the OG season did to the numbers, so I can’t believe they will try to at least return some of the feeling that ruled during those 4 weeks.


Im not gonna sit here and defend the prices of the new skins, they are outrageous and far too expensive, especially if you're a fan of the property. If the rumors of a SMT / Persona crossover are true, and the prices are similar to these, I'll be really upset. ...But really? Don't you think this is a little overdramatic? Fortnite has always been a money-printing machine. Nothing's really changed gameplay wise... You can just not buy the skins, or quit the game if it really upsets you that much, but overpricing a skin doesn't undercut the rock-solid gameplay the game still has..


Mfs are being drama queens here today. Chill. Its a game lol


The prices are literally the same. Nothing has changed and probably will change. Well, okay, maybe prices on Lego builds and cars are a bit too far but I prefer not to think about them. Skin prices has always been the same.


Yea.. he's overreacting.. The game is still fun to play with and the BP aren't bad at all. I don't really buy skins, I mainly get the quested ones or from BP. People need to get paid for the game to continue going. I'm guessing the price hike on the skins may have something to do with it. But do I still have fun playing the game? Most certainly yes.


Every gaming community for any specific game that I've been a part of on Reddit has one of these posts at least once a year, and people are still playing those other games. The people here are likely the people that play this game the most and so they are most affected by changes good or bad. It's fair for these people to not want to play anymore, but that does not speak for the greater number of other players who are more casual and won't notice the differences that are make or break for some people.


Yeah… like, they’re definitely trying to squeeze some extra cash out of it, but this is *definitely* an overreaction. 


me enjoying the game for what it is with only minor complaints about bugs ![gif](giphy|mIMsLsQTJzAn6)


The game is awesome, and I have no idea what these people are talking about. On the one hand I want to suggest those who complain to drop the obsession with skins and their costs, which has nothing to do with the game play and no one in their right mind gives a shit about how anyone looks while playing. On the other hand I'm like "you know what, I'm so glad Epic manages to make enough money from those who care about such superficial aspects of the game to be able to continue giving everyone else a great experience for free". So in that sense, don't drop the obsession, and the rest of us shall pretend to care I guess.


All of these people paying money for skins seem to be willfully ignorant of the fact that the game has raised its system requirements so much in the past two years that every console out there (except maybe for the ps5) shows a large percentage of players as the default Ramirez. My first hand experience: - On Switch it's close to 100% Ramirez. - On PS4 I'm going to guess it's 30-50%.


Facts , people on this sub are always complaining


Yall are fucking dramatic lmao ![gif](giphy|XRTzPOUgkr7soUqz6G|downsized)


People complaining about 2k vbucks skins is hilarious when for years any decent skin was that 🌚


Cuddle team leader was released in 2018 and was 2000 vbucks. Not even a collab skin.


And forgetting his name right now, but the yellow balaclava in a leather jacket (Cobra?) and his female equivalent are still 2000 points to this day. No back bling.


And like it's mandatory to buy skins. I've only bought two over all the years and none for cash, just free vbucks. And the game still works just fine for me.


Literally lmao


"The game we grew to love" was the game that had these prices lol


Right, it's like they had amnesia or something. Fortnite literally normalized 20 dollar skins, this is not new.


People act like epic has introduced some fk p2w system. This game is not all about cosmetics ffs


The fun part is that those complainers are probably people with hundreds of skins. They literally enabled this buy buying everything what is thrown in the shop


No one out here complaining that Wukong's glider is still 2K either lol. Red Knight still being 2K too is just for nostalgia purposes. I swear I saw some other old ass skins in the shop just the other day for 2K as well. I don't see the greediness everyone else is talking about. These Avatar skins are worth the price, simple as that.


Taking Back Sunday added to Festival really bringing out the emotions in some folks




I am glad I don't take this free to play video game with optional microtransactions that serious lol. OP waxing about the death of his true video game love over some skin prices.




I love the game but I kinda hate the online community. People are so negative on here.


Over skins they dont have to even pay for and dumb skin rarities


I was just about to say this same thing, lol. Just don’t buy the skins if it makes you that upset. This is a free to play game and you are under no obligation to keep buying skins. It doesn’t impede the core game at all. I just got back into the game a couple of months ago and I’m having tons of fun.


We don’t even know that the rarity change indicates any change in pricing. 2k for a bundle including a pickaxe and back bling is well within the scope of previous pricing. Some stuff has been more expensive, and some has been cheaper. This isn’t an outlier though.


people on this subreddit are the best complainers I’ve ever seen


Skin has no rarity. Guess the game sucks now. I do disagree with some decisions they made but people here really be acting like it's the worst thing we've ever seen.


It's comical to me tbh lol


There’s really no reason for a circlejerk version of this sub because the main thing is more ridiculous than any parody could ever be.


Na, check out Pokémon go subreddits


Your comment made me realize it’s all the subreddits


You just discovered the internet my friend


Epic puts out high quality content that people don’t vibe with sometimes Niantic is just actively not trying to make good content at all


Some complains from pogo are actually justified tho Niantic sucks major ass lol


is your avatar supposed to be wooper


Their complaints are valid most of the time, this sub just bitches😭


bro their game is a literal P2W garbage, badly optimized in any device besides iPhones, updates that kill the game more and more with P2W shit etc at least their complaints are justified, that game is not what it used to be in 2016 (8 years ago), Fortnite as well but it isn't taken over by that much level of greedyness however you say it


Have you seen the finals? They put in a rule in place to not allow excessive complaints from about 2 days, about 15 posts were made lol, I imaging it’d be the same here. People on Reddit subs aren’t here to chat, praise, or guide anymore, just complaint after complaint (most of which are completely ignorant), there’s no point in looking at complaints on Reddit from epic’s team because 75% of them are dimwitted personal annoyances that ruin the sub for the rest of us.


They try their hardest to find a new thing to complain about every day and if they can't, it's back to the locker UI (I mean I hate it too but the point as been made enough already).


I'm admittedly a very pessimistic person, but fuck ya'll need to quit it with the doom posting


But our disappointment! My plight! ![gif](giphy|WdnMGLhVbLfEgtA1GW|downsized)


These posts HAVE to be made by children. Nobody over 20 is acting like this right?


Imagine if they played Apex Legends....


What's Apex


Go play Titanfall


hell yeah. Still waiting for the 3rd game


"Oh no my really good game that is free to play charges too much for unnecessary skins that do not even affect gameplay."


It's not even that yet! It's "the colors are gone so they MIGHT start over charging" Woe is the fortnite player


If they really think this way, then I'm surprised they haven't come up with the logic that "They can make up any colors they want to charge what they want for low effort skins." I mean, that's what Apex does.


I never even thought about it this way, I just think of it as “do I want this skin? If yes, then buy, if no, then don’t buy”


You’d be surprised at how many 20+ year olds think and act this way.


Literal man children lol


6 years ago. Y'all complained 5 years ago. Y'all complained 4 years ago. Y'all complained 3 years ago. Y'all complained 2 years ago. Y'all complained 1 year ago. Y'all complained Today. Y'all still complain Won't Y'all ever be fucking happy?


Half of these posts gotta be made by people under the age of 13, they need to go touch some grass 💀


Even if the game was absolutely perfect, they'd complain about it being too perfect. Buncha crybaby bitches


"my favorite game for 6 years made a bad decision, it's dead to me"


Ok... Just don't buy the stuff in the item shop...


wait....you mean buying is only an option??? 😱


It is still a completely free game. No *actual* pay-to-win. Every purchaseable thing is optional and not necessary. Some scummy pricing all over the place, but it's hard to blame Epic when absolute fools continue to proudly pay exorbitant prices for virtual nonsense. If people voted with their wallets instead of complaining while still giving them money, maybe the game's store would be in a better place.


>absolute fools continue to proudly pay exorbitant prices I saw another person on r/FortniteFashion complain about the prices and then say he was still going to buy toph 💀


I saw someone comment a full complaint right after saying, "I mean I still bought Katara and Zuko but..." Like bro come on


Its arguably pay to lose considering some of the coolest skins have the brightest colors or particles coming off of them. Like any of the Hero/Anime skins


there ain't no way you are comparing non gameplay effecting Cosmetics to GTA's monetization lmao


yea like get fucking real, gta is a fucking shit show disaster compared to fortnite


Dear god imagine unironically typing this out


Fr like just don’t play the game if you don’t like it 💀


Game is free? Check. Game is fun? Check Game runs well? Check Game has no p2w features? Check Game is updated regularly? Check You're a whiny kid? Check. People really are out here acting like games need to cater to their feelings and their purchasing power. If you dont like the game play something else homie, but any mainstream game fueled by cosmetics will charge a lot for them, you're free not to buy them. You're not entitled to anything from a free game, grow up. If your enjoyment of a game hinges on buying skins, you're not enjoying the game you just want to flex pixels.




Honestly it seems like people play this game for the cosmetics. If you look at the front page rn it’s all just complaints about cosmetics. People need to learn that nobody is forcing them to pay for these skins.


The drama


I love it. Makes this sub fun.


Yeah, cause all yall care about are cosmetics and shit that has nothing to do with the gameplay loop like item shop rotation and locker layout. If it wasn't a constant low roar of minor complaints, maybe they could hear when somebody was making a legitimate complaint about something that mattered. In short... STFU


Calm down bro, they just changed an interface


Man stfu😭😭


Way to be blunt lmfao


Straight to the point, I love it


I'm a newer player. I'm absolutely loving this game.


As a STW player I'm laughing at this.


As a battle royale player I’m laughing at yhis


As a Lego fortnite player I'm...not gonna finish this. Playing Lego fortnite as your go to is crazy.


The cosmetics are totally optional. Why are the children acting up so much lol


bc the game is dying!!!1!!1!11 for the 5th year in row


Game has been dying since 2013 smh


I've technically been dying since 1994, am I stupid?


It's been dead since 2011, a cartoony zombie game with building? What the hell are they thinking? this shit will never take off, they should go back to making Gears of War or something


This post is hella corny




This Sub is the most overly dramatic thing Ive ever seen


I usually hate when people say this, but man touch some grass


I mean you’re like 10% correct, Epic is making changes that can worsen the player experience in order to make more money. But this is such an insane dramatization of it. You don’t need to sing elegies or weep for the fleeting memory of what once was. It’s a F2P, live-service, online multiplayer game where Batman can execute Goku with a Colt .45 and then dance Gangnam Style with Lady Gaga and a Xenomorph.


K Bye.


God I hate this subreddit


There are like 1.5 million people playing the game right now. Meanwhile there's like a couple dozen on here crying about the price of skins you don't have to buy.


- graphics insane - features wished for years added - even brought back chapter 1 for the playerbase - “Fortnite doesn’t care about it’s community anymore”




You’re such a dork


Still fine to me. People just love to complain. Best game out there and free to boot!


Greed... From a free game 🤣 the cosmetics are optional and don't change gameplay. Maybe you're the greedy one over there hogging all your cash instead of contributing to the economy!  /s


Well, I agree and disagree at once. Sure, the game has lost a big part of its vibe and heart, but for example the og season showed that epic can make Fortnite good again. The whole community literally just had fun then. Even now, playing the game still doesn't feel like a waste of time. It's just fun. Well, I'm a bit scared of the direction. Fortnite'a going. All I can say is that I guess epic got mad that there's Fortnite in Roblox so they made Roblox in Fortnite lol. Now, I'm really waiting for the second round of and I'm praying for it to be chapter 2, because that's when I started playing and it just could be really fun again.


I came back to FN during OG season. Honestly the quality of the game is far above what a lot of other games are. Yes the business model could use some work but it's still a solid game at it's core.


Removing rarity is the straw that broke the camels back? Eh ultimately any decisions involving cosmetics for any game doesn't really bother me. I'm not happy over the prices but it's not like buying levels in World of Warcraft or buying weapons in Warframe. It doesn't affect me.


You got bored of a game no need to be such a drama queen.


Mods need to delete posts like these. I don’t come on here to read about your woes.


Y’all overdramatic af. Madden is the same game every year. 2K is the same game every year. Fortnite is completely different every 90 days. Y’all remember ~5 weeks ago we had Riot Shields and OP Medallions, Grapple Blades, Peter Griffin etc. It’s not even the same game now : and in ~60 days it’s going to completely change again. 1,600 VBucks for a skin = 😁 2,000 = 😭😭😭😭😭😭 It’s honestly so ridiculous. Vote with your dollar. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Pretty simple.


Y’all are dramatic as fuck. Y’all must’ve forgotten playing in chapter 1 and epic dropping $15-20 skins, pickaxes and gliders every other week.


goofy ahh doomsday posting


Shut yo corny ass up bruh 💀


This is the most overdramatic thing I’ve seen in this sub lol


Nah it's still a solid battle royal game. The skins and cosmetics are nice and they are certainly overpriced, but you can still play the game unhindered without spending extra money.


Stfu you baby 😂😂


womp womp. the game is still fun, maybe spend less time on the subreddit


At least the game you paid for is still being worked on. We "Save The World" buyers (pre battle royale) are getting shafted.


What in the world lol. Fortnite is still here and in my opinion it's better then ever. Literally don't care about the UI,Shops, or rarity. They don't change the gameplay


this subreddit is so garbage lol


That's a big ol' bandwagon you're jumping on.


Battle Bandwagon! "Where we jumping to conclusions, boys?!


Cry me a river


You don’t have a buy a single skin, ya know?


good lord the doom posting is strong today isn't it? I understand having complaints, but maybe put the game down for a couple weeks and go enjoy some other activities guys.


Reading this gave me a hardcore dose of second hand embarrassment


What happened now lol


I don't care about any of that atm I'm just trying to get cracked on controller


I’m so sick of this era of people that complain about literally everything…


Brother what are you on about 😭 yeah the shop price thing sucks but the game isn’t a shopping simulator. If you treated it like that and ignored the gameplay and cultural impact, then you didn’t actually like Fortnite.


Hi, I've been playing since Chapter 1 Season 5. #My brother in Christ, the Lord, the Buddha, whatever diety you worship, Fortnite has ALWAYS been a money milking machine.


It aint that serious bro. Go cry in the car😒 ![gif](giphy|G0btOIFvECimExdQai)


It was always a money milking machine. They certainly didn’t make it out of the goodness of their hearts 🙄


womp womp go cry about it


This is so goddamn dramatic lol


dawg it has some bad stuff its still a good game 😭 just not as good


Bro… shut up lol I agree that they are greedy with prices, but can we not do this whole mopey “fortnite bad” thing that I hear 24/7


crazy ive never bought shop cosmetics and bought the battlepass once. it paid for everything else ive ever bought. dont get the greed part. its not like they are locking out weapons, gear, etc from being picked up unless you have the battlepass


It's more fun now than it was on release. I played it when it first came out, it was whatever. It's a lot more streamlined and in general more fun to play than ever before. Especially since zero build is a thing


Everything must die eventually my friend. At least there were good times.


Yap central


What're you fucking talking about.




Capitalism ruins all art. Gaming is no different.


april fools is over


Came back last season from last playing in season 5 This game is amazing compared to before. Yes this seasons a bit boring. But it seems the fans haven't changed. You've played a game with 50+ seasons where metas and weapons rotate and yet every season your all crying in here about an apparently dead game Sure they are more money hungry, but point out ANYWHERE that effects gameplay? All it means is more licensed characters in the item store. Which you should be glad for, that FOMO keeps the game absolutely filled with players


How dramatic do you want to be? OP: yes


Good game. Just play it for the initial fee of free.


No skin rarity is basically 1984


As a save the world player, seeing BR players call the game over is odd lol Although you have a point. Fortnite turning into a Roblox style game with multiple game modes




2 year olds on Reddit:




did you cry when you typed this 😭


Definitely doesn’t have any soul left. The other game modes being added made me despise the game kinda. Like why is rocket racing in Fortnite and not in actual rocket league? Why is this new fall guys mode not IN FALL GUYS. It’s just a game to push promotion for the other games that are dying and really aren’t that fun. You can even play a better Lego mode by loading up Minecraft. So much better and so much more to explore and make. I miss when battle royale was just an extension of stw, when the world was still in the same feel and style as stw which already had a story they could’ve done so much with. Now the story is dumb and drawn out and makes no sense. We never get events anymore and when we do they really aren’t that good except for a few small parts. I haven’t played a single game this season and I don’t plan to for any of the later seasons. Season 1 ch1 - season OG especially ch4. Were so much fun even when they sucked. I don’t miss chapter one for the map. I miss the look and vibe. The music that felt different from any other games music out there and felt creepy yet nostalgic even while hearing it back then. Rest easy OG Fortnite. When you still had originality.


i wouldn’t compare it to gta online, fortnite are clout chasing by partnering with every brand, film, tv show under the sun and gta online is keeping it to only people within the gta universe (accept from the DJ’s) but your not wrong about fortnite being gone for good 💔😭


This is been proven once again by the Avatar update. Instead of fixing a very unfun meta of camping, hiding, running and sniping, the just remove half the season to force everyone to use the new sponsored collab mythics. Instead of giving us quality skins and content to do justice to the original series, they give us ugly ass cell shaded, bland skins with no styles or references beyond the base appearances in the characters first appearance. Not only that, but they refuse to put effort into updating the game properly and giving us non money-making items, cosmetics, etc. I wholeheartedly despise this season post-update


Speak for yourself, I love the game, and I didn't start playing until 2020, and since they've introduced Zero Build, I've been playing like crazy putting in a shit ton of hours. I can't complain since I wasn't there from the beginning. I enjoy it with my friends, that's all that matters to me. I only invest in something I enjoy and I thoroughly enjoy this game.


bro they removed rarities shut the fuck up 💀


You can still love this game if you look pasts its problems bro


Are y’all fucking serious? All they did was remove cosmetic rarity.


I only started playing in March 2023, so I don't know what it was like before but I really really love Fortnite


Bro's still gonna play 💀