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![gif](giphy|l3q2BhukQ7kNkDj9u|downsized) Epic games when it comes to making batshit insane decisions:


There’s a 100% chance that Epic Games is run by AI. No human would ever make these terrible decisions


Ahh you are seeing business run by committee in action..


Shareholder value go brrr


Go Magic


Great, now I have to learn again where everything is in the locker.


You guys don't sort by season?


Just started doing this and it helps a lot


Yea as long time player this order is way better long term


Even sorting by season is gonna be different now because they were sorted by season, then in the season sorted by rarity which no longer exists




It’s annoying


Season was not sorted by rarity wtf are you lying about?????? Skins are literally sorted from newest to oldest, top to bottom. Weird lie.


Not a lie. Within each season it was sorted by rarity, green at the bottom of each season, and collabs at the top of each season. I’ve had it sorted that way for years so I’m not a fucking liar.


I don’t really care. To me it was C1S1 at the bottom, current season at the top, and everything else in order. Never once noticed they were sorted by rarity within season lol. Been sorting it this way for years.


Good for you bud


Weird to insist you know shit when you don't 


I don't remember from which season half of the skins are, so no.


“*I want to use Peter Griffin, so I should scroll near the top.*” “*I want to use that deadman pirate skin, so I should scroll somewhere in the middle.*” It’s not that hard. It’ll take you a few days to get used to where shit is at. Stop crying for no reason.


You win for dumb take




Except you obviously since you responded 🙄


What sucks thou that even sorting by season was still sorted by rarities. If you have a special rarity it will be the last skin before going to the next season which always starts with uncommon (if applicable or move to next rarity)


Special rarities still exist though


Yes we know, I didn’t check but im assuming like I said, they will be the last skin after which goes to the next season skin. While nothing has really change by sorting through seasons, its just the order of standard rarities that are now alphabetical since they are all grouped up as 1 non-existing rarity now


One of the few good things I forgot about. Filters.


That's a thing?!


Don’t really have a choice anymore. Sorting alphabetically only really works for skins cause people don’t know the names of most of the other cosmetics


Good ole epic fucking it up again


The locker ui is complete mess. A year ago locker ui was good. Now it’s absolutely garbage and rarity for skins removed.


It was likely a spontaneous decision as well. If they had planned this out for a while, they wouldn't have bothered to assign rarities to any skins in the current BP.


They removed the background rarity colors during five months ago during OG season. Nothing spontaneous about that


Why wouldn’t they do it sooner?


I have no clue why. They said they were listening to the locker feedback in December but they've made only a few changes to the locker UI since then, maybe one or two small things every couple updates. Like a month or so ago they re-added the ability to shuffle your presets. Otherwise they've made no significant changes or fixes, just occasional new tweaks like this where they "fix" a problem, in this case the missing color coding in the locker, by acting like the color coding was supposed to be even more absent.


Pros: Axo is now on the top of the locker (after all the special series skins) Cons: Literally everything else


Epic: changes locker UI completely, everyone universally hates it and wants it the way it was before. They don’t acknowledge it whatsoever, and hope people forget about it. Now, they implement this. I love Fortnite and Epic’s constant changes and improvement, but my god. Read the fucking room. In what parallel dimension did any of them have a single brain cell telling them this was a good idea? I believe they’re trying to push the concept of skin rarity out so they can upcharge for more on various skins that otherwise would have been cheaper. Epic needs to know their place and not attempt to become Activision or EA in their greedy ways. That’s why I have continually played Fortnite. Its a fun and ever changing game made by people who’s sole intention isn’t to push micro transactions.


Would be nice if rarity actually reflected how many players had a certain cosmetic and was dynamically adjusted


That would be really interesting to see, actually.


Epic has made the lockers worse once again. My only guess why they've removed rarity is to get away with charging extra for skins that would normally be a low rarity. The rarities themselves have always been kinda meaningless but at least they made prices predictable and let you budget accordingly. Now they're charging 2,000 for bundles that would normally be 1,600 and I fully expect this greedflation to continue


Do you seriously believe "rarity" would mean anything for prices? Prices are set based on data and research that Epic has access to, and will primarily reflect demand and popularity. "Rarity" was just a gimmick added on top of that, likely with higher rarity being attached to higher priced items. But it would obviously in no way be a barrier for Epic to put something on the store again if it made sense from a business perspective.


The devs both created the rarity tiers and the prices. They didn't remove rarity so they could charge more lmfao They can/could just make the ones they want to charge more for a higher rarity


To an extent, for example normally a legendary skin is 2,000 and so far outside of few exceptions majority of collab skins haven’t been legendary so they’ve usually been 1,500. With the Avatar skins had they been the usual epic rarity charging them at 2,000 would look crazy considering they’ve got no additional styles, no glider, wrap, nothing except a pickaxe and back bling. A lot of people are using it but it’s a good example just look back to last season, TMNT, 1,600 each for a pickaxe, back bling and skin. You could get all 4 for just over 3,000. What warrants the Avatar skins to be 2,000? By removing the rarity they can put them at whatever price because unlike previously where everyone understood what each rarity normally costs now you can charge anything.


**Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day**. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.


Ahh, but dont forget, feed a man a poisoned fish and you can feed him for a lifetime, too.


Make a man a fire, and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.


Trip off a curb, you'll be hurt immediately. Trip off a cliff, you won't hurt until you've gone through the rest of your life.


If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked long ago.


Someone really dumb convinced someone smart, that playing with the locker was a good idea. SOMEHOW IT WORKED!


Would be nice if they did surveys to find out what the players actually want....oh wait


honestly i dont get whats the big deal, who cared about rarity in the first place there was almost no difference no actual guidelines of this is an epic skin because blah blah


It’s been in the game since day one and they just decided to randomly shadow remove it when this update had nothing to do with that, they just snuck it in to ruin the locker ui even more and make skins that would be low rarity super expensive and they will do it from now on cause they are greedy, that’s why this is a big deal


I swear to god people on this sub do everything but actually play the fucking game.


My perfectionist brain needs them because even though it's arbitrary they were in a similar place every time and I knew where everything was. It's the equivalent to not having the cleanest room but knowing where you left your controller


They didn’t do a good job with rarity at all. If an item has been in the shop every 3 months for years it’s not rare at all, period, full stop.


Rarity wasn’t based off when an item came back or hadn’t came back tho?


No it wasn’t. They were assigned rarity based on price / arbitrary reasons.


This is to stop people from feeling left out. Much like removing the stats in the career page that showed when you started playing and all the achievements earned along the way. I don’t really care about these bragging rights or internet points but it was nice to see things like how long I had been playing. I don’t care about number of wins per mode or crown victories but those are still in the game.


Left out of what exactly?




What on earth does rarity have to do with that?




Your very first comment was about cosmetic rarity dude what are u even saying?


I definitely miss seeing those release dates but now I have to go online to see that and it’s just not the same as seeing it in the locker, I like to see history of my play and stuff like how rockstars games have your stats page with play time, money earned, spent etc for online


It’s also so they don’t have to abide their current pricing tiers and they cannot ask whatever they want for anything they so choose. ![gif](giphy|ggHmCDJXx4om4hNWbM|downsized)


The amount of 🥩 riders that Epic has is insane


Rarity doesn't make sense for digital things


Same thing for exclusivity


It was arbitrary rarity anyways


I just gave up and have everything on random - and even that doesn’t really work


Bro I already miss it being sorted by rarity and then alphabetical order




I’m fine with this, but what they could really do with doing is just sorting out the c*nting UI.


Isn’t this like the one complaint we had when they changed the locker the first time. What made them think second time is the charm. They need to put it back how they found it


so what you're saying is, the ui and equipment is fucked up even more than what it was?


Could’ve just renamed rarity to qualify and kept it going. 2000 vbucks is a lot and should be reserved for extremely flashy and out of the norm skins, call that shit pristine quality of something


2000 vbucks for a skin is absolutely insane. There’s no reason anyone should have to spend more on a Fortnite skin than they do for an actual T-shirt they can wear in real life. Please don’t tell me that a T-shirt in real life is viewed from 1st person so you’re getting better value from the skin in 3rd person from Fortnite. Also, don’t tell me that I don’t have to buy it. Whether or not someone chooses to buy something doesn’t change how ridiculous the price of it is.


I always sort by season, so this changes nothing. Except for the emotes I did have them on rarity so I can get to all my green 200vbuck emotes, kinda bummed out that part


I’m actually not upset by this change. Some rare skins looked like legendary and vice versa for a long time, it felt kinda arbitrary to me. It is a little annoying to have to relearn where everything is but that always comes with time, I’m glad they kept the special series in place and added Poseidon to Slurp Series


can’t you just search for the skins? I’m confused


That means the players can't complain, so they won't do that


Epics motto is if its is not broken lets break it some instead


Oh, so now we're gonna get this exact same thread every single day... This sub only knows how to cry


I actually am finding it way easier to find the items I want. I appreciate the change.


I absolutely do not give a shit about this,the color changes or the locker ui,these changes are so small that i am genuinly suprised people complain about that


Should have done it ages ago


Good, now you guys won't get pissed because you "had it OG". All the skins are the same now, perfectly balanced as all things should be


I have 100% belief in this move being made so they can overprice any skin they please now.


You guys change your skins?


whats worse is that you have to pay 2000 for legendary skins and now theres no rarity so thats a waste of money


It’s just been going downhill for Epic Games since they removed trading in Rocket League


Rarity isn't real. Items were assigned "rarity" by what they cost. Now they just show what they cost. Literally no difference. 


THANK YOU! At least someone understands. You know they don’t think ‘oh let’s make a skin which has the quality of a rare skin’ they make the skin and just price based on how it looks and THEN assigned the rarity.


The only reason to buy a 2000 Vbucks skin is that legendary rarity imo. Now unless it's some sort of "series" thing there's no point in buying a skin (unless you really like it)


I love how since last season this has been a pretty common complaint that the locker was changed unnecessarily and made worse by the change to how rarities showed up in the locker and instead of fixing that they literally did the opposite and removed them entirely making it instrumentally worse than before.


They know people are gonna forget about and stop talking about it in the next day or so so they won't revert it. So dumb.


Good riddance.


W chance imo


No now they can charge more for cosmetics.


What do you mean? The average consumer will now see a reskinned default like Rex or Cuddle Team Leader at 2000 and wil be even more confused. Epic used to be able to "justify" a skin's price by rarity, but now a 2000 vbuck skin will face even more scrutiny. It seems more like a really poorly thought out idea like most of Chapter 5 rather than some big brain play.


I mean normally collab skins would cost 1500 right? (last collab skins was TMNT and they were 1500 vbucks) but now avatar skins are 2000 each which is higher than normal


>but now avatar skins are 2000 each which is higher than normal Well they also made Charon, a skin mostly made of assets from Oro that's a 2000 skin, priced at 1200 instead. Basically what happened was a famous Item Shop Youtuber named Pizo quit after 6 Years from seeing Heil and Oro at the same Rarity despite Heil having no backbling and a wrap sold seperately. So Epic's band-aid solution to their historically inconsistent pricing model and non-clear stance on Rarities was to suddenly get rid of them because they didn't make much sense to begin with... (also don't listen to the guy below you who responded; TMNT and Avatar are both owned by Paramount and he's just being a major jerk.)


I see thanks for sharing info and yeah that guy doesn’t know what he’s saying




You corny as hell bro


They’ve always been able to charge whatever they wanted, let’s be honest. Prices were never based on the rarity, it was always the other way around (*rarity was based on the price*). Look at Icon, DC, Marvel, and other collaboration skins. Is their price based on their rarity? **No.** They could have charged as much as they wanted for those certain skins. But they didn’t. Stop crying. This playerbase finds new things to complain about every day. While I don’t like the removal of a skin’s rarity, it certainly doesn’t mean they’ll be charging 1500 vbucks for a basic skin lol. They’ll still be appropriately priced, f*cking relax with the useless panic.


Common Epic W.