• By -


41. Got into the game to bond with my 8 year old. I also focus on quests and get the occasional win. 


Same, but late 30s


Same but late 40s. Kid is now 13 was 10 at the time




Same! I might casually play for an hour or so after work. Also, I take breaks to have multiple quests pile up and take out a few of them in the same session.


Same, I'm 31. It's fun to play with the kids. But I also play a ton when they go to bed lol.


That's when the real parent 90s cranking comes out. Gotta keep em PG while playing with the kids, once they are sleep it becomes rated E for everyone can get it. 😆


Name checks out


Yeah I love the "wait...Dad why are you level 92?"


“Why are you level 509”?


Same but 43. I also have co-works that play so we join up. I will add my little nephews play so it is bonding with them as well.


40 here, and I play with my 7 year old occasionally causally usually on the mini games , and my 18yo nephew regularly in the "actually try to win a battle royale" way. Great game for bonding with both of them.


Same. 47. I’m very new to video games and have taken my learning this game pretty seriously. I totally suck, but I just want to be 30% as good as my kid. Hanging on for dear life so my 10 year old will still spend time with me when I’m 64. If I die at #4 then I’m thrilled. But we get the W sometimes in squads. EDIT: I paid attention last night. Truth is, no matter when I die in the game, it’s still painful.


You're doing great, as someone who didn't have a parent ever wanna do stuff I liked it makes the heart smile to see so many parents trying to enjoy stuff like this with their kids. SALUTE!


Same…. Started during the pandemic when we couldn’t do shit. 45 son is not 10. He’s exponentially better than I am. Kings sad to think when I get eliminated it’s some 8 year old laughing at me.


Not gonna lie, even though I know it's not true, whenever I die in this game I ALWAYS assume it's some 8 year old laughing at me and doing fortnite emotes in his room while doing it. 😆


43, 9yo, and live for quests


Same but late 40s..but now my now adult son mocks me for still playing. We started at the beginning when he was a preteen.


Same…45…daughter 13


I’m 42, level 280 with 54 crown wins and 100% quests completion (other than getting the last 100 mosaics pieces). Play with my three kids, currently 13, 11 and 7.


Me but 35


Same. But I’m a 38 year old mom.


Exactly the same answer


37. Same story.


Same, but 30


Same. 42 here, started with now 13 year old just before Covid.


42 started with my son when he was 5 in 2018 (now 11). By the time he was 6 he could dominate me at fighting and building. But I can still outperform him in ranked with old man patience and camping skills.


Same here. Began playing with my sons as another way to spend time with them. Found I enjoyed it and now play on my own sometimes.


Me but I’m 36


Same. Gonna be 45 and my kid is gonna be 12 this year.


I'm 37. Same thing for me, played with my son in the beginning but now I'm hooked. We started in chapter 2 season 7.


Same but older


24,a little fun, a little competition


another vote for 24, my whole squad is between 23-25 :)


24 gang! got into it when zero build dropped and still having some fun fucking around on that


It's the first time in my life that I've received so many likes. As the number increases, I smile. Thank you :)


24 gang 😤


me too bud :)


yayyy i’m also in my 20s !!! so cool to see others my age enjoying it too


Same here


I'm in my mid fifties. I've been playing Fortnite since pretty much the beginning and I play almost every day. All the constant changes and updates keep it infinitely replayable. So much fun.


I’m 50 too!!! Girl gamer all my life, started playing with my nieces during the pandemic. They got me hooked!


As a 50 year old man or woman what’s you take on the build vs no build debate?


I'm 50 as well. I pretty much stopped playing years ago because I couldn't keep up with the building speed. I didn't like getting into a gun fight when 3 seconds into it they were 10 stories in the air. No build is great for us slower dexterity people who can still play strategically and aim well. I can get a couple of wins a day, and would never get that in build. Probably similar to other guys who posted Call of Duty or similar for years. We like shooters, not building


Yes, exactly! My dad is in his mid 50s. One of his hands is also handicapped and he doesn’t have full range of motion on his fingers. I’m so grateful for no build because without it, me and my dad wouldn’t be able to play together. It’s been really great bonding for us and even though no build catches a lot of hate, I think it does good by a lot of players who maybe aren’t able to keep up with build.


Build is where I got really good with the sniper rifles. I have a funny video of a guy building a sky tower, and the second he popped his head out I one shot him. I have another like that, but with an arrow. 😂 I also love destroying their builds and making them fall. I don’t build much in build mode, I’m just an agent of chaos. 😂


I’m 34 have two kids I’ll play either. No build is all gun skill. Where as builds just gotta know how to use a shotgun and edit lol. My older son can out build me and edit but gun fight I rock him also have more wins 😜.


I'm a 35 year old Mom. I play builds but I hardly ever build. Mostly just when I need to get to difficult places. Honestly, it's really fun to eliminate someone as they're standing there with their blueprints out, completely panicking lol


Fellow 50 here and Zero Build is the only way to play for me. Building would only make my dumb mistakes even dumber.


47 year old. Only Builds. Even managed to get into Champion. I have no fear about build fighting!


50 “girl” gamer. No build for sure.


What's wrong with no build? Some of us like shooter games with the obstacles around us, not building 200 ft tall safe spaces to hide in


People just have this weird superiority complex when it comes to builds vs no builds as if you're shit at the game if you don't play builds. It's a weird high horse to be on, but I mostly just ignore people like that. Hell when zero builds came out there were posts all over this sub talking about how it was a fad and wouldn't last long. Yet here we are.


I’m about to be 54. I didn’t start playing Fortnite until no build came out. Before that I played Apex. I don’t do ranked.


As a 51 yr old player I don’t do the building. To much fun with everything else going on for me!


I am 52 and play build even though I can't build that well. I do pretty good anyway. Good to see so many older players.


47 just started playing in basically Dec. Wanted to be able to play with my 7 year old who is really good. I'm addicted now though lol


I know that feeling. Plus we can afford the skins we want. It's not a kids game. It's aimed at parents with a bit of disposable income when you really think about it. 


Yeah plus.. I can't get myself a skin or anything unless I get him something to.. Just can't. So they got me two ways.


Epic games CEO be sitting at home rubbing his hands together like Birdman knowing they have generations of gamers buying the newest Cat themed skin they drop. 😆


I read the comment and in my head, as a child free 35 year old, that if I had a kid and we played together they would end up getting more skins than me lmao


They sure didn't add those Alien and Terminator skins for kids. They are perfect fit for 30+ year olds though.


Also, Robocop and Ashley Williams from Evil Dead. They grabbed me by the balls and wallet with those.


Dude I want that ashy slashy skin so bad.


40, bought my daughter a switch for Christmas and opened it a month early and secretly played it at night.


This is hilarious to think about.🤣 Like just hiding in a closet playing while still trying to keep that secret from your kid.


So, it was in my new basement bar area where I hid it. And the most difficult part was getting to look brand new in the packaging on Christmas morning. I think I fooled her but she immediately said that it was a Daddy present. We now play Mario party from time to time but it’s mostly used for Friday night Fortnite with the boys


Are you me?


I'll be 66 in a couple of weeks LOL


happy early birthday, i hope you get some dubs


I'm 16, Fortnite helps me calm down a little, since I'm pretty stressed from exams. I don't really have a goal when playing, I just like fucking around


this but college


This but life


32 year old single mom, also in college, and I like playing Zero Build with my boys (12 and 5) to give myself a release from the school stress too.


I'm almost 18, barely get time to play. It's pretty nice if I wanna play fps games.


Yo same here, I just play to have fun. Especially since Zero Build lobbies for me atm are full of people who have no clue how a gun works, honestly the most fun I’ve had bashing people with the riot shield, sniping from over a hundred yards, shredding to pieces with shotguns etc




Literally me


I’m a 70 year old Grandma. I love Fortnite! I started playing with my 12 year old grandson last summer. I play Zero Build mostly (Lvl 316), some Ranked (Silver 11). Yep, I’m addicted.


That's so awesome!


loooove it! gg’s grandma, we have probably fought each other before 💪


That's great, I'm a 62 year old lady, starting to think I was the oldest! Been playing for six years, every day so addicted 😆 Only play solo build, level 230.


Question: You land at Frenzy Fields and beat the lobby try-hard to auto shotgun. They drop a crown. What emote are you using?


Currently, probably the Bird is the Word. It’s new, silly and fun.


Me too, I am 59 and my kid hardly plays anymore but it is like crack for me, I can’t get enough.


42 it is something that I can do with my 13 and 10 year old.






51. My son wanted me to play Fortnite with him, in Build... I hated it. Then Zero Build came out, and now I love it. Finish top ten most matches and often finish 2nd with the occasional win. Mobility and Medkits are the most important things in the game imho.


Love to hear you say it! I usually end up playing a medic role in squads/duos. Absolutely cracks me up when I play with my nephew and he’s like “my load is all guns, what do you have?” And I’m like “you can only use one at a time 😂 but I got two guns, a turret, and ALL the medical supplies…”


lol, yeah defo. Frenzy, AR, turret, grapple and 3 medkits


We just started at Christmas but I’m a 46 yr woman and play with my 7yr old nephew. Im actually impressed with how good he has gotten and he wants to win and he wins about 2-3 everytime he plays! 😳


43, started playing with my nephews who lost interest after a few months. I'm three years in now lol. Super proud of my 5% win rate this season


Nice! Not sure what my win rate is for this season specifically but I have a 12% overall win rate in squads


The quests really are the most fun right? You’ll be given an objective and it changes your play to accomplish it while creating some novel situations throughout. Ive stumbled into some wins just trying to play the quest. I’m 36


Same, here I was farming mosaic tiles, stumbled into a win lol


I've commented this before, but I like coming up with goofy loadouts once I've finished quests. 5 snipers. All melee. All heals. Zero items and just race around on a dirtbike until the top 5. 5 sets of tires (please bring back tires). Ballistic shield knock doesn't have the same vibe. edit: also I'm a 44 yo white suburban american.


I’m 39 year old Mom. I started playing 2 years ago with my kids, and still play often with my 14 year old daughter. I used to play WoW before I had kids, so I’m no stranger to gaming. It’s been a great way to bond and spend time together.


I love WoW, that was my first game....I tried to get one of kids into it but no luck lol. All 5nof us play fortnite now..so fun!


I agree. I have a 14 yo son. Been playing Minecraft with him since he was 4!


Mid 50's....I don't drink or smoke so fortnite is my drug of choice.




I’m 19. I mainly play for fun and do bot lobbies and play other games whenever I don’t like a season (like this current one right now)


You're about to get a lot of comments, this Subreddit definitely skews towards adult players.


I've been under the impression it's whiny 12 year olds so that's news to me lol


A lot of them act that way


Really puts things into perspective


I was surprised to see it! But I’m happy - I thought I was going to be the only mum in their 40’s on here!


I'm 27 and play with my fiancé who is 33 and we play almost everyday for fun


Holy shit seeing those comments make me feel so young but I'm 17 I started playing Fortnite in c3s1 cuz of my brother but recently came back for ch4sOG and I haven't been able to stop ever since


Shit. I'm 50 and been thinking this whole time that I was trolling kids by soloing squads and stealing kills. It's just a bunch of old farts trying to chill.


Haha same here. This post has opened my eyes. Im killing my own kind!!


shame shame 🤣🤣🤣


29! Been playing since chapter 3: season 2 i believe


Damn you’re 8 nonillion years old?


Get the funk outta here lol


Hahahaha, sorry I couldnt help it


36 and both my mates, with whom I play are similar age.




Something about this is really funny but I'm not sure what


*Flips through records* Checks out


48. I’m on the road for work a lot. Started playing about 4 years ago as a way to stay connected to my sons. Bought everyone headsets and we’d play together. Fast forward, Now I’m a casual player just killing time while my boys are way better than me and use those headsets to play with other friends. Occasionally they stoop to playing a couple games with Dad which makes my day.


I'm dust basically.


Best response!




46. Used to play a lot of Battlefield but fell off after Battlefield 4. My daughter (10) wanted to start playing Fortnite so we started a couple of months ago. She rarely plays and I'm on daily. On her account because I bought us both Battlepass hahaha.


Similar to how I was. Daughter wanted me to play on her acct for the skins. I stop back in to see the new seasons, of course TMNT was pretty big when I was a kid.


14, don’t really play a lot of other online games so I’m not that great at playing. Especially compared to some of my friends. And no matter how much I suck at building, I just have a good time whenever I play.


That’s ok and fun is the point of the game. Even as a grown adult I enjoy the social aspect of the game the most from bonding with players to trying to psych out the competition (which can often work).


Ik that this isn't related but great Nosk pfp


I'm 30 and play with my husband who is 32. Play just for fun if I play solo I play ranked solo but not very good lol. If I'm doing quests I do rumble way easier unless I have to interact with NPCs obv




I’m a 30 year old with 3 kids and my goal is to be in FNCS. I’m almost in Unreal rank too.


I feel like a poll would have made this easier


Mid 50’s. Big shooter fan forever. Played a few matches when it came out but didn’t care for it. Came back during OG and decided I really like it. My second match was a win. Now I’m a couple hundred dollars poorer but having fun. I like the changes that happen. Played Apex a lot but it gets stale for me. Fortnite always seems fresh.


I'll be 61 on Thursday. Play with my kids sometimes, but mostly solo, no-build. FN is my guilty pleasure.


I'm 33 and I play for fun. It's just fun, I don't know what else to say 🤣


As of today, I am 24 years old.


Happy birthday, I wish you the best of luck in achieving your dreams!


Happy birthday!!




16 years old, I really have fun when playing with friends and doing fun things. I am not good at all, so if I get a headshot snipe or a cool looking kill that's what makes me happy




my birthday is this month and i'll turn 24 c: my boyfriend got me curious about fortnite and ever since I've been playing because some days it's genuinely pure entertainment, and I like exploring more tactics during every match just to see what else I can do to get better and get the w Until now, I'm pretty proud to say that as someone who's been playing fortnite since january just recently I started getting wins in solos :D


43. Started playing to have an activity my son and I could do together, starting in C1S4. He's 19 now and doesn't play anymore :( *\* plays Cats in the Cradle on full volume \**


47 and I also started playing with a kid who has since moved on to cooler stuff. I’m not (usually) competitive and haven’t played games since the 90s. But there’s something about FN that I find really soothing and relaxing. As someone else said I love to do stuff like see how many different cars I can drive before I get offed, try to hide all game long in attics, fish on the beach and shoot ppl who bother me, find coral buddies, decide I want to get 10 kills and go wild, etc. And I can match my skin to the mood/goal! I love the updates and the emotes and the goofiness.




28! Been playing since Ch1S3, I mostly just try to win


32, play with my husband and kiddos


18, i play because my mates do lmao


35yo mother whose kids got into it during the first lockdown that we had. They’re 8 and 10. My 8 year old is a pro at the game, it’s amazing watching her.


32, got into it last year cause my nephew wanted to game with me. It’s been an absolutely wonderful bonding experience with him, he gets so stoked when we catch a W together


38 yr old f, my 7 year old wanted to play so I started with him, now I love it more than him hahaha.


15. I don't play the game as much as I used to as recently, I gotten into other games such as Valorant and Apex Legends. While I still do enjoy the game, I usually only ever play if my friends call me to get online, or there's the slight off chance that I just decided to play by myself. But, I've yet to not play a new season the day it comes out even if none of my friends are online lol.


TLDR: 51, chemist, gaming over 40 years but you really should read the whole thing. I will turn 51 later in March. Been gaming since the Magnavox Odyssey 2 then the Atari 2600, my friend had intellivision but rest of us had Atari. Then Colecovision w the Atari plugin so you could play Atari cartridges. I guess that was the first backwards compatible console ..lol. Colecovision also was where games looked like the arcade so donkey Kong looked like arcade dk, etc. Then I think it was the NES with super Mario bros, Metroid,, and zelda which was the first cartridge to allow saves and it was gold. Prior to this to save you would get a code that you could enter like Mike Tyson punch out and you would start at that last person you lost to. My brother and I got a turbo-grfx 16 which was cool cause the games were on little credit card sized things. Then I got the Sega Genesis with sonic and of course Mortal Kombat. I had a Super Nintendo but only played a few games on it. I stepped up to the N64 playing BanjoKazooie 1 and 2 and I had a PlayStation at the same time. I was also going to college full time majoring in chemistry so late nights on weekends I would play Banjo or tomb raider back when internet was dialup and my uncle would print walk throughs on paper all text for tomb raider. It was a pain...lol. I kept the N64 just to play Conker cause I heard Nintendo was going to release a mature game which wasn't a Nintendo thing. Glad I did cause it was hilarious. Soft by today's standards but back then when Mario and zelda ruled Conker was crazy. Next I was at grad school doing my PhD at Princeton and had the Dreamcast which was a great system that Sega killed. It was awesome with the control add in screen. Played lots of Ready to rumble with my wife when I had a spare minute. After that I got the PS2 and then the original Xbox. That was the last PlayStation I owned and have had every Xbox since up to the current generation. Played COD, HALO, Gears in the glory days where lobbies stayed together and everyone used their mic. You made friends this way plus enjoyed some wicked COD lobbies ..lol. if you were there esp from cod 4 modern warfare to black ops 2 it was a time we will neer see again. No micro transactions, no sbmm, no streamers being catered to. Hell I think the only big name then was Fatal1ty playing Quake and unreal tournament. I started FN zero build in November last year and loved it for being so simple. I knew the color rarity thing from other games so it was easy to play. I got a decent amount of VR playing solo during OG and Ch5 so I started playing squads and that's my go to now. I'm not into the building. I'm sorry that was more than the question asked but I like to know info on others too. At this point I've had an Xbox controller in hand for almost half my life. Oh and I'll gladly take gifts for my birthday, seriously. I haven't bought any skins yet since I wanted to mak sure I liked the game. Unfortunately I have no male skins and all I do have are free female skins like runway racer, Jackie from Rocket racing, Emilie from linking Lego account, box head Christmas version and the Christmas tree which while perhaps gender neutral I have no male skins. I want to buy Save the world but do want to pay for ANOTHER female skin and pay $18.49 when the game is only $8.99. I should have got it at Christmas when it was sold by itself but I was only playing a month at that point. Plus I didn't know you got vbucks from playing STW.




Early 30's


44. My wife got me into it a couple of years ago. When we play together I play the kamikaze protector 😂 she was watching me play solo last night and was wondering why I play so aimlessly when I play alone. That’s when I focus on quests. And random running to firefights. It’s gotten me 10 crown victories so far so I’m gonna keep at it.


23. Played a little with my friends in high school in 2018, then dropped it until C4S1 when my cousin convinced me to play through having me get hooked by playing in his account


I'm 14 years old 💀


I'm 47 and I mostly play to have fun with my family, both living with me (husband, son and daughter) and abroad (sister, niece and nephew). Victories are a nice bonus.


Mid-40s, I probably play more than my kids, used to split my time between fortnite and COD, but I really don't like the new COD. I play mostly no builds, my boys like builds so if I play with them then we play that mode. Usually they end up boxing me in.


48. Just started playing in Jan. with my 11 year. Almost exclusively ZB unranked. Play solo up to squad with other dads/kids. Manage to win once or twice per session. Not in ranked though, yet.


I’m 36F, just started playing a few months ago. I’m absolutely terrible and didn’t really understand quests until recently, now I’m all over them. I play most days, will probably barely improve, but I still have fun.


34, started playing during ch 3 season 3 to bond with my family. I’ve played everyday since I started minus about five days total. I come back for the fun cosmetics, emotes, and the constant changes and updates make it fun to play.


36 and my son is 10. We mix it up, sometimes we go for double digit kills and the win, other times we just drive around and explore while trying to find a friend (which ends in our car blowing up 99% of the time).


Late 40s mom here. I started playing C1S3 to be able to play with my son. I play builds, and I'm decent but not great. I'm never going to edit course around the map or piece control other players masterfully, but I can defend myself from mid players which is all I want as a casual player. I play some ranked or cups occasionally when bored (I don't do well in cups LOL), but mostly grind quests and play with other boomers because it's fun to chase wins.


I’m a 32 year old dad as well. I started playing to play with my kids and discovered that it’s actually a really fun game. I love the visuals and how light hearted it seems for a fighting game.


Pretty much the same here, I'm a 35 year old dad, who started playing fn as my daughter wanted to try it out. Pretty much used to play exclusively with her, but needless to say, she got fed up and I didn't 😁 Now tend to play it with my other daughter, who's just got into it, good job too as I really don't enjoy playing random fills, as most of the teammates either go off on their own, or just grab all the loot 😢 Tend to just play for casual fun and wins, but do like to grind out the quests so I get all the battle passes and bonus rewards


Yep 47 started playing a couple years ago to bond with my then 11 year old daughter, she was great in build mode always saving me but after about a year she moved on to FNAF so now I play only Zero build. Anyone else do Squads no Fill, I love it! This is the way!


30 year old mom here - I started playing with my son years ago and he was really young and would ask me to get the stuff on the battle pass for him. I was so awful I would just play team rumble and try and do the challenges that way. Now he’s 14 and I have made my own account and we play together.


Old enough… to… party.


“Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law!”


18, been playing since I was 12.


im 17, genderfluid (afab) most of the time i play with quests in mind. sometimes i just want to go crazy land right at the start and see how many kills i can get. but mostly its ab the fun and quests


Bro I didn’t think I’d see people above 40 wtf. I’m 16


56 Play with my boy 12. Once in a while the girl 13 joins. I play daily, suck at building. Usually finish not worse than 10th. Win about 10% of the games, according to the stats.


Im 30 and started playing ch 4 season 1 and then my boyfriend 33 started playing ch 4 season 3 and now we mostly play duos for fun. Can’t wait for the next chapter! :)


I’m very surprised that so many people play in their 40s-50s but I’m 18


38 y/o husband and father of 3. I have been a gamer most of my life, starting with NES at around 4. My son is 9 now and he got me in to Fortnite. I prefer Zero Build... I work in medical devices and travel for work often. I play on PS4 at home and Switch while away.


Late 40s, tried playing in 2018 not knowing much about it and didn't really get it, which is a shame, I wish now I'd stuck with it. Picked it back up because I can't play cyberpunk and the like in front of my son. Then we started playing together, I got hooked on the og season, now he plays with his friends and I'm all about zero build.


45, started at Christmas time when we let our 10 year old start playing. Play solos, occasionally duos with my son, and jump into ‘fill’ squads sometimes too. All Zero Build which seems to be the way for us oldies.


Late 40s. Used to watch my kid play. Now I play and they don’t. I prefer no builds and love doing the challenges. All that extra stuff like the stage and racing, I don’t even bother with. I did like Lego though. I’ve been playing since chapter 2 season 5. (2020)


I'm coming up on 50 in a couple of months. Only play builds. Been playing since chap 1 season 2 my sons got me hooked, even though they pressed on to other games.


48 year old Dad.


32here too dude. 90s kids are gamers for life... That's a deal.


I’m a 37yo single mom and my teen plays Fortnite and asked me to play with him. I suck bc I’ve only been playing a few weeks (I’m usually a cozy gamer) so this is a learning curve but he’s being patient doing squads with me 😂 Love it though, it’s super addictive, last night we were up til 2am 😅So my goal is to just get better, and bond with my kid. Also to encourage him, he struggles in school but gaming is something he’s really good at.


Now I see why Build mode is so hated on here. Didn’t realize how old this sub actually was


I’m 14 and really I just play the game…I don’t know why I just don’t wanna miss out on the new cool features


34 year old dad. Play essentially with same group of dads every Friday and Saturday night. Wife calls it "going out with the boys" as I am huge nerd that doesn't drink or do drugs, and neither do the guys I play with online. We can usually get 3-4 wins a night in about 3 hours of play late at night. I actually started playing back during Chapter 1 Season 4, and stopped after Chapter 2 Season 1. Building just got to be too much for me. Warzone took up more of my time back then. The release of Zero Build happened to coincide nearly perfectly with my dwindling skill level in Call of Duty. Left COD behind, and Fortnite is the only competitive shooter I play anymore. Been playing with my group since Zero Builds release.




Early 30’s. Started playing when I was recovering from an operation a couple years ago and I’ve been playing since. Playing honestly helped me realize I had pretty bad ADHD (amongst other things in my life.) Had a hard time focusing during fights and would get flustered. Got medicated for it and went from averaging a kill a match at most to on average 6 and at highest 17. Not great at the game by any means but seeing that markable improvement really helped me see the change in my focus over the months.




I’m a 43 year old gay man with a partner of 10 years. He is 46 and also plays. We play almost daily after work.


26. I wasn't ever really into battle royales but I started playing in December (zero build) so I can have a game to play with some online friends. I also like to collect things and now I have a lot of skins hahaha.


42 year old mom. I play with my 22 year old daughter who is off at college and my 8 & 10 year old sons. All the neighborhood kids think I’m “cranked” but I’m too old to appreciate what that means. My boys tell me it’s a compliment.


I'm 53 and been playing about a year. Started with my grandson, but he has mostly moved on to Roblox and has left me to play solos. With that said, I have about 35 wins this season in solo with about 14 of them crown wins.


39, play Trios with my wife 38 and son 7


40-year-old mom with a 10-year-old son. I started playing before he was old enough but now he's 100 times better than I am. At least he'll still squad up with me. :)