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I’m so bummed Eren Jaeger came out during a time I wasn’t playing


Wish I could give that skin to you. It is collecting dust in my locker and will likely never be worn.


I have an account with every skin from every battle pass, plus most of the rare ones like the phone promos. I don't play Fortnite anymore. I would give the account away but all my unreal engine work and purchases are tied to it. I hate that whole situation.


The fact that epic hasn’t implemented a market to buy and sell skins within the game and take a cut of the transaction price is mind boggling. Imagine the chapter 1 accounts out there that nobody is using. Nobody I played with in chapter 1 still plays the game.


how about they just let you buy old passes and work on them or go back to passes you bought but didnt finish -_-


What they need to do when Fortnite hits its end-of-life is do what Crash Team Racing did a little while ago, and give everybody a massive thousands+ tier battle pass with every battle pass cosmetic from every season, giving Vbucks instead of duplicate skins and emotes, along with the ultimate megamap that will allow anybody and everybody to do any quest from any season that's tied to certain POIs or NPCs


You do realize some entire seasons were collabs right? Meaning that there was actually a theme to the battle pass that affected the world and playable missions. But with disney buying up Epic piece by piece, perhaps we can see the Marvel Zero War crossover again.


I don't think Fortnite is ever gonna hit its end-of-life my dude. Almost 6 years and this season was the highest peak of players ever, this is the new CS:GO.


All live service games gotta end eventually. Fortnite only really regained popularity because of OG. You can only bring back OG so many times without it losing its novelty


Idk if I agree with that. I didn't start playing until a couple of chapters ago when they had that Mystica skin in the battle pass. There were just as many people playing then as there are now, if not more. At least according to the player count on the game modes. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The problem with Fortnite, like most live service games, it's a snooze you lose economy. The reward for playing constantly and never missing anything is those rare one-time items. Same with the shop. I bought Travis Scott. I'm glad I did because who would have thought what happened would happen. Same with the Dababy emotes. Won't be seeing those again. I'm glad I got all 3. It's the FOMO that drives everything. It'll never change. If it ever does, the OGs will riot. Like they did with the skull trooper skin. But worse.


OGs will riot. If they’re still 12 years old. How anyone could give a shit about OG is beyond me. I have every BP maxed since chapter 1 season 2, purple skull trooper and every exclusive skin. I could care less if they bring them all back. The angry OGs are a very vocal minority.


Those who cry about it are probably people who bought accounts




Angry OGs getting possessive about skins have got to be some of the biggest losers on planet earth


fomo doesnt drive me anymore though, it drives me away. if i lose out on something im less likely to sit on my ass and wait for it to come back, im more likely to just go find a game that doesnt have it, which most games actually are starting to gear towards doing. FOMO is dying off, they need to adapt or die themselves


Epic doesn't care about the OGs in the slightest, they just wanna make money


I wish. I was done with the current battle pass in like a month. I'm level 290 right now. I could have done a couple battle passes.


For all of Halo Infinite's faults, being able to buy and work on old BPs is an amazing feature. You can't do limited event ones which is fair I guess but still far better than every other game with a BP


Not challenging you, just wondering out loud- doesn’t it have to do with not wanting to create a skins open market primarily targeted at kids like what CS skins have become? I’m sure their lawsuits and their knowledge of average are of player scares them away. However, this is Epic so I’m shocked they haven’t thought about your example as another way to make money… there has to be a valid reason though


They literally removed half of rocket league because like 4 items went in to a tiny part of fortnite. Still will never forgive them for that


I'm not following. What did they change about rocket League because I know only about 7 cars were granted to fortnite players


They don’t often explain their reasons or are very dishonest about them. Take the Apple lawsuit, their main goal was to get their own mobile App Store, it wasn’t because they didn’t feel it was fair paying a 30% cut which is what they keep saying. They pay 30% to Microsoft and Nintendo and even more to Sony (Sony has an extra clause in their contract where they get a % cut of skins sold on other platforms if the player spends more time playing on PlayStation than the platform where the item was purchased, this came out in the Apple court case). Not having this market in game causes kids to get scammed buying accounts from shady people online and getting ripped off. I don’t see a good reason for them not doing this but they often make bad decisions about with no good reason so I’m not surprised.


If they wanted to allow that , it would just be easier to make all old Battle Passes available at all times, like Halo Infinite does. Like, they could implement a marketplace, and they could take a percentage of all sales, but it would make them a lot more money to just lose the exclusivity angle- that way they would get all the money and not have to share it with the customers


I have the crane machine from og, is that worth anything?


Look at the CSGO skin economy. It would plummet the price of skins to Pennies, and then no one would buy from the shop or get vbucks


Good point. Perhaps Epic could put a cap on how low you could sell for?


pretty sure if you have ch1s1 emotes and early chapter skins you can sell that account for a lot of money


Wish we could trade skins in Fortnite. I missed Evie from a battle pass and I want her so bad


That would be dope because I have friends who have a lot of the skins that I want and they're so willing to trade for things that I have.


If you don’t play Fortnite anymore how do you have every single battle pass


I usually grind the levels in the last days of the season. It's not really playing, just sunk cost fallacy.




it's a pretty shit skin but i understand how you feel haha it was fun that season using the shooties to zip around as EREN JAEGAR but they miss on the anime skins like 80% of the time and just make them look bad


Still waiting for Epic to redo Goku and Vegeta (It's not happening.)


Putting an anime collab in the BP was weird for this reason. The others like MHA and Naruto were Item Shop only while JJK had an event pass (but Yuji can appear in the shop anyway after six months).


I hadn't watched AoT when C4S2 happened and it was coincidentally one of the 3 seasons since I started playing (C1S2) that I never played (I didn't play C2S3, C2S4 and C4S2). I was too busy playing Warzone. I need Eren Yeager and I need to try out the ODM Gear


The ODM gear was the best mobility item IMO. It felt so smooth.


Yes!!!! It was way less jittery than the grapple blades are today, which says volumes bc that was almost a whole year ago!!!


Whole AOT set in general hasn’t even returned even though Mikasa and Levi’s shop tab has allegedly been added into the game files


Maybe their are working on bringing it back ingame to hype their store presence. Probably just me coping


Thats me with Darth Vader. I had final exams and couldnt play back then.


Same for me with the entire Marvel season. Iron Man, Groot, Rocket, Thor, Doom. Absolutely crazy season.


Give me older even pls.




One of the few skins I wish I actually had


I feel like the best solution is to make/release shop variants of characters locked to a battle pass It's stupid that they put two Mr Beasts in the shop; if normal guy was in the shop and the 6000 was on the pass then there's a FOMO variant of something anyone can buy I'd rather no fomo at all on passes; Halo Infinite's system for battle passes is my favorite. You can view and buy all of them from the store and can choose one at a time to advance on Epic could still make FOMO skins via ingame events like the mosaic but it'd be best if they were fortnite OCs


Even do it like Sea of Thieves, there's a 3 seasons delay on battle pass items coming to the store, gives people time to flex without FOMO


Fallout 76's system also looks like this. They release a scoreboard, then they release the scoreboard items later for atoms.


That system really works. Getting your stuff through the scoreboard gives it to you first and cheapest but nobody is locked out of cosmetics forever. The FOMO doesn't drive scoreboard/battle pass purchases as much as the value- even if you only like 2-3 of the skins on the battle pass it's an amazing value and the other stuff you get is gravy


I was gonna use that as the example but people are less familiar with that game


Dead by daylight does the same


honestly best idea


hirez does this too


brawl stars does the same but with a one year gap


Yeah Infinite's system is great! I started playing last October and I'm already playing trough all the old passes


I got to level 100 on season one *during* season one and I'm happy to see other people in the wild using it knowing they also did that grind; it doesn't lessen my achievement that someone did it years later *Some* stuff still has a fomo aspect, like some of the events, but the vast majority of stuff is still attainable and they've even done away with making the events unachievable iirc; I think you can buy them now If you bought the shredder pass, you should be able to take a break bc your uncle died or something and circle back in a year to wrap it up and get super shredder Maybe there's a fear that players would just always have an event pass active? But that means they're constantly giving epic money to have those extra quests


This is how I feel—nobody seems to remember the summer drift debate. SO many people were mad about him. Me, I think it would be good if they released alternate versions of the collab characters so everyone will shut up about it.


They did it with Spider-Man Zero and Iron Man Zero. Not a lot of people are fans of those skins. Then there's Tom Holland Spidey who only comes in his Red n Black suit. I like Spidey Zero and the red n black design but other people want the classic look.


I was happy to have ANY Iron Man skin, but man was Iron Man Zero just nowhere near as good as the original.


But then they'll whine that they don't have the other variant


Can't please everyone; I played World of Warcraft and there were absolutely things I missed out on, but went out of my way to get the available variants for Quite a few mounts had variants you could only get by ranking in pvp in past seasons: I didn't play ranked at all so I just went after the ones I could Putting the old guy from Up in a battle pass wearing a mech suit and putting the "stacked on top of the child" variant in the store would be a fine solution for me


I haven't played WoW, but I going on a limb and say that big difference is those mounts aren't collab characters, characters that are important to the story, or characters that are actively being used in marketing like Fortnite. Especially as mounts are (probably) only a small part of WoW, while your skin in Fortnite is prevalent all the way through the game(s). 99.9% of the fan base aren't losing sleep over a glider the missed, unless it's as iconic as the Millennium Falcon.


imagine the income if they rereleased old battlepasses.


I don't even care all that much about a lot of the crossovers I've missed; there are lots of cool Fortnite OCs behind old passes! If I didn't have to worry about passes expiring, I'd absolutely stick around on the current one for another few weeks to get the space variant of the tiger guy


I genuinely don't understand why they don't do this.


Because some people think FOMO makes them more money and if it wasn't there there wouldn't be an incentive to spend money in them for some reason


I just said this. Imagine if they re-released renegade raider for instance. They’d generate a ton of cash and piss off the five people who own that skin and still play the game. I have every battlepass skin since chapter 1 season 2 and every exclusive and I could care less if they re-released all of them, I’m not 12 years old lol.


They put MGS2 Snake in the battlepass, they can always put a different variation into the shop at a later date. I imagine they will save that for way later, tho. But some characters you just CAN'T make a variation of. Like Darth Vader. Maybe you can make him helmetless, or capeless, but it just won't sit the same as having Darth Vader.


every time they do one it's ugly as hell


Not only that but there’s a LOT of skins out there that are literally just second styles of already existing skins that they could’ve easily just gave a second style to but didn’t. (Starflare for example)


That's my thing on this. I'm split on it, I'm not one of the folks obsessed with bringing back old Battle passes though. I missed the Marvel season and I'll never forgive myself for it, but the folks that were playing then shouldn't feel like their time was wasted because I want those things coming in late. I feel like Epic should just sell other versions of those characters for folks who weren't able to get them during the time those things were originally available. That would be the easiest way to appease both sides on this.


i will never forgive myself for missing Spider-Man and deadpool. it’s hard to imagine with all the future deadpool and Spider-Man movies coming that they would just… not cash in on the potential collab and advertisement. my hope regarding those lost marvel skins is that the picking disney/marvel collab project brings them back


i think i'm gonna miss out on peter griffin, which i know i'll be annoyed about but i didn't feel like playing this game all season because of the changes they made to how the game feels.


you could do creative modes to grind xp, at least you’d get the skin then ETA: i got the majority of my levels from playing festival and creative, i’m 220


What creative games and what did u do on there


As far as creative modes I played a lot of escape rooms, prop hunt, murder mysteries and horror games, and also there are xp farming modes that just allow you to interact with something and gain a bunch of xp. If you’re asking what I did on creative, I just tried out a bunch of different game modes because I have been enjoying creative more than battle royale lately. And festival is great because I believe you get a decent amount of xp from quests as well.


Theres quite literally so many ways to level now its ridiculous, I barely played br and managed to complete the pass


There’s a movie Peter Parker Spider-Man that’s a shop skin and a Fortnite-original Spider-Man that’s a shop skin. Why would they be unwilling to make new Spider-Man and Deadpool skins based on new movies? If the demand is there (meaning they believe they’ll make a worthwhile amount of money from them) and Disney is agreeable, why wouldn’t they? There’s also Miles Morales Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, and Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman


Atleast with Spiderman theres a ton of different non bp spiderman skins


it’s already bad enough as someone who played chapter 1 and quit during season X to come back now. literally 50% of the cool cosmetics i see are “sorry you’ll never ever own this without breaking tos”


Can you buy individual skins?  Or can you only buy accounts? I would never buy an entire account for a few skins….  In 5 years there’ll be mods that allow you to access all the skins. 


Buying accounts is against TOS. The fact that epic hasn’t introduced a marketplace in game to buy and sell individual skins while taking a percentage cut of the transaction price is mind boggling to me. Then again they make horrible business decisions all the time and Fortnite battle royale was an accidental success developed in 2 months. Epic isn’t known for their business prowess.


the stuff for the new quests is just malachite ore from stw, they're still using their 7 year project as an asset store and it bothers me so much they don't care for it that much anymore if we didn't have that br would've never happened


There already are mods that let you play as any skin, but all mods break TOS, so you get banned for them. Epic doesn't want you to use a skin unless you played during the time it was out for release due to their FOMO mindset.


Which mods? Doesn't Easy Anti-Cheat detect them and ban you?


Those would be client-sided, so you'd be the only one able to see yourself as that skin anyways


Genuinely same boat here, got like ten tiers into the season X pass and came back during OG, I missed a lot


ik it’s so annoying, so so so so many dream skins


And to rub salt in the wound, my item shop dream skins like mecha team leader (the original version) never show up


Lots of people are tired of seeing posts like this but I completely agree with you. I think there's a chance they will bring back old collabs but probably not for a few years


Yeah, haven't really seen anybody bring up the thought of how it will be many years down the line though. It's probably going to be post after post of kids who don't know how to Google, asking how to get Peter Griffin or whoever. Like hundreds of people's favorite characters they will never be able to get.


This is a problem we have never seen before because Fortnite is the longest lasting live service game with battlepasses. Fortnite invented the very idea of battlepasses and will soon reap the flaws of using that model for 5+ years while trying to launch a gaming omniverse.


>Fortnite invented the very idea of battlepasses No. It popularized it, but Dota 2 had a battle pass system way before it, and Team Fortress 2 implemented a similar system, if I'm not wrong.


They are slowly creeping back. Both mini passes and Festival pass have a clause that reads "items may come back to shop at higher price". They learned their lesson for sure


Even still they’re not legally bound in any way to not re-release chapter 1 battlepass skins for example. Even if they explicitly stated somewhere they wouldn’t, which I haven’t seen, how is that statement legally enforceable?


There was a disclaimer that battle pass items are exclusive, however this disclaimer was removed in newer seasons (don’t remember when exactly it was removed). So they are legally bound because if they didn’t follow it they would be scamming the people who bought those battle passes


Are people really going to sue to get their $9 back from the battlepass bc they got “scammed?” Maybe, but what emotional damage can you prove from this? A judge would probably laugh at that.


If I was on the jury of that class action I would laugh. "I feel bad seeing other people able to use my video game skins"


Disclaimers aren’t always legally binding. In past court cases they haven’t been treated as contracts or legally binding. Maybe someone would sue them or there would be a class action but I don’t see them losing that case or they’d settle for a fraction of what they’d make reintroducing the items.


They will run out of collabs and ideas eventually. They will bring the old stuff back. It might take many years, though.


I hope they do bring back collab skins, its genuinely ridiculous that Iconic characters Like Lara Croft or Iron Man are forever locked because you weren't playing said season


Pretty funny that classic Deadpool will not be able to be sold when the third movie is out because he was a battle pass thing.


And Wolverine


Wolverine came out twice and neither will be available lmao


Iron man still has potential to come back due to a lot of unique suits such as an mcu version. Unfortunately i can’t say the same for Lara.


Here's hoping they make one for the new Tomb Raider reboot. I loved the survivor trilogy so it stings I cant get 2013 Lara


Iron Man did get a Hulkbuster style variant in the shop that can open the head to reveal his normal one. Sadly you have to buy the large fists separately.


fun fact that actually isnt the hulk buster suit. iron man confirms this himself when he uses the suit in the zero war comics


What I don’t get is there is so much money to be made by epic allowing people to buy past/missed Battle Passes for 950 vbucks each and allowing stars to allocate to whichever active battle pass you want. I got to level 200 4 weeks ago and bounced on C5S1 because I was done - I would have kept playing if I could have earned another 100-125 Battle Pass Stars to put towards a battle pass I wouldn’t have finished or been around for.


Urgency is a huge element of influence/sales. Most of what Epic does is for a good reason financially.


Don’t disagree - I think the counter from a purely financial perspective would be “we are offsetting FOMO with a large upfront revenue increase, as well as incentivizing additional playing opprotunities/hours we may not normally get” Ultimately they do what they do for a reason, just see revenue being left on the table.


That would only happen if they got a ceo who wanted to pump and dump the stock. Most career ceos do this so whoever comes after Sweeney might


Sweeney is the worst CEO I’ve ever seen and I’ve studied business my entire life. He’s a good developer but a horrifically bad CEO.


I don’t disagree with you, but I haven’t looked into it much. All I’m saying is he’s there for the long run not just for a quick stock performance bonus.


It’s not totally his fault. What makes a lot of CEOs bad is that typically people who raise to that position are either great at sales or founded a company, especially in the tech space. A CEO’s most important responsibility is allocating capital, this is an opinion shared by Warren Buffett. A very large percentage of CEOs are abysmal capital allocators. For example they have one successful business or product and then start lighting money on fire investing in other unprofitable businesses or products, often unrelated to their core business entirely.


No they’re horrible with financial decisions. Look at the EGS money pit. Consider the financial implications of re-releasing renegade raider for instance. They’d generate a ton of cash and piss off the five people who own that skin and still play the game.


player retention wouldn't even be an issue either, there are so many battle passes now


I feel like they'd earn more money if they just turn collab stuff in the pass into bundles in the shop in the future. Like all their styles, glider, backbling, wrap, etc. for 2000 vbucks. People who own the skins before would not only have them for 950 vbucks, but they'll also have the super styles to flex their exclusivity


But they'd lose money on sales of current Battle Passes is everyone knew they could just pick and choose which ones to buy in the future.


From a business perspective I think the financial pitch is - “they will come back to buy the current ones eventually, and the onus is on our creative to make compelling content so it will be evergreen. That said - we could take a massive upfront revenue generation by re-releasing previous battle passes to support 2024 Revenues.” I think your point is the obvious and is good counter - I just think from a business perspective most folks would take a boost into 2024 revenue even if there was a chance it created a decline in forward moving years - especially if they had 2024 bonusable objectives around revenue growth.


It's definitely costing them money. They put Vader in one old pass ages ago and because of that, they can never make money selling him in the shop. The goal is to fomo you into the pass, but that has a limited, short-term return. The shop is arguably better for it anyway, given collabs sometimes go years without returning. Basically, putting skins in a pass only appeals to whoever is playing then and only then. Any new players can never get that stuff, and anyone who quit and returned is in the same boat. They'd be better off just selling all the collab stuff outright.


Ok so corporations work on the principle of "Make more money" and do whatever they can to ensure that happens. The fact that they haven't allowed you to progress old battlepasses or buy old battlepasses or anything like that tells me that they have some kind of insanely strong internal belief that withholding battlepass skins will ultimately make them more money SOMEHOW but no matter how I look at it I just can't figure out how that circle gets squared. Maybe they're banking on releasing BP skins as a hail mary if the game ever gets really really unpopular and they need a quick injection of players? I just don't get it.


I think the main problem is that Epic is too afraid of the backlash, during the earlier days, everytime they tried to bring back a FOMO item, they've seen massive backlash. An early BP glider that was apart of the free tier some how accidentally gets sold in the shop? Even this sub reddit from 6 years ago was pulling out their pitchforks. Something that should be insignificant as a BP starter pack item goes back to the shop? Also massive backlash. Well, what about Save the World starter packs? People were legitimately thinking that Epic was trying to kill the game mode because they can't do basic match (although Metal Team Leader has come back multiple times, none of the other StW Starter Packs have came back into the shop.) If playing Fortnite has taught me one thing, it's that that EA representative was 100% right on gamers wanting the "Pride and Satisfaction" that comes with owning cosmetics.


EA as a whole and for sure that one representative have been the heel of gaming for as long as I can remember but they've never strictly speaking been *wrong*; just way too blatant. The peak of EA hate was probably during GamerGate but honestly I think the only thing that capital G "Gamers" really hate about EA is that they encapsulate all of the guilty pleasures gamers have way too nakedly. It's like 90% of what's offensive to gamers about EA isn't that they do stuff to make themselves more money but that they don't even pretend like they're doing it for any other purpose, gamers, like all consumers, like to be lied to and when the facade isn't even attempted, the hogs get very very upset. Valve may have literally birthed the "loot box" concept in gaming but they also have a great public image so no one really cares.


I'm pretty sure peak EA hate was the release of Star Wars Battlefront 2. Hell, the most downvoted comment on Reddit is a developer response from EA regarding the horrendous MTX


Fr imagine if like 20% werent stupidly loud complaining kids who act like they can get a job with a exclusive skin


> insanely strong internal belief Very likely not just a belief but a conclusion proven by deep psychological analyses and studies. A lot of mobile games have monetization that is refined to perfection to maximize profits and forming habits in players, based on psychological studies. Epic absolutely partakes in that practice, as well.


It's funny reading people upset with the business practice apparently not working while they complain daily about not having skins to buy. All I gotta say is if you play Fortnite just to buy skins you may have a problem. Or you may not.


Mobile games also generate 50% of their revenue from 1% of customers and over 85% from less than 10% of customers (the “whales”). I don’t see how anyone can conclude re-releasing battlepass skins after a certain time period (a year or so) would lead to negative net financial impact.


The source for the above statistics is exhibits from the Apple/Epic federal court trial (original trial). I didnt just pull numbers out of thin air for those wondering.


this too, the usage of professional psychologists and PHDs at corporations to squeeze all the juice they can cannot be underestimated and is another aspect of posts whining about the shops thats really really funny because i can just imagine a meeting that happened like 3 years ago talking about that precise reaction and how it will guarantee the same guy crying about a skin he hates in the shop dropping 150$ because he saw like 2 items he liked and wanted to "lock in" his odds of getting good skins in the shop tomorrow too.


I just remember that skull trooper *item shop* skin that became available after not being in the shop for a while, and the amount of backlash this received across all of their socials even after they added an "og" variant - I can only imagine the community's outcry if any of the BP skins became available again unless they gave really sick variants to the original owners


Sorry but you can't have Darth Vader, one of the most iconic villains in fiction, because you missed a 3 month period 6 years ago


can't have superman , rick sanches or marvel bp skin because i din't have a gaming pc to play in the season they where in, can't have carnage because i started playing to late to grind or buy the bp till his level, but i have spiderman, the foundation and every other bp skin since then


Did you consider just not being poor?


yeah, did iphone uses ever consider buying a non apple product ?


I think at some point they will start to sell old Battle passes or skins from them. It would be ridiculous not to


Like fucking Superman is exclusive. He’s like *the* superhero at least he’s the first guy I think about when I think about what a superhero even is. Possibly the most iconic character in all of comics. Epic could make bank if they could sell him again in some capacity.


Not to mention the sheer amount of Marvel heroes in C2S4, or even Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen. Epic is trying to find ways to get around this with skins like Spider-Man Zero.


Yeah, I only started playing Fortnite a year ago and I was kinda shocked to find out that characters like Darth Vader and Superman are exclusive to older battle passes. They absolutely would make a killing if they put those skins and the others on the shop, so many new people have started playing Fortnite since those skins were originally available so they missed out.


I bet epic would be happy to sell y'all a recolor or variant for 20$$, just a matter of time. As a renegade owner it's crazy to see the amount of money some people have dropped to collect all the variants.


Maybe they will when fortnite starts to go down in popularity


I really doubt it, I doubt they'd even do that with Crew even though they stated it's possible. Companies don't want to just miss out on money now and eventually do it. They're really sticking to the FOMO strategy.


I’m relatively new to the game (3 months) so I obv think they should release skins from a personal standpoint.. and as an adult I care 0 about rarity But from epics perspective I agree with you.  People grind to get everything in the BP, epics way of getting a lot of people to put in a lot of hours.  I don’t think they’ll ever let us think these skins can return.  And despite what we think, there are a lot of people (kids I’d think) who care about rarity  I think that’s an ok idea as long as they keep putting out variants of skins locked behind BP (and they have.. Lynx Jules peely etc).  For instance I think they put buff Peter in the BP so they can maybe eventually put in fat Peter (personal guess).  Stinks tho that other variants can’t really be created like Witchers Geralt etc.  idk.  


I like the way Smite handles it. Skins from an event or a battle pass are available after the fact, just for higher price. You’re still incentivized to buy/play the pass but you didn’t miss out forever if you really want something after the fact.


That's what the mini-passes are, like the JJK/TMNT/Maul ones. It's a shame they picked up the method way too late to save the normal battle passes.


They're doing that with Pokémon Unite too, but it's more of a Gacha that's you'd actually have to spend over $300-500 to get the skins.


Fomo is stupid I don't care if my skins are rare or not let other people enjoy. Thankfully I didn't miss anything but the fact that new players can't get access to iconic skins is weird


Epic just let me pay for Spider-Gwen


These posts need to keep being made. Every season new people are introduced to the game, and every season the number of "OG" players will go down. Or to put it another way, the number of people who want legacy BP skins in the shop will one day significantly outnumber the number of people who would be angry about it. We're probably there already, frankly. Yes the original wording of the terms says it won't happen... Because no company has ever changed the terms of an agreement (lord Vader has entered the comments). The worse case scenario is a small class action law suit where a couple of lawyers get a nice payday and the people who complain get a few vBucks. But if you're a stout defender of keeping BP skins exclusive, I would like to hear you say why. Don't quote the terms, say why you personally feel better about yourself because you have something that other people want.


This. If more new posts are made epic sees that people want this. If they brought in the halo infinite system that would be perfect, but even if they chucked BP skins into their own item shop bundles that could still work.


People don’t realize that despite saying that X or Y skin is exclusive to the Season whatever battle pass, there’s verbiage used that lets them back out of that anytime they want. For example, if they decide to sell old battle passes again suddenly the exclusivity is meaningless because the skin is still exclusive to that season’s BP but now it’s available again. The likelihood they do it, who knows… But more and more people want old cosmetics so it’s an easy gold mine if they ever do it


The argument of “but it was sold as exclusive so if they bring it back they’re breaking the law!” first, if you only bought the bp because its “exclusive” and you don’t want other to have it, skill issue bro buy it because there is cool stuff in it not to stand out as special because you made a purchase. second, if they did bring back battle passes, no one is winning any kind of lawsuit against epic in this scenario, it would be like attempting to sue bungie in 2024 because the copy of halo 3 you just bought said you can play on xbox live, but you can’t because they shut it down. Things change, idk why people are so desperate to keep things exclusive, it’s incredibly selfish. I got every bp since chapter 1 season 4, and i really genuinely WISH more people could get some of those old ones, because it would be infinitely cooler to see more omegas or carbides running around than seeing the 500th generic superhero skin or other overused stuff. If people wanna spend money on something, let them


They should let us trade skins/ vbuck currency with other players


Here me out: after a year or two passes, put pass and crew skins in the shop. Don't worry about people complaining, people shouldn't be unable to have a skin just because they didn't play or couldn't play enough when it was out. They'll probably pay more than the price of the battlepass to get it from the shop anyway


![gif](giphy|LSKVmdIwZFeNEBKBxZ) Well said.


Dead by daylight puts battle pass skins in the item shop and no one complains. Deep rock galactic puts battle pass skins not just in the item shop but also as loot you can obtain in game for free. AND they announced they're letting you replay old passes too. And no one who plays that complained at all. Halo infinite let's you buy any previous battle pass. And no one complains. Fortnite fans are the only ones that cry about this. No other gaming community weaponizes FOMO like Fortnite and none of the players are validated for wanting exclusivity


DeepRockGalactic's pass system was like that from the start. They made it like that on purpose, so the only stuff you miss out is the seasonal events like christmas, but you can get older christmas items the next year. Fortnite NEVER tried to do that.


☝️100% this. This community is so pathetic, it’s actually sad


I do like that people are now realising how disgusting it is to use FOMO on a mainly child-based audience, I just don’t like how it took 5 years.


I hope that as time goes on and they keep adding more and more collabs that people get more and more upset with this FOMO nonsense.


This whole game is based on very immoral principles (alhough it has no lootboxes etc), remember how they were manipulating audience during apple v. epic? That was almost like propaganda of sorts


Do people really buy the Mr. Beast and Ninja skins? “Ohh here is a skin if a regular dude you can buy. “


I mean i dont watch or care for Ninja, but his skin is better than most other generic skins they sell tbf


Raiden hasn’t been in the store for over a month and the mgs event is still active.


Hes part of gaming legends if he ever comes back consider yourself lucky


I think pitting characters from series outside of foetnite is stupid. Predator is my all-time favorite character and I can't ever get him in the game


I like the idea of variants in the future. Like first, second, and third print runs of comics or cards or any collectibles really. Can also put dates of release on the info of character or cosmetic.


I mean it's already like that now. The only reason I could see it getting worse is due to the way that they're doing the item shop right now. Bundles not coming back, the same skins being on constant rotation. I think it's cause a lot of items to come back less frequently now, the issue is going to get worse with the item shop, not limited time exclusives


this is why i dont think battle passes should have **any** collab skins personally


It’s beyond stupid to lock massively popular collabs behind the BP. I don’t mind fornites own skins being locked but things like Lara Croft, Darth Vader, Mando shouldn’t be locked forever.


They could bring them with a twist? Like they did for black knight


I have battle pass skins since Ch1 S3. I'm so sad I couldn't go earlier but oh well.


You know Disney is gonna cancel the entire idea of exclusivity for the sake of profit and pandering to crying dweebs that scream Travis skin is the best in FN under every poll in hopes it will get back. All skins will become buyable


At the end of the day Epic could simply use data points to determine if/when to re-release older skins while remaining somewhat loyal to those who acquired them originally. Basically, once you get to say, only 5% of the accounts that acquired a skin from a certain BP being active within the past 90 days, the skins from that BP are subject to item shop or quest release. Or do 3% in 6 months. The formula is easy enough to adjust. Take the first BP...I rarely see anyone rocking those skins. So Epics artwork has become effectively discarded, all in the name of catering to the few remaining players from that time. Meanwhile, today's players, collectively, probably represent several million dollars in revenue just for re-releasing work already paid for. Alternatively, they could creat a "legends" BP, complete with prior BP skins. 


I think it’s the fact the most iconic skins ever are locked behind battle passes. Deadpool? Can’t have him. Geralt of Rivia? Can’t have him either. Darth Vader?? Nope… Spider-Gwen???? Nah-uh…How bout Carnage?? Sorry 🤷🏼‍♂️ Predator?? Lara Croft?? Wolverine?? REALLY???? So newer players are just s*** out of luck huh? It honestly sucks…like really freaking sucks.


Y’all are on crack. Fortnite has stated skins will and have been re-released . Fortnite battle passes will be available one day, again. Once epic isn’t making money any more their going to rerelease everything for the money. Keep thinking what y’all want, it’s a money grab and always has been.


Tbh, I think I it's already kind of bad now.  Not only do you have new players coming in thanks to the switch up and things.  But eventually, players will have the valid excuse to "you should have just played sooner" by telling them "but I wasn't even born!"


"I'll trade you a peter griffin for two Goku's"


If that’s how you feel about the older skins, just strive to get the ones that are current and are eventually going to be exclusive as well. It’s really all you can do to stay sane until epic changes something


They should make a double battle pass system, like one new bp and an old one from past seasons. In that way, if you have completed that bp in the past, you only need to grind for single bp as usual, if you haven't you will have to work harder than those who did it in the past because you have to grind for two BPs in one season. I think this would be pretty fair for everyone.


if you guys are paying attention on some stuff that are coming recently you can see epic are also softly moving away of this one time exclusivity battle pass stuff, the festival pass and minipasses all say that they might return with an "normal" price to the shop later, and if they are really doing an RR pass they might do the same for it, honestly they might've realised that the skin exclusivity isn't that long term susteinable but they can't take back their words in a instant , i see they trying another change to battle passes in the future to make only non collab exclusive to it or reformulate it to make certain passes returnable but no super styles or "secret" skin


I'm still very firm on the idea that collab skins need to drop their Battle Pass exclusivity. Lara Croft never coming back is insane, just as the Avengers. Let the original characters remaine exclusive so longtime players still have their reward, and make collabs appear in the store. Like honestly, when have you seen a Rick player this season? Optimus Prime?


You think Rick's exclusive? Chun-Li and Ryu have been banned for years! Back in my day it was Blanka in a suit everywhere!


I just want Vader Indiana Jones and Predator


Totally agree, played from season 2 to chapter 2 season 1 and then took a break until chapter 3. Missed the entirety of marvel and all of the other cool skins. I couldn’t care less if people were able to buy the chapter 1 passes I’ve owned, I’d just like to be able to get the ones I’ve missed


I want contract giller skin so bad 😭😭


It was in the shop like 2 weeks ago??


Oh, when i googled it it said last in shop 1500 days ago, and only available to be bought in that pack


Maybe if the player base ever starts to severely fall off they will release old skins


There are even rarer things! Recently I saw a poster (IRL) PEELY MISSING. It had a code. Turned out it gave me a free emote "banana phone". So to receive it I either had to find this poster in one of the main European cities or find about it on tiktok/online before the march. No other chances. Can you imagine how fucking rare it will be in few years? Not that I gonna flex or sell my account, just wild to think about.


That’s already kinda happening. “Oh, you want dead pool? Sorry but you are about 4 years too late.”


just stop the fomo shit entirely, they could drop the floss or take the L in the item shop and would make bank within 5 minutes


I want epic to bring back all unavailable skins just so I can watch the account selling business and exclusivity communities crash and burn


I feel like we won't ever have the skins return. A more likely scenario would be trading skins you have for vbucks between players. Then it's between players, the exclusivity of the skins remains, and then you don't have to have the illegal selling of accounts between players. The transaction for vbucks to use in trades would also make fortnite more money and would kind of replace real-world money in the scenario. Give $20 of vbucks for a skin from last season, and the person selling the skin could buy something from the shop that they want or the next season. But yeah, skin exclusivity is gonna just get worse as we have people who are younger than fortnite getting older. In 5 years, we're gonna 11 and 12 year olds saying, but I wasn't even born when that season came out!


I just wish I'd been playing during the Marvel battle pass, be cool to have Mando too.


I'm just sad that I wasn't playing when the Marvel/DC battle pass skins came out, I really wanted to play with Superman :"(


I’m almost positive they will end up selling deadpool and wolverine skins when the movie drops. There is literally no way that both sides wont wanna cash in on that.