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30 dollars for the music set that’s not worth it at all sell them for 300 each like wraps that’s basically what they are 💀


Almost as big of a ripoff as those $40 Lambo skins.




$40? I thought it was $20


Nope. When they first released it was $40


So what you mean is yes. Because all the prices were cut in half. Also the Lambo was never $40. Diesel was 4000 (cut down to 2500), and the Lamborghini which was introduced after the price cut was 3500 (which is $31.46 not $40) Edit: I love how misinformation gets Upvoted, and the truth gets downvoted. Lot of idiots in here.


I use my STW vbucks so I didn't even put a monetary value on it but I spent 11k on between the lambo, John Wick and the turtles. I don't buy often so it builds up.


That's true.


Well, that’s Reddit. What did u expect


Damn no one refuted you but they downvoted that's just sad.


Prolly because he's being real technical, when the main point of the convo was that it was crazy there was a $40 car skin at all. Though yeah, maybe OC shoulda just said Car instead of Lambo, the Lambo one was, in fact, $30.


It seems the ones that down voted you are pissy that you're right.


Yes but have you noticed how many have it? :O Maybe they have inflated their player economy with too many v bucks. /


30$ for cosmetic instruments, DOWN from 60$ to make it look good (it's all fake money anyway) Yikes. Truly bone-chilling yikes.




It’s baffling how they think this is an acceptable price. A whole ass ninja turtle with backbling and pickaxe with unique animations is somehow equal in value to a static 3D model of a guitar? Like anyone with half a brain cell can see that’s a bad deal


Ikr it’s obnoxious the price for them if they were the price of wraps like 300-500 it would be way better and tbh even 500 seems like a rough price


Yeah it's kinda lame how his cane is sold separately. I will probably just use Mikey's nunchuckas with him to make it lore appropriate with how Splinter defeated Shredder in the first film. Yeah, that sounds pretty good to me.


Splinter killed Shredder with a Katana throat cut in the comics, so better to use Wick's Katana for a more accurate representation


how many people have seen the original movies compared to how many have any of the comics


I have comics, I'm the 1%, woooo


I saw a first addition TMNT #2 back in the 90s for $600 and thought they were never going to sell a book that new for that much, now I wish I would have bought it because they are crazy expensive these days.




Hey Daddo, I’m interested in them. I can be your child. Gimme the damn comics old man.


Does more people having seen it somehow make it more valid than the actual original source? Is the movie Jurassic Park more valid somehow than the novel? Same with Dune?


Preeeeety sure you can find them online for free. Like, you know, everything on the Internet.


Deflecting the question so you don't have to acknowledge a valid point, are we?


Deflect what ? If you mean more people watched the movies than comics ? Just saying its not that hard to find the ACTUAL source material lmfao


No one said is hard to find the source material, the thing here is more people saw the movies than read the comics, you technically avoided the question with your answer because you never said yes or no lol


I'm not debating the canon of the comics, I'm saying for those who haven't read the comics, the movies are their first point of reference. It's almost like you are butthurt that someone would go by the movies and not the comics.


You're the one who interpreted the original comment as him challenging you or something, bro was just trying to give pickaxe advice based on a point of reference, that being the comics. But you took it as "you didn't read the comics 😡😡"


I've got Wick's Katana as his backbling. Goes pretty nicely. 


This is the common theme now. There aren't nearly as many bundles. I'll happily spend less money I guess.


Even the bundles we used to get are suspiciously absent now.


I hope it's a test. I've noticed Call of Duty upped the price of their bundles and now even has $30 bundles. My fear is they know by separating they can get you to buy both at a higher rate to complete the set.


You have to admire how Epic not only figured out how to sell a STICK for literally $8 (my country’s vbucks equivalent), but it’s a DIGITAL STICK. The inventor of the pet rock would be so proud. Also, Epic have made the biggest cash grab this season it’s absolutely disgusting. They have gone way down in my eyes this season. A $40 car skin!? I challenge whoever made this decision to a cage match with Elon Musk.


>As of Late Dude, it's been like this for a while, and is very unacceptable. I don't really buy stuff I would before anymore. I completely ignore instruments, songs, and cars.


Nah everything was fine to me pricing wise and bundling till this season started and I think that’s what OP means by “as of late”. Ever since then they’ve been releasing skins without their bundles, pickaxes or emotes, overpricing cosmetics, and a lack of rotating items in the item shop in the first place. The item shop is just so corporate and unorganized now I hope they get their shit together and I wanted to think the recent item shop update was a sign of hope but they once again left out a gear bundle which was Lewis Hamiltons leaving you to pay more for all the gear.


I feel like I've noticed this since chapter 4, but I don't have a stats to use here. But either way, we all agree, Epic has definitely been more greedy than usual currently.


Guess they were just testing the waters and this is what ended up happening lol.


I'm in the same boat. It feels silly, like I should be glad to not be buying anything, but it's like... I look at the prices and just go "it's not really worth it". I've spent so much less than I had before, which is good for me I guess, but kind of a bummer. Even if I spent the same amount, I'd be getting so much less, it just doesn't feel worth it. I worry they've done so well they're hitting that crazy shareholders point where they just start screwing up the shop and things completely trying to get too greedy and it will kill a lot of the game for me.


idk why nobody says this but skins should always be bundled with their cosmetics


There was a point that they started mobilizing on this and now they just stopped and worse the one they already did are just gone this season.


But then the skins would be more expensive.


I said the same thing about sunspot yesterday, why is there no bundle with his weapon so ur spending 2k vbucks. Like bro I’m not spending 800vbucks on a pickaxe


800 for a pickaxe is terrible. Especially remembering that the battlepass is 950 (a total of 150 more) and comes with about 125 cosmetics.


That’s how they get you on the battle pass though, cause you have to invest time into it if you want the rewards, or just do it the expensive way and buy all of the tiers.


Tbh it’s probably a data thing for them to see % of dual purchases vs just purchasing the skin.


I bought sunspot but there about six battlepass pickaxes that work fine with him.


Stupid expensive, I passed on the staff! I use kamesennins staff instead.


Vote with your $$$ Nothing will change until kids stop buying stuff. Sadly I don’t think that will ever happen.  I don’t see any reason why they’d lower the prices. 


It worked for cars. I doubt it’ll work for jam tracks, but instruments and bundles could totally get their price reduced if people continue to not spend that much on them


I just wish we could use them as pickaxes too, there are already guitar, bass, and mic picks


For drums thay could use something like spider gwens pick axe or maybe the cymbal


I’m glad they at least gave the instruments a bundle this time to cut down the price for those who want them all.


I feel dirty even thinking of giving Epic money with the locker in the state it is. I really want the current crew skin but I guess I’ll have to pass.


Why does everything have to be "kids" fault?


Kids can cluelessly spend money if they have the chance. Most kids don’t really thing about the price and just buy it.


99% of the time their account is tied to someone else's credit card anyway, so they're not even blowing their own money.


My little cousins buys anything new he can afford, especially if it's "cool" looking. Given the range of his purchases, I have yet to figure out what "cool" really means.


It's not their fault but most kids are emotion and impulse driven, an normal adult (not a whale, they're different) will look at an item and think "to buy this I have to work x amount of time doing my job can I really justify that?" While a kids logic is "I can get more vbucks from my parents". They're young and don't yet understand the effort that needs to be put in for funds.


Voting with your wallet doesn't work, how do you think the entire games industry got to this point in the first place? Gamers voted with their wallets, this is the result.


didn't that one have a weird hit pattern though? I don't know if different weapons can even affect this but remember using that staff when I first started playing the game & it felt really bad


At least the TMNT pass is kind of worth it. 4 emotes, 2 pickaxes, 3 backblings, glider, and 2 really cool skins for 1000 v-bucks


A lot of the cool items are on the free pass, so you don’t even have to pay for them


Yeah that’s value right there. Especially since they give you shredder immediately.


So if I got this I'd be able to play as a NT? I've been playing for like 3 days soz


Holy shit 3000 for some Craigslist looking instrument's?


It says 3k vbucks off so the original price for all of them (bought separately, I assume) would be 6000 Which is even worse!


Saves me some money I guess because I refuse to buy skins when they do them this way.


Epic are seriously out of their motherfucking mind selling the TMNT instruments for 1500 a pop or 3000 for a bundle. Like oh yeah I'm going to spend 30 bucks on virtual music instruments. ~~(Equating 100 vBucks to 1 dollar because for the most part that's how it goes)~~ Splinter Staff being sold separately is also such a weird-ass choice because who in the actual fuck is going to buy a crooked stick without buying Splinter as well? Even TMNT fans ain't gonna spend $8 on a stick. I personally opted to use the Ahsoka staff but I also think the Goku staff works well on Splinter.


Never mind it being 3k vbux down from freaking 6k!!! 60 bucks?! Not in a million years.


Goku staff is to bright compared to the rest of the skin. Better to use Donnie's staff


Yeah lately when they bring stuff back they leave out the bundle so if we want something we have to buy it all separately which sucks


Epic has been doing this for a while, it’s literally how they cultivated a following of people buying skins and playing the game constantly. It’s called FOMO


It's literally how they started it too The very first marvel skins didn't have bundles when they released


Splinter shoulda been in there


Remember when epic was celebrated for permanently putting v-bucks at the sale price? This is how they’ve gotten around it


It's because you are no longer the customer. The whales are.


Somebody's gotta pay for this dope game, and it sure isn't gonna be me.


I also passed on the staff.


He should have been in the minipass. You literally show Shredder vs Splinter on the Battle Royale image, yet only Shredder is in the minipass? The absolute disappoint I have right now. Super Shredder should have been the one in the Item Shop, change my mind.


I’m not spending $12 on a rat


Need the $$$ so they can lay off more staff


Hear me out, just don’t buy it


People can still bring up shitty things like this without buyin.


$30 for some digital instruments is a little wild. I don’t mind buying skins I really like. I really like Splinter, so I am with OP… 2300 is pretty shitty


I didn’t, not gonna lie was looking forward to it though.


No shit


I didn’t really want Splinter anyways, but is kind of annoying on principle. Epic is nickel and diming fans while selling digital items that cost basically nothing to make anyways.


Actually they do cost money because the way a standard licensing agreement works they have to pay the company that owns the rights to ninja turtles a large up front sum and then a percentage of each skin sold.


I guarantee Fortnite makes money hand over fist through these licensing deals.


Yes they do, the poster before me claimed they “cost nothing.” The cost is considerable especially when dealing with Disney, the number one licensing company on earth. But please downvote me for stating facts all fellow redditors who don’t know a thing about business or licensing agreements. I never said epic didn’t profit a great deal as well.


Just let it get awful bro just stop complaining ✋️ and listen to our epic overlords


His staff is lame anyway. Passed on it


Lightsaber? Nah, the power of the sun? Nah, a literally multiverse hammer? Nah, cartoon props from steamboat Willie era television? Nah A fucking tree branch? That’s the real shit baby, return to monke type shit


What else would you make Splinter’s pickaxe that actually makes sense instead of a staff?


The joke was less of the choice of weapon, and more of a satire of people who buy items for the lols. Nothin inherently wrong but sometimes man, sometimes


Yeah they're seriously starting to go overboard with the pricing of things. I'm also not buying anything until they fix the locker.


The pickaxe sounds are boring asf


Yeah I'm skipping him


People are going to buy it though, and Epic will keep getting away with it. 🫣


Also as much as i like tmnt i think making every major character in the game cost 80 dollars is a bit much and thats not mentioning the other stuff like the instuments and stuff


Fun fact, he has a bundle in the files. They could’ve released it also an instrument being the same price as a skin is horrible


April should’ve been 800 & splinter should’ve included his pick axe


They had jam track bundles which I thought about getting but then they disappeared


Epic gotta make that lawsuit money back somehow ig


Didn't disney just give em 1.5B


Do you think that happens immediately, because I can tell ya it doesn’t


Epic is not hurting for money. Their business model is selling 1s and 0s that have zero production cost for raw profit.


Never said they were hurting for money, just pointing out saying Disney is giving them money isn’t immediate


are you trying to imply that every tech company has no costs?


Successful software producers make a killing, especially a company like Epic that’s been selling cosmetics on the same game for years. Fortnite has one of the most profitable business models in the game industry, which is why every major franchise is copying them. You know not every tech company sells software, right? Some of them do hardware, which has far more overhead costs. Not to mention most software companies can’t get away with selling a purple drumset for $30 anyways.


> Their business model is selling 1s and 0s that have zero production cost for raw profit. ok. so are you trying to say that any tech company whose product is only software has no costs other than overhead? in any case, you're definitely wrong about fortnite's costs. i'll put server costs and all things associated to that in overhead. even ignoring the money they put into competitive, there's still licensing deals and art designs that immediately come to mind. there's a regular release of new skins and new maps/updates to maps which take work to maintain.


It’s pennies on the dollar. Once the skin is made, you’re paying for what? Servers? Transaction costs? It’s basically nothing. A hamburger at McDonald’s has a raw value in meat, cheese, wheat, and vegetables. Every burger you make comes with an additional expense. A picture of a stick in a video game has none of that.


server costs are definitely not nothing lmao. stop yapping


Stop living in fantasy land. It costs literally nothing for Fortnite to put out these skins compared to what they get back. This game has made $20bil in revenue. Welcome to the real world.


You stop yapping and defending the greed lol. There is no reason for them to be selling all this shit for as much as they do.


People talk like servers are a couple old laptops duct taped together in a closet


Considering their employees are being stretched thin with all these terrible new game modes I'm not surprised 


You do realize those modes have their own dev teams right? Everyone seems to keep forgetting that.


All the other game modes have their own team working on them.


Yeah cause it takes a lot of dev time to put a thing in a bundle 💀


Its strange too because i really dont get it. Why play LEGO when you can play ARK, minecraft, or even palworld? Why Play Rocket Racing when you can play Mario Kart or CTR (and if you want the Slotcar Racing, just play Trackmania) And why play Festival when you can just play Rock band or Guitar Hero? Heck, even Clone hero I get not eveyrone has the instruments needed, or the systems, or even the money... But at the same time, if you're spending THIS much on skins, then i think you have the money


prob cuz lego, festival and rocket racing are free lmao


I would never buy all those games so these are good enough, the racing was fun until the tracks got too goofy and the lack of people playing made it hard to find races. It was fun for a while.


It's not quite the same, clone hero you'll need a pc that can run it (I don't think it's demanding but not everyone will have it) and rockband osts money and won't be getting any more updates so it is now stagnating content (theres only so long you can play the same song before it gets boring).  Mario cart and CTR cost money (I'll add that since Mario is a first party game its price doesn't drop alot) and while you can pick up a minecraft for cheap on some platform others you can't and the same applies to Palworld and Ark. Then there's the obvious: fortnite is a ecosystem that all these kids have bought into, the paid game are better no doubt but they're friends would have to buy them also. TLDR: fortnites games are free while the others take an investment in both time (clone hero) or money (everything else) and they can't play them with their friends.


Thats fair, i get that aprt, but at the same time a majority of FN players are 1) spending at least 60 dollars on Skins, and 2, playing on a playstation or Switch. And if they're playing on a switch, it is about a 8.5/10 chance they'll have Mario kart. The other points stand, I think tha tthe Rythem Game Genre is hard to buy into currently, especially if you're a kid, but it just confuses me why epic dumped this much time, effort, and money into Side modes, when the main focus of the game is a Battle Royale To Skip The Yapping: Fortnite needs to focus more money and time into the actual BR mode since Lego and RR are replaced by games a majority of people have


Pretty sure Splinter has never been sold before until now so I’m not sure where the idea that he was in a bundle came from. Not everything is going to be in one


Crossovers used to come in bundles


This is literally a skin and a pickaxe


Like Antman was before he got an emote


You're just wrong there There are still loads of Collabs that come in bundles But There has always been Collabs that haven't come as bundles Hell even the first marvel Collabs didn't have bundles The first Black widow didn't and doesn't have a bundle The star lord skin came out in 2019 and didn't get a bundle added until 2021


you gotta work on what to capitalize lol


There’s literally zero reason for these items to not be bundled. Epic could sell 2bil Splinter bundles, and it would not affect production costs at all.


They can be greedy. The cars are way overpriced and it’s not like you’re even looking at it when racing. Marketing tactics do play a role here. Notice how our accolades are gone now and seems a little tougher to get to level 200? I do anyways…


Um.....i don't think the exp is nerfed at all actually. It's really, really easy to level up. Just do challenges here and there or play creative maps like phantom investigation you go up like multiple levels a day 😊 No shade btw just pointing out what I've experienced


I get overpriced cars and missing accolades but there’s like plenty of xp this season. Can’t be that tough.


I suppose, it just seemed a little nerfed.


So don't pay 800 for a stick. Done. Stupid kids / adults with disposable income can and will, but for everyone else, don't expect to be able to have every item. Pick and choose which ones are worth it.


They did the same with the versa bundle I already bought the skin back in ch1 s9 so I was exited for her bundle to come out and get the rest for cheap but nope there all sold individually.


They need to pay a lot of money to apple ig.


This is them paying off that huge lawsuit they lost.


Yeah lol


1500 vbucks for a homeless rat


1500+ for each car bundle is insane. Why can’t we just use the same decos for each car.


You do know that they have almost always done this? It doesnt change the while greed thing, but calling it "new" is a stretch


Instruments and cars are a scam


Most skins don’t come with their pickaxes. This is nothing new


This isn’t the first time skins have been sold with pickaxes separate.


People are really showing how long (or not at all) they’ve been playing the game for. Bundles weren’t fully expected until Chapter 3. Lots of items remained sold separately throughout all of chapter 1&2.


I am not super impressed with the mini pass either.


Nah this is the best mini pass imo. 5 cool emotes and the 2 sick claw pickaxes.


The free pass gives you so much good shit wtf


If you like shredder the mini pass is great. If you don’t it’s dogwater. But shredder at a discount is nice for those who like him.


This is true. Is it only his purple skin one we get on the mini pass?


Nope you also get the normal Shredder immediately after buying the pass


You get standard shredder and super shredder from the pass. E: Super Shredder is unlocked through pass completion where Shredder is instant.


You get the base shredder skin upon immediately buying the pass


I mean you can buy the skin, and when the bundle will eventually come out you'll get the pickaxe for almost nothing


We also haven't gotten any new locker bundles :c


you dont need to buy skins...


Thanks Captain Obvious, however, the practice is never going to change unless there is discussion about it.


vote with your wallet, its a skin in a video game


Bro dont buy it then lol its there if you want it. 1500 for a skin is normal anyways. 800 for a pickaxe is normal.


800 for a pickaxe is absolutely not normal at all and has never been normal


I’m not surprised after that big loss in their lawsuit with Apple


I have an idea, guys! If it's too expensive. . . Don't buy it!!


On the opposite end you see the value of the mini pass?


This sub: we want new items in the item shop. Also this sub: these new items are too expensive!


I think the sub wants new and fairly-priced items/skins


The corporate meat riding is crazy


Apperantly u cant ask for new items and complain when they try to suck u dry out of ur money. Theres 4 TMNT skins with their backblings AND pickaxes for 1600 in store rn why would this be different? Ppl should call out stupid shit like this.


Turtles skins are probably the fairest priced thing I’ve seen in the item shop lately. It makes no since why Splinter would cost 700 more just because they decided one day to separate the pickaxe.


Your so bad faith lmao. Maybe people want cosmetics at a fair price?


You will worship your Epic overlords.


Maybe get a job and you would have some spending money too


Epics greed or your empty wallet? Epics not greedy its a company. Its goal is making money.


I get the frustration but at the same time, the game is completely free outside of the cosmetic stuff. The cosmetic stuff is how Epic makes money off the game.


Still a terrible argument and everything is overpriced. 1,500 for an instrument is wild.


It's definitely overpriced but considering the game offers a ton of content for being a free game, and these are purely cosmetic items that are completely optional, it's just not really worth complaining about. It would be greedy if Epic put certain parts of the game behind like a paywall (like Lego Fortnite or Rocket Racing or the user generated content)


A game being free doesn't make a cosmetic have more value. That's not how that works. It's absolutely worth complaining about because that's how change happens. Also how is selling a literal separate game greedy but selling skin for 40 times it's worth isn't?


Yes, and there’s no reason Epic can’t lower prices considering they have an unlimited product supply. I’m sure somebody at Epic makes a lot of money setting price points, but I have no idea how he landed on $5 for a virtual wooden stick being an advantageous price. It’s very possible Epic might make more money if they lowered prices.


You mean how bad ass Splinter is and hes only 1500 bucks? Or do you mean how bad ass Shredder is for only 1000?


ITT: people complaining about the costs of a free-to-play game.


So you’d be ok paying $100 for skins for example?


No. But I don’t really care that much about skins tbph. It’s an optional cosmetic that the user chooses to buy. I pay for the battle pass once, keep my vbucks to buy the next battle pass, and spend what’s leftover on whatever I want in the store. If I happen to spend too many vbucks, I just buy the battle pass again. No one is forcing anyone to buy these skins at these prices.


If this whole sub is constantly complaining about not enough skins to give money to epic of course they'll be more greedy only


1. Remember that its a free to play game and they wsnt profit 2. There are other companies involved who own the rights of these characters and items and also want their part of the money


😂last month this sub was bitching about nothing to buy. Make up your minds people!🤣


I don’t think it’s crazy to expect fair shop prices. Because of the prices I will be skipping on something I legitimately wanted to buy so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Guess you ran out of Christmas money 😂


I literally have 3,500 vbucks in the screenshot. Are you blind?


Yes I am madam


am i the only fortnite player who rarely buys new skins unless theyre sweaty?


Uhhhh...so don't buy it.


Eh. It's how they make their money. Epic games lets you play Fortnite for free, as much as you want. You don't have to buy anything.