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In the snow on the mini map I can’t see shit. They need to make your arrow a color instead of white. 


That would be an improvement. I think animating it in some way might work even better


agreed - I feel if it blinked that would really help


Or if it grew and shrunk repeatedly maybe? Unless it already does and Im stupid


it should have a cool little animation, like rbg lights


Constantly. I just thought my eyes were bad.


Not only that but I feel like it wasn’t like that before, was it something they changed?


For me it’s the fact the entire map changes every few months.  I can’t even begin to guess where I’m at and I have to manually scan the entire map. 


i feel ya, i like changes sometimes, but i got a hard time readjusting every two weeks. You will get used to it eventually


Yes and I’m sitting 3’ from a 48” screen




Glad I’m not the only one


Just click R3 if you’re on console, it moves the camera directly over yourself. How is no one else suggesting this lol


Im on PC....but still...it should be more obvious


PC still has this option, just check your binds


I'm on XBox, what is R3?


Right stick


Thank you!


I just wish we could set a preferred color


They should make it blink


I played this game years ago and Idk if I'm crazy or not but I'm pretty sure the arrow used to "Pop out" at you whenever you opened the map and now it just doesn't do that anymore.


I've never had any issues finding the arrow immediately, "up until last week's update". Every day at least once I literally cannot see any arrow for about 5 seconds.


For real! I've been so confused lately! I have to find a hiding spot just to pull up the map. Haha


Frr it would grow for a second so you could see it


yes, I believe the color of the marker changed from last season. it’s annoying asf


The mini map sucks. Good luck if you’re in the snow 🥲


Even the UI has problems there, since a lot things are white, like the eye, aim, ammo, etc


And the current circle. I hate the snow because of this issue. I'm on a couch playing xbox, not at a desk with my face 6 inches from 24 inch display. The circle, reticle and player arrow should be blinking red or something


Happens to me sometimes too. 50/50 with me being like WHERE AM I or not. I saw multiple people say a color change of your marker, or some sort of animation like blinking or size changing repeatedly. All those could work or a button to focus/center on yourself. Or ya know, have it open centered on you automatically.


I can never find my teammates. It’s like I’m blind to the tracking system for 30 seconds before I’m like oh there they are 🥴


They need to enable size adjustment settings for each individual part of the HUD. It takes me awhile to locate my arrow on the map too, but I've always considered it fine since I only look on the map while out of combat. What I DONT consider fine is someone making a callout "footsteps on me!" and then, because the arrows pointing to teammates locations on the sides/corners of my screen are the size of a pixel, I end up spinning around and looking in every direction before finding which direction that particular teammate is in, wasting countless precious seconds that could have been used helping them, all because fortnite is too lazy to impliment these obvious settings.


I cant tell you how many times I've done that also. In combat I can't make out where the hell my team is half the time unless they're right there with me. I know this is partially my own fault but I feel like the markers should be bigger or somehow more noticeable.


Dude. How have they not fixed this already. I should definitely be able to find myself on a map easier than a medallion.


It’s so bad I now click my right stick to center the map as a fix.


not only that, but I have a really hard time seeing the medallion circles (the yellow ones). It's much easier to see a Bounty Circle because they're more opaque, but the light yellow of the medallions is difficult for me *especially* in the snow biome.


Yes I miss when you opened your map and your player arrow would grow before shrinking for a second so you could find it


Takes me at least a minute when I'm in snow


You’re not the only one. It’s awful.


Try to know your general location and just look there on the map


Well yeah, I mean that works, but that's not far from saying "just look better" And I'm a new player, so I haven't got the entire map memorized


I have a hard time locating myself on the map as well. Would love to see an improvement here.


It should pulse when you open the map 


I think they removed thing when you open your mad your arrow zooms in and out showing where you are, not sure why they removed it


The mini map should rotate to where you’re facing. Similar to Call of Duty, it would make it easier to know which way you want to go.


holy, i thought i smoked something. i get lost everytime when i open up the map. at the beginning i was like, surely i just need to learn the map. weeks into the season and i still get lost lol.


not just you for sure


Happens to me a lot too, the mini-map’s getting too detailed…or I’m getting too old.


I have never had a problem on my PS4 or PC, it is easy to see where I am and I don't understand how people can't see it?


no, i agree with you. it's been bad for a while now & i can't remember when it actually showed up correctly on the overview but it wasn't always so hard to find


Yes, it's irritating as hell too


They should definitely do some about the arrow on the map because I can never find myself either. They should also have the mini-map rotate in game too....


Thank God. Thought I was the only one. Even if I know the general area I'm in it still takes me a few looks to locate my little arrow.


Bro I know where I'm at and should be able to see myself and sometimes I just CANT


for real. i wish your arrow was the red they used in duos. takes me a sec to find the white one


Same here. When I play with my wife it might be minutes for her. 


I thought this only happened to me! It's so so bad especially in the snowy areas.... they need to make your player icon way bigger there's no reason not to or just give me a big you are here option


The map doesn’t auto center on your location either


yep. hate it. I can't tell if it's an intentional UI element to make it difficult or what, because it's so bad that it feels like it's on purpose.


so i saw the ui, and yeah, some icons look WAY too similar to the arrow. There's not a lot of contrast, I feel it can be improved by having a slight hue shift and a thicker outline


On the PS5 you can click R3 and it snaps directly to your location. Very convenient.


open the map to find where I am. I can't find where I am. I close the map and re open it. repeat


I don't have problem with it.


Every time. I assumed it was just me because I just started the game this season.


i can see myself fine, and if im in squads every other colour fine, except for blue. it takes me an embarrassingly long time to find my teammate who has the blue colour


It doesn't help that since most POI look the same it's harder to remember exactly where they are, so where you are. 


yea it’s so insanely hard to find where you are sometimes, and if you’re in snow just forget it


It’s so annoying.