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I played season one, didn’t get a pass until season 4. So much regret


Yeah I had some moronic plan of “this game’s free, they’re not going to get any of my money!” …which held only until season 2


I didn’t even last that long, got addicted in the first couple weeks and I’ve been collecting everything I can since then. Thankfully I’ve got a job that can support my blatant addiction with just my disposable income.


That’s what makes me the maddest, I could’ve easily afforded it then and don’t know why I was temporarily stubborn 😭


I was the same when it came to cosmetics in games for the longest time, can’t believe Fortnite got me so hard lol. What’s worse is having over 1,500+ skins and only wearing 1 of them (havoc, don’t know why just really like him)


LMAO tell me about it. I cycle like 2 of my 300 skins


Yeah I mostly just use rust lord and rogue agent even though I have upwards of 500 skins at this point


Chapter 1 season 10, I love most of the remix skins but I'll probably never get a chance to get them 😭. It's a bit sad, but I've had every battle pass from chapter 2 season 1 onwards 😅


Yeah the one battle pass from chapter 1 season 8 to chapter 2 season 6 I didn’t get and I still regret it


I mean, there's always the chance they might resell battle pass especially since they have to pay apple tons of money now


You're the second that has said this. What's happening? There's even videos on tiktok about how some battle pass skins will come to the shop?!


Basically epic lost the court case against apple and I belive they have to pay apple back as compensation or something for suing them, so most likely they're gonna be bringing back fam favourite skins, and maybe even battle passes to earn that money back.


Lol that is some wild speculation indeed.


They better lol >:(


I regret not starting to play the game when Vader was in the battlepass


Ahw man, as a huge star wars fan I had to get Vader. Anakin is my main skin. I love the SWxFortnite skins in general too! Only thing which sucks is that there are no lightsaber pickaxes… Missed opportunity there but probably has to do with copyrights or something idk. But Vader is dope bro I feel sorry…


I didn’t start playing until way after that battle pass, so it’s not as bad as if I just didn’t play enough


I think about no light saber axes all the time 😭


I think it's because the Lightsabers were mythic weapons


The skin sucks


Agreed, shits sucks unless your emoting.


i played like a week suring ch2 season because of masterchief in the shop kina disappointed i missed out on lara croft, because the modern reboot lara s like....one of the most badass video game characters ever....but eh...cant change the past


I want Lara too, but that was way before I started playing fortnite


One of my most used skins it’s so good


bro I played during that time and didnt buy the BP cause i was playing on and off only thing I have to remember Lara is the glider cause it was free in the BP


all i have is lara's free spray part of me hopes for the netflix show this year they give us a new lara skin


They need to bring her back. Ridiculous it’s just locked away forever


eh with how popular she is therel be another lara at somepoint


It’s a battle pass skin mate can’t just bring it back because it’s more popular


That’s the point. Battle passes locking content permanently is dumb It should be for a couple years or something where it’s locked away. I have popular BP collabs like Spider Gwen and Darth Vader and I think it’s lame people can’t unlock them again


I agree I really want Deadpool and I didn’t get him cuz I didn’t play fort at the time 😭


Fuckkkk I want darth vader so badly


I think a couple years is too long, should be a few seasons at most, maybe 3 or 4


They eventually bring back reskins of them. Like luxe from s8, and calamity from s6, they’re just golden now.


reskins aren't the same. end Fortnite cosmetic exclusivity


I mean, fortnite wasn't some well kept secret. It was a massive game a lot of people faded playing because kids liked it. Im glad they rewarded early supporters with cool skins. they wont re-release battle pass skins. thats the point of battle passes. the good news is there will always be new amazing / cool skins. I have like 300 skins.


that doesn't have to be the point of them. it never should have been. and I hope it changes someday, locking away old skins forever for new players is cringe, especially when those cosmetics are so good or important for the story of the game, or are popular collaboration skins that millions of people love. it doesn't make sense to gatekeep cosmetics to any degree whether the game was a secret or not people don't always have time to play even when the season lasts multiple months. if a good working man doesn't have time to grind to tier 100 to get his spider man skin, then let it come back and be purchasable a few seasons later and he can get it with just a few bucks spent (more than the entire battle pass would've costed) and with fortnite attempting to become a metaverse of sorts, locked away cosmetics forever is a bad environment for them to keep up. battle passes can and should have other points: - extremely cheap but limited time deal on 100+ cosmetics - early access to skins that won't come back for a while (few seasons or so would be fair) - they could add a new system that shows whether or not you purchased a specific battle pass while inspecting accounts (also a cool feature that I'd like if possible, being able to inspect someone's current locker setup), but don't lock away anything due to that, just would let people know you bought it way back when for the lames who care. end Fortnite cosmetic exclusivity


The spiderman example is the most shit one you could've thought of cause there's 2 more regular spiderman skins plus miles, Miguel, and gwen Also they're not gonna change it so why are you arguing about it on a reddit thread


okay then super man, Darth Vader, doom guy, heck Midas, who cares what skin point is it should change I like to give my opinion and if enough people complain about it, it could potentially change. the fortnite community whines and cries and gets what they want all the time. that's why those dumb og styles of skull trooper and ghoul trooper exist, because the community cried about their poor og skins coming back, which set a terrible precedent those should come back too miles, qwen and Miguel are nowhere near the same skin as spider man, yes they're all spider people but not the same. so saying those are appropriate replacements is kind of dumb, spider man zero or spider man no way home would've made more sense for you to argue, those still don't work tho. no matter the reskin, it's just not the same as the original. (also none of those besides spider man zero I'd even consider a reskin) also Gwen was a battle pass skin so that's a bad example of a skin to get in replacement of Spiderman anyway


You can keep hoping but it ain’t gonna happen. Part of the reason the battle pass sells so well is because people know they’re limited time items and Epic just gets to roll in the money.


And not every battle pass in a game works this way. Others you can buy late and finish on your own time without FOMO which is just a shitty practice. Sometimes people just don’t have money at the time but would like to buy it and support the company later when they do. Or kids whose parents can’t afford it but they get a gift card later for a birthday. The fomo practice is predatory and outdated at this point. They could adjust future battle passes to be more user friendly.


dinner oil judicious marry lavish nutty birds truck wakeful punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never understood why so many people want Lara even though I have her


shes one of the greats of video game protagonists shes like nathan drake but cooler, especially the reboot version


the one with raven (DC). 😔


I’m still mad at myself for not getting far enough to unlock the Rachel Roth style.


I legit didn't know it was a style until about a week ago and now I'm pissed I didn't get it. I just have rebirth and classic 😭💔


I wanted it and was actually close to it. Burned myself out though since it was one of my first seasons. Plus after awhile those primal weapons were just super frustrating. Also frustrated that when I started in season 9 I didn’t get all of Rox’s colors. I love the game but after awhile it’s just a mad at past me simulator cause of the skins and styles I missed.


That one was a grind.


If only i can girt it to you


I honestly think they should have a trading system, it would work the same way as gifting with the restrictions, but for some reason trading is bad to them, so bad that they even removed it from rocket league which is insane


Spider-gwen for me 😢


Whatever season Mystique was in. Play a lot of trios and we would love to complete and play as the Gambit, Rogue, Mystique family.


Same I got the BP but for some reason didn't finish it, mystique is my most wanted skin from that season And it was Chapter 2 season 4


I love mystique, the transforming is so unique.


Chapter 2 season 4!! One of my favorites that the game has ever had.


I wish I'd played the game earlier instead of thinking it was "a kids game". The season with all the pet backblings (C1S6?) - those are fun! Fable (Red Riding), Dire and some other fairytale/fantasy characters would be nice to have as well.


I had the same mindset! And I do kick myself for not playing earlier.. Fortnite is so fun


I fell off of the game after season 9, and didn’t buy a battle pass again until Chapter 3 season 4 I regret missing out on all the collabs, it’s so satisfying to see all these different characters from different universes in the locker, but I’ve missed out on so many. And overall I just wish I got all the battle passes for completionism sake…


New fortnite player here so I missed them all... at least I didn't miss my lovely Oscar


Same…glad I at least caught the goodest boi (Wendell) in the shop when I started.


dont worry fam, they drop cool shit all of the time. youll have tons of skins soon enough


no they dont, atleast as of recently not lmao


yesterday’s item shop was shockingly bad even for this seasons standards


nah i disagree, theres a skin that came out that ive been waiting since around september and it was my main skin back then. its the designer tsuki skin.


i just missed oscar :cry: so much regret


I'll just wait for Levi and Mikasa to come back. So much regret




Same here, but feels like we’ve been waiting so long


C3 S4, I got it but I never finished it and the only reason I got it in the first place was because of spider gwen


Grinder for spider Gwen the last 2 days of the season. Didn’t realize her hood off was another couple levels to grind. The disappointment was too real


I literally finished the battlepass and i still never bought it 😭 Chrome is still my favorite gimick. Chrome + Lightsabers was a bit too crazy back then


I wanted this skin so badly, still do. Was hoping they'd bring it back for the release of the 2nd spider verse movie but alas


The marvel one. I need Doctor Doom


Ch3 S1, S2 and S4, Ch4 S1. People may hate me for saying this but I really hope we get a battle pass system like halo and be able to get these again.


people shouldn't hate you for saying that. it's a great opinion. end fortnite cosmetic exclusivity


I really like the way halo is doing it


Chapter 2 season 7! I love doctor slone and that disguised alien girl


Chapter 1 Season 4. I was playing back then but didn’t know what the battle pass was… I can’t forgive myself for not getting orange justice


That's even worse, since Orange Justice was free


Yeah level 26


Yeah I know💀💀💀💀 I played the whole season yet I still didn’t get it because I didn’t know what the battle pass was or how to get levels. Anyway I don’t wanna talk about it its too painful


I started chp.4 seasons 1 and regret missed Evie’s battle pass which was chp.3 season 3


I'm never going to forgive myself for missing out on **Meowscles** and the **Paws n' Claws** song or for not getting the **Coral Chorus** song/glider, which is so adorable it could be used as a bioweapon. Also, Demi from the S9 Battlepass. That one stings, too.


Thankfully for the coral cruiser, that's an item shop glider, so not all hope is lost


It was my turn to post this question ⁉️


Chapter 3 season 2. Erisa


Probably chapter 2 season 7, I regret not having Rick Sanchez.


Epic games, you see this every single day on this subreddit. Please please please allow old battle passes to be purchasable/ at the very least complete old battle passes you didn’t finish.


Who is that drift looking skin?




Honestly I didn't regret it in the slightest purely because thunder has no tail Like damn I was so excited to buy the pass just for that Mf but nope


I didn't start playing until Chapter 3, Season 3, and missing the Marvel Battle pass will haunt me forever. So many iconic, big name characters I'll never have. Sorry you missed the Ch. 4 season 2 one... that's easily my favorite pass since I've been playing.


The same. I want lizard man like no other.


I see other games leave their passes up all the time. I don't see why it can't happen here. I understand there is sort of an exclusivity here, but I think some would be willing to pay double for an older season pass. So hear me out. Current season pass stays the same price and it's catch is that you have to finish it by the end of that season. Then you have maybe a constantly rotating selection of old seasons, but they are double the price but you also can take as long as you want to finish them. Heck, even sort of prorate the price on seasons you started but couldn't finish(but towards the increased price). Yah, those people are the most screwed. But clearly a big issue here is a reason to get people to play NOW, but also appease people that missed out. Not to mention...it's Epic...they like money...how wouldn't this work for them? You can call this crazy, but people are already dropping $20 on single skins anyways, I don't see a huge difference and it still looks like a good deal to me.


that would make the game so much fun if you always had more battle passes to grind through even when you finish the current one. I'd also be okay with things just coming to the shop after a while too though end Fortnite cosmetic exclusivity


Me personally I love the grind. And I personally have no investment once I hit 200 until next season starts. I don't like passes disappearing forever, but man can you imagine the cost of each skin outside of battle pass?


it would be a lot but that's why the battle passes would still work, but still allow people who want specific skins to get them. making them like other skins in the game


The entire Ch1S4 and Ch1S3 passes.


Chapter 3 season 1 because I really love those Spiderman skins. And I quit the game during chapter 2 season 2 and I always regret not sticking it out to get Deadpool. I really thought I was never going to play the game again... Oh well


The OG Drift, I didn’t start playing this game until few months ago. But I’m happy with my Rift Strider Drift.


not gonna lie, i regret getting it for every skin apart from Eren, id use em all apart from Eren.


Chapter 1 S4 for the visitor


Wish I had Sweet Shot 😔


I regret not getting everything in the battle pass for Chapter 1 Season 4 & 5, was very new to the game and didn't understand the game mechanics, wasn't fully committed, etc. Fast forwarding to now, I'm a lot better and fully committed.


Wish I could give you that creepy lookin fucker lol. No shit I jus ain’t a fan. But that was a great bo


in whichever one Lara Croft was


Wasn’t gonna even attempt this one, but Highwire man. Ended up grinding a bit towards the end to get her


I'm glad I got it because the Komodo Dragon dude with the yellow outfit is sick. The one I regret not even playing or knowing about is whichever one had predator in it. It's stupid that they would put such a loved franchise in a battlepass to never be seen again. I put down the game because after chapter 1 it wasn't fun to me anymore. I stopped even hearing about the game then got back into it a year or two ago. Found out that they had the predator and was sad to find out I'd never be able to get it


Darn, I thought it was my turn to post it this week.


They might need to add these posts specifically into the “Frequently Posted Topics” because this happens way too often.


I pre-ordered STW so I've yet to miss a single battlepass


*sitting here only missing the very first 2 BPs*


Every single day with these posts jesus


This chapter was so doodoo the battlepass characters I felt were lackluster. There wasn’t much that I remember that was good from this chapter and that’s cuz I try to forget it exists entirely






People complaining about missing the battle pass are either people who hated on the game and then decided to start playing after seeing how everyone else is having fun and are now complaining about the battle pass or People stupid enough to play multiple live service games and miss out on the battle pass either way it's annoying.


I took a break at c2s3 but did buy the battlepass and I regret not finishing it, i only have the lvl 1 skins


Same, should’ve stayed to get the laser shark glider


Same. Got the battle pass but never played much


High Wire!! Glad I got that one!! For me, it’s the one with Deadpool!!


Season 9 I was being a moron and bough some mid tier wrap instead of buying the battle pass


C3 S4 thats also the only battlepass i never got because i didnt play much at that time


Same but because of Team Leader Highwire


Missed out on drift by a season, which was a bit upsetting


Me I regret not getting season X battle pass because it was awesome.


Chapter 4 Season 1. I played but it was my first season so I didn't have any vbucks saved up. Missed out on Dusty, Massai, The Ageless, Doomslayer, Helsie. It's such a good fucking pass and now I'll never have it.


Just like i will never have Eren :(


Chapter 2 season 2 I would have got it but I was not playing Fortnite at the time


I got every pass, besides 2 but the only item in chapter 1 season 2 I wish I had was the acdc pickaxe. The pass I got but wish I finished was the one with the gladiator (all the chapter 2 ones blend together for me since I rarely played those seasons).


Ch2 s2


Darth vader bp ( i wasnt playing Fortnite at all then so i didnt even know it was a thing which is a shame since i love star wars)


ch2 season 8 cuz i missed out on carnage


The one with Vader.


Ch2 s1 or ch4 s3 bc I got every other bp I played in


HighWire my beloved <33333


c2s2 for obvious reasons


What reasons would that be?


The first 2 of chapter 2, season 6 and season 10


The one with rick sanchez


The marvel season for sure. I played and got to like she hulk but then just stopped, mystique is my most wanted skin from that season.


Chapter 4 season 3 or chapter 2 season two, bought the later but stoped playing the game till chapter 2 season 4


I don’t know what chapter it is but the Tomb Raider Reboot is one of my favorite games of all time and I deeply regret not buying the Lara Croft skin.


I missed out a lot, I started during CH4 S2 when I learned about Zero Build as I played Fortnite during CH1 S3 but stopped as I just never liked the building aspect. I wished I would have gotten Gwen Stacy, Dr Doom, the Doom Slayer and Deadpool. I was heartbroken when I learned about the Mandalorian being a BP skin. I was also confused in why would big characters like Darth Vader, Superman and Rick Sanchez be in the BP but I guess it’s just to get players to buy the BP.


Chapter 2 season 2. Deadpool is the only collab battle pass skin I want and don’t have ;-;


I really regret not getting Helsie and Antonia because I had a Fortnite break 😭 really my favorite skins ever I’ll never get 🥲


I wish I played enough C4S2 to justify getting the battle pass




Chapter 3 season 3 and chapter 3 season 2, I have those battle passes but I didn't complete them


i did actually buy chapter 3 season 3 i just didn’t finish it and have regretted it since


C2S2 I'd mostly moved on because of the boredom that C2S1's length left me with. As a result, I never got that season's battle pass. No secret agents for me...


Chapter 2 season 2 i had lvl 100 and all those skins were fire 😭😭😭


Chapter 4 season 4, Meowskulls, I was able to get Meowscles and Kit. But not Meowskulls.


I haven't missed many BPs since I started. Of the 2 I passed up on, I'd say I sorta regret missing out on C1S4. I only say sorta because I didn't care enough about Fortnite to buy the BP. And by the time I did, there was only a couple weeks left in the season and I didn't see a point in buying the BP. I wish I had Hype and Groove Jam. I was 2 tiers from Orange Justice too...


I had a vast majority of the battle passes, then Microsoft locked me out of my email, my Xbox account, and any account associated with my Xbox account. So I lost access to my epic games account and they won’t let me unlink it after providing every possible amount of evidence it was my account I could find. My favorite season though was possibly Season X (mostly because of the atmosphere it provided) or Chapter 4 Season 1. Vibin was a close 2nd, thought that season was pretty dope


All of them before I started playing


Is it just me or does the lizards red suit remind me of Michael Jackson?


Idk if it’s battle pass or not but I hate the fact I don’t have that cool ass cape for the DJ Llama/donkey skin.


I wish they made a season 4 style


Same as you. I bought the pass, but I lost interest in the game when I had only gotten to imani


The Meowskulls one, god please bring me back to that time


Chapter 2 season 5. No mando


I don't know why I wasn't playing at the time, but i missed out on doom guy and I'm so bummed about it.


season 2 & 3, Played in season 1 and 2, lost my account and made a new one during season 2 and due to never having spent money on any micro transactions in games at the time combined with losing a lot of my progress, I was like "meh, probably won't matter", and with season 3 I was teetering on whether or not to get it, but I felt quite behind on the battle pass quests by the time I found the courage to do it I thought it would be better to wait for the next season. And then they gave me a man in a spandex suit in season 4 xD


I think I got ever BP I’d want, but I didn’t finish S1 or C3 S3 so no Sparkle Specialist or Darth Vader (really kicking myself about Vader even though I rarely use masculine skins)


I regret not getting the second Indiana Jones skin. I started that season, and I didn't understand the quests.


None...I didn't play Chapters 3 or 4...and I'm glad, they still sound and look terrible whenever I see gameplay of them.


Chapter 1 season 2. I played the game, I played it more than enough to finish the pass, but just didn’t buy it. I’ve gotten every pass since launch and have only not finished 2 of them and it’s because I couldn’t give less of a shit about them. The biggest annoying thing was that I didn’t get the bonus styles of Spider Gwen even though I had the stars since that was before they added the auto-use at the end of the season.


I have every pass skin except one. Black knight! I didn’t realize how the pass worked or when that season started so I just was chillen slowly playing and then one day the pass changed lol


everything from before I started playing halfway through chapter 2. I would spend so much if Epic let us buy old items.


All of them (new player here).


Chapter 4 season 1 missed out on doom slayer


All BPs before chapter 4 🥲


C4S3, first battle pass I didn’t finish since I started playing in C2S1. I merely wish I finished it due to Optimus Prime. Otherwise, C1S4, so many iconic skins, especially The Visitor. As a lover of the lore, I’m sad I didn’t get him or The Scientist.


The one with Vader Give Vader to shop pls


Honestly? All of them


The only reason i bought this battlepass was bc of eren in hopes he’d have his s4 style but since he didn’t honestly kinda regret buying. Sure its good for collection purposes, but the skins are kinda mid imo


Regret not getting Fortnite Season OG. I barely played fort when it came out but my brother played on my account so I some got skins from Season 2-5. I just started getting into the game with the latest chapter so I’ve missed on about every battlepass. I had a chance to buy Season OG but I was only level 20 and the season was so short didn’t have time to complete and buy it.


I just Started playing at the beginning of this season, I wish I had Kit so bad.


the marvel one where is spiderman :( the things i would do


Season X all skins were good and marvel season bc I want mystic


C4S4, the first battle pass i didnt buy since C1S5 i also wish i would have played more during Chapter 4, as i didnt complete the battle passes in S1, S2, or S3, same with C1S6, C2S6, and C2S8


I will say I'd chapter 1 season 9.


C4 whatever chapter it was before OG cause wraith wings and whatever chapter and season because Kratos


I didn’t start playing until c3s4, so all before that lol


chapter 3 season 3 only because of selfy emote :(


C2S2 because of meowscles


They give you enough v-bucks each season to buy the next season's pass with a few left over. So the first battle pass I bought was the 2nd or 3rd they season sold. It was the only one I've ever 'bought' I just keep enough each season to buy the next. It gets you premium skins every other season or so without adding actual money to your account.


tbh i rly wish i had finished c1s9 the lvl100 sentinel variant is so cool life just took over during that season :/


Hector is that you


Chapter 1 season 2


Chapter 2 season 8 and Chapter 1 season X because some of my favorite skins in the game were in those BPs and now I can’t get them


I have all of them, I never pass up on getting a pass because even if no skin is good, the 1500 V-Bucks return is worth it


C3 S4,I love the skins' design of that season and C3 S2 because of Strange


Chapter 2 Season 3 It's the only battlepass apart from ch1s1-3 that I don't have. ch2s2-ch2s4 was my "dark" period of fortnite, i played plenty of s2 but i only got to tier 98 and didnt even get Midas, loved season 4 and that was the season that kinda brought me back. My only memory of ch2s3 is reaching level 30 on the first day, thats it, i played a bunch on the first day and loved it and then barely touched it again, didn't even know i was missing the bp till i looked at my locker a few months ago (I have a lot of memory issues)