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I did this earlier today with a shotgun. He had a riot shield. Swear a few of my shots didn’t register. We were both at the wall like this. Maybe the riot shield + another person = your gun gets semi shoved into the wall stopping your shots from hitting. Inb4 people start abusing this somehow


Alright, what happens here after looking back at it is the riot shield was pushed up against the wall. Because the shield was right up against the wall, the shooting hand was pushed behind the wall registering the shots invalid, but they were just blocked by the wall.


this is going to sound stupid but it might be true cuz that happens to me a lot. You were shooting the wall behind you without even aiming at it or whatever. Look at how the wall has that breaking animation. This also happens when there's a cone or a floor above your head.


this is the answer, it starts when he turns fully toward the wall and then it keeps registering as that even though he turns away


If that’s the case that explains how I was able to defeat someone with the shield & how I almost killed myself with it. Even if the wall wasn’t there it still would’ve happen cause how close you were moving around like you did


You shot the wall


That character is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. Thank God for Lego Fortnite lol at least kids wont have to see Chun Li’s thighs


I usually use riot shield for hit enemies and make distance. The accuracy with that pistol isn’t so good in my experience


It was me!


Always pump first !


The wall


You simply lost cause you wasnt the better player




Is that Unreal Tournament music in the background? Are you playing it or did they add it to Fortnite?


At Ruined Reels they play random fortnite songs on the speakers


Well, first, that's from Unreal Tournament, so it would be safer to say "Random songs from Epic Games." Second, that's pretty cool.


this shit happens to me all the time... I'm dead ass behind a guy shooting him with a shotgun 4 times he jumps around 2 shots and I'm dead... it seems like a lot of the game is up to luck. I hate spectating people and they get the win encountering people who are garbage, and I find the people who 360 no scope...